Drop Gyro Survey Procedure-Convincer
Drop Gyro Survey Procedure-Convincer
Drop Gyro Survey Procedure-Convincer
EQUIPMENT REQUIRED RSG-DP (Rate Gyroscopic Surveyor Drop System) 1 Battery Gyro running gear. PERSONNEL REQUIRED (2) 2 Survey Engineers PRE JOB REQUIREMENTS 1. 2. 3. No back reaming while pulling out of hole, pipe rotation limited to 15 rpm. Mud data and down hole assembly sheets, including position of Totco or equipment to land out on. Details of mud pump arrangement.
RUNNING PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. In consultation with the Mud Engineer and Company Representative, prior to starting the job, calculate a pumping procedure as detailed in Appendix A. Make up Gyro and Drop System on catwalk and function test. Perform a rig site roll test if conditions permit. Prior to picking up tool, pump the high viscosity pill. Pick up tool on tugger, ensuring the tool is full supported along its length and land off in drill pipe on the landing plate. If running 1 equipment ensure the decelerator piston retaining pin is in place when picking up. Remove the pin, exercising caution, only when the tool is vertical. Remove lifting cap and install fishing neck. Drop tool. (Ensure drill pipe full of fluid prior to dropping). Bring the pumps up slowly to the required stroke rate in order to keep the tool moving at a speed of 150ft/min (45 m/min). The pipe should be rotated (max 15 rpm) and worked during the entire drop. Monitor pump pressure for kicks, if any are seen this may indicate the tool has hung up rather than landed out early. If tool hang up is suspected, increase the pump rates for short time. Take care not to exceed the number of strokes calculated for 80% of pipe volume. Keep pumping until 80% of the drill pipe volume has been displaced. If required, a sweep slug may be pumped at any time during this procedure. Cut the pump rate to a minimum and pump the remaining pipe volume and the BHA volume. Check with the driller for any back-pressure. Allow a safety factor of an extra 10 minutes pumping if one is not seen.
8. 9.
10. Once the tool has landed out, take a 6 station shots at TD.
11. When back on surface fit the decelerator pistons retaining pin before laying down tool. 12. Perform a rig site roll test if conditions permit. 13. Thoroughly clean all running gear whilst downloading data. 14. Process and present the survey, applying SAG corrections as required.
FIRST STAGE PUMPING (pumping section drillpipe to BHA) Stroke Rate = 15 Stroke/Min Number of strokes =195 Strokes Estimated pumping time first stage = ___13_____Minutes Monitor pump pressure for kicks, if any are seen this may indicate the tool has hung up rather than landed out early. If tool hang up is suspected rotate the pipe and increase the pump rates for a short time. Be careful not to exceed the total number of strokes calculated at higher pump rates. SECOND STAGE PUMPING (pumping section BHA) Pump volume of BHA at minimum pump rate. Shut off pumps and commence survey if pressure kick is seen. If no pressure kick is seen continue pumping for a further 10 min, or until the total down hole assembly volume has been pumped. Stroke Rate = 6 Stroke/Min Number of strokes = 54 Strokes Estimated pumping time second stage = __9____Minutes Total amount of strokes pumped = ___249___Strokes Total estimated pumping time (first and second stage) = ____22____Minutes GENERAL To reduce rig time the tool may be dropped and pumped whilst still circulating bottoms up after TD is reached, provided the calculated stroke is not exceeded. A sweep slug, if required can also be added during the latter part of this pumping regime. The pipe may be worked and rotate at 15 rpm during tool decent. This may reduce possibility of the tool hanging up during the drop. Be careful not to activate the jars during this process. Back reaming is not permitted with the tool in BHA as severe damage is likely to be incurred. If possible the tool must be recovered to surface prior to jarring or back reaming if hole problems are encountered. If the required pump rate cannot be achieved, the cement pump may be used with approval from the company representative