Chapter 2 Roast Mutton
Chapter 2 Roast Mutton
Chapter 2 Roast Mutton
The Hobbit
1. What evidence is there that Bilbo Baggins hasn't just been dreaming about a party?
2. What indication is there in the note left by Thorin and Company that the adventure or quest may prove
to be perilous for Bilbo?
3. What reasons can you give that saw Bilbo leave his comfortable home and join the dwarves on this
5. Why does Bilbo try to steal from this group at the fire and what are the results?
6. Explain what happens to the dwarves as they come to Bilbo's aid.
7. How does Gandalf use his powers on Bert and Tom and William?
8. How did Gandalf finally manage to open the big stone door leading to the trolls' cave?
9. What did Gandalf and Thorin each take from the cave?
1. Using the map on the back of the cover page trace the Company’s trail from Hobbiton to the trolls.
2. Do some research on trolls, dwarves, or wizards and write a descriptive paragraph on your chosen
topic Provide an 8.5 x 11 color illustration.
Pretend you are either a dwarf or a troll and write a letter to J.R.R. Tolkien commenting on his novel, The
3. Vocabulary: Define the following plus write a sentence using the word in context.
paraphernalia , mutton, plunder, scabbards, sheath,