10 Transport Riddles For Kids
10 Transport Riddles For Kids
10 Transport Riddles For Kids
10 Transport Riddles
1) 6)
When people board this type of transport This is a special kind of transport
Into different cabins they are split Some mes used in an emergency
It has wings, a nose and a tail As they’re able to fly and hover
And the pilots fly in a cockpit And help rescue people lost at sea
2) 7)
I am a mode of transport Before there were cars and trains
But I am not very wide This was how people got around
I’ve an engine and two wheels They’d get up on a saddle
I’m something you sit astride Take its reins and then hooves would pound
3) 8)
This vehicle makes frequent stops If you’re in a city
So ge ng to places can be slow This is something you might grab
In London they’re usually red In New York it’s yellow
The ones you take to school are yellow It’s also known as a cab
4) 9)
I’m a transport you don’t have to drive This has a saddle and a chain
Which means you can sit back and relax And two pedals either side
I can take you across the country Its two wheels have many spokes
Not in the air but along some tracks It’s something on which you ride
5) 10)
If you ever want one of these If you travel on one of these
Then a license you must get An astronaut you must be
This transport’s spelled with three le ers As it takes you to outer space
But it isn’t called a jet Where there’s zero gravity
10 Transport Riddles
1) Airplane
2) Motorcycle
3) Bus
4) Train
5) Car
6) Helicopter
7) Horse
8) Taxi
9) Bicycle
10) Space Shu le