Inspection Certificate 3.1 - ,: According EN 10204: 2005

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R,,gd. Offlce&Worb: Pa No.. 235. Snhlja.-,N,H. No. U., Wtagu Sar~ T,_,... S.....IIJ,
Dlll . Nwnedlblo-392220. Gl4a~IIW
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Inspection Certificate 3.1 According To EN 10204 : 2005

CONSIGNEE Sancfwl Steel & Alloys TestCertffkateNo. 177542
27/29, Nakoda Bhavan, Ground Floor Date of Issue 09.09.2022
_Si _l_la_ne~• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - < P.O. No.& Date
Mumbai • 400004 Invoice No. & Date

Suppty Process
Product Grade Tolerance Welsht(Mt,)
Condition Route IMeterl En ineer

Round Bars
1.4401/ 1.4404
~ -,

C Si s p C, Mo
Heat No.

22l1444 0.022
1.63 0.34 0.011 0.039 16.90
0.0680 2.01 105mm '"
22L1517 0.021 1.84 0.37 0.011 0.041 17.00 10.07 0.0510 2.03 90mm 4
22L1587 0.023 1.59 0.30 0.008 0.040 16.67 10.05 0.0634 2.03 95mm 3


. ,.
Tensile lmPKt,Jo11let
Proof Stren,th, Strenath, Hardness
Elonptlon Reduction Direction• Loncit.,dlnal
Parameter N/MM' ASTM ENISO
of Area" Test M.mod :• EN ISO 141-1,

0.2% IRD 0.21 N/MM 2

" 6506-1 HBW Test Temoeni tur e- 20" C
I I II I Ill I Avera e
22l1444/10Smm 265 637 57.00 73.02 165-167 210 I 266 I 262 I 266
22l1517/90mm 260 620 55.12 72.02 170-172 250 I 254 I 250 I 251.33
22l1587/95mm 272 646 55 .32 75.00 169-171 260 I 252 I 260 I 257.33

Material is uhrasonkally tested as per ASTM A388 & found satlsfact<>fV.
The material Is free from Radioactive conumlnatlons.
l eadhasno!adde-dduri ngmanufacturing.
IGC Ies1 as per ASTM A.262 Practic e E & no cracks & f issures observed on bend portion al 20X & 2SOX found satisfactory.
Material confirms 1he requirements as per NACE MR 017S-201S & NACE MR 0103-201S.
Material confirms the requirements as per ASTM A276, ASTM A.479, ASME SA.479.
Visual & Dimensional inspection: OK • Micro & Macro test • SatisfactOf'{.
Solution annealed at lOSO"C, so aking for lhrs/lnch -Water Quenched.
Reduction ratio = Size -105 mm (6:1), 90 mm(6:1), 9S mm(6:1)
Material is as per AO 2000-MERKBLATT WO CERTIFICATE NO. 07/203/1409/WP/1414/22 & PED 2014/68/EU CERT! NO
07/ 202/1409/WZ/1414/ 22

We here by certify that above material described herein has been

manufactured and tested with satisfactory results in accordance with
the Specification & requirements

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