Bible Activities 3 Final
Bible Activities 3 Final
Bible Activities 3 Final
Thank you
for downloading the Bible Activities Set 3 (Matthew to Revelation) from Paradise Praises. I hope
you enjoy this set and find it useful in your study and teaching of the Bible. Please subscribe to
Paradise Praises to be one of the first to know when the next product is released!
Set 3 includes:
1. New Testament Books Order Activity
2. New Testament Books Word Scramble Activity
3. Names of God Word Search (Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:21)
4. Life of Jesus Order Activity
5. The Baptism of Jesus Coloring Page (Matthew 3)
6. Fishers of Men Coloring Page (Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17)
7. Beatitudes Fill in the Blank Activity (Matthew 5:3-12)
8. The Lord’s Prayer Coloring Page (Matthew 6:9-13)
9. Bread and Fish Coloring Page (Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6)
10. Resurrection Paper Craft (Matthew 28:6)
11. Triumphal Entry Maze (Mark 11)
12. 12 Disciples Word Search (Luke 6)
13. 12 Disciples Matching Activity
14. Good Samaritan Story Order Activity (Luke 10)
15. Miracles of Jesus Double Puzzle
16. Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5)
17. Paul & Silas Coloring Page (Acts 16)
18. Paul’s Shipwreck Coloring Page (Acts 27)
19. The Fruit of the Spirit Word Scramble (Galatians 5:22-23)
20. Timothy Coloring Page (2 Timothy 2:15)
21. Hebrews 11 Cross Word Puzzle (Hebrews 11)
22. John on Patmos Drawing Activity (Revelation 1)
23. Israel’s Star Craft (Revelation 22:16)
24. Women of the NT Matching Activity
25. Men of the NT Matching Activity
26. Colors Double Puzzle
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New Testament Books Order Activity
There are 27 books in the New Testament. Put the books in order by number.
_____ John
New Testament Books Word Scramble
Please unscramble the words below to spell the names of 12 New Testament books.
1. WTAETHM ______________________________________
2. ASIIRHTONCN _____________________________________
3. OSRNMA ____________________________________
4. MLNOEPHI ____________________________________
5. NASIILHPPIP ____________________________________
6. CAST ____________________________________
7. ELITENROAV! ____________________________________
8. HYIMTTO ! ! ____________________________________
9. EASMJ! ! ____________________________________
God’s Names Word Search
Life Of Christ Order Activity
Number the events 1-31 in the order in which they happened in the life of Christ. The first one is
done for you. You may wish to cut them out in strips to help you organize them, and then glue
them in order onto another piece of paper.
_____ Jesus is born in Bethlehem. _____ Judas betrays Jesus by selling him to the
! high priest and leading them to capture
_____ Jesus is lost, and found teaching in the ! him.
! temple.
_____ Jesus arose from the dead.
_____ Herod kills all children in Bethlehem age 2
! years old and under. _____ Peter cuts off the ear of the high priest’s
! servant & Jesus immediately heals it.
_____ Jesus turns over the money changer’s
! tables in the temple. _____ Jesus is condemned to death while
! Barabbas, a convicted murderer is set
_____ Angels announce Jesus’ birth to shepherds ! free by the Jews.
! in the fields.
_____ Jesus is flogged and his beard pulled out.
_____ Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist.
_____ Jesus feeds 5,000 men plus women &
_____ Wise men visit the Christ child and bring ! children.
! him gifts.
_____ Jesus is crucified and dies, but without any
_____ Mary, Joseph & Jesus move to Nazareth ! broken bones.
! after King Herod’s death.
_____ Jesus is buried in the tomb of Joseph of
_____ Mary, Joseph & Jesus flee to Egypt to ! Arimathea. The high priest commands the
! escape King Herod’s anger. ! tomb to be sealed and places a guard .
_____ Jesus performs his first miracle, at the _____ Judas returns the money to the high priest
! urging of his mother Mary, at the wedding ! and then kills himself.
! in Canaan.!
_____ Jesus appears to his followers on the road
_____ Jesus forgives Peter and asks him 3 times ! to Emmaus.
! to care for his sheep.
_____ Jesus ascends to the Father.
_____ Jesus calls his first disciples.
_____ Jesus carries the cross to the Hill of
_____ Jesus asks John to care for his mother. ! Golgatha.
_____ Jesus enjoys one last supper with his _____ Jesus’ conception is announced to Mary.
! disciples in an upper room.
__1__ Joseph & Mary travel to Bethlehem to be
_____ Jesus rides into Jerusalem on the colt of a ! taxed by Ceasar Agustus’ decree.
! donkey and the people shout “Hosanna!”
! and lay their coats and palm branches _____ Joseph takes Mary as his wife.
! down to soften his path.
_____ Jesus enters a locked room to show
_____ Jesus spends 30 days in the wilderness ! himself to Thomas and the other ten
! and defeats Satan’s temptations. ! disciples
The Baptism of Jesus
Matthew 3
Use the phrases to fill in the blanks and complete the verses.
The Lord’s Prayer
Matthew 6:9-13
According to Christ’s example, we should pray to God the Father for these 5 things. We
can use our hand to remember them. Cut out the hand and put it in your Bible or in
your room to help you remember how to pray.
Pray for:
His pro
ti on
o tec
a r
Jesus feeds thousands with 5 loaves & 2 fish!
Matthew 14, Mark 6, Luke 9, John 6
1 paper plate
2 pieces of paper
glue or stapler
(optional: another paper plate, black marker or crayon, hot glue, easter grass or real
grass or bits of green paper, verse printed on paper)
Cut the paper plate in half. On one half, cut a semi-circle opening to be the door of the
tomb. Use glue or a stapler to join the two halves of the plate together along the circular
edge, creating a cave like space inside. One one paper draw an angel, color it, and cut
it out. Crumple the other piece of paper into a ball to replicate the stone that was rolled
away from the opening, and place the angel on top of the stone.
glue all of this to another paper plate with hot glue to anchor it, so it will stand up. color
the insides of the standing plates black like the dark inside of a cave, glue bits of easter
grass, real grass or green paper shreds around it for grass. You may also want to print a
verse to glue to the front of the bottom paper plate.
Start -->
<-- End
12 Disciples Word Search
Disciples Matching Activity
Draw a line to match the disciples with their description on the right.
The Good Samaritan Order Activity
Number the events 1-8 in the order in which they happened in the parable of
the Good Samaritan from Luke 10:25-37. The first one is done for you.
You may wish to cut them out in strips to help you organize them.
_____ The Samaritan pays the innkeeper, tells him to care for the man and promises to
pay any extra it may cost on his return trip.
_____ The Samaritan binds his wounds cleaning them with wine and oil.
_____ The Samaritan puts him on his own animal and takes him to an inn.
_____ A Levite sees the man, and passes by on the other side.
_____ Robbers attacked the man, stealing his goods, beating him and leaving him half
dead by the roadside.
_____ A priest sees the man, and passes by on the other side.
_____ A Samaritan sees the man, and feels compassion for him.
Jesus told this story to answer the question “Who is my neighbor.” According to the
story, who is your neighbor?
Have you ever been a good neighbor to someone in a similar situation? What
happened? How did you show them God’s love?
The Miracles of Jesus
Unscramble the clue words to spell out several of Jesus’ miracles.
Copy the letters in the numbered boxes to the boxes with the same
number at the bottom of the page to uncover a secret message.
Read the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5, then use
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
15 2 5 4 9 5 14 3 5 2 18 9 14 7 19
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2 12 5 19 19 9 14 7 4 9 19 15 2 5 4 9 5 14 3 5
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ . __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
2 18 9 14 7 19 2 9 19 3 9 16 12 9 14 5
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ .
Paul and Silas Sing in Prison
Acts 16
ovle! ! ! _______________________________________
yjo! ! ! _______________________________________
epeca! ! _______________________________________
eeeglnnsst!! _______________________________________
ssendoog! ! _______________________________________
lesthaiffuns!! _______________________________________
dsensnik! ! _______________________________________
esnsekem !! _______________________________________
tapceien! ! _______________________________________
Study to Show Thyself Approved Unto God
2 Timothy 2:15
2. He blessed the sons of Joseph. vs. 21
4. This is the substance of things hoped for. vs. 1
5. This was created by the Word of God. vs. 3
8. He became heir to the righteousness that is by
faith. vs. 7
11. He conquered kingdoms. vs. 32
13. He refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s
daughter. vs. 24
14. They received back their dead by
resurrection. vs. 35
15. he went to live in the land of promise. vs. 9
17. He became mighty in war. vs. 32
18. He enforced justice. vs. 32
1. She received power to conceive
when she was past age. vs. 11
3. He was made strong out of
weakness. vs. 32
6. He was offered by Abraham. vs. 17
7. he stopped the mouths of lions. vs. 32
9. They crossed the Red Sea on dry land.
vs. 29
10. He did not die, but God took him. vs. 5
12. he prophesied of the Exodus while on his
deathbed. vs. 22
15. He offered to God a more acceptable offering
than Cain. vs. 4
16. She did not perish at Jericho. vs. 31
What John Saw
Revelation 1
6 ice cream sticks
glue (or hot glue)
paint or markers
Make two triangles by glueing three sticks together at the tips. Glue on triangle on top
of the other to make the 6 pointed Star of David. When the glue is dry, you can color or
paint it and use the ribbon to tie a loop through one point as a hanger. Hang it on your
Christmas tree or in your room somewhere to remind you to pray for God’s special
people, Israel.
Women of the New Testament
Draw a line to match these 15 New Testament women with their description on the right.
Mary _____ My husband and I agreed to lie about how much money
we sold our property for and God killed us. (Acts 5)
Ana _____ I knew if I could just touch the hem of Jesus’ garment his
power would heal me, and he did. (Matthew 9)
_____ Jesus came to my home one day when I was very sick
Priscilla and he healed me! (Matthew 8)
_____ Everyone thought I was dead, but Jesus spoke life into
Woman in the crowd me and I was healed! (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43)
the adulteress _____ I loved to host Jesus and his friends in our home, but I
got upset when my sister did not help me with the work. (Luke
_____ I (and my mother, Lois) raised my son to know the
Scriptures. I was thrilled when Paul asked him to minister with
Martha him. (2 Timothy 1:1-5)
Men of the New Testament
Draw a line to match these 17 New Testament men with their description on the right.
_____ Jesus healed my eyesight. (Mark 10:46-520
Thomas _____ Paul and others thought me no good for ministry, but the Barnabas
saw good and the Lord used me anyway. (Acts 15:39)
the Centurion _____ I was a run away slave when Jesus saved me. I would have been
killed for running away, had Paul not written to my master on my behalf.
(Philemon 1:10)
_____ I had been dead and in the tomb 3 days when Jesus raised me from
the dead. (John 11)
John Mark
_____ After an earthquake that had allowed all my prisoners to escape, I
would have killed myself, but Paul showed me that no one had escaped, and
he explained God’s salvation to my and my entire household and we were
Onesimus saved! (Acts 16:20-32)
_____ I was the first one to be killed for preaching about Jesus and God’s
the Pilippian jailer salvation. (Acts 7)
_____ I could not believe that Jesus had died and was alive again, not until I
Stephen touched him did I believe. (John 20)
_____ I met the Christ child when his parents brought him to the temple for
the very first time.
_____ I denied Jesus 3 times, and he later gave me 3 chances to declare my
love for him. (John 21)
God’s Colors
Use the clues to guess and spell out the color words.
Unscramble the letters in the circled boxes to uncover a secret message at the bottom of the page.
! ! !
! ! SECRET MESSAGE: God’s best gift to us is