Strategiesto Attract Private Transportto Public Transport

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Strategies to Attract Private Transport to Public Transport

Article  in  EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics · December 2019

DOI: 10.15294/efficient.v2i3.35912


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2 authors, including:

Lesta Karolina Br Sebayang

Universitas Negeri Semarang


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Efficient Vol 2 (3) (2019): 589 -597 DOI:

Indonesian Journal of Development Economics

Strategies to Attract Private Transport to Public Transport

Yulinar Rizky Damayanti1 , Lesta Karolina Br Sebayang2

Jurusan Ekonomi Pembangunan, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Negeri Semarang


Received: Juny 2019 ; Accepted: September 2019 ; Published: December 2019

The purpose of this research is to develop appropriate policy strategies to attract users to switch modes from private transport to
public transport. This research is quantitative research. This research uses the Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). The number of
interviewees in this study as many as 8 keyperson. Research results indicate that transportation is the most criteria priority has a
value weight of 0.612, then the user's criteria of 0.251 became the second prioritized criteria, and the last is the policy criteria the
Government of 0.137. Based on the results of the research of the advice given by researchers, namely; the rejuvenation of old age
transportation, provide coaching to driver-driver BRT, adding to the shelter-shelter at points of housing and shopping, as well as
add new routes in order to reach out to suburban areas.

Keywords: Private Transportation, Public Transportation Analysis Hierarchy Process

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan strategi kebijakan yang tepat untuk menarik pengguna untuk beralih
moda dari angkutan pribadi ke angkutan umum. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan
Analisis Hierarki Proses (AHP). Jumlah yang diwawancarai dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 8 keyperson. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa transportasi adalah prioritas kriteria terbanyak yang memiliki bobot nilai 0,612, maka kriteria pengguna
0,251 menjadi kriteria prioritas kedua, dan yang terakhir adalah kriteria kebijakan Pemerintah 0,137. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian atas saran yang diberikan oleh peneliti, yaitu; peremajaan transportasi usia tua, memberikan pembinaan kepada
pengemudi-pengemudi BRT, menambah shelter-shelter di titik-titik perumahan dan perbelanjaan, serta menambah rute baru
guna menjangkau wilayah pinggiran kota

Kata Kunci: Transportasi pribadi, analisa angkutan umum proses hirarki

How to Cite: Damayanti, Y., & Sebayang, L. (2019). Strategies to Attract Private Transport to Public Transport.
Efficient: Indonesian Journal of Development Economics, 2(3), 100-123.

© 2019 Semarang State University. All rights reserved

Alamat Korespondensi : ISSN 2655-6197
Alamat: Gedung L2 Lantai 2 FE Unnes
Kampus Sekaran, Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229
E-mail : [email protected]
590 Yulinar R.D, Lesta Karolina Br S, Strategies to Attract Private Transport to..,

the number of people living in a particular area

with the area they inhabit.
Transport is an activity the transfer or
transport of goods and people from one place 4.750
4.700 4.703
to another place. The transportation system is 4.650
a tool to ensure the delivery of goods and 4.626
services as one of the indicators for the 4.550 4.552 The level
4.500 of
economic prosperity and economic growth, as 4.476
4.450 population
well as contributing to the quality of life 4.400 4.400 density
(Sebayang, 2011). 4.350
Central Java have the congestion 4.300
problem resulting from advances in the field of 4.200
land transport. The Government should pay 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
more attention to the existence of the progress Figure 1 rates of population density of
in the field of land transport. Advances in Semarang Year 2013-2017
ground transport very bring benefits but also Source: Central Bureau of statistics in Central
bring problems if not set in such a way. Java, processed
Transportation problems can be addressed by Based on Figure 1 above shows that in the
policies that pro public transport (Online, city of Semarang annually the level of
2016). Semarang City's transportation policy, population density increases, the population
namely, developing a ring road, improving density in the year 2013 Semarang city of 4,400
transportation mode services that support the people/km2 up to 2017 in Semarang city
growth and development of urban activity population density continues to increased to
service centers, developing public 4,703 people/km2. The population density in
transportation systems, developing public the city of Semarang to happen because there
transport terminals and increasing inter-modal are several factors which affected it one of
system integration. these economic factors. With increased
The city of Semarang in Central Java's population density seiringnya would have been
capital city which has high mobility currents. accompanied by a high mobility also requires
According to the Central Bureau of statistics transportation to support mobility.
(BPS) Semarang City area of Semarang city Broadly speaking there are two large
every year there is no expansion of the land groups of transportation modes, i.e., private
from the year 2013 to 2017 373.70 Semarang city transport and public transport. Private
land area km2 and a total population of transport is transport that gives freedom of
Semarang city each year have always risen to in operations for wear and traveled everywhere,
the year 2017 amounted to 1,757,686 anywhere and anytime, and travel faster is not
inhabitants. In the absence of the addition of subject to time. While the public transport
land and increasing population will be passenger public transport is made by the
accompanied with high population density. system or pay rent. The main purpose of the
The level of density of a comparison between existence of private transport was organized
EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics Vol 2 (3) (2019) : 589 -597 591

good service and worth to the community. In more efficient in using the roads rather than
the efficiency in the use of public transport private transport (Djakfar et al., 2010).

Table 1. Data of the number of motor vehicles in the city of Semarang 2013-2017
No Years Transport Wheels 2 Transport Wheels 4 Total
1 2013 854.043 141.735 995.778
2 2014 991.602 162.538 1.154.140
3 2015 1.152.521 182.774 1.335.295
4 2016 1.307.600 203.152 1.510.752
5 2017 1.532.679 448.529 1.981.208
Source: property management Income Area of Central Java province, 2017

Based on table 1 that the number of Semarang City Government in 2010 has
transport wheels 2 and 4 wheeled been providing this type of public
transportation in Semarang city always transportation in the form of Bus Rapid Transit
increase every year. In the year 2013 total BRT known as Trans Semarang. Expected Bus
bermotornya of vehicle 995,778. Then the year Rapid Transit (BRT) is one of the solutions
2014 into 1,154,140 of 995,778 motor vehicles. In used in other major cities in Indonesia for
the year 2015 would also increase by 181,155 people to use public transportation nyamaan
motor vehicles and in the year 2016 total motor and resolve bottlenecks. BRT is one type of
vehicles increased again became 1,510,752 later public transport which provides faster and
in the year 2017 private transport increased more efficient than other similar means of
back amounted to 1,981,208. According to the transport. BRT route and well-integrated. The
Central Bureau of statistics (2016) long road in same good rate all circles because of distance
the whole area of Semarang reached 2,785.28 or near (Semarang, 2017).
km up to this point there is no addition of a Based on the transport Masterplan
street in the city of Semarang and a continued Semarang city bus-based public transport,
rise in the number of motor transport in such as the BRT public transport is the right
Semarang city resulted in a density the road. applied in the city of Semarang in order to
The density of traffic on a road affected reduce the congestion would be private
by several factors, including the condition vehicles are on the rise.
of the roads and the environment, with regard Based on Figure 2 since beroprasinya
to time, cost, and distance. Bad BRT Trans Semarang patronage is always
road conditions as many wavy and perforated increasing. However in the year 2017 corridor
causing slow so speeds transportation travel II experienced a decline in the number of
time increased, the motor transport types also passengers who originated in the year 2016.
affect the selection of paths or roads that BRT Trans Semarang still have low quality on
will pass the transport. This can lead to its application. The lack of information boards
the buildup of traffic on a specific road. BRT, less teduhnya stops and the time that it
592 Yulinar R.D, Lesta Karolina Br S, Strategies to Attract Private Transport to..,

takes a community to make Semarang BRT can background, then the aim in this study is to
not switch to using public transport and devise appropriate policy strategies to attract
Government policies holding the public users to switch mode of private transport to
transport to alleviate traffic congestion has not public transport in the city of Semarang.
yet resolved. Based on the description of the

Figure 2. number of BRT Passengers in Semarang City Year 2013-2017

Source: Department Of Transportation City Of Semarang

METHOD principles that must be understood to resolve a

The type of research that used this is problem by the method of AHP:
quantitative research. Types of data used in decomposition, comparative judgement, and
this research is the primary data. Primary data logical consistency (Walangare et al., 2012).
in this study obtained by the technique of The variables used in this study is the variable
observation, questionnaires and interview Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP), namely in
against 8 keyperson associated directly in the the form of an alternative policy or strategy to
field of transport in the city of Semarang. This make the user can switch from private
research using the method of Analysis transport to public transport. The variables in
Hierarchy Process (AHP). Analysis Hierarchy the study as follows: Aspects Of Government
Process (AHP) is used to find out which Policy, Aspects Of Transport, Aspects Of The
aspects of the program should be given priority User. The concept of Analysis Hierarchy
and precedence in drawing up the policy of Process on this research can be seen in the
transport in the city of Semarang. Three following image:

Figure 3. Concept research of AHP

EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics Vol 2 (3) (2019) : 589 -597 593

Description: comparing elements of similar couples in every

A1 = Improvements of public transport level of the hierarchy to a criteria that are a
A2 = restrictions on private transportation notch above. Pairing the appeal scale used in
A3 = addition of road network the preparation of AHP to determine the order
B1 = a decrease in the percentage of the of priority of alternative criteria in order to
transport of old age achieve a goal that is crafting a policy that
B2 = a progressive transportation Taxes users switch from private transport to public
based on results of the exhaust transport BRT (Prajanti, 2013).
emission tests
B3 = the embodiment of the slow lane and
bike path The policy strategy to attract users of
C1 = increased safety and comfort on private transportation to public transportation
public transport in Semarang City was prepared using the
C2 = infrastructure and facilities on public Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP) method.
transport in fix Based on the opinions of each keyperson, the
C3 = faster travel time transportation criteria are the most important
or prioritized criteria in an effort to attract
Set priority elements in a question of the users to switch from private transportation to
decision is to make a comparison in pairs, i.e., public transportation in the city of Semarang.
each element is compared in pairs to a After the transportation criteria then have the
specified criteria. criteria of users as the second priority, then
there are criteria for government policy as the
Table 2. The Scale Of The Pair's Appeal third and final criteria. The following is a
Value Description picture of 4 policy strategy criteria to attract
Value 1 Both factors are equally important users to switch private transportation to public
Value 3 One factor is a little more important transportation in the city of Semarang using
than the other factors expert choice 11 software.
Value 5 One of the essential factors or other
factors are more important than
Value 7 One factor is clearly more Government policy 0,137
important than the other factors
Value 9 One factor is absolutely more Users 0,251
important than other factors
Value Values between two values, Transportation 0,612
2,4,6,8 between Scamp considerations
Source : (Prajanti, 2013) Figure 4. AHP Output Criteria Policy
Strategies to Attract Users to Switch Private
Skala It defines and explains the value of Transportation to Public Transportation
1 to 9 are specified as a consideration in Source: 2018 primary data, processed
594 Yulinar R.D, Lesta Karolina Br S, Strategies to Attract Private Transport to..,

Based on Figure 4 the criteria that found criterion based on the most prioritized
the highest weighting value was transportation sequence to the less prioritized into the
criteria of 0.612 so that the government had to alternatives of each criterion
pay more attention to transportation criteria to The first priority criteria are
be better addressed to attract users to switch transportation criteria. The first is the decline
to transportation modes, then the user criteria in the percentage of transportation in old age
found second place at 0.251, and government is the policy that is in the master plan of the
policy criteria ranked third 0.137. After the City of Semarang. The aim of this policy is that
transportation criteria have been addressed, public transportation that is already old is no
then the criteria for users who become the longer used so that it is hoped that people can
second priority are considered and continued use public transportation that is safe and
with the criteria of government policy. If the certainly comfortable. Then there is a
transportation criteria are already running, of progressive transportation tax based on the
course, it will make private transportation results of the exhaust emissions test, then the
users use public transportation and are lazy to third is the realization of the slow path. In
use their personal transportation on the addition to supporting users to use private
grounds of tax problems. The second priority is transportation these alternatives can also
the user criteria which includes user comfort improve the quality of the environment in the
and security. If public transportation is safe city of Semarang.
and comfortable, private transportation users
will switch to using public transportation Slow path embodiment 0,123
because if public transportation is not safe and Progressive… 0,265
comfortable, users will be lazy to use public
Decrease the… 0,612
transportation, it is still safe to use private
transportation, thus according to consumer
behavior theory which states that from the Figure 5. AHP Output Transportation Criteria
start not satisfied then someone will be more Source: 2018 primary data, processed
careful in using it again. The criteria for
In Figure 5 shows an alternative to the
government policy in the third priority
criteria of transportation which found the
position which includes the policy of
greatest weighting value, namely an alternative
reforming public transportation on
reduction in the percentage of transportation
government policy priorities are also
age of 0.612, then the second alternative is a
important to see the government continue to
progressive transportation tax based on the
push for improvements in public
exhaust gas emission test results of 0.265, and
transportation but the improvement of public
the third alternative namely the embodiment
transportation itself is not optimal because
of the slow lane 0.123.
public transportation in the form of BRT is still
The second priority criteria is the User
not flexible in serving the periphery and not
Criteria. It can be identified that more
yet separated BRT special lane. The next step
attention is needed to improve security and
that must be done is to describe each policy
comfort in public transportation in attracting
EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics Vol 2 (3) (2019) : 589 -597 595

users to switch from private transportation to fears the safety and comfort of public
public transportation in the city of Semarang. transportation users. The government always
The community or users who want to use has an effort to attract people to switch to
public transportation are safe and comfortable, using public transportation, one of which is
besides that the facilities and infrastructure on the limitation of private transportation, but in
public transportation must be improved Semarang there is no such thing so that people
because if the facilities and infrastructure are are still free to buy private transportation, so
feasible, security and comfort can follow. public transportation is not at all glimpsed by
Faster travel time is also necessary, but the the community.
public prioritizes security and comfort in
switching modes of transportation.
Add road network 0,083
Restrictions on private… 0,260
Faster travel time 0,194
Improving public… 0,657
Facilities and… 0,232

Increased security and… 0,574

Figure 7. AHP Output Criteria for
Government Policy
Source: 2018 primary data, processed
Figure 6. AHP Output Transportation Criteria
Source: 2018 primary data, processed
Based on the AHP calculation in Figure 7
Based on AHP calculations in Figure 4.4 shows that the most prioritized alternative is
shows that the most prioritized alternative in the improvement of public transportation
attracting users to switch from private which has a weight value of 0.657. Then the
transportation to public transportation in the second alternative priority is the limitation of
city of Semarang through user criteria is an private transportation which has a weight
increase in security and comfort in public value of 0.260 and the third alternative is the
transportation has a weight value of 0.574. addition of a road network that has a weight
Then the second alternative priority is that the value of 0.083.
facilities and infrastructure in public Based on the results of the overall AHP
transportation are fixed to have a weight value analysis, the alternative reduction in the
of 0.232 and the third alternative is faster travel percentage of old age transportation is the
time with a weighting value of 0.194. most prioritized compared to other
The third priority criterion is alternatives in attracting users to switch from
Government Policy. This means that the private transportation to public transportation
improvement of public transportation is in the city of Semarang. The order of policy
carried out periodically by public strategies to attract users to switch private
transportation. The fleet only has a usage transportation to public transportation in the
period of around 5-10 years. If it is not feasible, city of Semarang as a whole based on
the fleet will be terminated because it also AHP calculations can be seen in figure 8.
596 Yulinar R.D, Lesta Karolina Br S, Strategies to Attract Private Transport to..,

switch to using public transport is to be found

addition of road… 0,011 the solution, that achieved the purpose well for
restrictions on private… 0,033
the sake of personal transport users to switch
faster travel time 0,052
to public transport.
repaired public… 0,062
slow path embodiment 0,075 the second priority is a progressive
revamping public… 0,083 transportation taxes based on results of the
increased security and… 0,152 exhaust emission tests. The second alternative
progressive… 0,161 is also important to attract users to use public
decrease in the… 0,372 transport because if taxes are imposed based
0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 on the results of the exhaust emission tests
determine the imposition of tax if it exceeds a
Figure 8. AHP Output Sequence Policy
threshold required then it will be affect the
Strategy to Attract Users Switching Private
magnitude of the tax, the public will feel
Transportation to Public Transportation in
burdened transport that uses old age with the
Semarang City
assumption the older transport then tax will be
Source: 2018 primary data, processed
more expensive. However, in this policy is still
Based on Figure 8, the preferred or not optimal in addressing transportation
prioritized alternative is the reduction in the percentage of old age. So still need evaluation
percentage of old age existing in the and repair of a progressive transportation taxes
transportation criteria, as explained earlier if based on results of the exhaust emission tests.
the government should prioritize the Moreover, it can improve the environment in
reduction in the percentage of old age the city of Semarang because exhaust gas
transportation so that private transportation transport is also very disturbing human health.
users will switch to using public transportation An alternative third priority is the
in the form of BRT. After the first alternative, a improvement in transportation safety and
second alternative has been made, namely a comfort of the public, these alternatives from
progressive transportation tax based on the the user's criteria. On BRT Semarang city
results of the exhaust emission test which is no masterplan in terms of design and
less important than the first alternative is also specification of bus must meet some specified
carried out to attract private transportation criteria associated with standard service, level
users to switch modes of transportation then of comfort, safety and security to be provided
followed by further alternatives. to passengers. On conditions in the field of
A decrease in the percentage of the security and comfort on public transportation
transport of old age is still pretty tough in the is still considered less for users of public
city of Semarang while the transport of old age transport and private transport use felt still
is very disturbing in the streets because the gas comfortable and secure. Still the presence of
buangnya that can interfere with other road the driver of the BRT that inconsiderate, if a
users and can harm the users of public bus full of passengers between men and
transport. A variety of reasons that become women look like mixed while already running
obstacles to attracting private transport users it already separated so that passengers are
EFFICIENT Indonesian Journal of Development Economics Vol 2 (3) (2019) : 589 -597 597

women uneasy if have to jostle with men testing, increased safety and comfort in public
passengers. BRT should it secure than using transportation, improvement of public
private transport, BRT is also designed in order transportation, realization of slow lanes,
for the community to use it but it is in a State improved facilities and infrastructure for
in the way of common BRT inconsiderate. public transportation, faster travel times,
Whereas BRT track still along with other restrictions on private transportation, and the
transportation in Semarang city unlike the city addition of road networks.
of Jakarta which the BRT line already divided
with other transportation.
Based on AHP calculations, some Djakfar, L. et al. (2010). Characteristics Study and
Selection Model of Student Transport Moda
alternative strategies that have characterized,
Towards Campus (Motorcycle or Public
duties, and functions that are equally Transportation) in Malang City. Civil Engineering
important to each problem as already Journal, 37-51.
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Transportation Planning. Jakarta: Erlangga
prioritized. With the right implementation
based on priorities and conditions in the field, Online, P. J. (2016). Serious Work Needs the Provincial
some constraints and problems that were Government to Overcome the Problems of Land
previously expected to occur are also able to be Transportation in Central Java. Semarang: PKS
solved by this strategy alternatives. Central Java Online.
Prajanti, S. D. (2013). Methods of Production Efficiency
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Based on the results of the Analysis Sebayang, L. K. (2011). Analysis of the Linkage of
Hierarchy Process (AHP) data, it can be seen Infrastructure Availability and Economic Growth
that the transportation criteria are the most in Indonesia: Approach to Granger Causality
Analysis. TRACK, Volume 4, 14-22.
prioritized criteria, then the second priority of
Semarang, T. (2017). Profile of Trans Semarang. Picked
the user criteria, and the last is the criteria for February 16, 2018, from
government policy. The government must pay
more attention to the alternatives of the page/ppid/344/trans-semarang-profil-trans-
transportation criteria so that they are better
Statistics, B. P. (2016, April 8). Semarang City Statistic
addressed to attract users to switch modes of Center. Picked February 16, 2018, from
transportation after that, followed by the
second and third priority criteria. Then the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2009
priority programs that are prioritized are as concerning Traffic and Road Transportation
Walangare, D. et al. (2012). Football Match Prediction
follows; declining percentage of old age
System with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
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based on the results of exhaust emissions

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