Oakwater Estates Hoa Covenants
Oakwater Estates Hoa Covenants
Oakwater Estates Hoa Covenants
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Floridll Paid.II,{¥;! 01'11n&eCou11lf 24'17l.SSORMOe: co. PL.
02,17,29PA 11,10,8'
Doc Ta,r. $
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m.4Q- Depu\1, ON(WATBR BSTA'l'BS
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shall be appurtenant to and shall pass wl th the t1Qli.i &,7~~yf 29
Lot subject to the followin9 proviaions1
Ca) the r iqht of the Homeowners' Association to charge
reasonable admission and other fees :for the use of any racre-
ational facility situated. upon the c0111111on
(b) the right of the Homeownera• Aaaooiation to suspend the
votinq riqhts and right to use of the recreational facilitiaa by
an owner for any period during whioh any •••••sment against his
Lot remains unpaid, and for a period not to exceed sixty (60)
days for any infraction of its publiahed rules and regulations.
(c) the ri;ht of the Homeowners' Asaociation to dedicate or
transfer au or a11y part of the Connon Area to any pUblic aqanay,
authority or ut~litiy tor auch purposes and aubject to such
condi tiona as may be agreed to by tha members. No such dedica-
tion or transfer shall be effective wil••• an inatr'Wl\ent aigned
by two-thirds ( 2/3 > of each olaaa of members agreeing to such
dedication or transfer has been recorded.
Section A• owner'• YU gt IQli.. Any OWner may delegate, in
" accordance with the Bylaws, his ric;ht or enjoyment to the Common
Area and facilities to the members of hia fam11y, his tenants, or
contract purchasers who reside on the Property.
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section 1,. creation ~ li!!!!. W,sm AD4Personal Obligation
2' A•••••menta.
The Declarant, for each Lot owned within the
Properties, hereby covenants, and each OWner of any Lot by accep-
tance of a deed thereof, whether or not it shall. be so exPreaaed
in S'.1Ch deed, is deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the
Homeowners• A■ aociation: (1) annual assesaments or charges, and
(2) special assessment■ for capital improvements, such assess-
ments to 'be established .::nd collected as hereinafter provided.
The annual and special asaeaaments, together with intaraat, costs
and reaaonabl.e attorneys• fees, shall be a charge on the land and
shall be a continu.tn9 lien upon the property against which each
such as ■e ■ ament ia made, provided, however, no such aase ■ ament
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section ,!. Aaaeaament Allocation. Aaaeaamenta ahal.l :be
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less than thirty (30) days nor more than sixty (60) days in
advance of the meetino. At the first auch meeting called, the
presence of members, or of proxies of each claaa entitled to caat
a quorum.
ma.y be called
I:f the
of all
of each
quorum ia not present,
same notjce
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parcel and to repair, clear, trim, maintain, and restore the Lot
and the exterior of the buildings and any other improvements
erected thereon. The ooat of such exterior maintenance sha11 be
added to and become part of the assessment to which such Lot is
OR3 8 2 7 PG2 I 34
subject, which shall be due anc1 payal>le thirty (30) days from the
date said aaae■ ament ia made.
ARCH;t~ cotmlQL
No building, fence, wall, or other •tructure shall be
commenced, erected or maintained upon the Properties, nor &hall
any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made
until the plans and specifications showing the nature, kind,
shape, height, materials, and location o:f the •ame shall have
:been submitted to and approved in writing aa to harmony of
external design and location in relation to surrounding
structures and topoqraphy by the Board of Directors of the
Homeowners' Association, or by an architectural control comm.1.t:tee
composed of three ( l > or more representatives appointed by the
Board. In the event said Board, or its designated committee,
fails to approve or disapprove such design and location within
thrity (30) days after aaid plans and. specifications have been
submitted to it, approval will not be required and this Articl.e
will. be deemed to have been fully complied with.
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section .!:_ Laka■hor• Prot~ction a,cru1ati0ns. All. water
front lot owners shall acmply with the provisions of Lakaahore
~- Protection Regulations, oranqe county ordinance No. 83-25 , as
may be amended from ti.me to time, prior to clearing, re-~ ..
establishing, alteri.ng, or trimnin9 shoreline vegetation, or
performing such other acts•• may be governed by the Lakaahore
Protection ReCJUlations, and obtain such permits as may be
required by such Lakeahore Protection Ret,JUlationa prior to
engaging in such activities governed thereby.
section §.. Subdiyiaion. No Lot shall be aubdi. vided or
split by any means whatsoever into any greater number of
residential plots nor into any residential plot or plots of
smaller size without the express written consent of the
Homeowners' Associati.on's Board of Directors.
section 1· oooupanoyBefore completion. No building or
structure upon the Properties shall be occupied. until the same is
approved for occupancy by such governmental aqency which is
responsible for regulation of building construction and until it
complies with the terms and provisions of these covenants. No
building or structure shall. be occupied until all exterior
landacapinq has been completed.
section Maintenance and Repa1[. All. dwell.inc;a,
structures, buildings, outbui1dings, walls, driveways and fences
placed or maintained on the Properties or any portion thereof
shall at all times be maintained in good condition and repair.
Section i.• Completion 2' Construction. All exterior
construction and paint and stain finishing for which plans and
specifications are required herein to be suhmi.tted to the
HnmtanwnerR' Association'• Board of Director• for approval shall be
completed within six ( 6) month• from the date of approval for
said approval to remain in force and effect, 1,ll\lesa said Soard
shall grant a greater period of time to complete said construe•
tion or shall grant an extension of said six-month period.
Section 10. !!2 Temporarv 1u11d19511. No tent, shack,
OR38 2 7 PG2 I 3 7
(a) No fence, wall, hedge, or maas plantin9 of any type
exceedinc;z a height of six ( 6) feet above the finished graded
surface of the ground upon which it 1s located, shall be
i ••
. ;
(b) No hedqe or mass plant.in9 of any type exc~1fAf 7 ttR-~ 3 8
( 3) feet above the fini ■hed 9raded surface of the ground upon
which it i.a located shall be conatructed, planted, placed or
maintained. between the •tr .. t and the front set1'ack line of any
Lot without the written consent and approval of the Homeowner•'
Association•• Board of Directors.
Section ll• Animals. Bird■ §a l:Sml· No ani.mala, livestock
or poultry of any kind shall be raised., bred or kept on any Lot,
except that a reasonable number of do9■, cat■ or other household
pets may be kept provided that they are not kept, bred or
maintained for any commercial purposes. In the event of dispute
as to the reaaonability of the nural>er of such cats, doca• or
household pets kept upon the Properties, the decision and opinion
of the Homeowners• Allsociation•a Board of Directors shall control.
Section li- Laundrv. No clothes, sheet ■, blankets or other
articles shall be hung out to dry in the side or front yards of
any Lot except in a eervice yard or yard enclosed by a lattice.
fence, wall or other scraenin~ device.
section ll• Exteriq;g::Light Fixtures. No exterior lighting
fixturea shall be installed on any Lot or residential dwelling
without adequate and. proper shielding of the fixture. No
ligbtinc; fixture ■hall. be installed that may become an annoyance
or a nuisance to the residents of adjacent properties.
section li• Motor Veh.ioles. Boats m Boat Trailers.
No motor vehicles of any type or nature, trailers, recreation
vehicles, campers, vans, commercial vehicles, boats, or boat
trailers may be parked upon any swale area within the Real
Properties, except commercial. vehicles and tbe like may be parked
Driefly for delivery rur:rn~~Aonly. No trucks, commercial
vehicles, recreational vehicl.es, campers, van•, boats, or boat
trailers may be parked in any driveway or upon any Lot or .in any
carport, if applicable, provided, however, that ■ ame may be kept
in a garage upon a.Lot, if auch truck, recreational vehicle;
commercial vehicle, trailer, boat, beat trailer, camper, or van
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fits in said 9ara9e and suah garage contains a full garage door
and such gara99 door is kept closed. No repair work to any type
of motor vehicle or ])oat or boat tra1J.•r ahall be conducted on
any Lot other than very minor repair■•
13 ,,
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are permitted for tra■h, garbage, rUhbish, debris, waste material
or other refuae. Said containers must be tied or cl.osed at all
times and kept from view by the public or residents within the
viairuty. Said containers aha1l. not be placed at atreet•i.da for
removal of refuse prior to the eveninCJ before the annou.nced
pickup ti.me. Said conta~ner■ muat be returned to the utility
yard or enclosure within e~qht (8) houra after announced pickup
Section ll• Nµisancaa. No obnoxious or offensive trade or
activity sbal.l be permitted on any Lot, nor shall anything be
done thereon which rnay be or may becorns an annoyance or nuisance
to the neighborhood.
Sec~ion ll.· Preaervati.on BD.slNaintepanca 2' Slopes, BanJta
and Swales. No person shall reaonatru~t, damage or deatroy, .~
performed between 9100 a.m. and one (1) hour before sunset, or at
other times when the approval of the oranoe County Pollution
Control Board or aucaeaaor orvaniza.tiona haa been received.
Cb) Open burning to reduce solid waste on occupied
residential premises is not permitted.
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secti9n ll• Sw1npJlingPools. swimming pools may be
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have cormni tted a trespass or other wrongful act by reason of such ,,
entry or inspection.
ten ( 10) feet or ten ( 10) percent of the width of the lot at the
rear line, whichever ia greater to any interior aide lot line.
However, screened swimming pool enol.osuree may be erected to
within fifteen (15) feet of the normal high water mark or to the
indicated easement line, whichever i.s the most restrictive. Such
swimminQ' pool encJ.osurea may not be erected unlesa and until
their location, desion, etc., have been approved k,y the
Homeowners • Association• • Bo1u.d of Directors. For the purpoae of
thi• covenant, eaves and steps aha11 not be considered as a part
of the building, provided, however, that this shall not be
construed to permit any portion of a building on a lot to
encroach upon another lot. on al1 lots other than water front
lots, no buildinc;i- shall be erected on any of said lots nearer
than thirty-f.ive ( 35) feet to the front lot lines of said lots,
nor nearer than ten ( 10) feet, or ten ( 1 O) percent of the width
of the lot at the front line, whichever is greater, to any
interior side lot line, nor nearer than thirty-five (35) feet to
the rear lot lines of said lots, except that on corner l.ots no
structure shall be permitted nearer than thirty (30) to the front
lot line of said corner lot, nor nearer than thirty-five (35)
feet to the rear lot line, nor nearer than fifteen (15) feet to
the side fltreet 11.ne. However, screened swimming pool enclosures
may be erected to within fifteen (15) feet of the rear lot line.
Such swimming pool encl.osure may not be erected unless and until
their location, design, etc. , have been approved by the
OR3 8 2 7 PG2 I 43 '
a building,
to permit
another lot.
any portion
provided, however,
of a building
that this
on a lot
not be construed
encroach upon I
section 12.i.. Rights 2' pe91arant, Notwithstanding any
provisions in this Declaration of covenants and aeatrictions to
the contrary, the Declarant ahall have the right with J;'eapect to
the development of th• Properties to construct buildings and
units and other improvements, including landscaping on the
properties. 'l'he construction of buildings, units and
improvements shall l>e of such type, nature, dea.1.gn, size, ahapa,
height, materials, and location, including the 1and.acaping, wh~ch
term shall be defined in its broadest sense as including the
oraas, hedges, vines, trees and the like, as Deal.arant determine•
in its sole discretion without obtaining consent and approval of
the Board of Directors or its members, provided, however, th& t
same complies with the applicable build1n9 codea and zoning laws
of oranqe county, Florida, in force at that time. The Declarant
shall be entitled to place on a Lot or Lots or Tract(s) temporary
construction or sales trailers or other temporary facilities that
may be required by the Deo1arant during the construction and sa1e
of Units and other improvements.
cagmw. PROVIs:cONs
Section 1• Enforcement. The Homeowners' Association or any
owner shall have the right to enfot-ce, by any proceeding at law
or in equity, all restrictions, conditions, covenants,
z;eservations, liens and charqes now or hereafter imposed by the
provisions of this Declaration. Fa.ilure by the Homeowners•
Asaooiation or by any owner to enforce any covenant or
restriction herein contained shall in no event be deemed a waiver
of the right to do so thereafter. In any action for enforcement
brought hereunder, the prevailing party shall be entitled to a
reaaonab1e attorneys' fee includinq attorneys' fees through
OR3 8 2 7 PG2 I t.4
appellate proceedings.
Section!• seyerability. Invalidation of any one of thaae
covenants or restrictions by jud1J1118ntor court order ahall in
no way affect any other proviaiona which ehall remain in full
force and effect.
section J.. Amendment. The covenants and Reatricti.on■ of
this Declaration shal.l run with and bind the land, for a term of
twenty ( 20) yea.rs from the date thia Declaration ia recorded,
after which time they shall be automatically extended for
succeaaive periods of ten (10) years. Thia Declaration may be
amended duzing the first twenty ( 20) year period by an instrument
signed by not leas than ninety percent ( 901 J of the Lot owner■,
~n the presence
sealed and delivered
of: Gener;Ju.ahJ.p
nera Tartnef
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