(BSBA-BM) Program Specification v2

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De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde

Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management

Program Specification
Awarding Institution De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde

School School of Management and Information Technology

Program Accreditation Philippine Accrediting Association of Schools, Colleges and Universities (PAASCU)
Level II Granted re-accreditation for five (5) years valid until November 2022

Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Center of Excellence in Hotel and

Restaurant Management valid until December 2018 (extended as per CHED
CMO No. 3 series of 2019 until the new guidelines are formulated).

Name of Final Award Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management

Program Title Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management


Description of the Program The program consists of several subjects that will render the graduates
knowledgeable of the core Management functions.

Among the highlight courses are: Strategic Management, Advance Business

Finance, Business Research, Business Intelligence, International Business,
Operations Management, Project Management and Enterprise Resources

Upon completion of the program, the graduates are expected to exemplify

competencies critical to effectively perform the different Management functions
such planning, leading, organizing and controlling the organizational resources
to achieve the corporate mission – vision and uphold highest standard
of integrity and ethics of the organization.

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Expected Program Learning Upon completion of the BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS
students are expected to:

• PO1. Assess an organization’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,

and threats to determine company’s current state and develop business
priorities from a strategic perspective.

• PO2. Demonstrate professional oral, written and interpersonal

communication skills to be able to interact with customers, employees,
suppliers and superiors.

• PO3. Craft a comprehensive business plan to assist the business to secure

financing, and to gain business partners and shareholders.

• PO4. Apply practical management decision making tools and techniques

to various types of business issues, both simulated and real world,
as shared by community businesses.

• PO5. Apply relationship management methods using best leadership

practices gained from exposure to leadership theories and style desired
by successful organizations.

• PO6. Recognize risks, problems associated with business, including

transactions in different functional areas of management such
as Human resource, finance, production, marketing to weight options
to make rationale decisions for gaining competitive advantage.

• PO7. Explain the basic concepts associated with business ethics and
the importance of developing and adhering to a strong set of generally-
accepted ethical principles.

• PO8. Demonstrate ability to work harmoniously with people from

different cultures and at the same time preserve Filipino historical
and cultural heritage.

• PO9. Select and use appropriate resources to collect business data that
will ultimately translate into information for creative and critical decision
making and resulting to economic sustainability.

• PO10. Apply quantitative measurements to solve business problems related

from a strategic perspective.

• PO11. Integrate technology and research in performing business functions

to hasten business processes and operation.

• PO12. Demonstrate a service and customer’s orientation to enhance

company’s reputation in a professional manner.

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Admission Requirements All students must pass the Benildean Entrance Exam (BEE). The information
regarding application, admission timetable, and application results may be
viewed at Benilde Admissions Center. Downloadable forms and school
brochures are available from this site.

Applicants applying to any degree or non-degree program offered by

DLS-CSB are expected to provide a complete medical disclosure of past
or present conditions that may have an effect on student learning
and their intention to be a member of the Benildean community.

Program Overview The Program consists of units

(161 academic units and 10 non-academic units) distributed as follows:

CHED GE Mandated Courses 36
DLS-CSB Institutional Courses 19
Business Core Courses 30
Professional Courses 48
Practicum 9
Electives 12

Curriculum and Program The curriculum and program structure are outlined in the program checklist.
Structure The curriculum map shows the alignment between the courses in the program
and the program outcomes.

Teaching and Learning DLS-CSB espouses and promotes learner-centered parameters. A balance
Strategy, Assessment of theory and practice is achieved through lecture courses combined
with computer laboratory courses/sessions and practicum programs
with partner institutions and CAPSTONE Project Presentation.

Various assessment strategies are used such as class discussion, written

and oral examinations, return demonstration, journal submission, reflective
essay, assignment, seatwork, case study analysis, portfolio submission,
final project and individual/group report.

Date of Revision AY 2018-2019

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management

Term 1

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

BUSECON Business Economics 3
ASEANST Asean Studies (3)
IETHICS Ethics 3
ADVOFFC Advanced Office Applications 3
ARTAPRI Art Appreciation 3
PEONEPF Physical Fitness 2
CSBLIFE College of Saint Benilde Student Life (3)

Term 2

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

LEADMGT Leadership and Management 3
CRITHNK Critical and Creative Thinking 3
PURPCOM Purposive Communication 3
BUSIACC Business Accounting 3 ADVOFFC
SCITECH Science Technology and the Society 3
PETWODA Dance Area 3
NSTP-01 National Service Training Program 1 2

Term 3

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

APPMKTG Applied Marketing 3 LEADMGT
PEP-MGT Personnel Management 3 LEADMGT
BUSLAWS Business Laws 3
CACMANA Cost and Managerial Accounting 3 BUSIACC
HISTORY Selected Readings in the Philippine History 3
PETRIID Individual/Dual Sports 2
NSTP-02 National Service Training Program 2 (3) NSTP-01

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Term 4

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

REEXSPI Religious Experience and Spirituality 3
INTEFIL Interaktibong Filipino sa Multidisiplinaryon 3
BINTAXA Business and Income Taxation 3 BUSLAWS
MATWRLD Mathematics in the Modern World 3
CONWORL Contemporary World 3
PEFORTS Team Sports 2

Term 5

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

MARFAMI Marriage and Family Life 3
FILDISI Filipino sa iba’t ibang Disiplina 3 NTEFIL
BUSSFIN Business Finance 3
BUSITAT Elements of Business Statistics 3
UNDSELF Understanding the Self 3
INVEMAN Inventory Management 3

Term 6

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

BIBCHUR Bible and Church 3
MANMARK Marketing Management 3 BUSSFIN CACMANA
BUSINRE Business Research 3 BUSITAT
LOGISMA Logistics Management 3
OPTNMGT Operations and Production Management 3
PANITIK Panitikan at ang Kulturang Popular 3

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Term 7

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

ENVISCA Environmental Scanning 3
FEASIBS Feasibility Study 3 BUSINRE
NCQUANT Quantitative Techniques in Business 3
QUALITY Quality & Business Process Improvement (3) OPTNMGT
ENTRMA1 Enterprise Resource Management 1 3 BUSSFIN CACMANA
ENVISCA Environmental Scanning 3

Term 8

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

STRATGY Strategic Management & Policy 3 ENVISCA
SUSTENT Social Entrepreneurship, Responsibility 3
and Sustainability
ENMASYS Enviromental Management System 3 QUALITY
FACIMGT Facilities Management 3 QUALITY
ENTRMA2 Enterprise Resource Management 2 3 ENTRMA1 BUSSFIN, CACMANA

Term 9

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

BUSPROJ Business Project 3 STRATGY
MAINSYS Management of Information System 3 BUSSFIN CACMANA
SPETOMA Special Topics in Operations Management 3 ENMASYS
JORIZAL Life and Works of Rizal (3)
PRJ-MGT Project Management 3 BUSSFIN MANMARK
CSBGRAD College of Saint Benilde Graduating Students (1) CSBLIFE

Term 10

Course Code Course Title Units Pre-requisite Co-requisite

BUSPRAC Business Practice 3 BUSPROJ
BPRCTUM Business Management Practicum 6

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in Business Management

I. Core Business and Management Courses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Operations and Production Management (OPTNMGT)

2 Strategic Management (STRATGY)

Business Core Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

3 Basic Microeconomics (BUSECON)

4 Business Laws (BUSLAWS)
5 Business and Income taxation (BINTAXA)
6 Social Entrepreneurship, Responsibility & Sustainability
7 Personnel Management (PEP-MGT)
8 International Business (INBUSIN)
9 Feasibility Study (FEASIBS)
10 Business Research (BUSINRE)

II. Major/Professional Course 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Environmental Management System (ENMASYS)

2 Inventory Management and Control (INVEMAN)
3 Project Management (PRJ-MGT)
4 Costing and Pricing (CACMANA)
5 Logistics Management (LOGISMA)
6 Productivity and Quality Tools (QUALITY)
7 Facilities Management (FACIMGT)
8 Special Topics in Operations Management (SPETOMA)
9 Quatitative Techniques in Business (NCQUANT)
10 Environmental Scanning (ENVISCA)
11 Elements of Business Statistics (BUSITAT)
12 Leadership and Management (LEADMGT)
13 Applied Marketing (APPMKTG)
14 Advanced Office Applications (ADVOFFC)
15 Business Accounting (BUSIACC)
16 Business Finance (BUSSFIN)
17 Enterprise Resource Management 1 (ENTREM1)

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph
18 Marketing Management (MANMARK)
19 Enterprise Resource Management 2 (ENTREM2)
20 Management of Information System (MAINSYS)

III. Practicum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 Business Project (BUSPROJ)

2 Business Practice (BUSPRAC)
3 Business Management Practicum (BPRCTUM)

School of Management and Information Technology

2544 Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines 1004 +63 2 8230-5100 loc. 1761 www.benilde.edu.ph

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