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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Construction Emission Management using Wind Rose Plot and

AERMOD Application
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ICCMES 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1145 (2021) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1145/1/012106

Construction Emission Management using Wind Rose Plot

and AERMOD Application
R Gopi1, R Saravanakumar2, K S Elango2, A Chandrasekar3, K S Navaneethan4
and N Gopal 5
Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Marri Laxman Reddy
Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, KPR Institute of
Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, PSNA College of
Engineering and Technology, Dindigul, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering
College, Perundurai, India
PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, KPR Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Coimbatore, India
[email protected]

Abstract. Construction activities have the potential to generate a substantial amount of air
pollution. In the past 30 years pollution in construction industry has acknowledged more
consideration in the industry. Dust and emissions from destruction and construction activities
can worsen the quality of air which can harm to health and impact upon life quality. Particulate
matter PM10 and PM2.5(less than10mm, 2.5mm in Ф) are now recognized as significant
causes of pollution and they can be carried from sites even in light winds. India is home to 13
of the 20 cities with the maximum levels of particulate air pollution worldwide, according to
2012 statement by the World Health Organization. This paper provides an overview of control
of dust emissions by considering the direction and dispersion of particulate emissions based on
wind speed. Indian Meteorological Data (IMD) provides a details regarding wind speed for
every location which can be taken into account. It is necessary to maintain the air quality
according to Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB).

1. Introduction
It has been done in the past to create concrete structures that are vibration-free. However, the concrete
descri Construction by its nature is hazardous and can generate enormous amount of air pollution.
Dust refers to all airborne particulate matter (PM) that is, solid particles that are pendant in air or have
settled down onto a surface. Dust can turn into airborne when material is bare or left uncovered. Wind
then picks up the bare dust particle and taken it off-site. The most conventional ways that soil is bare
comprise demolition activities, site training activities, construction activities, vehicle transportation
and uncovered stockpiles. It causes potential effect on peoples, environmental resources, air quality,
affect natural water conservation and cultural heritage. The control of pollution in construction sector
is the manage of all individual performance that have an also important or minute unenthusiastic shock

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ICCMES 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1145 (2021) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1145/1/012106

on the surroundings for all over building procedure [1]. Particle pollution also expressed as
"Particulate matter" or PM, is a multifaceted combination of very tiny particles in addition to fluid
particles pendant inside the atmosphere Normally used pointers telling PM are pertinent to physical
condition indicate to the collection attentiveness of particles with a Ф of fewer than 10μm (PM10) and
of elements having Ф of less than 2.5μm (PM2.5). PM2.5 called fine PM, also contain ultrafine
elements with a Ф of fewer than 0.1μm.PM between 0.1μm and 1μm in Ф can stay in the environment
for days and thus be applicable to extended range trans boundary movement in the air. PM is a
mixture with physical and chemical characteristics varying by location. General chemical ingredients
of PM comprise of chemicals, organic and elemental carbon, particle-bound water, crustal material
and metals. Biological components such as allergens and microbial compounds are present in PM. The
need of this present study is to enhance The knowledge level and project participants’ awareness,
particularly project manager in regard of environmental impacts of construction processes needs to be
enriched, Health consequences of air pollution from particulate matter and their insinuation for policy-
makers, with the aim of inspiring the progress of more effectual strategies to decrease and also to
recognize the regularity and harshness of environmental impact sourced by construction procedure in
residential buildings and its policy to control emissions [2]. This study identifies the source of
pollution and vulnerability from construction area, To categories, analyze and quantify the type of
pollutants at construction site, To determine the incidence of winds blowing from specified paths over
a particular time using WR PLOT with IMD, To determine the direction and dispersion of air
pollution using AERMOD, To adopt suitable control measures according to direction and dispersion
of particulate emissions.

2. Methodology
Though it is difficult to calculate the hazard hi generated by a particular construction operation, the
process can be carried out based on expert’s opinion or by collecting secondary data’s. For the
collection of secondary data’s activities which may cause enormous amount of dust pollution can be
taken into account. It may include demolition, site clearance, burning category, excavation, material
mixing, vehicle engine exhaust, foundation, super foundation, roof, painting, wood work etc. The
data’s are analyzed and are shortlisted according to the hierarchy order. Likewise wind speed
corresponding to particular location (Salem) should be taken into account. It could be collected from
Indian Meteorological Data (IMD). At an initial step it is essential to analyze the frequency of wind
speed blowing in particular direction using WR PLOT. It will provide us the pictorial representation of
wind blown over specific period [3-5]. Then the next step involves determining the direction and
dispersion of particular emissions using AERMOD. The magnitude of hazard hi corresponding to the
particular activity and their corresponding wind speed should be taken as input. It will helps to
enhance the way of reducing the particulate emissions by analyzing how long the dispersion will takes

3. Health Effects due to Particulate Emissions

PM10 and 2.5 comprise of substances that are little sufficient to enter the thoracic area of the
respiratory track. The majority of dust substances cause respiratory problems and settled above
vehicles. The physical condition consequences of inhalable PM are well recognized because of contact
x`in cooperation the short period (hours, days) and long period (months, years) and include Eye, Nose
and Throat Irritation, Respiratory and Lung Disease Including Asthma problem, Pulmonary cancer
(caused by carcinogen chemical through inhalation), Mesothelioma, Lungs mal function, Chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), Pneumonia, Leukemia (Blood cancer), Cardiovascular
problems, heart disease, Stroke, Neurobehavioral disorder, Liver and other type of cancer. A technique
for calculating building contamination is called Construction Pollution Index (CPI) and mentioned in
Equation 1, Chen et al. (2000)
CPI =ΣCPIi=Σ hi Di -------- Equation 1

ICCMES 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1145 (2021) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1145/1/012106

Where, hi - Magnitude of hazard per unit of time produced by a precise operation i

Di - Duration of the operation in construction
CPI - Construction Pollution Index
CPIi - Construction Pollution Index, i
n - Number of construction operations that generate pollution and hazards
In the above equation, limitation hi is a comparative parameter showing the magnitude of risk created
by a particular construction process in a particular occasion. It is limited in the range of 0.1. Though it
is difficult to measure value of hi involving different activities, it has to be found by knowledge,
experience and specialist opinions.

4. Climatological Aspects
Climate poses a palpable trouble for construction sector. This is specifically evident during the stage
of dry, windy weather when the probability of dust being taken up and blown about is amplified. As
weather cannot be controlled, three things can be done to lessen climate-generated dust problems such
as Inspect weather reports daily; closely scrutinize weather patterns to allow action to be taken
instantly if conditions changes, Execute control actions that ensure dust problems do not happen while
the construction site is unattended, eg. at night or weekends and Implement a site ‘shut down and
cover up’ strategy during periods of intense weather situations, eg. High winds and low humidity. All
site operations should cease and all uncovered areas enclosed or treated to ensure dust does not
become airborne.
5. National Ambient Air Quality Standards
The National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) recognized by the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), UN under authority of the Clean Air Act that relate for outside air all over the country.
NEPM also termed towards cities and town’s standard for dusts is framed by National Environment
Protection Measure for Particulate Matter (PM). It is also followed by the agency Department of
Environmental Regulation. This agency will monitor the contamination in the air across the cities.
Besides, as per CPCB PM 10 and PM2.5 concentration is represented in Table 1.
Table 1. Concentration of PM 10 and PM 2.5
Time Ambient Air concentration as per CPCB
Pollutants Weighted Industrial, Residential, Ecologically
Average Rural and other Areas Sensitive Area
PM10 Annual 60 60
(less than
24 Hours 100 100
PM2.5 Annual 40 40
(less than
2.5μm),μg/m3 24 Hours 60 60

6. Wind Rose Plot

For collecting, analyzing and evaluating the air quality proper and reliable air quality management
program requires. Moreover, it is essential to identify the drifts in quality of air so that control measure
can be synchronized so. Pollution in air is the practice differ in time and space based on their
movement, spreading, removal, etc. hence, it is needed to know the method in different scales
according to meteorological features. Wind Rose diagrams signify the two-way joint frequency
distribution of wind path and any other parameter under consideration. This will give a detail about a
brief view about wind speed and path distribution at specified location. Wind frequency over a
occasion phase is represented by wind path, by showing colour bands representing wind speed ranges

ICCMES 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1145 (2021) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1145/1/012106

through polar coordinate system of gridding. The greatest spoke path demonstrates the wind route with
the greatest frequency. It is obtainable in a spherical arrangement. The current wind rose demonstrates
the wind blowing frequency from specific directions over a particular stage. A typical wind rose plot
shown in Figure1.Sixteen cordial directions will be used in wind roses as like North, North East etc.,
although they have 32 direction subdivisions. As per measurement of angles (in degree), North
corresponds to 0°/360°, East to 90°, South to 180° and West to 270°. Fig 1 shows the graphic
representation of WR plot view. The distance end to end of every "spoke" about the loop is directly
related to the frequency of wind blow from a specific direction per unit time. Every concentric circle
signifies a dissimilar frequency, originating from zero at the middle to growing at the outer. A wind
rose diagram may hold supplementary data, in that every spoke is wrecked into colour-coded bands
that demonstrate wind speed series.

Figure 1. Wind Rose Plot

7. WR Plot View for Salem Station
According to Indian Metrological Data (IMD), wind speed corresponding to the station was collected
and is given as input to perform WR PLOT. It will provide the pictorial representation of wind speed
and the span of every "spoke" around the circle is associated to the frequency that the wind blows
from a specified path per unit time. From the fig below it is noted that average wind speed is
maximum of 18% in the direction of NE & SW which represents the particulate emissions would be
more in that directions, So that extra precautions to be provided while working in that direction of
maximum wind speed.
8. Summary
Though the construction activity has greater potential to generate particulate emissions, it can be
controlled by proper planning. The activities responsible for tremendous release of dust emissions
have been considered through detailed analysis of building constructions. Wind speed corresponding
to the station has been collected. Further the Secondary data’s should be collected or based on experts
opinion, and the process could be handled with help of AERMOD, which can be used to determine the
direction and dispersion of particulate emissions through certain activities. Then finally
recommendations could be given.
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Ambient Air Quality Conditions Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 2011,vol.1, pg.214-224

ICCMES 2021 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1145 (2021) 012106 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1145/1/012106

[2] Gregory E. Muleski, Chatten Cowherd and John S. Kinsey, Particulate Emissions from
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[3] H. Anandakumar and K. Umamaheswari, A bio-inspired swarm intelligence technique for
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