.JR AIIMS S60 - NEET-2024 Teaching Schedule-1

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Jr AIIMS S60 - NEET -2024 Teaching Schedule (2022-2023) WEF18th July,22
S.NO DATE DAY Botany Zoology Physics - Track-1 Physics - Track-2 Chemistry - Track-1 Chemistry - Track-2

Classification of elements and periodicity in

Thermal Properties of Matter:
16 18-07-22 MON 2.3.2. Ascomycetes Phylum Aschelminthes problems based on calculus Radius , Energy & Velocity(c) properties (18P) : Introduction &
Thermometry (Introduction)
Mendeleev's Periodic table(C & O)

19-07-2022 Tue NEET WET-5

Modern periodic law & Long form of Periodic
17 19-07-22 TUE 2.3.3. Basidiomycetes Phylum Annelida Acceleration due to gravity Thermometry Problems on Radius , Energy & Velocity(O)
table(C & O)

18 20-07-22 WED 2.3.4. Deuteromycetes Phylum Arthropoda Freely falling bodies Problems Problems on Radius , Energy & Velocity(O) Long form of Periodic table(C & O)

Expansion of solids : Definitions of Electronic configuration in periods and groups

2.4, Kingdom Plantae, 2.5. Kingdom
19 21-07-22 THU Phylum Mollusca Freely falling bodies α, β, γ and their relations,Variation of Problems on RYDBERG'S EQUATION(O) &Nomenclature of elements with Z > 100
density with temperature (C & O)

Problems on Spectral lines & BOHR'S

Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Echinodermata and Phylum Applications of liner expansions of
20 22-07-22 FRI Problems on the above topic Applications, Sommerfield atomic model(Brief Classification of elements into Blocks (C & O)
Viruses upto TMV Structure Hemichordata solids

Applications of liner expansions of

Bacteriophage structure to Phylum - Chordata : General
21 23-07-22 SAT vertically projected bodies solids (with out M.I and elasticity de- Broglies's theory(C) Classification of elements into Types (C & O)
Lysogenic cycle characters

24-07-22 SUN SUNDAY

25-07-2022 Mon NEET Unit Test-1

Periodic Properties : Atomic radius and its

Plant diseases caused by viruses to Subphylum : Uro-chordata and Thermostat - Bimetallic strip and
22 25-07-2022 MON vertically projected bodies de- Broglie's theory(O) types , Variation of Atomic radius in groups
Virusoids Cephalochordata problems
and periods (C) ,

Plant Kingdom - Introduction, Algae Subphylum Vertebrata characters and Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle Variation of Atomic radius in groups and
23 26-07-2022 TUE Problems on the above topic Problems
upto Thallus Structure outline classification (C) periods (C & O)

Expansion of Liquids :
Screening constant and Effective nuclear
vertically projected bodies from Apparent and real exapansion Heisenberg's Uncertainity Principle
24 27-07-2022 WED Algae - Cell structure to end Class - Cyclostomata charge
the top of tower coefficients - definitions and their (O)
& Lanthanide contraction
Wave mechanical model of atom :
Class - Chondrichthyes, Class vertically projected bodies from
25 28-07-2022 THU Chlorophyceae Variation of density with temperature Schroedinger wave equation (C & O), , Eigen Ionisation potential and Factors influencing IP
Osteichthyes the top of tower
values & functions

Wave mechanical model of atom :

applications of expansion of liquids Factors influencing I.P, Variation in Groups
26 29-07-2022 FRI Phaeophyceae Class - Amphibia Relative velocity in one dimension Schroedinger wave equation (C & O), , Eigen
(with out Buoyancy applications) & Periods(C)
values & functions

Motion in a plane (C & O) : Atomic orbitals , Probability curves & Shapes Variation of I.P. in Groups & Periods(O) and
27 30-07-2022 SAT Rhodophyceae Class Reptilia and Class - Aves Anamalous expansion of water
Vectors, Addition of orbitals (C & O) Electron gain enthalpy (C & O)

31-07-2022 SUN SUNDAY

01-08-2022 MON NEET WET-6

TS - Residential : Home sick vacation is from 01-08-22 to 06-08-22 and AP - Residential: Home sick vacation is from 03-08-22 to 09-08-22
Day Scholars will have classes as usual in above days (No holidays to Day scholars)

07-08-22 SUN SUNDAY

Atomic orbitals , Probability curves & Shapes Electron gain enthalpy (C & O), Electron gain
28 08-08-22 MON Economic Importance of Algae Class - Mammalia Laws of Vector Addition Problems
of orbitals (C & O), nodal plane in dz 2 orbital enthalpy from Electron affinity values

09-08-22 TUE MOHARAM

Structural Organisation in Animals:

Expansion of Gases & Calorimetry :
29 10-08-22 WED Bryophytes - Introduction Animal Tissues – Introduction, Subtraction Quantum numbers (C) Electronegativity (C & O)
Boyles and charles laws
Epithelial Tissue upto Cell Junctions

Simple Epithelium, Pseudostratified Electronegativity (C & O), Mullikan and

30 11-08-22 THU Hepaticopsida, Anthocerotopsida Resolution of the vector Applications on Boyles law Quantum numbers (O)
Epithelium Pauling scales of Electronegativity

Bryopsida, Economic Importance of Stratified Epithelium, Transitional Quantum numbers (O), Orbital & Spin Vallency , Oxidation states , Metallic nature (C
31 12-08-22 FRI Problems on the above topic Applications on Boyles law
Bryophytes Epithelium angular momentum. & O)

Electronic configuration rules:

Applications & problems on Boyles and Oxidation Reduction ability and Nature of
32 13-08-22 SAT Pteridophytes Introduction Glandular Epithelium Parallelogram law Pauli's principle and Auf bau and Hund's
Charles Laws oxides
rule(C & O)

14-08-22 SUN SUNDAY

15-08-22 MON Independence Day
16-08-22 TUE NEET WET-7
Electronic configuration of Atoms and Ions (C
Connective Tissue upto Areolar Periodic trends in Reactivity & Diagonal
33 16-08-22 TUE Classification; Economic Importance Parallelogram law cases Ideal gas equation & O)
Connective Tissue relationship (C & O)

Electronic configuration of Atoms and Ions , Chemical bonding and Molecular

Gymnosperms upto Heterospory Adipose Tissue, Reticular Connective
34 17-08-22 WED Problems on Parallelogram law Application on Ideal gas equation Cr and Cu (C & O) & stability of atoms and Structure(22P) - Introduction to Chemical
and Seed Habit Tissue, Dense Connective Tissue
Magnetic moment of ions bonding, Kossel's theory , Ionic bond (C & O)
Classification of Gymnosperms, Stoichiometry (24 P): Significant figures,
Applications & problems on Ideal gas Factors favourable for ionic bond formation,
35 18-08-22 THU Economic importance of Cartilage Change in Velocity Addition, subtraction , multipliction and
equation Fajan's rule (C & O)
Gymnosperms division results

19-08-22 FRI Janmashtami

Covalent bond: Lewis dot model, Exceptions

36 20-08-22 SAT Angiosperms Bone Tissue upto Spongy Bone Tissue Triangle law, Polygan law problems on gas equation multipliction and division results to the octet rule,Lewis dot formula & Formal
charge (C)

21-08-22 SUN SUNDAY

22-08-22 MON NEET WET-8

Covalent bond: Lewis dot model, Exceptions

Life Cycles in plants (haplontic and Structure of Compact Bone Tissue, Specific heat, Thermal capacity, Latent Accuracy and Precision, Laws of Chemical
37 22-08-22 MON Lami's theorem and problems to the octet rule,Lewis dot formula & Formal
diplontic life cycles) Chemical Composition of Bone Tissue heat, change of state combinations
charge (O)

Diplohaplontic -Haplobiontic and Properties of covalent compounds & Valence

38 23-08-22 TUE Blood – Plasma, Erythrocytes Problems on the above topic Problems on the above topic Laws of chemical combinations
diplobiontic life cycles bond theory (C & O)

Morphology of Flowering Plants : Motion in a plane with constant Properties of covalent compounds & Valence
39 24-08-22 WED Leucocytes, Platelets Principle of calorimetry and problems Laws of chemical combinations
Parts of plant acceleration bond theory (C & O)

Mole concept:Atomic mass , Gram atom , Sigma and Pi bonds,defects of valence bond
40 25-08-22 THU Regions of root Lymph Problems on the above topic problems on calorimetry
Molecular weight & Gram mole (C & O) theory

Muscle Tissue – Introduction, Phases of matter, varation of M.P and Sigma and Pi bonds,defects of valence bond
41 26-08-22 FRI Modifications of root Problems on the above topic GMV , Avogadro's number & mole(C & O)
Skeletal Muscle B.P with pressure theory & Hybridisation (C)

Stem: Introduction , Functions, Relative velocity in two

42 27-08-22 SAT Smooth Muscle, Cardiac Muscle Phases of matter, Triple point GMV , Avogadro's number & mole(C & O) Types of Hybridisation (C) : SP , SP2
underground stem modifications dimensions
28-08-22 SUN SUNDAY
29-08-22 MON NEET WET-9

Heat Transfer : Conduction definition,

43 29-08-22 MON Aerial stem modifications Neural Tissue upto Synapse Problems on Relative velocity Mole concept: Numericals Types of Hybridisation (C) : SP3, SP3d
Coeffiencent of Thermal conductivity

Types of Neurons, Types of Nerve Thermal resistance, Series and parallel

44 30-08-22 TUE Sub aerial stem modifications Rain-umbrella problem Mole concept: Numericals Types of hybridisation (C & O): SP3d2 , SP3d3
Fibres, Nerves, Glial Cells combination of slabs
Applications and problems on
45 01-09-22 THU Leaf: Introduction upto parts of leaf Organ and Organ System Rain-umbrella problem Equivalent weight ( C & O) VSEPR theory (C)
conduction of heat

Determination of equivalent weights by

Miscellaneous MCQs on Animal Applications and problems on
46 02-09-22 FRI Venation , types of leaves Motion of boat in river hydrogen, oxide and chlorine dispacement VSEPR theory (O)
Tissues conduction of heat
Earthworm – Introduction, Size,
Convection : Types of
47 03-09-22 SAT Phyllotaxy, modifications of leaves Shape & Colour, Segmentation, Boat problems Empirical & Molecular formulae (C & O) Resonance (C & O)
convection,Applications of convection
External Apertures
04-09-22 SUN SUNDAY
05-09-22 MON NEET Unit Test-2

Radiation - Properties, Prevost's theory,

48 05-09-22 MON Inflorescence Setae, Body Wall, Coelom Oblique projectile Empirical & Molecular formulae (C & O) Molecular Orbital theory (C & O)
Kirchoff's law of radiation

Molecular Orbital theory - Energy level

Emmissive & absorptive powers, Block Empirical & Molecular formulae (C & O) ,
49 06-09-22 TUE Flower: upto corolla Digestive System, Respiration Oblique projectile diagrams
body sperticum Oxidation state
Bond order (C)

Blood Vascular System, Excretory Dative bond & Hydrogen bonding, Types &
50 07-09-22 WED Aestivation Problems on Oblique projectile Stefan's Law Oxidation number ( C & O)
System Consequences of hydrogen bonding (C)

Nervous System, Male Reproductive Hydrogen bonding, Types & Consequences of

51 08-09-22 THU Flower - Androecium Problems on Oblique projectile Problems on the above topic Types of redox reactions (O)
System hydrogen bonding (O)

Female Reproductive System,

Copulation, Balancing of redox reactions: Oxidation
52 09-09-22 FRI Flower - Gynoecium Horizontal projectile Newtons law of cooling, applications Bond para meters (C & O)
Cocoon Formation, Interaction with number method (C)

Cockroach – Introduction, External Balancing of redox reactions: Oxidation

53 10-09-22 SAT Fruit Problems on Horizontal projectile Problems on the above topic Bond para meters (C & O)
Morphology upto Body Divisions number method (O)

11-09-22 SUN SUNDAY

13-09-22 TUE
15-09-22 THU
17-09-22 SAT
18-09-22 SUN SUNDAY

Thermodynamics (C & O) (16): Balancing of redox reactions, Half reaction

54 19-09-22 MON Seed Head Circular motion concept Dipole moment & applications (C & O)
Joule's Law and applications method(C) Acidic medium

Semi-technical description of a Problems on Joules law, Types of Balancing of redox reactions, Half reaction
55 20-09-22 TUE Thorax, Abdomen, Exoskeleton Circular motion problems Dipole moment & applications (C & O)
typical flowering plant systems method(C) Basic medium
Body Wall, Body Cavity, Fat Bodies
Laws of Motion (Con & Obj) (30): Zeroeth law, Internal energy and introduction.
56 21-09-22 WED Fabaceae (from Akademi Textbook), Stoichiometric calculations(C & O)
Introduction, Newtons laws External work Tetravalency of Carbon, Structural
representations of organic compounds (C)

General introduction, Tetravalency of Carbon,

57 22-09-22 THU Solanaceae Digestive System Impulse and its applications First law of Thermodynamics Stoichiometric calculations(C & O) Structural representations of organic
compounds and Homologous series (O)

Problems on First law of

58 23-09-22 FRI Liliaceae Respiratory System Problems on force and impulse Stoichiometric calculations(C & O) Classification of organic compounds (C & O)

Law of conservation of linear Definitions of specific heats of gases - Concentration methods: Percentage of solute,
59 24-09-22 SAT Comparitive account of 3 families Circulatory system Nomenclature of organic compounds (C&O)
momentum CP-CV = R by wt, by vol, ppm and pbm

25-09-22 SUN SUNDAY

26-09-22 MON NEET WET-10


Applications of conservation of Concentration methods: Percentage of solute,
60 26-09-22 MON Introduction, 6.1 Tissues, 6.1.1. Excretory system Problems on specific heats Nomenclature of organic compounds (C&O)
linear momentum by wt, by vol, ppm and pbm
Meristems upto primary meristems

6.1.1 Secondary meristems,

Differentiation, 6.1.2. Permanent Nervous system (excluding sense Problems on Law of conservation Quasi - Static , Cylic, isobaric and Nomenclature of organic compounds
61 27-09-22 TUE Molarity
tissues, Simple tissues upto organs) of linear momentum isochoric Process containing functional groups (O)
parenchyma Collenchyma and Sense Organs upto Structure of Nomenclature of organic compounds
62 28-09-22 WED Equlibrium of particle Problems on the above topic Molarity
Sclerenchyma Ommatidium containing functional groups (O)

Functioning of Compound Eye, Male Problems on Equlibrium of Nomenclature of organic compounds

63 29-09-22 THU Complex tissues, Xylem Isothermal process Normality
Reproductive System particle containing functional groups (O)

Common forces in Mechanics

(Tension, normal reaction, app. Nomenclature of substituted benzene
64 30-09-22 FRI Complex tissues, Phloem Female Reproductive System Adiabatic process, Derivations Normality
Wt, contact force, pseudo force compounds ( C & O)

Copulation, Spermatophore
Applications based on common
6.2 Tissue systems, 6.2.1. Epidermal Formation, Ootheca Formation and
65 01-10-22 SAT forces in Mechanics : Tension and Problems on the above topic molality and mole fractions Structural Isomerism (C & O)
tissue system Fertilization, Development,
connected bodies
Interaction with Mankind

TO SUN Dussehra Holidays

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