Signal Processing
Signal Processing
Signal Processing
Semester II
Sr. Course Course Code Course Name Teaching Credits
No. Type Scheme
1. IOC ETC-19006 Interdisciplinary Open Course 3 -- -- 3
Sr. Course Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits
No. Type Code L T P
1. SBC ESP-20003 Dissertation Phase – II -- -- 18 9
2. SLC ESP-20004 Massive Open Online Course –II 3 -- -- 3
Semester I
(PSMC) [ETC-19005] - Linear Algebra and Probability Theory
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to DSP: Overview: Signals, systems and signal processing, classification of signals, elements
of digital signal processing system, concept of frequency in continuous and discrete time signals,
Periodic Sampling, Frequency domain representation of sampling, Reconstructions of band limited
signals from its samples, Hilbert algorithm
Discrete-Time Signals and Systems (Frequency Domain analysis): Z-transform & Inverse z-transform,
Linear convolution and its properties, Linear Constant Coefficient Difference equations, Frequency
domain representation of Discrete-Time Signals & Systems, Representation of sequences by discrete
time Fourier Transform, (DTFT), Properties of discrete time Fourier Transform, and correlation of signals,
Fourier Transform Theorems.
Analysis of Linear Time Invariant System: Analysis of LTI systems in time domain and stability
considerations. Frequency response of LTI system, System functions for systems with linear constant-
coefficient Difference equations, Freq. response of rational system functions relationship between
magnitude & phase, All pass systems, inverse systems, Minimum/Maximum phase systems, systems
with linear phase.
A Digital Signal-Processing System, The Sampling Process, Discrete Time Sequences, Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) and Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Linear Time-Invariant Systems, Digital Filters,
Decimation and Interpolation.
Detailed Designing and analysis of FIR Filters, IIR Filters, Interpolation and Decimation Filters, An FFT
Algorithm for DFT Computation, Overflow and Scaling
1. Digital Signal Processing: A Practical approach, Ifeachor E.C. , Jervis B.W Pearson-Education,
2. “Digital Signal Processing”, B. Venkataramani and M. Bhaskar TMH, 2002
(PCC )[ ESP-19002]- Digital Audio Processing
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 hrs/week T1, T2 – 20 marks each
End-Semester Exam - 60
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand different characteristics of Audio signals
2. Analyze different speech analysis and synthesis systems.
3. Design models and algorithms for audio and speech processing applications.
Syllabus Contents:
Audio Signal Characteristics, Production model, Hearing and Auditory model, Acoustic
characteristic of speech, Speech production models, Linear Separable equivalent circuit
model, Vocal Tract and Vocal Cord Model
Audio signal acquisition, Representation and Modelling, Enhancement of audio signals:
Spectral Subtraction, Weiner based filtering, Neural nets
Audio/ Speech Analysis and Synthesis Systems: Digitization, Sampling, Quantization and
coding, Spectral Analysis, Spectral structure of speech, Autocorrelation and Short Time
Fourier transform, Window function, Sound Spectrogram, Mel frequency Cepstral
Coefficients, Filter bank and Zero Crossing Analysis, Analysis –by-Synthesis, Pitch Extraction.,
Linear Predictive Coding Analysis.
Psychoacoustics, Multi-microphone audio processing: Room acoustics, Array beamforming.
Acoustic sound source localization and tracking
Applications: Principles of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR),Theory and implementation
of Hidden Markov Model (HMM) for ASR, Speaker Recognition, Evolution of Speech APIs,
Natural Language Processing, Sound source separation models.
1. Sen, Soumya, Dutta, Anjan Dey, Nilanjan, Audio Processing and Speech Recognition,1st edition,
2019, Springer
2. Gold, B.; Morgan, N.; Ellis, D. Speech and audio signal processing: processing and perception of
speech and music. 2nd rev. ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
3. Sadaoki Furui, “Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis and Recognition” 2/e.
4. Rabiner and Schafer, “Digital Processing of Speech Signals”, Pearson Education
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to image processing: Applications and fields of image processing, Fundamental steps in
Digital image processing, Elements of visual perception, Image sensing and acquisition, Basic
Concepts in Sampling and Quantization, representing digital images.
Image Enhancement: Some basic gray level transformations, Histogram Processing, Sharpening
Spatial filters, Image Enhancement in the spatial and Frequency domain, Pseudocolouring
Segmentation :Some Basic Relationships between pixels, point, Edge based segmentation, Boundary
detection, extraction and representation, Threshold based segmentation, Region based
segmentation, Texture based segmentation.
Morphological operations, Use of motion in segmentation.
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson , 4rd Edition
2. Anit K. Jain, Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall.
3. Digital Video Processing by A. Murat Tekalp, first edition, Prentice Hall
Syllabus Contents:
Acquisition, Generation of Bio-signals, Origin of bio-signals, Types of bio-signals, Study of diagnostically
significant bio-signal parameters Electrodes for bio-physiological sensing and conditioning, Electrode-
electrolyte interface, polarization, electrode skin interface and motion artefact, biomaterial used for
Types of electrodes (body surface, internal, array of electrodes, microelectrodes), Practical aspects of
using electrodes, Acquisition of bio-signals (signal conditioning) and Signal conversion (ADC’s DAC’s)
Processing, Digital filtering,
Biomedical signal processing by Fourier analysis, Biomedical signal processing by wavelet (time-
frequency) analysis, Analysis (Computation of signal parameters that are diagnostically
significant),Classification of signals and noise, Spectral analysis of deterministic, stationary random
signals and non-stationary signals
Principle component analysis, Correlation and regression, Analysis of chaotic signals Application areas of
Bio–Signals analysis
1. Biomedical Digital Signal Processing by W. J. Tompkins, Prentice Hall
2. Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling by Eugene N Bruce, John Wiley & Son’s
3. Biomedical Engineering and Design Handbook by Myer Kutz, McGraw Hill
4. Biomedical signal processing by D C Reddy, McGraw Hill
5. Practical Biomedical Signal Analysis using MATLAB (Series in Medical Physics and Biomedical
Engineering) 2011 by Katarzyn J. Blinowska (Author), JaroslawZygierewicz CRC Press; 1 edition
Syllabus Contents:
Network Design Issues: Network Performance Issues, Network Terminology, centralized and distributed
approaches for networks design, Issues in design of voice and data networks. Layered and Layer less
Communication, Cross layer design of Networks
Switching in Networks: Voice Networks (wired and wireless) and Switching, Circuit Switching and Packet
Switching, Statistical Multiplexing,
Data Link in Networks and their Design: Link layer design, Link adaptation, Link Layer Protocols,
Retransmission Mechanisms (ARQ), Hybrid ARQ (HARQ), Go Back N, Selective Repeat protocols and their
Queuing Models of Networks: Traffic Models, Little's Theorem, Markov chains, M/M/1 and other
Markov systems.
Multiple Access Protocols: Aloha System, Carrier Sensing, Examples of Local area networks,
Internetworking , Bridging, Global Internet
Routing and Congestion Control in Internet:-IP protocol and addressing , Subnetting, Classless
Interdomain Routing (CIDR) , IP address lookup , End to End Protocols, TCP and UDP. Congestion Control
, Additive Increase/Multiplicative Decrease , Slow Start, Fast Retransmit/ Fast Recovery , Congestion
avoidance , RED TCP Throughput Analysis, Quality of Service in Packet Networks. Network Calculus,
Packet Scheduling Algorithms.
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction to Computer Simulation: Principle of Computer Modeling and Simulation - Monte Carlo
Simulation - Nature of Computer Modeling and Simulation, , types of simulation, Simulation as a
decision making tool.
Random Numbers and Random Variables: Pseudo Random Numbers - Techniques for Generating
Random Numbers - Tests for Random Numbers - Inverse transform technique - exponential distribution
- uniform distribution - Weibull distribution.
Continuous and Discrete event modeling and simulation: Representing complex behavior through
computer program framework using core concepts of entities, events, resources, queues and time.
Introduction to Simulation Languages: Development of simulation models using simulation languages
like GPSS – SIMSCRIPT. Agent based modeling methodologies.
Syllabus Contents:
Meaning of research problem, Sources of research problem, Criteria Characteristics of a good
research problem, Errors in selecting a research problem, Scope and objectives of research
Approaches of investigation of solutions for research problem, data collection, analysis,
interpretation, Necessary instrumentations
Effective literature studies approaches, analysis
Plagiarism , Research ethics,
Effective technical writing, how to write report, Paper
Developing a Research Proposal, Format of research proposal, a presentation and
assessment by a review committee
1. Stuart Melville and Wayne Goddard, “Research methodology: an introduction for science &
engineering students’”
2. Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville, “Research Methodology: An Introduction”
3. “Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for beginners”, by Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Produce effective dialogue for business related situations
2. Use listening, speaking, reading and writing skills for communication purposes and attempt tasks by
using functional grammar and vocabulary effectively
3. Analyze critically different concepts / principles of communication skills
4. Demonstrate productive skills and have a knack for structured conversations
5. Appreciate, analyze, evaluate business reports and research papers
Syllabus Contents:
Fundamentals of Communication
7 Cs of communication, common errors in English, enriching vocabulary, styles and registers
Aural-Oral Communication
The art of listening, stress and intonation, group discussion, oral presentation skills
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the lab course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Analyze audio signal characteristics using softwares.
2. Process audio signals and implement various speech analysis techniques in MATLAB
3. Implement any audio processing application in MATLAB.
Lab Assignments:
1. Audio signal analysis and introduction to various parameters of audio signal using PRAAT,
2. Writing MATLAB code or function for:
• Finding energy of an audio frame
• Detection and removal of silence region in audio
• Plotting spectrogram for given audio signal
3. Extraction of Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) from an audio signal in MATLAB.
4. Extraction of Linear Predictive Coding (LPC) coefficients from an audio signal in MATLAB.
5. Calculation of minimum edit distance between two strings using Dynamic Programming
algorithm in MATLAB.
6. Designing a codebook as stated in VQ method using K-means clustering algorithm in MATLAB.
7. Evaluation of probabilities using HMM and Viterbi algorithm for a given sequence in MATLAB.
8. Estimation of DOA.
9. Source separation using ICA
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the lab course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Implement various image processing and image enhancement techniques in MATLAB and identify
their application areas.
2. Execute various image segmentation techniques.
3. Implement image and video compression techniques.
. Lab Assignments:
1. Obtaining row profile of a given row of an image in MATLAB
2. Plotting histogram of an image in MATLAB
3. Adjusting the brightness of an image using a constant value in MATLAB
4. Calculating mean and variance of an image in MATLAB
5. Histogram Equalization of an image in MATLAB
6. Spatial Filtering: Applying low pass, high pass and median filters on an image in MATLAB
7. Pseudo Coloring an image using sinusoidal transforms in MATLAB
8. Detection of edges of an image using Canny Edge Detection algorithm in MATLAB.
9. Image Thresholding using OTSU Thresholding algorithm in MATLAB.
10. Region-based Image Segmentation using region growing in MATLAB.
11. Apply Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) on an image in MATLAB.
12. Motion Estimation for video sequence using full search algorithm.
13. Tutorial: Presentation of some topics in Digital Image and Video Processing.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of laboratory course students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Simulate and analyze digital signal processing systems in MATLAB
2. Generate and Analyze analog and digital signals with the help Labview.
Lab Assignments:
Experimentation using Matlab
To find the FFT/IDFT of given signal.
Design and Implementation of FIR Filter
Design and Implementation of IIR Filter
Implementation of Interpolation /Decimation Process
FFT and its Applications
Each student is expected to give a seminar on a topic of current relevance in Signal Processing
Students have to refer published papers from standard journals.
The seminar report must not be the reproduction of the original papers but it can be used as
Semester II
Syllabus Contents:
Mobile Communication: Introduction, Concepts of coverage area and dead zones, Cellular system
design, Frequency reuse, Co channel and adjacent channel interference, Interference reduction
techniques, Fixed and Dynamic Channel Assignment Strategies, concepts of cell splitting, Handoff
Process, Factors affecting Handoff Process, Handoff Strategies, Microcell Zone concept, GSM
architecture, Call Flows in GSM, Multiple access techniques.
Satellite Communication: Introduction, Kepler laws, apogee and perigee heights, Orbital equations, LEO,
MEO, GEO satellites, Orbit perturbations, Satellite Sub-Systems, Solar eclipse on satellite, Sun transit
outage phenomena, Doppler frequency shift, Satellite Link Budget- Flux density, EIPR and received signal
power equations, Calculation of system noise temperature for satellite receiver, noise power
calculation, C/N ratio calculations in clear air and rainy conditions.
Fixed Wireless Systems: Microwave links, Private unlicensed links (Spread spectrum), MMDS (Multi-
channel Multi-point Distribution Service), LMDS (Local Multipoint Distribution Service).
Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX Technologies: Introduction to Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX, Principles and parameters for
Wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11 standards), Operating principles for Wi-MAX (IEEE 802.16 standard),
Comparison of Wi-Fi and Wi-MAX.
Optical Fiber Communication: Principles of optical fiber communication, advantages and disadvantages
of optical fiber communication, Optical Spectral bands, Basic optical laws and definitions, Single-mode
fiber, Graded-index fiber, Signal Degradation in optical fiber: Attenuation, Dispersion.
Quality-of-Service (QoS) in Broadband: QoS issues in broadband communication, A case study of
broadband service regulations for maintaining QoS by telecom regulatory bodies such as TRAI.
1. Theodore S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications-Principles and Practice”,2nd edition,
2. Louis E. Frenzel, “Principles of Electronic Communication Systems”,3rd edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, 2012
3. Timothy Pratt and Others, “Satellite Communications”, Wiley India, 2nd edition, 2002
4. Recent QoS regulations released by TRAI (available on website of TRAI).
Syllabus Contents:
Review of Probability Theory and Linear algebra
Regression: Linear Regression, Multivariate Regression, Subset Selection, Shrinkage Methods,
Principal Component Regression, Logistic Regression, Partial Least Squares Classification: Linear
Classification, LDA
Introduction to Perceptron and SVM Neural Networks: Introduction, Early Models, Perceptron
Learning, Back-propagation, Initialization of neural network, Training and Validation, Parameter
Decision Trees - Stopping Criterion and Pruning, Loss function, Categorical Attributes, Multiway
Splits, Missing values, Instability, Regression Trees. Bootstrapping and Cross Validation, Class
Evaluation, Measures, ROC curve, MDL, Ensemble methods, Committee Machines and Stacking.
Gradient Boosting, Random Forests, Multi-class Classification, Naïve Bayes, Bayesian Networks,
Undirected Graphical Models, HMM, Variable elimination, Belief Propagation, Partitional clustering,
Hierarchical Clustering, Birch Algorithm, CURE Algorithm, Density- Based Clustering, Gaussian
Mixture Models, Expectation Maximization, Learning Theory, Re-enforcement Learning
Convolutional Neural Networks - CNN Operations, CNN architectures, Training, Transfer Learning.
1. Bengio, Courville, “Deep learning by Good Fellow”, - MIT Press, 2016.
2. Bishop “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” Springer, 2009.
3. Chollet,” Deep learning with Python”, Manning Publications, 2017.
4. Ethem Alpaydin, “Introduction to Machine Learning”, PHI, 2005
5. Bishop Christopher, “Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition”, New York, NY: Oxford
University Press, ISBN: 9780198538646
6. Mitchell Tom, “Machine learning”, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, ISBN:9780070428072
7. Hastie, T. R. Tibshirani, and J. G. Friedman, “The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining,
Inference and Prediction”, New York, NY: Springer, ISBN:9780387952840
8. Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani “Introduction to Statistical
Learning”, Springer, 2013
1. "Adaptive Filter Theory" by S. Haykin, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991 (end Ed.).
2. "Adaptive Filters – Theory and Applications", by B. Farhang-Boroujeny, John Wiley and Sons,
Syllabus Contents:
Programmable DSP Hardware: Processing Architectures (von Neumann, Harvard), DSP core
algorithms (FIR, IIR, Convolution, Correlation, FFT), IEEE standard for Fixed and Floating Point
Computations, Special Architectures Modules used in Digital Signal Processors (like MAC unit, Barrel
shifters), On-Chip peripherals, DSP benchmarking.
Structural and Architectural Considerations: Parallelism in DSP processing, Texas Instruments
TMS320 Digital Signal Processor Families, Fixed Point TI DSP Processors: TMS320C1X and
TMS320C2X Family, TMS320C25 –Internal Architecture, Arithmetic and Logic Unit, Auxiliary
Registers, Addressing Modes (Immediate, Direct, and Indirect, Bit-reverse Addressing), Basics of
TMS320C54x and C55x Families in respect of Architecture improvements and new applications
fields, TMS320C5416 DSP Architecture, Memory Map, Interrupt System, Peripheral Devices,
Illustrative Examples for assembly coding.
VLIW Architecture: Current DSP Architectures, GPUs as an alternative to DSP Processors,
TMS320C6X Family, Addressing Modes, Replacement of MAC unit by ILP, Detailed study of ISA,
Assembly Language Programming, Code Composer Studio, Mixed C and Assembly Language
programming, on-chip peripherals, Simple applications developments as an embedded
Multi-core DSPs: Introduction to Multi-core computing and applicability for DSP hardware, Concept
of threads, introduction to P-thread, mutex and similar concepts, heterogeneous and homogenous
multi-core systems, Shared Memory parallel programming – OpenMP approach of parallel
programming, PRAGMA directives, OpenMP Constructs for work sharing like for loop, sections, TI
TMS320C6678 (Eight Core subsystem).
FPGA based DSP Systems: Limitations of P-DSPs, Requirements of Signal processing for Cognitive
Radio (SDR), FPGA based signal processing design- case study of a complete design of DSP processor,
High Performance Computing using P-DSP: Preliminaries of HPC, MPI, OpenMP, multicore DSP as
HPC infrastructure.
1. Digital Signal Processors Architecture, Programming and Applications by B. Venkatramani
, M. Bhaskar
2. Introduction to Parallel Processing by M. Sasikumar, D. Shikhare, Ravi Prakash, PHI
3. Algorithms and Parallel Computing by Fayez Gebali, Wilely
4. Parallel Programming in OpenMP by Rohit Chandra, L. Dagun, Memon- Morgan Kaufman
5. Multicore Embedded systems- GeorgiousKormaros, CRC Press
6. High Performance Embedded Computing: Architectures , applications-- Wayne Wolf,
Morgan Kaufman
7. Algorithmic Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications- E.S. Gopi
(DEC) Departmental Elective -II
a) [ ESP(DE)-19004]- Remote Sensing and Multispectral Analysis
1. 'Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation', T.M. Lillesand and R.W. Kiefer, John Wiley & Sons,
Singapore, 7th edition, 2015.
2. ‘Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis - An Introduction’, John A. Richards, Springer, 5th edition,
3. 'Remote Sensing - Models and Methods for Image Processing', R.A. Schowengerdt, Elsevier India
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006
Syllabus Contents:
Introduction: The Discrete-Time Abstraction, Basic Signals Digital Frequency, Elementary Operators, The
Reproducing Formula, Energy and Power, Classes of Discrete-Time Signals, Finite-Length Signals, .
Infinite-Length Signals.
Signals and Hilbert Spaces: Euclidean Geometry: Review, From Vector Spaces to Hilbert Spaces: The
Recipe for Hilbert Space , Examples of Hilbert Spaces, Inner Products and Distances, Subspaces , Bases,
Projections, Fourier Analysis.
Discrete Time Filters: Linear Time-Invariant Systems, Filtering in the Time Domain, Filtering in the
Frequency Domain: LTI “Eigen functions”, The Convolution and Modulation Theorems, Properties of the
Frequency Response, Ideal Filters, Realizable Filters, Constant-Coefficient Difference Equations, The
Algorithmic Nature of CCDEs, Filter Analysis and Design.
Stochastic Signal Processing: Random Variables, Random Vector , Random Processes , Spectral
Representation of Stationary Random Processes: Power Spectral Density, PSD of a Stationary Process,
White Noise , Stochastic Signal Processing.
Interpolation and Sampling, A/D and D/A Conversions.
Multirate Signal Processing: Downsampling, Upsampling, Oversampling
Design of a Digital Communication System: The Communication Channel(The AM Radio Channel, The
Telephone Channel), Modem Design: The Transmitter (Digital Modulation and the Bandwidth
Constraint, Signaling Alphabets and the Power Constraint), Modem Design: The Receiver (Hilbert
Demodulation, The Effects of the Channel) , Adaptive Synchronization (Carrier Recovery, Timing
1. Signal Processing for Communications, by P.Prandoni and M. Vetterli, 2008, EPFL Press
Syllabus Contents:
Piecewise constant approximation - the Haar wavelet, Building up the concept of dyadic
Multiresolution Analysis (MRA),
Relating dyadic MRA to filter banks, review of discrete signal processing, Elements of multirate
systems and two-band filter bank design for dyadic wavelets,
The Uncertainty Principle and its implications: the problem and the challenge that Nature imposes,
The importance of the Gaussian function: the Gabor Transform and its generalization; time,
frequency and scale - their interplay, The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Condition of
admissibility and its implications, The Uncertainty Principle: and its implications: the fundamental
issue in this subject - the problem and the challenge that Nature imposes, The importance of the
Gaussian function: the Gabor Transform and its generalization; time, frequency and scale - their
interplay, The Continuous Wavelet Transform (CWT), Condition of admissibility and its implications,
Application of the CWT in wideband correlation processing,
Variants of the wavelet transform and its implementational structures, The wavepacket transform,
Computational efficiency in realizing filter banks - Polyphase components, The lattice structure, The
lifting scheme,
1. Wavelet Analysis: The Scalable Structure of Information by Howard L. Resnikoff, Raymond O.
Wells, Springer
2. Wavelet Transforms: Introduction by Raghuveer M. Rao, Ajit S. Bopardikar
3. Insight Into Wavelets - From Theory to Practice by K. P. Soman, K. I. Ramachandran, Prentice
4. An Introduction to Wavelets Through Linear Algebra by Michael W. Frazier, Springer
5. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks by P. P. Vaidyanathan, Pearson Education
Syllabus Contents:
Concepts of data acquisition systems, sample signals that measure real physical conditions and convert
the resulting samples into digital, numeric values to be analyzed
Problem-solving approach to data acquisition, sensors that convert physical parameters to electrical
signals, signal conditioning circuitry to convert sensor signals into a form that can be converted to digital
values and analog-to-digital converters, which convert conditioned sensor signals to digital values.
hands-on approach, culminating with data acquisition projects
Fundamental principles of measurement, sensors and signal conditioning. software packages related to
data acquisition
1. Data Acquisation systems from Fundamentals To Applied Design Hardcover-March
22,2013 byMaurizio Di Paolo EmilioSpringer; 2013 edition (March 22, 2013)
2. Data Acquisition for Sensor SystemsPaperback– December 3, 2010 by H.R. TaylorSpringer;
Softcover reprint of hardcover 1st ed. 1997 edition (December 3,2010).
Syllabus Contents:
Study of various methods for shape representation and segmentation: Deformable curves and Snakes,
Fourier and Wavelet descriptors
Introduction to various object recognition methods: Hough Transform, Shape correspondence, Shape
Matching , Principal Component Analysis etc.
Study of image formation models, camera model and camera calibration
Introduction to various computer vision algorithms for segmentation, recognition and tracking
State-of-the-art methods for object representation such as HoG, Texture features, Bag-of-Words, Sparse
Representation, Haar like features.
Can include some state-of-the-art techniques for object localization: Various Object proposal methods
Study of state-of-the-art classifiers: KNN, SVM, Adaboost, ANN
Introduction to CNN as the recent emerging classifier for signal processing applications in Autonomous
Familiarity with recent deep learning based algorithms for object localization and recognition : RCNN,
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS): Communication standards in IOT for ITS like, MQTT, DDS, AMQP,
BLUETOOTH, ZIGBEE, WIFI, Security and surveillance systems
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS): ADAS domain controller, Automotive thermal camera,
Camera module without processing, Conditionally automated drive controller, Drive assist ECU, Driver
monitoring, Driver vital sign monitoring, Front/Rear camera, advance features.
Internet of vehicles and VANET: Types of IOV, Benefits of IOV, Difference between IOV and VANET,
Connected cars IoT Transportation, Activity Monitoring.
1. Computer Vision: Models, Learning, and InferencebySimon J. D. Prince, Cambridge University
2. Computer Vision- A Reference Guide by Ikeuchi and Katsushi , Springer
3. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning by Christopher Bishop,Mcgraw-Hill
4. Digital Signal Processing for in-vehicle system and processing, Springer
5. Practical Convolutional Neural Networks by M. Sewak, Md. R. Karim and P. Pujari
Course Outcomes:
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Exhibit self learning capabilities and its use in effective communication.
2. Inculcate impact of various areas to relate with society at large.
Syllabus Contents:
Identification of topic and resources, scope, and synthesize viewpoints for the areas such as performing
arts, social sciences, business, philosophy, Agriculture sports and athletics, Fine Arts Medicine and
Health Linguistics, defence studies and education
Course Outcomes: At the end of the lab course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Implement various digital signal processing algorithms using Code Composer Studio in simulation
2. Demonstrate various digital signal processing algorithms on DSP hardware.
3. Deploy DSP hardware using Code Composer Studio for various digital signal processing applications
. Lab Assignments:
1. Study of TMSC6713 DSK and introduction to Code Composer Studio 5.4.0.
2. Bit Reversal using TMSC6713 DSK
3. Signed Integer Division using TMSC6713 DSK
4. Signed Integer Division using TMSC6713 DSK
5. Unsigned Integer Division using TMSC6713 DSK
6. Convolution of 2 sequences using TMSC6713 DSK
7. Complex Number Multiplication using TMSC6713 DSK
8. Computation of Radix-2 and Radix-4 FFT using TMSC6713 DSK
9. Mini Project: Any Signal Processing Application using TMSC6713 DSK
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course the student should be able to
1. Learn application of AI in practical field
2. Apply ML concepts to find solution in problem domain.
Syllabus Contents:
Course Outcomes: At the end of the lab course, the students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Devise filtering solutions for various applications and appreciate the need for adaptation in
2. Analyse convergence and stability issues associated with adaptive filter design
Lab Assignments:
1. Convolution of two sequences in MATLAB.
2. Computation of Discrete Fourier Transform of a given sequence in MATLAB.
3. Implementations of Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filter in MATLAB.
4. Implementations of Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filter in MATLAB.
5. Implementation of decimation in MATLAB.
6. Implementation of interpolation in MATLAB.
7. Implementation of adaptive filter using Least Mean Squares (LMS) algorithm in MATLAB.
8. Implementation of adaptive filter using Recursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm in MATLAB.
9. Presentation: Any topic on recent areas of research in Multirate and Adaptive Signal
Semester III and IV
Syllabus Contents:
The dissertation / project topic should be selected / chosen to ensure the satisfaction of the urgent
need to establish a direct link between education, national development and productivity and thus
reduce the gap between the world of work and the world of study. The dissertation should have the
Relevance to social needs of society
Relevance to value addition to existing facilities in the institute
Relevance to industry need
Problems of national importance
Research and development in various domain
The student should complete the following:
Literature survey Problem Definition
Motivation for study and Objectives
Preliminary design / feasibility / modular approaches
Implementation and Verification
Report and presentation
The dissertation stage II is based on a report prepared by the students on dissertation allotted to them.
It may be based on:
Experimental verification / Proof of concept.
Design, fabrication, testing of Communication System.
The viva-voce examination will be based on the above report and work.
Guidelines for Dissertation Phase – I and II at M. Tech. (Electronics):
As per the AICTE directives, the dissertation is a yearlong activity, to be carried out and
evaluated in two phases i.e. Phase – I: July to December and Phase – II: January to June.
The dissertation may be carried out preferably in-house i.e. department‟s laboratories and
centers OR in industry allotted through department‟s T & P coordinator.
After multiple interactions with guide and based on comprehensive literature survey, the
student shall identify the domain and define dissertation objectives. The referred literature
should preferably include IEEE/IET/IETE/Springer/Science Direct/ACM journals in the areas of
Computing and Processing (Hardware and Software), Circuits-Devices and Systems,
Communication-Networking and Security, Robotics and Control Systems, Signal Processing and
Analysis and any other related domain. In case of Industry sponsored projects, the relevant
application notes, while papers, product catalogues should be referred and reported.
Student is expected to detail out specifications, methodology, resources required, critical issues
involved in design and implementation and phase wise work distribution, and submit the
proposal within a month from the date of registration.
Phase – I deliverables: A document report comprising of summary of literature survey, detailed
objectives, project specifications, paper and/or computer aided design, proof of
concept/functionality, part results, A record of continuous progress.
Phase – I evaluation: A committee comprising of guides of respective specialization shall assess
the progress/performance of the student based on report, presentation and Q & A. In case of
unsatisfactory performance, committee may recommend repeating the phase-I work.
During phase – II, student is expected to exert on design, development and testing of the
proposed work as per the schedule. Accomplished results/contributions/innovations should be
published in terms of research papers in reputed journals and reviewed focused conferences OR
Phase – II deliverables: A dissertation report as per the specified format, developed system in
the form of hardware and/or software, A record of continuous progress.
Phase – II evaluation: Guide along with appointed external examiner shall assess the
progress/performance of the student based on report, presentation and Q & A. In case of
unsatisfactory performance, committee may recommend for extension or repeating the work