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A 3576-Backhoe-JCB

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AraJeeZ Engineering Co. Engineering Testing Department Head Office: Basrah, iraq P.0.80x: 1935 Basrah Post Office bpm) ee Ss 1935 = Tel: +9647800140560, +9647713171131 077103171131-07800140560 : is Email: [email protected] [email protected] : ps Sl ax Web: www.arajeez.com www araieez.com : =! Vi CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION C.No / AEC-18117220 Certifieate No: AEC-18117220 Date: 20/May/2018 Customer: -Maraba Al Irag Al Khadraa, ge: 1 of 3 Locatior Zubair Field. Due Date :_19/May/2019 ‘Name and Address of Owner Date of Inspection \ Maraba Al Iraq Al Khadraa 20-May-2018, = Net inspectionbaie SCT 19-May-2019 Type = Plate Number Hydraulie System Backhoe Loader A3S76Basra Serial Number Model No JCB3CX04A70982411 3CX. Location | Date OF Manufacturer Zubair Field 2007 Recommendation Results Daily inspection should be carried out Om daily | PA: basses and any defect found according to below check list operation should cease immediately. THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT the undersigned, acompetent inspector, did, attend the site for testing to examine and ascertain that this Hydraulic System Backhoe Loader is sat for the intended use within the limits specified providing there is continuous maintenance and qualified operators employed. a Results: PASSED Bae) [=| iy [LEE | Validity of the certificate 12 months =! Inspection Engineer: This Certificate is issued in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1926.550-- Cranes and Derricks, American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 8-30 series Cranes, Derrieks, Hoists. We hereby confirm that the Quality Management System of ARAJEEZ Complies with SO $001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 1800%:2007 & ISO 17025:2005 (ENAS accreditation). {BSN ISO. 9001:2008, 18S EN ISO 14001:2008 EEE on'sAs 18001:2007, 107 ml AraJeeZ Engineering Co. Awsig Jali As yi Engineering Testing Department tes poll seal po Head Office: Basrah, Iraq — Sp ned yt 8 cea P.0,Box: 1935 Basrah Post Office Yy Be Sonal see ths 1935 ue Tel: +9647800140560, +9647713171132 -° ~ 077103171131-07800140560 : ~isa Email: [email protected] [email protected] : is 5S)! = Web: www.arajeez.com www.araieez.com, Nad CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION C.No / AEC-18117220 Sr._Section/Description | Need Correetion (IfDefects Noted) Remarks 1 General SATISFACTORY (2 | Chain Belt "SATISFACTORY 3 Bucket condition SATISFACTORY [4 | Axle system SATISFACTORY 5 Steering system SATISFACTORY t 6 | Brake system ____ SATISFACTORY z Hom SATISFACTORY 8 Chassis condition SATISFACTORY 9) Hydraulic system SATISPACTORY. 10 | Lightning/Signal light SATISFACTORY, 11 | Engine condition ; SATISFACTORY _ yy 12 | Electrical system SATISFACTORY 13 Cooling system SATISFACTORY 14 | Reverse Alarm SATISFACTORY 15 | Operational Controls SATISFACTORY | = 16 | Cabin condition 'd SATISFACTORY | SS” 17 | Fire extinguisher | SATISFACTORY 18 | Maintenance SATISFACTORY | 19 | Cutting Edge SATISFACTORY | 20 | Scarifierand Teeth SATISFACTORY | 21 |iGlassesandMiror | SATISFACTORY _[ a 22 [\eaks S SESERC LORY 23 | Cracks SEA . Inspection Engineer: 5 Ariiserion (OSHA) 29 CFR 1926.550- Cranes BPEBores, derricks, Hoists. we hereby confirm thet the Quality 'SO 24001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 & ISO 17025:2005 (ENAS This Certificate is issued in accordance with the Oceue ‘and Derricks, American National Standards Institute (ANSI Management System of ARAIEEZ Complies with 1$0 9001: accreditation). ssn Iso. soo3:2008 raw) 99 8S EN SO 14001.2008 pans JOHSAS 18001:2007, oT ae AI Nonter ward AraJeeZ Engineering Co. Apwsigh Joa yl Ast Engineering Testing Department Head Office: Basrah, Iraq P.0.Box: 1935 Basrah Post Office Tel +9647800140560, «964713171131 Email: [email protected] ‘Web: www.arajeez.com cesta Gaal a Sion ee el 5 pa ayy te 1935 oo Ge 077103171131-07800140560 : i [email protected] : Fs www.araieez.com : < I Spe CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION C.No / AEC-18117220 Section/Description .d Correction (IfDefects Noted) Remarks ] Pressure Reading | SATISFACTORY | Control Operation SATISFACTORY | | 26 | First aid kit ___ SATISFACTORY | Inspection Engineer: This Certificate is issued in accordance with the Occupations! SaetBen@ Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR 1926.550- Cranes and Derricks, American National Stenderds institute (ANSI) 8-30 series Cranes, Derricks, Hoists. We hereby confirm that the Quality Management System of ARAJEEZ Complies with ISO $001:2008, ISO 14001:2004, OHSAS 18001:2007 & ISO 17025:2005 (ENAS. accreditation). BSEN ISO 9001:2008 me WSL, BRYA 25 £8 180 24001:2008 wa ae Se [OHSAS 18001:2007, IOT a Bo ey Member

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