Journal 37631312
Journal 37631312
Journal 37631312
Preliminary Version
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Table of Contents
• Strong industrial research and innovation. Switzerland has a strong and
varied industrial research base. It comprises both large, R&D-intensive
multinational enterprises which are at the forefront of industrial research
and a large number of innovative small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) with strong positions in global market niches.
• A high-quality research-oriented university sector and a well-developed
research infrastructure. Industrial research benefits from an excellent
university-based public research sector, including the world-renowned
federal institutes of technology in Zurich and Lausanne, and a number
of very active cantonal universities as well as the some of the newly
established universities of applied sciences (UAS). These institutions
contribute effectively to Switzerland’s high performance in innovation.
• A strong services sector. This sector, which includes a highly developed
financial industry, plays an increasing role in the Swiss economy and
innovation system. Its contribution to innovation in other sectors as well
as its own innovativeness will therefore be of key importance for
Switzerland’s future economic performance.
• Orientation towards high quality. A pervasive orientation towards high-
quality products and services throughout the Swiss economy contributes
to high standards, performance and reputation.
• International competition. The process of globalisation has led to fiercer
competition and new sources of competition, even in niche markets
where many Swiss small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are
leading actors. There is stronger international competition for the location
of activities, including R&D, across the whole range of increasingly
global value chains.
1. Centres of competence, as understood here, are set up for a certain period of time to run a
multi-annual research programme established and co-funded by one or several uni-
versities or public research institutes and a number of business enterprises with some
support from government. This concept differs from that of the competence centres
currently operating in Switzerland.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
2.1 Introduction
not excessive in the European context, but they have an impact on policy
making, including innovation policy, by making it difficult to allocate
additional resources in areas that are very important for future productivity
and growth, such as education and research.
The following section provides basic information about Switzerland’s
macroeconomic performance over the past 15 years and key data on the
Swiss innovation system. This information is complemented by a brief
presentation of the institutional landscape in science, technology and
innovation in order to provide an overview of the architecture of the Swiss
innovation system, its main components and their mutual relationships. No
details, judgements or conclusions are given at this stage. Next, drawing on
the background report prepared for this review (Arvanitis and Wörter, 2005)
as well as other sources, the chapter takes a first look at actors in the public
sector. Which are the governing institutions and who is in charge of public
funding of different activities in the area of science and innovation? Who are
the main performers and – taking an innovation system perspective – what
does the overall architecture look like? The following section then describes
the structure and main elements of public and private spending in this area,
ranging from science and research to technological and some non-
technological innovation activities. A large share of industry input and
concentration of public sector spending on the higher education sector are
two salient features of the Swiss innovation system. A final section focuses
on innovation output data to show that Switzerland has a rather small but
effective higher education and (publicly funded) science sector, which
attracts many qualified people from abroad.
Turkey (2)
Slovak Republic
Czech Republic
New Zealand
EU-19 (3)
Euro-zone (4)
France (5)
United Kingdom
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 -80 -60 -40 -20 0
H ubl %
un ic
G ary
C re
C pain
N ada
U w
ni O ay
te E
d C
St D
Ja s
E n
D U-
en 19
Total economy, percentage change at annual rate
Be a r
lg k
Figure 2.2. Growth in GDP per capita, 1995-2000 and 2000-2005
Au um
N F tria
et ra
he n
rl c e
G and
er s
Sw M ny
it z xic
er o
Po It a
rtu ly
Figure 2.3. Growth in GDP per employee, 2000-2005 compared with 1995-2000
Business sector, average annual growth rate
2000-2005 1995-2000
m aly
G ey
St y
Fr ia
N Be ce
ze Ic ce
en d
C lia
ng n
Tu d
A u rk
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it z ain
Po and
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U N a
Au and
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Fi m
Z e um
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G ad
Ki e
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xe It
Sw Sp
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ch el
ew lg
N erm o
ze G key
M y
ni De stria
Lu elg e
N R e p ce
Au d
C lia
Fi en
Ic nd
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he any
Fr al
Po ada
Ko d
Tu a
U Z e l ic
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St d
it z ds
Sw tes
Au o m
m m
G xic
It a
Ki a r
te an
xe i u
Sw rlan
ew u
ch re
ni al
te n
Canton SWTR
Federation (government, parliament)
(government, parliament)
SUK (e.g.
Universities CRUS EDI EVD EDA Federal Horizontal
government co-ordination
agency research (policy platform):
OAQ (steering Steering
Universities Abroad: in departments): Committee
of Apllied EDK UAS e.g. BAG (EDI), (consists of SBF,
ETH SECO co-operation
Sciences (UAS) Council BSV (EDI), BBT, other federal
Council with EDI
and EVD BUWAL (UVEK), offices, ETH
BLW (EVD) Council, SNF,
CASS, etc.) (KTI)
(promotion of (promotion of
basic research) market-oriented
research and
ARE: Federal Office for Spatial Development, BAG: Federal Office for Public Health, BBT: Federal Office for Professional Education and Technology, SBF: State Secretariat for
Education and Research, BFE: Federal Office of Energy, BLW: Federal Office for Agriculture, BUWAL: Agency for Environment, Forests and Landscape, BSV: Federal Social Insurance
Office, CASS: Council of the Swiss Scientific Academies, CRUS: Rectors' Conference of the Swiss Universities, DSP: Directorate for Security Policy, EDA: Federal Department of
Foreign Affairs, EDI: Federal Department of Home Affairs, EDK: Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education,, ETH: Federal Institutes of Technology, EVD: Federal
Department of Economic Affairs, CTI: Innovation Promotion Agency, OAQ: Centre of Accreditation and Quality Assurance of the Swiss Universities, SECO: State Secretariat for
Economic Affairs, SNF: Swiss National Science Foundation, SUK: Swiss University Conference, SWTR: Swiss Science and Technology Council, UVEK: Federal Department of
Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications, VBS: Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sports. Source: Arvanitis and Wörter (2005).
2. In Finland, the Ministry of the Interior enters innovation policy via regional policy and
co-ordinates a number of other ministries in the large centres of expertise programme.
4. Their functions are described in Chapter 6. They should not be confused with the Swiss
Science and Technology Council.
reform of the university sector is a main activity of the Swiss Science and
Technology Council.
An appraisal of the institutions and more detailed descriptions of key
actors and systemic aspects are given in Chapters 5-7. The foregoing short
description of the most important public policy actors reveals certain
features of the Swiss system:
• There is a strong reliance on the science sector, i.e. on universities, and
a rather limited number of policy actors and instruments for promoting
industrial innovation in a broad sense.
• There is no dominant actor. The arena is rather small, with the notable
exception of the governance of higher education.
Before undertaking a more in-depth analysis, it is useful to consider
some basic data on the position of Switzerland in terms of inputs into the
innovation system as well as innovation output and performance.
Notes: Support for secondary and tertiary education (“Ausbildungshilfen”) is not considered. Figures for federal
expenditures are taken from the public account (Staatsrechnung) 2000/01 and from the budget 2002/03. The data are
approximations Public expenditures for research at universities and ETHs were calculated based on data from the
Statistical Office (BFS, 2002). Based on the distribution of activities at universities and ETHs (teaching versus R&D
activities) in 2000, averages (weighted by employment) were derived for a university or ETH, respectively. The
weight refers to scientific personnel only. The proportion of research is 46% for universities and 53% for ETHs.
Public expenditures of cantons and the federal government on education and research were weighted by these
figures. Public expenditures for universities of applied sciences and project co-operation are not considered.
However, the federal government provided CHF 8 million for applied R&D at UAS for 2003. Not considered are
public expenditures for government agencies’ research which are determined by separate budget negotiations in the
Federal Parliament. For the period 2004-07 around CHF 615 million is planned for government agencies’ research
(see Schweizerisches Bundesrat, 2002).
Source: Arvanitis and Wörter (2005) based on Schweizerisches Bundesamt (2002), authors’ calculations.
6. See Section 2.2; these are pure research institutions and do no teaching.
7. The ETH sector budget of about CHF 1.8 billion is composed as follows: ETHZ: CHF
940 million, EPFL: 430 million, PSI: 220 million, EMPA: 83 million, EAWAG and WSL:
47 million each, i.e. the two federal institutes of technology together get more than three-
% 120
Switzerland (1) Germany Sweden Finland (2) Belgium United States Japan (3) Italy
for patents with the European Patent Office (EPO) and the US Patent &
Trademark Office (USPTO), where Switzerland’s position is still very
strong. Its position in terms of levels of performance is also still very good,
but many countries are catching up, some of them rapidly. One reason for
the weakening Swiss position in patenting may be insufficient development
of business sector R&D. Only in areas such as lifelong learning, tertiary
education and employment in high-technology services is Switzerland
moving ahead.
losing momentum moving ahead
500 5.3
1.1. New S&E graduates
1.2. Population with tertiary education
1.5. Youth education attainment level
400 2.5. University R&D expenditures
financed by business sector
3.4. Early-stage venture capital
350 3.5. ICT expenditures
4.1. Employment in high-tech services
4.2. Exports of high technology products
300 4.5. Employment in medium-high and
high-tech manufacturing
5.2 5.1. EPO patents per million population
250 5.2. USPTO patents per million population
5.3. Triad patents per million population
5.4. Community trademarks per million
5.4 population
150 3.4
3.5 4.1 4.2
4.5 1.5
falling further behind catching up
-10 -5 0 5 10 15
S&E graduates 63
Population with tertiary education 129
Broadband penetration rate 191
Participation in life-long learning 289
Youth education attainment level 108
Public R&D expenditures 102
Business R&D expenditures 156
Share of med-high/high-tech R&D 101
Enterprises receiving public funding 64
Business financed university R&D 91
SMEs innovating in-house 211
Innovative SMEs co-operating with others 114
Innovation expenditures 192
Early-stage venture capital 153
ICT expenditures 124
SMEs using non-technological change 148
Employment in high-tech services 127
Exports of high technology products 125
Sales new-to-market products
Sales new-to-firm not new-to-market products 170
Med-hi/high-tech manufacturing employment 107
New EPO patents 344
New USPTO patents 264
New Triad patents 498
New community trademarks 206
New community designs 192
EU = 100
10. Impact in this context means how often publications are cited. King also draws a
comparison between scientific wealth (citation intensity) and material wealth, establishing
a clear link between the two.
1.6 Sweden
1.2 Switzerland
1.0 Israel
0.8 Finland
0.8 Denmark
7.3 United Kingdom
1.9 Netherlands
2.3 Australia
0.4 New Zealand
3.5 Canada
0.5 Norway
30.9 United States
0.0 Iceland
0.9 Belgium
0.7 Austria
32.5 EU15
6.7 Germany
4.8 France
34.6 EU25
82.0 OECD
8.8 Japan
0.3 Ireland
2.4 Spain
3.4 Italy
1.2 Chinese Taipei
0.5 Greece
0.4 Czech Republic
0.4 Hungary
1.7 Korea
0.3 Portugal
0.1 Slovak Republic
0.9 Poland
2.4 Russia
100 World
Country share in total
0.6 world scientific articles, Turkey
0.4 2001 South Africa
0.5 Mexico
11. Triadic patent families are defined as a set of patents taken at the European Patent Office
(EPO), the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) and the US Patent & Trademark Office
(USPTO) that share one or more priorities (see OECD, 2005c, p. 68).
performance, but the lead over countries such as Sweden, Finland and
Germany is narrowing.
In terms of public/private partnerships (P/PPs), the position of Swiss
science and research institutions is good. The propensity of Swiss firms with
R&D activities to engage in co-operative R&D with universities is 27.4%, a
figure comparable to that of other advanced European countries. In 2000-02,
only Sweden (31.8%) and, in particular, Finland (50.6%) had higher shares
of firms co-operating on innovative activities. In Switzerland, publications,
patents, prototypes and new products are more likely to be the result of joint
projects between universities and firms than between business enterprises
(Arvanitis and Wörter, 2005).
In summary, in terms of nearly all indicators measuring knowledge and
innovation output, Switzerland still performs well by international standards
and in a number of respects it leads. At the same time, its relative position
vis-à-vis other countries, including some EU15 members, has weakened.
Chapter 3
14 .0 0 0
12 .0 0 0
10 .0 0 0
8 .0 0 0 1998-2001
6 .0 0 0 2002-2003
4 .0 0 0
2 .0 0 0
0 .0 0 0
-2 .0 0 0
30,000 1995
20,000 2000
10,000 2002
33. 6
30 1995
20 2000
10 2002
1.0 2001
0.0 1995
Note: Data for gross domestic expenditure on R&D as a percentage of GDP are for 1999 instead of
2000 for Denmark and Sweden, and for 1996 instead of 1995 for Switzerland. Source: OECD (2005c).
CHE 0.71
FIN 0.68
DNK 0.60
AUT 0.51
IRL 0.42
12. These bilateral contracts enlarge the 1972 free trade agreement in the areas of freedom of
individual movement, technical trade barriers, public procurement, air and land transport,
agriculture and last but not least research. The goal of these contracts was a far-reaching
equal legal status for individuals and firms from the EU and from Switzerland
(Pointner, 2005, p. 105). In two referendums (the last in autumn 2005) Switzerland opted
for open labour markets.
13. The Bologna Process is a multilateral initiative of about 40 mostly European countries
aimed at structuring their higher education systems along common principles to make
them more open for trans-national study programmes. The process has been in operation
for a decade, with its most significant feature the three-stage bachelor-master-PhD
14. Following an influential book of the 1990s (Stokes, 1997), the call for “more relevant”
scientific research comes under the heading of “Pasteur’s quadrant”. Citing Pasteur as a
scientist who achieved both better scientific insight and better solutions with application
potential, Stokes criticises both the traditional continental European university model
characterised by single professors who hold a chair for a narrow field and have life-long
governance of a rather small department, and the US science policy of the second half of
the 20th century. The first is criticised for being too rigid and specialised, the latter for
relying too much on pure, curiosity-driven research, the results of which are believed
somehow to “trickle down” and sooner or later lead to industrial applications. Besides
Pasteur, two of the remaining three quadrants of the matrix are occupied by Niels Bohr
(great scientific insight/no application or problem orientation) and Thomas Edison (no
scientific insight/great use or problem orientation). The fourth quadrant remains void for
good reason.
Strengths Opportunities
• Strong industry (large and small firms), good • Building on scientific strengths
framework conditions
• Active internationalisation, new market
• Many sectors of Swiss industry (and services) opportunities
strong in innovation, high level of industrial
• Attractiveness as a workplace for foreign experts
• Clustering within Switzerland and in trans-border
• Very good university sector
• Strong research infrastructure
• Strong academic output (people, publications,
etc.) and impact
• Strong application-oriented professional education
• High-quality approach in all sectors
• Language skills and ability to master intercultural
Weaknesses Threats
3.2.1 Strengths
• Strong industry (large and small firms), good framework conditions.
Switzerland has a strong industrial base. However, its scope is limited in
terms of its technology portfolio (although still broad for a small
country), and a number of traditional strengths have been declining. The
presence of export-oriented manufacturing and service networks helps
traditional sectors to meet the challenges ahead. Switzerland is generally
reported to have conducive framework conditions in terms of its labour
laws, working time, company laws and intellectual property protection.
One shortcoming which has a negative impact on innovative performance
is barriers to competition in some sheltered sectors of the economy. For
industry data, see Section 6.2.
• Many sectors of the Swiss economy, including some important service
industries, are strong in innovation, with a high level of industrial
research. The Swiss Innovation Survey (Arvanitis et al., 2004) provides
ample evidence in this respect. Not only is the pharmaceutical industry
a constant innovator, fields such as precision machinery, medical tech-
nology or micro-technology are strong as well. For more detail, see
Section 6.2.
• Very good university sector. Swiss universities have a strong inter-
national reputation. ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich are among
the world’s top 60 universities. EPF Lausanne is growing and focusing
on its key strengths. For data see Section 2.4, and for more detailed
information regarding universities, see Section 5.1.
• Strong research infrastructure. The research infrastructure, pre-
dominantly located at universities, is modern and of high quality. An
example is ETH Zurich with its Imaging Centre or the Centre for Micro
and Nano Sciences. See Chapter 5.
• Strong academic output and impact. This includes graduates, publica-
tions and other output from the academic sector. Most indicators are
stagnating, but at a very high level. Overall, education is considered
good at all levels, including universities and UAS as well as vocational
training. See Section 2.4 and Chapter 6.
• Strong application-oriented professional education. Strong application-
oriented basic professional education and advanced vocational training
(tertiary level B) and vocational training at university level, mainly at
UAS (tertiary level A) contribute to the sustainable development of
Switzerland’s innovative performance and to the diffusion of new
3.2.2 Weaknesses
• Slow economic growth. For long-term developments, see Chapter 2.
• Lack of competition and entrepreneurship in a number of sectors. Inno-
vation is stifled in sheltered sectors. Cartels are reported to be strong in
some areas (OECD, 2002b). As in other European countries, there
seems to be a lack of entrepreneurship in various sectors. For industry,
see Chapter 6.
• Lack of a “demand orientation” in innovation policy. Owing to the
absence of direct public support for innovation in the business sector,
innovation policy instruments are predominantly oriented towards the
“supply” of applied academic research, e.g. through the establishment,
maintenance and networking of transfer institutions, UAS networks, etc.
Helping small firms define and solve problems requires sending out
university professors. For a view on such policies from a systems
perspective, see Chapters 5 and 7. A broad range of public support
mechanisms for private sector R&D are being used by (or within) the
EU, but they are largely not used in Swiss innovation policy (European
Commission, 2003c).
• Some innovation system actors are insufficiently developed; policy
learning is difficult. There could be a case to strengthen the position and
independence of CTI and to broaden its portfolio. Other resources with
greater potential include the policy advisory bodies and the federal
administration, where a number of competencies could be further
developed (e.g. distributed strategic intelligence). See Chapters 5 and 7.
• Innovation issues are not strongly represented in the political arena.
Parliament appears to have few resources for policy analysis. See
Section 4.2.
• Small number of higher education graduates; education system not
sufficiently permeable. Switzerland is catching up, but although a lot of
money is being spent, the system produces relatively few graduates.
Mobility within the education system is not yet high enough; broad
access to higher education remains a difficult issue (OECD, 2003b). See
Section 2.4 and Chapter 6.
3.2.3 Opportunities
• Building on scientific strengths. This core asset should be further
strengthened. More than a third of Swiss PhD positions are filled by
foreigners. See Chapter 5.
• Active internationalisation, new market opportunities. Qualified people
can enter easily, but freedom of movement within Europe could in
effect make recruiting from non-European countries such as China and
India more difficult. There is lively discussion about internationalisation
based on past experience. Switzerland is well equipped to act inter-
• Attractiveness as a workplace for foreign experts. Switzerland has a
very high share of non-nationals. Highly skilled specialists and low-skill
workers have qualifications that complement the predominant skill
pattern among nationals and therefore fulfil important roles in the Swiss
innovation system.
• Clustering within Switzerland and in trans-border co-operation. There
seems to be room for new collaborations within the Alpine region
(500 km radius). Baden-Württemberg, Bavaria, northern Italy, western
Austria, parts of France and Switzerland, regions well-endowed with
technology, could gain from pooling strengths. See Chapter 6.
3.2.4 Threats
• Decline in innovative performance after an extended period of
stagnation. Switzerland still has a powerful innovation system, yet
declines in some indicators may indicate the need to take strategic
• Exposure of SMEs to new international competition. How to help
innovative small and medium-sized firms maintain their position or
expand into new markets in an increasingly globalised world is an issue
for all industrialised countries. See Section 6.3.
• Public sector deficits plus rising social security costs crowding out
fresh money for innovation. This was the case in the 1990s and even
recently, part of the extra allocations in the federal multi-annual budgets
(Schweizerischer Bundesrat, 2002) were withheld in an attempt to
contain public deficits. Budget consolidation therefore tends to come at
the expense of long-term investment, also in research and innovation.
See Chapter 4.
Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction
A primary objective of this review is to provide an independent
comparative assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the Swiss
innovation system in a changing global environment. For a description of
major features of the innovation systems approach see Box 4.1.
Box 4.1. The innovation systems approach
The concept of innovation systems emerged in the 1980s owing to the increasing inadequacy
of a purely linear model and a move towards systemic thinking and the need to draw policy
makers’ attention to systemic failures (Nelson, 1993; Rosenberg, 1982, 1994; Edquist, 1997;
Lundvall, 1992, 2002). Since then, this broad conceptual framework for innovation policy has
become the dominant paradigm for many OECD countries, leading inter alia to intense activities
among OECD and EU countries in terms of comparative assessments and identification of good
policy practices regarding public intervention in innovation systems. Important features of the
innovation systems approach are noted below.
While individual (types of) actors are of key significance, linkages between them are equally
important. A country’s long-term, cumulative success in innovation cannot be achieved by actors
operating in isolation. This does not imply that secrecy and in-house R&D are no longer important
for firms, or that scientists should spend most of their time networking. In many cases, the
resources required for innovation are not all available at a single place. Innovation processes have
become more complex, and there is an influential strand of literature claiming that the nature of
scientific work has changed (“Mode II”, see Gibbons et al., 1994; Gibbons, 2001).
Though an innovation system has many facets, one key to success is the presence of innova-
tive firms and their capacity to solve problems. This does not diminish the role and importance of
other actors, in particular the science sector. In the innovation system approach the unit of analysis
is often a network or a set of actors instead of a single actor. The linear model of science push and
automatic market uptake has been replaced by more multi-actor, feedback-driven and collaborative
Policy makers and policy analysis concentrate less on the bounded rationality of individual
actors than on path dependencies. A system can be seen as the expression of its past. History and
culture matter in order to understand what drives actors and to see what can be changed and under
what conditions. Contexts must be understood and analysed and good governance principles
should be a major issue in policy discussions. The concept of distributed strategic intelligence (see
Kuhlmann, 2001b; Bührer and Kuhlmann, 2003; Smits and Kuhlmann, 2004) has been developed
to come to terms with multi-actor arenas. The “arena model” states that there is no single
dominating actor in an innovation system, which requires that all sets of actors need a common
understanding and the capacity to formulate their strategies in a co-ordinated way. This is very
demanding and cannot be simply ordered top-down.
1. The number of stars indicates the relative position of Switzerland (stars do not indicate “good” or “bad”).
*** = fully in international mainstream; ** = well in line; * = only a few/ad hoc activities in Switzerland;
0 = absence of such a policy (instrument).
Source: OECD (2004, p. 47 ff) for the categories.
The overall system was outlined in Section 2.2, and attention now shifts
to the interplay of actors. The so-called “arena model” concept, initially
developed to describe Germany’s highly decentralised innovation system
(Kuhlmann, 2001a) is used as a reference. In an arena no overarching and
dominant actor exerts control. Rather, a multitude of (public) actors have
varying degrees of power and influence – sometimes depending on the
context – and are continuously engaged in negotiations with different
partners and competitors. Parts of the arena are populated by private actors
(business firms), but these are left aside here as public governance is
presently the centre of attention. While the Swiss “arena” basically follows
typical practices, it seems to be a little smaller, with fewer agencies and
programmes and a leaner policy portfolio in terms of instruments and target
groups. Its procedures involve long negotiation processes rather than quick
skirmishes. One part of the arena seems very crowded, an observation that
will be addressed below.16
Parliament appears to have few resources for analysis and policy drafting.
Science and innovation are not very well represented, and a few members of
parliament (MPs) seem to have a strong network and influence in this policy
field. The overall role of parliament in the governance system is important
owing to the detailed planning process embodied in the so-called “Message
concerning the promotion of Education, Research and Technology” (ERT
Message). The relation between the legislature and ministries, i.e. the two
federal departments in charge, is characterised by the preparation and issuing
of these four-year budget and planning documents. The ERT Message is
prepared every fourth year by the Swiss government and passed by the
parliament. The ERT Message 2004-07 contains a budget allocation of more
than CHF 17 billion for the period. This provides a growth perspective for
most Swiss research funding and performing institutions. Nevertheless, in
the wake of fiscal consolidation, budget increases have been reversed lately,
leading inter alia to a 15% reduction for CTI, thus setting its budget back to
the status quo of about CHF 100 million a year. The Message defines three
overarching goals (Schweizerischer Bundesrat, 2002, p. 2368 ff):
16. For multi-level governance in a programme context see also Stampfer (2003).
Inter-agency relations: SNF and CTI, as the two main agencies, claim
that they co-operate at the operational level.17 There is a certain overlap
between their portfolios as both primarily address university-based
researchers. This is not a matter of concern as their agendas differ sufficiently.
From this perspective it was reasonable not to follow suggestions made a
few years ago to merge the two funding bodies. Moreover, there seems to be
broad consensus about the relative positions of these agencies. Inter-agency
co-operation has intensified over the years. Originally SNF and CTI met
once a year, but now most SNF sections identify projects that may affect the
economy and give them to CTI staff for comment. This appears satisfactory,
although more could be done.18 The increasingly blurred lines between basic
science and applied research should encourage SNF and CTI to interact
more intensively with respect to funding.19
The federal and the cantonal levels meet at one important level. Both
are engaged in higher education policy. The numerous councils, conferences
and steering bodies that link the federal and cantonal levels, the cantons,
higher education institutions of the same type, and those of a different kind
face many challenges. On the one hand, they are concerned with financial
and regulatory affairs, from canton-wise student quota financing to recog-
nition of diplomas. On the other hand, they are trying to develop a new,
simplified system for which the Bologna reform process is a strong common
denominator and catalyst. However, the cantons and the Confederation do
not meet at the level of business promotion. The federal level takes a hands-
off policy and therefore lacks instruments, while the cantons dispose of few
forms of direct funding. Their main instruments seem to be provision of
infrastructure and tax relief for firms willing to (re)locate.20 A kind of back-
17. CASS, the association of the Swiss Academies of Sciences, is also listed as a funding
organisation (Arvanitis and Wörter, 2005, p. 5). The ETH Council was previously
responsible for funding for nanotechnologies, but this funding was transferred to CTI.
18. In Austria, for example, the equivalent to the SNF, the FWF (Fonds zur Förderung der
wissenschaftlichen Forschung), has been included as organising body for scientific
reviews in a large science-industry co-operation programme managed by another agency.
Now, FWF and the innovation promotion agency FFG (Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft)
run back-to-back programmes for “translational research” (linking oriented basic research
to applied research) called “TRP” and “Bridge” with a joint steering committee.
19. As an example of joint action see the DORE programme for applied research at the
cantonal UAS (social sciences and humanities). The ongoing DORE III is administered
by SNF alone.
20. Compare numerous federal-state (Bund – Bundesländer) funding instruments, also in the
area of economic policy, in Germany and Austria. Corporate tax policy is cantonal, while
personal income tax is local.
stage, where cantons and the federal government also meet, concerns regional
policy. Until the beginning of the 1970s Switzerland had no explicit regional
policy, although the federal constitution includes a commitment to equity
and protecting the economically threatened (and later, mountainous) regions.
Today there is a broad range of laws and approaches, mainly dealing with
financial equalisation. At the end of the 1990s, the focus of regional policy
shifted from reducing disparities to promoting efficiency and increasing
regions’ competitiveness. New instruments beyond infrastructure support,
such as the Regio Plus programme or InnoTour, were introduced. However,
regional policy should be further developed in three directions: i) in addition
to mountainous and economically disadvantaged areas, federal regional
policy should cover all types of regions; ii) regional policy should focus on
indirect support that benefits the entire region instead of supporting individual
activities or sectors, and individual support measures such as tax concessions
should be abolished; iii) sustainable rural development strategies should be
based on natural and cultural endowments (see OECD, 2002b, p. 97 ff).
Finally, governance also shapes the relation between agencies and their
clients. New funding programmes, their goals, target groups, signals and
incentives are the outcome of overall policy goals. At the programme level,
the following policy goals are important: encouraging science-industry co-
operation (a number of CTI programmes), entrepreneurship (more CTI
programmes); strengthening thematic strong points (a number of SNF and
CTI programmes); building critical mass in scientific research (SNF NCCRs);
furthering international co-operation (SNF outgoing grants, some CTI initia-
tives). This shows that programme goals are quite in line with the overall
goals of the ERT Message. The comparatively small number of policy
initiatives helps. Comparable countries nowadays operate a plethora of
programmes for every problem identified.
The Swiss Science and Technology Council is the central advisory body
for the Swiss government, mainly for the Federal Council but also for the
cantonal level. Currently it consists of 11 members, all but one of whom are
Swiss scientists from various fields.22 Up to 15 members may be named.
SWTR has a secretariat and financial resources for its work. Moreover, with
TA Suisse for technology assessment and CEST for strategic studies and
data compilation, the council has two important providers of strategic intel-
ligence. It has a considerable record in science policy advice. The “T” for
technology was added in 2000, and the council’s mandate was enlarged to
21. SUK was founded in 2001 on the basis of the new University Promotion Law (Universitäts-
förderungsgesetz, UFG 2000). It is described as the first strategic federal and cantonal co-
operation body in this policy field.
22. One person is from abroad. One Swiss member is a university professor with ample
industrial background.
cover all matters relating to science, education and technology policy. At the
same time its legal basis speaks of it as the “voice of science”.
SWTR describes its function as follows: “The SWTR formulates general
concepts for the Federal Council and suggests measures for their imple-
mentation. On its own initiative, or at the request of the Federal Council, the
Federal Department of Economic Affairs or the Federal Department of
Home Affairs, the SWTR takes a position on policy issues and problems
relating to science, higher education and technology. The SWTR is also
open to requests by other federal or cantonal authorities.”23 It provides
statements and reports and organises evaluations. It works on the basis of a
regulation of 2000, which in turn derives from Article 5a of the Swiss
Research Law (Forschungsgesetz, FG). As regards its role in and impact on
the Swiss innovation system, at least five observations can be made:
• First, SWTR has produced major documents and activities in recent
years, the so-called “Nine Points (Neun Punkte) programme (SWTR,
2002a) and the well-planned SNF/CTI evaluation (SWTR, 2002b).24
More and more of its publications focus on the regulation of higher
education. At the same time, some stakeholders in the Swiss system
point to a lack of visibility and clarity in terms of its role.
• Second, while on paper the SWTR’s agenda is very broad, in recent
years it seems to have concentrated on a few international issues and
especially on matters regarding university reform, convergence of the
different university sectors, and the broad introduction of the three-stage
university system. As mentioned, all Swiss advisory and co-ordination
bodies participate in the Bologna process.
• Third, the Council is composed of scientists, and ten out of the eleven
members come from Swiss universities. The composition of the Council
may to some degree influence its agenda.25
• A fourth issue regards the somewhat precarious standing of SWTR in
the debates on Swiss institutional reform. A more active role might
mean a stronger position in a changing framework. This would imply a
broader agenda, coming from the Council itself.
• Fifth, the SWTR’s adjunct think tank CEST has a strong mandate based
on SWTR’s regulations.26 Some CEST studies are of high quality and
provide a good basis for policy making. Unfortunately, many actors –
including SWTR – seem to have mixed feelings about CEST, and in
recent years there have been misunderstandings, university criticism
targeted at certain studies (“Champions League”), and an unclear
governance relation between SWTR and CEST. SWTR seems unaware
of its unusual position: few advisory councils in Europe have such
resources. TA Suisse, the Council’s second adjunct, has also achieved
international renown for the quality of its work. CEST appears to be
underused as a resource and its future is unclear. It is recommended to
find a more effective role for CEST as a provider of strategic intel-
It appears doubtful whether the SWTR in its current form can provide
the necessary advice and be a catalyst for change in the Swiss innovation
policy system. A minimum requirement is a more balanced composition,
with a good mix of Swiss and foreign members, and the inclusion of a
number of members from industry.
One example of a successful high-level advisory body is the Finnish
Science and Technology Policy Council (see Box 4.2), which reflects the
“triple helix” approach and may serve as an interesting example. There are
of course limits to the power of an advisory council. A “mixed” case in this
respect is the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development
which was founded in 2000. It consists of eight members, seven national and
one international expert. Four are nominated by the Minister of Education,
Science and Culture and four by the Minister of Transport, Innovation and
Technology. Half of the members represent science and research, while the
other half represents economic/industrial interests. The Council acts as a
small independent group that focuses mainly on advisory activities and as a
network builder for the government. The government is obliged to discuss
the recommendations of the Council according to a certain procedure but is
not obliged to follow them. The Council became very influential as in 2001
the Ministry of Finance linked its allocation decisions for extra funding for
research and technological development (RTD) – over EUR 1 billion in six
years – to Council recommendations. This gave it great freedom for starting
new initiatives and setting priorities, but at the same time shifted the balance
26. “Provides and examines the basis for an all-Swiss research, higher education and
technology policy … performs analyses … in an international comparison … and
27. Each NRP is devoted to a single theme of socio-political relevance. The themes are
selected by the Confederation on the basis of a consultation of interested milieus,
including the public and public administration. Social and medical sciences are well
represented. NRP programming started in the 1970s (Lepori, 2005a, p. 15).
28. NCCR are academic competence centres around a certain topic. Their main rationale is
not the choice of topics (which is a strictly bottom-up process) but better structuring of
the research landscape and creating groups and networks of a critical size.
Box 4.3. International trends in priority setting in science and technology (continued)
The S&T priority setting process in Korea is highly formalised and government-driven. While
in the past S&T policy focused on commercialisation and imitation of foreign technologies, Korea
now concentrates on functional priorities in order to become more innovation-oriented. Thus, basic
research, the development of core technologies and innovations with a ten-year horizon has been
given priority in recent years. Ten priority industries and eighty target technologies are to promote
industrial growth. Some of the priorities are clearly mission-oriented as they relate to national
security, nuclear energy and a healthy society. The priority-setting process is characterised by less
aggregation of thematic focuses than in most other countries and involves a wide range of actors at
the political level, including the National Science and Technology Council and the ministries. It is
clearly top-down in approach.
The system of science, technology and innovation policy and priority setting in the Netherlands
is mainly bottom-up. It is highly complex but with well-differentiated levels. While functional
priority setting mainly takes place on the highest policy level and ministries are responsible for
mission-oriented co-ordination and priority setting, more detailed policy development is under-
taken by a large number of executive agencies. The system is characterised by a high level of input
from professional consultancies and reliance on expert-based technology foresight (“Technology
Radar”). Though practices are very advanced at all these levels, the complexity of the multi-level,
multi-actor priority setting process makes it difficult to ensure coherence of science, technology
and innovation policy.
S&T policy of the United Kingdom is traditionally more science-oriented than in most other
European countries. In principle, thematic priority setting is carried out by the Research Councils
in a bottom-up process. However, the government has stimulated co-operation between the
independent Research Councils in order to promote multi-council programmes of societal relevance
with a clear mission orientation. Additionally, priority setting at the regional level has gained in
importance, and foresight initiatives are prominent. Another British S&T strategy is to focus on a
limited number of co-operative applied research initiatives (e.g. LINK) to promote knowledge-
intensive business clusters.
Sources: Gassler et al. (2004); HEA (2003); OECD (2003a, 2004).
Main results
Programme Method
+ -
CIM (1) (1990-96) Survey, econometric SMEs are more competitive, no No funding effect in large firms
CHF 102 million analysis – impact windfall gains, soft measures, and windfall gains likely.
analysis greater impact.
CIM (2) (1990-96) Survey, interviews Service offerings, CIM centres in More information necessary
CHF 102 million line with expectations and firms about diffusion level and possible
perceived CIM very well. clients and duties of CIM centres.
Microswiss (1) Descriptive analysis Greatest impact on SMEs, soft Larger firms’ windfall gains to the
(1992-97) measures more effective. Focus fore, lack of qualified staff, SMEs:
CHF 110 million on new users. cost aspects main obstacle.
Microswiss (2) Surveys, interviews Participation and technical impact Executives and heads of
(1992-97) good, communication between marketing less involved,
CHF 110 million centres and customers good, economic impact partly lacking,
success greatest in further non-technical topics not part of
education and training. the training programme.
CTI-MedTech Survey, international Well designed and meets the External experts to be more
(ongoing programme, experts needs of the applicants, involved in project evaluations,
evaluated in 2004) programme with diverse topics. accompanying research
recommended, programme
management to be broadened.
TOP-NANO 21 Evaluation completed. Report in 2006.
CTI-UAS Evaluation completed. Report in 2006.
Energy 2000 Evaluation-synthesis, Quantitative goals, long duration, Strong leadership missing –
(1990-2000) empirical research some sectors launched products programme design not good,
CHF 50 million early, behavioural change some sectors launched products
annually caused, quantified goals reached late, no additional investment
in large parts, “energy 2000” effects, no additional employment
label, innovations. effects.
MINAST (1996-99) Survey, expert 83% satisfied with the research Project budgeting and project
CHF 55.6 million interviews partner, 92% interested in further controlling carried out by both
public funding, research, 100 jobs created by partners, complex and
CHF 73.0 million 2000, 35 new products expected multidisciplinary projects to be led
private investment by 2003, efficiency of knowledge by industry partner, property
transfer promoted. rights to be contractually
regulated from the beginning.
LESIT (1992-95) Patent analysis, Research promoted in electrical No considerable promotion of
CHF 110 million survey engineering, skill level increased research in physics, research
in physics, job market evaluated quality not seen in citation index,
skills, R&D activities promoted, skill level in electrical engineering
turnaround tendency in patent crowding-out effects, few new
applications, involved firms patents filed.
improve market position.
Main results
Programme Method
+ -
FP3 (1990-94) Data base of Swiss High additionality, new R&D Participants to be more scattered
Swiss contribution: participation, survey, networks built, economic benefit- around sectors and branches,
CHF 135 million expert interviews oriented participation, FP3 participation to be improved in
compensates lack of ICT manufacturing and non-
promotion. manufacturing businesses.
FP4 (1995-99) Data base analysis, Scientific benefit high, Swiss Economic benefit lower,
Swiss contribution: survey, interviews international network increased, concentration of participants still
CHF 372 million participants more allocated. high, budget mainly absorbed by
federal institutions and
universities, weak participation in
humanities and social sciences
COST (1971-), International experts, Scientific benefits high, cost- Economic benefits meagre,
project evaluation data base analysis, benefit ratio satisfying, criticism directed to
between 1996-2000 survey, expert administration BBW good, open administration in Brussels,
interviews to new participants. overlap of different programmes
Source: Arvanitis and Wörter (2005).
• SNF and CTI were evaluated in 2001/02 (SWTR, 2002b). This evalua-
tion gave both institutions good marks in general and confirmed their
positions in the Swiss innovation system. The bottom line for both
institutions includes a “more of the same with more funding” message.
For CTI more discovery-oriented projects without business firm partici-
pation and a stronger focus on new high-technology enterprises were
recommended, while SNF recommendations mostly concerned internal
governance structures. A number of recommendations have already
been implemented by both institutions and the government, with the call
for more financial resources partly reversed owing to federal budgetary
constraints (“Kreditsperre”, see Schweizerischer Bundesrat, 2002,
p. 2367). An in-depth evaluation of the overall innovation system has
not yet been conducted.
Policy learning involves a number of instruments and mechanisms,
mostly on the “soft” side of the innovation policy spectrum. In this respect,
there is some evidence for the existence of two bottlenecks in Switzerland:
i) policy forums tend to be used to deal with complex co-ordination issues
(see above on the Bologna process) rather than collaborative learning
processes; and ii) the strong reliance on “militia” members from the academic
sector could be more balanced if the recruitment strategies of agencies placed
more emphasis on hiring full-time innovation policy experts. As Table 4.3
shows, there are many elements of distributed intelligence and learning, but
it is difficult to find learning ensembles or a learning system (for a general
discussion see Smits and Kuhlmann, 2004).
A potential route in this regard might be greater involvement of large
firms in learning and mechanisms for the exchange of good practice. Such
companies have ample experience with complex organisational and techno-
logical innovations and are leaders in many international markets. The
public sector could learn and profit from their experience. If areas of strong
common interest – internationalisation, portfolio building or organisational
learning – can be identified and good learning frameworks installed, there
would be little danger of opening the door to special interests. This proposal
is prompted by the opinion, recurrently voiced by various stakeholders, that
the interface is minimal between the large firms, which are one of the
country’s great assets, and the government.
Chapter 5
5.1 Introduction
However, not only are competencies and powers divided between the
federal and the cantonal level, they also share responsibility for funding. The
Confederation accounts for 25% of total expenses of the cantonal universities
and 28% of cantonal UAS. Research funding is mainly provided by the
federal level via SNF and CTI. These two institutions are considered below.
Overall Swiss universities perform quite well according to standard higher
education indicators. For this reason, it is more rewarding to look at the
Swiss higher education system with respect to its interaction with other
actors of the Swiss science and innovation system.
While the two ETHs in Zurich and Lausanne focus on engineering
sciences, mathematics, natural sciences and architecture, the ten cantonal
universities offer a wide range of studies, with some profiling (e.g. Basle,
Bern, Geneva, Lausanne and Zurich in medicine or St. Gallen in economics,
law and the social sciences). The ETH domain also contains four national
research institutes: PSI, WSL, EMPA and EAWAG.
The overall international performance of Swiss universities is very good,
as reflected, among others, by the rankings published by the Shanghai Jiao
Tong University (2005). There are six Swiss universities among the world’s
top 200 universities and among Europe’s top 80 universities. ETH Zurich is
ranked 27th worldwide and fifth – after the universities of Cambridge and
Oxford, the Imperial College London and the University College London –
in Europe. It is followed by the University of Zurich (world rank 57, Euro-
pean rank 13), the University of Basle (87th and 28th, respectively), the
University of Geneva (world ranking group 101-152, European ranking
group 36-56), the ETH Lausanne and the University of Bern (world ranking
group 153-202, European ranking group 57-79). In spite of the shortcomings
of such rankings, Switzerland can clearly rely on excellent universities as
the basis of its science system. It has not only some excellent research uni-
versities but also a set of excellent higher education institutions.
The important position of the ETH domain (including the four national
research institutes) in Switzerland is underlined by publication data. All six
institutions rank among the top 30 of about 700 Swiss institutions in terms
of absolute numbers of publications (ETH Zurich ranks 2nd, EPF Lausanne
ranks 7th, PSI 9th, EAWAG 15th, WSL 27th, and EMPA 30th). The ETH
domain’s publication output has grown relative to overall publication volume
since the beginning of the 1980s and accounted for almost 5% of publica-
tions in 1998-2002. The share is even higher in engineering, computing and
technology as well as in physical, chemical and earth sciences (ETH Board,
Swiss universities also perform well compared to other countries in
terms of their share of foreign students and graduates. More than one-third
of all PhD students (37%) come from abroad (36% are women). This makes
Switzerland the leading country in this respect, ahead of the United Kingdom,
Belgium and the United States. Sweden, Denmark and Austria attain about
half of this figure. There is also a large number of foreign university professors
and other academic professionals in Switzerland. Swiss universities have an
excellent reputation, and Swiss science is internationally recognised. This is
a major asset as regards the European Research Area and the European
Higher Education Area. Swiss firms have not recently faced any shortages
when seeking to recruit good graduates (see OECD, 2004).
Swiss universities also seem to prepare their students quite well for the
requirements of the labour market. Between 1985 and 1999 almost 40% of
their graduates of a given year entered professional life immediately, and a
further 25-30% found jobs within three months after graduation (Arvanitis
and Wörter, 2005). The fact that students undergo a strong selection process
during their studies, especially in the ETH domain, may contribute to this
result. In addition, Swiss universities have a strong focus on technology
transfer (see Chapter 6). In this respect and also in terms of general policy,
university autonomy has been strengthened considerably in recent years.
5.3 Swiss higher education landscape 2008 and other important policy
29. There are indications of organisational weaknesses on both the overall level (see the
section on the Bologna Process) and on the level of intra-university governance. A study
by CEST, juxtaposing ETH Zurich and MIT (Herbst et al., 2002) asks why, in relation to
input, MIT produces more output in terms of PhDs, citation impact and other relevant
indicators. In seeking an answer, the authors point to issues of organisation and list a
number of success factors, including professional management, graduate schools, flexible
centres and programmes instead of strict disciplinary boundaries, etc.
Austria Switzerland
1993 1997
(newly established) (upgrading of Fachschulen)
Course-providing bodies 18 i) 7 v)
Population 8 117 754 ii) 7 415 100 vii)
UAS per million population 2.22 0.94
Studies/degree programmes offered 136 i) 220 v)
Range of studies offered per UAS 1-26 i) 9-81 v)
Places for first-year students at UAS 7 342 i) 14,137 vi)
Range of first year students' places per UAS 60-1 110 i) 422-3 246 vi)
Places at UAS degree programmes 25 554 i) 42 016 vi)
Range of places at UAS 120-3 576 i) 1 535-10 385 vi)
Average number of students per UAS 1 419 i) 5 135 vi)
5 906 3 681
Teaching staff at UAS of which full time: 1 044 ii) (full-time equivalents) vi)
of which part time: 4 862
R&D staff (full-time equivalents) 169.8 iii) 989 vi)
Higher education budget for UAS degree
77 536 000 iv) 646 871 961 vi)
programmes (EUR)
Expenditures for R&D at UAS (EUR) 21 144 000 iii) 114 035 656 vi)
% from the central state 53.6 iii) 26.9 vi)
% from the federal states/cantons 26.4 iii) 48.4 vi)
% from others (other public sources,
private sources, international 20.0 iii) 24.7 vi)
organisations, EU, etc.)
Sources: i) FHR, 2005 for the academic year 2004/05; ii) bm:bwk, 2004 for the academic year 2003/04; iii) bm:bwk
et al., 2005 for the year 2002; iv) bm:bwk, 2002 for the year 2001; v) EFHK, 2002 for the year 2002, vi) information
provided by BFS for the year 2004; vii) BFS (2005d).
The seven UAS cover the seven larger regions of Switzerland. They are
decentralised, and most UAS have quite a large number of locations. After a
period of fast growth, the UAS sector has a total of more than 44 000
students. About two-thirds of Swiss engineers are educated in the UAS
sector. As the OECD Tertiary Education Review (OECD, 2003) and other
sources show, many governance challenges arise from the fact that parts of
the UAS system are governed and financed by the cantons, while others are
federally governed and financed owing to the traditional federal control over
technical schools. Overall governance (laws and licences) is at the federal
level. The federal responsibility for the UAS lies with EVD, while EDI is
responsible for the universities. The streamlining of the higher education
system is discussed in the governance chapter of this review; it was also
subject to an in-depth analysis in the OECD Review of Tertiary Education
and has been addressed in a number of Swiss publications (Schweizerischer
Bundesrat, 2002; and for a detailed overview OECD, 2003, pp. 62 ff).
“Reforming and investing … and stabilising” has been the motto of
UAS policy (EFHK, 2002, p. 7). The EFHK review in 2002 evaluated the
sector and gave marks from 1 (low level of development) to 4 (high level)
for a number of the sector’s key features. Formal and teaching-related
features got higher grades than management and leadership. With a mark of
2.83 the “Applied Research Policy of UAS” achieved a good result (ranked
four in twelve indicators).
Regarding research, the UAS are in a difficult position. There are
relatively few permanent and full-time staff (but more than in the Austrian
UAS-type Fachhochschulen). UAS are new institutions and lack a track
record, while applied research and valorisation require customers’ trust.
Swiss innovation policy has devoted effort and resources to developing this
sector. There seems to be some connection between the absence of direct
funding of SMEs and the emphasis on providers of applied research. Some
stakeholders hold that the sector lacks sufficient resources, does not grow
fast enough and faces many difficulties. A comparison of the Swiss and
Austrian UAS sectors (Table 5.1) shows that the Swiss UAS fare better in
terms of structural indicators regarding size and receive more money for
research than their Austrian counterparts. No real block funding is provided
for UAS R&D but at least three significant funding initiatives help to
develop applied research and industry co-operation at Swiss UAS:
• DO REsearch (DORE) is a programme to raise the research competence
of the cantonal part of the UAS sector, i.e. the non-technical fields. This
common initiative of SNF and CTI aims at better research in the social
sciences and humanities (SNF and KTI, 2003). For 2000-03, 119 projects
were funded and received a total of CHF 6.5 million. More than 300
partners from industry and the public sector doubled the programme
Figure 5.2. Current governance structure of the UAS Zurich (Zürcher Fachhochschule)
Governing Council
Concordat for Education Concordat
Conference of Rectors
School Council School Council School Council School Council School Council School Council School Council School Council School Council
HS Zurich HS HS HS HS HS Pedagogical HS
Wädenswil HS for Technology, for Design for Music for Applied for Social HS for Therapeutic
Winterthur Economy and and Artsl and Theater Psychology Work Pedagogy
HS = High School
The highly integrated Swiss UAS set-up thus seems to be more a formal
labelling than a functional organisational structure. This is pointed out by
Sporn and Aeberli (2004) who consider the present co-ordination and steering
mechanisms paralysing, particularly as they do not allow for the strategic
positioning of individual UAS. In particular, they feel that co-operation
beyond cantonal borders (and between institutions belonging to the same
UAS) is in urgent need of improvement.
Further, the idea that UAS might act as an intermediary between basic
science and the market deserves more thorough discussion. An alternative
approach would be for UAS to develop their own competencies and get their
main inspiration not from science or potential ETH/university networks, but
from the problems and needs of “their” business firms.
In order to enable the UAS to fulfil their role with respect to their
business sector clients, it seems necessary to reconsider one specific feature
of the Bologna reform as implemented in Switzerland (Hotz-Hart et al.,
2006). Currently, the UAS are essentially constrained to provide bachelor’s
degree courses while master’s degree studies are almost exclusively offered
by the federal institutes of technology and the universities. Without sub-
stantially increasing the scope of master’s degree studies at the UAS there is
a risk that their knowledge base dries up and that they will end up as mere
teaching institutions without being able to fulfil their wider tasks in the area
of R&D and innovation.
Challenges for the future of the sector and for enabling even stronger
applied research capacities include a drive towards better portfolio building
and co-operation around demand-driven structures such as industrial clusters
or networks. An alternative or complementary approach might be to grant
the UAS enough autonomy to enable them to develop an independent profile
vis-à-vis their clients – even beyond the region in which they are located –
and to compete with established universities in certain areas. Transfer routes
between UAS and universities still seem complex, but large-scale reform is
under way. All in all, the UAS sector seems to be a very successful
innovation in the Swiss system, as regards both teaching and applied R&D.
It proves the ability of the Swiss innovation system to come up with new
structural elements if the need is there.
30. An international comparison (EU Commission and FWF, 2004) shows Switzerland
holding a medium position regarding “share of competitive science funding per
inhabitant”. There are huge differences across countries. Sweden has six times more
competitive project funding per inhabitant (i.e. not per researcher) than Austria;
Switzerland and Denmark are on the middle ground, and Germany (DFG grants only) is
behind Switzerland.
curricula; iii) potential overload of the recipients, who act as professors but
lack much support and are often under pressure to write a “habilitation”
(though this is not a formal requirement). It seems that owing to the strict
selection process, most junior professors chosen (by SNF) have a good
chance to get a full professorship (from the universities) after the four-year
term (Jurt, 2004). The challenge for the future lies in better linking funding
programmes, career reform towards tenure track and general university
To summarise, SNF plays an important role within the Swiss innovation
system. Further strengthening this institution, i.e. providing it with more
money for funding, is a good strategy for three reasons:
• SNF sends the right quality signals to the science system, and bottom-
up projects play a key role in this respect.
• As Chapter 6 will argue, SNF-CTI co-operation could be stronger in the
future with respect to research with a mid-term commercialisation
• The impact of some SNF funding initiatives on university structures
is delicate but important, as programmes such as NCCRs or Junior
Professors show.
5.6.1 CERN
Switzerland – together with France – hosts one of the largest and best-
known scientific research facilities in the world. When scientists want to
learn more about the secrets of the universe, they come to CERN.
Occasionally they come up with very practical inventions such as Tim
Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web. Thousands of foreign researchers work
and live in the area or visit CERN from abroad. CERN is the seventh largest
producer of scientific publications in Switzerland (Lepori, 2003). This fact
and the underlying potential do not seem to be adequately reflected in some
presentations of the Swiss innovation system. This may largely be a reflection
of the immense richness of Switzerland’s research landscape but it may be
also due to a strong concentration on current challenges (such as university
Chapter 6
6.1 Introduction
Firms with
R&D activities
Firms with
patent activities
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
As a percentage of all firms
• CTI’s start-up initiative (CTI Start-up) lists 100 successful firms founded
in the last ten years which already employ more than 25 people.31
Together, these 100 firms account for more than 8 000 new high-
technology jobs, of which 45% are in ICT, 39% in services and 10% in
• In the Zurich area alone there are about 100 biotechnology start-ups,
indicating very active development in this area.
• ETH Zurich lists 55 spin-off companies younger than five years, and the
University of Basle a total of 16 since 1999.
• For 2002, Swiss universities report 55 spin-offs, 30 of them on the basis
of a licence agreement.32
• Basel’s two large pharmaceutical companies play a strong role in
spinning out but also in spinning in, i.e. acquiring promising bio-
technology companies, both globally and locally.
• While the role of the cantons is not easy to assess owing to a lack of
formal cantonal innovation policies, there is no doubt that the regional
level plays an important role in the success of young firms: a number of
technoparks – such as the large one in Zurich with about 200 tenants –
house and cluster young firms. Cantons also can provide cheaper
building sites and negotiate individual corporate tax rates with (new)
• The question arises as to why no “Rüschlikon Valley” clustering of
ICT-related activities has evolved. Answers may include risk adversity,
a lack of strong leading firms and lack of a leading role by Telco
Swisscom, and weak push from universities in the 1980s and 1990s.
Opportunities for NTBFs in ICT are seen in niches such as crypto-
graphy, finance or security.
For venture capital (VC), the Swiss market is described as quite small,
with the typical continental European “finance gap” between seed money
and large-scale investments for NTBFs. This gap – if it really exists in the
Swiss case – threatens the growth of high-technology firms and starves them
32. This scattered evidence has to be contrasted with the overall number of entrepreneurs
starting a company. In 2003, 11 200 start-ups were reported, mostly very small enter-
prises in the services sector with a strong but slowly declining role in the informatics
sector (BFS, 2005e).
33. This “continental European” phenomenon seems to go hand in hand with the aspiration of
many entrepreneurs not to become another Bill Gates, but to run their own 10-20
employee enterprise (“lifestyle companies”).
based on the so-called new regional policy. The latter attempts to build up
larger structures in seven regions by applying a number of policy instru-
ments and approaches, including clustering (for a critical view, see Wüthrich,
2003). At the cantonal level, some kinds of integrated policies have been put
in place around certain important topics. Clusters rely heavily on linkages
between similar and complementary firms within a certain geographical
area. Framework conditions shaped by public policy and a sound scientific
and educational base are crucial. Cantonal industrial support policies are not
very pronounced, though some cantons actively attract inward foreign
investment. Joint projects or networks tend to fall into an area between
cantonal and federal SME and CTI support (see OECD, 2002b).
In Switzerland regional strengths in biotechnology, machine construction
or finance appear to be promoted through both material and intangible
public support (infrastructure provision and common working groups). One
study (Berwert et al., 2004) identifies five interrelated clusters, specifically
in the central Swiss area: agro-food; service-related industries; metals/
machinery and construction; electrical equipment and chemicals/pharma-
ceuticals; and textiles. SECO presents six technology fields/clusters on its
website: biotechnology, medical technologies, ICT, micro- and nano-
technologies, services and environmental technologies. In addition, energy/
energy technologies is an active cluster with strong innovation and links to
scientific institutions. Examples of regional clustering include design clusters
and nanotechnology clustering in the Lake Constance region and a number
of Greater Zurich initiatives. Zurich has an explicit policy in fields such as
biotechnology (including MedTech and automatisation), finance and the
creative industries. Some clusters receive public support in the first years but
there seems to be disagreement over whether to abstain from support, to
support individual firms on the cantonal level or to promote clusters.
There appear to be advantages to bottom-up approaches based on
experience rather than on policy design, and industry-driven rather than
government-driven approaches (but with government support where appro-
priate). The UAS sector can help build strength in (emerging) clusters.
Generally, the best idea might be to support clusters for which industry has a
record and displays considerable initiative of its own. Box 6.1 shows how a
midwestern US state built up a significant industry-led and mostly industry-
sponsored life sciences cluster.
34. The lack of equity capital is especially problematic as innovation projects are usually
financed from this source (Arvanitis et al., 2004, p. 82).
35. The last ERT Message foresees CHF 580 million for the four year period 2004-07, but a
number of budget cuts reflect the difficulties the Swiss government faces for maintaining
an expansionary perspective even in areas that contribute to future growth such as higher
education and innovation.
36. In the Austrian FIT-IT programme which funds embedded systems and similar enhanced
IT projects, one funding line is very similar. Evaluators found that it was mostly
university professors who “found” the problem, created the idea, wrote the proposal, etc.
(Zinöcker et al., 2005).
industrial target group is SMEs. CTI calls this overall approach the
“subsidiarity principle” (see also SWTR, 2002b). The agency also depends
on the principle of “technology transfer via brains”. The underlying bottom-
up principle is strong, while the top-down elements are moderate, such as
the setting of a number of priority areas which provide a structure for project
appraisal and soft prioritisation. They do not imply strictly defined pro-
grammes.37 The thematic areas make up a balanced portfolio (KTI, 2005):
• Life sciences in general with strong expectations regarding small high-
technology firms. Apart from funding projects, CTI runs or sponsors a
number of outreach, platform and network activities.
• Biotechnology (Swiss Biotech Association, Swiss Biotech Report).
• Medical technologies, as part of life sciences are supported by project
funding and information platforms. Science linkages are considered
especially important for this sector. A recent evaluation, mentioned
above, confirmed the importance of this initiative.
• Micro- and nanotechnologies, funding projects, platforms and compe-
tence clusters. One initiative was taken over from the ETH Council,
which started funding nanotechnology. As SNF is also engaged in this
field, patterns of co-operation exist. Another line (KTI, 2005) en-
compasses engineering technologies.
• Enabling sciences and engineering, both of which have a strong ICT
component; the second aims at small and very small enterprises.
CTI concentrates on technological innovation. For the few measures
regarding the humanities and social sciences, see the UAS-targeted DORE
programme. DORE is now entirely run by SNF. Evaluations of CTI funding
programmes show that funded firms have better innovation performance
than firms from a control group of non-funded firms (Arvanitis et al., 2005).
Another line of CTI priority setting addresses structural issues. Four main
strands can be identified:
37. Given the discussion of cluster-based policy in Switzerland, it is difficult to say whether
KTI priority areas in their present form can explicitly serve and be seen as cluster funding
• Projects at UAS apart from the DO-RE initiative. For a description see
Section 5.4 on UAS.
• Funding of start-ups and fostering entrepreneurship in Switzerland. This
programme was discussed in connection with of the creation of new
technology-based firms.
• A number of international engagements like IMS or EUREKA comple-
ment the CTI portfolio. CTI also acts as a Swiss member in CREST and
other European S&T policy forums. The agency shows strong involve-
ment in various ERA-Nets. Outside Europe, activities with China are
gaining in importance.
• CTI contributes significantly to fostering knowledge and technology
transfer between industry and academia by promoting co-operation
between the two sectors. CTI WTT (knowledge and technology
transfer) was established recently and aims at actively connecting
demand and supply. WTT consortia, jointly launched by CTI and SBF,
aim to stimulate future demand for knowledge and technology among
CTI’s experience raises two interesting questions: First, does CTI
complement science funding in a way that orients knowledge towards
industry? Second, is CTI funding inspired, triggered and driven by industry
The answer to the first question is generally affirmative if: i) professors
have industry contacts or if firms have achieved a certain ability to formulate
technological problems calling for scientific co-operation; ii) CTI funding
induces “additionality effects” where it should, i.e. in the firms (which are
not funded directly themselves); iii) there is a link between SNF and CTI,
with some work done jointly. A potential gap between the two agencies is
now being closed; while a typical CTI project is applied and short-term
(duration of 12-24 months), a new line called “Discovery Projects” funds
more advanced and science-driven projects, again drawn up by scientists
and funded up to 100% by CTI. SNF funding continues to be more science-
oriented and curiosity-driven.
The second question is harder to answer. Basically CTI funding – with
the possible exception of the Start-up programme – follows the “supply-
side” approach discussed above. The underlying rationale seems to be partly
inspired by a linear model in which science outputs shape innovation. As
experience in other countries as well as the literature show, however,
innovation often shapes science, with strong interdependencies (Rosenberg,
1982, 1994). Furthermore, firms sometimes need support to move up the
innovation ladder, first towards better insight and better ability to formulate
what they need from science. For this reason, funding agencies need to
know more about firm behaviour, especially of firms that are as yet unable
to engage in advanced co-operation projects with top scientists. Put simply,
what CTI does is good and necessary. At the same time there should be a
discussion about whether CTI covers all important lines of action. One
programme for direct SME support38 is described in Section 6.3.1.
Such a programme would require only a small part of the extra money
proposed by the SNF-CTI evaluation or the money foreseen in the ERT
Message 2004-2007, which would provide a budget 50% higher than in
2000-03. For standard projects, more funding should be made available to
allow for larger projects where required. These projects could be partly
linked to Swiss or regional cluster development.
Another requirement for CTI is related to the principle of distributed
intelligence. A strong strategic unit would help in analysis, implementation
of an international good practice approach, and programme formulation. It
would not shift policy competencies from the department level or distort the
system but would add to the overall capacity of the Swiss innovation
system. This recommendation is not specific to CTI but is relevant for most
science and innovation funding agencies.39
38. The suggested introduction of vouchers to allow SMEs to pay for academic research
services may not completely resolve the issues that have arisen. The real challenge seems
to be to help SMEs resolve their basic in-house innovation issues. The cantons could
directly fund firms but do not do so.
39. See also the evaluation of the two major Austrian Funds FWF and FFF (Arnold et
al., 2004).
The goal of valorisation can be found in the ETH law, in the CTI and
SNF missions and in university reform initiatives. It relies on the idea that
talented, industrious and well-funded scientists have been steadily accumulating
knowledge and that better mechanisms are needed to bring this knowledge
to business enterprises everywhere. It has inspired a multitude of activities
encouraged by public policy. Within the science system, including ETHs
and research centres, cantonal universities, UAS and research institutes,
nearly 40 technology transfer institutions perform various activities. For 2001,
the results were as follows: 240 invention disclosures led to 132 patents;
157 non-disclosure agreements and 60 new confidentiality agreements were
signed. Higher education institutions negotiated 200 new licences, only a
small fraction of them linked to active patents. The overall patent portfolio
consisted of about 1 000 patents and 300 non-disclosure agreements. Every
second patent led to a licensing contract and every second licence generated
income. Revenue figures tend to be poorly reported, but appear to be rather
low (Vock, 2003, p. 196). Another source (EVD, 2003) presents other data
and talks about “several million Swiss francs” of annual revenue for the
entire public sector. A further source reports CHF 15 million of total income
for 2002 (Vock et al., 2004).
The valorisation of knowledge via patenting and licensing is only one of
the activities performed by transfer centres. Others include entrepreneurship
education, contracts with industry, university marketing, information about
research and above all helping university spin-offs to become successful
technology-based start-ups. The SWTR recommends deepening the relation-
ship between SMEs and the higher education sector (SWTR, 2002a). Uni-
versities such as EPF Lausanne have internal seed funds (“innogrants”) with
a broad portfolio of support instruments. According to EPF Lausanne, the
obstacles to innovation are bad risk management, lack of funding, focus on
technology and narrowly “disciplinary” research in academia. It provides
money and time in the following ways: “ignition” projects support new ideas
for 6-12 months, implementation projects provide “innovation fine tuning”
for up to two years, personnel can have a leave of absence to implement
their innovations, and there are internal interdisciplinary poles of excellence
and various student entrepreneurship programmes.40
Policy papers emphasise the economic expectations raised by supply-
driven valorisation and report a lack of co-ordination, mainstreaming and
common standards in the Swiss transfer landscape (EVD, 2003; Schweizer-
ischer Bundesrat, 2002). The Swiss Network for Innovation (SNI) was set
43. The last includes the idea of transferring ETH/university basic research results to the
UAS sector, where applied research is performed. Instead, it may be preferable for UAS
to get their inspiration from firms.
Box 6.4. Competence centres for long term science-industry co-operation: the Swedish example
In Swiss S&T policy the term “competence centre” is used for large-scale network-oriented
funding of scientific excellence. The National Competence Centre for Research (NCCR, see Section
5.5.2) programme links university researchers and includes firms as observers. This kind of compe-
tence centre programme is very different from what the term suggests in common international usage.
Since the 1980s a number of countries have established competence centres within their innovation
systems, less to explore new scientific frontiers than to strengthen the linkages between science and
industry. This is accomplished within large programmes structured and managed as public/private
partnerships (P/PP). They are characterised by the creation of temporary centres to run a multi-annual
research programme, drawn up and co-funded by one or a few universities or research institutes and a
number of firms. A public funding authority provides the structure, a competitive selection procedure
and a considerable share of the funding. Most of the programmes do not pre-select fields or topics,
but make priority setting a bottom-up process. Whether business firms can be seen as directly
benefiting from public subsidies depends on how the programme is organised. Competence centres
typically run for seven to ten years, have their own management, include five to 20 long-term
industry partners and have an overall annual budget of USD 2-7 million.
The US Engineering Research Centre (ERC) initiative of the National Science Foundation (NSF)
was the first to appear, followed by the large Australian Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) pro-
gramme and the Networks of Centres of Excellence funding scheme in Canada. In Europe, countries
such as Austria (K plus competence centres), Hungary (KKK programme) and Estonia followed suit.
In Germany, competence networks (e.g. in nanotechnology) do not have a great deal of funding at
their disposal, while in the Netherlands a few large Top Technology Institutes (TTI) have been
created. One of the best developed competence centre initiatives is the Swedish programme run by
VINNOVA. All these initiatives are well documented (MAP, 2004).
In the Swedish innovation system a few large firms with very large R&D budgets dominate the
scene together with a handful of universities (see OECD, 2005b). Swedish actors are responsible for
most research expenditure and have the highest R&D intensity of all OECD countries. Challenges at
the beginning of the 1990s included a stronger innovation orientation among SMEs, a broadening of
the universities’ research agenda, and the beginning of merger and internationalisation processes
involving large Swedish firms. One of the key goals of a systems-oriented R&D policy was to link
science to industry more strongly in order to change collaborative behaviour and to facilitate the
mutual influence of academic and industrial research agendas.
The programme was launched in 1993, with a promise to fund competence centres for up to ten
years with about 30% of the overall budget. Universities provide another 30% and industry (a number
of firms per centre) the remaining 40%. In a two-stage process based on foreign peer review, 28
centres were selected out of hundreds of proposals. The centres started in 1995. It is important to see
that the broad thematic range was largely the result of a bottom-up process. The programme became
the flagship of NUTEK, the precursor of VINNOVA, the present technology funding agency. (A few
centres are sponsored by STEM, the Swedish energy agency.) The centres are all housed at a
university, with renowned institutions like KTH or Chalmers hosting a large number. About a third of
the 230 participating firms are SMEs. A typical Swedish competence centre has about ten partner
firms, an annual total budget of about EUR 2 million and 20-30 staff (full-time equivalent). There is a
strong focus on: i) the model of the “industrial PhD” who learns from both worlds; ii) defining pre-
competitive, long-term and multi-firm projects with shared and open IPR; iii) negotiation of a multi-
party agreement before starting the centre; and iv) clear programme management, supported by
leadership programmes. All these elements help the firms to strengthen their long-term research
capacities and the universities to provide relevant research and a management style compatible with
industry needs. Quality control is rigorous: each centre is evaluated by international experts every
three to four years. After ten years, public agency funding is terminated.
Box 6.4. Competence centres for long term science-industry co-operation: the Swedish example
As the programme has now operated for nearly ten years, with a total budget of about
EUR 550 million, VINNOVA commissioned an impact study (Arnold et al., 2004a, 2004b). The very
positive conclusions reveal not only an increase in long-term industry participation but also the
building of interdisciplinary research environments at the universities, which has affected traditional,
discipline-oriented academic research and put the issue of relevance higher on the agenda. Many peer
evaluations indicate the emergence of internationally highly visible research groups. The impact study
lists a large number of new inter-firm collaborations with relevant results and notes changing intra-
firm innovation behaviour. In some cases, firms like VOLVO or ABB44 which became parts of inter-
national conglomerates, were able to defend or modify Swedish in-house research capacities owing to
successful innovation networks within the competence centres. Output of PhDs, patents, publications
or spin-offs (over 20) is generally high, and “knowledge”, “people”, “mindsets” and “infrastructures”
are key words.
The first impact study on the Austrian K plus competence centre programme, which includes an
assessment (Edler et al., 2004) and measures additionality effects in participating firms compared to a
CIS3 sample, leads to similar results.
A new wave of “VINN excellence centres” (VINNOVA, 2004) is about to be launched, building
on Sweden’s success. They will be strongly oriented towards public sector missions and problem-
oriented research.
Sources: Arnold et al. (2004a, 2004b); VINNOVA (2004); MAP-TN (2004); See also OECD
44. VOLVO headquarters are now in the United States, while Swedish ABB units report to
45. The process of innovation in services has thus been described as a “reverse product cycle”
(Barras, 1986; OECD, 2001a, cited in OECD, 2005b). Firms first adopt new technologies
(e.g. ICT). By using them they can offer improved services, and eventually the new
technology provides the basis for an entirely new service.
in services. New firms entering the market adopt new technologies and
subsequently bundle resources in units with higher productivity (Tamura
et al., 2005; Wölfl, 2005).
Policy makers need to redesign the measures for fostering innovation,
taking account of the services sector’s potential to contribute to aggregate
productivity growth. Although service firms are generally less innovative
than manufacturing firms according to commonly used measures, services
such as financial intermediation and business services already show above-
average levels of innovation (OECD, 2005b).
markets seem to emerge elsewhere, outsourcing takes its toll and the active
globalisation of the two largest Swiss banks is also leading to a reallocation
of decision power, competence centres and resources. While Zurich still
places sixth in a global financial ranking, concerns are mounting (AWA,
First Tuesday Zurich and ETH Zurich, 2003; First Tuesday Zurich, 2004).
These sources indicate that other global financial marketplaces are stronger
than Zurich or Switzerland in general.
To counter these developments, experts have made recommendations
that are well-established in innovation policy: clustering, human resource
development, excellent basic research, intra- and inter-firm innovation, use
of ICT. On the surface, there is no difference with fields like biotechnology,
the machinery or automotive industry, and it is remarkable how well the
three following statements apply. i) In this industry, innovation takes place
at high speed. New products and processes dominate the market and it is
demanding to fully understand, let alone develop them (examples are futures
and options). ii) For this reason, excellent research institutions in finance,
mathematics and related fields are required, preferably on the spot and
specifically at universities, not only to produce first-class graduates but also
to provide top (basic) research results (examples are mathematics and risk
analysis). iii) There seem to be economies of scale and agglomeration
Studies compare for example the size of the securities markets, of
capitalisation, air transport as a gateway indicator, and general scientific
output as a knowledge intensity indicator. In a European comparison, London
leads in all four respects, followed by Paris and Frankfurt (the former with
higher capitalisation and the latter with more science). According to one
study, Zurich ranks fourth, with a strong performance but not in quantitative
science. Followers include Amsterdam, Milan and Stockholm (Lakshmanan
et al., 2000, p. 68).
The following recommendations are made for the financial industry:
• Clustering: Workshops involving key persons in the Zurich financial
industry have shown a common understanding of an existing cluster of
banks, insurance companies, public institutions (such as regulators or
the central bank), business service providers (from accountants and
lawyers to management and IT consultancy) and higher education/
research institutions. Actors want some public support, but innovation-
friendly framework conditions and excellent universities seem to be the
two key factors (AWA, First Tuesday Zurich and ETHZ, 2003; First
Tuesday Zurich, 2004).
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