Infineon XENSIV - CO2 - Sensor ProductBrief v03 - 00 EN
Infineon XENSIV - CO2 - Sensor ProductBrief v03 - 00 EN
Infineon XENSIV - CO2 - Sensor ProductBrief v03 - 00 EN
This ease of integration makes XENSIV™ PAS CO2 the right fit for a variety of applications
Key applications
in building automation, smart home and air quality monitoring. In HVAC (heating, venti-
lation and air conditioning) systems, the sensor ensures that optimal levels of indoor air › HVAC (heating, ventilation and air
quality are achieved. Furthermore, by facilitating DCV (demand-controlled ventilation), conditioning) systems
CO2 sensing leads to an increase in the energy efficiency of these systems as well as sig- › Smart home & building appliances
nificant savings on energy bills. With its small footprint, XENSIV™ PAS CO2 is also ideal for like air purifiers and IoT devices
smart home appliances and IoT devices such as air purifiers, thermostats, smart lighting › Air quality monitors
systems, air quality monitors, and smart speakers.
Product brief
Block diagram
XENSIV™ PAS CO2 measurement cell
The XENSIV™ PAS CO2 sensor module PCB integrates a PAS
Microphone Gas inlet
transducer, a microcontroller, and a MOSFET. The PAS transducer emitter
optical filter tuned to the CO2 wavelength and Infineon’s MEMS Rx PWM
microphone, which acts as a pressure sensor and is optimized for
low frequency operation. PWM_DIS Light source GND
Microcontroller Power
and memory driver
Pin configuration
Pin Symbol Type Description
10 1
1 VDD3.3 Power supply (3.3 V) 3.3 V digital power supply VDD12 VDD3.3
2 Rx Input/Output UART receiver pin
9 2
3 SCL Input/Output I2C clock pin (3.3 V domain) PWM Rx
4 Tx/SDA Output UART transmitter pin (3.3 V domain)/
I2C data pin (3.3 V domain) 8 3
5 PWM_DIS Input PWM disable input pin (3.3 V domain)
6 GND Ground Ground 7 4
7 INT Output Interrupt output pin (3.3 V domain)
8 PSEL Input Communication interface 6 5
select input pin (3.3 V domain)
9 PWM Output PWM output pin (3.3 V domain)
10 VDD12 Power supply (12 V) 12 V power supply for the IR emitter
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Document number: B132-I0858-V5-7600-EU-EC-P failure of the product or any consequences of the use thereof
Date: 06 / 2021 can result in personal injury.