Q2-M7 Revalidated
Q2-M7 Revalidated
Q2-M7 Revalidated
Multimodal Texts
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of your answer. Write
the letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. This is a text modality that pertains to line spacing, size of page, visual
organization, alignment, layout and organization of objects in space
A. visual B. gestural C. spatial D. linguistic
3. This is another text modality that refers to written or spoken text, word
choice, delivery, and organization of ideas
A. linguistic B. spatial C. gestural D. audio
4. All of these are modes of delivery for multimodal texts EXCEPT ___________.
A. digital B. live C. paper D. ink
5. Elements such as sound effects, oral language, written language, music, still
and moving images combined are utilized by this multimodal text.
A. picture book B. web page C. oral storytelling D. comics
6. This is the medium that delivered the dreadful prophecy to King Acrisius.
A. oracle B. tarot card C. crystal ball D. Ouija board
9. The sight of the Gorgons could turn any man into this.
A. gold B. wax C. water D. stone
11. this provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security unlike many other
types of relationships.
A. financial stability C. family harmony
B. home security D. permanent employment
12. This is one of the causes of family conflict mentioned in the same article in
item No. 10.
A. cyberbullying C. lack of communication
B. sibling rivalry D. financial stability
14. This refers to a text that utilizes more than one modality to achieve its
A. multimodal B. textual aid C. comics D. poster
What’s In
Each block represents a saying or well-known phrase. Identify the phrase or idiom
graphically presented in each square.
1. 3. r
late never r o a d s
2. 4.
history secret
history secret
history secret
What’s New
Read the story below, then answer the questions that follow.
Acrisius, King of Argos received a dreadful oracle from Delphi. According to the
priestess of Delphi, he will not have a son but a grandson from whose hands he will
be killed. Frightened, King Acrisius hid his only daughter Danae from the sight of
all men. Danae was locked up inside a house of bronze sunk underground.
But Acrisius forgot to take the gods into account. Part of the roof of the house was
open to the sky. Zeus entered into the underground chamber in the form of the
shower of gold through the roof partly opened. He appeared in front of Danae and
in an instant Danae conceived a baby.
Later, Danae had given birth to a boy named Perseus. She kept her baby a secret
from her own father. But days have come and King Acrisius learned about her
secret. The King ordered his people to have a chest built for Danae and child
Perseus. Danae and her child were put inside the chest and sent adrift the sea.
It bobbed in the waves until it reached the Island of Seraphos where a fisherman
named Dictys noticed the chest and took it. When he opened, he saw Danae and
Perseus. The kind Dictys let them in their house to live together with his wife.
Dictys‟ brother, King Polydectes was captivated with Danae‟s beauty and married
her. Polydectes felt jealous over the love that Danae was giving to Perseus. Perseus
has grown into a fine tall youth. The King hated the youth just because Danae
doted on him and sought some way to get rid of him.
To get rid of Perseus, Polydectes sent him to a dangerous adventure that put his life
in peril. The mission was to kill Medusa, one of the three Gorgons. She has snaky
hair and metal-scaled skin. Looking straight in Medusa‟s eye can turn mortals into
Despite the danger, Perseus agreed to embark on the adventure in order to get his
own name a glory. Hermes gave him a sword. He was also given a shield by Athena.
Hermes added that Perseus needed also the winged sandals, the helmet of
invisibility, and the magic wallet. Those three essential things were all in the
possession of the Nymphs of the North. Getting there was not easy.
In order to get to the Nymphs of the North, Perseus has to go first to the Gray
Women who only could tell the direction. Perseus went to the Gray women, he
snatched the eye of the women and threatened not to return it unless they give him
the direction pointing to the Nymphs of the North. As soon as the direction was
given, Perseus headed to the Island of Gorgons.
Fully equipped now, Perseus lightly sped through the air over land and over sea to
the fearful island of the Gorgons. As he approached, he could see scattered in the
fields and along the roads, statues of men and beasts whom the sight of the
Gorgons had turned to stone. He was instructed by Athena, telling him that
Medusa was the one lying closest to the seashore.
With one swift of his sword and with the help of his shield as mirror, Medusa was
beheaded. Then, springing into the air, he thrust his prize, all writhing and hissing
into the magic wallet.
Up leaped the Gorgon sisters, for they heard the rattle of Medusa‟s scales as the
severed body thrashed about. In fury, they turned their snaky heads and set off in
pursuit of Perseus. But they could not outstrip the winged sandals.
While Perseus was making his way back home, he noticed a beautiful lady chained
on the cliff. He asked her name and why she was hanged. No reply was given by the
lady. Perseus insisted the lady to respond. She said her name was Andromeda,
daughter of Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia.
Andromeda told Perseus that her mother boasted that she was the most beautiful
than 50 lovely daughters of Nereus. As a revenge to her mother Cassiopeia,
Andromeda suffered the punishment. At any moment, then, the serpent was on its
way to devour Andromeda. Perseus told Andromeda‟s parents that he would save
their daughter on a condition that they will allow him to marry her. The king and
queen agreed at once. Perseus killed the beast and Andromeda was saved from
And that very day the wedding was celebrated. While the marriage feast was at its
height, Andromeda‟s uncle Phineas stormed in to avenge the theft of his promised
bride. He hurled his javelin at Perseus, but it stuck in the couch.
Then a riot ensued and the feast turned into a battle. Perseus killed many of
Phineas‟ followers as he struck down one man after another. But at last he realized
that valor could not withstand the numbers against him. He drew Medusa‟s head
out of the wallet and two hundred men became stony statues including Phineas.
When at the year‟s end, Perseus sailed home with Andromeda. King Polydectes was
furious that his stepson had returned, and refused to believe that he had actually
slain Medusa. As a proof, Perseus showed the Gorgon‟s head to cruel Polydectes.
That was the last time Perseus ever used the horrible head. He gave it most
willingly to Athene, who kept it ever after.
Now that Polydectes was dead, Danae yearned to go home again and be reconciled
with her father. So Perseus made the fisherman Dictys King of island and sails with
his mother and Andromeda to Greece.
But it happened that when they came to Argos, King Acrisius was away from home.
At that time, a discus-throw competition was going on at Larissa. There at the
game it was that the oracle which Acrisius had received at Delphi was strangely
fulfilled. Perseus joined in and when it was his turn to throw the discus, he threw it
mightily and accidentally hit an old man in the audience. It was learned that his
grandfather, King Acrisius, was the one hit by the discus. He had gone to such
cruel lengths to avoid the fate which the gods had ordained.
Give the synonym of the underlined word based on given context clues. Write only
the letter of the correct answer.
1. People in ancient Greece consulted oracles regularly to know their future.
A. family B. invention C. prophecy D. history
2. After graduation, he will start college and embark upon a new phase in his
A. begin B. continue C. remain D. end
Choose only 3 out of 5 questions below that you would like to answer.
3. What is the “dreadful oracle” that was delivered to King Acrisius?
4. What adventure does Polydectes suggest that Perseus undertake?
5. Medusa was beheaded by Perseus, yet her head continued to have power.
Explain how the evil Gorgon‟s head is beneficial to Perseus.
6. List down three heroic characteristics that Perseus possesses.
7. Explain how the oracle given to King Acrisius is fulfilled.
What’s More
A. My Coat of Arms. In his quest, Perseus used items/objects that helped in
defending himself. Identify what these defenses are through the coat of arms
diagram. Write one or two sentences explaining the value of each of those
defenses as Perseus faced his challenges.
B. Venn Diagram. Compare and contrast the characters of Perseus and
Medusa. Give two descriptions in which they differ and one characteristic
that they have in common.
Perseus Medusa
Resolving Conflict
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to transcode information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa.
What’s In
Listen to the song, then do the activity that follows.
Common Ground
by Kodaline
While listening to the song for the second time, sketch in the box an object
you visualize in the song. Explain why you drew that object in 2-3 sentences.
What’s New
The family is the smallest unit of society and it is everything. Yet there is no such
thing as a “perfect family.”
Family harmony provides a sense of belonging and a feeling of security unlike many
other types of relationships. When conflict arises, it threatens that security.
Whether the disharmony initiates from within the family unit or from external
sources, individual family members and the family as a whole can experience a
range of negative emotions and consequences. Unresolved conflict may irreparably
damage a marriage and the entire family, if family members do not seek help.
One major source of family conflict is within the area of finances-specifically, the
lack of money to pay bills, maintain the mortgage or rent, buy sufficient food and
other necessities and have any remaining money for recreation, job or career may
contribute to conflict within a family. If a parent‟s job keep him/her away from
home most of the time, the spouse at home with the children often feels neglected
or overwhelmed. Conversely, if the parent becomes unemployed, this causes its
own form of stress and conflict.
Another cause of family conflict is the inevitable rivalry that occurs between
siblings. Children typically seek their parents‟ attention and approval, even if this
requires tattling on, or sometimes causing harm to a sibling. Whether a child
expresses jealousy to a sibling, competes with him/her or teases him/her non-stop,
it is destined to cause conflict. Each child deserves an equal amount of parental
love and acceptance, yet sometimes a parent may favor one child over another. This
merely intensifies the conflict.
While mutual agreement on the subject of child discipline is crucial, the lack of
consensus opens up another potential area for family conflict. If one parent acts as
he „disciplinarian,” the other typically becomes the “consoler” to whom the children
turn – this often pits one parent against the other.
Jokes and movies abound regarding conflict with in-laws (especially mothers in
law); however, when you actually become involved in disagreements with your in-
laws or extended family, it is no laughing matter. While it is preferable to respect
your elders-parents and grandparents on both sides equally – this can prove to be
challenging. If relatives routinely interfere in your family‟s decision and lifestyle,
conflict frequently results.
Transcode Me. Fill in the diagram with causes of family conflict. Write one or two
sentences describing each conflict.
What I Have Learned
Direction: Answer the following questions.
What’s More
Conflict Prevention. Below are common conflict situations among teenagers. One
must consider how to avoid conflicts. Complete the table below by writing one or
two ways to prevent each common conflict situation.
1. Gossips
2. Fighting
3. Parent-child conflict
Multimodal Text
What’s In
Have you ever read one like this? For several
decades, reading comics had been the favorite
pastime among Filipinos. The word komiks is the
vernacular equivalent of the English “comics” or
“comic book.” It also refers to a form of illustrated
stories portraying various characters and topics
from experiences in everyday life to different kinds
of adventures, exploits and heroism, to dramatic or
humorous scenes. It can be a very short story or a
quite lengthy novel. Since its beginning in 1922,
komiks has been the Philippines‟ cheapest form of
entertainment, until its decline in the late 1990s
due to competition from other media forms like
television and internet.
What’s New
A text may be defined as multimodal when it uses more than one modality to
achieve its intended purpose. Meaning is conveyed to the reader through varying
combinations of the different modes. The modalities are the following:
a picture book, in which the textual and visual elements are arranged in
individual pages that contribute to an overall set of bound pages
a webpage, in which elements such as sound effects, oral language, written
language, music and still or moving images are combined
a live ballet performance, in which gesture, music, and space are the main
digital – slide presentations, e-books, blogs, e-posters, web pages
live – live performances, social media, event, oral storytelling
What’s More
Write two modalities mainly used by the given sample texts, then identify its
medium of delivery. Be guided by the given example.
What I Can Do
Filipinos during these trying times. Be guided by the criteria for evaluation
Music Video Assessment
Storyline and Lyrics - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 points
Cinematography - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 points
Assessment (Post-Test)
Directions: Read each item carefully and choose the letter of your answer. Write
your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1.This is a text modality that refers to written or spoken text, word choice,
delivery, and organization of ideas.
A. linguistic B. spatial C. gestural D. audio
2.This is a text that utilizes more than one modality to achieve its purpose.
A. comics B. multimodal C. poster D. textual aid
5. This text modality pertains to line spacing, size of page, visual organization,
alignment, layout and organization of objects in space
A. visual B. gestural C. linguistic D. spatial
9. All are items/objects that helped Perseus in his quest EXCEPT ______________.
A. sword B. winged sandals C. magic potion D. shield
10. The sight of the Gorgons could turn any man into this.
A. gold B. wax C. water D. stone
12. This is one of the causes of family conflict mentioned in the article.
A. cyberbullying C. financial stability
B. sibling rivalry D. lack of communication
Classify each of the following text samples as to its modalities used and mode of
13. 13newspaper
A. audio, linguistic – digital C. visual, linguistic – paper
B. spatial, gestural – live D. visual, audio – paper
Text Book
Liza R. Almonte et.al, Celebrating Diversity through World Literature
(Philippines: Rex Bookstore Inc., 2015).
Image 1: accessed on October 27, 2020
Image 2: accessed on October 27, 2020
English – Grade 10
Quarter 2- Module 7: Textual Aids