1A.Study of Resistance
1A.Study of Resistance
1A.Study of Resistance
Many different types of resistors have been developed according to the requirement and
application. Resistors are mainly classified into the two types.
The fixed type resisters are again classify into three parts
1. Carbon Film Resistor
2. Metal Film Resistor
3. Wire wound type
4. Special Purpose Resistor
COMPOSITION TYPE: In this type the resistance material is Carbon (graphite). The
filler material may be silica or ceramic.
The coating is applied on the resistor to give insulation and to avoid moisture penetration.
Color coding is done at last. Value of the resistance is determined by the amount of
carbon and the filler. The resistance is less for more amount of carbon. These are
available in different power ratings from 0. 125 W to 2 W. These resistors have negative
resistance coefficient. These resistors are cheap and are used in general; purpose
electronic equipment.
1. & 3. CARBON FILM /METAL FILM RESISTOR: The film type resistors consist
of a film of suitable resistive material deposited on the ceramic or other insulating
cylinder. The resistive material may be carbon (RESISTORS 1A….TO 1H) or metal or
metal oxide (RESISTORS 3A, 3B, 3C) or ceramic. The value of the resistance is depends
upon the thickness of the film. Resistance value is continuously monitored and grooving
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is stopped when desired value is reached. End caps with copper leads are then attached at
the each end. Depending upon different resistance material utilized film type resistors are
divide into three parts
It has negative temperature coefficient that means its resistance decrease as temperature
In variable resistors the value of the resistance is not fixed but can be varied. It has three
terminals. Two terminals are fixed and one is taken from the variable tapping. Variable
resistor can be used in two ways. One way is to use it to vary the resistance. In this case
anyone fixed terminal and a variable terminal are used. Resistance is change by changing
the position of the variable tap. Another use of variable resistor is the potential divider to
get the desired value of the voltage from the fixed available value. In this the fixed
voltage is applied across the two fixed terminal and the variable voltage is taken from one
fixed and the variable terminal.
Much different type of variable resistors is available as describe below.
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2. Single Turn Preset Pot
4. Decade Resistor
The resistance has three important parameters which we have to specify while buying any
3. Power Rating: It shows current capacity which can be calculate from W= I*I*R
It has the possible values 0.25W, 0.5W, 1W, 2W, 5W, 10W.
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