IOT Mid Project

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Internet of Things (IOT) Projects using Python

Mid-Term Project Synopsis

Group Group Members (Regd. No.) Project Title

3 1941012676 Raspberry Pi Pico Controlled Robotic Radar
System Object Detector Using Ultrasonic Sensor

1. Introduction: (Details about the Topic, industry, products, need of study and some history about
the same etc.)

Serious developmental work on radar began in the 1930s, but the basic idea of
radar had its origins in the classical experiments on electromagnetic
radiation conducted by German physicist Heinrich Hertz during the late 1880s.
Hertz set out to verify experimentally the earlier theoretical work of Scottish
physicist James Clerk Maxwell. Maxwell had formulated the general equations
of the electromagnetic field, determining that both light and radio waves are
examples of electromagnetic waves governed by the same fundamental laws but
having widely different frequencies. Maxwell’s work led to the conclusion that
radio waves can be reflected from metallic objects and refracted by a dielectric
medium, just as light waves can. Hertz demonstrated these properties in 1888,
using radio waves at a wavelength of 66 cm (which corresponds to
a frequency of about 455 MHz).

In this project, we have designed Raspberry Pi Pico Controlled Robotic Radar

System Object Detector using Ultrasonic Sensor for Detection & Ranging.
RADAR is an object detection system that uses radio waves to identify the range,
altitude, direction, and speed of the objects. The radar antenna transmits radio
wave pulses that bounce off any object in its path. The object returns a portion of
the wave received by the receiver which is in line of sight with the transmitter.
Internet of Things (IOT) Projects using Python
Mid-Term Project Synopsis

This Raspberry Pi Pico RADAR project aims to achieve a radar system

prototype based on a Pico board, capable of detecting stationary and moving

2. Problem identification and Problem Formulation: (Core area of problems or other related
problems and their brief solutions)

1. Target /Object detection, recognition, position, movement speed etc. is

easy when the objects is near or easily visible, But, the same doesn’t
stand true especially when the object is far or not visible due to so many
factors like weather conditions, day/night cycle, etc. Therefore Radio
Detection And Ranging(RADAR) was invented, which uses radio
waves to determine the range, angle, or velocity of objects.

2. But, it uses long time to detect and used to detect larger objects like
aircraft, spacecraft, and ships at sea as well as insects and birds in the
atmosphere. It is costly.

3. A cheaper, easy and effective alternate solution is to use ultrasonic

sensor which use sound waves for detection and ranging.

4. Therefore, in this project we used Ultrasonic Sensor (HC-SR04) acts as

RADAR, HCRS04 is connected to Servo Motor (SG90) for the rotating
the Ultrasonic sensor.

5. These components are connected to Raspberry Pi Pico for being

processed to detect and notify the object.
Internet of Things (IOT) Projects using Python
Mid-Term Project Synopsis

3. Objective of the Project: (Objectives should be mentioned pointwise. Students can also divide the
broader and narrow areas of the objectives. These objectives must be near to the situation of the

1. Understanding the working of a RADAR and its application in various

2. Implementation of the RADAR using raspberry pi pico
3. Testing of objects in different distance and degree of angle
4. Testing it in different environment scenario like in bad weather,
nigh(dark room)

4. Block Diagram of the Project: (Diagram of a system in which the principal parts or functions
are represented by blocks connected by lines that show the relationships of the blocks )
Internet of Things (IOT) Projects using Python
Mid-Term Project Synopsis

5. Circuit Diagram of the project:

6. Components/Items Required:

Sl. No. Name of the Components Specification Quantity

1 Raspberry Pi Pico 125 MHz 1
2 Ultrasonic Sensor 4x3 KeypadHC-SR04 1
3 LCD Display JHD 162A 16x2 1
4 Servo Motor SG90 1
5 Buzzer 5V 1
6 LED 5mm (Any Color) 2
7 Connecting Wires Jumper Wires 20
8 Breadboard 1
9 Resistor 220Ω 1

The project synopsis should be verified by the corresponding faculties within 7 days. After getting the
verified signature from the any one corresponding faculty, a group can proceed to buy the components.

Full Signature of Group members:


Signature of Corresponding Faculty

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