As a newly appointed Human Resource Manager for Bata you have been asked w ith leading on t he
restructuring of the department as part of organizational change . The Human Resource.s (HR)
department will be restructured based on the findings of a review report, which you have been asked
to complete . You are to review the internal and external factors for effective planning of human
resou rce requirements of this organization and understanding the importance of managing employee
performance at work while pointing out the key skills required for employees to efficiently carry out
their roles. The review will also include possible ways to motivate employees for optimal product ivity.
The report will also emphasize on how to gain maximum committed employee cooperation . Th is has
to be submitted as a case study report .
For more informati on on Bata this article can be accessed :
https ://}
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Task 1 Report Outline
Pl Explain th e processes involved when a large business organization plans its human resources .
Describe th e i ~rnal and external factors to consider when planning the human resource requirements
of Bat a by examr ing how Bata is developing and how changes which may arise from internal decisions
and externa l events can affect the direction Bata is moving in .
Explain why human resource planning is important to Bata. You must explain why human
resource planning is needed to ensure Bata has employees with the necessary skills,
knowledge and abilities to fulfill its purposes.
Employee skills can include: people as organizational resources; skill sets e.g. job specific,
generic; skill acquisition; skills audit, skill transferability; impact of technology
Ml Analyze the importance to Bata's success of effective human resource processes and
planning over the years.
l. It is wise for the managers to anticipate the workforce requirements with precision rather than
getting burdened with unrequited workforce .
2. Plann ing prevents the business from falling into the trap of ill-equipped departments with wo rkforce
3. It Works proactiv ely as the expansion in the workforce market is not always in conjunc~ n with the
workforce requ irement of the organization in terms of professional experience , talent needs, skills, etc .
4. Organizations in growth phase may face the challenge of meeting the need for critical set of skills,
compete ncies and talent to meet their strategic objectives so they can stand well-prepared to meet the
5. Considering the organizational goals, HR Planning allows the identification, selection and
8. Human resource planning enables a company to plan its expansion and diversification.
, P2 Explain methods used to review human resource practices in a business organization and the
importance to business planning
Methods used to review human resource practices can include:
• Audit approach ,
• Analytical approach,
Qualit~·ve and quantitative approach,
Balance scorecard perspective,
Benchm rking
Explain the process of Training and Development. Analyse how BATA approach training
and development of its employees and analyse its effectiveness.
Evalua te th e different methods and tools adopted by businesses to implement efficient Performance Management and the chal~n gts th~
face . Expla in Performance appraisal schemes used by BATA.
Describe how the skills that employees require to carry out jobs in an organization are identified. Also
consider the skill sets required of the employees of BATA.
01 Evaluate the effectiveness of various human resource methods explained earlier and processes in
relation to Bata's success.
Explain advantages and disadvantages of effectiveness of various human resource methods explained
earlier and processes in relation to Bata' s success.
P3/4 Explain the links between motivation and business performance and Explain the ways a busi ness
organization can motivate its employees.
• Celebrate results
• Set small, measurable goals
• Be transparent
• Provide clarity
• Provide a sense of security
• Encourage teamwork
• Offer small, consistent rewards
Motivation theories should include: theories of motivation e.g. Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg,,
McClelland, and Vroom
You must compare how different theories of motivation contribute to the techniques used
for employee motivation in Bata .
How does Bata or a similar business motivate its employees and assess these ways that Bata
uses to motivate its employees and improve business performance'.
Suggest, with justification, ways to further improve motivation amongst employees at Bala .
You must reach justified conclusions about how Bata might modify and develop the
motivational techniques and associated reward systems it uses.
M2 Assess ways to increase motivation and improve business performance
Explain the link between motivation of Bata's employees and Bata' s performance.
02 Evaluate this co relation between effective strategies that Bata implements for motivation and its
impact on Bata's performance.
Explain advantages and disadvantages of effective strategies that Bata implements for motivation and
its impact on Bata's performance.
SCENAR IO 2 - Task 2
DBL Group started its business in 1991 with a small garments factory named Dula! Brother Lim ited . It
is now grown into a respected and trusted name in Bangladesh for our manufacturing operations w it h
an ever contributing workforce of about 15,700.Currently Yt has facilities for spinning, fabric knitting,
dyeing and finishing, garments, wash ing, packaging and printing. The Company supplying qua lity
apparels across the world to the best of the retailers.
The company embarked on a growth plan that is expected to truly transform the organ ization . In the
next two years our home textiles, pharmaceuticals, and leather industry will be in operation . Vi sion
2020 aims to sustain the confidence which has been endowed on us by the society and grow fu rt her
as a distinctive DBL Group for its customers, employees, associates and stakeholders.
DBL projected turnover would be USO 550 Million and we will employ over 37,000 peo ple by year •
2016. DBL Group is committed to conduct their business in such a way that demonst rates highest
eth ical standards. They believe integrity is our imperative utility to succeed in what they do .
PS) Identify how DBL plans and conducts recruitment using internal and external sources. Also expla in
the reasons why vacancies occur at DBL, and the factors which influence organizations such as DBL to
External sources
• Advertisements
• Job portals
• Company's websites
• Social networking sites
• Placement agencies
• Job fairs and walk ip interviews
• Campus interviews
M3Analyze the importance to business performance of different recruitment and selection methods
and processes used in a large business organization.
D3 Evaluate the recruitment and selection processes used in a large business organization and how
they contribute to the success of the business.
Explain different recruitment and selection processes, their importance, advantages and disadvantages
and relate with DBL.
P6) Provide a concise but detailed guide of the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on
recruitment and selection activities of DBL.
You should focus on the key legal and ethical requirements of selection interviews and how DBL
adheres to recruitment processes that are ethical and comply with current employment law.
• Worker's compensation
• Employment discrimination
• Labor relations
• Family and medical leave
• Immigration
• Employee benefits
• Social Security
• Wrongful termination
• Occupational safety and health
• Minimum wage
You are required to highlight some specific objectives that can be in the following manner and relate with DBL:
investigate and collect job descriptions
analyses job descriptions and their content
investigate and collect person specifications
analyze person specifications and their content
investigate and collect application documentation
analyze application documentation and its content
prepare own CV
complete application documentation
identify pre-interview material
assess the purpose of pre-interview ma1erial in specific instances
prepare pre-interview material for the selection process
identify pre-interview material
assess the purpose of interview materials and activities in specific instances
prepare interview material for the selection process
plan interviews for job vacancies
take part in selection interviews
identify post-interview material
assess the purpose of post-interview material in specific instances
Not e: Report of Task 2 will be made on MS word after Task 1 and Presentation of Task 2 will be made
on PowerPoint slides. You are required to follow the same outline given above for Task 2
presentation. Presentation will be in short points whereas report will be detailed.
Reports should be presented in a professional manner, using the correct Harvard referencing techniques
and language that is appropriate for a senior level manager to read. Use of headings, sub-headings and
numbering will be important for a good structure and use of charts. Give at least 20 to 25 references in
Harvard style including 3 to 4 book references.