175 - XLR8 - SES Submission

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This form must be completed and submitted by all teams no later than the date specified in the Action Deadlines
on specific event website. The SUPRA SAE INDIA Technical Committee will review all submissions which deviate
from the SUPRA SAE INDIA rules and reply with a decision about the requested deviation. All requests will have a
confirmation of receipt sent to the team. Please submit to the person indicated in the Action Deadlines for each

In the event that the SUPRA SAE INDIA Technical Committee requests additional information or calculations, teams
have one week from the date of request to submit the requested information.

Team Name XLR8 Team ID No. 175

Team Contact ABHINAV VENKAT KOKKONDA Email Address [email protected]
Faculty Advisor VANAMALA UMA MAHESHWAR Email Address [email protected]

Is proof of equivalency for your design required for any of the rules?
No. Chassis does not deviate from baseline requirements

Baseline Alternative Design Description and/or

Material Material Rule No. Rule Description
Material Used
Used Used
YES NO T3.11 Main Roll Hoop Tubing AISI 4130 chromoly tubing
YES NO T3.12 Front Roll Hoop Tubing AISI 4130 chromoly tubing
YES NO T3.13 Main Roll Hoop Bracing Tubing AISI 1018 tubing
YES NO T3.13.6 Main Hoop Bracing Support - Tube Frames AISI 1018 tubing
YES NO T3.14 Front Hoop Bracing - Tube Frames AISI 1018 tubing
YES NO T3.19 Front Bulkhead - Tube Frames AISI 4130 chromoly tubing
#VALUE! #VALUE! T3.20 Front Bulkhead Support - Tube Frames AISI 1018 tubing
#VALUE! #VALUE! T3.25 Side Impact Structure - Tube Frames AISI 1018 tubing
YES NO T5.4 Shoulder Harness Bar AISI 1018 tubing
YES NO T3.21.6 Impact Attenuator Anti-Intrusion Plate M.S plate
Attachment Checklist (make sure all are included in your report)
P Receipt, letter of donation or proof for non-steel materials (composite, honeycomb, resin, etc)
P Properties for all non-steel materials
P Monocoque Laminate Test data and pictures
P Holes >4mm drilled in any regulated tubing require proof of equivalency, include area and moment of inertia


Please see "Structural Equivalency Spreadsheet Guide" on the Read_Me tab of the SES Workbook

Approved by Date

Tube and Laminate Equivalency Tube 1 Tube 2 Tube 3 Composite

Panel Thickness
Yield as Welded

UTS as Welded

Outside Dimension

Outside Dimension
Max Bending Load

max baseline load

Wall thickness

Wall thickness

Wall thickness

Skin Tickness
Tube Material

Tube Material

Tube Material
Energy absorbed
Max deflection at

during bending

Tube type

Tube type

Tube type

at UTS


NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 3.00

NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 3.00
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 3.00
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 1.65
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 1.65
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 2.00
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Steel Round 25.4 1.65 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA
### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### Steel Round 25.4 3.00 0.00 0.00 NA NA 0.00 0.00 NA NA
NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Steel Round 25.4 3.00

Panel Height

Team Name XLR8 Team ID No.

Please attach pictures of the frame and/or monocoque in the table below for review during the SES process. Please
colour code all tubes to show outer diameter and wall thickness. Three view drawings and isometric views of the
structure (CAD, FEA models, etc) are acceptable. Note: The final decision about all designs will be made at technical
inspection. Approval of an SES does not guarantee passing Technical Inspection.
Images must include dimensions/labels indicating the following:
Angle of main and front hoops
Angle of main hoop bracing
Distance from top of main hoop to main hoop brace attachment
Distance from top of front hoop to front hoop brace attachment
Outer diameter and wall thickness of all tubes
Material Data Sheet
Material Spreadsheet Code Steel Aluminium 1 Aluminium 2 Other 1
Material name Steel Aluminium Aluminium NA
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 NA NA NA
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 NA NA NA
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 NA NA NA
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 NA NA NA
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 NA NA NA
UTS shear, Pa 2.19E+08 NA NA NA

Steel properties based on SAE 1010 and are given in Rule T3.4.1 Note 1. Per rule T3.5
Results from extra physical test required by T3.31.1 should be entered in the "Other x"

Tubing only
Composite only
Tubes + composite

Other 2 Other 3 Other 4 Other 5 Other 6

en in Rule T3.4.1 Note 1. Per rule T3.5 all steels are treated equally and are to use the above properties.
1.1 should be entered in the "Other x" materials column as required.
Main Hoop Structural Equivalency - note, only steel may be used

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tube shape Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4

Wall, mm 2.4 3

Baseline Your Tube

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254
Wall, m 0.0024 0.003
I, m^4 1.15935E-08 1.34804E-08
EI 2.32E+03 2.70E+03 116.3
Area, mm^2 173.4 211.1 121.7
Yield tensile strength, N 5.29E+04 6.44E+04 121.7
UTS, N 6.33E+04 7.71E+04 121.7
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 3.12E+04 3.80E+04 121.7
UTS, N as welded 5.20E+04 6.33E+04 121.7
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.33E+03 1.55E+03 116.3
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 1.03E-02 86.0
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 7.98E+00 9.28E+00 116.3
Front Hoop Structural Equivalency

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tube shape Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4

Wall, mm 2.4 3

Baseline Your Tube

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254
Wall, m 0.0024 0.003
I, m^4 1.15935E-08 1.34804E-08
EI 2.32E+03 2.70E+03 116.3
Area, mm^2 173.4 211.1 121.7
Yield tensile strength, N 5.29E+04 6.44E+04 121.7
UTS, N 6.33E+04 7.71E+04 121.7
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 3.12E+04 3.80E+04 121.7
UTS, N as welded 5.20E+04 6.33E+04 121.7
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.33E+03 1.55E+03 116.3
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 1.03E-02 86.0
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 7.98E+00 9.28E+00 116.3
Main Hoop Bracing - Note: Only Steel may be used

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tube shape Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Tube OD, mm 25 25.4

Wall, mm 1.75 3

Baseline Your Tube

OD, m 0.025 0.0254
Wall, m 0.00175 0.003
I, m^4 8.69E-09 1.35E-08
EI 1.74E+03 2.70E+03 155.2
Area, mm^2 127.8 211.1 165.2
Yield tensile strength, N 3.90E+04 6.44E+04 165.2
UTS, N 4.67E+04 7.71E+04 165.2
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 2.30E+04 3.80E+04 165.2
UTS, N as welded 3.83E+04 6.33E+04 165.2
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.01E+03 1.55E+03 152.7
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.22E-02 7.84E-03 64.4
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 6.17E+00 9.28E+00 150.3
Main Hoop Bracing Supports
Enter construction type

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Number of tubes 2 10
Tube OD, mm 25 25.4
Wall, mm 1.5 1.65

Thickness of panel, mm
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.025 0.0254

Wall, m 0.0015 0.00165
I, m^4 7.68E-09 8.72E-09
EI 3.07E+03 1.74E+04
Area, mm^2 221.5 1231.1
Yield tensile strength, N 6.76E+04 3.75E+05
UTS, N 8.08E+04 4.49E+05
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 3.99E+04 2.22E+05
UTS, N as welded 6.64E+04 3.69E+05
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.79E+03 1.00E+04
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.22E-02 2.14E-03
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 1.09E+01 6.00E+01
Tubing only

Your Composite Your Total



Tubing Only 8.72E-09

1.74E+04 568.2
1231.1 555.9
3.75E+05 555.9
4.49E+05 555.9
2.22E+05 555.9
3.69E+05 555.9
1.00E+04 559.2
2.14E-03 17.6
6.00E+01 550.4
Front Hoop Bracing
Enter construction type

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Number of tubes 1 2
Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4
Wall, mm 1.6 1.65

Thickness of panel, mm
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254

Wall, m 0.0016 0.00165
I, m^4 8.51E-09 8.72E-09
EI 1.70E+03 3.49E+03
Area, mm^2 119.6 246.2
Yield tensile strength, N 3.65E+04 7.51E+04
UTS, N 4.37E+04 8.99E+04
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 2.15E+04 4.43E+04
UTS, N as welded 3.59E+04 7.39E+04
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 9.78E+02 2.01E+03
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 5.84E-03
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 5.86E+00 1.20E+01
Tubing only

Your Composite Your Total



Tubing Only 8.72E-09

3.49E+03 205.0
246.2 205.8
7.51E+04 205.8
8.99E+04 205.8
4.43E+04 205.8
7.39E+04 205.8
2.01E+03 205.0
5.84E-03 48.8
1.20E+01 205.0
Front Bulkhead
Enter construction type

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Number of tubes 2 5
Tube OD, mm 25 25.4
Wall, mm 1.75 2

Thickness of panel, mm
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.025 0.0254

Wall, m 0.00175 0.002
I, m^4 8.69E-09 1.01E-08
EI 3.47E+03 1.01E+04
Area, mm^2 255.6 735.1
Yield tensile strength, N 7.80E+04 2.24E+05
UTS, N 9.33E+04 2.68E+05
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 4.60E+04 1.32E+05
UTS, N as welded 7.67E+04 2.21E+05
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 2.03E+03 5.83E+03
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.22E-02 4.17E-03
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 1.23E+01 3.49E+01
Tubing only Fill Any One tube

Your Composite Your Total Monocoque Bulkhead Dimensions


Bulkhead Height

Cutout Height
#N/A Cutout Width
Bulkhead Width

Bulkhead Width, mm NA
Bulkhead Height, mm NA
Cutout Width, mm NA
NA Cutout Height, mm NA

Tubing Only 1.01E-08

1.01E+04 291.8
735.1 287.6
2.24E+05 287.6
2.68E+05 287.6
1.32E+05 287.6
2.21E+05 287.6
5.83E+03 287.2
4.17E-03 34.3
3.49E+01 282.6
b (m) #VALUE! #VALUE! 3
h (m) #VALUE! 0.0254
A1 (m^2) #VALUE! I1 (m^4) #VALUE!
A2 (m^2) #VALUE! I2 (m^4) #VALUE! 1 2 4
A3 (m^2) #VALUE! I3 (m^4) #VALUE!
A4 (m^2) #VALUE! I4 (m^4) #VALUE!
x1 (m) #VALUE! Ic1 (m^4) #VALUE!
x2 (m) #VALUE! Ic2 (m^4) #VALUE!
x3 (m) #VALUE! Ic3 (m^4) #VALUE!
x4 (m) #VALUE! Ic4 (m^4) #VALUE! Bulkhead Front Bulkhead Support
Centroid (m) #VALUE!
Ic12 (m^4) #VALUE!
Ic34 (m^4) #VALUE!
E34 2.00E+11
Bulkhead Support
Front Bulkhead Support Structure
Enter construction type Tubing only

Your Tube Your Tube

Material Property Baseline type 1 type 2
Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel #N/A
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11 #N/A
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08 #N/A
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08 #N/A
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08 #N/A
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08 #N/A

Number of tubes 3 25 NA
Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4 NA
Wall, mm 1.25 1.65 NA
Baseline design?
Thickness of panel, mm YES NO
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254 #VALUE!

Wall, m 0.00125 0.00165 #VALUE!
I, m^4 6.93E-09 8.72E-09 #VALUE!
EI 4.16E+03 4.36E+04 #VALUE!
Area, mm^2 284.5 3077.8 #VALUE!
Yield tensile strength, N 8.68E+04 9.39E+05 #VALUE!
UTS, N 1.04E+05 1.12E+06 #VALUE!
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 5.12E+04 5.54E+05 #VALUE!
UTS, N as welded 8.54E+04 9.23E+05 #VALUE!
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 2.39E+03 2.51E+04 #VALUE!
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 1.14E-03 #VALUE!
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 1.43E+01 1.50E+02 #VALUE!
1.37E+03 1.74E+03 #VALUE!
If FEA is required for Composite structures then add this information below
ubing only Fill Any One Type

Your Tube Your Tubes Your

type 3 Total Composite Your Total
#N/A Steel
#N/A 2.00E+11
#N/A 3.05E+08
#N/A 3.65E+08
#N/A 1.80E+08
#N/A 3.00E+08


#VALUE! #VALUE! Tubing Only #VALUE!
Impact Attenuator Anti-Intrusion Plate

Material Property Baseline Your Plate

Material type Steel Steel
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08
UTS shear, Pa 2.19E+08 2.19E+08

Thickness of panel, mm 1.5 1.5

Panel height,mm 305 305

I, m^4 8.58E-11 8.58E-11

EI 1.72E+01 1.72E+01 100.0
Area, mm^2 457.5 457.5 100.0
Yield tensile strength, N 1.40E+05 1.40E+05 100.0
UTS, N 1.67E+05 1.67E+05 100.0
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 8.24E+04 8.24E+04 100.0
UTS, N as welded 1.37E+05 1.37E+05 100.0
Perimeter shear strength for 25mm dia punch, N 2.58E+04 2.58E+04 100.0
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.67E+02 1.67E+02 100.0
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 2.03E-01 2.03E-01 100.0
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 1.69E+01 1.69E+01 100.0
Side Impact Structure
Enter construction type Tubing only

Your Tube Your Tube

Material Property Baseline type 1 type 2
Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel #N/A
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11 #N/A
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08 #N/A
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08 #N/A
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08 #N/A
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08 #N/A

Number of tubes 3 8 NA
Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4 NA
Wall, mm 1.6 3 NA
Baseline design?
Thickness of panel, mm YES NO
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254 #VALUE!

Wall, m 0.0016 0.003 #VALUE!
I, m^4 8.51E-09 1.35E-08 #VALUE!
EI 5.11E+03 2.16E+04 #VALUE!
Area, mm^2 358.9 1688.9 #VALUE!
Yield tensile strength, N 1.09E+05 5.15E+05 #VALUE!
UTS, N 1.31E+05 6.16E+05 #VALUE!
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 6.46E+04 3.04E+05 #VALUE!
UTS, N as welded 1.08E+05 5.07E+05 #VALUE!
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 2.93E+03 1.24E+04 #VALUE!
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 2.83E-03 #VALUE!
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 1.76E+01 7.42E+01 #VALUE!
1.68E+03 2.70E+03 #VALUE!
If FEA is required for Composite structures then add this information below
ubing only Fill atleast one tube

Your Tube Your Tubes Your

type 3 Total Composite Your Total
#N/A Steel
#N/A 2.00E+11
#N/A 3.05E+08
#N/A 3.65E+08
#N/A 1.80E+08
#N/A 3.00E+08


#VALUE! #VALUE! Tubing Only #VALUE!
Shoulder Harness Bar Equivalency
Enter construction type

Material Property Baseline Your Tube

Material type Steel Steel
Tubing Type Round Round
Material name /grade Steel Steel
Youngs Modulus, E 2.00E+11 2.00E+11
Yield strength, Pa 3.05E+08 3.05E+08
UTS, Pa 3.65E+08 3.65E+08
Yield strength, welded, Pa 1.80E+08 1.80E+08
UTS welded, Pa 3.00E+08 3.00E+08

Number of tubes 1 1
Tube OD, mm 25.4 25.4
Wall, mm 2.4 3

Thickness of panel, mm
Thickness of core, mm
Thickness of skins, mm
Panel height,mm

OD, m 0.0254 0.0254

Wall, m 0.0024 0.003
I, m^4 1.16E-08 1.35E-08
EI 2.32E+03 2.70E+03
Area, mm^2 173.4 211.1
Yield tensile strength, N 5.29E+04 6.44E+04
UTS, N 6.33E+04 7.71E+04
Yield tensile strength, N as welded 3.12E+04 3.80E+04
UTS, N as welded 5.20E+04 6.33E+04
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N 1.33E+03 1.55E+03
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m 1.20E-02 1.03E-02
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J 7.98E+00 9.28E+00
Tubing only

Your Composite Your Total



Tubing Only 1.35E-08

2.70E+03 116.3
211.1 121.7
6.44E+04 121.7
7.71E+04 121.7
3.80E+04 121.7
6.33E+04 121.7
1.55E+03 116.3
1.03E-02 86.0
9.28E+00 116.3
Welded Tube Insert Equivalency - required for all mandated tubes per T3.4 with drilled hole
If you have more than one type of insert please copy this tab
Your Tube
Material Property Your Tube + Insert
Material type 0
Tube Shape N/A
Material name /grade 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Youngs Modulus, E 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Yield strength, Pa 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
UTS, Pa 0.00E+00 0.00E+00
Yield strength, welded, Pa N/A 0.00E+00
UTS welded, Pa N/A 0.00E+00

Tube OD, mm NA
Wall, mm NA

Your Tube
Your Tube + Insert
Wall, m #VALUE!
I, m^4 #VALUE! NA
Tube area, mm^2 0.0 NA NA
Insert area, mm^2 NA NA NA
Yield tensile strength, N 0.00E+00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
UTS, N 0.00E+00 #VALUE! #VALUE!
Max load at mid span to give UTS for 1m long tube, N #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Max deflection at baseline load for 1m long tube, m #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Energy absorbed up to UTS, J #VALUE! #VALUE! #VALUE!
Note - the calculations above take account of the "as welded condition" strength reduction
Insert calculations or CAD screenshot proving tube + insert area and second moment
of area below. Use the "Additional Info" tab if more space is needed.
T3.4 with drilled holes > 4mm dia.

Team Name XLR8 Team ID No.

Please use this sheet to include additional information required for your proof of equivalency that isn't covered by the
standard forms e.g. material receipts. This tab may be copied if one page isn't sufficient.

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