C1 Advanced, Speaking Test, Examiner Feedback

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C1 Advanced

Speaking test video: examiner feedback

Part 1
Pilar Mustafa
Pilar responds to all questions appropriately, Mustafa gives fully developed responses
with no hesitation. She gives fully developed to all questions without hesitation. His
and extended responses, which are relevant and responses are relevant and are organised
organised effectively using a range of cohesive effectively, using a range of cohesive
devices and discourse markers – e.g. once I devices and discourse markers.
achieve all of that.
He uses a range of appropriate language
Pilar uses a range of appropriate language with with control, despite some minor slips.
Mustafa’s pronunciation is clear, with
Her pronunciation is clear, with appropriate appropriate intonation and effective use of
intonation, and word and sentence stress. stress patterns to emphasise what he wants
to say.

Tips for Part 1

The focus of Part 1 questions is on personal information. You can prepare for this part of
the test by developing your range of words and expressions related to common personal
information questions, for example work, travel, hobbies, family and studies.
Be prepared to answer questions about your life now, things you have done in the past and
your future plans. Make sure you are confident with using a range of tenses to allow you to
do this.

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Part 2
Pilar Mustafa
Pilar talks for the full minute, discussing two of Mustafa talks for the full minute and
the pictures and linking her comments to the discusses both of the pictures. He
task questions. However, her response to the talks in general about preparing for the
follow-up question after Mustafa’s long turn activities and makes a brief reference
does not fully address the question – she talks to feelings, but he runs out of time to
about the activity she would prefer to do, rather develop this point fully. He responds to the
than which one would be more memorable. follow-up questions from Pilar’s pictures
Pilar connects her ideas effectively, using a
range of cohesive devices – e.g. I was really Mustafa uses a range of cohesive devices
scared it was going to look horrible, but it didn’t; to connect his ideas – e.g. just having the
that one seems the safer to me. right equipment doesn’t mean that you
are going to enjoy it; that sort of thing,
Pilar demonstrates a good range of vocabulary,
despite some pauses and overuse of like to
for example interaction, under pressure,
organise his thoughts, for example when he
including some less common expressions – e.g.
is responding to the question about Pilar’s
in their own skin. She shows a good degree
of control of a range of grammatical forms, for
example if I had to compare these two pictures, He demonstrates a good range of
despite some slips with subject/verb and tense vocabulary and natural expressions –
agreement. e.g. make the whole experience more
enjoyable; know some basics; comes with
Pilar’s pronunciation is clear, with appropriate
its own risks, and his language is generally
use of intonation and word stress. She uses
accurate, despite some slips with sentence
sentence stress for emphasis, although this is
sometimes overused, for example when talking
about the hairdresser. Mustafa’s pronunciation is clear, with
appropriate use of intonation and sentence
and word stress.

Tips for Part 2

Remember that this task is not simply to compare two pictures, but also to answer two
questions related to the pictures. It is a good idea to respond to these questions early on,
so that you don’t run out of time or forget them.
Linking the pictures and the task to your personal experience, as Pilar did, is a good way to
extend your response if you run out of things to say.
You will be asked to comment on your partner’s pictures. The interlocutor will ask you a specific
question, not just What do you think? so make sure you listen carefully. Your response only
needs to be brief, but you should aim to develop it with an explanation or reason.

C1 Advanced Speaking test video: examiner feedback 2

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Part 3
Pilar Mustafa
Pilar responds effectively to Mustafa’s opening Mustafa initiates the conversation by
comment, developing the discussion and choosing one of the points, interests and
moving the interaction forward with a new hobbies, and giving his own thoughts on it.
suggestion – e.g. Yeah, I completely agree As the conversation develops, he continues
with that, especially when …; I also think to initiate and respond appropriately – e.g.
personality type … She takes an active part as you said.
in the discussion, responding and initiating as
Mustafa produces extended stretches of
language which are organised effectively,
Pilar organises her thoughts effectively, using with good use of linking expressions and
referencing and a range of linking words to referencing to connect his ideas – e.g. for
connect her ideas, for example when she talks instance; based on this common goal. The
about developing friendships with people in only hesitation comes from when he is
language schools. gathering his thoughts.
She uses a good range of vocabulary Mustafa uses a good range of vocabulary
appropriate to the discussion, for example it and expressions to give and exchange his
can really tear you apart or it can really bring you views, for example build up that sort of a
together, and shows a good degree of language relationship; in common; highly likely that
control – e.g. tends to bring people together. you’ll build up a friendship based on those
things; it could work both ways, it might
Pilar’s pronunciation is clear, with appropriate
be a barrier; a huge gap; upbringing. He
use of intonation and stress patterns.
controls a range of structures effectively.
Mustafa’s pronunciation, intonation and
stress patterns are clear and appropriate.

Tips for Part 3

Candidates are given around 15 seconds to look at the task before they start speaking. Use
this time to scan the different points and decide which one to start with. Choose a point
that you have a clear opinion on.
After two minutes, you will be asked a second question, for example to choose which of
the points is the most or least important or useful. You only have a minute for this part of
the discussion, so make sure you start making choices from the start. You don’t have to
agree with each other.

C1 Advanced Speaking test video: examiner feedback 3

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Part 4
Pilar Mustafa
Pilar responds appropriately to all questions, Mustafa gives extended responses to all
giving extended responses and organising questions, organising his ideas with ease
her ideas into long sentences with ease, for and sophistication, for example when he
example her response to the first question. She talks about having friends with different
interacts naturally with Mustafa, responding to interests. He responds naturally to Pilar’s
and developing the points he makes, although comments and the interlocutor’s questions
at times she takes a more passive role in the – e.g. To a certain extent, yes, I agree with
conversation when Mustafa gives lengthy that; Well, that’s a very tricky question, and
responses. moves the conversation forward.
She uses a good range of appropriate He uses a wide and natural range of
vocabulary and expressions – e.g. by chance; vocabulary to give and exchange his
hang out with; true, loyal friends, and she views, for example have common interests;
maintains control of a range of simple and accidental; entitled; at the end of the day;
some more complex grammatical forms, have a connection with them; once in a
despite some continuing slips with sentence while. He demonstrates good control of
and tense agreement, for example things that a range of grammatical forms, despite a
you didn’t knew. few slips with verb forms and sentence
agreement – e.g. I’d rather to have a smaller
Her pronunciation is clear, and sounds, stress
group of friends.
and intonation are used effectively – e.g. I
met my best friend when we were both in His pronunciation is clear, and sounds,
kindergarten and it was not planned at all. stress and intonation are used effectively.
Sentence stress is used to emphasise his
points, for example when talking about
whether parents should influence their
children’s choice of friends.

Tips for Part 4

Listen carefully when your partner is answering a question, as you may be asked to say
whether you agree, or to give you own opinion on the same topic.
The interlocutor may use hand gestures to indicate that you should discuss a question
together with your partner.
It’s a good idea to turn to face your partner and make eye contact, like Pilar and Mustafa
did. This really helps to develop a natural conversation.

C1 Advanced Speaking test video: examiner feedback 4

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Pilar Mustafa
Grammatical Resource Grammatical Resource
Pilar shows good control of a range of simple Mustafa generally maintains control of
and some more complex grammatical forms, a range of simple and more complex
with only occasional slips with tenses and grammatical forms, with minor slips, mainly
sentence agreement. with sentence agreement.
Lexical Resource Lexical Resource
Pilar uses a good range of vocabulary, including Mustafa uses a very good range of words
appropriate use of informal expressions, to give and expressions naturally and with ease,
and exchange her views on both familiar and to give and exchange his views on both
unfamiliar topics. familiar and unfamiliar topics.
Discourse Management Discourse Management
Pilar responds with ease and minimal hesitation. Mustafa speaks with ease throughout the
Her responses are relevant and coherent, and test. His responses are relevant and varied,
they are organised effectively using referencing and he uses a range of cohesive devices to
and linking expressions. connect his ideas, despite some overuse of
like. There is only minor hesitation when he
collects his thoughts.
Pilar’s pronunciation is intelligible throughout,
and individual sounds are articulated clearly. Pronunciation
Phonological features, including intonation and Mustafa’s pronunciation is intelligible, and
stress, are generally used effectively, although sounds are articulated clearly. He uses
sentence stress patterns are sometimes intonation and stress patterns effectively,
exaggerated. often using sentence stress to emphasise
what he wants to say.
Interactive Communication
Pilar interacts naturally. She responds Interactive Communication
appropriately throughout the test, linking what Mustafa interacts with ease. He links his
she says to Mustafa’s comments and asking comments to what the interlocutor and
questions to keep the conversation going. Her Pilar say and maintains and develops the
role in the conversation is more passive when interaction throughout the test.
Mustafa gives very extended responses.
Global Achievement
Global Achievement Mustafa handles communication on a range
Pilar handles communication on a range of of topics, with very minimal hesitation. He
topics, with very little hesitation. She uses uses accurate and appropriate language
accurate and appropriate language to express to express straightforward and some more
ideas and produce extended responses that are complex ideas and concepts. He produces
coherent and easy to follow. extended responses that are coherent and
easy to follow.

C1 Advanced Speaking test video: examiner feedback 5

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