DH Lesson Plan
DH Lesson Plan
DH Lesson Plan
Set Induction To arouse pupils’ interest 1. Teacher asks some pupils come out and write Examples of present
on today’s topic. down present continuous tenses that they have continuous tense:
( 5 minutes )
learnt before on the blackboard. is/are eating
Presentation To activate pupils’ thinking 1. Teacher asks pupils to take out their textbook and
skills about today’s topic. open page 44.
( 10 minutes ) Textbook
To prepare pupils’ on the 2. Teacher guides pupils to read the sentences based
next activity. on the pictures.
Practice To test pupils’ 1. Teacher divided pupils into group of five. Textbook
understanding of the
( 20 minutes ) 2. Teacher asks each group to complete a sentence
by using past continuous tense.
To instill some interaction
3. Teacher discusses the answer with the pupils
and communication skills.
Re-enhance pupils’
4. Pupils read the paragraph aloud.
understanding and test
their critical thinking.
Production To enhance pupils’ critical 1. Teacher assigns each pupil a worksheet and gives Worksheet
thinking by having a instructions for them to do the exercise.
( 15 minutes )
2. Teacher asks pupils to tell their answers and
To activate pupils’ checks the answers together.
participations in class
3. Pupils take turn to read their answer aloud.
To cultivate the
internalization of the
language, grammar and
Closure To reinforce pupils’ 1. Teacher asks pupils what they have learned for Textbook
understanding on the topic. today.
( 10 minutes ) Blank paper
Inculcate moral value to 2. Teacher asks pupils take out a piece of paper and
the pupils. make sentences using the past continuous tense of
the verbs given.