Nirvana Fault Tree

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Nirvana and R Series

37kW/50HP to 250kW/300HP

Modular Drive
Troubleshooting Fault Tree

Issue: 8 January 2014

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2008 Ingersoll Rand Company

Proprietary Notices and Disclaimer


CONFIDENTIAL AND TRADE SECRET INFORMATION. This manual contains confidential and trade
secret information owned by Ingersoll-Rand Company (hereinafter referred to as "Proprietary Matter"). In
consideration of the disclosure of the Proprietary Matter herein to the authorized recipient hereof, the
recipient shall treat the Proprietary Matter as secret and confidential; shall not disclose or give such
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© 2008 Ingersoll-Rand Company, All rights reserved

This manual has been designed for you to use with the Nirvana HPM Motor Variable
Speed Drive Troubleshooting Manual. Some procures of the Fault Tree Manual will
refer you to sections of this manual regarding how to test, assemble and disassemble
the Nirvana HPM Variable Speed Drive.

Table of Contents Page

General Run and Monitor Information 4

VSD Fault 0 5
VSD Fault 1 6
VSD Fault 2 7
VSD Fault 7& 8 8
VSD Fault 10 9
VSD Fault 12,13 & 14 10
VSD Fault 16 11
VSD Fault 18 12
VSD Fault 22 13
VSD Fault 23 14
VSD Fault 26 15
VSD Fault 31 16
VSD Fault 33 17
VSD Fault 34, 35 & 36 18
VSD Fault 37 19
VSD Fault 38 20
VSD Fault 39, 40 & 41 21
VSD Fault 42 22
VSD Fault 43 23
VSD Fault 44 24
VSD Fault 44-2 25
VSD Fault 44-3 26
VSD Fault 44-4 27
VSD Fault 44-5 28
VSD Fault 44-6 29
VSD Fault 44-7 30
VSD Fault 44-8 31
VSD Fault 44-9 32
VSD Fault 44-10 33
VSD Fault Initialization Communication 34
Revision Updates and History 35

Run and Monitor:

It is necessary to perform the following steps:
Power compressor and compare controller display with a volt meter between each phases.
Measure each phase to ground to determine line power supply type
Compare DC Bus Voltage display with AC. (See below restrictions regarding the Input and DC Bus voltage)
Compare motor current display with a True RMS clamp on Amp meter with the output reading on the controller
Use True RMS clamp on Amp meter on each set of motor leads, while in fixed speed mode
Motor current imbalance ( ± 5% max).
Power supply current imbalance ( ± 10% max at max speed)
Check for unstable motor speed on display etc
Pressure displayed (unstable, unable to achieve target pressure)
Check for motor noise and /or unusual noises. Measure SPM with IR30
Motor vibration could be a mechanical issue perform checks in this area. If the motor is shaking, use the IR30 with the
vibration probe, in mm/sec, to see if it within spec (call Tech Support with readings)



380- 6% to 460 + 10%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T1 and T2/T3 Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 10%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (TL Drives)
The phase voltage imbalance must not exceed 2% on 50hz units and 3% on 60Hz units.

Approximately equal to AC voltage multiplier by 1.414 (actual readings,
not Intellisys)
Can be lower if running in loaded condition.


At max load, the motor current must not exceed the nominal motor current values.

Refer to “Revisions and Updates” in the

back of the Nirvana Trouble Shooting
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD FAULT 0 recent drive fault use
DC BUS OVER VOLTAGE Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for Check and record Alarm History and Menu 16 on CONTROLLER. If there are recent
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts VSD 10, 12 refer also to corresponding fault trees
before performing these steps.

No Yes
Can the controller be reset and does the compressor run?

Check the following

Check electrical environment

KM1 Contactor Chatter: Note : On R Series ONLY;

Run compressor and monitor

(Power supply failure, etc.) If so, fix issue
Is KM1-1 aux contacts still wired on circuits 277
and 278, if so add a jumper wire across the contac-

Check relay for chattering, which lead to loss of RUN

K1 relay command.

Check electrical connections in and out of compressor

Loose power connections electrical enclosure Note check line reactor connections

Check for burn markings or bad solder

ID Board and Interface Board, check for burn marks connection.

Motor Aggressive motor speed decrease, loss of

rotor magnetism, motor instability.

Incoming power Transients Check incoming power with power monitoring equipment.

Perform Diode test Input Module.

Input module (See procedure in section 14.0 and 16.0 )

Perform Menu 348 board diagnostic. (See procedure

Control board in section 4.0)

Blower Drive Issue? Potential voltage spike com- Remove power from blower drive, jump out blower VFD
ing from the blower drive fault wires to Intellisys.. This test may only work if the
VSD 0 fault occurs quickly and often

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 1 recent drive fault use
OVER CURRENT Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.
Check and record Alarm History and Menu 16 on Controller. If there
are recent VSD 7,8,10, 12 refer also to corresponding fault trees.
Coolant level has an
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
effect on motor cur-
before performing these steps. rent: If the INJ temp
Perform megger testing of the motor leads. Re-clock the rotor in 8
is below 140 and the
to 10 positions, looking for intermittent shorts. Move rotor, then re- rise is more than 50
run megger test. deg, then add 2 gal-
lons of coolant and
retest motor current.
Can the controller be reset and does the compressor run ? Yes

Fail No Run machine at fixed speed. Monitoring

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault
tree and follow codes for Perform Menu 348 IR30. Increase the speed to find the trip
recommended parts board diagnostic. (See procedure in section 4.0) point.

Mechanical investigation. No Does compressor turn Did IR30 show a vibration?
by hand ?

Yes No
Check for bad connection on motor leads. Using a True RMS clamp on Amp meter.
Check internal Does motor currents readings correspond to
Fix Issue. Fail drive connections Controller display and are well balanced?
Output Power module,
ribbon cable.

Yes No
Replace necessary Visual inspection
parts based on test
Fail Turn motor by hand for possible loss of rotor of ID board.
results per the magnetism Replace if necessary.
trouble shooting Check for correct clearance between the
manual rotor and hall effect sensors, the expected
value is 3mm/0.118. for each sensor
Resolve mechanical issue.
**If an oscilloscope is available, we recom-
mend performing a Back EMF test

Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44 fault trees. Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 2 recent drive fault use
Current Imbalance Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.
Check and record Alarm History
and Menu 16 on Controller.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. Note: If an oscilloscope is available,
Run megger testing on the motor leads. Re-clock the you can perform a Back EMF test
rotor in 8 to 10 different positions, to look for intermittent between U +V, then U + W, then V
short circuits. Move rotor, then re-run the megger test. + W, and compare Volts per Hz to
find a stator imbalance issue
Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Fail Pass
Run compressor
Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree and
When compressor is running does motor amp readings
follow codes for recommended parts
correspond to Controller display and are they balanced?

No Yes
Check ID board for visual damaged i.e. bad soldering, Perform motor winding test per trouble shooting manual.
Replace ID board if necessary. Is motor shorted? Does the motor turn freely by hand? If
(See procedure in trouble shooting manual n section 10.0) motor does turn freely by hand remove stator and review
Ensure the distribution board is seated properly. Perform rotor for discoloration.
visual inspection of
drive ribbon cables.

Pass Fail
Fix motor.

Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Run compressor and monitor

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree and follow
codes for recommended parts change

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

recent drive fault use
VSD Fault 6 - Microprocessor Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts Cycle the power
before performing these steps. Does fault reappear?

Reconfigure the drive
control board with the
No Nirvana service tool or
Xe service tool.

Perform Menu 348 If the fault reappears,

board diagnostic. see below
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Fail Pass
Replace the
control board

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree

and follow codes for recom-
mended parts change

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 7 & 8 recent drive fault use
Nirvana service tool to
Encoder (Hall Effect Sensors) download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Check and record Alarm History

and Menu 16 on Controller.

Perform Menu 348

board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Fail Pass

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree and Perform hall effect sensors test
follow codes for recommended parts (See procedure in section 7.0).
change Check for correct clearance between
the rotor and hall effect sensors, the
expected value is 3mm/0.118.

Pass Fail
 Replace hall effect sensors (See
procedure in section 7.0)
 Check motor alignment
 Check airend shaft deflection

Switch Power Back On / Cycle the Power

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

recent drive fault use
VSD Fault 10 Nirvana service tool to
Bus Oscillation download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for Check and record Alarm History
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts and Menu 16 on Controller.
before performing these steps.

Can the controller be reset and does the compressor

run ? Yes
No Run machine at 50% of the
Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree max speed. Does the
and follow codes for recom- Fail Perform Menu 348 CURRENT measured
mended parts change on each phase
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0) at the Input Rectifier
differ more than 15%?
Check DC Bus Connections
as an additional check. Pass
Yes No
Fix incoming power Fail If compressor has a
KM1 contactor, check
contactor to be cer-
Refer to picture in section: tain that it does close Is VOLTAGE imbalance of
11.0 Input (Rectifier) Module when power is ap- incoming Power supply > 3%?
in the Nirvana Trouble plied. Check E stop
Shooting Manual contacts for 15 volts

Fix issue

Check incoming pow-

er to compressor.
Replace Rectifier. Perform diode test on Input Module.
(See procedure in section
11.0) Fail (See procedure in section 14.0 and 16.0)

Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44 fault trees. Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

recent drive fault use
Nirvana service tool to
VSD Fault 12 - Mains Failure download drive alarm log.
! (Loss of Incoming Power)
VSD Fault 13 – Phase missing
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.
Check and record Alarm History
and Menu 16 on Controller.

Is incoming Power Supply

within specifications ?
On R Series design only:
Check SDR relay at drive triggering board by
measuring both pins 1 and 2 to ground. The No Yes
expected would be 15 volts DC. If not check E
stop contact ES-4. If the emergency stop has Can Controller bé reset?
one contact stacked, order replacement e-stop.
Refer to page 35 for incoming power specifica-
tions and recommended
No Yes
Run compressor and Perform Menu 348 board Compare AC voltage displayed by Controller with measured voltage.
monitor diagnostic. (See procedure in sec- Is delta between the Controller and the measured AC voltage great-
tion 4.0) er <30 volts? With a scope does the AC voltage show notching at
incoming power?

Fail No Yes
Perform Diode test Check ribbon cable and its con-
Input Power Module. nections
Refer to VSD44-(X)
(See procedure in section 14.0 and 16.0) If OK, Replace Rectifier.
fault tree and follow
(See procedure in section 11.0)
codes for recommend-
ed parts change
Run compressor and
monitor Switch Power back On / Cycle the

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault Run compressor and

tree and follow codes monitor
for recommended parts

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

recent drive fault use
VSD Fault 16 Nirvana service tool to
DC bus Under voltage download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

Check record Alarm History and Menu 16 on Controller. If
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
there are recent VSD 0, 10, 12 refer to corresponding sec-
before performing these steps.
tion of fault tree.

Can reset the Controller and

does the compressor run?

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault
tree and follow codes for Fail Perform Menu 348
recommended parts board diagnostic.
change (See procedure)

Does DC Voltage displayed by the Controller = 1.414 x actual AC measured? Does
No the DC Voltage value read within +/- 5%, menu 3 vs actual? Does the controller AC
Change ID board. voltage measured read within 10% for legacy product and 6% for R Series of the AC
(See procedure) voltage?

Fail Yes Does VSD16 occurs at same

condition ?
Fix and tighten Check for loose connection (Choke, etc.)
as specified torque.

Pass No Yes
Perform Diode test
Replace Rectifier.
(See procedure in section
Fail Input Power Module.
(See procedure in section 14.0 and
11.0) 16.0)

Fix Motor. Fail Check motor. Megger and

milliohm, re-clock rotor
and re-
Check electrical environment
Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power. ( Power supply failure, etc.)
If so, fix issue

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44 fault trees. Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 18 recent drive fault use
Motor PTC Probe Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. Check and record Alarm History
and Menu 16 on Controller

Improve No Check room temperature

Air Flow less than 115°F/ 46°C.

Yes Can reset the Controller and
does the motor run?

Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Refer to Errors Code Chart.

Perform HES test Replace HES.

(See procedure in section 7.0).
Fail (See procedure)


Check Motor vents. Fail Fix vents.

Check Motor. Fail Fix Motor.


Run compressor and monitor Autotest Pass Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Refer to VSD44 fault trees.

Autotest Fail
* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 22 recent drive fault use
Motor Current Limitation Nirvana service tool to
Note: This fault is active only in compressors manufactured in 2008. Nirvana’s prior download drive alarm log.
! to this date will need to be reconfigured with the Nirvana Service Tool 1.95 or great-
er. Coolant level has a direct
effect on motor current. If
Switch Power back Off and wait for Check and record Alarm History
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts INJ temp is below 140
and Menu 16 on Controller.
before performing these steps. and rise is more than 50
deg, add 2 gallons of
If the trip is intermittent, take note of coolant and retest motor
whether it occurs hot or cold, and what current.
the capacity% is right before it trips.
Check alarm data, is ac volts greater
than 700 and DC buss normal? If so, it
may be rectifier issue, call tech support Fail Replace faulty part as
indicated by diagnostic test
Check for lose connections then results.
Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic and power module test.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

No Check drive train by inspecting the
Run compressor and monitor the main motor Check drive train by rotating motor main motor rotor/stator clearance.
current in the Service Menu 3. Does value by hand. Does drive train rotate Use dial indicator to check for exces-
exceed the expected values indicated in the freely? Turn motor by hand for sive UP/DOWN movement.
back of the trouble shooting manual revisions Yes possible loss of rotor magnetism

If an oscilloscope is available, per-

form a Back EMF test

The motor or airend could be the root
cause. To confirm, perform motor wind- Call Tech Support to Replace parts based
ing checks indicated in the trouble review findings. on findings.
shooting manual. For airend, run com-
pressor and take SPM readings.
Take and send out oil sample


Replace motor stator or

airend based on test results.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 23 recent drive fault use
Motor Under Speed Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.
Coolant level has a direct
effect on motor current. If
Switch Power back Off and wait for Check and record Alarm History INJ temp is below 140
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts and Menu 16 on Controller. and rise is more than 50
before performing these steps. If there are recent VSD 1 And/ Or VSD 2 trips deg, add 2 gallons of
refer to VSD 1 and 2 fault tree.
coolant and retest motor

Perform Menu 348

Run Compressor
board diagnostic.
Is motor current measured at or near
(See procedure in section 4.0)
100% of motor nameplate full load?
If the motor will not start, try reconfiguring the drive
Fail Pass
Check that motor leads are respectively connected at U, V & W of drive. For Compare controller amp readings to
T2/T3 drives only: Check ribbon cable are respectively connected clamp on True RMS amp meter for
on the distribution board T-2 drive . any differences or imbalance
Make sure enable circuit is landed correctly on PX2

Fail Pass Yes

Perform hall effect sensors test (See procedure in sec-
tion 7.0) Perform Mechanical Investigation of airend
Check for correct clearance between the rotor and hall SPM, oil sample, torque to turn
effect sensors, the expected value is 3mm/0.118. for
each sensor

Fail Pass
Perform motor winding test
Reposition stator to achieve correct distance. Replace
sensor if necessary
Fail Pass
Fix mechanical issue
Turn motor by hand for possible loss
of rotor magnetism
*If an oscilloscope is available, per-
Make repairs based on winding test results form a Back EMF test

Connect motor and ribbon cables

Fail Pass
Make repairs based on findings

Run compressor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 26 recent drive fault use
Motor Over Speed Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for Check and record Alarm History
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts and Menu 16 on Controller.
before performing these steps.

If there is an X8i, or equivalent, make sure

SGNe set point is higher than X8i set point.
Make sure EPROM is 2.62 or higher

Yes Can reset the Controller and

does the compressor run?

Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Fail
Check max Speed Refer to Errors Code Chart.

Fail Pass
Set the correct
max Speed.

Perform HES test Fail Replace HES.

(See procedure in section 7.0). (See procedure in section 7.0)


Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Autotest Pass Autotest Fail

Run compressor and monitor Refer to VSD44 fault trees.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 31 recent drive fault use
Motor Phase Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.
Check and record Alarm History
and Menu 16 on Controller.

Can reset the Controller and
does the compressor run?

Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Fail
Refer to Errors Code Chart.
Check motor leads
for proper connection Fail
at U, V & W on the drive.

Fix and tighten at

Pass specified torque.

Remove rear cover of motor

for a visual inspection.

Megger the Motor. Fail Replace Stator.

Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Autotest Pass Autotest Fail

Run compressor and monitor
Refer to VSD44 fault trees.
* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 33 recent drive fault use
Nirvana service tool to
Rectifier Temperature download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Check and record Alarm History and Menu 16 on Controller.

Can the Controller reset and

does the compressor run?

No Yes
Check in Service Menu 3. Is value equal to 120°C/ Check filters, fan motor rotation,
248°F or -10°C/14°F? ambient temperature.

Yes Fail Pass

Clean or replace filters.
Inspect input rectifier temperature probe connections Correct issue with blower.
(See section 11.0). Improve Air flow.

No Yes Yes
Fix connections.

Disconnect thermal probe connector from board and measure

resistance and compare
values to chart. No Replace Probe.

Are readings correct?

Yes Refer to chart in section:

11.0 Input (Rectifier) Module
Replace Rectifier. (See procedure) in the Nirvana Trouble
Shooting Manual

Switch Power Back On.

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 34, 35 and 36 recent drive fault use
Nirvana service tool to
Inverter Temperature download drive alarm log.
! Phases U, V and W.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts Check and record Alarm History
before performing these steps. and Menu 16 on Controller.
Check drive parameter configuration
On 575V R Series, use the HP configu-
ration instead of the kW configuration

Can reset the Controller and

does the compressor run?

No Yes
Check in Menu 3 Check filters, fan motor rotation,
the temperature value. ambient temperature.
Does the Output Module
have fouled heat sink?

Verify that temperatures are stable.

Fail Pass
Clean or replace filters.
Correct issue with blower.
Improve air flow.
Remove the fouling.
No Yes
Megger and Milliohm test mo-
tor, if OK, then replace
Output Module.
Allow the module to cool to room temperature and (See procedure in section 13.0)
temperature on display.

Switch Power Back On.

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 37 Before resetting the most

recent drive fault use
Loss of +15 volts power Nirvana service tool to
supply for Hall Effect Sensors, Interface, Control download drive alarm log.
Board, Input and Output Modules.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Check and record Alarm History

and Menu 16 on Controller.

Can reset the Controller and Does the compressor run? Yes

Note: It is possible for the No

HES to pass the test on Disconnect HES and power machine back up, recheck the
the new hall effect tester, 15V DC on the board
yet still trip, based on case Perform Menu 348
history board diagnostic. (See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Fail
Replace HES. Refer to Errors Code Chart.
(See procedure in section 7.0)

Switch Power Back On / Cycle the Power

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 38 recent drive fault use
Nirvana service tool to
Loss of +24 volts DC download drive alarm log.
! power supply

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Check and record Alarm History

and Menu 16 on Controller.

Can reset the Controller and does the compressor run? Yes
Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic. (See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Fail
Is +24VDC present between pin 5 and 6 Refer to Errors Code Chart.
on PX2 Control board?

Yes No
Check wiring.

Fix issue

Switch Power Back On / Cycle the Power

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 39, 40 and 41 IGBT Fault Phase U, V and W Note: Software revision V2.5, for
VSD faults 39, 40, and 41 (IGBT faults) now have additional logic associated with them. The new logic has
been created to allow 4 automatic restart. After each drive diagnostic test has completed a successful test
! the compressor will automatically start again. If the fifth fault occurs this will require a manual reset. The
SGN, SGNe, SGNeV and Xe-xxM controllers will alarm and record the fault message. The faults are rec-
orded in the controller Alarm History for viewing. A 15V problem in the IGBT driver board can cause this.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. Before resetting the most
Check and record Alarm History
recent drive fault use
and Menu 16 on Controller.
Nirvana service tool to
If there are recent VSD 0 VSD 1 VSD 2
download drive alarm log.
or a mix of VSD 39 VSD 40 VSD 41 trips,
NOTE: Inspect module or refer to VSD 1 fault tree.
modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
contamination can cause
intermittent short Can you reset the controller and does the compressor run at max speed ?

Yes (intermittent trip)

Pass (T2/T3)
Inspect drive for loose connections T1 drive

Swap 2 output modules. Run and monitor.

Does Trip follow Module ?

Record Errors
Codes / VSD
Faults on Site
Log. Contact Yes No
Technical Sup-
Fail Yes
Check electrical environment
Perform Menu 348, ( Power supply failure, ground
Board diagnostic loops, etc.)
( see procedure in section 4.0)

Fail Pass
Replace Replace faulty
motor. Check the motor. Module.
Megger and T1 drive

If trip persists, replace

Pass faulty Module.
Replace Distribution

Switch Power back On / Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44 fault trees. Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 42 recent drive fault use
Rectifier Fault Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. Check and record Alarm History and Menu 16 on Controller.

Yes Can reset the Controller and does the compressor run?

Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Pass Fail
Incoming Power Supply Refer to Errors Code Chart.
within specifications?

Yes No
Correct Power Supply.

PL5 fuses blown? Yes Replace fuses.

Perform Diode test Fail Replace Rectifier.
Input Power Module. (See procedure in section
(See procedure in section 14.0 11.0)
and 16.0)

Run compressor and monitor Autotest Pass Switch Power back On.
Cycle the Power.

Run to VSD44 fault trees.

Autotest Fail

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Before resetting the most

VSD Fault 43 recent drive fault use
Ambient Temperature Nirvana service tool to
download drive alarm log.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts Check and record Alarm History
before performing these steps. and Menu 16 on Controller.

Can reset the Controller and

Does the compressor run?

No Yes
Check in Menu 3 for Check PDM and prefilters, PDM fan motor for opera-
the temperature value. tion and correct rotation for legacy T2 /T3drive, verify
compressor is operating in rated ambient temperature

Fail Pass
Is the temperature displayed stable and Clean or replace filters.
consistent with the ambient temperature? Correct issue with blower.
Improve Air flow.

Yes No
Replace Control board.
(See procedure in section 8.0)

Switch Power Back On.

Allow the module to cool to room

temperature and check Run compressor and monitor.
temperature on display.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

! VSD Fault 44
Power Module Test

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Power Module Test

This fault is checked at power up. The VSD will automatically do a power module test at
power up. The controller will monitor the power module test result, a value of 0 will indicate
the power module test is running. The new controller logic REV SGNe CC – 2.65, SGNev
(velocity) – 1.08,SGNe OF – 1.38 and XEM (R Series) – 1.30 will not show ready to start
while it is checking for this fault. This fault cannot be cleared by pressing the reset button
on the operator interface. It can only be cleared by a power cycle.

Power Module Timeout

If the drive does not complete the Power Module Test within 20 seconds after power up,
the controller will issue the power module timeout alarm. Short cycling the main disconnect
can cause this fault to occur, due to the DC Buss not discharging to 65V DC fast enough. A
power module test result of 1 or higher will indicate the power module test is complete and
the controller will not check for this fault until the next power cycle. This alarm is not
checked if the power module test is selected from the operator interface or if the power
module test is caused by an IGBT fault (VSD faults 39 – 41).

If the DC Buss was fully charged before a manual command for the PMT through menu
348, it may take 5 minutes for the buss to discharge down to 65V DC before the PMT will

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 -2 Fault T1/T2/T3 U Output modules Error Code 4, 8, 12 or 13

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that have
EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
! NOTE: Please refer to the error codes section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana TS Guide,
for clarification of possible causes.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts NOTE: Inspect module or
before performing these steps. modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
contamination can cause
intermittent short

Perform Menu 348

board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Check connections between IGBT drivers board and Interface board.
Refer to VSD44-(X)
fault tree and follow Fail (T1/T2/T3 drives)
codes for recom-
Is distribution board well plugged ? (T2/T3 drive only)
mended parts change
Check all DC BUS connections

Check PL5 board connections (see section 13.0)

Fix issue based on test
results Fail Perform ID board resistance checks
Check Motor leads connections.
Megger and Milliohm Motor.
Apply load simulator to drive output (See procedure section 4.0)

Replace output module.
(U phase for T2/T3 drive)

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 -3 Fault T1/T2/T3 V Output modules Error Code 5, 9, 12 or 14

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that have
! EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error codes in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana TS Guide,
for clarification of possible causes.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.
NOTE: Inspect module or
modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
contamination can cause
Perform Menu 348 intermittent short
board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Check connections between IGBT drivers board and Interface board. (T1/T2/T3 drives)
Refer to VSD44-(X)
fault tree and follow Fail Is sharing board well plugged ? (T2/T3 drive only)
codes for recom-
mended parts change Check all DC BUS connections

Check PL5 board connections (see section 13.0)


Fix issue based on test

Fail Perform ID board resistance checks
Check Motor leads connections.
results Megger and Milliohm Motor.
Apply load simulator to drive output (See procedure
section 4.0)


Replace output module. (V phase for

T2/T3 drive)

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 - 4 Fault T1/T2/T3 W Output modules Error Code 1, 3, 12 or 15

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that have
! EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error codes chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics of the Nirvana TS
Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

NOTE: Inspect module or

modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
contamination can cause
intermittent short
Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Check connections between IGBT drivers board and Interface
board. (T1/T2/T3 drives)
Refer to VSD44-(X) Is sharing board well plugged ? (T-2 drive only)
fault tree and follow
codes for recom- Check all DC BUS connections
mended parts
change Check PL5 board connections (see section 13.0)

Check Motor leads connections.
Fix issue based on
Fail Megger and Milliohm Motor.
test results Apply load simulator to drive output (See procedure section 4.0)
Perform ID board resistance checks


Replace output module. (W phase

on T2/T3 drive)

Run compressor and monitor

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 - 5 Fault RECTIFIER Error Code 7, 11 or 17

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that have
! EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error code chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana TS
Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. Perform Menu 348
board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Power Supply Incoming Power Supply
within specifications?
Fix Issue.
Fail Check PL5 fuses (See procedure section 13.0), Check DC Choke,
Check motor lead connections, Meg and Milliohm Motor. (See
procedure in section 6.0)
Check Motor leads connections.
Megger and Milliohm Motor. to drive output (See procedure section

Disconnect all motor leads from the drive. Then
Re-run the PMT test, if the fault is still 44- Re-clock the rotor in 8 to
5, then the motor is ruled out, if the fault 10 postions, re-run the
changes to 44-4 error 1, then it may be in the megger test between each
motor position change
If a short shows up, re-
YES Fail place the stator
Swap grounded Does power have ground- ed
phase to L2 leg for incoming power supply attached to L1

Run compressor and monitor

Replace input

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 - 6 Fault MOTOR Error Code 12 or 16

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that have
! EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error code chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana TS
Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps. NOTE: Inspect module or
modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
Perform Menu 348 contamination can cause
board diagnostic. intermittent short
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

 Check PL5 fuses.
 Check DC choke leads connections
Fix Issue. Fail  Check connection between PL5 and Inter-
face board.
 Ensure the DC bus is not shorted

Fail Check motor windings .
Megger and milliohm Motor (See procedure in section 6.0)
Replace necessary Check Motor leads connections.
parts based on motor Megger and Milliohm Motor
winding test results Apply load simulator to drive output (See procedure section 4.0)
per the trouble shoot- Perform ID board resistance checks
ing manual

Switch Power back on with motor leads disconnected. Run compressor and monitor

Autotest Fail with Autotest Fail with

VSD44-4 VSD44-6
Replace necessary
T1 drive : change output power module
parts based on motor
T2 drive : contact Technical Support
winding test results per
T3 drive contact Technical Support
the trouble shooting

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 -7 Fault

T1/T2/T3 U V Output modules Error Code 10 or 13
! Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that
have EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error code chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana
Switch Power back Off and wait for TS Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.
NOTE: Inspect module or
modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
contamination can cause
Perform Menu 348 intermittent short
board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Refer to VSD44-(X) Check connections between IGBT drivers board and Interface
fault tree and follow board. If error code 10, check CT wire connector
codes for recom- Is distribution board well plugged ? (T-2 drives only)
mended parts Perform ID board resistance checks
change Check motor windings .
Fail Megger and milliohm Motor (See procedure in section 6.0)
Check Motor leads connections.
Megger and Milliohm Motor
Apply load simulator to drive output (See procedure section 4.0)

Pass (T1 drive) Pass T2/T3 drive

Replace output module T2 drive only.
Call Tech Support first If error persists, swap the W output pow-
er module with the U output power mod-

Switch Power back to On.

Replace U phase
output module
Run compressor and monitor.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 -8 diagnostic Fault

T1/T2/T3 V W Output modules Error Code 14
! Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that
have EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error code chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana
Switch Power back Off and wait for TS Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.
NOTE: Inspect module or
modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
Perform Menu 348 contamination can cause
board diagnostic. intermittent short
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Check connections between IGBT drivers board and
Refer to VSD44-(X) Interface board.
fault tree and follow
codes for recom-
Is distribution board well plugged ? (T2/T3 drives only)
mended parts

Pass (T1 drive) Pass (T2/T3 drive)

Replace output module Replace V phase output
Call Tech Support first module

Switch Power back to On.

T2 drive only.
If error persists, swap the W output power
module with the previous V output power

Run compressor and monitor.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 -9 Fault

T1/T2/T3 U W Output modules Error Code 2 or 13
! Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that
have EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.
NOTE: Please refer to the error code chart in section 4.0 Drive Diagnostics in the Nirvana
Switch Power back Off and wait for TS Guide, for clarification of possible causes.
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

NOTE: Inspect module or

modules for any signs of
contamination. Oil based
Perform Menu 348 contamination can cause
board diagnostic. intermittent short
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below

Cycle the Power.

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Check connections between IGBT drivers board and Interface board.
If the error code is 2, check the CT wire connector
Refer to VSD44-(X) Fail Check ID Board Resistance
fault tree and follow Is distribution board well plugged ? (T-2 drives only)
codes for recom-
mended parts change

Pass (T1 drive) Pass (T2/T3

Replace output module Replace U phase output
Call Tech Support first module

Switch Power back to On.

T2 /T3drive only.
If error persists, swap the W output power
module with the previous U output power

Run compressor and monitor.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

VSD Fault 44 - 10 Fault Enable

Note: SGN controllers that have 1.45 EPROM REV and above, and SGNe controller that
! have EPROM REV 2.37 and above will now display POWER MODULE TEST.

Switch Power back Off and wait for

DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Check and record Alarm History

Check Control board for jumper between Pins 9 and 10 at control terminal
PX2). Is jumper connected properly?

No Yes

Correct Issue. Perform Menu 348

board diagnostic.
(See procedure in section 4.0)

Autotest Fail Autotest Pass

Switch Power back to On.
Run compressor and monitor.

Refer to VSD44-(X) fault tree and

follow codes for recommended parts

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize
utilize extreme
extreme caution
caution when
when performing
performing work
work within
within the
the drive
drive cabinet.
When opening
opening the
the cabinet:
cabinet: bebe certain
certain the
the drive
drive protective
protective shield
shield isis
inin place,
place, wear
wear appropriate
appropriate PPE
PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment),
Equipment), follow
follow lock
lock out-tag
out-tag out
out procedures,
procedures, and
and ensure
ensure allall safety
safety procedures
procedures are
are followed.

Communication fault

Check the control power transformer for 200 to 230V AC. Make sure the
Switch Power back Off and wait for
mini circuit breaker between the two has not opened. The 200V needs to
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
come into connector PX6 on the interface board in the drive
before performing these steps.

Is KM1 chattering?

No Yes

Check physically if the 15V DC power supply is present on the Control Fix KM1.
Board. (Led D45, located on left side)

Refer to
Pass Fail
picture in (See section Interface board
8.0) for LED location and
(See section 9.0) for Check 4 APT and wiring
Interface Board 15 volts.

Pass Fail Fix 4 APT.

Check cable connector

from Controller. Remove it and use an Ohmmeter to
make sure the 2 wires are not open or shorted together

Pass Fail Replace cable.

Reconfigure the drive, see what
Replace Control board.

Switch Power back to On.

Autotest Pass
Run compressor and monitor Is DC voltage unstable?

Refer to
VSD Fault 10.

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Check Incoming Power Alarm

This alarm is generated by the controller if the controller AC voltage reading falls below 300 VAC for 460
! volts and (150 VAC if the unit is 230 volt).

The following controllers that will display this alarm will have the factory installed EPROM revision
SGNe CC – 2.65, SGNe OF – 1.38, SGNev (velocity) – 1.08,and XEM (R Series) – 1.30
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts
before performing these steps.

Run Compressor
Yes Cycle Power No
Does compressor run?
and Monitor

Incoming power Checks

For compressors that do have the KM1 contactor check power at contactor be certain contactor is operating correctly. For compressors that do not have the
KM1 contactor check power at input of drive line reactor at terminals of VSD. Due to the absence of KM1 contactor the SGNev and XEM R Series controllers
has a secure disable input connected in series to the emergency stop switch. In the event of Check Incoming Power Alarm being present these contacts
should be checked for 15 volts DC signal at the terminals on the input module and E stop contacts.

Phase to Phase A-B, B-C and A-C

Phase A, B and C to ground

The acceptable incoming AC voltage for Nirvana

Low Voltage 200 to 230 volts +/-10% (note: some low voltage parts for 50 and 60hp will no longer be available)
High Voltage 380 to 480 volts +/-10%

The acceptable incoming AC voltage for R Series

High Voltage 380 to 480 volts +/-6%

Nirvana and R Series incoming power imbalance should not be greater than 3% for 60Hz and 3% for 50Hz

Fuse and Breaker Checks

Perform continuity test on incoming fuses
Check disconnect and or breaker for proper operation
For R Series, see line below
Check SDR relay at drive triggering board, measure pins 1 and 2 to ground. Expected value would be 15 volts DC. If not check E stop contact ES-4

Problem Corrected? Problem Presist?

Cycle Power

Perform Menu 348

board diagnostic.
(See procedure section 4.0)
If test pass go to next step below
Test Pass
Test Fail
Run Compressor and If the problem persists:
Monitor Replace the Input
Module Replace Boards indicated by
Board Diagnostics
* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Please utilize extreme caution when performing work within the drive cabinet.
When opening the cabinet: be certain the drive protective shield is in place, wear appropriate PPE (Personal
Protective Equipment), follow lock out-tag out procedures, and ensure all safety procedures are followed.

Power Module Time Out Alarm

The controller monitors the power module test results. A value of 0 will indicate the power module test is running. If it
does not complete within 20 seconds after power up, the controller will issue the power module timeout alarm.
A power module test result of 1 or higher will indicate the power module test is complete and the controller will not check
! for this fault until the next power cycle. This alarm is not checked if the power module test is selected from the operator
interface (running 348 manually) or if the power module test is caused by an IGBT fault (VSD faults 39 – 41). The con-
troller will not show ready to start while it is checking for this fault. This fault cannot be cleared by pressing the reset
button on the operator interface. It can only be cleared by a power cycle.
Switch Power back Off and wait for
DC voltage to reduce to zero volts The following controllers will have the factory installed EPROM revision
before performing these steps. SGNe CC – 2.65, SGNev (velocity) – 1.08,SGNe OF – 1.38 and XEM (R Series) – 1.30

If the disconnect was short cycled, it may need

more time to bleed down the DC Buss to 65V

Pass Fail
Run Compressor Cycle Power

Go to Service Menu 3 to view AC voltage reading.

If compressor has a KM1 contactor,
check contactor to be certain that it
Yes AC voltage should not be below 300 VAC for 460 volts and
(150 VAC if the unit is 230 volts).
does close when power is applied.
Check E stop contacts for 15 volts DC
Also check the DC buss voltage, the power module test will
not run until the DC Buss falls below 60V DC

No No
No When initial failure oc- Turn power off remove
curred did incoming power
fuses open?

Yes Return power to drive if Return power to drive if test

test result are 44/4 error results displays 44/4 error code
code 15 replace output 1 perform motor winding test

Perform Menu 348

board diagnostic.

After repair is completed, return power to the com-

Replace Boards indicated by
Board Diagnostics results Yes
Run Compressor

Perform diode test on input

module, if test fail replace

* (See torque procedures in manual) 380 to 575 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ± 2% (T Drives)
200 to 230 VAC ± 6%, 50 or 60 Hz ±2% (TL Drives)
* No Low Voltage for R Series
Revision Updates and History



Comments: Initial Release

Date: 4/5/2008

REV. 2


Updates consist of rewording work instructions for various faults and to ensure that instruction coincide with Nirvana Trouble
Shooting Manual sections for individual component checks.

VSD 0: The tree block references to section (11.0) for diode testing. It should be (Sec and 14.0 and 16.0) in the Nirvana Trouble
Shooting Manual

VSD 10:The block that states “Inspect thyresistor gate connections” it has been better refined and now states “ Inspect thyresisitor
gate red wires on Input Module”

VSD 23: Added instructions to tree block that states to check PL5 board connections

VSD 33: Reworded tree block instructions; and the sequence of events for Pass/Fail

VSD 39,40 and 4: Added additional statement to tree block instructions “Inspect for loose connections see section 12.0 through

VSD 44/2, 44/3 and 44/4: Added new work instructions to tree block that states “Check PL5 board connections see section 20.0

Added work instructions to tree block that that indicated to check BUS connections states “Check DC BUS connections see
section 12.0 to 12.1

VSD 44/6: Added fault failure with error codes

Initialization Communication fault; Rephrased reference block to state “Refer to picture in (See section 8.0) for LED location and
(See section 9.0) for Interface Board 15 volts”

REV. 3


VSD 0: Added “Check Blower Drive”

VSD 22 Added for V2.5 Software

VSD 39,40,41 Added description of V2.5 Restart Description

VSD 44 5: Added “Check Blower Drive”

REV. 4
Added Error code 7 to VSD 44-5 Fault

REV. 5
VSD 39, 40, 41 Added description of V2.5 Restart Description VSD 44 5: Added “Check Blower Drive”
Added software logic for faults 39, 40 and 41

© 2008 Ingersoll-Rand Company, All rights reserved

Revision Updates and History

Date: April 2011 REV. 5


The new controller logic will now display; “Power Module Timeout and Check Incoming Power”

SGNe Contact Cool – EPROM REV 2.65 ALARMS (Power Module Timeout and Check Incoming Power)

SGNev (velocity) – EPROM REV 1.08 TRIPS (Power Module Timeout and Check Incoming Power)

SGNe Oil Free – EPROM REV 1.38 ALARMS (Power Module Timeout and Check Incoming Power)

The fault tree has two additional pages, the instruction blocks will assist with trouble shooting of the controller alarms/trips.

Date: February 2012 Rev. 6


 VSD Fault 0 now has new checks that include the following (page 5) Incoming power, Transients, Motor, Speed de-
crease, Loss magnetism, Motor instability, Loose power connections, KM1 Contactor, ID Board, Control board

 Re-wrote troubleshooting tree for correct description of VFD 23 (page15)

 Improved verbiage for “does motor turn freely by hand to check for loss of rotor magnetism VSD23 (page15), (page 14),
(page 6)

 Sec Disable Relay check for zero voltage display - Add to Incoming Power) (page 36 and 37)

 Changed incoming voltage tolerance and percentage to the drive from 380-480 +-10% to 380-6% up to 460 +10%

Date: June 2013 Rev. 7


Pg 5 VSD 0; added blower drive test and interface board inspection

Pg 6 and pg 7, VSD 1 and 2; added re-clock rotor then re-run megger test. Added Back EMF test info

Pg 8 VSD 6; added try reconfiguring the drive

Pg 11 VSD 12; added inspect ES-4 for stacked contact on R Series

Pg 14, 15 VSD 22, 23; added Back EMF test and oil samples

Pg 16 VSD 26; added X8i info and EPROM info

Pg 18 VSD 33; fixed yes and no, were reversed

Pg 19 VSD 34, 35, 36; added check drive configuration and made note for 575V R Series to use HP instead of kW

Pg 20 VSD 37; added note about HES tester

Pg 22, 26, 27,28, 30, 31, 32, 33: Added notes to check for contamination on the boards

Pg 25 PMT; added note about short cycling the main disconnect

Pg 29 VSD 44-5: removed blower motor, added run PMT with motor leads off and re-clock the rotor

Date: Nov 2013 Rev 8: Added coolant level information to VSD 1, 22, 23

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