Fanuc Servo Alarms
Fanuc Servo Alarms
Fanuc Servo Alarms
400 SERVO ALARM: 1, 2TH AXIS 1–axis, 2–axis overload signal is on. Refer to diagnosis display No.
OVERLOAD 720 or 721 for details.
401 SERVO ALARM: 1, 2TH AXIS VRDY 1–axis, 2–axis servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) went off.
402 SERVO ALARM: 3, 4TH AXIS 3–axis, 4–axis overload signal is on. Refer to diagnosis display No.
OVERLOAD 722 or 723 for details.
403 SERVO ALARM: 3, 4TH AXIS VRDY 3–axis, 4–axis servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) went off.
404 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS VRDY Even though the n–th axis (axis 1–8) READY signal (MCON) went
ON off, the servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) is still on. Or, when the
power was turned on, DRDY went on even though MCON was off.
Check that the axis card and servo amplifierr are connected.
405 SERVO ALARM: ZERO POINT RE- Position control system fault. Due to an NC or servo system fault in
TURN FAULT the reference position return, there is the possibility that reference
position return could not be executed correctly. Try again from the
manual reference position return.
406 SERVO ALARM: 7–axis, 8–axis overload signal is on. Refer to diagnosis display No.
7, 8TH AXIS OVER LOAD 726 or 727 for details.
7, 8TH AXIS VRDY OFF 7–axis, 8–axis servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) went off.
4n0 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – EX- The position deviation value when the n–th axis stops is larger than
CESS ERROR the set value.
Note) Limit value must be set to parameter for each axis.
4n1 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – EX- The position deviation value when the n–th axis moves is larger than
CESS ERROR the set value.
Note) Limit value must be set to parameter for each axis.
4n3 SERVO ALARM: n–th AXIS – LSI The contents of the error register for the n–th axis exceeded ^231
OVERFLOW power. This error usually occurs as the result of an improperly set
4n4 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – N–th axis digital servo system fault. Refer to diagnosis display No.
DETECTION RELATED ERROR 720 and No.727 for details.
4n5 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – EX- A speed higher than 4000000 units/s was attempted to be set in the
CESS SHIFT n–th axis. This error occurs as the result of improperly set CMR.
4n6 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – DIS- Position detection system fault in the n–th axis pulse coder (discon-
CONNECTION nection alarm).
4n7 SERVO ALARM: n–TH AXIS – PA- This alarm occurs when the n–th axis is in one of the conditions listed
RAMETER INCORRECT below. (Digital servo system alarm)
1) The value set in Parameter No. 8n20 (motor form) is out of the
specified limit.
2) A proper value (111 or –111) is not set in parameter No. 8n22
(motor revolution direction).
3) Illegal data (a value below 0, etc.) was set in parameter No. 8n23
(number of speed feedback pulses per motor revolution).
4) Illegal data (a value below 0, etc.) was set in parameter No. 8n24
(number of position feedback pulses per motor revolution).
5) Parameters No. 8n84 and No. 8n85 (flexible field gear rate) have
not been set.
6) An axis selection parameter (from No. 269 to 274) is incorrect.
7) An overflow occurred during parameter computation.
490 SERVO ALARM: 5TH AXIS OVER 5–axis, 6–axis overload signal is on. Refer to diagnosis display No.
LOAD 724 or 725 for details.
491 SERVO ALARM: 5, 6TH VRDY OFF 5–axis, 6–axis servo amplifier READY signal (DRDY) went off.
494 SERVO ALARM: 5, 6TH AXIS VRDY The axis card ready signal (MCON) for axes 5 and 6 is off, but the
ON servo amplifier ready signal (DRDY) is not. Alternatively, when the
power is applied, the DRDY is on, but the MCON is not. Ensure that
the axis card and servo amplifier are connected.
495 SERVO ALARM: 5, 6TH AXIS ZERO This is a position control circuit error. It is likely that a return to the
POINT RETURN reference position failed because of an error in the NC or the servo
system. Retry a return to the reference position.
If an excessive spindle error alarm occurs during rigid tapping, the relevant alarm number for
the tapping feed axis is displayed.
D Details of servo The detailed descriptions of servo alarm number 4n4 are displayed with
alarm No.4n4 diagnosis numbers 720 to 727 in the sequence of axis numbers.
#7 #6 #5 #4 #3 #2 #1 #0