Contrast Doubling Technique With Noise Removal Using IASGLC: Joish George Rekha Lakshmanan Shine V J
Contrast Doubling Technique With Noise Removal Using IASGLC: Joish George Rekha Lakshmanan Shine V J
Contrast Doubling Technique With Noise Removal Using IASGLC: Joish George Rekha Lakshmanan Shine V J
MES Journal of Technology and Management
1 t
τ = arg min 1 − ∑ H (i ) where s is
0≤t<s 2 mi = 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
histogram dimension(for example s=256
corresponds to the gray-level image) and m is the Fig.3. An example describes the adjusted
total number of pixels. histogram using histogram redistribution.
Step 2: Based on the threshold value, τ divide the
input histogram into two sub-histograms. D. Histogram Appending
Step 3: Perform step 1 and 2 for L levels.
Here we have taken L=3. Histogram separation, clustering and
redistribution can be considered as preprocessing
B. Histogram Clustering steps for performing modified automatic selective
In histogram clustering method, nonzero gray level grouping. The uniformly distributed
histogram components in each sub histograms are histogram components in each subgroups are
grouped separately. combined together to get resultant histogram for
applying IASGLC [10].
4 4
E. Integrated ASGLC
2 2 2 2
The algorithm of the integrated automatic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3
(a) (b)
Fig.2. An example describes the processes of the
histogram clustering. (a) Original sub histogram,
(b) Clustered histogram.
Contrast Doubling Technique with Noise Removal Using IASGLC pp 31 - 35
Divide histogram into Group the smallest bin with smaller of its two
L levels adjacent neighbors and adjust the gray level bins
to create a new set of gray-level bins
No of N No of bin is
bin= 20 reduced by 1
Redistribute the histogram using
index mapping function
MES Journal of Technology and Management
and RS respectively. This is to locate the gray level STEP 5: The updated histogram is used to perform
segment with noisy background. GLG or fast GLG.
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[10] Rekha Lakshmanan, Madhu S. Nair, M.
V. CONCLUSION Wilscy, Rao Tatavarti, : Automatic contrast
An integrated technique is proposed which enhancement using Selective Gray-Level
is based on the IASGLC and weighted histogram Grouping: International Journal of Signal and
separation . The proposed technique was tested on Imaging Systems Engineering, Volume 3, Number
a variety of noisy low contrast images, and it was 2, 31 August 2010 , pp. 126-135(10).
demonstrated that there was an improvement in [11] J. Blackwell, “On human vision”, Optical
visual quality, Tenengrad measure and the average Society America, v 36, p624-643, 1946.
pixel distance. IASGLC technique can be
implemented for full automation across a wide
variety of images at faster speeds. Based on the
satisfactory results for IASGLC technique for
automatic contrast enhancement, it is clear that
IASGLC technique can be implemented for full
automation across a wide variety of noisy images at
faster speeds.
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