Endocrine Histo MCQ

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Endocrine System Test 1

1.Which of the following is NOT a 6.Which gland secretes melatonin?

characteristic of the endocrine system? a. Pancreas

a. Products secreted into blood b. Thyroid

b. Glands with ducts c. Pineal gland
c. Secretes hormones d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
d. Non localized response e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
e. All of the following are characteristics of the
Answer: C
endocrine system
7.Which cell type are involved in the
secretion thyroglobulin?
2.What type of hormone is testosterone? a. Principal cell
a. Protein b. Oxyphil cell
b. Amino acid chain c. Parafollicular cells
C.Steroid d. Follicular cells
d. Catecholamine e. Chromaffin cells
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Answer: c
8.Where is insulin secreted from?
3.What organ is nicknamed the "master a. Alpha cells

gland" b. Beta cells

a. Adrenal medulla c. Gamma cells
b. Adrenal cortex d. Delta cells
e. Acini
c. Brain
d. Pituitary Answer: b
e. Heart
9.Which of the following is part of the
Answer: d
adrenal gland?
4.What cell type secretes ACTH? a. Chromaffin cells
a. Lactotropic cells b. Zona reticularis
b. Thyrotropic cells C. Zona glomerulosa
c. Somatotropic cells d. Zona fasciculata
e. All of the above
d. Corticotropic cells
e. Gonadotropic cells Answer:e

Answer:d 10.Which part the adrenal gland secretes

5.Where is corpora arenacea found? glucocorticoids?
a. Chromaffin cells
a. Pituitary
b. Zona reticularis
b. Pineal gland
c. Zona glomerulosa
c. Adrenal gland
d. Zona fasciculata
d. Pancreas
e. None of the above
e. Thyroid
Answer: d
Endocrine Svstem Test 2
1.What type of hormone is insulin? Answer: d
a. Protein 6.Which gland secretes calcitonin?
b. Peptide a. Pancreas
c. Steroid b. Thyroid
d. Catecholamine c. Pineal gland
e. None of the above d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
Answer: a.
Answer: b
2.What connects the pituitary to the
7.Which cell type are also called C cells?
a. Principal cell
a. Pars intermedia
b. Oxyphil cell
b.Parstuberalis c. Parafollicular cells
c. Infundibulum
d. Follicular cells
d. Adenohypophysis e. Chromaffin cells
e. Neurohypophysis
Answer: c
Answer: c
8.Where is glucagon secreted from?
3.Which of the following is not part of the a. Alpha cells

adenohypophysis? b. Beta cells

a. Pars intermedia c. Gamma cells

b. Pars tuberalis d. Delta cells

e. Acini
c. Pars distalis
d. Pars nervosa Answer: a
e. All of the above are part of the
9.Which of the following is a component
of the adrenal medulla?
Answer: d a. Chromaffin cells
b. Zona reticularis
4.What cell type secretes prolactin?
C. Zona glomerulosa
a. Lactotropic cells
d. Zona fasciculata
b. Thyrotropic cells e. All of the above
C. Somatotropic cells
Answer: a
d. Corticotropic cells
e. Gonadotropic cells
10.What are the cells of the pineal gland
Answer: a called?
a. Follicular cells
5.Which of the following cells can be
b.Parafollicular cells
classified as an acidophil? c. Pinealocytes
a. Gonadotropic cells d. P cells
b. Corticotropic cells e. PP cells
c. Thyrotropic cells Answer: c
d. Lactotropic cells
e. All of the above
Endocrine System Test 3
1.What type of hormone is 6.Which gland secretes epinephrine?
a. Pancreas
b. Thyroid
a. Protein
c. Pineal gland
b. Peptide
d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
d. Catecholamine
e. None of the above Answer: e

Answer: a 7.Which gland secretes cortisol?

a. Pancreas
2.Where are tropic hormones
secreted from?
c. Pineal gland
a. Pars intermedia
d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
b.Pars tuberalis e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
c. Infundibulum
d. Adenohypophysis Answer: d
e. Neurohypophysis
8.Which cell type is found in the
Answer: d adrenal medulla?
a. Principal cell
3.Which of the following is not
b. Oxyphil cell
part of the neurohypophysis?
c. Parafollicular cells
a. Median eminence
d. Follicular cells
b. Pars distalis
e. Chromaffin cells
c. Pars nervosa
d. Infundibular stalk Answer: e
e. All of thee above are part of the
9.Where is pancreatic
polypeptide secreted from?
Answer: b a. Alpha cells
4.What cell type secretes MSH? b. Beta cells
c. Gamma cells
a. Lactotropic cells
d. Delta cells
b. Thyrotropic cells
e. Acini
c. Somatotropic cells
d. Corticotropic cells Answer: c.
e. Gonadotropic cells
10.Which of the following is the
Answer: d
middle layer of the adrenal
5.Which of the following cells can cortex?
be classified as an acidophil? a. Chromaffin cells
a. Corticotropic cells b. Zona reticularis
C. Zona glomerulosa
b.Thyrotroplccells d. Zona fasciculata
c. Gonadotropic cells
d. None of the above e. None of the above
e. All of the above
Answer: d
Answer: d
Endocrine System Test 4
1.What type of hormone is antidiuretic 6.Which gland secretes sex steroids?
hormone? a. Pancreas
a. Protein b. Thyroid
b. Peptide c. Pineal gland
c. Steroid d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
d. Catecholamine e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Answer: b
7.Which of the following is the exocrine
2.Where is oxytocin secreted from? portion of the pancreas?
a. Pars intermedia a. Islets of Langerhans
b. Pars tuberalis b. Alpha cells
c. Infundibulum c. Beta cells
d. Adenohypophysis d. Delta cells
e. Neurohypophysis e. Acini

Answer: e Answer: e

3.What cell type secretes LH? 8.Where is somatostatin secreted from?

a. Lactotropic cells a. Alpha cells
b. Thyrotropic cells b. Beta cells
c. Somatotropic cells c. Gamma cells
d. Corticotropic cells d. Delta cells
e. Gonadotropic cells e. Acini

Answer: e Answer: d

4.Which of the following cells can be 9.Which of the following is seen the
classified as a basophil? innermost portion the adrenal gland?
a. Thyrotropic cells a. Chromaffin cells
b. Lactotropic cells b. Zona reticularis
c. Somatotropic cells c. Zona glomerulosa
d. None of the above d. Zona fasciculata
e. All of the above e. None of the above

Answer: a Answer: a

5.Which gland secretes T3? 10.What cell of the parathyroid gland is

a. Pancreas also called a "chief cell "?
b. Thyroid a. Principal cell
c.Pineal gland b. Oxyphil cell
d. Adrenal gland (cortex) c.Parafollicularcells
e. Adrenal gland (medulla) d. Follicular cells
e. Chromaffin cells
Answer: b
Answer: a
Endocrine System Test 5
1.What type of hormone is oxytocin? 6.What is corpora arenacea?
a. Protein a. Brain sand

b.Peptide b. Basal body

C. Steroid c. Nissl body
d. Catecholamine d. White body
e. None of the above . Degenerating corpus luteum

Answer: b Answer: a

2.Where is antidiuretic hormone (ADH) 7.What gland secretes aldosterone?

secreted from? a. Pancreas

a. Pars intermedia b. Thyroid

b. Pars tuberalis c. Pineal gland
c. Infundibulum d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
d. Adenohypophysis e. Adrenal 8land (medulla)
e. Neurohypophysis Answer: d
Answer:e. 8.What is the most common cell in the
3.What cell type secretes FSH? parathyroid gland?
a. Lactotropic cells a. Principal cell
b. Thyrotropic cells b. Oxyphil cell
c. Somatotropic cells c. Parafollicular cells
d. Corticotropic cells d. Follicular cells
e. Gonadotropic cells e. Chromaffin cells

Answer: e Answer: a

4.Which of the following cells can be 9.Where are catecholamines secreted

classified as a basophil? from?
a. Lactotropic cells a. Chromaffin cells
b. Corticotropic cells b. Zona reticularis
c. Somatotropic cells c. Zona glomerulosa
d. None of the above d. Zona fasciculata
e. All of the above e. None of the above

Answer: b Answer: a

5.Which gland secretes norepinephrine? 10.Which of the following is the outer

a. Pancreas layer of the adrenal cortex?
b. Thyroid a. Chromaffin cells
c.Pineal gland b. Zona reticularis
d. Adrenal gland (cortex) c. Zona glomerulosa
e. Adrenal gland (medulla) d. Zona fasciculata
Answer: e
e. None of the above
Answer: c
Endocrine Svstem Test 6
1.What type of hormone is estradiol? 6.Which gland secretes glucagon?
a. Protein a. Pancreas
b. Amino acid chain b. Thyroid
c. Steroid c.Pinealgland
d. Catecholamine d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
e. None of the above e. Adrenal gland (medulla)

Answer: c Answer: a

2.What is another term for the anterior 7.Which cell type secretes calcitonin?
lobe of the pituitary? a. Principal cell
a. Pars intermedia b. Oxyphil cell
b. Pars tuberalis c. Parafollicular cells
d. Follicular cells
d. Pars nervosa e. Chromaffin cells
e. Infundibular stalk
Answer: c
Answer: c
8.Which cell type is found in the
3.What cell type secretes growth parathyroid, but is not the most
hormone? abundant cell type?
a. Lactotropic cells a. Principal cell
b. Thyrotropic cells b. Oxyphil cell
c. Somatotropic cells c.Parafollicularcells
d. Corticotropic cells d. Follicular cells
e. Gonadotropic cells e. Chromaffin cells

Answer: Answer: b

4.Which of the following cells can be 9.Which part the adrenal gland secretes
classified as a basophil? mineralocorticoids?
a. Somatotropic cells a. Chromaffin cells
b. Lactotropic cells b. Zona reticularis
c. Gonadotropic cells c. Zona glomerulosa
d. None of the above d. Zona fasciculata
e. All of the above e. None of the above

Answer: c Answer: c

5.Where is the endocrine portion of the 10.Which of the following is the inner
pancreas housed? layer of the adrenal cortex?
a. Islets of Langerhans a. Chromaffin cells
b. Alpha cells b. Zona reticularis
c. Beta cells c. Zona glomerulosa
d. Delta cells d. Zona fasciculata
e. Acini e. None of the above

Answer: a Answer: b
Endocrine System Test 7Z
1.What type of hormone is epinephrine? 6.Which part the adrenal gland secretes
a. Protein sex steroids?
b. Amino acid chain a. Chromaffin cells
c. Steroid b. Zona reticularis
d. Catecholamine C. Zona glomerulosa
e. None of the above d. Zona fasciculata
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Answer: b
2.What is another term for the posterior
lobe of the pituitary? 7.What is the classification of the
a. Pars intermedia pancreas?
b. Pars tuberalis a. Mixed
C.Parsdistalis b. Endocrine
d. Pars nervosa c. Exocrine
e. Infundibular stalk d. Both endocrine and exocrine
e. None of the above
Answer: d
Answer: d
3.What cell type secretes TSH?
a. Lactotropic cells 8.Where in the pancreas are islets of
b. Thyrotropic cells Langerhans most numerous?
c. Somatotropic cells a. Head
d. Corticotropic cells b. Body
e. Gonadotropic cells C. Tail
Answer: b d. Evenly distributed
e. Depends on the individual
4.Which of the following cells can be
Answer: c
classified as a basophil?
a. Corticotropic cells 9-oxytocin is secreted by the
b. Thyrotropic cells
c. Gonadotropic cells
d. None of the above
e. All of the above C-2ona glomerulocsa
d-pars intermedia
Answer: e
Answer: B, by posterior pituitary gland
5.Which gland secretes insulin?
a. Pancreas
b. Thyroid
c. Pineal gland
d. Adrenal gland (cortex)
e. Adrenal gland (medulla)
Answer: a

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