2018 - Geometry of Crystals Polycrystals and Phase Transformations - Bhadesia
2018 - Geometry of Crystals Polycrystals and Phase Transformations - Bhadesia
2018 - Geometry of Crystals Polycrystals and Phase Transformations - Bhadesia
Harshad K. D. H. Bhadeshia
CRC Press
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Boca Raton, FL 33487-2742
Author xiii
Acronyms xv
I Basic Crystallography 1
1 Introduction and Point Groups 3
1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 The lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Primitive representation of Cubic-F . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.3 Bravais lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4 Directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Number of equivalent indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
1.5 Planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.6 Weiss zone law . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.7 Symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.8 Symmetry operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Five-fold rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
1.9 Crystal structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Structure of graphene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.10 Point group symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Point symmetry of chess pieces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Octahedral interstices in iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.11 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
2 Stereographic Projections 29
2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Projection of small circle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2 Utility of stereographic projections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.3 Stereographic projection: construction and characteristics . . . . . 32
Radius of trace of great circle on Wulff net . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Traces of plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
2.4 Stereographic representation of point groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Mirror plane equivalent to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
The point groups 3m and m3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
2.5 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4 Space Groups 55
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.2 Screw axes and glide planes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4.3 Cuprite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
4.4 Location of atoms in cuprite cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Space group of Fe-Si-U compound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Cementite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Diamond and zinc sulfide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
4.5 Shape of precipitates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.6 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
12 Martensite 185
12.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
12.2 Shape deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
12.3 Interfacial structure of martensite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
12.4 Phenomenological theory of martensite crystallography . . . . . . 190
12.5 Stage 1: Calculation of lattice transformation strain . . . . . . . . 193
Determination of lattice transformation strain . . . . . . . . . . 194
12.6 Stage 2: Determination of the orientation relationship . . . . . . . 197
Martensite-austenite orientation relationship . . . . . . . . . . 197
12.7 Stage 3: Nature of the shape deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Habit plane and the shape deformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
12.8 Stage 4: Nature of the lattice-invariant shear . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
Lattice–invariant shear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
12.9 Texture due to displacive transformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
12.10 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
13 Interfaces 211
13.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
13.2 Misfit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Symmetrical tilt boundary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Interface between alpha and beta brass . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
13.3 Coincidence site lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Coincidence site lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
Symmetry and the axis-angle representations of CSL’s . . . . . . 222
13.4 The O-lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
alpha/beta brass interface using O-lattice theory . . . . . . . . 227
13.5 Secondary dislocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228
Intrinsic secondary dislocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
13.6 The DSC lattice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
13.7 Some difficulties associated with interface theory . . . . . . . . . 233
13.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Appendices 239
Index 249
To state the obvious, crystals contain order. Even when that is disturbed locally, the
perturbations themselves may sometimes form regular patterns. This is evident in
the structure of interfaces where two or more crystals meet in an apparently hap-
hazard manner. Disorder can sometimes be ignored without compromising some of
the consequences of long-range order. Crystalline solid solutions in which atoms
are dispersed at random would fail the strict definition of long-range order, but they
nevertheless show the characteristics of crystals when probed by X-rays. We shall at-
tempt in this book to understand not only the elegance of individual crystals, but also
of clusters of space-filling crystals and transformations between crystalline phases.
Crystallography is hardly a new subject so there are numerous books available,
many of which are beacons of scholarship. So why another text on this much mooted
topic? First, as Buckminster Fuller pointed out, there has been a massive expansion in
human knowledge, with the process continuing at an unabating pace. New subjects
spring up with notorious regularity and some of these have come to be regarded
as essential first steps in the higher education curriculum. Modern undergraduate
students are therefore faced with a much greater palette of distinct courses than has
been the case in the past.
This book is partitioned into two, the first part of which is meant to be self-
contained and deals with what I feel is essential learning for any student in the mate-
rial sciences, physics, chemistry, earth sciences, and the natural sciences in general.
This part, intentionally concise, is based on a set of nine lectures that I give annually
to undergraduate students of the Natural Sciences Tripos in Cambridge University.
It is of generic value and has just sufficient material to deliver concepts. It covers
crystals, polycrystals, interfaces, and transformations that occur by the disciplined
motion of atoms. I feel that most books on crystallography are too detailed to ac-
commodate within the schedule of a contemporary undergraduate.
The second part has depth which would be appreciated most in the context of
research. It is a development from a book that I taught and published in 1987 on the
Geometry of Crystals. The treatment is limited to phenomena dominated by crystal-
The book contains worked examples throughout because crystallography is a sub-
ject that thrives on practice. Video lectures and other electronic materials that can
enhance the content of this book are available freely on
Crystallography has rules, established by convention, but many of these have ex-
ceptions and there sometimes are multiple conventions. Donnay in his 1943 paper
proposed rules for defining the crystallographic orientation of a crystal [American
Mineral 28 (1943) 313–328], punctuated by exceptions, special cases, and difficul-
ties. In the Bunge convention for Euler angles, the sample frame is rotated into the
crystal frame, but there is another convention where the reverse is the case. My view
is that in the application of crystallography, only a limited number of conventions are
important. For example, the handedness of cell axes should be consistent through-
out. Similarly, although only three indices are necessary to define vectors in three
dimensions, the four index system for the hexagonal class permeates the literature
and hence needs to be taught. The emphasis of the book is to teach concepts rather
than rules, which necessarily require rote learning – I am uncertain as to whether I
have done enough to minimize the use of conventions.
My interest in crystallography stems primarily from research on solid-state phase
transformations. I have benefitted enormously from the writings of the late J. W.
Christian and C. M. Wayman. And from incisive questions posed by undergraduates.
I have been able to tap routinely into the knowledge and wisdom of John Leake and
Kevin Knowles whenever I felt confused about the fine detail of crystallography.
To all of these characters, I shall remain perpetually grateful for the education and
H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia
Basic Crystallography
Introduction and Point Groups
1.1 Introduction
Amorphous solids are homogeneous and isotropic because there is no long range
order or periodicity in their internal atomic arrangement. In contrast, the crystalline
state is characterized by a regular arrangement of atoms over large distances. Crys-
tals are therefore anisotropic — their properties vary with direction. For example,
the interatomic spacing varies with orientation within the crystal, as does the elastic
response to an applied stress.
Crystals can be two or three dimensional; graphene is a two-dimensional crystal
if we neglect the fact that it is one atom thick (Figure 1.1a), whereas polonium (Fig-
ure 1.1b) is obviously three dimensional. There is talk about one-dimensional crystals
where a string of equally spaced atoms is in a straight line, made by confining the
atoms into a carbon nanotube; however, there are interactions between these atoms
and the nanotube which violate the definition.1 Four-dimensional crystals which are
periodic in both time and space have been postulated [2]. For example, a cylindrical
crystal with a periodic arrangement of atoms that repeats as time is stepped. Such a
structure would require perpetual motion, i.e., must not radiate rotational energy so
there are difficulties in explaining how such a crystal could exist in a non-stationary
ground state, a subject of discussion in the associated literature. Some experimen-
1 To quote Ziman [1], “the hypothetical ordered linear chain is physically unrealizable as a genuine
one-dimensional system”.
4 1 Introduction and Point Groups
tal evidence now exists for discrete time crystals [3, 4]; the question remains as to
whether the “time crystals” are everlasting [5].
(a) (b)
(a) The arrangement of carbon atoms in the two-dimensional structure of graphene.
(b) The arrangement of atoms in the three-dimensional structure of polonium.
The crystalline form usually conjures visions of beautiful facetted forms, but it
is worth noting at the outset that they can be solid or liquid,2 and can have arbitrary
shapes. The familiar elegant shapes are a consequence of the minimization of surface
energy but in engineering applications the crystals are produced in functional shapes
(Figure 1.2).
The beautiful shapes of many crystals that are found in nature represent an at-
tempt at the minimization of surface energy per unit volume of material when at
equilibrium, or because the rate of growth varies with direction. For isotropic mate-
rials, a sphere would represent the equilibrium shape but crystals are not isotropic;
some planes of atoms have a lower surface energy than others so there will be a ten-
dency to maximize the area of those planes, in which case the equilibrium shape is
no longer spherical [7].
Engineering materials usually are space-filling aggregates of many crystals of
varying sizes and shapes; these polycrystalline materials have properties which de-
pend on the nature of the individual crystals, but also on aggregate properties such
as the size and shape distributions of the crystals, and the orientation relationships
between the individual crystals. The degree of randomness in the orientations of the
crystals relative to a fixed frame is a measure of texture, which has to be controlled
in the manufacture of transformer steels, uranium fuel rods, and beverage cans.
Connecting a pair of crystals together to form a bi-crystal requires a process in-
volving at least five degrees of freedom; two for the choice of the plane along which
the pair are connected and three for the relative orientations of the two crystals. The
connecting plane is referred to as a “boundary” or an “interface” in general. The crys-
tallography of interfaces connecting adjacent crystals can determine the deformation
2 Liquid crystals contain order that is associated with anisotropic molecules that can flow past each
other and yet maintain orientational order [6]. Normal liquids are isotropic.
1.2 The lattice 5
(a) (b)
(a) Clusters of naturally occurring pyrite crystals (FeS2 ) from Peru. The structure
belongs to the cubic crystal system. We shall see later that the octahedral shapes with
triangular facets are consistent with the defining symmetry of a cube. (b) A nickel
alloy in the shape of a turbine blade; the part above the spiral is the single crystal. Af-
ter removal of the appendages associated with the manufacturing process, the shape
is consistent with the aerodynamic form required for a turbine engine. Blades of this
kind serve in harsh environments and are subjected to large stresses. This can lead to
slow, stress-driven lengthening of the blade driven by the movement of atoms, even-
tually making it unfit for service. In polycrystalline blades, the boundaries between
the crystals are easy paths for atom movement and hence have shorter service lives.
pattern therefore has the same environment and could be selected as the origin of
the pattern. Points in this pattern that have identical environments are known as the
lattice points.
The set of these lattice points constitutes a three-dimensional lattice. A unit cell
may be defined within this lattice as a space-filling parallelepiped with origin at a
lattice point, and with its edges given by three non-coplanar basis vectors a1 , a2 ,
and a3 , each of which represents translations between two adjacent lattice points.
The entire lattice can then be generated by stacking unit cells in three dimensions.
Any vector representing a translation between lattice points is called a lattice vector,
Figure 1.3.
(a) (b)
(a) Definition of a unit cell; the lattice points are drawn as blue spheres for clarity
and the red vector is a lattice vector joining two lattice points. (b) The stacking of
unit cells to produce a periodic pattern; the stacking can be continued indefinitely to
fill the space available without leaving unfilled regions.
The unit cell defined above has lattice points located at its corners. Since these
are shared with seven other such cells, and since each cell has eight corners, there is
only one lattice point per unit cell. Such a unit cell is primitive and has the lattice
symbol “P”.
Non-primitive unit cells can have two or more lattice points, in which case, the
additional ones will be located at positions other than the corners of the cell. A cell
with additional lattice points located at the centers of all its faces has the lattice
symbol “F”; such a cell would contain four lattice points. Not all the faces of the cell
1.2 The lattice 7
need to have face-centering lattice points; when a cell containing two lattice points
has the additional point located at the center of the face defined by a2 and a3 , the
lattice symbol is “A” and the cell is said to be A-centered. B-centered and C-centered
cells have the additional lattice point located on the face defined by a3 and a1 or
a1 and a2 respectively. A unit cell with two lattice points can alternatively have the
additional lattice point at the body-center of the cell, in which case the lattice symbol
is I. The lattice symbol “R” is for a trigonal cell; the cell usually is defined such that
it contains three lattice points. The detailed shapes of unit cells are considered in
Section 1.3.
The basis vectors a1 , a2 , and a3 define the unit cell; their magnitudes a1 , a2 ,
and a3 , respectively, are the lattice parameters of the unit cell. The angles a \ 1 a2 ,
a \
2 a3 , and a 3 a1 are conventionally labelled γ, α, and β, respectively. Vectors within
this framework can be represented by their components with respect to the basis
vectors. For a particular vector, this set of components defines the Miller indices of
that vector.3
Our initial choice of the basis vectors was arbitrary since there is an infinite num-
ber of lattice vectors which could have been used in defining the unit cell. The pre-
ferred choice includes small basis vectors which are as equal as possible, provided
the shape of the cell reflects the essential symmetry of the lattice.
Example 1.1: Primitive representation of Cubic-F
The face-centered cubic (Cubic-F) cell has four lattice points per cell and hence
is not primitive. Construct its primitive version bearing in mind that the definition
of the unit cell requires it to be space filling. Identify its lattice type and calculate
its relative volume.
In what follows, directions are represented by their components (Miller in-
dices) along the basis vectors, enclosed within square brackets. The primitive cell
is illustrated in Figure 1.4 with:
[100]P ≡ [110]F
[010]P ≡ [101]F
[001]P ≡ [011]F .
The primitive cell is trigonal, a1 = a2 = a3 , the angle α = β = γ = 60◦ ,
containing a single triad along [111]P . This is in contrast to the four triads along
the body diagonals of the cubic cell. As discussed later (Table 1.1), the defining
symmetry of a cube is four triads whereas that of a trigonal cell is just one triad.
Since the primitive cell has a quarter of the lattice points of the face-centered
cubic cell, its volume is also smaller by a factor of four.
The conventional face-centered cubic unit cell is in black and its primitive version
in blue.
The crystal systems.
Note: The symmetry axes monad, diad, triad, tetrad, and hexad involve rotations of
360◦ , 180◦ , 120◦, 90◦ , and 60◦ , respectively. These particular rotations leave the
lattice in a state that cannot be distinguished from its starting configuration. ai are
the magnitudes of the basis vectors ai (which form a right-handed set). The defining
symmetry cannot be achieved unless the conditions highlighted in red are satisfied.
1.4 Directions
A vector u can be represented as a linear combination of the basis vectors ai of the
unit cell (i = 1, 2, 3):
u = u1 a1 + u2 a2 + u3 a3 (1.1)
and the scalar quantities u1 , u2 , and u3 are the components of the vector u with
respect to the basis vectors a1 , a2 , and a3 . Once the unit cell is defined, any direction
u within the lattice can be identified uniquely by its components [u1 u2 u3 ], and the
components are called the Miller indices of that direction. They are by convention
enclosed in square brackets (Figure 1.8).
10 1 Introduction and Point Groups
The 14 three-dimensional Bravais lattices.
1.4 Directions 11
Projection of the three-dimensional shapes of the 14 Bravais lattices on to the a1 -a2
plane. The numbers indicate the coordinates of lattice points relative to the a3 axis;
the unlabelled lattice points are by implication located at coordinates 0 and 1 with
respect to the a3 axis.
It is sometimes the case that the properties along two or more different directions
are identical. These directions are said to be equivalent and the crystal is said to
possess symmetry. For example, the [1 0 0] direction for a cubic lattice is equivalent
to the [0 1 0], [0 0 1], [0 1 0], [0 0 1], and [1 0 0] directions; the bar on top of the
number implies that the index is negative.
12 1 Introduction and Point Groups
The five two-dimensional lattices.
The indices of directions of the same form are conventionally enclosed in special
brackets, e.g., h1 0 0i. The number of equivalent directions within the form is called
the multiplicity of that direction, which in this case is 6.
Example 1.2: Number of equivalent indices
Given a direction with indices [u v w] such that u 6= v 6= w 6= 0, calculate the
number of equivalent directions possible, for the following lattice types: (a) cubic,
(b) tetragonal.
(a) In the cubic system where a1 = a2 = a3 , there are six choices for the first
index, i.e., u, −u, v, −v, w, −w. Suppose that v is selected as the first in-
dex, then the choice for the second index is limited to one of four options
u, −u, w, −w. If the second index is −u, then the choice for the final in-
dex becomes w or −w. The number of equivalent directions of the form
hu v wi, 6 × 4 × 2 = 48. However, if antiparallel options such as [u v w]
and [−u − v − w] are not counted then the number of equivalent directions
reduces to 24.
Note that if u = v then the number of equivalent directions reduces to 6 ×
1.5 Planes 13
1 × 2 = 12 because the choice of the first index leaves only one choice for the
second. An index that is zero also reduces the options by a factor of two since
there is then no negative or positive aspect.Therefore, in the cubic system,
there are 6 variations of h1 1 0i: [1 1 0], [1 1 0], [0 1 1], [0 1 1], [1 0 1], and
[1 0 1] if antiparallel directions are not counted.
(b) For the tetragonal system, a1 = a2 6= a3 . Therefore, the choice of the first
index is limited to four options, u, −u, v, −v,; if u is selected as the first
index then the choice of the second is just two (v, −v) and of the third w
or −w. Therefore, the number of equivalent directions of the form hu v wi
becomes 6 × 2 × 2 = 24, reducing to 12 if antiparallel options are removed.
(a) (b)
(a,b) Miller indices for directions and planes. (c) Notice that in non-cubic systems, a
direction with indices identical to those of a plane is not necessarily normal to that
1.5 Planes
If a plane intersects the a1 , a2 , and a3 axes at distances x1 , x2 , and x3 , respectively,
relative to the origin, then the Miller indices of that plane are given by (h1 h2 h3 )
14 1 Introduction and Point Groups
h1 = φa1 /x1 , h2 = φa2 /x2 , h3 = φa3 /x3 (1.2)
φ is a scalar which clears the numbers hi off fractions or common factors. Note that
xi are negative when measured in the −ai directions. The intercept of the plane with
an axis may occur at infinity (∞), in which case the plane is parallel to that axis and
the corresponding Miller index will be zero (Figure 1.8).
Miller indices for planes are by convention written using round brackets:
(h1 h2 h3 ) with braces being used to indicate planes of the same form: {h1 h2 h3 }.
u 1 h1 + u 2 h2 + u 3 h3 = 0 (1.3)
and the law applies to any crystal system. This will be proven when we deal with the
reciprocal lattice (Chapter 5).
A zone refers to a set of planes which share a common
direction, which in turn is known as a zone axis. The
direction illustrated would satisfy the Weiss law for
all the planes shown. For example, the planes (1 1 1),
(1 1 2), and (1 1 0) all belong to the zone [1 1 0].
1.7 Symmetry
Although the properties of a crystal can be anisotropic, there may be different direc-
tions along which they are identical. These directions are said to be equivalent and
the crystal is said to possess symmetry.
That a particular edge of a cube cannot be distinguished from any other is a
measure of its symmetry; an orthorhombic parallelepiped has lower symmetry, since
its edges can be distinguished by length.
1.8 Symmetry operations 15
Some symmetry operations are illustrated in Figure 1.10; in essence, they trans-
form a spatial arrangement into another that is indistinguishable from the original.
The rotation of a cubic lattice through 90◦ about an axis along the edge of the unit
cell is an example of a symmetry operation, since the lattice points of the final and
original lattice coincide in space and cannot consequently be distinguished.
We have encountered translational symmetry when defining the lattice; since the
environment of each lattice point is identical, translation between lattice points has
the effect of shifting the origin. Dislocations whose Burgers vectors are lattice vectors
therefore accomplish slip without changing the crystal structure. Deformations like
these are known as lattice-invariant deformations because they accomplish a shape
change without altering the nature of the lattice. In contrast, partial dislocations have
Burgers vectors that are not lattice vectors – they therefore change the local stacking
fault sequence of the planes on which they glide.
Some symmetry operations. The mirror
plane involves reflection symmetry,
whereas the glide plane is a combination
of reflection and translation parallel to the
mirror. Translational symmetry is intrinsic
to all lattices whereas the other elements
may or may not exist for all lattices. For
example, the triclinic lattice has no mirror
axis of rotation does not preserve the translational symmetry of the lattice and hence
is forbidden. A one-fold axis of rotation is called a monad and the terms diad, triad,
tetrad, and hexad correspond to n = 2, 3, 4, and 6, respectively.
All of the Bravais lattices have a center of symmetry, Figure 1.11. An observer
at the center of symmetry sees no difference in arrangement between the directions
[u1 u2 u3 ] and [u1 u2 u3 ]. The center of symmetry is such that inversion through that
point produces an identical arrangement but in the opposite sense. A rotoinversion
axis of symmetry rotates a point through a specified angle and then inverts it through
the center of symmetry such that the arrangements before and after this combined
operation are in coincidence. For example, a three-fold inversion axis involves a ro-
tation through 120◦ combined with an inversion, the axis being labelled 3. Some of
the symbols representing rotation and rotoinversion axis are as follows, where 2 is
omitted because it is, as will be shown in Chapter 2, equivalent to a mirror operation:
(a) (b)
Illustration of center of symmetry. (a) A molecule with the center of symmetry iden-
tified by the dot. (b) The common point where the arrows intersect is the center of
A plane of mirror symmetry implies arrangements which are mirror images. Our
left and right hands are (approximately) mirror images. The operation of a 2 axis
produces a result which is equivalent to a reflection through a mirror plane normal to
that axis.
The operation of a glide plane combines a reflection with a translation parallel to
the plane, through a distance which is a fraction of the lattice repeat in the direction
concerned. The translation may be parallel to a unit cell edge, in which case the glide
is axial; the term diagonal glide refers to translation along a face or body diagonal
of the unit cell. In the latter case, the translation is through a distance which is half
the length of the diagonal concerned, except for diamond glide, where it is a quarter
of the diagonal length.
x = na = a − 2a cos θ
cos θ = with − 1 ≤ cos θ ≤ 1 (1.4)
It follows that for cos θ = −1, − 12 , 0, 12 and 1, θ takes the values 180◦,
120◦ , 90◦ , 60◦ corresponding to twofold, three-fold, four-fold, and six-fold rota-
tion axes. Equation 1.4 shows, therefore, that a five-, or indeed seven-fold rotation
are not symmetry axes. Another way of approaching this problem is on page 100.
For θ to represent a rotation consistent with the translational symmetry of the lat-
tice, x must equal an integer multiplied by the translation a. The proposed rotation
axis is normal to the plane of the figure.
We note in passing that ordered structures exist that are not periodic but can
yield diffraction patterns that have five-fold or ten-fold symmetries. These struc-
tures are known as quasicrystals; they lack translational symmetry [13].
18 1 Introduction and Point Groups
Building up the crystal structure of β-brass by placing a motif consisting of an ap-
propriate pair of Cu and Zn atoms at each lattice point of a primitive cubic lattice. (a)
Represents the primitive lattice with the motif consisting of a pair of distinct atoms
that have yet to be placed. (b-e) The motif is placed at each lattice point. (f) The
three-dimensional representation of the final structure.
The location of an atom of copper at each lattice point of a cubic-F lattice gen-
erates the crystal structure of copper, with four copper atoms per unit cell (one per
lattice point), representing the actual arrangement of copper atoms in space.
Consider now a motif consisting of a pair of carbon atoms, with coordinates
[0 0 0] and [ 14 14 14 ] relative to a lattice point. Placing this motif at each lattice point
of the cubic-F lattice generates the diamond crystal structure (Figure 1.14), with
each unit cell containing 8 carbon atoms (2 carbon atoms per lattice point). The
figure also shows the tetrahedral bonding which makes diamond a giant molecule
with strong covalent bonds in three dimensions. Diamonds do contain dislocations
[14] but they have complex cores, are dissociated and incredibly difficult to move,
making it very hard. The structure of silicon is obtained simply by replacing the
1.9 Crystal structure 19
(a) (b)
(a) Projection of the cubic-F lattice. (b) Projection of cubic-F lattice with a motif of a
pair of carbon atoms at 0, 0, 0 and 41 , 14 , 14 placed at each lattice point. (c) Perspective
of the same structure illustrating the tetrahedral bonding of the carbon atoms.
(a) (b)
Nickel-based superalloys. (a) The face-centered cubic crystal structure of disordered
γ. (b) The primitive cubic crystal structure of γ ′ .
20 1 Introduction and Point Groups
Atomic structure of graphene sheet without
defects. Entropy effects mean that optically
visible samples cannot ever be made pristine
The unit cell, identified blue in Figure 1.17 is primitive hexagonal with a motif
of two carbon atoms per lattice point. The environment about the black atom is
not identical to that around the red atom. The lattice parameter is 0.142 × 2 ×
cos 30◦ = 0.245 nm.
Copper is cubic close-packed. The arrangement of atoms on the {111} close-
packed plane is hexagonal, primitive. The two-dimensional cell has the edges
equal to a2 h110i, so the lattice parameter is 0.255 nm. This closely matches that of
Given that the unit cell edges of the two-dimensional structures of graphene
and copper match to 4% (100[0.255 − 0.245]/0.255), it is logical that their unit
cell edges are exactly aligned, [10]graphene k [10]Cu and [01]graphene k [01]Cu .
The blue lines represent the unit cell,
with a motif of a pair of carbon atoms
colored black and red, per lattice point.
1.10 Point group symmetry 21
(a) (b)
(a) A molecule with point group symmetry 2m (diad and a mirror plane parallel to the
diad). (b) Vibration modes (symmetrical stretch, asymmetrical stretch, and bending)
of the molecule when appropriately stimulated. There is an additional mirror plane
passing through the centers of all three atoms if account is taken of the electron
clouds associated with the molecule.
Point group symmetries associated with the seven crystal classes.
rections passing between the secondary ones. Figure 1.19b shows an example for an
object in the tetragonal class, with the tetrad placed along the z axis, the two mir-
ror planes with normals along the x and y axes, and the additional mirror planes
generated by this symmetry also illustrated.
In the case of the cubic system the triad is always the second symbol given that
the defining symmetry is four triads.
mirrors 4mm
(a) (b)
Convention for point group notation. (a) Groups without high order axes. (b) Groups
with high order axes.
• 1, 2, 3 etc. are inversion axes; the one-fold inversion axis is equivalent to a center
of symmetry; 2 signifies a rotation of 360◦/2 combined with an inversion through
the center point.
• m mm is a 4-fold axis with a mirror normal to it and four mirror planes containing
it. The symbol is usually written without the space as 4/mmm.
• 432 refers to a point group with 3-fold axes which are not parallel to the z axis,
where a unit cell has x, y, and z axes. This is limited to the cubic system.
The bishop has a three-fold axis passing through the cut corner of the cube
and a mirror parallel to that axis, so the point group symmetry is 3m which fits
the trigonal crystal class. The castle clearly has a single tetrad with two mirrors
parallel to the tetrad so in this case, the point group is 4mm which is tetragonal
class (Table 1.2).
(a) (b)
Avant garde chess pieces. (a) Bishop. (b) Castle.
Some of the point group notation comes from the classification of the macro-
scopic shapes of crystals. If a crystal exhibits well-developed faces, its point group
symmetry can be derived from its external form. Figure 1.21 illustrates this for two
cases. In the case of the gypsum there is a diad normal to (010) and a mirror plane
normal to that diad so that the shape has the point group 2/m belonging to mono-
clinic class. With the epsomite there is a diad along the vertical axis of the diagram
and two diads perpendicular to the vertical axis passing through the vertical edges be-
tween the planes (110) and (110), i.e., it belongs to the orthorhombic crystal class.
With appropriate analysis of facetted crystals it therefore becomes possible to de-
duce the crystal class simply from symmetry. Figure 1.22 shows two such examples.
The quartz crystal clearly has a hexad which is the defining symmetry of the hexag-
onal crystal class. The celestite has three mutually perpendicular diads, placing it in
the orthorhombic system.
24 1 Introduction and Point Groups
(a) Shape of gypsum
(CaSO4 .2H2 O) with point
group symmetry 2/m. (b) Shape
of epsomite (MgSO4 .7H2 O)
with point group symmetry 222.
Note that the angle between the
(110) and (110) faces is 89.37◦C,
because the lattice parameters a,
(a) (b) b, and c are 1.1866, 1.1998, and
0.6855 nm, respectively.
(a) (b)
Each figure shows an idealized model on the left and the corresponding crystal on the
right. (a) Quartz. (b) Celestite. Photographs taken at the Colorado School of Mines.
The octahedral interstices in the two structures are illustrated in Figure 1.23
and the following points are revealing:
• As can be seen from the structure projection in Figure 1.23a, there is one
octahedral interstice per iron atom in austenite. In contrast, there are three oc-
tahedral interstices per iron atom in the ferrite. This has consequences when
the lattice of austenite is homogeneously deformed into that of ferrite because
carbon atoms distributed at random in the austenite end up in just one subset
of octahedral sites in the ferrite, in effect leading to an ordering of the carbon
along one of the cube axes, causing the ferrite to become tetragonal rather
1.11 Summary 25
than cubic [17]. This reduction in symmetry has consequences on the thermo-
dynamics of the lattice, leading to an increase in the solubility of carbon in
tetragonal ferrite that is in equilibrium with the austenite [18, 19].
• The octahedral interstice in austenite is regular (all sides of equal length) with
a point group symmetry m3m. In contrast, the three axes of the irregular √oc-
√ interstice in ferrite are a (magnitude of the lattice parameter), 2a,
and 2a with the tetragonal point group 4/mmm.
• For both austenite and ferrite, the octahedral interstice is smaller than a carbon
atom, resulting in a straining of the lattice. In the austenite, the cubic symme-
try of the interstice means that the strain is isotropic whereas in the ferrite it is
anisotropic (tetragonal). An isotropic strain interacts weakly with dislocation
strain fields so the hardening caused by carbon in austenite is also weak. This
is because the hydrostatic components of the strain fields of dislocations are
much smaller than the deviatoric terms. Given this, there is a powerful inter-
action of the tetragonal strain with dislocation strain fields, leading to intense
Octahedral interstices in austenite (cubic-F) and ferrite (cubic-I). The red objects
are located at a height half, with filled circles representing iron atoms and open
circles the positions of the octahedral interstices. (a) A regular-octahedral inter-
stice in austenite; (b) projection of the austenite unit cell to show the positions of
all such interstices. (a) An irregular-octahedral interstice in ferrite; (b) projection
of the ferrite unit cell to show the positions of all such interstices.
1.11 Summary
It is extraordinary that all crystals without exception can be described in terms of just
14 imaginary lattices, the points of which can then be loaded identically with motifs
that may contain one or more atoms that are not necessarily identical. On the same
logic, the apparently great variety of wallpapers available for decorative purposes
have just five basic lattices, with the variations generated by changing the motif. A
26 1 Introduction and Point Groups
1. J. M. Ziman: Models of disorder: Cambridge, U. K.: Cambridge University
Press, 1979.
2. F. Wilczek: Quantum time crystals, Physical Review Letters, 2012, 109,
3. J. Zhang, P. W. Hess, A. Kyprianidis, P. Becker, A. Lee, J. Smith, G. Pagano,
I.-D. Potirniche, A. C. Potter, A. Vishwanath, N. Y. Yao, and C. Monroe: Ob-
servation of a discrete time crystal, Nature, 2017, 543, 217–220.
4. S. Choi, J. Choi, R. Landig, G. Kucsko, H. Zhou, J. Isoya, F. Jelezko, S. Onoda,
H. Sumiya, V. Khemani, C. von Keyserlingk, N. Y. Yao, E. Demler, and M. D.
Lukin: Observation of discrete time-crystalline order in a disordered dipolar
many-body system, Nature, 2017, 543, 221–225.
5. C. Nayak: Time crystals: new form of matter through to break laws of physics
created by scientists: Quoted in The Independent newspaper, 2017.
6. P. G. de Gennes, and J. Prost: The physics of liquid crystals: 2nd ed., Oxford,
U.K.: Oxford University Press, 2003.
7. C. Herring: The use of classical macroscopic concepts in surface energy prob-
lems, In: R. Gomer, and C. S. Smith, eds. Structure and properties of solid
interfaces. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 1953:5–81.
1.11 Summary 27
2.1 Introduction
We have seen already that the projection of a three-dimensional crystal structure into
two dimensions, along the z-coordinate, can simplify the perception and representa-
tion of atomic arrangements. There is no loss of information given that the fractional
z-coordinate is identified clearly on the projection. This can be seen in Figure 1.14
where the three-dimensional representation of the structure of diamond lacks clarity
whereas the projected cell is readily visualized. The ease of interpretation using the
projected structure is illustrated for the more complex structure of ε-carbide, which
has a chemical formula between Fe2 C and Fe3 C, in Figure 2.1. There are six iron
atoms in the cell (3 at z = 12 and the six others that are shared at faces with other
cells at z = 0, 1 and therefore contributing a further three to the cell). The illustrated
cell contains a full complement of carbon atoms but to achieve the composition Fe2.4 ,
the sites colored blue would only be occupied partially [1].
The projection described in Figure 2.1 is a straightforward linear operation and
there are no distortions of that linearity. In contrast, Figure 2.2 shows non-linear pro-
jections of circular arcs, in one case a simple extrapolation onto a horizontal line, and
in the other case via a pole located below the horizontal line where the projections
are recorded. The purpose here is to record angles rather than spatial coordinates.
Imagine now that instead of quadrants of a circle, the diagrams in Figure 2.2
represent the surfaces of spheres. A circle drawn on the surface of the sphere would
in general project as an ellipse on the horizontal plane of Figure 2.2a, whereas it
would project as a true circle in the case of the projection method used in Figure 2.2b.
30 2 Stereographic Projections
(a) (b)
The structure of hexagonal ε-carbide with lattice parameters a = 0.4767 nm and
c = 0.4353 nm. The large atoms are iron. The small atoms are carbon but not all
the sites designated blue are occupied. (a) The three-dimensional cell with the z-axis
vertical. (b) Projection of the cell along the z-axis, with the fractional z-coordinates
90 80
90 80
70 40
50 30
40 20
30 10
20 0
90 70 50 30 0
(a) 10 (b)
Projections of angles made by lines intersecting a circular quadrant onto a horizontal
(a) (b)
(a) Circle on the surface of a sphere projected onto the equatorial plane via the
south pole. (b) Construction showing that the projection is also a circle.
This example shows that the stereographic projection method illustrated in Fig-
ure 2.3 preserves angular truth; if two circles (e.g., a longitude and latitude) inscribed
on the sphere cross at 90◦ then the projections of those two circles will also cross at
that angle. We shall now consider these stereographic projections in more detail,
following a brief description of why they are of importance.
ology, where “the spatial orientations of a crystal face, betting plane, fault surface
etc. can be considered by imagining a plane passing through the center of a sphere”.
Stereographic projections are two-dimensional representations which now have
found numerous applications in materials science, with the method often embedded
in the software that controls experimental crystallography, for example,
• the deformation of single crystals whence crystal planes rotate in order to com-
ply with the external stress; such rotations in polycrystalline materials lead to
non-random aggregates of crystals, the properties of which are in between those
of single and random polycrystals. In both of these cases, it becomes necessary
to define the orientations of individual crystals relative to the deformation axes,
which is where stereographic projections become useful [3].
• When phase transformations occur in the solid state, the probability is that the
product phase will form such that the atomic arrangements match as much as
possible, along the parent/product interface. This often leads to a reproducible
orientation relationship between the two crystals, one which can be represented
on a stereographic projection in order to understand the mechanism of transfor-
mation or the deformation behavior of the two-phase mixture. Stereographic pro-
jections can be used to decide whether the orientation relationship is reproducible
or occurs by chance [4].
• Diffraction data can be presented on stereographic projections. It is now routine to
to examine both structure and crystallographic information from polycrystalline
samples on a single image [5], with the crystallographic data presented in the
form of corresponding colors on the microstructural image and stereographic pro-
great circle
Intersections of planes with sphere. (a) Great circle inclined with respect to the north
and south poles of the sphere, (b) small circle; (c) latitude and longitude lines (image
courtesy of vectortemplates.com).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Plotting plane normals on a stereographic projection. The insets, top-left in each
case, show a plan view of the equatorial plane. (a) Crystal placed at the center of the
sphere. (b) Projection of the pole of (011). (c) Projection of (011). (d) Projection of
the trace of the great circle which is (011) on to the equatorial plane. The trace of the
plane in the southern hemisphere is marked as a dashed curve. The crosses identify
the intersections of the projection lines with the equatorial plane.
34 2 Stereographic Projections
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
The Wulff net. (a) Relation between pole and trace of a plane. (b) The net is rotated
until the poles a and b lie on the same great circle to measure the angle in between.
(c) The geometrical center c of the small circle is different from its angular center b.
The angles ab and bd as measured on the great circle are identical. The distances ac
and cd are identical when measured on a ruler. (d) The poles identified with arrows
are both located at angles φ1 to p1 and φ2 to p2 .
arbitrary plane can be defined by its normal, which in general is known as the pole
of the plane. Suppose now that the normal to the (011) plane is projected so that it
intersects the sphere at the point a (Figure 2.5b), which then is projected to the south
pole. The intersection on the equatorial plane being the point b which represents the
pole of the plane on the stereographic projection.
The plane (011) when extended so that it intersects the sphere will result in a
great circle on the surface of the sphere, the trace of which can be projected onto
the equatorial plane as illustrated in Figure 2.5d. The part of the plane that is in
the northern hemisphere projects as a line, and that from the southern hemisphere
2.3 Stereographic projection: construction and characteristics 35
as a dashed-line. All points on the trace are at 90◦ to the pole of (011) since the
pole represents the normal to the plane, another indication of how the stereographic
projection maintains angular truth.
A projection of the longitudes and latitudes illustrated in Figure 2.4c on to the
equatorial plane would lead to a net, known as the “Wulff net” in which the resulting
great circles are spaced at equal angles as illustrated in Figure 2.6 where the angular
intervals are 2◦ . The net can be used to measure angles between two poles on a
stereographic projection by rotating the net such that both poles lie on the same great
circle, followed by counting the degrees separating them. Note that the angle between
two great circles will be the same as the angle between their poles.
Example 2.2: Radius of trace of great circle on Wulff net
The curve representing a great circle on a Wulff net is itself an arc of a circle, a
result which follows from the fact that the projection method preserves angular
truth. This arc is from a circle that in general has a radius r greater than that of the
net (ro ). Derive the relationship between r, ro and the offset x of the trace of the
great circle from the origin.
Referring to the figure below, the distance ab is 2ro ; the Pythagoras theorem
then gives
r2 − ro2 = (r − x)2
so it follows that r = (x2 + ro2 )/2x with ro ≤ r ≤ ∞.
Figure 2.7a,b show the stereographic projection for the cubic system, with the
rotational symmetry elements related to the crystallographic directions about which
the rotations occur. Figure 2.7c shows the stereographic projection being used to il-
lustrate how the elastic modulus of a single crystal of ferritic iron varies between 131
and 284 GPa as a function of the crystallographic orientation, in a manner consistent
with its crystalline symmetry. Even aggregates of crystals often do not show collec-
tive macroscopic-properties that are isotropic because the crystals are not distributed
at random. Polycrystalline ferritic steel sheet in which the crystals are aligned with
the h001i direction and with the {110} planes aligned to the rolling plane, exhibit
36 2 Stereographic Projections
modulus variation in the range 140 to 210 GPa [6]. The level of anisotropy in aggre-
gates can be controlled, as we shall see in later chapters, to suit specific purposes such
as the formability of metal sheets or the magnetic properties of transformer steels.
(a) (b)
Stereographic projections for the cubic system. (a) Showing the standard way of
drawing the projection with the locations of [100] and [010] on the perimeter and
[001] at the center. (b) The symmetry elements. The filled squares are tetrads, the
ellipses are diads, and triangles are triads. The tetrads are at h001i, triads at h111i, and
diads at h011i. Anything with cubic symmetry must have four triads. (c) Variation
in the elastic modulus of a single crystal of bcc iron as a function of orientation.
Diagram courtesy of Shaumik Lenka, constructed using data from Dieter [7].
(a) (b)
(a) A meteorite at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington. (b) The Wid-
manstätten pattern observed in the meteorite, of ferrite plates in an austenitic ma-
Stereographic projection referred to the crystallographic axes of the austenite. The
blue lines are traces of {111}F planes, and the dashed lines the planes on which the
macrostructure is observed. The insets at the bottom show what the macrostruc-
tures should look like if all the plates are of identical dimension and shape, as a
function of the plane of observation.
(a–c) An arbitrary pole is rotated by 180◦ about the diad normal to the plane of the
diagram, to generate the second pole. This second pole is then inverted through the
center into the southern hemisphere to result in inversion diad 2 that is equivalent
to a mirror normal to that axis. (b) Triad, (c) inversion triad, and (d) inversion
hexad. Mirror planes in (a) and (d) are identified using bold circles.
(a) (b)
(c) (c)
Sketch stereograms showing what happens to a general pole on the operation of
the following point groups (bold lines represent mirror planes): (a) trigonal 3m.
(b) The structure of GaN with point group symmetry 6mm, viewed with the 6-fold
axis along z. The gallium atoms are labelled green. (c) Cubic m3. (d) Projection
of the unit cell of pyrite (FeS2 ) with the fractional z coordinates indicated, glide
planes marked with dashed lines and screw diads. Not all the symmetry elements
are illustrated for simplicity. For example, there will be glide planes parallel to the
plane of the diagram at heights 41 z and 34 z.
The point group m3 belongs to the cubic crystal class with the first symbol m
parallel to the z axis (page 22) and the mandatory symbol “3” to follow since the
defining symmetry of a cubic system is four triads, in this case inversion triads. It
is evident from the plotting of a general pole and its symmetry related poles shown
in Figure 2.11c that there is a center of symmetry. Pyrite belongs to the cubic
class with point group m3; the actual crystals are illustrated in Figure 1.2 where
the four triads associated with the regular octahedral shape of the crystals are
obvious. Figure 2.11d shows a projection of the crystal structure of pyrite, which
2.4 Stereographic representation of point groups 41
is primitive cubic. The structure can be compared with the stereogram showing
the point group symmetry in Figure 2.11c. Bearing in mind that point groups do
not include translations, the glide planes and screw axes indicated in Figure 2.11d
become mirrors and diads respectively in Figure 2.11c.
Crystals which lack a center of symmetry can be piezoelectric, i.e., they develop
a dipole on being deformed and will change shape on the application of an elec-
trical field. Under normal conditions the crystal has positive and negative electrical
charges which are symmetrically distributed, leaving it in a neutral state when homo-
geneously deformed. The application of a stress causes charge asymmetry, and the
development of a voltage across the crystal. PbTiO3 is such a substance (Figure 2.12)
where, for example, the titanium atom is not located at exactly 21 , 12 , 12 . The structure
is primitive tetragonal, with point group 4mm.1
The stereogram illustrated in Figure 2.12b shows that the structure does not have
a center of symmetry. Second, if an atom is placed at a general position (marked
a) then there will be seven other identical atoms in the unit cell, inconsistent with
the structure illustrated in Figure 2.12a. An atom placed on a tetrad (marked c) will
generate just one atom per unit cell; thus, there is just one Ti at 12 , 12 , 0.572. The
oxygens at 21 , 12 , 0 and 12 , 21 , 1 also lie on a tetrad, and since they are shared between
two cells, there is only one such oxygen in the unit cell. An atom, such as the oxygen
at 0, 21 , 12 , placed on the mirror plane as illustrated by the poles marked b, would
generate two such atoms in the cell (the four on the vertical faces are each shared by
two cells).
This example shows how the placing of an atom within a unit cell must be con-
sistent with the symmetry elements of the cell because there must be identical atoms
at all symmetry related positions.
There are many other consequences of whether or not a crystal has a center of
symmetry. The free energy of a small volume element containing a one-dimensional
composition gradient varies as follows [9]:
dc d2 c dc
g = g{c} + κ1 + κ2 2 + κ3 (2.1)
dz dz dz
where c is the concentration, g{c} is the free energy of a homogeneous solution with
composition c, z is the distance, and κi are specific functions of the dependence of
free energy on the gradients of concentration as described elsewhere [9]. In this, κ1
is zero for a centrosymmetric crystal since the free energy must then be invariant to
a change in the sign of the coordinate z.
1 That is, by the convention quoted on page 22 the z direction is assigned to the fourfold rotation axis
followed by m for the mirrors with normals parallel to the x and y axes, and the final symbol for the
tertiary mirrors with normals between the x and y axes.
42 2 Stereographic Projections
(a) (b)
(a) Lead titanate (PbTiO3 ) is tetragonal with a = 0.3904 nm and c = 0.4152 nm.
The Pb is located at coordinates (0,0,0.116), the Ti at ( 12 , 21 , 0.572), an oxygen atom
at (0, 12 , 12 ) and another oxygen at ( 12 , 21 , 0). The structure is primitive tetragonal
with point group 4mm. Note that each of the lead atoms is on a cell edge (and hence
shared with three other adjacent cells), not a cell corner so there is only one lead
atom per cell. (b) Stereogram showing the symmetry operations associated with the
point group 4mm.
2.5 Summary
A circle on a sphere projects as a circle on the stereographic projection; angular
relationships are therefore preserved. The method is therefore well suited to look
at angles between planes or directions in a crystal. The symmetry of the crystal in
its three dimensions becomes easy to visualize by plotting the symmetry elements
in their correct angular orientations on a stereographic projection. The placing of
atoms inside the unit cell during attempts to solve structure must clearly be consistent
with the symmetry determined, for example, from the external form of well-formed
The stereographic projection can also be used quantitatively, by superimposing
a Wulff net to directly measure angles between a pair of poles. The net consists of
projections of great and small circles, rather like the longitudes and latitudes on a
globe representing the earth, The shortest distance between two points on the surface
of a sphere is when the two points are located on an arc of a circle which has the same
diameter as the sphere. When using a Wulff net to measure the angle, it therefore is
necessary to locate the two poles on a great circle.
We have seen that some quite elementary considerations of symmetry can indi-
2.5 Summary 43
1. S. Nagakura: Study of metallic carbides by electron diffraction part III. iron
carbides, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 1959, 14, 186–195.
2. R. J. Howarth: History of the stereographic projection and its early use in geol-
ogy, Tera Nova, 1996, 8, 499–513.
3. S. Suwas, and R. K. Ray: Crystallographic texture of materials: New York:
Springer, 2014.
4. H. S. Fong: Chance occurrence of orientation relationships between phases in
solid transformations and distribution of grain misorientations in a polycrys-
talline single phase material, Metallurgical Transactions A, 1981, 12, 2057–
5. A. F. Gourgues-Lorenzon: Application of electron backscatter diffraction to the
study of phase transformations, International Materials Reviews, 2007, 52, 65–
6. S. Pramanik, S. Suwas, and R. K. Ray: Influence of crystallographic texture and
microstructure on elastic modulus of steels, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly,
2014, 53, 274–281.
7. G. E. Dieter: Mechanical metallurgy: McGraw-Hill, 1988.
8. K. Bertness: GaN nanowires: knowing which end is up: 2015: URL
9. J. E. Hilliard: Spinodal decomposition, In: V. F. Zackay, and H. I. Aaronson, eds.
Phase transformations. Metals Park, OH: ASM International, 1970:497–560.
Stereograms for Low Symmetry Systems
Most of the metals in the periodic table have a cubic structure under ambient condi-
tions, but there are many that are in the hexagonal class. The stereographic projection
for non-cubic systems depends on the lattice parameters and the angles between the
basis vectors. And it can no longer be assumed that directions and planes with the
same indices are parallel. We shall see that in the case of the hexagonal system, it
can be useful to use four basis vectors to define directions and planes.
3.1 Introduction
In the cubic system, a plane normal (pole) with indices hkl is parallel to a direction
uvw when h = u, k = v, l = w; thus the normal to (123) is parallel to [123]. This
is generally not the case for less symmetrical systems. Figure 3.1 illustrates this for
a two-dimensional unit cell in which b > a.
normal to (11)
The direction [11] is not parallel to the normal to the
ce plane (11). On the other hand, the directions parallel
] of ( to the cell edges, i.e., [01] and [10] are parallel to the
[11 11)
normals of (01) and (10), respectively.
The principles for the plotting of poles on stereographic projections are neverthe-
less identical for any lattice. However, the cubic system exhibits extraordinary sym-
metry so angular relationships on the stereographic projection are not dependent on
the lattice parameter. This is not the case for other lattices with lesser symmetry, the
stereograms of which will not only appear different from a distance, but for the same
lattice type, the angular positions become dependent on the lattice parameters. Fig-
ures 3.2a,b show how the projections differ in the case of the cubic and orthorhombic
lattices where the absence of tetrads in the latter is obvious. Figure 3.2c shows how
the projection changes when one of the lattice parameters of the orthorhombic lattice
is changed relative to that illustrated in Figure 3.2b.
46 3 Stereograms for Low Symmetry Systems
The fact that directions are not in general parallel to plane normals with the same
indices is apparent from a comparison of Figure 3.2c,d.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Stereographic projections centered on the 001 pole. (a) Cubic, lattice parameter 5
units. (b) Orthorhombic, lattice parameters 2, 3, 8 units. (c) Orthorhombic, lattice
parameters 2, 3, 5 units. (d) The orthorhombic cell as in (c) but with directions plotted
instead of poles.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) Showing the hexagonal cell with the normals to the (100) and (010) planes iden-
tified with blue-colored arrows. (b) Stereographic projection of hexagonal structure
(lattice parameters a = 2, b = 2, and c = 3 units with γ = 120◦) centered on the 001
pole. (c) Showing the hexagonal cell, now in four index notation. (d) Corresponding
stereogram in four index notation.
It is evident from Figure 3.3a that the (100), (010), and (110) are planes be-
longing to the same form {100}, i.e., they are crystallographically equivalent. And
yet, they have different indices. To eliminate this discrepancy, a four index system
is frequently used for hexagonal lattices by introducing a fourth axis (labelled t in
Figure 3.3c), which gives plane indices as hkil, where from geometry, i = −(h + k).
This has the effect of giving equivalent planes the same combination of digits in their
indices. Thus, (100), (010), and (110) become (1010), (0110), and (1100), respec-
tively. The four components are referred to as the Miller–Bravais indices and the
system is reserved for hexagonal lattices [1].
48 3 Stereograms for Low Symmetry Systems
hu + kv + lw = 0 (3.1)
so that
hU + kV + iJ + lW should equal zero.
On substituting for i = −(h + k) we get,
U −J =u u = 2U + V U = 13 (2u − v)
V − J = v → v = U + 2V and V = 13 (2v − u) (3.3)
W =w w=W J = − 13 (u + v)
Directions of the same form now have similar combinations of digits in the four
figure notation.
trace of
c normal to
o p
(a) (b) a cos 30° (c)
(a) Hexagonal unit cell showing the (1011) plane. (b) The section poq which
contains the normals to the (0001) and (1011) planes. (c) Stereographic projec-
tion showing the poles of the slip planes (filled circles), and the slip directions
(filled squares). The plot is based on the lattice parameters a = 0.2951 nm and
c = 0.4679 nm.
where ǫij with i = j are normal strain and the rest shear strains such that ǫij = ǫji .
Assuming that there is no volume change, ǫ11 + ǫ22 + ǫ33 = 0 so only two of the
normal strains are independent and there are three shear strains. Therefore, there
are five independent strains needed in order to produce an arbitrary deformation.
Consider now a polycrystalline material. The application of stress will cause the
individual crystals to respond differently because they have differing orientations
relative to the stress. Their changes in shape are therefore arbitrary as far as neigh-
50 3 Stereograms for Low Symmetry Systems
boring crystals are concerned, so these differences must be accommodated, with-
out which fracture occurs. Hence the need for five independent slip systems for a
polycrystalline material to maintain structural integrity.
Iron, by far the most used metallic material in the world, under ambient condi-
tions is cubic-I with one iron atom located at each lattice point. The common slip
system is {011}h111i, each containing two independent slip directions of the form
h111i. There are therefore, twelve independent slip systems, making the iron ductile
in polycrystalline form. The same can be demonstrated for the cubic-F form of iron.
This makes iron very ductile.
The cubic-I form of iron is stabilized under ambient conditions by its ferro-
magnetic properties; ruthenium and osmium, which in terms of their outer-electron
structure are iron analogues in the periodic table, do not exhibit ferromagnetism and
hence have hexagonal crystal structures. In the absence of its ferromagnetic prop-
erties, the stable form of iron would also be hexagonal with a motif of a pair of
identical Fe-atoms, one at 0,0,0 and another at 31 , 23 , 12 . The easy-slip system is then
{0001}h1120i. Since there is only one (0001) plane in which there are three direc-
tions of the form h1120i, polycrystalline hexagonal iron is relatively brittle since the
number of slip systems in each crystal is less than the required five. So in the absence
of ferromagnetism, we would not have civilization in the form that we know today.
There are caveats to this story. Deformation can occur by mechanisms other than
slip, for example, mechanical twinning, so that the five independent slip system re-
quirement is not sufficient to determine the ductility of a polycrystalline material.
And iron below its Curie temperature is not strictly cubic, but tetragonal because
the magnetic spins in any given crystal tend to be aligned along a h100i axis [2].
However, the tetragonality is quite small and can be neglected in most experiments,
although it does manifest on a macroscopic scale via the magnetostrictive effect,
which is the variation in the length of a sample subjected to a magnetic field [3].
Example 3.2: Growth direction of cementite laths
Cementite (Fe3 C, orthorhombic) can precipitate in certain iron alloys in the
form of coarse laths at temperatures where the iron is in its austenitic (cubic-F)
state. A lath is a shape where two of its dimensions are much smaller than its
length, and therefore can be associated with a direction along which it exhibits
rapid growth. An idealized shape of a lath of cementite is shown in Figure 3.5.
The precipitates when observed on two-dimensional sections can give a mislead-
ing indication of the major growth direction. For example, when observed on the
section “abcd”, the longest axis of the section is not parallel to the actual growth
To resolve this, a number of experiments revealed traces of the longest di-
mensions of cementite laths to be parallel to [011], [012], [013]. Plot these traces
on a stereogram in order to see whether they intersect at a common direction,
which corresponds to the true growth direction. Bearing in mind that cementite
is orthorhombic with lattice parameters a = 0.45165 nm, b = 0.50837 nm, and
c = 0.67475 nm. It is first necessary to calculate the angles that these traces make
3.2 Hexagonal system 51
with respect to the basis vectors of the unit cell. This can be done by converting
the components of each vector into an orthonormal basis:
Vector scalar products can then be implemented using elementary methods as fol-
lows to calculate the required angles (φ in the case illustrated):
[0 0 c]Fe3C [0 b c]orthonormal c2
cos φ = p =p = 37◦
c2 × (b2 + c2 ) c2 × (b2 + c2 )
Discovery of the growth direction of cementite laths in austenitic iron using trace
analysis. The stereogram shows directions in cementite that has the lattice param-
eters a = 0.45165 nm, b = 0.50837 nm, and c = 0.67475 nm.
3.3 Summary
Complications arise once the defining symmetry of the cube, i.e., four triads, is lost.
Directions and plane normals with the same indices are then not necessarily parallel
and hence have to be distinguished on a stereographic projection. Furthermore, the
extent of the discrepancy relative to the cubic system depends on the anisotropy of the
lattice parameters and the angles between the basis vectors of the system concerned.
The hexagonal system poses a particular problem of communication because of
the nature of the special symmetry of the hexad. For example, the crystallographi-
cally equivalent planes (100), (010), and (110) have indices that are not permutations
of the same set of digits. The Miller–Bravais four-index system eliminates this am-
biguity but requires additional work to ensure that the Weiss zone rule is satisfied.
Whether the intellectual cost of the four-index system over the usual three-index no-
tation is justified by its elegance is a matter of taste.
3.3 Summary 53
1. H. M. Otte, and A. G. Crocker: Crystallographic formulae for hexagonal lattices,
Physica Status Solidi B, 1965, 9, 441–450.
2. R. M. White: Quantum theory of magnetism: New York: Springer, 2007.
3. J. P. Joule: On the effects of magnetism, &c. upon the dimensions of iron and
steel bars., The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and
Journal of Science, 1847, 30, 225–241.
4. M. V. Kral, and R. W. Fonda: The primary growth direction of Widmanstätten
cementite laths, Scripta Materialia, 2000, 43, 193–198.
Space Groups
Some of the symmetry elements of a crystal involve translations that are simple frac-
tions of a repeat distance. These translations have consequences, for example on the
number of symmetry related positions in the unit cell, and hence on the number of
atoms in the unit cell. This chapter deals with space groups, which, unlike point
groups, include screw axes and glide planes.
4.1 Introduction
A point group is a collection of symmetry elements passing through a point, and
therefore, necessarily does not include translations. Space groups, in contrast, in-
clude translations that are fractions of a repeat unit, for example, a 21 axis which
involves a rotation of 180◦ followed by a translation of 12 of the repeat distance along
the axis. Glide planes involve reflections followed by fractional translations. These
translations are small, and hence do not manifest when the point group is determined
from the external shape of well-formed crystals. However, they have consequences
in structure determination and on other properties of crystals. There are 230 space
groups which are made from combinations of the 32 crystallographic point groups
with the 14 Bravais lattices.
The relationships between the placing of atoms in the unit cell and the symmetry
of the structure of lead titanate was described on page 41. The structure of PbTiO3
is primitive tetragonal with point group 4mm. Since there are no screw axes or glide
planes, the space group symbol for the titanate is P 4mm, where the first symbol is
to identify the lattice type as primitive. In this chapter, we will consider a case where
translational symmetry elements1 are present.
An illustration of the operation of a diad
where the structure is restored by a rota-
tion of 180◦ , and a screw diad which in-
volves the same rotation but then a trans-
lation along the axis by 0.5 (hence the no-
tation 21 ) of the repeat distance t.
Glide planes are like mirror planes but a reflection is followed by a translation
in order to recover the symmetry. The terminology for glide planes is explained in
Table 4.1; the translations following reflection are parallel to the glide plane, the
exception begin the diamond glide in a body-centered cubic structure.
Symbols for glide planes.
Note: “fcc” and “bcc” are abbreviations for face–centered cubic and body–centered
cubic, respectively. The structure of pyrite, which is primitive cubic and has a point
group symmetry m3 is illustrated on page 40, containing axial glide planes; its space
group therefore is P a3 where the symbol a replaces the m in the point group.
4.3 Cuprite
Consider now the structure of cuprite (Cu2 O) which is primitive cubic, with a motif
of four copper atoms at 000, 21 0 21 , 0 21 12 and 12 21 0, and two oxygen atoms at 14 14 34 ,
and 34 43 14 located at each lattice point.
4.3 Cuprite 57
Projection along the [001] direction of four unit cells of cuprite (Cu2 O). The frac-
tional height along [001] are indicated, with unlabelled atoms at 0 and 1.
Figure 4.2 shows a projection of four such unit cells along the [001] direction,
with fractional coordinates along that direction indicated. The environment of each
of the six atoms within the unit cell is clearly different, consistent with the cubic-P
lattice type. There are mirror planes parallel to {110} – the trace of only one of these
is illustrated in Figure 4.2 for the sake of clarity. Note also that there are 42 axes
located at 14 41 z and 43 34 z and their equivalent positions. A 42 axis involves a rotation
of 90◦ followed by a translation by 24 of the repeat distance along that axis. The
diagram also shows that the structure has a center of symmetry at 12 12 21 .
The glide plane parallel to {100} (Figure 4.2) involves a reflection followed by
two orthogonal translations parallel to the plane by 12 the lattice parameter. It is,
therefore, an n-glide plane according to the notation in Table 4.1.
Since cuprite is cubic, the defining symmetry is four triads. However, Figure 4.3
shows that the triads are in fact inversion triads (3), meaning that a rotation of 120◦ is
followed by an inversion through the center to recover the structure. This is evident
58 4 Space Groups
from the projection along h111i that there is no triad since the atoms marked with
z coordinates are in two sets of three, with each set at a different height along z. A
simple three-fold operation would not therefore work. On the other hand, the rotation
combined with the inversion reproduces the structure.
(a) (b)
(a) The unit cell of cuprite. (b) A projection along h111i, with fractional coordinates
along [001] indicated for some of the atoms.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Stereograms consistent with the point group m3m, showing the number of equiva-
lent positions when (a) an atom is placed at general location x, y, z and all equivalent
positions; (b) an atom is placed at general location x, x, z and all equivalent posi-
tions. (c) Projection of the cuprite unit cell with the traces of glide planes marked
as dashed lines and those of mirror planes as heavy lines. Initial placing of atoms
copper in black and oxygen in red. (d) New set of atoms generated by the operation
of the glide planes. The relation between the original and new atoms is marked by
blue lines.
that oxygen atom leads to an oxygen atom at 34 , 43 , 14 . All other symmetry operations
have the same effect so there are only two oxygen atoms per cell. The locations of the
copper and oxygen atoms are therefore consistent with the chemical formula Cu2 O
and the density of the compound can be measured to verify this. Placing a copper
atom at the general position x, y, z or x, x, z would not lead to the correct density
or stoichiometry. The results are summarized in Table 4.2. The International Union
of Crystallography publishes much more comprehensive space group tables which
list the multiplicity of coordinates as a function of symmetry at that coordinate, for
all possible scenarios and for all space groups. Table 4.2 can be regarded as a much
simplified version of this kind of information.
60 4 Space Groups
Space group for cuprite, P n3m. The origin of the cell is set on a copper atom.
1 48 x, y, z x, y, z x, y, z ...
m 24 x, x, z x, x, z x, x, z ...
1 1 1 1
3m 4 0,0,0 2, 2, 0 2 , 0, 2 0, 12 , 21
1 1 3 3 3 1
43m 2 4, 4, 4 4, 4, 4
Projection of the unit cell of Fe2 USi normal to the z-axis.
n-glide n-glide
2/3 5/6
m 1/6 1/3
13/14 8/14
2/3 5/6
1/6 1/3
m 2/3 5/6
6/14 1/14
1/6 1/3
The crystal structure of cementite, consisting of 12 iron atoms (large) and 4 carbon
atoms (small). The fractional z coordinates of the atoms are marked.
In the context of plastic deformation, the slip systems on which dislocation
glide has been observed include (001)[100], (100)[010], (100)[001], (010)[001],
and (010)[100] [4] but the complex arrangement of atoms means that slip is ac-
tually quite difficult to achieve, making the cementite very hard. There may be
other slip systems that operate when the cementite is forced to deform in a phase
mixture such as pearlite, but the Burgers vectors of slip dislocations would never-
theless be large when compared with dislocations in the allotropic forms of iron
a It is important to note the labelling of the orthogonal axes of the unit cell, i.e., a = 0.50837 nm,
b = 0.67475 nm, and c = 0.45165 nm. since different conventions are used in the published litera-
ture. The indices referred to below have been adjusted from the original sources, for the unit cell as
defined here.
(a) (b)
Structure projections. (a) Diamond (carbon). The dashed line shows a d-glide
plane involving two orthogonal translations by a quarter of the repeat distance,
parallel to the glide plane. (c) Cubic form of zinc sulfide.
solid state [6–9]. In some circumstances, it is symmetry which determines the shape
of precipitates which form inside a solid.
Suppose that Gm and Gp represent the symmetry groups of the matrix and pre-
cipitate, respectively. The common symmetry (intersection group) between these two
phases in the observed orientation relationship is defined as H. Given a planar inter-
face between them, symmetry operations consistent with H leads to other orienta-
tions of the interface until the particle is fully enclosed and its shape defined. Note
that any operation of H is a symmetry operation of the parent and product and hence
each crystal orientation is brought into congruence so the orientation of the two crys-
tals is not affected by H.
Aluminium has the space group F m3m and the silver–rich precipitate Ω has the
space group F mmm [10]. The orientation relation has been measured to be:
[001]Ω k [111]Al
[100]Ω k [101]Al
Figure 4.8 shows the stereograms of the symmetry elements for the two crystals in
the correct relative orientation. It is evident the common point group symmetry is
2/m, which is consistent with the observed plate shape of the Ω both with respect to
the diad and the mirror plane.
(a) Stereographic representation of the symmetry elements in the point group m3m
for aluminium. (b) Stereographic representation of the symmetry elements in the
point group mmm for Ω. The symmetry elements shared by Al and Ω are highlighted
in red. (c) The precipitate shape observed, corresponding to the shared symmetry
group 2/m.
4.6 Summary
We have touched on the notion of space groups which represent all the symmetry
elements of the crystal. The appreciation of space groups is essential in the solution
of structures, transformations which lead to changes in symmetry, and the properties
4.6 Summary 65
of crystals. A great deal of the work in identifying the number of symmetry related
positions as a function of the space group has already been documented, with the
information routinely available either from the tables published by the International
Union of Crystallography or via the World Wide Web.
1. E. J. Fasiska, and G. A. Jeffrey: On the cementite structure, Acta Crystallo-
graphica, 1965, 19, 463–471.
2. C. Jiang, S. G. Srinivasan, A. Caro, and S. A. Maoly: Structural, elastic, and
electronic properties of Fe3 C from first principles, Journal of Applied Physics,
2008, 103, 043502.
3. C. Jiang, and S. G. Shrinivasan: Unexpected strain-stiffening in crystalline
solids, Nature, 2013, 496, 339–342.
4. A. Inoue, T. Ogura, and T. Muramatsu: Burgers vectors of dislocations in ce-
mentite crystal, Scripta Metallurgica, 1977, 11, 1–5.
5. J. Gil-Sevillano: Room temperature plastic deformation of pearlitic cementite,
Materials Science & Engineering, 1975, 21, 221–225.
6. G. R. Hugo, and B. C. Muddle: Role of symmetry in determining precipitate
morphology, Materials Forum, 1989, 13, 147–152.
7. G. R. Hugo, and B. C. Muddle: The morphology of precipitates in an Al-Ge
alloy-ii. analysis using symmetry, Acta Materialia, 1990, 38, 365–374.
8. B. C. Muddle, and I. J. Polmear: The precipitate omega phase in Al Cu Mg Ag
alloys, Acta Metallurgica, 1989, 37, 777–789.
9. L. S. Chumbley, B. C. Muddle, and H. L. Fraser: Crystallography of precipita-
tion of Ti5 Si3 in Ti-Si alloys, Acta Metallurgica, 1988, 36, 299–310.
10. K. M. Knowles, and W. M. Stobbs: The structure of {111} age-hardening pre-
cipitates in Al-Cu-Mg-Ag alloys, Acta Crystallographica B, 1988, B44, 207–
The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
The Miller indices for directions and planes are defined differently. For directions
the indices are simply the components of a vector corresponding to that direction
with respect to the basis vectors, but those of a plane are defined rather strangely at
first sight. The intercepts of the plane with the basis vectors are determined, and their
reciprocals form the indices of the plane. The mystery behind this scheme is revealed
in this chapter, whereby a plane is also defined by a vector that is normal to it and
has a magnitude that is the reciprocal of the plane spacing. Diffraction too becomes
easier to visualize when expressed in terms of reciprocal space.
u = u1 a1 + u2 a2 + u3 a3 ,
The term (a1 .a2 ∧ a3 ) represents the volume of the unit cell formed by ai , while
the magnitude of the vector (a2 ∧ a3 ) represents the area of the (1 0 0)A plane
(Figure 5.1). Since (a2 ∧ a3 ) points along the normal to the (1 0 0)A plane, it follows
that a∗1 also points along the normal to (1 0 0)A and that its magnitude |a∗1 | is the
reciprocal of the spacing of the (1 0 0)A planes (Figure 5.1).
68 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
The relationship between a∗1 and ai . The vec-
tor a∗1 lies normal to the basal plane wxyz and
the volume of the parallelepiped formed by the
basis vectors ai is given by a1 .a2 ∧ a3 . The
area of the basal plane is |a2 ∧ a3 |. The height
is the spacing between planes parallel to the
basal plane, given by 1/|a∗1 |.
The components of any vector referred to the reciprocal basis represent the
Miller indices of a plane whose normal is along that vector, with the spacing of the
plane given by the inverse of the magnitude of that vector. For example, the vector
(u; A∗ ) = (1 2 3) is normal to planes with Miller indices (1 2 3) and interplanar
spacing 1/|u|. We see that
Sections of the reciprocal lattice of a cubic-P lattice. (a) Section normal to [001].
(b) Section normal to [011]. (c) Section normal to [111]. Notice how the distance
varies inversely with the spacing of the planes. The origin of the reciprocal lattice
is not labelled, but if necessary, can be designated 000. Each of the spots in these
patterns should strictly be points, but they are weighted here with intensity to show
the relationship with electron diffraction patterns discussed later.
c. (5.4)
|a ∧ b|
Every vector in a reciprocal lattice defines a normal to a plane of the same indices
as the components of the reciprocal lattice vector, and the vector has a magnitude
which is the reciprocal of the spacing of those planes. Therefore, for each of the
basis vectors,
c∗ = etc. (5.6)
c.a ∧ b
With this equation it is evident that ai .a∗j = 0 when i 6= j and ai .a∗ j = 1 when
i = j. The angle between a and b∗ is clearly 90◦ . Therefore, if a direction [u v w]
lies in a plane (h k l),
Note that this is a generic proof for the Weiss zone rule since there are no restric-
tions placed on the basis vectors.
A corollary to this example is a general method for taking a scalar product be-
tween two vectors. The magnitude of a vector u is given by
where (u; A) is a row matrix of the components ui of u referred to the basis vectors
ai represented by the basis symbol “A”, and [A∗ ; u] is a column matrix containing
the components u∗i of u referred to the reciprocal basis vectors a∗i represented by the
basis symbol “A∗ ”. This is an important result that gives a different interpretation
to the scalar (or “dot”) product between any two vectors referred to any basis. To
evaluate the dot product, one of the vectors must be referred to the real basis and the
other to the corresponding reciprocal basis.
70 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
Electromagnetic waves inci-
dent on a set of parallel crys-
tal planes with an interplanar
spacing d. The angle of emer-
gence of the scattered waves
is the same as that of inci-
k′ − k = g (5.10)
Here g is a reciprocal lattice vector beginning at the origin (0,0,0) and representing
the crystal which is being illuminated by the radiation k. From the geometry of the
triangle, it is evident that sin θ = 12 g/k so that sin θ = (0.5/d)/(1/λ) which on
rearrangement gives the Bragg law.
5.3 Intensities
The electrons from an individual atom can coherently scatter an X-ray beam; the
atomic scattering factor f is the ratio of the amplitude scattered by an atom to that
scattered by one electron. We are interested in coherent scattering by all the atoms
in a unit cell, in which case the resultant amplitude for reflections from hkl planes is
5.3 Intensities 71
(a) (b)
(a) The Ewald sphere construction in reciprocal space. k represents the direction of
the incident beam, k′ that of the diffracted beam, and g the normal to the diffracting
planes. Both k and k′ have a magnitude λ−1 and g has a magnitude d−1 . The beam is
incident on a crystal which is represented by its reciprocal lattice with origin at 0,0,0.
(b) Another illustration of the Ewald sphere superimposed on the reciprocal lattice.
In this case only the 101 and 101 planes are in Bragg condition. The reciprocal lattice
vectors which do not touch the sphere are not in Bragg orientation.
where fn is the scattering factor of atom n and the sum is over all atoms in the
unit cell.1 The magnitude |F | is now the ratio of the amplitude scattered by a unit
cell to that scattered by one electron. |F |2 is proportional to the scattered intensity.
Notice that for a centrosymmetric system, the sine term can be neglected since that
function is not symmetric about zero. As an example, for the structure of Cu (cubic
close-packed, with four atoms in the cell at 000, 21 21 0, 12 0 21 , and 0 21 12 ),
so that the {100} and {110} reflections would have zero structure factor.
Figure 5.5 shows how the electron diffraction patterns of austenite, which has
a cubic-F lattice, have zero intensities for {100} and {110} planes, as expected by
substitution of hkl into Equation 5.12.
1 eπi = e3πi = −1, e2πi = e4πi = +1, eπi/2 = i, e3πi/2 = −i, (1 + i)(1 − i) = 2
72 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
Electron diffraction patterns from austenite (cubic-F). (a) Zone axis parallel to [001].
(b) Zone axis parallel to [011]. (c) Zone axis parallel to [111]. Notice that in any
pattern, it is necessary to index just two reciprocal lattice vectors in order for all
the others to be determined. For the cases illustrated, the symmetry of the patterns
is consistent with that of the zone axes. Contrast these patterns with the reciprocal
lattice sections presented in Figure 5.2.
The pattern is rectangular so one possibility is that the axis normal to the
pattern corresponds to a h110i, a diad. The g-vectors normal to this direction could
include the normals to {001}, {110}, {112} and {11n} where n is an integer. The
d-spacing of planes in a cubic system is given by
1 h2 + k 2 + l 2
d2 a2
where a is the lattice parameter. So the d-spacing decreases in the order {001},
{110}, {112}, and {11n}. Figure 5.6b shows that the intensity diffracted from the
{001} planes would be zero given that there is an atom at the body-center which
would scatter out of phase with the atoms on the cube faces. However, {002}
planes would scatter in phase. If it is assumed that the g-vector labelled “a” is
a {110} reflection (largest d-spacing and hence closest to the incident beam in
reciprocal space) and that at the reflection at “b” is due to the {002} planes then
ratios of the lengths of the “a” and “b” and the 90◦ angle between gives consistent
indexing. Any other choice would not.
Once two of the reflections are labelled, all others are linear combinations of
those two. For example “c” is given by 002 + 110 = 112.
In this particular example, it was easy by examining the structure projection
to show that {001} reflections would be systematically absent. However, if the
indices are of higher order, e.g., {532}, then it is easier to use the structure factor
equation to decide whether these planes would result in diffracted intensity.
5.3 Intensities 73
(a) (b)
(a) An electron diffraction pattern from a body-centered cubic crystal. (b) Struc-
ture projection of bcc, with traces of {110}and {200} planes indicated.
The pattern has three-fold symmetry because there are three different g-
vectors if their opposites are not counted. This indicates that there is a triad h111i
normal to the pattern. All the g-vectors will be normal to the h111i axis and of
equal length, so the following solutions can be deduced:
• For cubic-P, “a”= {011} and “b”= {110}. The choice of the first solution
as {110} is arbitrarily made from the three possible, but the second will then
be determined as being at 60◦ from the first. Their right-handed cross product
gives [111] so the beam direction is [111].
• For cubic-I, the solution would be the same as for cubic-P since {011} type
reflections are permitted.
• In the case of cubic-F, {011} is a systematic absence but {022} is not so all
the indices should be doubled.
(a) (b)
74 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
(a) An electron diffraction pattern from a crystal with a cubic structure. (b) Struc-
ture projection for cubic-F showing that {011} would result in zero diffracted
intensity because of the atoms in-between.
Notice that it is not possible, from the shape of the diffraction pattern alone,
to determine the lattice type. However, if the lattice parameters of the different
forms are known, then the measured d-spacings on the pattern can be compared
with interplanar spacings calculated from the parameters to fix the lattice type.
The relationship between the distance measured on the diffraction pattern and
the camera length of the electron microscope is illustrated in Figure 5.8. It is
evident that sin θ = R/2L so with the Bragg Equation 5.9, it is easy to show that
Rd = Lλ, with the term Lλ referred to as the “camera constant”.
Geometry describing the relationship between the camera length on the transmis-
sion electron microscope and distance measured on an electron diffraction pattern.
(a) (b)
(a) Al-Fe solid solution (γ). (b) δ-phase. The relative orientations of the two pat-
terns are preserved.
The γ is said to be cubic-F; since the pattern has four-fold symmetry, the
direction normal to the pattern must be parallel to h001i so the spots marked “a”
and “b” can be labelled {020} and {200}, respectively, with all other reflections
obtained by linear combinations of these two. Therefore, “c” becomes {220}.
The shortest lattice vector in cubic-F is a2 h110i. Note that in the cubic-F lattice,
reflections of the type {100} are systematic absences (Equation 5.12).
The pattern for the δ-phase also has four-fold symmetry and hence could come
from a cubic or tetragonal lattice. However, it is stated that the lattice has four
triads so it must be cubic-P, cubic-F, or cubic-I. The composition and number of
atoms in the unit cell is consistent with cubic-P with a motif of four atoms per
lattice point, iron at 000 and three aluminium atoms at 12 21 0, 0 12 21 , and 12 0 21 . As
a result, the spots labelled “a”, “b”, “c”, and ‘d’ in Figure 5.9b are identified as
{010}, {100},{110},{020}, respectively.
The structure projections of the two phases are shown in Figure 5.10, together
with the shortest lattice vectors along the h110i direction. The significance of this
is that a dislocation with Burgers vector a2 h110i in γ would create faults in the δ
because it would not be a lattice vector in the ordered phase. However, a pair of
γ dislocations moving together as a superdislocation in the δ would achieve slip
without leaving a fault in their wake. The γ and δ are in a “cube-cube” orientation,
[100]γ k [100]δ and [010]γ k [010]δ
and have similar lattice parameters, which would facilitate slip that initiates in the
γ to traverse into δ with the caveat that lattice dislocations of γ would need to pair
up when moving into δ.
76 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
(a) (b)
(a) Structure projection of γ. (b) Structure projection of δ.
where f is an average atomic scattering factor for the random solid solution γ.
(a) (b)
(a) Ewald sphere construction for diffraction from a thin foil. The origin of the re-
ciprocal lattice is at “O” and the layer designated “P” is the next layer normal to
the incident beam, a distance 1/t∗ from the first layer. The arrows mark reciprocal
lattice points which contribute to diffraction even though they are not at the exact
Bragg orientation. (b) h111i axis ReO3 showing the higher order Laue zone (the
second layer of the type sketched in (a).) Pattern courtesy of A. Eggeman, T. Chang,
and P. Midgley.
Fe with cubic-F structure. (a) Electron diffraction from a foil which is 200 nm thick,
beam direction [111]. (b) Diffraction from the same foil after thinning it to just 50 nm
thickness, beam direction [111]. Because of this minute thickness, it becomes pos-
sible to pick up reflections from planes of the form {224}. (c) as (a) but with the
beam tilted toward [1 1 0.9]. The Ewald sphere is now tilted away from some of the
reciprocal lattice points on the left-hand side.
The effect of crystal size (in all directions) on an X-ray diffraction pattern. The ma-
terial concerned is halite. The peaks broaden as the crystal gets smaller.
also helps achieve a greater chance of diffraction because the Ewald sphere is then
relatively flat.
Stress distribution in a steel
weld determined using neu-
tron diffraction [4]. This
would not be possible using
X-rays. The numbers on the
contours represent MPa.
5.6 Summary
It takes a leap of imagination to understand why it is necessary to deal with a space
in which dimensions are inverted. But the fact is that in crystallography, it can be
regarded simply as a lattice in which all reciprocal lattice vectors represent normals
to planes in real space, with the magnitudes of these vectors representing the inverse
of the spacing of those planes. Whereas a plane in real space is defined by a pair of
vectors that lie in that plane, in reciprocal space the plane is represented by a vector.
A plane in reciprocal space represents all real space planes that share a common
direction (a zone axis).
Imagine now that we wish to find a direction that is parallel to a plane normal.
This is trivial for a cubic system where plane normals and directions with the same
indices are parallel. So a [123] direction is parallel to the normal of the (123) plane.
This is not generally true for non-cubic systems, but there exists a metric tensor
which makes it easy to find vectors in reciprocal space that are parallel to those in
real space (and vice versa), a subject reserved for Chapter 9.
1. W. H. Bragg, and W. L. Bragg: The reflection of X-rays by crystals, Proceedings
fo the Royal Society A, 1913, 88, 428–438.
2. P. J. Withers, and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: Residual stress part 1 – measurement
techniques, Materials Science and Technology, 2001, 17, 355–365.
3. P. J. Withers, and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: Residual stress part 2 – nature and
origins, Materials Science and Technology, 2001, 17, 366–375.
4. J. A. Francis, H. J. Stone, S. Kundu, R. B. Rogge, H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia, P. J.
Withers, and L. Karlsson: Transformation temperatures and welding residual
stresses in ferritic steels, In: Proceedings of PVP2007, ASME Pressure Vessels
80 5 The Reciprocal Lattice and Diffraction
Single crystals are now used routinely in engineering turbine blades for service in the
hottest part of an aeroengine; it is astonishing that the design of the blade permits it
to operate in an environment where the temperature is greater than its melting point.
The deformation of a single crystal on the application of a stress or a system of
stresses is interesting in its own right, but the understanding that emerges from single
crystal studies can useful in explaining the rotation of crystals in a polycrystalline
material during plastic deformation. Real polycrystalline materials rarely consist of
crystals that are randomly oriented relative to the sample frame of reference. Instead,
the long-range order in a polycrystalline material is somewhere between that of a
hypothetical aggregate consisting of randomly oriented crystals, and a single crystal.
This is because the crystallographic axes of the different grains in the polycrystal tend
to align in specific ways. We shall learn in this chapter the methods for representing
such texture.
(a) (b)
(a) Deformation of a single crystal. The force is resolved onto the slip plane and
toward the slip direction. Dividing by the area of the slip plane gives the shear stress
along the slip direction. (b) There are 24 stereographic triangles corresponding to the
24 slip systems of the type {111}h110i. The orientation of a tensile axis is plotted in
the shaded triangle.
Slip of an unconstrained single-
crystal. Notice how the axis along
which the force is applied rotates as a
consequence of the slip. The amount
of shear implemented is written αs. If
the force axis is constrained to be ver-
tical then the sample will rotate rela-
tive to the testing machine by the ex-
tent illustrated.
the tensile lies in the shaded triangle will therefore be [011](111). The construction
illustrated is known as Diehl’s rule.
The unconstrained shear deformation of a single crystal as illustrated in Fig-
ure 6.2 leads to the rotation of the axis along which the force is applied. The normal
to the slip plane, the tensile axis, and the slip direction are all in the same plane and
remain so during rotation. The tensile axis rotates toward the slip direction, on this
common plane, during the course of deformation. If the axis along which the force is
6.1 Slip in a single-crystal 83
applied is not allowed to change orientation, then it is the slip system which rotates
during deformation, Figure 6.2.
Example 6.1: Elongation during single-crystal deformation
Referring to Figure 6.3, derive an equation for the elongation of a single crystal
due to shear on a plane with unit normal n.
The definition of a shear strain γ is
Schematic diagram showing the shear of a single crystal. n is a unit normal vector
to the plane on which the shear occurs, d is a vector describing the displacement
of the far end of the crystal due to the shear, x is its initial length above the slip
plane, and y the corresponding length following the deformation. s is a unit vector
parallel to the shear direction.
84 6 Deformation and Texture
A more general method for calculating the elongation during single-crystal deforma-
tion is described on page 157.
Stereographic projection of austenite showing the planes and shear directions cor-
responding to the deformation that leads to the formation of ε martensite.
The shear strain is given by the displacement divided by the height. The height
is the d-spacing of two close-packed planes of austenite, i.e., √ 3
. The displace-
a a 1
ment is the magnitude of 6 h112i, i.e., √6 . Therefore, the shear strain is 2√ 2
The habit plane is {111} (four variants) and there are three directions of the
form h112i in each of these planes. Therefore, 12 variants in all.
The strain is a shear deformation on a close-packed plane, but with the shear
direction along h112i. Therefore, either using Diehl’s rule, or by calculation, the
plane stimulated would be (111). In that plane, there are three shear directions,
6.2 Texture 85
[211], [112], and [211]. Of these, the [211] direction gives the largest Schmid
6.2 Texture
Imagine that there is a polycrystalline substance in which the individual crystals are
randomly oriented relative to an external frame of reference.1 Suppose that this poly-
crystalline substance is subjected to rolling deformation. The individual crystals will
then tend to rotate such that the slip planes comply with the external forces in a man-
ner akin to that illustrated in Figure 6.2b. This means that the original random dis-
tribution of crystals in the undeformed sample becomes non-random. The deformed
material is said to become crystallographically textured [4].
Most polycrystalline materials show texture due to processing. Texture can arise
during solidification when those crystals which have a fast growth direction parallel
to that of the heat flow will dominate the final structure. It can arise during recrys-
tallization and phase transformation when selective nucleation leads to the formation
of a biased distribution of crystals.
A convenient method for communicating texture caused by deformation, for ex-
ample, in rolled sheet, is by stating the set {h k l}hu v wi, the planes which lie
roughly parallel to the rolling plane, and direction in the rolling plane that tends to
be parallel to the rolling direction. The overall texture can be represented as the sum
of components: X
texture = λi {h k l}i hu v wii (6.2)
where λ represents the weighting given to a particular type of texture. The ma-
jor components of the deformation texture of austenite are {1 1 0}h1 1 2i and
{1 1 2}h1 1 1i, the so-called brass and copper textures, respectively. Recrystalliza-
tion in a ferritic steel often leads to a cube texture {1 0 0}h0 0 1i cube component
and special thermomechanical processing of the type used to produce magnetically
soft metal is associated with the Goss texture {1 1 0}h0 0 1i.
Texture can be plotted on a stereogram. A pole figure in this context consists of a
stereogram with its axes defined relative to the external frame of reference, and with
particular hkl poles from each of the crystals in the polycrystalline aggregate plotted
on to it. If the distribution of crystals is random, the pole figure would appear as in
Figure 6.5a, and if the distribution is non-random then this would be apparent in the
pole figure, as shown in Figure 6.5b.
An inverse pole figure is one in which the sample frame is plotted relative to the
crystal axes of a reference crystal. Figure 6.6 illustrates an example where the rolling,
normal, and transverse directions (RD, ND, and TD, respectively) are plotted relative
1 This frame may, for example, consist of a set of vectors parallel to the rolling direction, transverse
direction, and thickness of a rolled plate; alternatively, the principal axes of an applied system of stresses.
86 6 Deformation and Texture
(a) (b)
(a) Figure showing a random distribution of 100 poles from a polycrystalline sample
containing 500 crystals, plotted relative to the rolling direction (RD) and transverse
direction (T D). Notice that the distribution of poles does not appear random but this
is an artifact due to the angular distortion on a stereographic projection. (b) Corre-
sponding pole figure after texture is introduced by phase transformation. Here there
is a strong tendency for the 100 poles to cluster around the sample axes. The distri-
bution of poles can be plotted as contours rather than the dots illustrated. Diagrams
courtesy of Saurabh Kundu.
to the crystal axes as defined by the stereographic triangle. In a cubic system, the 24
stereographic triangles with h100i, h101i, and h111i at the corner of each triangle, are
crystallographically equivalent. Therefore, the orientation of the rolling direction, for
example, from each of the 24 triangles can be plotted on just one of the stereographic
triangles in the form of poles, or contour plots representing the design of poles in
angular space.
Crystallographic texture can be measured using a variety of techniques such as
X-ray diffraction or electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) [5]. In the former
case, the polycrystalline sample is exposed in a system set to detect X-rays from a
particular reflection (Bragg angle) and the sample is systematically tilted and rotated
in order to capture intensity at a variety of orientations. In EBSD, an electron beam is
rocked about a fixed point on the surface of a grain using a scanning electron micro-
scope. At particular angles, the beam is Bragg diffracted, resulting in a reduction in
intensity picked up by the detector, leading to the formation of channelling patterns
of the type illustrated in Figure 6.7. These patterns can be interpreted to determine
the orientation of the crystal relative to the sample axes.
6.2 Texture 87
1 1
1 1 0.5
0.5 2
Inverse pole figures for a cubic crystal. The diagrams at the top have poles corre-
sponding to the rolling, normal, and transverse directions plotted relative to the crys-
tal axes, whereas those at the bottom have the same data represented as contours
representing the density of poles.
A simulated electron channelling pattern from silicon carbide. Reproduced from
Winkelmann et al. [6], with permission of Elsevier.
88 6 Deformation and Texture
trace of plane
RD norma
(c) (d)
Operations that define the three (Bunge) Euler angles. (a) Initial relationship between
crystal and sample coordinates. (b) Rotation by ϕ1 about ND to generate RD’ in a
position normal to the plane containing ND and 001. (c) Rotate by Φ about RD’ to
generate ND’ parallel to 001. (d) Rotate by ϕ2 about 001 to bring crystal and sample
axes into coincidence. The insets show the rotations relative to an aircraft.
6.3 Orientation distribution functions 89
(a) (b)
(a) An orientation distribution plotted on a cube with axes defined by the Euler an-
gles. Each dot represents a crystal orientation relative to sample axes. (b) Sections of
the cube to show how the density of orientations varies.
The set of measured Euler angles made by the RD, T D, and N D directions for
a particular crystal is plotted as a point in a cube whose axes scale with ϕ1 , Φ, and
ϕ2 . Each point inside this cube is a single crystal.
There are very many industrial processes which control and exploit texture on
a grand scale. Beverage cans are incredibly thin even though their bodies are made
without fracture using extreme deformation including deep drawing. The texture of
the material prior to drawing is controlled such that plastic instability is avoided in
the thickness direction. For similar reasons, the steels used in the manufacture of
formed automobile bodies are texture-controlled. Iron alloys used to make electric-
ity transformers have to be magnetically soft. This is achieved by controlling the
crystallographic texture to minimize magnetic losses.
010 B
100 B
(a) Note that [001]A k [001]B . (b) Corresponding ODF with φ1 = 0.
The Euler angles define the operations needed to bring the two frames of refer-
ence into coincidence. Referring to Figure 6.8b, since [001]A k [001]B , ϕ1 = 0◦ .
For the same reason, Φ = 0◦ ( Figure 6.8c) and the remaining angle ϕ2 is clearly
45◦ . Figure 6.10b shows the ODF section φ1 = 0, referred to the basis-B as the
reference frame.
6.4 Summary
Crystallographic texture can be understood by a thought experiment in which a large
single crystal is broken up into many smaller ones which are then joined together in
somewhat different orientations that are not random. The material then behaves as if
it has some of the characteristics of a single crystal (such as anisotropy) while other
properties are more a feature of random polycrystals (such as the multiple slip sys-
tems needed per crystal in order to achieve plasticity without the creation of voids).
We have discussed how texture can arise from plastic deformation, but many
kinds of processing can lead to its development. The heat treatment of deformed
materials to induce recrystallization can lead to recrystallization textures because not
all “nuclei” grow at the same rate [7]. The nuclei have to be sufficiently different in
orientation from their surroundings to accomplish rapid growth. Similar selection can
occur in phase transformations where the product phase forms at a grain boundary
because certain boundaries make it possible for the product to adopt a favorable
orientation relationship with the parent phase on either side of the interface [8, 9].
6.4 Summary 91
Both magnetic [10] and electrical fields [11] can also lead to orientational order in
appropriate materials.
So how does one produce a polycrystalline material with a random arrangement
of grains? The short answer is, with enormous difficulty. Powder techniques can
partially reach this goal; metallic or ceramic powders that are sintered together tend
to undergo very limited deformation or rotation during fabrication, and hence may
approach a random orientational distribution.
1. E. Schmid, and W. Boas: Plasticity of crystals (translated from the 1935 edition
of Kristalplastizitaet): London, U.K.: F. A. Hughes and Co., 1950.
2. J. W. Christian: Deformation by moving interfaces, Metallurgical Transactions
A, 1982, 13, 509–538.
3. A. Kelly, and K. M. Knowles: Crystallography and crystal defects: 2nd ed.,
New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2012.
4. D. N. Lee: Texture and related phenomena: Seoul, Republic of Korea: Korean
Institute of Metals and Materials, 2006.
5. A. F. Gourgues-Lorenzon: Application of electron backscatter diffraction to
the study of phase transformations, International Materials Reviews, 2007, 52,
6. A. Winkelmann, B. Schröter, and W. Richter: Dynamical simulations of zone
axis electron channelling patterns of cubic silicon carbide, Ultramicroscopy,
2003, 98, 1–7.
7. W. B. Hutchinson: Recrystallisation textures in iron resulting from nucleation
at grain boundaries, Acta Metallurgica, 1989, 37, 1047–1056.
8. O. Hashimoto, S. Satoh, and T. Tanaka: α → γ → α transformation behavior
during heating from the α + γ region in 0.18%C steel, Tetsu-to-Hagané, 1980,
66, 102–111.
9. H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: Diffusional formation of ferrite in iron and its alloys,
Progress in Materials Science, 1985, 29, 321–386.
10. A. D. Sheikh-Ali, D. A. Molodov, and H. Garemstani: Magnetically induced
texture development in zinc alloy sheet, Scripta Materialia, 2002, 46, 857–862.
11. D. Coates, W. A. Crossland, J. H. Morrissy, and B. Needham: Electrically
induced scattering textures in smectic A phases and their electrical reversal,
Journal of Applied Physics D, 1978, 11, 2025–2035.
Interfaces, Orientation Relationships
7.1 Introduction
Much of the science and technology of polycrystalline materials depends on the na-
ture of interfaces between crystals and the relative orientations of adjacent crystals.
The corrosion resistance of a boundary depends on how coherent it is [1], the conti-
nuity of deformation varies with texture [2] . . . the list is seemingly endless!
Atoms in the boundary between crystals must in general be displaced from po-
sitions they would occupy in the undisturbed crystal, but it is now well established
that many interfaces have a periodic structure. In such cases, the misfit between the
crystals connected by the boundary is not distributed uniformly over every element
of the interface; it is localized periodically into discontinuities that separate patches
of the boundary where the fit between the two crystals is good or perfect. When these
discontinuities are well separated, they may individually be recognized as interface
dislocations which separate coherent patches in the boundary, which is macroscop-
ically said to be semi-coherent. The simple example of a symmetrical tilt boundary
illustrates this.
94 7 Interfaces, Orientation Relationships
(a) (b)
The creation of an interface. (a) Single crystal cut in two halves which are then tilted
through an angle θ about an axis normal to the diagram. (b) The gap within the tilt is
filled with edge dislocations, each with a Burgers vector b and spacing d to create an
The structure of the interface in terms of dislocations provides a mechanism for
calculating the energy per unit area of the interface as a function of the misorientation
θ. The energy per unit length Ws of a dislocation is given by [3]
1 r∞ Gb2 dr
Ws = Wc +
2 r0 2π(1 − ν) r
Gb2 r∞
= Wc + ln (7.2)
4π(1 − ν) r0
where Wc is the core energy per unit length, covering the region of the dislocation
where elasticity theory fails; G and ν are the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio,
respectively; r0 is the radius of the dislocation core and r∞ is a cut-off radius beyond
which the dislocation strain field can be neglected or is limited by the size of the
7.3 Symmetrical tilt boundary 95
sample. In arrays of dislocations of the type found in interfaces, the strain fields
of individual dislocations are partly compensated by their neighbors so it is a good
approximation that r∞ ≈ d in which case r∞ ∝ 1/θ. It follows that Equation 7.2
can be written Ws = A(B − ln θ). Therefore, the interfacial energy per unit area σi
is related to the number of dislocations per unit area (1/d):
σi = × Ws
2 θ
= tan × A(B − ln θ). (7.3)
b 2
This gives a model for the energy of grain boundaries [4], based on the density of
dislocations in the boundary (∝ d−1 ). The variation in energy as a function of misori-
entation in the symmetrical tilt boundary described above is illustrated in Figure 7.2.
The model is not valid for large misorientations where the dislocation spacing be-
comes comparable with the magnitude of the Burgers vector, since the dislocation
cores then begin to overlap.
The interfacial energy as a function of the misorientation for a tilt boundary. The
dashed curve represents cusps when the orientation forms a coincidence site lattice.
(a) (b)
(a) A rotation of 36.9◦ about h100i defines the orientation relationship between two
primitive cubic crystals, each of lattice parameter 1, leading to a Σ5 coincidence site
lattice. The origin is labelled “o”. (b) Simplified illustration of the fact that there are
only one in five of the lattice points of each of the cubic crystals in coincidence – the
four in the middle of the cell are not.
with [A; u] = [1 1 1]. The following vector equations illustrate the relationships be-
tween the basis vectors of A and those of B (Figure 7.4):
a1 = 1b1 + 1b2 + 0b3 (7.4)
a2 = 1b1 + 1b2 + 0b3
a3 = 0b1 + 0b2 + 1b3 .
These equations can also be presented in matrix form as follows:
1 1 0
(a1 a2 a3 ) = (b1 b2 b3 ) × 1 1 0 .
0 0 1
This 3 × 3 matrix representing the coordinate transformation is denoted (B J A)
and transforms the components of vectors referred to the A basis to those referred to
the B basis. The first column of (B J A) represents the components of the basis vector
a1 , with respect to the basis B, and so on.
The components of a vector u can now be transformed between bases using the
matrix (B J A) as follows:
[B; u] = (B J A)[A; u] (7.6)
Notice the juxtapositioning of like basis symbols. Writing (A J B) as the inverse of
(B J A):
[A; u] = (A J B)[B; u]
98 7 Interfaces, Orientation Relationships
(a) (b)
(a) Cubic coordinate system with orthogonal basis vectors of equal magnitude. (b)
Tetragonal coordinate system (red) in which the basis vectors on the basal plane end
at the face-centers of the cubic system. The relationship to the cubic cells (black) is
also illustrated.
010 B
100 B
Diagram illustrating the relation between the bases A and B. Note that [001]A k
[001]B .
7.4 Representation of orientation relationships 99
Referring to Figure 7.5, and recalling that the matrix (B J A) consists of three
columns, each column being the components of one of the basis vectors of A, with
respect to B, we have
u1 u3 (1 − m) + u2 n u2 u3 (1 − m) − u1 n u3 u3 (1 − m) + m
100 7 Interfaces, Orientation Relationships
where m = cos θ and n = sin θ. The right-handed angle of rotation can be obtained
from the fact that
J11 + J22 + J33 = 1 + 2 cos θ (7.10)
and the components of the vector u along the axis of rotation are given by
2π 2π 2π 2π
θ = 2π, , , , , (7.14)
2 3 4 6
another way of showing that a five-fold rotation axis is not permitted when transla-
tional symmetry is to be maintained.
x does not necessarily have integral components in the A basis (i.e., it need not
be a lattice vector of A). CSL vectors, on the other hand, identify lattice points which
7.6 Summary 101
are common to both A and B, and therefore are lattice vectors of both crystals. It
follows that CSL vectors have integral indices when referred to either crystal. Hence,
x is only a CSL vector if it has integral components in the basis A. We note that x
always has integral components in B, because a lattice vector of A (such as u) always
deforms into a lattice vector of B.
The meaning of Σ is that 1/Σ of the lattice sites of A or B are common to both
A and B. It follows that any primitive lattice vector of A or B, when multiplied
by Σ, must give a CSL vector. Σx must therefore always be a CSL vector and if
Equation 7.15 is multiplied by Σ, then we obtain an equation in which the vector u
always transforms into a CSL vector:
i.e., given that u is a lattice vector of A, whose components have no common factor,
Σx is a CSL vector with integral components in either basis. This can only be true
if the matrix Σ(A S A) has elements which are all integral since it is only then that
Σ[A; x] has elements which are all integral.
It follows that if an integer H can be found such that all the elements of the matrix
H(A S A) are integers (without a common factor), then H is the Σ value relating A
and B.
Applying this to the problem considered in Section 7.3, the rotation matrix cor-
responding to the rotation 180◦ about [1 1 2]A is given by (Equation 7.9)
2 1 2
(A J A) = 1 2 2
2 2 1
and since 3 is the integer which when multiplied with (A J A) gives a matrix of
integral elements (without a common factor), the Σ value for this orientation is given
by Σ = 3.
Coincidence site lattices have in recent years become popular because of the
advent of orientation imaging in the scanning electron microscope. The microscope
is usually associated with software that enables the estimation of the Σ value at every
junction between two grains. The accuracy of the technique is limited so such Σ maps
should be taken with a pinch of salt, and large Σ values are not very meaningful as
representations of low-energy boundaries.
7.6 Summary
Interfaces clearly have a structure that can be periodic. Simple boundaries between
misoriented crystals that have identical structures can be described in terms of arrays
of dislocations which become visible during transmission electron microscopy. The
102 7 Interfaces, Orientation Relationships
1. T. Watanabe: Grain boundary engineering: historical perspective and future
prospects, Journal of Materials Science, 2011, 46, 4095–4115.
2. A. F. Gourgues, H. M. Flower, and T. C. Lindley: Electron backscattering diffrac-
tion study of acicular ferrite, bainite, and martensite steel microstructures, Mate-
rials Science and Technology, 2000, 16, 26–40.
3. J. S. Koehler: On the dislocation theory of plastic deformation, Physical Review,
1941, 60, 397–410.
4. W. T. Read, and W. Schockley: Dislocation models of crystal grain boundaries,
Physical Review, 1950, 78, 275–289.
5. M. L. Kronberg, and F. H. Wilson: Secondary recrystallization in copper, Trans.
A.I.M.E., 1949, 185, 501–514.
6. S. Ranganathan: On the geometry of coincidence-site lattices, Acta Crystallo-
graphica, 1966, 21, 197–199.
Crystallography of Martensitic
8.1 Introduction
Martensitic transformations, and displacive transformations in general, remain the
only mechanism for the manufacture of bulk nanostructured materials for engineer-
ing applications [1, 2]. The transformation is diffusionless and hence can occur at
incredibly low temperatures [3], or can propagate at the speed of sound in the ma-
terial (a few thousand m s−1 ) [4]. There is no composition change when it grows to
consume the parent phase.
There are, however, a number of peculiarities associated with martensitic trans-
formations, which are important in the design of alloys. The interface plane between
austenite and martensite is known as the habit plane and measurements show that the
crystallographic indices of that plane are irrational and strange (Table 8.1). Another
difficulty is that the martensite-austenite (α/γ) interface has to be glissile, that is, it
must be able to move without diffusion. This requires that the interface must contain
no more than one set of dislocations. Any more than one array of line vectors can lead
to interference between the dislocations which renders the interface sessile. In crys-
tallographic terms, this means that there must be at least one line fully coherent in
the α/γ interface. The transformation strain relating the two lattices must therefore,
as a minimum, be an invariant-line strain.
104 8 Crystallography of Martensitic Transformations
Habit plane indices for martensite.
Note: The quoted indices are approximate because the habit planes are in general
irrational. There is an interesting study on the regularity of the habit plane indices as
a function of, for example, strain in the austenite [5].
[0 0 1]fcc | |[0 0 1]bcc [1 1 0]fcc | |[1 0 0]bcc [1 1 0]fcc | |[0 1 0]bcc (8.1)
and although the orientations actually observed are consistent with good matching
8.3 Bain strain 105
The measured shape deformation due to martensitic transformation is an invariant-
plane strain with a large shear component (≃ 0.22) and a small dilatational strain
(≃ 0.03) directed normal to the habit plane in steels.
between the two lattices (Figure 8.3) they are inconsistent with the Bain relationship.
Typical observed orientation relationships are irrational but are represented approxi-
mately by:
{1 1 1}γ k {0 1 1}α ,
h1 0 1iγ k h1 1 1iα ,
{1 1 1}γ k {0 1 1}α ,
(b) (c)
The Bain strain. The iron atoms at the centers of the faces of the austenite cell paral-
lel to the plane of the diagram are omitted for clarity. (a) The lattice correspondence
for formation of martensite from austenite, showing a single carbon atom in an octa-
hedral interstice on the [001]γ axis. (b) Tetragonal unit cell outlined in austenite. (c)
Lattice deformation (compression along c-axis) to form martensite with an appropri-
ate c/a ratio. Note that the martensite in iron alloys can be body-centered tetragonal
(bct) or body-centered cubic (bcc); none of the descriptions in this chapter are sensi-
tive to this.
Electron diffraction pattern from bcc martensite and fcc austenite lattices in steels.
(a) and (b) show the effect of the Bain strain on austenite, which when undeformed
is represented as a sphere of diameter wx = yz in three dimensions. The strain trans-
forms it into an ellipsoid of revolution. (c) Shows the ILS obtained by combining
the Bain strain with a rigid body rotation through an angle θ. a1 , a2 , and a3 refer to
[100]γ , [010]γ , and [001]γ axes, respectively.
As can be seen from Figure 8.4c, there is no rotation which can make B into an
invariant-plane strain since this would require two non-parallel invariant-lines. Thus,
for the fcc→bcc transformation, austenite cannot be transformed into martensite by
a homogeneous strain which is an invariant-plane strain. And yet, the observed shape
deformation leaves the habit plane undistorted and unrotated, i.e., it is an invariant-
plane strain.
The phenomenological theory of martensite crystallography solves this remain-
ing problem (Figure 8.5) [7–10]. The Bain strain converts the structure of the parent
phase into that of the product phase. When combined with an appropriate rigid body
rotation, the net homogeneous lattice deformation RB is an invariant-line strain (step
a to c in Figure 8.5). However, the observed shape deformation is an invariant-plane
strain P1 (step a to b in Figure 8.5), but this gives the wrong crystal structure. If a
second homogeneous shear P2 is combined with P1 (step b to c), then the correct
structure is obtained but the wrong shape since
P1 P2 = RB.
108 8 Crystallography of Martensitic Transformations
These discrepancies are all resolved if the shape changing effect of P2 is cancelled
macroscopically by an inhomogeneous lattice-invariant deformation, which may be
slip or twinning as illustrated in Figure 8.5.
The theory explains all the observed features of the martensite crystallography.
The orientation relationship is predicted by deducing the rotation needed to change
the Bain strain into an invariant-line strain. The habit plane does not have rational
indices because the amount of lattice-invariant deformation needed to recover the
correct macroscopic shape is not usually rational. The theory predicts a substruc-
ture in plates of martensite (either twins or slip steps) as is observed experimentally.
The transformation goes to all the trouble of ensuring that the shape deformation
is macroscopically an invariant-plane strain because this reduces the strain energy
when compared with the case where the shape deformation might be an invariant-
line strain.
The phenomenological theory of martensite crystallography.
The strain not only transforms the lattice but the resulting shape of the final transfor-
mation product is as observed, so there is no need for any lattice-invariant deforma-
tion (slip or twinning).
The fcc→hcp transformation involving a shear of 6 [112] on alternate (111)γ planes
to generate the hcp structure.
8.4 Summary
It is hard to exaggerate the success of the crystallographic theory of martensitic trans-
formations, both in terms of the conceptual leap in explaining away the apparent dif-
ficulties accumulated via careful experiments, and in the quantitative closure between
experiment and theory. This has not, in many respects, been achieved for any other
solid-state transformations, particularly those that involve diffusion and composition
change. The theory has generic value because it is not restricted to changes between
particular crystal systems.
1. R. Ueji, N. Tsuji, Y. Minamino, and Y. Koizumi: Ultragrain refinement of plain
low carbon steel by cold-rolling and annealing of martensite, Acta Materialia,
2002, 50, 4177–4139.
2. H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: The first bulk nanostructured metal, Science and Tech-
nology of Advanced Materials, 2013, 14, 014202.
110 8 Crystallography of Martensitic Transformations
Macroscopic materials consist of aggregates of crystals. The order that typifies sin-
gle crystals is disrupted at boundaries so the properties of polycrystalline samples
can be sensitive to the relative orientations of neighboring crystals. Or even to the
averaged disposition of the myriads of crystals relative to some macroscopic frame
of reference. Orientation relationships between crystals are useful in understanding
the structure of the interfaces between crystals and the evolution of the shapes of pre-
cipitates as they grow in a solid matrix. An entire subject now exists on grain bound-
ary engineering, where, for example, the corrosion resistance of a stainless steel can
be improved dramatically by ensuring a preponderance of good-fit boundaries. And
there are remarkable experimental techniques that facilitate the crystallographic char-
acterization of millions of crystals in a long blink of an eye.
9.1 Introduction
A substantial part of research on polycrystalline materials is concerned with the ac-
curate determination, assessment, and theoretical prediction of orientation relation-
ships between adjacent crystals. There are obvious practical applications, such as in
the study of anisotropy and texture, or in defining the role of interfaces in control-
ling the mechanical properties. The existence of a reproducible orientation relation
between the parent and product phases might determine the ultimate morphology of
any precipitates, by allowing the development of low interfacial-energy facets. It is
possible that vital clues about nucleation in the solid state might emerge from a de-
tailed examination of orientation relationships, even though these can usually only
be measured when the crystals concerned are well into the growth stage. Needless to
say, the properties of interfaces depend critically on the relative dispositions of the
crystals that they connect.
Perhaps the most interesting experimental observation is that the orientation rela-
tionships that are found to develop during phase transformations (or during deforma-
tion or recrystallisation experiments) usually are not random [1–3]. The frequency of
occurrence of any particular orientation relation usually far exceeds the probability
of obtaining it simply by taking the two separate crystals and joining them up in an
arbitrary way.
114 9 Orientation Relations
This indicates that there are favored orientation relations, perhaps because it is
these which allow the best fit at the interface between the two crystals. This would in
turn reduce the interfacial energy, and hence the activation energy for nucleation. Nu-
clei which, by chance, happen to be orientated in this manner would find it relatively
easy to grow, giving rise to the non-random distribution mentioned earlier.
On the other hand, it could be the case that nuclei actually form by the homo-
geneous deformation of a small region of the parent lattice. The deformation, which
transforms the parent structure to that of the product (e.g., Bain strain), would have
to be of the kind which minimizes strain energy. Of all the possible ways of accom-
plishing the lattice change by homogeneous deformation, only a few might satisfy
the minimum strain energy criterion – this again would lead to the observed non-
random distribution of orientation relationships. It is a problem to understand which
of these factors really determine the existence of rational orientation relations. In this
chapter we deal with the methods for adequately describing the relationships between
1 Thestructure of cementite is described on page 61 but we will assume in what follows that the lattice
parameters increase in the order a > b > c.
9.2 Cementite in steels 115
then multiplying [0 1 1]α by k makes its magnitude equal to that of [1 0 0]θ ; the
constants g and m can similarly be used for the other two α vectors.
Recalling now the definition of a coordinate transformation matrix, each col-
umn of (α J θ) represents the components of a basis vector of θ in the α basis.
For example, the first column of (α J θ) consists of the components of [1 0 0]θ in
the α basis, [0 k k]α . It follows that (α J θ) can be derived simply by inspection
of the relations 9.1, 9.2, so that
0.000000 1.024957 1.920485
(α J θ) = −1.116120 −1.024957 0.960242
1.116120 −1.024957 0.960242
116 9 Orientation Relations
The transformation matrix can therefore be deduced by inspection when the
orientation relationship 9.1 is stated in terms of the basis vectors of one of the
crystals concerned (in this case, the basis vectors of θ are specified in relation-
ship 9.1). On the other hand, orientation relationships can, and often are, specified
in terms of vectors other than the basis vectors. Furthermore, electron diffraction
patterns may not include direct information about basis vectors. A more general
method of solving for (α J θ) is now presented, a method independent of the
vectors used in specifying the orientation relationship:
From the relations 9.1 and 9.2 we see that
h i
0 k k α = (α J θ)[1 0 0]θ
h i
g g g α = (α J θ)[0 1 0]θ
h i
2m m m α = (α J θ)[0 0 1]θ . (9.4)
where the Jij (i = 1, 2, 3 and j = 1, 2, 3) are the elements of the matrix (α J θ).
From Equation 9.5, it follows that
0 g 2m 0 1.024957 1.920485
(α J θ) =
k g m = −1.116120 −1.024957 0.960242 . (9.6)
0 −3gm 3gm
(θ J α) =
6gmk 2mk −2mk −2mk
2gk gk gk
0 −0.447981 0.447981
0.325217 −0.325217 −0.325217
It should be noted that the determinant of (α J θ) gives the ratio of the volume
of the θ unit cell to that of the ferrite α unit cell. If the coordinate transformation
simply involves a rotation of bases, e.g., when it describes the relation between two
grains of identical structure, then the matrix is orthogonal and its determinant has a
value of unity for all proper rotations (i.e., not involving inversion operations). Such
coordinate transformation matrices are called rotation matrices.
A stereographic representation of the Bagaryatski orientation is presented in Fig-
ure 9.1, to visualize the angular relationships between poles (plane normals) of crys-
tal planes and give some indication of symmetry; the picture is of course distorted
because distance on the stereogram does not scale directly with angle. Angular mea-
surements on stereograms are in general made using Wulff nets and may typically
be in error by a few degrees, depending on the size of the stereogram. Space and
aesthetic considerations usually limit the number of poles plotted on stereograms,
and those plotted usually have rational indices. Separate plots are needed for cases
where directions and plane normals of the same indices have a different orientation
in space. A coordinate transformation matrix is, by comparison, a precise way of rep-
resenting orientation relationships; angles between any plane normals or directions
can be calculated to any desired degree of accuracy and information on both plane
normals and directions can be derived from just one matrix. With a little nurturing,
it is possible to picture the meaning of the elements of a coordinate transformation
matrix: each column of (α J θ) represents the components of a basis vector of θ in
the basis α, and the determinant of this matrix gives the ratio of volumes of the two
unit cells.
118 9 Orientation Relations
(b) (c)
(a) Stereographic representation of the Bagaryatski orientation relationship between
ferrite and cementite in steels, where [1 0 0]θ k [0 1 1]α , [0 1 0]θ k [1 1 1]α , and
[0 0 1]θ k [2 1 1]α . All the poles plotted are in the upper hemisphere. (b) Typical
electron diffraction pattern consistent with the Bagaryatski orientation relation with
[1 0 0]θ k [0 1 1]α normal to the plane of the pattern. (c) An actual electron diffraction
pattern corresponding to (b).
(Figure 9.2). Within these planes, there can be a significant variation in orientation,
with h1 0 1ifcc k h1 1 1ibcc for the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relation [13],
and h1 0 1ifcc about 5.3◦ towards h1 1 1ibcc for the Nishiyama-Wasserman relation
[14, 15]. It is experimentally difficult to distinguish between these relations using
ordinary electron diffraction or X-ray techniques, but accurate work, such as that of
Crosky et al. [16], shows a spread of fcc-bcc orientation relationships (roughly near
the Kurdjumov–Sachs and Nishiyama–Wasserman orientations) within the same al-
loy. When discussing these small variations in the orientation relationship, it is im-
portant to realize that the samples studied are at an advanced stage of transformation.
The state of the austenite actually changes as transformation evolves, particularly
with respect to local plastic strains. As a result, the reference frame from which the
martensite forms is no longer identical to that of the undeformed austenite, which
may be the real cause of the spread in orientations. Ideally, a comparison needs to be
made of the observed orientation relationship as a function of the number of marten-
site plates per unit volume. Example 9.3 deals with the exact Kurdjumov–Sachs ori-
entation relationship.
we obtain:
[0 k k]X = (X J γ)[1 1 1]γ
[g g g]X = (X J γ)[1 0 1]γ
[2m m m]X = (X J γ)[1 2 1]γ
120 9 Orientation Relations
or in other words,
0 g 2m J11 J12 J13 1 1 1
m = J21
k g J22 J23 1 0 2
k g m J31 J32 J33 1 1 1
0 g 2m 2/6 2/6 2/6
(X J γ) =
k g
m 3/6 0 3/6
(a) Stereographic representation of the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation relationship.
Note that the positions of the base vectors of the γ lattice are consistent with the
matrix (X J γ) derived in Example 9.3, Equation 9.8, where each column of (X J γ)
represents the components of a basis vector of γ in the basis X, so that [1 0 0]γ ,
[0 1 0]γ , and [0 0 1]γ are approximately parallel to [1 1 0]α , [1 1 0]α , and [0 0 1]α
respectively, as seen in the stereographic representation. (b) Stereographic represen-
tation of the Nishiyama–Wasserman orientation relationship which can be gener-
ated from the Kurdjumov–Sachs orientation by a rotation of 5.26◦ about [0 1 1]α .
The necessary rotation makes [1 1 2]γ exactly parallel to [0 1 1]α . The Nishiyama–
Wasserman relation is midway between the two variants of the Kurdjumov–Sachs re-
lation which share the same parallel close-packed plane. The stereograms also show
that the Kurdjumov–Sachs and Nishiyama–Wasserman orientation relationships do
not differ much from the γ/α orientation relationship implied by the Bain strain
illustrated in Figure 8.2.
122 9 Orientation Relations
[Y; x] = (Y J X)[X; x]
in other words,
[u1 u2 u3 ] = (Y J X)[w1 w2 w3 ]. (9.9)
However, if u happens to lie along the axis of rotation relating X and Y, then
not only will [X;u] = [Y;x] as before, but its direction also remains invariant to
the rotation operation, so that [X;x] = [Y;x] and
(Y J X)[X; x] = [Y; x]
so that
(Y J X)[X; u] = [X; u]
and hence
{(Y J X) − I}[X; u] = 0 (9.10)
where I is a 3 × 3 identity matrix. Any rotation axis must satisfy an equation of
this form; expanding Equation 9.10, we get
1 2 1
− u1 + u2 − u3 =0
3 3 3
1 1 2
− u1 − u2 + u3 =0
3 3 3
2 1 1
u1 − u2 − u3 = 0.
3 3 3
Solving these simultaneously gives u1 = u2 = u3 , proving that the required
rotation axis lies along the [1 1 1]X direction, which also is the [1 1 1]Y direction.
The angle and sense of rotation can be determined by examining a vector v
which lies at 90◦ to u. If, say, v = [1 0 1]X , then as a result of the rotation
operation it becomes z = [1 0 1]Y = [0 1 1]X , making an angle of 60◦ with v,
giving the required angle of rotation. Since v ∧z gives [1 1 1]X , it is also a rotation
in the right-handed sense.
(i) The problem illustrates the fact that the orientation relation between two grains
can be represented by a matrix such as (Y J X), or by an axis-angle pair such as
[1 1 1]X and 60◦ . Obviously, the often used practice of stating a misorientation
between grains in terms of just an angle of rotation is inadequate and incorrect.
(ii) The Euler theorem for rigid rotations [17] states that “regardless of the way a
coordinate system is rotated from its original orientation, it always is possible to
find a fixed axis in space about which a single rotation of the initial coordinates
124 9 Orientation Relations
ends at the final orientation” (the original theorem is in Latin – the English quote
is from [18]). If the axis of rotation is constrained to be a unit vector, then only
three independent quantities are needed to define a misorientation between grains:
two components of the axis of rotation, and an angle of rotation. It follows that
a rotation matrix must also have only three independent terms. The relationship
between the axis-angle pair and rotation matrix is given in Equation 7.9.
Suppose now that there exists another ferrite crystal (basis symbol Z), such that
so that crystal X can be generated from Z by a rotation of 90◦ about [0 0 1]X axis.
However, this clearly is a symmetry operation of a cubic crystal, and it follows that
crystal X can never be distinguished experimentally from crystal Z, so that the matri-
ces (Y J X) and (Y J Z) are crystallographically equivalent, as are the corresponding
axis-angle pair descriptions. In other words, Y can be generated from X either by a
rotation of 60◦ about [1 1 1]X , or by a rotation of 70.52◦ about [1 0 1]X . The two axis-
angle pair representations are equivalent. There are actually 24 matrices like (Z J X)
which represent symmetry rotations in cubic systems. It follows that a cubic bicrys-
tal can be represented in 24 equivalent ways, with 24 axis-angle pairs. Any rotation
matrix like (Y J X) when multiplied by rotation matrices representing symmetry op-
erations (e.g., (Z J X)) will lead to the 24 axis-angle pair representations. The degen-
eracy of other structures is as follows [19, 20]: cubic (24), hexagonal (12), hexagonal
close-packed (6), tetragonal (8), trigonal (6), orthorhombic (4), monoclinic (2), and
triclinic (1). In general, the number N of axis-angle pairs is given by
where N2 , N3 , N4 , and N6 refer to the number of diads, triads, tetrads, and hexads
in the symmetry elements of the structure concerned.
9.4 Relationships between grains of identical structure 125
(a) (b)
(a) Electron diffraction pattern from a martensite plate (m) and its twin (t). Spots not
connected by lines (e.g., “dd”) arise from double diffraction. (b) Interpretation of the
diffraction pattern.
[5 1 3]X k h5 3 1iY
(5 8 11)X k {5 11 8}Y .
It follows that {5 8 11} deformation twins can propagate without deviation across
the transformation twins, since the above planes and directions, respectively, are
crystallographically equivalent and indeed parallel. This may explain the occur-
rence of such an unusual deformation twinning mode.
126 9 Orientation Relations
It is easily demonstrated that the determinant of (A∗ G A) equals the square of the
volume of the cell formed by the basis vectors of A. We note in passing that for
orthonormal coordinates, (Z∗ G Z) =I. A list of metric tensors is given in Table 9.1.
0 0 c2 0 0 c−2
h.u = (h; θ∗ )[θ; u] = h1 u1 + h2 u2 + h3 u3
it follows that
(h1 u1 + h2 u2 + h3 u3 )
cos φ = p 2 .
(h1 / a + h22 /b2 + h23 /c2 )(u1 a2 + u2 b2 + u23 c2 )
Elements of metric tensor (A∗ G A) and its inverse. The term φ = (−2 cos{β} cos{α} cos{γ} + cos2 {β} + cos2 {α} + cos2 {γ} − 1)−1
(A∗ G A)
Class G11 G12 G13 G21 G22 G23 G31 G32 G33
Cubic a2 0 0 0 a2 0 0 0 a2
Tetragonal a2 0 0 0 a2 0 0 0 c2
2 2
Orthorhombic a 0 0 0 b 0 0 0 c2
Hexagonal a2 −0.5a2 0 −0.5a2 a2 0 0 0 c2
Monoclinic a2 0 ac cos{β} 0 b2 0 ac cos{β} 0 c2
Triclinic a2 ab cos{γ} ac cos{β} ab cos{γ} b2 bc cos{α} ac cos{β} bc cos{α} c2
(A G A ) ∗
Class G11 G12 G13 G21 G22 G23 G31 G32 G33
Hence, h ∧ k gives a vector whose components are expressed in the real basis. The
vector cross product of two plane normals gives a direction (zone axis) which is
common to the two planes represented by the plane normals.
9.7 Summary
The term “orientation relationship” has more than one meaning. When the relation-
ship is reproducible, for example when precipitates form in a solid matrix away from
heterogeneous nucleation sites, the strong implication is that there is something that
favors that behavior. The reasons could include:
1. The reduction in interfacial energy between the precipitate and matrix
when a specific relationship is adopted. This facilitates nucleation because
the activation energy for nucleation scales with the cube of the interfacial
energy per unit area.
2. That the nucleus is generated by a homogeneous deformation of the ma-
trix, in which case the deformation that minimizes the strain energy will
determine the observed orientation relationship.
The second kind of relationship is not reproducible but arises because deformation or
other external influences induce the alignment of crystals in a polycrystalline sam-
ple. In this case, the average orientation and the (different) relative orientations of
adjacent crystals matter in determining the anisotropy and macroscopic properties of
the material as a whole. This subject falls in the domain of crystallographic texture
as introduced in Chapter 6, but in geology a different descriptor is used: fabric. Ice
at ambient pressure has a hexagonal structure with the resistance to slip being some
60 times larger on non-basal planes [22]. Initially isotropic polycrystalline ice then
becomes anisotropic when fabric develops because the basal slip-planes of differ-
ent crystals tend to align during flow [23]. A similar effect happens when hexagonal
titanium alloys are friction stir welded [24].
130 9 Orientation Relations
1. P. L. Ryder, and W. Pitsch: The crystallographic analysis of grain boundary
precipitation, Acta Metallurgica, 1966, 14, 1437–1448.
2. P. L. Ryder, W. Pitsch, and R. F. Mehl: Crystallography of the precipitation of
ferrite on austenite grain boundaries in a Co-20%Fe alloy, Acta Metallurgica,
1967, 15, 1431–1440.
3. J. W. Christian: Martensitic transformations: a current assessment, In: The
mechanism of phase transformations in crystalline solids, Monography 33.
London, U.K.: Institute of Metals, 1969:129–142.
4. K. W. Andrews: The structure of cementite and its relation to ferrite, Acta
Metallurgica, 1963, 11, 939–946.
24. R. Fonda: Texture development in friction stir welds, Science and Technology
of Welding and Joining, 2011, 16, 288–294.
Homogeneous deformations
10.1 Introduction
A homogeneous deformation is one in which points that initially are collinear remain
so after the deformation. It follows that a plane will similarly remain a plane in
such circumstances. Each volume element in the solid therefore experiences the same
change in shape. Figure 10.1 illustrates the difference between a homogeneous and
heterogeneous deformation. In this chapter, we describe deformations that alter the
length and/or direction of vectors, i.e., physical deformations, with the initial and
resultant vectors referred to a fixed reference frame.
Elastic strain energy calculations often are based on the assumption that the de-
formations are homogeneous [1] and this usually is justified given that the elastic
strain fields may extend over large distances whereas atomic perturbations are just
that. Similarly, the stability of crystal lattices has been studied by subjecting them
to homogeneous deformation along the direction of one of its axes, and to another
small deformation along an arbitrary direction [2].
134 10 Homogeneous deformations
An illustration of the difference between homogeneous deformations and those that
are heterogeneous. Examples of the former include shear, hydrostatic expansion and
uniaxial expansion, whereas slip caused by the motion of a dislocation, or the for-
mation of a crack, or the motion of rigid continental plates, involves heterogeneous
η3 = cα′ /aγ
(a) (b)
(a) Two austenite unit cells, one the conventional cubic-F (basis A) and the other
a body-centered tetragonal cell (basis B). Some of the atoms in face-centering po-
sitions on the vertical faces of the the cubic cell of austenite are not illustrated for
the sake of clarity. (b) How the body centered tetragonal cell can be deformed by
the Bain strain into that of body-centered cubic or body-centered tetragonal cell of
(A S A) converts the vector [A;u] into a new vector [A;v], with v still referred to the
basis A.
The difference between a coordinate transformation (B J A) and a deformation
matrix (A S A) is illustrated in Figure 10.3, where ai and bi are the basis vectors of
the bases A and B, respectively.
Difference between coordinate transformation (B J γ) and deformation matrix
(γ S γ). The latter is defined with respect to a single reference frame whereas the
former deals with a change in the reference frame.
and those which represent physical deformations referred to a single axis system.
The following additional information can be deduced from Figure 10.2:
Vector components before Bain strain Vector components after Bain strain
[1 0 0]A [η1 0 0]A
[0 1 0]A [0 η2 0]A
[0 0 1]A [0 0 η3 ]A
so the matrix (A S A) can be written as follows, with each column consisting of the
components of a vector equal to the basis vector of A, following deformation:
η1 0 0
(A S A) = 0 η2 0 .
0 0 η3
Each column of the deformation matrix represents the components of the new
vector formed as a result of the deformation of a vector equal to one of the basis
vectors of A.
The strain represented by (A S A) is called a pure strain because it involves
stretching along three orthogonal axes; for this reason, the matrix representation
(A S A) is symmetrical. Stretching means extensions or contractions but no rota-
tions, and the three initially orthogonal directions are referred to as the principal axes
which obviously remain orthogonal and unrotated during the deformation.
The ratio of its final length to initial length is the principal deformation associated
with that principal axis. The directions [1 0 0]B , [0 1 0]B , and [0 0 1]B are therefore
the principal axes of the Bain strain, and ηi the respective principal deformations. In
the particular example under consideration, η1 = η2 so that any two perpendicular
lines in the (0 0 1)B plane could form two of the principal axes. Since a3 k b3 and
since a1 and a2 lie in (0 0 1)B , it is clear that the vectors ai must also be the principal
axes of the Bain deformation.
Since the deformation matrix (A S A) is referred to a basis system which co-
incides with the principal axes, the off-diagonal components of this matrix must be
zero. Column 1 of the matrix (A S A) represents the new coordinates of the vector
[1 0 0], after the latter has undergone the deformation described by (A S A), and a
similar rationale applies to the other columns. (A S A) deforms the fcc γ lattice into a
bcc or bct α′ lattice, and the ratio of the final to initial volume of the material is sim-
ply η1 η2 η3 ; the ratio is more generally given by the determinant of the deformation
matrix. Finally, it should be noted that any tetragonality in the martensite can readily
be taken into account by writing η3 = cα′ /aγ , where cα′ /aα is the aspect ratio of
the bct martensite unit cell.
Example 10.1: Bain strain: undistorted vectors
Given that the principal distortions of the Bain strain (A S A), referred to the
crystallographic axes of the fcc γ lattice (lattice parameter aγ ), are η1 = η2 =
10.2 Homogeneous deformations 137
1.123883, and η3 = 0.794705, show that the vector
[A; x] = [−0.645452 0.408391 0.645452]
remains undistorted, though not unrotated as a result of the operation of the Bain
strain. Furthermore, show that for x to remain unextended as a result of the Bain
strain, its components xi must satisfy the equation
(η12 − 1)x21 + (η22 − 1)x22 + (η32 − 1)x23 = 0. (10.2)
As a result of the deformation (A S A), the vector x becomes a new vector y,
according to the equation
(A S A)[A; x] = [A; y] = [η1 x1 η2 x2 η3 x3 ] = [−0.723412 0.458983 0.512944]
|x|2 = (x; A∗ )[A; x] = a2γ (x21 + x22 + x23 ) (10.3)
|y|2 = (y; A∗ )[A; y] = a2γ (y12 + y22 + y32 ). (10.4)
Using these equations, and the numerical values of xi and yi obtained above,
it is easy to show that |x| = |y|. It should be noted that although x remains un-
extended, it is rotated by the strain (A S A), since xi 6= yi . Using Equations 10.3
and 10.4 with yi = ηi xi , yields the required Equation 10.2. Since η1 and η2 are
equal and greater than 1, and since η3 is less than unity, Equation 10.2 amounts
to the equation of a right-circular cone, the axis of which coincides with [0 0 1]A .
Any vector initially lying on this cone will remain unextended as a result of the
Bain strain.
This process was illustrated in Figure 8.4 where a spherical volume of austen-
ite was deformed into an ellipsoid of revolution. Notice that the principal axes
(ai ) remain unrotated by the deformation, and that lines such as xw and yz which
become x′ w′ and y ′ z ′ , respectively, remain unextended by the deformation (since
they are all diameters of the original sphere), although rotated through the angle θ.
The lines xw and yz of course lie on the initial cone described by Equation 10.2.
Suppose now that the ellipsoid resulting from the Bain strain is rotated through
a right-handed angle of θ, about the axis a2 , then Figure 8.4c illustrates that this
rotation will cause the initial and final cones of unextended lines to touch along
yz, bringing yz and y ′ z ′ into coincidence. If the total deformation can therefore
be described as (A S A) combined with the above rigid body rotation, then such
a deformation would leave the line cd both unrotated and unextended; such a
deformation is called an invariant-line strain. Notice that the total deformation,
consisting of (A S A) and a rigid body rotation, is no longer a pure strain since the
vectors parallel to the principal axes of (A S A) are rotated into the new positions
a′i Figure 8.4c.
by substituting each eigenvalue, in turn, into Equation 10.7. Of course, since every
vector which lies along the unrotated direction is an eigenvector, if u is a solution
of Equation 10.7 then ku must also satisfy Equation 10.7, k being a scalar constant.
If the matrix (A S A) is real, then there must exist three eigenvalues, at least one
of which is necessarily real. If (A S A) is symmetrical, then all three of its eigen-
values are real; the existence of three real eigenvalues does not however imply that
the deformation matrix is symmetrical. Every real eigenvalue implies the existence
of a corresponding vector which remains unchanged in direction as a result of the
operation of (A S A).
Example 10.2: Eigenvectors and eigenvalues
Find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
18 −6 −6
(A S A) = −6 21
−6 3 21
To solve for the eigenvalues, we use Equation 10.8 to form the determinant
18 − λ −6 −6
3 =0
6 21 − λ
−6 3 21 − λ
which on expansion gives the cubic equation
(12 − λ)(λ − 30)(λ − 18) = 0
with the roots
λ1 = 12, λ2 = 30 and λ3 = 18.
To find the eigenvector u = [A; u] = [u1 u2 u3 ] corresponding to λ1 , we
substitute λ1 into Equation 10.7 to obtain
6u1 − 6u2 − 6u3 =0
−6u1 + 9u2 + 3u3 =0
−6u1 + 3u2 + 9u3 = 0.
These equations can be solved simultaneously to show that u1 = 2u2 = 2u3 . The
other two eigenvectors, v and x, corresponding to λ2 and λ3 , respectively, can be
determined in a similar way. Hence, it is found that:
[A; u] = (6− 2 )[2 1 1]
[A; v] = (3− 2 )[1 1 1]
[A; x] = (2− 2 )[0 1 1].
All vectors parallel to u, v, or x remain unchanged in direction, though not in
magnitude, due to the deformation (A S A).
140 10 Homogeneous deformations
(i) Since the matrix (A S A) is symmetrical, we find three real eigenvectors, which
form an orthogonal set.
(ii) A negative eigenvalue implies that a vector initially parallel to the corresponding
eigenvector becomes antiparallel (changes sign) on deformation. A deformation
like this is physically impossible.
(iii) If a new orthonormal basis B is defined, consisting of unit basis vectors parallel
to u, v, and x, respectively, then the deformation (A S A) can be expressed in the
new basis with the help of a similarity transformation. Keeping like basis symbols
adjacent, it follows that
w1 w2 w3 −6 3 21 u3 v3 w3
18 0 0
= 0 30 0 .
0 0 12
Notice that the off diagonal terms of (B S B) are zero because it is referred to a
basis formed by the principal axes of the deformation – i.e., the three orthogonal
eigenvectors. The matrix representing the Bain strain (page 136) is also diagonal
because it too is referred to the principal axes of the strain. Any real symmet-
rical matrix can be diagonalized using the procedure illustrated above. (B S B)
is called the diagonal representation of the deformation and this special repre-
sentation will henceforth be identified by placing a bar over the matrix symbol:
(B S B).
On the other hand, the shear (Z P2 Z) illustrated in Figure 10.4a is not a pure
deformation because it is possible to identify just two mutually perpendicular eigen-
vectors, both of which must lie in the invariant-plane. All other vectors are rotated
by the shearing action. The original object, represented as a sphere, is sheared into
an ellipsoid. The invariant-plane of the deformation contains the z1 and z2 axes.
The deformation can be imagined to occur in two stages, the first one involving
simple extensions and contractions along the y1 and y3 directions, respectively (Fig-
ure 10.4b) and the second involving a rigid body rotation of the ellipsoid, about the
axis z2 k y2 , through a right-handed angle φ.
(a) (b)
Factorization of a simple shear (Z P2 Z) into a pure deformation (Z Q Z) and a right-
handed rigid body rotation of φ about z2 . In (a), ac is the trace of the invariant plane.
(Z Q Z) leaves ac undistorted but rotated to a′ c′ and rigid body rotation brings a′ c′
into coincidence with ac. The axes y1 , y2 , and y3 are the principal axes of the pure
deformation. The undeformed shape is represented as a sphere in three dimensions.
It was arbitrarily chosen that the pure strain would occur first and be followed by the
rigid body rotation, but the reverse order is equally acceptable,
(Z P2 Z) = (Z Q2 Z)(Z J2 Z)
where in general,
(Z Q2 Z) 6= (Z Q Z) and (Z J2 Z) 6= (Z J Z).
Any real deformation can in general be factorized into a pure strain and a rigid body
142 10 Homogeneous deformations
It is worth repeating that in Equation 10.12, λi are the eigenvalues of the matrix
(Z S′ Z)(Z S Z) and ui , vi , and wi are the components, in the basis Z of the eigen-
vectors of (Z S′ Z)(Z S Z). The rotation part of the strain (Z S Z) is simply
(Z J Z) = (Z S Z)(Z Q Z) . (10.13)
10.5 Interfaces 143
10.5 Interfaces
A vector parallel to a principal axis of a pure deformation may become extended
but is not changed in direction by the deformation. The ratio η of its final to initial
length is called a principal deformation associated with that principal axis and the
corresponding quantity (η − 1) is called a principal strain. We have seen that when
two of the principal strains of the pure deformation differ in sign from the third,
all three being non-zero, it is possible to obtain a total strain which leaves one line
invariant (page 107). It intuitively seems advantageous to have the invariant-line in
the interface connecting the two crystals, since their lattices would then match exactly
along that line.
A completely undistorted interface would have to contain two non-parallel direc-
tions which are invariant to the total transformation strain. The following example il-
lustrates the characteristics of such a transformation strain, called an invariant-plane
strain, which allows the existence of a plane which remains unrotated and undistorted
during the deformation.
Example 10.3: Deformations and interfaces
A pure strain (A Q A), referred to an orthonormal basis “A” whose basis vec-
tors are parallel to the principal axes of the deformation, has the principal deforma-
tions η1 = 1.192281, η2 = 1, and η3 = 0.838728. Show that (A Q A) combined
with a rigid body rotation gives a total strain which leaves a plane unrotated and
Because (A Q A) is a pure strain referred to a basis composed of unit vectors
parallel to its principal axes, it consists of simple extensions or contractions along
the basis vectors a1 , a2 , and a3 . Hence, Figure 10.5 can be constructed by anal-
ogy for the Bain strain illustrated on page 107. Since η2 = 1, ef k a2 remains
unextended and unrotated by (A Q A), and if a rigid body rotation (about fe as
the axis of rotation) is added to bring yz into coincidence with y ′ z ′ , then the two
vectors ef and ab remain invariant to the total deformation. Any combination of
ef and ab will also remain invariant, and hence all lines in the plane containing
ef and y ′ z ′ are invariant, giving an invariant plane. Thus, a pure strain when com-
bined with a rigid body rotation can only generate an invariant-plane strain if two
of its principal strains have opposite signs, the third being zero. Since it is the
pure strain which actually accomplishes the lattice change (the rigid body rotation
causes no further lattice change), any two lattices related by a pure strain with
these characteristics may be joined by a fully coherent interface.
(A Q A) actually represents the pure strain part of the total transformation
strain required to change an fcc lattice to an hcp (hexagonal close-packed) lattice,
assuming that there is no volume change, by shearing on the {1 1 1}γ plane, in
the h1 1 2iγ direction, the magnitude of the shear being equal to half the twinning
shear (see Chapter 11). Consistent with the proof given above, a fully coherent in-
terface is observed experimentally when hcp martensite is formed in this manner.
144 10 Homogeneous deformations
It is worth noting that the total deformation, i.e., the combination of the pure
and rotational strains, completely defines the set of crystallographic features of the
hcp martensite [4–6]. The set consists of the habit plane, orientation relationship,
and shape deformation associated with the transformation.
(a) (b)
(a,b) Illustration of the strain (A Q A), the undeformed crystal represented initially
as a sphere of diameter ef which also is an invariant line since η2 = 1. The strain
(c) illustrates that a combination of (A Q A) with a rigid body rotation about the
axis ef generates another invariant line z ′ y ′ , so that the net deformation becomes an
invariant-plane strain.
The equiaxed grain structure typical of most undeformed materials can be rep-
resented using Kelvin tetrakaidecahedra which accomplish the “division of space
with a minimum of partitional area” [7]. A tetrakaidecahedron has 8 hexagonal and
6 square faces, Figure 10.6, with 36 edges, each of length a. All of the edges can
be described in terms of just six vectors, as listed in Table 10.1. It then becomes
possible to operate on these vectors by a deformation matrix in order to calculate
consequential changes in grain parameters.
2 1
The Kelvin tetrakaidecahedron.
TABLE 10.1
Vectors defining the edges of a tetrakaidecahedron.
Vector Components
1 [a 0 0]
2 [0 a 0]
3 [− a2 − 2a √a ]
4 [ a2 − 2a √a ]
5 [ a2 a
√a ]
6 [− a2 a
√a ]
146 10 Homogeneous deformations
The results are illustrated in Figure 10.7. For comparison purposes, the results
10.6 Topology of grain deformation 147
TABLE 10.2
Components of the six vectors listed in Table 10.1, following plane strain or axisym-
metric deformation.
1 [aS11 0 0]
2 [0 aS22 0]
3 [− aS211 − aS222 aS
√33 ]
4 [ aS211 − aS222 aS
√33 ]
5 [ aS211 aS22
√33 ]
6 [− aS211 aS22
√33 ]
(a) (b)
Calculations for plane strain deformation. The curve represents the data for the
tetrakaidecahedron oriented as illustrated in Figure 10.6. The small-points are 99
other cases where the tetrakaidecahedron is randomly oriented relative to S.
Writing the first rolling pass as S and the cross-rolling pass as T, the net deformation
U is given by T × R × S:
T11 0 0 0 1 0 S11 0 0 0 T11 0
U= 0 1
0 −1 0 0 0 1
0 = −S11 0
0 .
0 0 1/T11 0 0 1 0 0 1/S11 0 0 T111S11
(a) (b)
Comparison of cross-rolling (identical strains in the two rolling directions), axisym-
metric compression and single-direction rolling.
using Equation 10.20. In this graph, the rolling strains are the same in both directions
(T11 = S11 ) and data for axisymmetric compression are also included. To allow a
comparison between these deformation modes, the data are plotted as a function of
the compressive strain. Notice that the axisymmetric compression and cross-rolling
with equal strains in both directions give exactly identical results, illustrating that
the results depend on the final strain components and not on the strain path to reach
The area ratio for single-direction rolling is only slightly larger than for the cross-
rolling when plotted against the compressive strain. This is not surprising given
that for the same rolling reduction, the length along the rolling direction for single-
direction rolling will be much larger than obtained by cross-rolling. In contrast, the
edge ratio becomes much larger for the single-direction scenario, reflecting its greater
microstructural anisotropy.
10.7 Summary
Solid state phase transformations often are limited by the fact that the diffusion of
atoms becomes difficult at low homologous temperatures. Nevertheless, there may
be a tendency for transformation to occur to a lower free energy state, but by a mech-
anism in which the structure of the parent phase is changed into that of the product
by a deformation which is driven not by external forces, but by the favorable change
in free energy. The deformation is real in the sense that the shape of the crystal will
change in order to reflect the difference between the atomic patterns of the parent
and product crystals.
Transformations of this kind are described generically as “displasive” because
the structural change is accomplished by a coordinated shift of atoms [13]. The
150 10 Homogeneous deformations
An illustration of a lattice distortive and shuffle transformation [13].
1. M. Mooney: A theory of large elastic deformation, Journal of Applied Physics,
1940, 11, 582–592.
2. M. Born, and R. Fürth: The stability of crystal lattices III, Mathematical Pro-
ceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 1940, 36, 454–465.
3. E. C. Bain: The nature of martensite, Trans. AIME, 1924, 70, 25–46.
4. J. G. Parr: The crystallographic relationship between the phases γ and ε in the
system iron-manganese, Acta Crystallographica, 1952, 5, 842–843.
5. T. Anantharaman, and J. Christian: The existence of a macroscopic shear in the
transformation in cobalt, The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical
Magazine and Journal of Science, 1952, 43, 1338–1342.
6. J. S. Bowles, and C. S. Barrett: Crystallography of transformations, Progress
in Metal Physics, 1952, 3, 1–41.
10.7 Summary 151
11.1 Introduction
The deformation of crystals by the conservative glide of dislocations on a single set
of crystallographic planes causes shear in the direction of the resultant Burgers vector
of the dislocations concerned, a direction which lies in the slip plane. The slip plane
and slip direction constitute a slip system. The material in the slip plane remains
crystalline during slip and since there is no reconstruction of this material during slip
(e.g., by localized melting followed by resolidification), there can be no change in
the relative positions of atoms in the slip plane. The atomic arrangement on the slip
plane is thus completely unaffected by the deformation.
Another mode of conservative plastic deformation is mechanical twinning, in
which the parent lattice is homogeneously sheared into the twin orientation. The
plane on which the twinning shear occurs is again unaffected by the deformation and
forms a coherent boundary between the parent and its twin.
If a material which has a Poisson’s ratio equal to zero is uniaxially stressed below
its elastic limit, then the plane that is normal to the stress axis is unaffected by the
deformation since the only non-zero strain is that parallel to the stress axis. Polycrys-
talline beryllium has a Poisson’s ratio close to zero [1] so that stretching would lead
to little transverse strain.
154 11 Invariant-plane strains
Three kinds of invariant-plane strains. The cubes indicate the shape before deforma-
tion. δ, s and m represent the magnitudes of the dilatational strain, shear strain and
general displacement respectively. p is a unit vector, the shear strain s is parallel to
z1 , whereas δ is parallel to z3 .
planes for the hcp lattice. It has not been possible until recently to prove this be-
cause such a small region of hcp material gives very diffuse and unconvincing hcp
reflections in electron diffraction experiments. However, the δ component of the fcc-
hcp martensite transformation strain has now been detected to be present for single
stacking faults, proving the hcp model of such faults [6]. In Figure 11.2, the resid-
ual contrast that is visible in part (b) in spite of the fact that the diffraction vector
is normal to the displacement in the plane of the fault, is indicative of a change in
interplanar spacing, i.e., a volume change normal to the fault plane, consistent with
the presence of the hcp phase. The contrast from a fault should otherwise be invisible
in the absence of a change in interplanar spacing.
Turning now to the description of the strains illustrated in Figure 11.1, we follow
the procedure of Chapter 8, to find the matrices (Z P Z); the symbol “P” in the
matrix representation is used to identify specifically an invariant-plane strain, the
symbol “S” being the representation of any general deformation. Each column of
such a matrix represents the components of a new vector generated by deformation
of a vector equal to one of the basis vectors of Z. It follows that the three matrices
representing the deformations of Figure 11.1a–c are, respectively,
1 0 0 1 0 s
(Z P1 Z) = 0 1 0
(Z P 2 Z) = 0 1 0 ,
0 0 1+δ 0 0 1
1 0 s
(Z P3 Z) = 0 1
0 .
0 0 1+δ
These have a particularly simple form because the basis Z has been chosen carefully,
such that p k z3 and the direction of the shear is parallel to z1 . However, it is often
156 11 Invariant-plane strains
(a) (b)
Stacking faults in austenitic stainless steel. (a) Bright field image of faults. (b) Image
with g.R equal to an integer for both of the faults illustrated, where g is the diffraction
vector and R is the displacement vector. After Brooks et al. [6], reproduced with
permission of Elsevier.
Longitudinal section of the tensile specimen illustrating the (1 1 0) plane. All
directions refer to the crystal basis. The tensile axis rotates toward d, in the plane
containing the original direction of the tensile axis (u) and d.
158 11 Invariant-plane strains
Figure 11.3a illustrates the deformation involved; the parent crystal basis α
consists of basis vectors which form the conventional bcc unit cell of α-iron. The
effect of the mechanical twinning is to alter the original shape abcd to a′ b′ c′ d′ .
ef is a trace of (1 1 2)α on which the twinning shear occurs in the [1 1 1]α di-
rection. However, as in most ordinary tensile tests, the ends of the specimen are
constrained to be vertically aligned at all times; a′ d′ must therefore be vertical and
the deforming crystal must rotate to comply with this requirement. The configu-
ration illustrated in Figure 11.3c is thus obtained, with ad and a′ d′ parallel, the
tensile strain being (a′ d′ − ad)/(ad).
As discussed earlier, mechanical twinning is an invariant-plane strain; it in-
volves a homogeneous simple shear on the twinning plane, a plane which is
not affected by the deformation and which is common to both the parent and
twin regions. Equation 11.3 can be used to find the matrix (α P α) describ-
ing the mechanical twinning, given that the normal to the invariant-plane is
− 12
(p; α∗ ) = aα 6− 2 (1 1 2), the displacement direction is [α; d] = a−1 α 3 [1 1 1]
and m = 2− 2 . It should be noted that p and d respectively satisfy the conditions
(p; α∗ )[α; p] = 1 and (d; α∗ )[α; d] = 1, as required for Equation 11.3. Hence
7 1 2
(α P α) = 1 7 2
1 1 4
Using this, we see that an initial vector [α; u] = [4 4 1] becomes a new vector
[α; v] = (α P α)[α; u] = 16 [34 34 4] due to the deformation. The need to maintain
the specimen ends in alignment means that v is rotated to be parallel to the tensile
axis. Now, |u| = 5.745aα where aα is the lattice parameter of the ferrite, and
|v| = 8.042aα, giving the required tensile strain as (8.042−5.745)/5.745 = 0.40.
(i) From Figure 11.3 it is evident that the end faces of the specimen will also un-
dergo deformation (ab to a′ b′ ) and if the specimen gripping mechanism imposes
constraints on these ends, then the rod will tend to bend into the form of an “S”.
For thin specimens this effect may be small.
(ii) The tensile axis at the beginning of the experiment was [4 4 1], but at the end is
6 [34 34 4]. The tensile direction clearly has rotated during the course of the exper-
iment. The direction in which it has moved is 16 [34 34 4] − [4 4 1] = 61 [10 10 10],
parallel to [1 1 1], the shear direction d. In fact, any initial vector u will be dis-
placed toward d to give a new vector v as a consequence of the IPS. Using Equa-
tion 11.4, we see that
[α; v] = (α P α)[α; u] = [α; u] + m[α; d](p; α∗ )[α; u] = [α; u] + β[α; d]
where β is a scalar quantity β = m(p; α∗ )[α; u].
11.1 Introduction 159
(a) (b)
Stereographic analysis of slip in fcc single-crystals. The dashed curve in (b) is the
trace of (111).
glide” since there is very little work hardening at this stage of deformation; the dis-
locations which accomplish the shear can simply glide out of the crystal and there
is no interference with this glide since none of the other slip systems are active. Of
course, the tensile axis is continually rotating toward d and may eventually fall on the
boundary between two adjacent triangles in Figure 11.4a. If u falls on the boundary
between triangles a2 and d4, then the slip systems (1 1 1)[0 1 1] and (1 1 1)[1 0 1]
are both equally stressed. This means that both systems can simultaneously operate
and duplex slip is said to occur; the work hardening rate drastically increases as
dislocations moving on different planes interfere with each other in a way which hin-
ders glide and increases the defect density. It follows that a crystal which is initially
orientated for single slip eventually deforms by multiple slip.
Example 11.2: Transition from easy glide to duplex slip
A single-crystal of austenite is tensile tested at 25◦ C, the stress being applied
along [2 1 3] direction; the specimen deforms by easy glide on the (1 1 1)[0 1 1]
system. If slip can only occur on systems of this form, calculate the tensile strain
necessary for the onset of duplex slip. Assume that the ends of the specimen are
maintained in alignment throughout the test.
The tensile axis (v) is expected to rotate toward the slip direction, its motion
being confined to the plane containing the initial tensile axis (u) and the slip direc-
tion (d). In Figure 11.4b, v will therefore move on the trace of the (1 1 1) plane.
Duplex slip is expected to begin when v reaches the great circle which separates
the stereographic triangles a2 and d4 of Figure 11.4b, since the (1 1 1)[1 0 1] slip
system will have a resolved shear stress equal to that on the initial slip system. The
tensile axis can be expressed as a function of the shear strain m as in the example
on the tensile testing of single crystals (page 157):
4m 4m
[γ; v] = [γ; u] + √ [0 1 1] = [2 1 3] + √ [0 1 1]
6 6
When duplex slip occurs, v must lie along the intersection of the (1 1 1) and (1 1 0)
planes, the former being the plane on which v is confined to move and the latter
being the boundary between triangles a2 and d4. It follows that v k [1 1 2] and
must be of the form v = [v v 2v]. Substituting this into the earlier equation gives
[v v 2v] = [2 1 3] + √ [0 1 1]
and on comparing coefficients from both sides of this equation, we obtain
[γ; v] = [2 2 4]
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Twinning in the fcc austenite crystal structure. The diagrams represent sections in
the (1 1 0) plane. The vector v is 6γ [112]. In (c), K2′ and η2′ are the final positions
of the undistorted plane K2 and the undistorted direction η2 , respectively. (d) A
close-packed {111} plane showing that a shear along v is not equivalent to one
parallel to −v, since the magnitude of the reverse displacement has to be twice as
therefore expected to be along [1 1 2]. It follows that the operative twin mode for the
fcc lattice should involve a shear of magnitude s = 2− 2 on {1 1 1}h1 1 2i.
The matrix-twin orientation relationship (M J T) can be deduced from the fact
that the twin was generated by a shear which brought atoms in the twin into positions
which are related to the parent lattice points by reflection across the twinning plane
(the basis vectors of M and T define the fcc unit cells of the matrix and twin crystals
respectively). From Figure 11.5 we note that:
[1 1 2]M k [1 1 2]T [1 1 0]M k [1 1 0]T [1 1 1]M k [1 1 1]T
It follows that
1 1 1 J11 J12 J13 1 1 1
1 1 = J21
1 J22 J23 1 1 1
2 0 1 J31 J32 J33 2 0 1
Solving for (M J T), we get
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2
1 1
(M J T) = =
6 1 1 1 3 3 0 3 2 1 2
2 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 1
(i) Equations like Equation 11.7 can be used to predict the likely ways in which dif-
ferent lattices might twin, especially when the determining factor is the magnitude
of the twinning shear [13].
(ii) There actually are four different ways of generating the twin lattice from the
parent crystal: (a) by reflection about the K1 plane on which the twinning shear
occurs, (b) by a rotation of π about η1 , the direction of the twinning shear, (c) by
reflection about the plane normal to η1 and (d) by a rotation of π about the normal
to the K1 plane.
Since most metals are centrosymmetric, operations (a) and (d) produce crystallo-
graphically equivalent results, as do (b) and (c). In the case of the fcc twin discussed
above, the high symmetry of the cubic lattice means that all four operations are crys-
tallographically equivalent. Twins which can be produced by the operations (a) and
(d) are called type I twins; type II twins result form the other two twinning opera-
tions. The twin discussed in the above example is called a compound twin, since type
I and type II twins cannot be crystallographically distinguished.
Figure 11.5b illustrates some additional features of twinning. The K2 plane is the
plane which (like K1 ) is undistorted by the twinning shear, but unlike K1 , is rotated
by the shear. The “plane of shear” is the plane containing η1 and the perpendicular
to K1 ; its intersection with K2 defines the undistorted but rotated direction η2 . In
general, η2 and K1 are rational for type I twins, and η1 and K2 are rational for
164 11 Invariant-plane strains
type II twins. The set of four twinning elements K1 , K2 , η1 and η2 are all rational
for compound twins. From Figure 11.5b, η2 makes an angle of arctan(s/2) with
the normal to K1 and simple geometry shows that η2 = [1 1 2] for the fcc twin
of Example 11.2. The corresponding K2 plane which contains η2 and η1 ∧ η2 is
therefore (1 1 1), giving the rational set of twinning elements
K1 = (1 1 1) η2 = [1 1 2] s = 2− 2 η1 = [1 1 2] K2 = (1 1 1)
In fact, it only is necessary to specify either K1 and η2 or K2 and η1 to completely
describe the twin mode concerned.
The deformation matrix (M P M) describing the twinning shear can be deduced
using Equation 11.3 and the information that [M;d] k [1 1 2], (p; M∗ ) k (1 1 1) and
s = 2− 2 to give
7 1 1 5 1 1
1 −1 1
(M P M) = 1 7 1
and (M P M) = 1 5 1
6 6
2 2 4 2 2 8
and if a vector u is deformed into a new vector v by the twinning shear, then
(M P M)[M;u] = [M;v] (11.9)
and if h is a plane normal which after deformation becomes k, then
(h; M∗ )(M P M) = (k; M∗ ) (11.10)
These laws can be used to verify that p and d are unaffected by the twinning shear,
and that the magnitude of a vector originally along η2 is not changed by the defor-
mation; similarly, the spacing of the planes initially parallel to K2 remains the same
after deformation, although the planes are rotated.
Hence, the effect of the shear stress is to deform a vector [0 0 1]M of the parent lattice
into a vector 12 [1 1 0]T of the twin. Equations 11.11a,b could have been combined to
obtain this result, as follows:
(T C M)[M;u] = [T; v]
(T J M)(M P M) = (T C M) (11.12)
The matrix (T C M) is called the correspondence matrix; the initial vector u
with indices [M;u] in the parent basis, due to deformation becomes a corresponding
vector v with indices [T;v] in the twin basis. The correspondence matrix tells us that a
certain vector in the twin is formed by deforming a particular corresponding vector of
the parent. In the example considered above, the vector u has rational components in
M (i.e., the components are small integers or fractions) and v has rational components
in T. It follows that the elements of the correspondence matrix (T C M) must also be
rational numbers or fractions. The correspondence matrix can usually be written from
inspection since its columns are rational lattice vectors referred to the second basis
produced by the deformation from the basis vectors of the first basis.
We can similarly relate planes in the twin to planes in the parent, the correspon-
dence matrix being given by
(M C T) = (M P M)−1 (M J T)
(h; M∗ )(M C T) = (k; T∗ )
so that the plane (k; T∗ ) of the twin was formed by the deformation of the plane
(h; M∗ ) of the parent.
60° [110]
An alternative correspondence between the austenite, conventionally represented by
the cubic unit cells illustrated, can also be represented by the body-centered triclinic
cell. The main diagram is adapted from [19]. Not all the iron atoms in the cubic cells
are illustrated for clarity. The directions oa, ob, and oc are, respectively, parallel to
[101]γ , [110]γ , and [013]γ .
The basal plane of the triclinic cell consists of vectors oa = 2γ [101] and ob =
2 [110], making an angle of 60◦ with each other. The normal to the basal plane is
therefore parallel to the [111] direction but the vector oc = 2γ [013]. A shear (γ S1 γ)
of s1 = tan 43 parallel to [415] on (111) would make oc normal to the basal plane
of the triclinic cell without affecting any vectors in the basal plane defined by the
triclinic cell edges oa and ob. Defining d = √142 [415] as the unit vector parallel
to the shear direction, and p = √13 [111] as the unit normal to the shear plane, and
defining φ = s1 √13 √142 , it follows that
(γ S1 γ) = I + s1 [γ; d](p; γ ∗ )
1 + 4φ −4φ 4φ
−φ 1+φ
−φ (11.13)
−5φ 5φ 1 − 5φ
11.5 Stepped interfaces 167
This deformation makes the original vector [013] rotated and distorted to
[1.33 1.33 1.33] k [111]. It would need to be compressed by a ratio η3 =
aα /2.3076aγ so that its magnitude becomes the lattice parameter aα of martensite.
To change the angle 60◦ between oa and ob to 90◦ without affecting any vectors
normal to the basal plane requires a second shear (γ S2 γ) of magnitude s2 = tan 30◦
with d = √12 [101] and p = √16 [121]. Taking ψ = s2 √12 √16 :
(γ S2 γ) = I + s2 [γ; d](p; γ ∗ )
1 − ψ −2ψ −ψ
0 1 0
ψ 2ψ 1+ψ
This shear leaves [101] unaffected, whereas a vector originally parallel to [110] be-
comes [ 21 1 12 ] which is at 90◦ to [101]. To match the lattice parameter aα , the vector
2 [101] needs to expanded by η1 = 2aα /aγ whereas 12 [ 12 1 21 ] would need to be ex-
panded by the larger quantity η2 = 1.633aα/aγ because the shear (γ S2 γ) reduces
the length of 12 [110].
Therefore, the total deformation required to convert the triclinic austenite cell
into the body-centered cubic cell of martensite is
1 + 4φ −4φ 4φ 1 − ψ −2ψ −ψ η1 0 0
(γ S γ) = −φ 1+φ
−φ 0 1 0 0 η2 0 .
−5φ 5φ 1 − 5φ ψ 2ψ 1+ψ 0 0 η3
Since shears do not lead to any change in volume, the ratio of the volumes of the
martensite and ferrite unit cells is given by the determinant of the distortion matrix,
i.e., η1 η2 η3 = a3α /a3γ as expected. These distortions, even though they are not mea-
sured along the principal axes, are large when compared with the ones associated
with the Bain strain. As pointed out by Wayman, it might be concluded on this basis
and and with the backing of other experimental evidence, that the Bain strain is the
homogeneous deformation that leads to a change from fcc→bcc structure.
the twinning shear. The shear which generates the twinned orientation also opens up
the slit (Figure 11.7c), which then has to be rewelded (Figure 11.7d) along the orig-
inal cut; this produces the required stepped interface. A Burgers circuit constructed
around the stepped interface will, when compared with an equivalent circuit con-
structed around the unstepped interface exhibit a closure failure. This closure failure
gives the Burgers vector bI associated with the step:
bI = hmd
The operations outlined above indicate one way of generating the required stepped
interface. They are simply the virtual operations which allow us to produce the re-
quired defect – similar operations were first used by Volterra [23] in describing the
elastic properties of cut and deformed cylinders, operations which were later recog-
nised to generate the ordinary dislocations that metallurgists are so familiar with.
d b I
The virtual operations [24] used in determining bI . (a) Single crystal. (b) Crystal cut
along “xy”. (c) Gap opens on shearing. The closure failure bI is the Burgers vector
of the final step in the coherent twin boundary, that results on rewelding the gap as
shown in (d).
Having defined bI , we note that an initially planar coherent twin boundary can
acquire a step if a dislocation of Burgers vector bm crosses the interface. The height
of the step is given by [10]:
h = bm .p
so that
bI = m(bm .p)d. (11.15)
From Equation 11.3, the invariant plane strain necessary to generate the twin from
the parent lattice is given by (M P M) = I + m[M;d](p; M∗ ) so that Equation 11.15
[M;bI ] = (M P M)[M;bm ] − [M;bm ] (11.16)
11.5 Stepped interfaces 169
(M C T) = (M P M) (M J T)
so that
1 1 1
(T C M) = (M C T) = 1 1 1
2 2 0
The character of a dislocation will in general be altered on crossing an in-
terface. This is because the crossing process introduces a step in the interface,
rather like the slip steps which arise at the free surfaces of deformed crystals. We
consider the case where a dislocation crosses a coherent twin boundary. The in-
terfacial step has dislocation character so that the original dislocation (Burgers
vector bm ) from the parent crystal is in effect converted into two dislocations,
one being the step (Burgers vector bI ) and the other the dislocation (Burgers vec-
tor bt ) which has penetrated the interface and entered into the twin lattice. If the
total Burgers vector content of the system is to be preserved then it follows that in
general, bt 6= bm , since bm = b+ bt . Using this equation and Equation 11.16,
we see that
[M;bt ] = (M P M)[M;bm ]
[T; bt ] = (T J M)(M P M)[M;bm ]
so that
[T; bt ] = (T C M)[M;bm ].
Clearly, dislocation glide across the coherent interface will not be hindered if
bt is a perfect lattice vector of the twin. If this is not the case and bt is a partial
dislocation in the twin, then glide across the interface will be hindered because
the motion of bt in the twin would leave a stacking fault trailing all the way from
the interface to the position of the partial dislocation in the twin.
170 11 Invariant-plane strains
There is an additional condition to be fulfilled for easy glide across the inter-
face; the corresponding glide planes pm and pt of dislocations bm and bt in
the parent and twin lattices, respectively, must meet edge to edge in the interface.
(pt ; T∗ ) = (pm ; M∗ )(M C T).
If the interface plane normal is pi , then the edge to edge condition is satisfied
if pm ∧ pi k pt ∧ pi .
Dislocations in fcc materials usually glide on close-packed {1 1 1} planes
and have Burgers vectors of type a2 h1 1 0i. Using the data of Table 11.1 it can
easily be verified that all the close-packed planes of the parent lattice meet the
corresponding glide planes in the twin edge to edge in the interface, which is
taken to be the coherent (1 1 1)M twinning plane. Furthermore, all the a2 h1 1 0i
Burgers vectors of glide dislocations in the parent correspond to perfect lattice
dislocations in the twin. It must be concluded that the coherent twin boundary
for {1 1 1} twins in fcc metals does not offer any geometrical restrictions to the
transfer of slip between the parent and product lattices.
TABLE 11.1
Corresponding glide planes and Burgers vectors
Parent Twin
2 [1 1 0] a[0 0 1]
a a
2 [1 0 1] 2 [0 1 1]
a a
2 [0 1 1] 2 [1 0 1]
a a
2 [1 1 0] 2 [1 1 0]
a a
2 [1 0 1] 2 [1 0 1]
a a
2 [0 1 1] 2 [0 1 1]
(1 1 1) (1 1 1)
(1 1 1) (1 1 1)
(1 1 1) (0 2 0)
(1 1 1) (2 0 0)
These data (Table 11.1) show also that all dislocations with Burgers vectors in
the (1 1 1)M plane are unaffected, both in magnitude and direction, as a result of
crossing into the twin. For example, a2 [1 1 0]M becomes a2 [1 1 0]T so that |bm | =
|bt |, and using (T J M) it can be demonstrated that [1 1 0]M k [1 1 0]T . This result
is expected because these particular dislocations cannot generate a step in the
(1 1 1)M interface when they cross into the twin lattice (see Equation 11.15). Only
dislocations with Burgers vectors not parallel to the interface cause the formation
of steps.
11.5 Stepped interfaces 171
The data further illustrate the fact that when bm lies in the (1 1 1)M plane,
there is no increase in energy due to the reaction bm → bI + bt , which occurs
when a dislocation crosses the interface. This is because bI = 0 and bt = bm . For
all other cases bI is not zero and since |bt | is never less than |bm | , bm → bI + bt
is always energetically unfavorable. In fact, in the example being discussed, there
can never be an energy reduction when an a2 h1 1 0i dislocation penetrates the co-
herent twin boundary. The dislocations cannot therefore spontaneously cross the
boundary. A trivial case where dislocations might spontaneously cross a bound-
ary is when the latter is a free surface, assuming that the increase in surface area
(and hence surface energy) due to the formation of a step is not prohibitive. Spon-
taneous penetration of the interface might also become favorable if the interface
separates crystals with very different elastic properties.
The passage of a slip dislocation across a coherent twin boundary in a bcc crystal.
The twinning system is {1 1 2}h1 1 1i, s = 2− 2 . The subscripts m and t refer to
172 11 Invariant-plane strains
the twin and matrix, respectively; the arrows at the dislocation symbols indicate
the sense of the Burgers vectors and the dislocation line vectors are all parallel to
[1 1 0]m,t where m refers to the matrix and t to the twin.
The results obtained show that single dislocations can glide into twins in fcc
crystals without leaving a fault; there are no geometrical restrictions to the passage
of slip dislocations across the coherent twin boundaries concerned. It can similarly
be demonstrated that slip dislocations can comfortably traverse the coherent twin
boundaries of {1 1 2} twins in bcc or bct lattices and this has implications on the
interpretation of the strength of martensite [22]. As will be discussed later, the sub-
structure of martensite plates in steels (and in many non-ferrous alloys) often consists
of very finely spaced {1 1 2} transformation twins. It was at one time believed that
the twins were mainly responsible for the high strength of ferrous martensites, be-
cause the numerous twin boundaries should hinder slip – the analysis above clearly
suggests otherwise. Indeed, twinned martensites which do not contain carbon also
do not exhibit exceptionally high strengths and it is now generally accepted that
the strength of virgin ferrous martensites is largely due to interstitial solid solution
hardening by carbon atoms, or in the case of lightly autotempered martensites due
to carbon atom clustering or fine precipitation. Consistent with this, it is found that
Fe-30Ni wt% twinned martensites are not particularly hard.
Finally, it should be mentioned that even when glide across coherent twin bound-
aries in martensites should be unhindered, the boundaries will cause a small amount
of hardening, partly because the corresponding slip systems in the matrix and twin
will in general be differently stressed [22, 25] (simply because they are not necessar-
ily parallel) and partly due to the work necessary to create the steps in the interfaces.
It is emphasised, however, that these should be relatively small contributions to the
strength of martensite. Figure 11.8 illustrates the passage of a slip dislocation across
a coherent {1 1 2} twin interface in a bcc material.
This can be factorized into a pure strain (Z Q Z) and a rigid body rotation (Z J Z)
(Figure 10.5). Writing (Z T Z) = (Z P′ Z)(Z P Z), we obtain:
174 30 −6
(Z T Z) =
30 174 −6
−6 −6 102
Notice that the eigenvectors form an orthogonal set and that consistent with the
fact that v lies in the invariant plane, λ2 has a value of unity. u, v, and x are also
the eigenvectors of (Z Q Z). The eigenvalues of (Z Q Z) are given by the square
roots of the eigenvalues of (Z T Z); they are 1.192282, 1.0 and 0.838728. Hence,
the maximum extensions and contractions are less than 20% since each eigenvalue
is the ratio of the final to initial length of a vector parallel to an eigenvector. The
maximum extension occurs along u and the maximum contraction along x.
−0.079438 0.020515
(Z Q Z) =
−0.079438 0.920562 0.020515
where the new vector can be shown to have the same magnitude as [1 1 2] but points
in a different direction. The effect of the pure rotation is
Thus, the pure strain deforms [1 1 2]Z into another vector of identical magnitude
and the pure rotation brings this new vector back into the [1 1 2]Z direction, the net
operation leaving it invariant, as expected, since [1 1 2]Z is the shear direction which
lies in the invariant plane. Referring to Figure 10.5, the direction f e = [1 1 0]Z ,
yz = [1 1 2]Z and y ′ z ′ = [1.230916 1.230916 − 1.723280]Z. y ′ z ′ is brought into
coincidence with yz by the rigid body rotation (Z J Z) to generate the invariant plane
containing f e and yz.
Physically, the fcc to hcp transformation occurs by the movement of a single set
of Shockley partial dislocations, Burgers vector b = a6 h1 1 2iγ on alternate close-
packed {1 1 1}γ planes. To produce a fair thickness of hcp martensite, a mechanism
has to be sought which allows Shockley partials to be generated on every other slip
plane. Some kind of a pole mechanism (see, for example, p. 310 of [27]) would allow
this to happen, but there is as yet no experimental evidence confirming this. Motion
of the partials would cause a shearing of the γ lattice, on the system {1 1 1}γ h1 1 2iγ ,
the average magnitude s of the shear being s = |b|/2d, where d is the spacing of the
1 1 1
close-packed planes. Hence, s = 6− 2 a/2(3− 2 a) = 8− 2 . This is exactly the shear
system we used in generating the matrix (Z P Z) and the physical effect of the shear
on the shape of an originally flat surface is, in general, to tilt the surface (about a
line given by its intersection with the hcp habit plane) through some angle dependant
on the indices of the free surface. By measuring such tilts it is possible to deduce s,
which has been experimentally confirmed to equal half the twinning shear.
In fcc crystals, the close-packed planes stack in the sequence . . . ABCABC . . .;
the passage of a single Shockley partial causes the sequence to change to . . . ABA . . .
11.5 Stepped interfaces 175
creating a three layer thick region of hcp phase since the stacking sequence of close-
packed planes in the hcp lattice has a periodicity of 2. This then is the physical
manner in which the transformation occurs, the martensite having a {1 1 1}γ habit
plane – if the parent product interface deviates slightly from {1 1 1}γ , then it will
consist of stepped sections of close-packed plane, the steps representing the Shockley
partial transformation dislocations. The spacing of the partials along h1 1 1iγ would
be 2d. In other words, in the stacking sequence ABC, the motion of a partial on B
would leave A and B unaffected though C would be displaced by 6− 2 ah1 1 2iγ
to a new position A, giving ABA stacking. Partials could thus be located on every
alternate plane of the fcc crystal.
Hence, we see that the matrix (Z P Z) is quite compatible with the microscopic
dislocation based mechanism of transformation. (Z P Z) predicts the correct macro-
scopic surface relief effect and its invariant plane is the habit plane of the martensite.
However, if (Z P Z) is considered to act homogeneously over the entire crystal, then
it would carry half the atoms into the wrong positions. For instance, if the habit
plane is designated A in the sequence ABC of close packed planes, then the effect
of (Z P Z) is to leave A unchanged, shift the atoms on plane C by 2sd and those on
plane B by sd along h1 1 2iγ . Of course, this puts the atoms originally in C sites into
A sites, as required for hcp stacking. However, the B atoms are located at positions
half way between B and C sites, through a distance 12 h1 1 2iγ . Shuffles are thus
necessary to bring these atoms back into the original B positions and to restore the
. . . ABA . . . hcp sequence. These atomic movements in the middle layer are called
shuffles because they occur through very small distances (always less than the inter-
atomic spacing) and do not affect the macroscopic shape change [21]. The shuffle
here is a purely formal concept; consistent with the fact that the Shockley partials
glide over alternate close-packed planes, the deformation (Z P Z) must in fact be
considered homogeneous only on a scale of every two planes. By locking the close-
packed planes together in pairs, we avoid displacing the B-site atoms to the wrong
positions and thus automatically avoid the reverse shuffle displacement.
In the particular example discussed above, the dislocation mechanism is estab-
lished experimentally and physically reasonable shear systems were used in deter-
mining (Z P Z). However, in general it is possible to find an infinite number of defor-
mations [8, 21] which may accomplish the same lattice change and slightly empirical
criteria have to be used in selecting the correct deformation. One such criterion could
involve the selection of deformations which involve the minimum principal strains
and the minimum degree of shuffling, but intuition and experimental evidence is al-
most always necessary to reach a decision. The Bain strain which transforms the fcc
lattice to the bcc lattice is believed to be the correct choice because it seems to in-
volve the least atomic displacements and zero shuffling of atoms [20]. The absence
of shuffles can be deduced from the Bain correspondence matrix (α C γ) which can
be deduced from inspection since its columns are rational lattice vectors referred to
the α basis, produced by the deformation of the basis vectors of the γ basis; since
[1 0 0]γ is deformed to [1 1 0]α , [0 1 0]γ to [1 1 0]α and [0 0 1]γ to [0 0 1]α , by the
176 11 Invariant-plane strains
If u is a vector defining the position of an atom in the γ unit cell, then it can be
verified that (α C γ)[γ; u] always gives a corresponding vector in the α lattice which
terminates at a lattice point. For example, 21 [1 0 1]γ corresponds to 12 [1 1 1]α ; both
these vectors connect the origins of their respective unit cells to an atomic position.
The Bain correspondence thus defines the position of each and every atom in the α
lattice relative to the γ lattice. It only is possible to obtain a correspondence matrix
like this when the primitive cells of each of the lattices concerned contain just one
atom [8].
The primitive cell of the hcp lattice contains two atoms and any lattice corre-
spondence will only define the final positions of an integral fraction of the atoms, the
remainder having to shuffle into their correct positions in the product lattice. This can
be demonstrated with the correspondence matrix for the example presented above.
It is convenient to represent the conventional hcp lattice (basis H) in an alternative
orthorhombic basis (symbol O), with basis vectors:
1 1
[1 0 0]O = [0 1 1]γ = [1 1 2 0]H
2 3
[0 1 0]O = [2 1 1]γ = [1 1 0 0]H
[0 0 1]O = [1 1 1]γ = [0 0 0 1]H
The orthorhombic unit cell thus contains three close-packed layers of atoms par-
allel to its (0 0 1) faces. The middle layer has atoms located at [0 31 12 ]O , [1 13 21 ]O
and [ 12 56 12 ]O . The other two layers have atoms located at each corner of the unit cell
and in the middle of each (0 0 1) face, as illustrated in Figure 11.9.
From our earlier definition of a correspondence matrix, (O C γ) can be written
directly from the relations (between basis vectors) stated earlier:
0 2 1
(γ C O) = −1 −1 1
1 −1 2
Representation of bases O, H, and γ. The directions in the hexagonal cell are ex-
pressed in the Weber notation.
vectors of the orthonormal basis Z are parallel to the corresponding basis vectors of
the orthogonal basis γ. It follows that:
0 −1 1 13/12 1/12 1/12
(O C γ) = 2/3 −1/3 −1/3 1/12
13/12 1/12
We have found that an ILS has two important characteristics: it leaves a line u
invariant and also leaves a plane normal h invariant. If the ILS is factorized into
two IPS’s, then u lies at the intersection of the invariant-planes of these component
IPS’s, and h defines the plane containing the two displacement vectors of these IPS’s.
These results will be useful in gaining a deeper understanding of martensitic trans-
11.7 Summary
In mathematics, the term invariance generally refers to a property that is unchanged
by a transformation, which in the present context can be a deformation. The deforma-
tions considered here leave planes or lines invariant and have physical consequences
that can be detected experimentally. Ordinary slip in solids leaves traces at free sur-
faces, that for crystalline materials reflect the anisotropy of atomic arrangements but
there is no change in volume. In contrast, solid-state phase transformations are usu-
ally associated with changes in density, but the displacements associated with the
volume change can be directed normal to the broad interface between the parent and
product crystal, so that an invariant plane is preserved. An important result from
the methods described in this chapter is that there is unique connection between the
orientation relationship, invariant plane (habit plane) and the shape deformation.
1. L. Gold: Evaluation of the stiffness coeffcients for beryllium from ultrasonic
measurements in polycrystalline and single crystal specimens, Physical Review,
1949, 77, 390–395.
2. J. S. Bowles, and J. K. Mackenzie: The crystallography of martensite transfor-
mations, part I, Acta Metallurgica, 1954, 2, 129–137.
3. J. W. Christian: The origin of surface relief effects in phase transformations, In:
V. F. Zackay, and H. I. Aaronson, eds. Decomposition of austenite by diffusional
processes. New York: Interscience, 1962:371–386.
182 11 Invariant-plane strains
Martensitic transformations can be quite simple to understand in systems where the
transformation strain is equal to the observed shape deformation. This is the case
when hcp martensite grows in fcc austenite. The odd observation that requires ex-
planation is that during the fcc→bcc or bct transformation, the shape deformation is
inconsistent with the strain needed to change the change the lattice. The crystallo-
graphic theory described in this chapter deals with this anomaly using a most elegant
formalism that is quantitative.
12.1 Introduction
The basic principles of the characteristics of martensitic transformation have already
been covered in Chapter 8, albeit qualitatively. The purpose here is to explain the
mathematical framework developed by Bowles, MacKenzie, Wechsler, Lieberman
and Read [1–4], a framework that represents one of the most elegant and complete
theories that helped explain an accumulation of findings that could not be reconciled.
And there were predictions made which were only to be verified when advanced in-
strumentation such as transmission electron microscopy became available. The his-
tory of this wonderful theory is described by Wayman [5]; a classic example of a
subject receptive to a new way of thinking when a discipline is in a state of crisis
[6, 7]. The theory has had many consequences, implicitly or directly, in unrelated
subjects such as in the estimation of interfacial structure [8–11], the calculation of
stress-induced crystallographic texture [12–14] and the general understanding of the
relative orientations of crystals that precipitate in the solid state.
must be a visible change in the macroscopic shape of the parent crystal during trans-
formation [15]. The shape deformation and its significance can best be illustrated by
reference to Figure 12.1, where a comparison is made between reconstructive and
diffusionless transformations. For simplicity, the diagram refers to a case where the
transformation strain is an invariant-plane strain and a fully coherent interface exists
between the parent and product lattices, irrespective of the mechanism of transfor-
Considering the shear transformation first, we note that since the pattern of
atomic arrangement is changed on transformation, and since the transformation is
diffusionless, the macroscopic shape of the crystal changes. The shape deformation
has the exact characteristics of an IPS. The initially flat surface normal to da becomes
tilted about the line formed by the intersection of the interface plane with the surface
normal to da. The straight line ab is bent into two connected and straight segments
ae and eb. Hence, an observer looking at a scratch that is initially along ab and in
the surface abcd would note that on martensite formation, the scratch becomes ho-
mogeneously deflected about the point e where it intersects the trace of the interface
plane. Furthermore, the scratches ae and eb would be seen to remain connected at
the point e. This amounts to proof that the shape deformation has, on a macroscopic
scale, the characteristics of an IPS and that the interface between the parent and prod-
uct lattices does not contain any distortions (i.e., it is an invariant-plane). Observing
the deflection of scratches is one way of deducing the nature of shape deformations
accompanying transformations.
In Figure 12.1 it also is implied that martensitic transformation is diffusionless;
labelled rows of atoms in the parent crystal are expected to remain in the correct
sequence in the martensite lattice. It is possible therefore to suggest that a particular
atom in the martensite must have originated from a corresponding particular atom in
the parent crystal. A formal way of expressing this property is to say that there exists
an atomic correspondence between the parent and product lattices.
In the case of the reconstructive transformation illustrated in Figure 12.1, it is
evident that the product phase can be of a different composition from the parent.
In addition, there has been much mixing up of atoms during transformation and the
order of arrangement of atoms in the product lattice is different from that in the parent
lattice – the atomic correspondence has been destroyed. Because the transformation
involves a reconstruction of the parent lattice, atoms are able to diffuse around in
such a way that the IPS shape deformation and its accompanying strain energy, do
not arise. The scratch ab remains straight across the interface and is unaffected by
the transformation.
In summary, martensitic transformations always are accompanied by a change
in the shape of the parent crystal, characterised as an invariant-plane strain when
examined on a macroscopic scale. The occurrence of such a shape deformation is
taken to imply the existence of an atomic correspondence between the parent and
product lattices. It is possible to state that a particular atom in the product occupied
a particular corresponding site in the parent lattice.
These results have some interesting consequences. The formation of martensite
in a constrained environment causes distortions in its surroundings. The strain energy
12.2 Shape deformation 187
Schematic illustration of the mechanisms of diffusional and shear transformations.
elastic accommodation should be taken to be the upper limit of the stored energy
due to the shape change accompanying martensitic transformation. This is because
the plastic accommodation is driven by the shape deformation [18]. In the event that
plastic accommodation occurs, dislocations and other defects may be generated both
in the parent and product lattices, which would make it impossible to reverse the
motion of the interface, thus eliminating the possibility of a shape memory effect.
Martensitic transformation does not require diffusion, can occur at very low tem-
peratures and the interface can move rapidly. The interface between martensite and
the parent phase must therefore be glissile, so we begin with a discussion of what the
appropriate structure of such an interface might be.
activated climb of intrinsic dislocations, so that the interface can only move in a non-
conservative manner, with relatively restricted or zero mobility at low temperatures.
A martensite interface cannot therefore be epitaxially semi-coherent.
In the second type of semi-coherency, the discontinuities discussed above are
screw dislocations, or dislocations whose Burgers vectors do not lie in the interface
plane. This kind of semi-coherency is of the type associated with glissile martensite
interfaces, whose motion is conservative (i.e., the motion does not lead to the cre-
ation or destruction of lattice sites). Such an interface should have a high mobility
since the migration of atoms is not necessary for its movement. Actually, two further
conditions must be satisfied before even this interface can be said to be glissile:
(i) A glissile interface requires that the glide planes of the intrinsic dislocations
associated with the product lattice must meet the corresponding glide planes of
the parent lattice edge to edge in the interface [24], along the dislocation lines.
(ii) If more than one set of intrinsic dislocations exist, then these should either have
the same line vector in the interface, or their respective Burgers vectors must be
parallel [24]. This condition ensures that the interface can move as an integral unit.
It implies in addition, that the deformation caused by the intrinsic dislocations,
when the interface moves, can always be described as a simple shear (caused by
a resultant intrinsic dislocation which is a combination of all the intrinsic dislo-
cations) on some plane which makes a finite angle with the interface plane, and
intersects the latter along the line vector of the resultant intrinsic dislocation.
The habit plane of martensite (α′ ) under conditions of unconstrained and constrained
transformation, respectively. In the latter case, the dashed line indicates the trace of
the habit plane.
Schematic illustration of the phenomenological theory of martensite. (a) represents
the austenite crystal and (c) has a bcc structure. (b) has a structure between fcc and
bcc, p is the habit plane unit normal and q is the unit normal to the plane on which
the lattice-invariant shear occurs. The heavy horizontal lines in (e) are coherent twin
boundaries. Note that the vector e is normal to q but does not lie in the plane of the
This problem is illustrated in Figures 12.3. The shape of the starting austenite
crystal with the fcc structure is shown in Figure 12.3a. On martensitic transformation
its shape alters to that illustrated in Figure 12.3b and the shape deformation on going
from (a) to (b) is clearly an IPS on the plane with unit normal p and in the unit
displacement direction d. However, the structure of the crystal in Figure 12.3b is
some intermediate lattice which is not bcc, since an IPS cannot on its own change the
fcc structure to the bcc structure. An invariant-line strain can however transform fcc
to bcc, and since an ILS can be factorised into two invariant-plane strains, it follows
that the further deformation (F Q F) needed to change the intermediate structure of
Figure 12.3b to the bcc structure (Figure 12.3c) is another IPS. If the deformation
(F Q F) is of magnitude n on a plane with unit normal q and in a unit direction e,
192 12 Martensite
(F Q F) = I + n[F;e](q; F∗ )
(F Q F) has to be chosen in such a way that (F P F)(F Q F) = (F S F), where
(F S F) is an invariant-line strain which transforms the fcc lattice to the bcc lattice.
Hence, a combination of two invariant-plane strains can accomplish the necessary
lattice change but this then gives the wrong shape change as the extra shape change
due to (F Q F), in changing (b) to (c), is not observed.
Numerous experiments have demonstrated that the shape deformation due to the
fcc→bcc martensite transformation is an IPS [11], and it seems that the effect of
(F Q F) on the macroscopic shape is invisible. If a way can be discovered of making
the shape altering effect of (F Q F) invisible, then the problem is essentially deter-
(F Q F) can be made invisible by applying another deformation to (c) such that
the shape of (c) is brought back to that of (b), without altering the bcc structure of (c).
Such a deformation must therefore be lattice-invariant because it must not alter the
symmetry or unit cell dimensions of the parent crystal structure. Ordinary slip does
not change the nature of the lattice and is one form of a lattice-invariant deformation.
Hence, slip deformation on the planes q and in the direction -e would make the shape
change due to (F Q F) invisible on a macroscopic scale, as illustrated in Figure 12.3d.
The magnitude of this lattice-invariant slip shear is of course determined by that of
(F Q F) and we know that it is not possible to continuously vary the magnitude of
slip shear, since the Burgers vectors of slip dislocations are discrete. (F Q F) on
the other hand can have any arbitrary magnitude. This difficulty can be overcome by
applying the slip shear inhomogeneously, by the passage of a discrete slip dislocation
on say every nth plane, which has the effect of allowing the magnitude of the lattice-
invariant shear to vary as a function of n. In applying the lattice-invariant shear to
(c) in order to obtain (d), the bcc structure of (c) is completely unaffected, while
is shape is deformed inhomogeneously to correspond to that of (b), as illustrated in
Figure 12.3d.
This then is the essence of the theory of martensite crystallography [1–4], which
explains the contradiction that the lattice transformation strain is an ILS but the
macroscopic shape deformation is an IPS. The lattice transformation strain when
combined with an inhomogeneous lattice-invariant shear produces a macroscopic
shape change which is an IPS.
Twinning is another deformation which does not change the crystal structure,
simply reorientates it; the shape (c) of Figure 12.3 could be deformed to correspond
macroscopically to that of (b), without changing its bcc nature, by twinning, as il-
lustrated in Figure 12.3e. The magnitude of the lattice-invariant deformation can be
adjusted by varying the volume fraction of the twin. This explains the twin substruc-
ture found in many ferrous martensites, and such twins are called transformation
twins. The irrationality of the habit planes arises because the indices of the habit
plane depend on the amount of lattice-invariant deformation, a quantity which does
not necessarily correlate with displacements equal to discrete lattice vectors.
12.5 Stage 1: Calculation of lattice transformation strain 193
Since the effect of the homogeneous strain (F Q F) on the shape of the parent
crystal has to be cancelled by another opposite but inhomogeneously applied lattice-
invariant deformation, it follows that (F Q F) is restricted to being a simple shear
with the displacement vector e being confined to the invariant-plane of (F Q F).
In other words, (F Q F) must have a zero dilatational component, since it cannot
otherwise be cancelled by another IPS which preserves the lattice. As noted earlier,
lattice-invariant deformations cannot alter the volume or symmetry of the lattice. The
determinant of a deformation matrix gives the ratio of the volume after deformation
to that prior to deformation, so that det(F Q F) = 1. This means that the total volume
change of transformation is given by det(F P F) = det(F S F).
In summary, the martensite transformation in iron requires an invariant-line
strain (F S F) to change the fcc lattice to the bcc martensite lattice and to ob-
tain the experimentally observed orientation relation. This can be imagined to con-
sist of two homogeneous invariant-plane strains (F P F) and (F Q F), such that
(F S F) = (F P F)(F Q F). However, the shape change due to the simple shear
(F Q F) is rendered invisible on a macroscopic scale since there is also an inhomo-
geneous lattice-invariant deformation (which can be slip or twinning) which cancels
out the shape change due to (F Q F), without altering the lattice structure. It follows
that the macroscopic shape change observed is solely due to (F P F) and therefore
has the characteristics of an invariant-plane strain, as experimentally observed. We
have seen already that the transformation strain (F S F) can be factorised into a Bain
strain (F B F) combined with an appropriate rigid body rotation (F J F), such that
(F S F)=(F J F)(F B F) and is an invariant-line strain, with the invariant-line lying in
the planes p and q, and the invariant-normal of (F S F) defining a plane containing d
and e. Hence, the theory of martensite can be summarized in terms of the equation
(F S F) = (F J F)(F B F) = (F P F)(F Q F). (12.2)
planes of (F Q F) and (F P F), respectively, so that the line common to these planes
is not affected by these deformations. Furthermore, the invariant normal of the ILS
must define a plane which contains the displacement directions of the lattice invari-
ant shear and of the shape deformation. This ensures that the spacing of this plane is
not affected by (F Q F) or (F P F).
The next example illustrates how the transformation strain can be determined
once the pure deformation which accomplishes the lattice change is deduced. To
ensure that the invariant-line and invariant-normal of the transformation strain are
compatible with the mode of lattice-invariant shear, we first need to specify the lat-
ter. It is assumed here that the plane and direction of the lattice-invariant shear are
(1 0 1)F and [1 0 1]F , respectively. One variant of the Bain strain is illustrated in
Figure 8.2, where we see that [1 0 0]γ is deformed into [1 1 0]α , [0 1 0]γ to [1 1 0]α
and [0 0 1]γ to [0 0 1]α , so that the variant of the Bain correspondence matrix is
given by Equation 11.19. We will use this variant of the Bain correspondence matrix
throughout the text, but we note that there are two other possibilities, where [0 0 1]α
can be derived from either [1 0 0]γ or [0 1 0]γ , respectively.
Example 12.1: Determination of lattice transformation strain
The deformation matrix representing the Bain strain, which carries the fcc
austenite lattice (Figure 8.2) to the bcc martensite lattice is given by
η 0 0
(F B F) = 0 η2 0
0 0 η3
where F is an orthonormal basis consisting of unit basis vectors fi parallel to
the crystallographic axes of the conventional fcc austenite unit cell (Figure 8.2,
f1 k a1 , f2 k a2 & f3 k a3 ). ηi are the principal deformations of the Bain strain,
given by η1 = η2 = 1.136071 and η3 = 0.803324.
Find the rigid body rotation (F J F) which when combined with the Bain strain
gives an invariant-line strain (F S F) = (F J F)(F B F), subject to the condition
that the invariant-line of (F S F) must lie in (1 0 1)F and that the plane defined by
the invariant-normal of (F S F) contains [1 0 1]F .
Writing the invariant-line as [F;u] = [u1 u2 u3 ], we note that for u to lie in
(1 0 1)F , its components must satisfy the equation
u1 = −u3 (12.3)
Prior to deformation,
|u|2 = (u; F)[F;u] = 1 (23b)
u, as a result of deformation becomes a new vector x with
u21 + u22 + u23 = η12 u21 + η22 u22 + η32 u23 . (12.4)
Equations 12.3 and 12.4 can be solved simultaneously to give two solutions for
undistorted lines:
To solve for the invariant normal of the ILS, we proceed as follows. Writing
(h; F∗ ) = (h1 h2 h3 ), we note that for h to contain [1 0 1]F , its components must
satisfy the equation
h1 = h3 (12.5)
and furthermore,
(h; F∗ )[F∗ ; h] = 1.
h, on deformation becomes a new plane normal l and if |h| = |l| then
so that
h21 + h22 + h23 = (l1 /η1 )2 + (l2 /η2 )2 + (l3 /η3 )2 (12.6)
Solving Equations 12.5 and 12.6 simultaneously, we obtain the two possible solu-
tions for the undistorted-normals as
Hence, one way of converting (F B F) into an ILS is to employ a rigid body ro-
tation which simultaneously rotates l into h and x into u. We have found that there
are two undistorted lines and two undistorted normals which satisfy the conditions
of the original question, so there are four ways of choosing pairs of undistorted
196 12 Martensite
lines and undistorted normals, but in this case, the four solutions are crystallo-
graphically equivalent. There are therefore four solutions (different in general) to
the problem of converting (F B F) to (F S F), subject to the condition that the
invariant-line should be in (1 0 1) and that the invariant normal defines a plane
containing [1 0 1]. We will concentrate on the solution obtained using the pair u
and h:
l = (h; F∗ )(F B F)−1 = (0.474554 0.569558 0.671120)
x = (F B F)[F;u] = [−0.762440 − 0.357809 0.539127]
a = u ∧ h = (−0.604053 0.723638 − 0.264454)
b = x ∧ l = (−0.547197 0.767534 − 0.264454)
The required rigid body rotation should rotate x back to u, l back to h and b to a,
giving the three equations:
[F;u] = (F J F)[F;x]
[F;h] = (F J F)[F;l]
[F;a] = (F J F)[F;b]
which can be expressed as a 3 × 3 matrix equation
u 1 h1 a1 J11 J12 J13 w l1 b1
u2 h2 a2 J21 J22 J23 w2 l2 b2
u3 h3 a3 J31 J32 J33 w3 l3 b3
it follows that
−0.671120 0.539127 −0.604053
−0.314952 0.647058 0.723638
0.671120 0.539127 −0.264454
−0.762440 0.474554 −0.547197
= (F J F)
−0.357808 0.569558 0.767534
[α; u] = (α J γ)[γ; u]
[γ; u] = (γ J α)[α; u]
(h; α∗ ) = (h; γ ∗ )(γ J α)
(h; γ ∗ ) = (h; α∗ )(α J γ).
[1 0 1]γ = [−0.932679 − 1.049889 1.061622]α
which means that (1 1 1)γ is very nearly parallel to (0 1 1)α and [1 0 1]γ is about
3◦ from [1 1 1]α . The orientation relationship is illustrated in Figure 12.4.
Stereographic representation of the orientation relationship between martensite and
austenite, as deduced in Equation 12.8. The lattice-invariant shear plane (q) and di-
rection (-e), and the habit plane (p) and unit displacement vector (d) also are illus-
formation due to (F S F) gives the experimentally observed IPS surface relief (F P F).
This then is the physical interpretation of the transformation process.
The crystallographic theory of martensite is on the other hand called phenomeno-
logical; the steps into which the transformation is factorized (e.g., the two “shears”
(F P F) and (F Q F)) are not unique and do not necessarily describe the actual path
by which the atoms move from one lattice to the other. The theory simply provides
a definite link between the initial and final states without being certain of the path in
Example 12.3: Habit plane and the shape deformation
For the martensite reaction considered on page 194, determine the habit plane
of the martensite plate, assuming that the lattice-invariant shear occurs on the sys-
tem (1 0 1)γ [1 0 1]γ . Comment on the choice of this shear system and determine
the nature of the shape deformation.
The lattice invariant shear is on (1 0 1)[1 0 1] and since its effect is to cancel
the shape change due to (F Q F), the latter must be a shear on (1 0 1)[1 0 1].
To solve for the habit plane (unit normal p) it is necessary to factorise (F S F)
into the two invariant-plane strains (F P F) = I + m[F;d](p; F∗ ) and (F Q F) =
I + n[F;e](q; F∗ ).
The transformation strain (F S F) of Equation 12.7 was calculated by phe-
nomenologically combining the Bain strain with a rigid body rotation, with the
200 12 Martensite
latter chosen to make (F S F) an invariant line strain, subject to the condition that
the invariant line u of (F S F) must lie in (1 0 1)γ and that the invariant-normal
h of (F S F) must define a plane containing [1 0 1]γ . This is of course compat-
ible with the lattice-invariant shear system chosen in the present example since
u.q = e.h = 0. From Equation 12.2,
(p; F∗ ) of course represents the indices of the habit plane of the martensite plate.
As expected, the habit plane is irrational. To completely determine the shape de-
formation matrix (F P F) we also need to know m and d. Using Equation 12.9, we
see that
(F S F)[F;e] = [F;e] + m[F;d](p; F∗ )[F;e]
12.8 Stage 4: Nature of the lattice-invariant shear 201
Writing c as the scalar constant c = (p; F∗ )[F;e], we get
m = |md| = 0.223435
The magnitude m of the displacements involved can be factorized into a shear
component s parallel to the habit plane and a dilatational component δ normal to
the habit plane. Hence, δ = md.p = 0.0368161 and s = (m2 −δ 2 ) 2 = 0.220381.
These are typical values of the dilatational and shear components of the shape
strain found in ferrous martensites.
Using these data, the shape deformation matrix is given by
0.990134 −0.039875 −0.028579
(F P F) = 0.032037 1.129478 0.092800 .
−0.028583 −0.115519 0.917205
invariant shear operates on the plane with unit normal q but in the direction −e, its
magnitude on average being the same as that of (F Q F).
Example 12.4: Lattice–invariant shear
For the martensite reaction discussed in the preceding examples, determine
the nature of the homogeneous shear (F Q F) and hence deduce the magnitude
of the lattice-invariant shear. Assuming that the lattice-invariant shear is a slip
deformation, determine the spacing of the intrinsic dislocations in the habit plane,
which are responsible for this inhomogeneous deformation.
Since (F S F) = (F P F)(F Q F), it follows that (F Q F) = (F P F)−1 (F S F),
so that
1.009516 0.038459 0.027564
(F Q F) = −0.030899 0.875120 −0.089505
0.027568 0.111417 1.079855
1.125317 −0.039880 0.106601
1.129478 0.084736
−0.154089 −0.115519 0.791698
1.132700 0.000000 0.132700
= 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 .
Comparison with Equation 11.3 shows that this is a homogeneous shear on the
system (1 0 1)[1 0 1]F with a magnitude n = 0.2654.
The lattice-invariant shear is thus determined since it is the inverse of (F Q F),
having the same average magnitude but occurring inhomogeneously on the system
(1 0 1)[1 0 1]F . If the intrinsic interface dislocations which cause this shear have
a Burgers vector b = (aγ /2)[1 0 1]γ , and if they occur on every K’th slip plane,
then if the spacing of the (1 0 1)γ planes is given by d, it follows that
Of course, K must be an integral number, and the non-integral result must be taken
to mean that there will on average be a dislocation located on every 3.7679th slip
plane; in reality, the dislocations will be non-uniformly placed, either 3 or 4 (1 0 1)
planes apart.
The line vector of the dislocations is the invariant-line u and the spacing of the
intrinsic dislocations, as measured on the habit plane is Kd/(u ∧ p.q) where all
the vectors are unit vectors. Hence, the average spacing would be
3.7679(aγ 2− 2 )/0.8395675 = 3.1734aγ
It is important to note that the twin plane in the martensite corresponds to a mirror
plane in the austenite; this is a necessary condition when the lattice-invariant shear
involves twinning. The condition arises because the twinned and untwinned regions
of the martensite must undergo Bain strain along different though crystallographi-
cally equivalent principal axes [1, 28].
The above theory clearly predicts a certain volume fraction of twins in each
martensite plate, when the lattice-invariant shear is twinning as opposed to slip. How-
ever, the factors governing the spacing of the twins are less quantitatively established;
the finer the spacing of the twins, the lower will be the strain energy associated with
the matching of each twin variant with the parent lattice at the interface. On the other
hand, the amount of coherent twin boundary within the martensite increases as the
spacing of the twins decreases.
A factor to bear in mind is that the lattice-invariant shear is an integral part of
the transformation; it does not happen as a separate event after the lattice change has
occurred. The transformation and the lattice-invariant shear all occur simultaneously
at the interface, as the latter migrates. It is well known that in ordinary plastic defor-
mation, twinning rather than slip tends to be the favoured deformation mode at low
temperatures or when high strain rates are involved. It is therefore often suggested
that martensite with low MS temperatures will tend to be twinned rather than slipped,
but this cannot be formally justified because the lattice-invariant shear is an integral
part of the transformation and not a physical deformation mode on its own. Indeed, it
is possible to find lattice-invariant deformation modes in martensite which do not oc-
cur in ordinary plastic deformation experiments. The reasons why some martensites
are internally twinned and others slipped are not clearly understood [29]. When the
spacing of the transformation twins is roughly comparable to that of the dislocations
in slipped martensite, the interface energies are roughly equal. The interface energy
increases with twin thickness and at the observed thicknesses is very large compared
204 12 Martensite
with the corresponding interface in slipped martensite. The combination of the rel-
atively large interface energy and the twin boundaries left in the martensite plate
means that internally twinned martensite is never thermodynamically favoured rela-
tive to slipped martensite. It is possible that kinetic factors such as interface mobility
actually determine the type of martensite that occurs.
When many plates form in many austenite grains, u traverses a polycrystalline sam-
ple of austenite so this equation is generalized as follows [12]:
X 24
n X X 24
n X
v= Pkj ∆ukj + u − ∆ukj (12.16)
k=1 j=1 k=1 j=1
(a) (b)
The deformation of an initial vector u by the formation of bainite. (a) An austenite
grain prior to transformation, with the ultimate location of a plate of bainite marked.
(b) Following displacive transformation.
where (S R γk ) is the rotation matrix relating the basis vectors of the kth austenite
grain to the sample axes, and (γk R S) is the inverse of that rotation matrix. In this
way, the calculation described in Equation 12.15 can be conducted in the sample
frame of reference.
Calculations illustrating the anisotropy of strains as a function of the number
of crystallographic variants of martensite allowed are illustrated in Figure 12.6a for
uniaxial tension when transformation occurs from a randomly oriented set of austen-
ite grains. That displacive transformations produce highly anisotropic strains when
variant selection is significant has been demonstrated experimentally [33–35].
206 12 Martensite
Figure 12.6b shows that transformation texture is absent when 24 variants form
in each austenite grain, for typical intensities of texture in the austenite; the only
strain visible in these circumstances is the an averaged isotropic volume expansion.
The strength of the transformation texture increases as the number of variants per
austenite grain decreases.
(a) (b)
These diagrams show the plastic strain that develops in a sample of 500 austenite
grains placed under tension along the longitudinal axis. The differences in the orthog-
onal strains correlate with the intensity of transformation texture, assuming that each
variant that forms contributes equally to the fraction of transformation. (a) Strains
developed due to transformation along the [1 0 0]S direction (labelled longitudinal,
along the stress axis), and the transverse directions [0 1 0]S and [0 0 1]S . (b) Tensile
stress, but transformation beginning from a variety of starting austenite textures and
illustrating only the longitudinal stress.
It is emphasised here that the calculation of texture as presented here neglects the
fact that favoured variants will in fact have greater volume fractions in the microstruc-
ture. The calculations refer simply to the orientations of the martensite plates, not to
the intensities as might be observed in X-ray experiments where dominant variants
will contribute most. To deal with this problem, it is necessary to couple thermody-
namics and crystallography as described elsewhere [36, 37].
12.10 Summary
The crystallographic theory described is one of the most complete methods of pre-
dicting observable features of martensitic transformations, including aspects of the
lattice-invariant deformation (slip or twinning), the orientation relationship, the shape
deformation and even the lenticular shape of the martensite plates. The irrational na-
ture of some of the characteristics of martensite are also predicted to a high precision.
12.10 Summary 207
The inputs required are the lattice parameters of the parent and produce unit cells and
possible modes of lattice-invariant deformation.
It is worth emphasising that the theory is based on an elastically accommodated
plate that is not interacting with any other martensite plates. In particular, plastic
deformation driven by the shape deformation, and the impingement of the strain
fields of other plates can alter the morphology and crystallography [38, 39].
1. J. S. Bowles, and J. K. Mackenzie: The crystallography of martensite transfor-
mations, part I, Acta Metallurgica, 1954, 2, 129–137.
2. J. K. Mackenzie, and J. S. Bowles: The crystallography of martensite transfor-
mations II, Acta Metallurgica, 1954, 2, 138–147.
3. J. K. Mackenzie, and J. S. Bowles: The crystallography of martensite transfor-
mations III FCC to BCT transformations, Acta Metallurgica, 1954, 2, 224–234.
4. M. S. Wechsler, D. S. Lieberman, and T. A. Read: On the theory of the forma-
tion of martensite, Trans. AIME Journal of Metals, 1953, 197, 1503–1515.
5. C. M. Wayman: The growth of martensite since E C Bain (1924) - some mile-
stones, Materials Forum, 1990, 56-58, 1–32.
6. T. S. Kuhn: The structure of scientific revolutions: Chicago, IL: University of
Chicago Press, 1996.
7. D. K. Simonton: Scientific genius is extinct, Nature, 2013, 493, 602.
8. R. Bullough, and B. A. Bilby: Continuous distributions of dislocations: Sur-
face dislocations and the crystallography of martensitic transformations, Proc.
Physics Society B, 1956, 69, 1276–1286.
9. W. Bollmann: Crystal defects and crystalline interfaces: Berlin, Germany:
Springer Verlag, 1970.
10. J. W. Christian: Theory of transformations in metals and alloys, Part I: 3 ed.,
Oxford, U. K.: Pergamon Press, 2003.
11. J. W. Christian: Theory of transformations in metals and alloys, Part II: 3 ed.,
Oxford, U. K.: Pergamon Press, 2003.
12. S. Kundu, K. Hase, and H. K. D. H. Bhadeshia: Crystallographic texture of
stress-affected bainite, Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2007, 463, 2309–
208 12 Martensite
That interfaces have structure, some of which may be periodic, is now established
and observable using techniques that have sufficient spatial resolution. Small misori-
entations between like-crystals that are connected at a boundary, can be related to
arrays of dislocations, which in turn lead to an estimation of the boundary energy
per unit area. In this chapter, we describe a method for estimating the total Burgers
vector content of an arbitrary interface that in general connects crystals with differ-
ent structures, as a function of the degrees of freedom that specify the interface. The
concept of the coincidence site lattice is then generalised as Bollmann’s O-lattice.
The “secondary” dislocations that describe how a boundary may move and yet pre-
serve the level of fit add to the impressive array of tools available in understanding
interfaces. There remain some difficulties, which are highlighted toward the end of
the discussion.
13.1 Introduction
Atoms located at the boundary between crystals must in general be displaced from
positions they would occupy in the undisturbed crystal. Nevertheless, it is now well
established that many interfaces have a periodic structure. In such cases, the misfit
between the crystals connected by the boundary is not distributed uniformly over
every element of the interface; it is localized periodically into discontinuities which
separate patches of the boundary where the fit between the two crystals is good or
perfect. When these discontinuities are well separated, they may individually be rec-
ognized as interface dislocations which separate coherent patches in the boundary,
which is macroscopically said to be semi-coherent.
Stress-free coherent interfaces can exist only between crystals which can be re-
lated by a transformation strain which is an invariant-plane strain. This transforma-
tion strain may be real or notional as far as the calculation of the interface structure
is concerned, but a real strain implies the existence of an atomic correspondence and
an associated macroscopic shape change of the transformed region between the two
crystals, which a notional strain does not.
212 13 Interfaces
13.2 Misfit
The misfit across an interface can formally be described in terms of the net Burgers
vector bt crossing a vector p in the interface [1–3]. If this misfit is sufficiently small
then the boundary structure may relax into a set of discrete interfacial dislocations
where the misfit is concentrated)( which are separated by patches of good fit.
In any case, bt may be deduced by constructing a Burgers circuit across the inter-
face, and examining the closure failure when a corresponding circuit is constructed in
a perfect reference lattice. The procedure is illustrated in Figure 13.1, where crystal
A is taken to be the reference lattice. An initial right-handed Burgers circuit OAPBO
is constructed such that it straddles the interface across any vector p=OP in the in-
terface; the corresponding circuit in the perfect reference lattice is constructed by
deforming crystal B (of the bi-crystal A-B) in such a way that it is converted into
the lattice of A, thereby eliminating the interface. If the deformation (A S A) con-
verts the reference lattice into the B lattice, then the inverse deformation (A S A)
converts the bi-crystal into a single A crystal, and the Burgers circuit in the perfect
reference lattice becomes OAPP′ B, with a closure failure PP′ , which is identified as
bt . Inspection of the vectors forming the triangle OPP′ of Figure 13.1b shows that:
[A; bt ] = {I − (A S A)−1 }[A; p]. (13.1)
Hence, the net Burgers vector content bt crossing an arbitrary vector p in the in-
terface is given formally by Equation 13.1. The misfit in any interface can in general
be accommodated with three arrays of interfacial dislocations, whose Burgers vec-
tors bi (i = 1, 2, 3) form a non-coplanar set. Hence, bt can in general be factorised
into three arrays of interfacial dislocations, each array with Burgers vector bi , unit
line vector li and array spacing di , the latter being measured in the interface plane. If
the unit interface normal is n, then a vector mi may be defined as (the treatment that
follows is due to Knowles [4] and Read [5]):
mi = n ∧ li /di (13.2)
We note the |mi | = 1/di , and that any vector p in the interface crosses (mi .p)
dislocations of type I (see Figure 13.1c). Hence, for the three kinds of dislocations
we have
bt = (m1 .p)b1 + (m2 .p)b2 + (m3 .p)b3
13.2 Misfit 213
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a,b) Burgers circuit used to define the formal dislocation content of an interface [3],
(c) the vector p in the interface, (d) relationship between li , mi , ci , and n.
We note that the Burgers vectors bi of interface dislocations are generally lattice
translation vectors of the reference lattice in which they are defined. This makes them
perfect in the sense that the displacement of one of the crystals through bi relative
to the other does not change the structure of the boundary. On the basis of elastic
strain energy arguments, bi should be as small as possible. On substituting this into
Equation 13.1, we get:
(l1 ; A) (A T′ A)[A∗ ; b∗1 ] = 0 (13.6)
| {z }
[A∗ ;c1 ]
(m1 ; A)[A∗ ; c1 ] = |m1 |2 i.e., m1 .c1 = |m1 |2
These equations indicate that the projection of c1 along m1 is equal to the magnitude
of m1 . Armed with this and the earlier result that c1 is normal to l1 , the vector dia-
gram illustrated in Figure 13.1d can be constructed to illustrate the relations between
m1 , l1 , n and c1 . From this diagram, it is evident that
m1 = c1 − (c1 .n)n
so that |m1 ∧ n| = |c1 ∧ n| = 1/d1 (13.7)
l1 k c1 ∧ n
(1/d1 )l1 = c1 ∧ n (13.8)
Relations of this type are, after appropriately changing indices, applicable also to
the other two arrays of interfacial dislocations, so that a method has been achieved
of deducing the line vectors and array spacings to be found in an interface (of unit
normal n) connecting two arbitrary crystals A and B, related by the deformation
(A S A) which transforms the crystal A to B.
Example 13.1: Symmetrical tilt boundary
Given that the Burgers vectors of interface dislocations in low-angle bound-
aries are of the form h1 0 0i, calculate the dislocation structure of a symmetrical
tilt boundary formed between two grains, A and B, related by a rotation of 2θ
about the [1 0 0] axis. The crystal structure of the grains is simple cubic with a
unit lattice parameter.
The definition of a tilt boundary is that the unit boundary normal n is per-
pendicular to the axis of rotation which generates one crystal from the other; a
symmetrical tilt boundary has the additional property that the lattice of one crys-
tal can be generated from the other by reflection across the boundary plane.
If we choose the orthonormal bases A and B (with basis vectors parallel to the
cubic unit cell edges) to represent crystals A and B, respectively, and also arbi-
trarily choose B to be the reference crystal, then the deformation which generates
13.2 Misfit 215
the A crystal from B is a rigid body rotation (B J B) consisting of a rotation of 2θ
about [1 0 0]B . Hence, (B J B) is given by (see Equation 7.9):
1 0 0
(B J B) = 0 cos 2θ − sin 2θ
0 sin 2θ cos 2θ
and (B T B) = I − (B J B) is given by
0 0 0
(B T B) = 0 1 − cos 2θ
sin 2θ
0 − sin 2θ 1 − cos 2θ
so that
0 0 0
(B T′ B) =
0 1 − cos 2θ − sin 2θ .
0 sin 2θ 1 − cos 2θ
Taking [B; b1 ] = [1 0 0], [B; b2 ] = [0 1 0] and [B; b3 ] = [0 0 1], from
Equation 13.4 we note that [B∗ ; b∗1 ] = [1 0 0], [B∗ ; b∗2 ] = [0 1 0] and [B∗ ; b∗3 ] =
[0 0 1]. Equation 13.6 can now be used to obtain the vectors ci :
h i
[B∗ ; c1 ] = (B T′ B)[B∗ ; b∗1 ] = 0 0 0
h i
[B∗ ; c2 ] = (B T′ B)[B∗ ; b∗2 ] = 0 1 − cos 2θ sin 2θ
h i
[B∗ ; c3 ] = (B T′ B)[B∗ ; b∗3 ] = 0 − sin 2θ 1 − cos 2θ
Since c1 is a null vector, dislocations with Burgers vector b1 do not exist in the
interface; furthermore, since c1 is always a null vector, irrespective of the bound-
ary orientation n, this conclusion remains valid for any n. This situation arises
because b1 happens to be parallel to the rotation axis, and because (B J B) is an
invariant-line strain, the invariant line being the rotation axis; since any two crys-
tals of identical structure can always be related by a transformation which is a rigid
body rotation, it follows that all grain boundaries (as opposed to phase boundaries)
need only contain two sets of interface dislocations. If b1 had not been parallel to
the rotation axis, then c1 would be finite and three sets of dislocations would be
necessary to accommodate the misfit in the boundary.
To calculate the array spacings di it is necessary to express n in the B∗ basis.
A symmetrical tilt boundary always contains the axis of rotation and has the same
indices in both bases. It follows that
so that
[B; l2 ] = [1 0 0]
d2 = 1/2 sin θ
(1/d3 )l3 = c3 ∧ n = [0 0 0]
so that dislocations with Burgers vector b3 have an infinite spacing in the inter-
face, which therefore consists of just one set of interface dislocations with Burgers
vector b2 .
These results are of course identical to those obtained from a simple geometri-
cal construction of the symmetrical tilt boundary [3]. We note that the boundary is
glissile (i.e., its motion does not require the creation or destruction of lattice sites)
because b2 lies outside the boundary plane, so that the dislocations can glide con-
servatively as the interface moves. In the absence of diffusion, the movement of the
boundary leads to a change in shape of the “transformed” region, a shape change
described by (B J B) when the boundary motion is towards the crystal A.
If on the other hand, the interface departs from its symmetrical orientation (with-
out changing the orientation relationship between the two grains), then the boundary
ceases to be glissile, since the dislocations with Burgers vector b3 acquire finite spac-
ings in the interface. Such a boundary is called an asymmetrical tilt boundary. For
example, if n is taken to be (n; B∗ ) = (0 1 0), then
The edge dislocations with Burgers vector b3 lie in the interface plane and there-
fore have to climb as the interface moves. This renders the interface sessile.
Finally, we consider the structure of a twist boundary, a boundary where the axis
of rotation is parallel to n. Taking (n; B∗ ) = (1 0 0), we find:
actually have a small edge component. This is because the dislocations, where they
mutually intersect, introduce jogs into each other so that the line vector in the region
between the points of intersection does correspond to a pure screw orientation, but
the jogs make the macroscopic line vector deviate from this screw orientation.
Example 13.2: Interface between alpha and beta brass
The lattice parameter of the fcc alpha phase of a 60 wt% Cu-Zn alloy is 3.6925
Å, and that of the bcc beta phase is 2.944 Å [6]. Two adjacent grains A and B
(alpha phase and beta phase respectively) are orientated in such a way that
[1 1 1]A k [1 1 0]B
[1 1 2]A k [1 1 0]B
[1 1 0]A k [0 0 1]B
and the grains are joined by a boundary which is parallel to (1 1 0)A . Assuming
that the misfit in this interface can be fully accommodated by interface disloca-
tions which have Burgers vectors [A; b1 ] = 21 [1 0 1], [A; b2 ] = 21 [0 1 1] and
[A; b3 ] = 12 [1 1 0], calculate the misfit dislocation structure of the interface. Also
assume that the smallest pure deformation which relates fcc and bcc crystals is the
Bain strain.
The orientation relations provided are first used to calculate the coordinate
transformation matrix (B J A), using the procedure given in Example 9.3. (B J A)
is thus found to be:
0.149974 0.149974 1.236185
(B J A) = 0.874109 0.874109 −0.212095 .
The smallest pure deformation relating the two lattices is stated to be the Bain
strain, but the total transformation (A S A), which carries the A lattice to that of
B, may include an additional rigid body rotation. Determination of the interface
structure requires a knowledge of (A S A), which may be calculated from the
equation (A S A)−1 = (A C B)(B J A), where (A C B) is the correspondence
matrix. Since (B J A) is known, the problem reduces to the determination of the
correspondence matrix; if a vector equal to a basis vector of B, due to transforma-
tion becomes a new vector u, then the components of u in the basis A form one
column of the correspondence matrix.
For the present example, the correspondence matrix must be a variant of the
Bain correspondence. The vector that [1 0 0]B must become, as a result of trans-
formation, either a vector of the form h1 0 0iA , or a vector of the form 21 h1 1 0iA ,
although we do not know its final specific indices in the austenite lattice. How-
ever, from the matrix (B J A) we note that [1 0 0]B is close to [0 0 1]A , making it is
reasonable to assume that [1 0 0]B corresponds to [0 0 1]A , so that the first column
of (A C B) is [0 0 1]. Similarly, using (B J A) we find that [0 1 0]B is close to
218 13 Interfaces
[1 1 0]A and [0 0 1]B is close to [1 1 0]A , so that the other two columns of (A C B)
are [ 12 12 0] and [− 21 12 0]. Hence, (A C B) is found to be:
0 1 1
(A C B) = 0 1 1
2 0 0
so that (A S A) = (A C B)(B J A) is given by:
0.880500 −0.006386 −0.106048
(A S A) = −0.006386 0.880500 −0.106048
and from Equation 13.8 and the fact that (n; A∗ ) = 3.6925(−0.707107 0.707107 0),
Grain A
z }| {
| | | | | | [1 1 2]A →
| {z }| {z }
Grain A Grain B
The first sequence represents a stack of (1 1 2)A planes, as do the first 9 layers of the second
sequence. The remainder of the second sequence represents a stack of (1 1 2)B planes (note that B lat-
tice is obtained by reflection of A about the 9th layer of the second sequence). Since the two sequences
have the same origin, comparison of the first sequence with the B part of the second sequence amounts
to allowing the two crystals to interpenetrate in order to identify coincidences. Clearly, every 3rd layer
of grain B coincides exactly with a layer from the A lattice (dashed vertical lines), giving Σ = 3.
A boundary parallel to (1 1 2)A will be fully coherent; at least 1 in 3 of the sites in any other
boundary, such as (0 2 1)A will be coincidence sites.
x does not necessarily have integral components in the A basis (i.e., it need not
be a lattice vector of A). CSL vectors, on the other hand, identify lattice points which
are common to both A and B, and therefore are lattice vectors of both crystals. It
follows that CSL vectors have integral indices when referred to either crystal. Hence,
x is only a CSL vector if it has integral components in the basis A. We note that x
always has integral components in B, because a lattice vector of A (such as u) always
deforms into a lattice vector of B.
The meaning of Σ is that 1/Σ of the lattice sites of A or B are common to both
A and B. It follows that any primitive lattice vector of A or B, when multiplied
by Σ, must give a CSL vector. Σx must therefore always be a CSL vector and if
13.3 Coincidence site lattices 221
sequence. The other planes of the second sequence represent the basal planes of the
hcp lattice. Since two out of every 6 layers are in exact coincidence, Σ = 3 , as
shown earlier.
z }| {
| | | | | | [1 1 1]γ k [0 0 0 1]hcp →
| BCAB{z C A B C} A
| C A C A C A{zC A C A C A C}
fcc hcp
This procedure can be used to derive all the axis-angle pair representations of
any Σ value, and the table below gives some of the CSL relations for cubic crys-
tals, quoting the axis-angle pair representations which have the minimum angle of
rotation, and also those corresponding to twin axes.
We note the following further points about CSL relations:
(i) All of the above CSL relations can be represented by a rotation of 180◦ about
some rational axis which is not an even axis of symmetry. Any such operation
corresponds to a twinning orientation (for centrosymmetric crystals), the lattices
being reflected about the plane normal to the 180◦ rotation axis. It follows that
a twin orientation always implies the existence of a CSL, but the reverse is not
always true [3, 10]; for example, in the case of Σ = 39, there is no axis-angle pair
representation with an angle of rotation of 180◦ , so that it is not possible to find a
coherent interface between crystals related by a Σ = 39 orientation relation.
(ii) Boundaries containing a high absolute density of coincidence sites (i.e., a large
value of number of coincidence sites per unit boundary area) can in general be
expected to have the lowest energy.
(iii) Calculations of atomic positions [11–13] in the boundary region, using inter-
atomic force laws, suggest that in materials where the atoms are hard (strong
repulsive interaction at short range), coincidence site lattices may not exist. For
example, in the case of a Σ3 twin in a “hard” bcc material, with a {1 1 2} coherent
224 13 Interfaces
TABLE 13.1
Some CSL relations for cubic crystals [3]
3 60.0 h1 1 1i h1 1 1i, h1 1 2i
5 36.9 h1 0 0i h0 1 2i, h0 1 3i
7 38.2 h1 1 1i h1 2 3i
9 38.9 h1 1 0i h1 2 2i, h1 1 4i
11 50.5 h1 1 0i h1 1 3i, h2 3 3i
13a 22.6 h1 0 0i h0 2 3i, h0 1 5i
13b 27.8 h1 1 1i h1 3 4i
15 48.2 h2 1 0i h1 2 5i
17a 28.1 h1 0 0i h0 1 4i, h0 3 5i
17b 61.9 h2 2 1i h2 2 3i, h3 3 4i
19a 26.5 h1 1 0i h1 3 3i, h1 1 6i
19b 46.8 h1 1 1i h2 3 5i
21a 21.8 h1 1 1i h2 3 5i, h1 4 5i
21b 44.4 h2 1 1i h1 2 4i
twin plane, it is found that a small rigid translation (by a vector 12 h1 1 1i) of the
twin lattice lowers the energy of the interface (Figure 13.2) [3, 14]. Because of this
relaxation, the lattices no longer have a common origin and so the coincidences
vanish. Nevertheless, boundaries which contain high densities of coincidence sites
before relaxation may be expected to represent better fit between the lattices, and
thus have low energies relative to other boundaries. This is because the periodic
nature and the actual repeat period of the structure of the interface implied by the
CSL concept is not destroyed by the small translation. The rigid body translations
mentioned above have been experimentally established in the case of aluminium;
although not conclusively established, the experiments suggest that the translation
may have a component outside the interface plane, but the atomistic calculations
cannot predict this since they always seem to be carried out at constant volume
(iv) The physical significance of CSL’s must diminish as the Σ value increases,
because only a very small fraction of atoms in an interface can then be common
to both the adjacent crystals.
13.4 The O-lattice 225
(a) (b)
{112} coherent twin boundary in a bcc material, initially with an exact Σ3 CSL. The
figure on the right illustrates the structure after a rigid body translation is included
[3, 14].
to be the components of the vector β. The O-lattice method takes account of all co-
incidences, between non-lattice sites of identical internal co-ordinates as well as the
coincidence lattice sites.
All lattice points in a crystal are crystallographically equivalent and any lattice
point may be used as an origin to generate the three dimensional crystal lattice. To
identify points of the CSL we specify that any lattice vector u of crystal A must, as a
result of the transformation to crystal B, become another lattice vector x of A - i.e.,
x = u + v where v is a lattice vector of A. The CSL point x can then be considered
to be a perfect fit point in an interface between A and B, because it corresponds to a
lattice point in both crystals.
Non-lattice points in a crystal are crystallographically equivalent when they have
the same internal coordinates. To identify O-points [15, 16], we specify that any non-
lattice vector x of crystal A must, as a result of transformation to crystal B, become
another non-lattice vector y of A such that y = x + v where v is a lattice vector
of A; the points x and y thus have the same internal co-ordinates in A. The O-point
y can then be considered to be a perfect fit point in the interface between A and B.
Note that when x becomes a lattice vector, y becomes a CSL point. The totality of
O-points obtained by allowing crystals A and B to notionally interpenetrate forms
the O-lattice [15, 16], which may contain the CSL as a sub-lattice if A and B are
suitably orientated at an exact CSL orientation. Any boundary between A and B
cuts the O-lattice and will contain regions of good fit which have the periodicity
corresponding to the periodicity of a planar net of the O-lattice along which the
intersection occurs. Boundaries parallel to low-index planes of the O-lattice are in
general two dimensionally periodic with relatively small repeat cells, and those with
a high planar O-point density should have a relatively low energy per unit area.
Consider two crystals A and B which are related by the deformation (A S A)
which converts the reference lattice A to that of B; an arbitrary non-lattice point x in
crystal A thus becomes a point y in crystal B, where
[A; y] = (A S A)[A; x]
If the point y is crystallographically equivalent to the point x, in the sense that it has
the same internal co-ordinates as x, then y is also a point of the O-lattice, designated
O. This means that y = x + u, where u is a lattice vector of A. Since y is only an
O-point when y = x + u, we may write that y is an O-lattice vector O if [15, 16]
or in other words,
[A; u] = (A T A)[A; O] (13.11)
where (A T A) = I − (A S A) . It follows that
[A; O] = (A T A) [A; u]. (13.12)
By substituting for u the three basis vectors of A in turn [3], we see that the columns
of (A T A) define the corresponding base vectors of the O-lattice.
13.4 The O-lattice 227
Since O-points are points of perfect fit, mismatch must be at a maximum in be-
tween neighboring O-points. When O is a primitive O-lattice vector, Equation 13.12
states that the amount of misfit in between the two O-points connected by O is given
by u. A dislocation with Burgers vector u would thus accommodate this misfit and
localise it at a position between the O-points, and these ideas allow us to consider a
dislocation model of the interface in terms of the O-lattice theory.
Three sets of dislocations with Burgers vectors bi (which form a non-coplanar
set) are in general required to accommodate the misfit in any interface. If the Burgers
vectors b1 , b2 , and b3 are chosen to serve this purpose, and each in turn substituted
into Equation 13.12, then the corresponding O-lattice vectors O1 , O2 and O3 are
obtained. These vectors Oi thus define the basis vectors of an O-lattice unit cell ap-
propriate to the choice of bi . If the O-points of this O-lattice are separated by “cell
walls” which bisect the lines connecting neighboring O-points, then the accumulat-
ing misfit in any direction can be considered to be concentrated at these cell walls
[15, 16]. When a real interface (unit normal n) is introduced into the O-lattice, its
line intersections with the cell walls become the interface dislocations with Burgers
vectors bi and unit line vectors li parallel to the line of intersection of the interface
with the cell walls.
The three O-lattice cell walls (with normals O∗i ) have normals parallel to O∗1 =
O2 ∧ O3 , O∗2 = O3 ∧ O1 and O∗3 = O1 ∧ O2 , so that the line vectors of the
dislocations are given by l1 k O∗1 ∧ n, l2 k O∗2 ∧ n and l3 k O∗3 ∧ n. Similarly,
1/di = |O∗i ∧ n| . These results are exactly equivalent to the theory developed at
the beginning of this chapter (Equation 13.1–13.8) but the O-lattice theory perhaps
gives a better physical picture of the interface, and follows naturally from the CSL
approach [3]. The equivalence of the two approaches arises because Equation 13.11
is identical to Equation 13.1 since u and O are equivalent to bt and p, respectively.
Example 13.5: alpha/beta brass interface using O-lattice theory
Derive the structure of the alpha/beta brass interface described on page 217
using O-lattice theory.
From page 217, the matrix (A T A) is given by:
0.119500 0.006386 0.016048
(A T A) = 0.006386 0.119500 0.016048
so that
−52.448 −61.289 −51.069
(A T A)−1 =
−61.289 −52.448 −51.064
The matrix (A J3 A) describing the deviation from the exact CSL is given by [16]
(A J3 A) = (A J2 A) (A J A), so that
0.996829 0.071797 −0.034313
(A J3 A) = −0.070528 0.996829 0.036850 .
[A∗ ; b∗1 ] = [1 1 1]
[A∗ ; b∗2 ] = [1 1 1]
[A∗ ; b∗3 ] = [1 1 1]
so that
(a) (b)
Σ5 coincidence system for fcc crystals [22]. Filled symbols are lattice A, unfilled
ones lattice B, and coincidence sites are a mixture of the two. Lattice sites in the
plane of the diagram are represented as circles whereas those displaced by 12 [100]
are represented as triangles. The [100] axis is normal to the plane of the diagram.
unaffected by this translation, despite the fact that b is not a lattice vector of A or B.
It is thus possible for secondary dislocations to have Burgers vectors which are not
lattice translation vectors, but are vectors of the DSC lattice. The DSC lattice, or the
Displacement Shift Complete lattice, is the coarsest lattice which contains the lattice
points of both A and B, and any DSC lattice vector is a possible Burgers vector for
a perfect secondary dislocation. We note that the displacement b causes the original
coincidences (Figure 13.3a) to disappear and be replaced by an equivalent set of
new coincidences (Figure 13.3b), and this always happens when b is not a lattice
translation vector. This shift of the origin of the CSL has an important consequence
on the topography [22] of any boundary containing secondary dislocations with non-
lattice Burgers vectors.
Considering again Figure 13.3, suppose that we introduce a boundary into the
CSL, with unit normal [A; n] k [0 1 2], so that its trace is given by XX on Fig-
ure 13.3a. The effect of the displacement b of crystal B relative to A, due to the
presence of a secondary dislocation, is to shift the origin of the CSL; if the boundary
originally at XX is to have the same structure after the displacement then it has to
shift to the position YY in Figure 13.3b. Because a dislocation separates slipped from
unslipped regions, the shift of the boundary occurs at the position of the secondary
dislocation so that the boundary is stepped at the core of this dislocation. One such
step is illustrated in Figure 13.4.
The following further points about the DSC lattice and its consequences should
be noted:
232 13 Interfaces
The presence of a step [23] in a Σ5, (3 1 0)A boundary of an fcc crystal containing
a secondary interface dislocation with [A; b] = (a/10)[1 3 0]. The symbolism is
identical to that of Figure 13.3.
(i) The DSC lattice can be constructed graphically simply by inspection, bearing in
mind that it is the coarsest lattice containing lattice sites from both the crystals
orientated at an exact CSL orientation. Rather detailed analytical methods for
computing the basis vectors of the DSC lattice have been presented elsewhere
[24], and tabulations of these DSC lattice calculations as a function of Σ3 can
also be found for cubic systems [25].
(ii) For the primitive cubic system, the components of the three basis vectors of the
DSC lattice are the columns of a 3 × 3 matrix (DSC) obtained by taking the trans-
pose of the inverse of another 3 × 3 matrix (CSL). The columns of CSL represent
the components of the basis vectors of the coincidence site lattice concerned.
(iii) Crystal lattice vectors (of both the adjacent crystals) form a sub-set of DSC
lattice vectors.
(iv) The volume of a CSL unit cell is Σ3 times larger than that of the crystal lattice
unit cell, whereas the DSC lattice unit cell has a volume 1/Σ times that of the
crystal lattice unit cell [24].
(v) The homogeneous deformation (A S A) of Equation 13.1, describing the trans-
formation from the reference lattice to another crystal is not unique [3], but the
CSL and DSC concepts are independent of the choice of (A S A). The O-lattice
on the other hand, depends critically on the form of (A S A).
13.7 Some difficulties associated with interface theory 233
(vi) Primitive DSC lattice vectors can be much smaller than primitive crystal lattice
vectors [26]. On the basis of elastic strain energy arguments, smaller interface dis-
location Burgers vectors should be favored. This is not confirmed experimentally
since secondary dislocations often have Burgers vectors which are crystal lattice
(vii) Although DSC lattices are defined relative to the unrelaxed CSL, small rigid
body translations which destroy exact coincidence (but preserve the CSL period-
icity) do not affect the essentials of the DSC concept [14].
The second major problem follows from the fact that the mathematical Burgers
vector content bt given by Equation 13.1 has to be factorized into arrays of physi-
cally realistic dislocations with Burgers vectors which are vectors of the DSC lattice.
There is an infinite number of ways in which this can be done, particularly since the
interface dislocations do not necessarily have Burgers vectors which minimize their
elastic strain energy.
Secondary dislocations are referred to an exact CSL as the reference lattice.
Atomistic calculations suggest that boundaries in crystals orientated at exact coin-
cidence contain arrays of primary dislocations (whose cores are called structural
units) [27]. The nature of the structural units varies with the Σ3 value, but some fa-
vored CSL’s have boundaries with just one type of structural unit, so that the stress
field of the boundary is very uniform. Other CSL’s have boundaries consisting of a
mixture of structural units from various favored CSL’s. It has been suggested that it is
the favored CSL’s which should be used as the reference lattices in the calculation of
secondary dislocation structure, but the situation is unsatisfactory because the same
calculations suggest that the favored/unfavored status of a boundary also depends on
the boundary orientation itself. (We note that the term “favored” does not imply a
low interface energy).
Referring now to the rigid body translations which exist in materials with “hard”
atoms, it is not clear whether the calculated translations might be different if the
relaxation were to be carried out for a three dimensionally enclosed particle.
13.8 Summary
The Burgers vector content of an interface between two crystals that do not neces-
sarily have the same structure, can be obtained by the closure failure of a Burgers
circuit constructed across the interface, with the comparison made against the same
circuit constructed after transforming the bi-crystal into a single reference-crystal.
The Burgers vector content can then be de-convoluted into arrays of interfacial dis-
locations, with each array defined by a Burgers and line vector. This process requires
a prior choice of individual dislocation Burgers vectors but once this is done, the
calculations permit a comparison against experimental observations.
There exist special orientations, the coincidence site lattices, where there is a
fraction of lattice points that is common to both crystals when their lattices are al-
lowed to interpenetrate and fill all space, assuming they have a common origin. The
single crystal may be regarded at Σ = 1 CSL, and when divided to create a bi-crystal
with a small misorientation, leads to the classical dislocation description of the tilt
or twist boundary. Other CSL orientations such as Σ = 3 etc. can also be used as
reference lattices, with deviations from the exact CSL described in terms of dislo-
cation arrays. Furthermore, a boundary located on a CSL plane can be displaced so
that it maintains the coincidences using secondary dislocations as described in the
“complete pattern shift” or DSC lattice.
13.8 Summary 235
1. B. A. Bilby: Types of dislocation source, In: Bristol Conference Report on
Defects in Crystalline Solids. London, U.K.: The Physical Society, 1955:124–
2. F. C. Frank: Report of the pittsburgh symposium, In: Symposium on the Plastic
Deformation of Crystalline Solids. Pittsburgh, PA: Office of Naval Research,
3. J. W. Christian: Theory of transformations in metals and alloys, Part I: 2nd ed.,
Oxford, U. K.: Pergamon Press, 1975.
4. K. M. Knowles, D. A. Smith, and W. A. T. Clark: On the use of geometric
parameters in the theory of interphase boundaries, Scripta Metallurgica, 1982,
16, 413–416.
5. W. T. Read: Dislocations in crystals: New York: McGraw-Hill, 1953.
6. G. Bäro, and H. Gleiter: On the structure of incoherent interphase boundaries
between FCC/BCC crystals, Acta Metallurgica, 1973, 21, 1405–1408.
7. M. L. Kronberg, and F. H. Wilson: Secondary recrystallization in copper, Trans.
A.I.M.E., 1949, 185, 501–514.
8. K. T. Aust, and J. W. Rutter: Temperature dependence of grain migration in
high-purity lead containing small additions of tin, Trans. A.I.M.M.E., 1959,
215, 820–831.
9. D. H. Warrington, and P. Bufalini: The coincidence site lattice and grain bound-
aries, Scripta Metallurgica, 1971, 5, 771–776.
10. M. A. Fortes: Revista de fisica Quimica e Engenharia, 1972, 4a, 7.
11. V. Vitek: Multilayer stacking faults and twins on {211} planes in bcc metals,
Scripta Metallurgica, 1970, 4, 725–732.
236 13 Interfaces
A.1 Vectors
Quantities (such as force, displacement) which are characterised by both magnitude
and direction are called vectors; scalar quantities (such as time) only have magnitude.
A vector is represented by an arrow pointing in a particular direction, and can be
identified by underlining the lower–case vector symbol (e.g., u). The magnitude of
u (or |u|) is given by its length, a scalar quantity. Vectors u and v are only equal if
they both point in the same direction, and if |u| = |v|. The parallelism of u and v is
indicated by writing u k v. If x = −u, then x points in the opposite direction to u,
although |x| = |u|.
Vectors can be added or removed to give new vectors, and the order in which
these operations are carried out is not important. Vectors u and x can be added by
placing the initial point of x in contact with the final point of u; the initial point of
the resultant vector u + x is then the initial point of u and its final point corresponds
to the final point of x. The vector mu points in the direction of u, but |mu|/|u| = m,
m being a scalar quantity. A unit vector has a magnitude of unity; dividing a vector
u by its own magnitude u gives a unit vector parallel to u.
It is useful to refer vectors to a fixed frame of reference; an arbitrary reference
frame would consist of three non-coplanar basis vectors a1 , a2 , and a3 . The vector u
could then be described by means of its components u1 , u2 and u3 along these basis
vectors, respectively, such that
If the basis vectors ai form an orthogonal set (i.e. they are mutually perpendicu-
lar) then the magnitude of u is:
|u|2 = (u1 |a1 |)2 + (u2 |a2 |)2 + (u3 |a3 |)2
A dot or scalar product between two vectors u and x (order of multiplication not
242 A Matrix methods
important) is given by u.x = |u| × |x| cos θ, θ being the angle between u and x. If x
is a unit vector then u.x gives the projection of u in the direction x.
The cross or vector product is written u ∧ x = |u| × |x| sin θy, where y is a unit
vector perpendicular to both u and x, with u,x and y forming a right–handed set. A
right–handed set u, x, y implies that a right–handed screw rotated through an angle
less than 180◦ from u to x advances in the direction y. The magnitude of u ∧ x gives
the area enclosed by a parallelogram whose sides are the vectors u and x; the vector
y is normal to this parallelogram. Clearly, u ∧ x 6= x ∧ u.
If u, x and z form a right-handed set of three non-coplanar vectors then u ∧ x.z
gives the volume of the parallelepiped formed by u, x and z. It follows that u ∧ x.z =
u.x ∧ z = z ∧ u.x.
The following relations should be noted:
u ∧ x = −x ∧ u
u.(x ∧ y) = x.(y ∧ u) = y.(u ∧ x)
u ∧ (x ∧ y) 6= (u ∧ x) ∧ y
u ∧ (x ∧ y) = (u.y)x − (u.x)y (A.1)
A.2 Matrices
A.2.1 Definition, addition, scalar multiplication
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, having m rows and n columns, and is
said to have an order m by n. A square matrix J of order 3 by 3 may be written as
J11 J12 J13 J11 J21 J31
J= J21 J22 J23
and its transpose J′ = J12 J22 J32
where the vertical lines imply a determinant. The cofactor jij of the element Jij is
then given by multiplying the minor of Jij by (−1)i+j . The determinant (∆) of J is
det J = J1j j1j withj = 1, 2, 3 (A.4)
244 A Matrix methods
! ! !
2 3 2 1 0.8 −0.6
B= , B′ = , det B = 5, B−1 =
1 4 3 4 −0.2 0.4
! !
2 3 2 1
A= A′ =
1 4 3 4
0.8 −0.6
det A = 5 A−1 =
−0.2 0.4
General rotation matrix
The simple matrix representing a right-handed rotation of θ = 45◦ about [001] was
written on page 99 as:
m n 0
−n m
0 0 1
where m = cos θ and n = sin θ. The matrix was derived by inspection of Figure 7.5.
This was possible because a rotation about one of the basis vectors is easy to visu-
alise. At the same time, it was stated without derivation that a general rotation about
an arbitrary unit vector [u1 u2 u3 ] can be described by the matrix g R = JRJ′ , where
the rotation matrix J represents the new coordinate system:
u u (1 − m) + m u1 u2 (1 − m) + u3 n u1 u3 (1 − m) − u2 n
1 1
R= u1 u2 (1 − m) − u3 n u2 u2 (1 − m) + m u2 u3 (1 − m) + u1 n
u1 u3 (1 − m) + u2 n u2 u3 (1 − m) − u1 n u3 u3 (1 − m) + m
The right-handed angle of rotation can be obtained from the fact that
and the components of the vector u along the axis of rotation are given by
J11 J12 J13 m n 0 J11 J21 J31
R = J
21 J22 J23 −n m 0 J12 J22 J32
where for clarity, only the first two elements of g R are listed.
• The components of the rotation axis in the basis R are [001], which in the co-
ordinates of J become [J13 J23 J33 ] ≡ [u1 u2 u3 ]. And since each row and each
2 2 2
column of a rotation matrix is a unit vector, J11 + J12 = 1 − J13 . If follows that
the element R11 becomes u1 u1 (1 − m) + m as in Equation B.1.
• Since JJ′ = I, the identity matrix, if follows that J11 J21 + J12 J22 + J13 J23 = 0
and since J13 = u1 and J23 = u2 , the term m(J11 J21 + J12 J22 ) = −u1 u2 m.
• The determinant of J is
J33 (J11 J22 − J12 J21 ) + J23 (J31 J12 − J11 J32 ) + J13 (J21 J32 − J22 J31 ) = 1
u3 (J11 J22 − J12 J21 ) + u2 (J31 J12 − J11 J32 ) + u1 (J21 J32 − J22 J31 ) = 1
Since u21 + u22 + u23 = 1, it follows that J11 J22 − J12 J21 = u3 etc. so considering
the last two listed-items together, g R12 = u1 u2 (1 − m) + u3n as in Equation B.1.
The remaining terms can be proven similarly.
Finally, the Euler angles described on page 88 can be converted into a rotation
matrix. An individual rotation matrix is created for each of the three operations,
followed by taking their product in the correct sequence, to give an overall rotation
matrix (and therefore an axis-angle pair) for the equivalent orientation relation-
Space groups, 55
F m3m, 64
F mmm, 64
P bnm, 115
P n3m, 58
P nma, 115
Space-time crystals, 3
Superdislocation, 75
Superlattice reflections, 76
Symmetry, 14
axis-angle pairs, 222
Tetrakaidecahedron, 144
Texture, 85
displacive transformations, 204
Euler angles, 88
inverse pole figures, 85
orientation distribution, 88
pole figures, 85
representation, 85
Topology, 144
Transformation twinning, 202
Translations, 21
Turbine blade, 4
deformation, 161
double twinning, 125
orientation relationship, 124
slip across twins, 167
transformation twins, 202
Unit cell
primitive, 6
Zinc sulfide, 62