The document contains details of test scores, roll numbers and email addresses of students who appeared for an exam on October 19th and 20th, 2022. There are over 150 entries listed with timestamp, email address, score out of 12, and roll number for each student. The scores range from 6 to 12 and the roll numbers are either numeric or start with the letter A, B or other letters.
The document contains details of test scores, roll numbers and email addresses of students who appeared for an exam on October 19th and 20th, 2022. There are over 150 entries listed with timestamp, email address, score out of 12, and roll number for each student. The scores range from 6 to 12 and the roll numbers are either numeric or start with the letter A, B or other letters.
The document contains details of test scores, roll numbers and email addresses of students who appeared for an exam on October 19th and 20th, 2022. There are over 150 entries listed with timestamp, email address, score out of 12, and roll number for each student. The scores range from 6 to 12 and the roll numbers are either numeric or start with the letter A, B or other letters.
The document contains details of test scores, roll numbers and email addresses of students who appeared for an exam on October 19th and 20th, 2022. There are over 150 entries listed with timestamp, email address, score out of 12, and roll number for each student. The scores range from 6 to 12 and the roll numbers are either numeric or start with the letter A, B or other letters.
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Timestamp Email Address Score Roll no
10/19/2022 2:19:06 sumedhbengale@terna 9 / 12 20
10/19/2022 2:26:53 anaybhave@ternaengg 11 / 12 A36 10/19/2022 2:27:58 husainchampawala@te 11 / 12 19 10/19/2022 2:28:51 raunakchaudhary@ter 12 / 12 A09 10/19/2022 2:28:54 ritikadwivedi@ternaen 12 / 12 A07 10/19/2022 2:29:54 vaishnavinikam@terna 8 / 12 A46 10/19/2022 2:38:28 khushboobhoolwani@t 12 / 12 A50 10/19/2022 2:39:40 swatiutekar@ternaeng 12 / 12 A17 10/19/2022 2:40:14 sahilsaini@ternaengg. 12 / 12 A43 10/19/2022 2:40:53 palakkumari@ternaen 12 / 12 A02 10/19/2022 2:59:58 [email protected] 9 / 12 1 10/19/2022 3:19:21 affanattari9263@gmai 11 / 12 A65 10/19/2022 5:48:20 nayodeepwani@ternae 12 / 12 21 10/19/2022 5:54:53 sahiljaganbangar@ter 12 / 12 A61 10/19/2022 5:57:32 abhishekjaiswar@tern 12 / 12 1 10/19/2022 5:58:15 mainaksaha@ternaeng 12 / 12 45 10/19/2022 6:00:26 aryasachinpatil@tern 12 / 12 66 10/19/2022 6:09:04 [email protected] 10 / 12 59 10/19/2022 6:24:03 gauravvinoddubey@te 11 / 12 56 10/19/2022 6:25:19 manasichavan@ternae 10 / 12 A13 10/19/2022 6:32:14 aniketdhatrak@ternae 12 / 12 A14 10/19/2022 6:45:11 atharvghosalkar@tern 12 / 12 10 10/19/2022 6:45:50 ruchikanaik@ternaeng 12 / 12 A030 10/19/2022 6:51:04 tusharsuryawanshi@te 12 / 12 24 10/19/2022 6:55:31 [email protected] 12 / 12 40 10/19/2022 7:04:47 shaukatalishaiban@te 12 / 12 38 10/19/2022 7:44:52 gauravapte@ternaeng 11 / 12 68 10/19/2022 7:51:40 avantikagharat@terna 12 / 12 A25 10/19/2022 7:55:36 omjadhav1@ternaengg 12 / 12 49 10/19/2022 8:03:29 shaktiseniyar@ternae 12 / 12 29 10/19/2022 8:03:51 sharvarikhandat@tern 12 / 12 A69 10/19/2022 8:09:49 variarmahii@ternaeng 12 / 12 A53 10/19/2022 8:35:20 sanketdagade@ternae 12 / 12 06 10/19/2022 8:42:35 yashsharma1@ternaen 12 / 12 22 10/19/2022 9:47:25 sarahkhan@ternaengg 12 / 12 52 10/19/2022 10:28:19 farinakhan@ternaengg 12 / 12 42 10/19/2022 10:31:58 sumedhgamare@terna 12 / 12 47 10/19/2022 11:00:49 chetangaikar@ternaen 10 / 12 27 10/19/2022 11:45:37 ishiraut2102@gmail. 12 / 12 08 10/19/2022 11:50:08 janhavitayede@ternae 12 / 12 11 10/19/2022 12:59:36 ajaykumarnishad@ter 10 / 12 57 10/19/2022 16:00:29 ruchisingh@ternaengg 12 / 12 12 10/19/2022 19:39:43 sharvarigaikwad@tern 12 / 12 34 10/19/2022 21:21:38 ankushjha@ternaengg 12 / 12 23 10/19/2022 22:53:31 pranavmane567@gma 12 / 12 41 10/19/2022 23:06:53 vijaygopilalgupta@ter 12 / 12 A55 10/19/2022 23:34:44 anikettagadkar@terna 10 / 12 63 10/20/2022 0:10:33 rohitkadu@ternaengg. 12 / 12 18 10/20/2022 7:58:53 atharvghosalkar@tern 8 / 12 10 10/20/2022 9:15:50 vedantchoudhari@ter 12 / 12 16 10/20/2022 10:52:28 virajgunjal@ternaengg 11 / 12 15 10/20/2022 11:23:02 abhaysundersinghsin 9 / 12 62 10/26/2022 6:20:31 mahanandsharma@ter 7 / 12 28 10/27/2022 22:54:34 vivekyadav0842@gma 12 / 12 03 10/19/2022 2:24:49 bhandarearyan2122@t 9 / 12 78 10/19/2022 2:38:36 poonamsalunkhe@tern 11 / 12 B39 10/19/2022 3:15:30 rajnarendranagotkar@ 12 / 12 35 10/19/2022 3:20:33 adityakhushalchaude 6 / 12 30 10/19/2022 3:29:28 avinashchaurasia@ter 9 / 12 B26 10/19/2022 3:30:14 sanchitsanjaygorlewa 12 / 12 B40 10/19/2022 4:03:04 siddeshnitinmahind@t 12 / 12 B33 10/19/2022 5:43:56 amitojsinghjassal@te 10 / 12 B21 10/19/2022 5:51:49 mohitarunyadav@tern 8 / 12 B29 10/19/2022 6:07:42 shreyajoshi@ternaeng 12 / 12 B09 10/19/2022 6:13:33 rautjuhi2122@ternaen 8 / 12 84 10/19/2022 6:43:14 aryanredkar@ternaeng 8 / 12 B16 10/19/2022 6:49:06 mukundpatil@ternaen 12 / 12 15 10/19/2022 6:57:06 bhaveshkishorchaudh 12 / 12 B42 10/19/2022 7:09:08 sharvarishivagunde@t 11 / 12 B13 10/19/2022 7:20:36 shreyashkapatel@tern 12 / 12 B28 10/19/2022 7:36:10 patoleamol2122@tern 11 / 12 71 10/19/2022 7:37:21 nehaveer@ternaengg. 12 / 12 20 10/19/2022 7:39:26 kinageakash2122@ter 12 / 12 72 10/19/2022 7:40:55 jatinkumar@ternaengg 12 / 12 01 10/19/2022 7:42:46 shraddhakadam@tern 8 / 12 66 10/19/2022 7:45:01 shelkedhanashree212 11 / 12 70 10/19/2022 7:50:04 juhileebalasahebdhol 12 / 12 B65 10/19/2022 7:51:16 shingadebhuvan2122@ 11 / 12 76 10/19/2022 7:53:47 zeelshah@ternaengg. 12 / 12 10 10/19/2022 7:58:00 prernakrishnagade@te 12 / 12 34 10/19/2022 8:01:49 mathayash2122@terna 12 / 12 B81 10/19/2022 8:02:59 shaikhsaba2122@tern 12 / 12 B77 10/19/2022 8:05:03 omkartawade@ternaen 10 / 12 59 10/19/2022 8:20:39 ughadeabhishek2122@ 12 / 12 86 10/19/2022 8:22:28 kolambkarved2122@te 12 / 12 82 10/19/2022 8:24:04 kesarechetan2122@te 12 / 12 B83 10/19/2022 8:28:37 prasadsadashivgaikw 12 / 12 24 10/19/2022 8:29:42 saanvibalki@ternaeng 12 / 12 7 10/19/2022 8:30:06 aryanpatil@ternaengg 12 / 12 22 10/19/2022 8:43:58 motesahil2122@terna 12 / 12 74 10/19/2022 9:08:08 vaishalikurhade@tern 12 / 12 B5 10/19/2022 9:09:56 nikitatalele@ternaeng 11 / 12 B56 10/19/2022 9:10:24 bhargavvivekmodak@t 12 / 12 B58 10/19/2022 9:12:39 patilshruti2122@terna 12 / 12 73 10/19/2022 9:14:54 siddheshnavale@tern 12 / 12 B64 10/19/2022 9:15:45 sanskrutisandeepitka 12 / 12 38 10/19/2022 9:24:12 manastelavane@terna 12 / 12 47 10/19/2022 9:30:17 vishalvilasshinde@ter 12 / 12 B57 10/19/2022 9:30:56 saurabhkadam@ternae 12 / 12 B60 10/19/2022 9:34:10 vruttishringarpure@te 12 / 12 45 10/19/2022 9:35:44 yashsuryakantkokare 11 / 12 37 10/19/2022 9:39:27 amrutyogeshmane@te 12 / 12 B61 10/19/2022 9:43:58 amanpande@ternaeng 12 / 12 17 10/19/2022 9:46:29 shantanuparameswara 11 / 12 B03 10/19/2022 10:14:53 suyashsachinkasar@t 12 / 12 54 10/19/2022 10:15:36 eshamilindgaikwad@t 12 / 12 14 10/19/2022 10:18:45 aakankshapawar@tern 12 / 12 B02 10/19/2022 10:18:58 pranitmisal@ternaeng 12 / 12 B49 10/19/2022 10:28:21 sejalmeshram@ternae 10 / 12 B19 10/19/2022 10:31:04 ameysanjaydeore@ter 12 / 12 B50 10/19/2022 10:35:21 anushkasunilbhilare@ 12 / 12 B48 10/19/2022 10:39:18 mayurtotre@ternaengg 12 / 12 04 10/19/2022 10:41:29 vivekgawas@ternaeng 12 / 12 18 10/19/2022 10:47:27 prathameshamrutkar@ 11 / 12 43 10/19/2022 10:53:33 vikaschaurasiya@tern 12 / 12 23 10/19/2022 11:08:44 satejsawant@ternaeng 12 / 12 11 10/19/2022 11:15:26 sriharinair@ternaengg 12 / 12 B53 10/19/2022 11:17:20 raghavishukla@ternae 12 / 12 12 10/19/2022 11:19:55 vedantarunmishra@te 12 / 12 B36 10/19/2022 11:20:18 prathammunge@terna 11 / 12 B51 10/19/2022 11:21:55 sayaliprasadbhanusha 12 / 12 B41 10/19/2022 11:25:13 nikhilvikaskamble@te 11 / 12 31 10/19/2022 11:33:31 pranithacuddapah@te 12 / 12 46 10/19/2022 11:56:55 dangeakshata2122@te 9 / 12 B80 10/19/2022 21:47:50 tanmaypradeepkatke@ 11 / 12 52 10/20/2022 1:54:48 sahilsishirmohapatra 12 / 12 44 10/20/2022 3:26:34 anilkumaryadav@tern 12 / 12 67 10/27/2022 10:34:48 malusaremitali2122@t 10 / 12 B79 10/19/2022 2:30:15 sumitkoli@ternaengg. 9 / 12 22 10/19/2022 3:36:10 anuragarya168@gmai 10 / 12 72 10/19/2022 5:03:16 adityaugale@ternaeng 10 / 12 07 10/19/2022 5:14:57 sarveshsandeeppatil@ 12 / 12 44 10/19/2022 5:44:06 kanishksudeshpatil@t 12 / 12 33 10/19/2022 5:53:06 shantanurane@ternae 12 / 12 30 10/19/2022 6:04:07 akshayphalke@ternae 7 / 12 19 10/19/2022 6:09:01 shaikhumair2122@ter 12 / 12 68 10/19/2022 6:32:31 adityasanjaykadam@t 12 / 12 43 10/19/2022 6:35:24 bandgarkrishna2122@ 8 / 12 74 10/19/2022 6:42:54 prathmeshkrishnagai 12 / 12 37 10/19/2022 6:51:55 sahilvijaybhosale@te 12 / 12 65 10/19/2022 7:09:38 kuldeeprathor@ternae 12 / 12 51 10/19/2022 7:21:30 amarwakhare@ternaen 12 / 12 50 10/19/2022 7:24:42 rinapawar@ternaengg. 12 / 12 02 10/19/2022 7:29:02 shantanuraje@ternaen 12 / 12 66 10/19/2022 7:37:03 gauravnatekar@terna 12 / 12 20 10/19/2022 7:39:48 dukhandeniranjan212 9 / 12 71 10/19/2022 7:40:11 kishansingh@ternaeng 12 / 12 10 10/19/2022 7:42:03 yendhesatyam2122@t 12 / 12 77 10/19/2022 7:45:39 samruddhamarutipatil 12 / 12 49 10/19/2022 7:47:41 lashkarepooja2122@t 12 / 12 69 10/19/2022 7:52:26 adityabhuran@ternaen 12 / 12 18 10/19/2022 7:52:44 sahilchintamanmhatre 12 / 12 59 10/19/2022 7:53:00 sanskrutimohankadam 12 / 12 38 10/19/2022 7:53:27 rishavthapliyal@terna 12 / 12 04 10/19/2022 7:53:43 ananynitinraorane@t 12 / 12 41 10/19/2022 7:56:50 sudhanshuyogeshdub 12 / 12 54 10/19/2022 7:59:00 birhadekalpita2122@t 12 / 12 73 10/19/2022 8:00:53 aishwaryagadhave14 12 / 12 63 10/19/2022 8:08:59 rohanzanje@ternaeng 12 / 12 47 10/19/2022 8:18:05 nehanarsingmore@ter 12 / 12 32 10/19/2022 8:24:47 rounaksingh@ternaen 10 / 12 23 10/19/2022 8:29:24 harshalikadam@terna 12 / 12 15 10/19/2022 8:37:46 jadhavprathamesh212 12 / 12 70 10/19/2022 8:41:51 vinayakranjane@terna 12 / 12 C24 10/19/2022 8:54:48 ashishbudhailalkush 12 / 12 55 10/19/2022 8:58:13 tejasmore@ternaengg. 12 / 12 5 10/19/2022 8:59:45 rahulshekade@ternae 12 / 12 08 10/19/2022 9:09:10 nawaflokare@ternaen 12 / 12 16 10/19/2022 9:14:40 sahilsrinivaschilka@t 11 / 12 34 10/19/2022 9:17:36 sahilsingh1@ternaeng 12 / 12 12 10/19/2022 9:18:21 rajashrichaudhari@te 12 / 12 3 10/19/2022 9:20:55 kunalpradeepbhole@t 12 / 12 6 10/19/2022 9:26:31 harshgorwar@ternaen 11 / 12 17 10/19/2022 9:41:52 prasadhibare@ternaen 12 / 12 11 10/19/2022 9:45:30 dhruvarvindmore@ter 12 / 12 29 10/19/2022 9:47:26 siddhipusalkar@terna 12 / 12 C60 10/19/2022 9:57:34 waninitesh2122@tern 12 / 12 75 10/19/2022 10:12:22 atharvasitarammhask 11 / 12 46 10/19/2022 10:18:16 hafeezshaik@ternaeng 12 / 12 42 10/19/2022 10:19:53 rohansantoshkambli@ 12 / 12 28 10/19/2022 10:24:50 aunfarooqui@ternaeng 12 / 12 09 10/19/2022 10:25:29 rishabhmukadam@tern 12 / 12 27 10/19/2022 10:37:16 amankumarsingh@tern 12 / 12 45 10/19/2022 10:40:21 himanshugajendrarau 12 / 12 36 10/19/2022 10:42:12 ompandey@ternaengg 12 / 12 13 10/19/2022 10:46:38 vaidehirudreshingale 12 / 12 31 10/19/2022 10:48:08 aniketarvindpatil@ter 12 / 12 64 10/19/2022 11:21:45 dishaparmar250@gma 12 / 12 57 10/19/2022 11:45:47 sejaldhotre@ternaeng 8 / 12 01 10/19/2022 12:33:06 sarojkumarpanda@ter 12 / 12 48 10/19/2022 14:28:34 priyanshuvasudevpate 12 / 12 61 10/19/2022 23:13:02 anujsawant@ternaeng 11 / 12 26 10/19/2022 23:28:27 umeshhivarale@terna 12 / 12 58 10/19/2022 23:29:02 ayushbasavrajpatil@t 11 / 12 35 10/20/2022 0:24:03 rushikeshwaghmare@t 12 / 12 56 10/20/2022 0:26:45 aliasgarfatakdawala@ 12 / 12 25 10/20/2022 6:53:49 siddhikishorpatil@ter 12 / 12 40 10/20/2022 10:33:10 rohitgupta1@ternaeng 8 / 12 53 10/20/2022 10:36:29 rohitgupta1@ternaeng 12 / 12 53 10/25/2022 4:22:27 sajidahasanshaikh@te 8 / 12 62 10/26/2022 11:25:32 siddhantpupulwad@te 12 / 12 52 Name Div Which of the followingBootstrap's grid syst Sumedh Sanjay Benga A Maxlength 12 Anay bhave A Maxlength 12 Husain Champawala A Maxlength 12 Raunak Chaudhary A Maxlength 12 Ritika Dwivedi A Maxlength 12 Vaishnavi Dhananjay A Maxlength 12 Khushboo Bhoolwani A Maxlength 12 Swati Sanjay Utekar A Maxlength 12 Sahil Saini A Maxlength 12 Palak Kumari A Maxlength 12 a A Maxlength 12 khan affan A Maxlength 12 Nayodeep Wani A Maxlength 12 Sahil Jagan Bangar A Maxlength 12 Abhishek Jaiswar A Maxlength 12 Mainak Saha A Maxlength 12 Arya Sachin Patil A Maxlength 12 ROHINI RAI A Maxlength 12 gaurav dubey A Maxlength 12 Manasi Shashikant CA Maxlength 12 Aniket Vijay Dhatrak A Maxlength 12 Atharv Ghosalkar A Maxlength 12 RUCHIKA RANJIT NAA Maxlength 12 Tushar 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