Certificate of Thorough Examination: CAT0962GP6HW006 74
Certificate of Thorough Examination: CAT0962GP6HW006 74
Certificate of Thorough Examination: CAT0962GP6HW006 74
Details of Deviations/Omissions from original scope of work (if any): Details of Sub contracted work (if any):
Equipment Used: Result: PASS
This is to certify that the above signed competent inspector has visually and functionally examined the equipment as per international standards.The
certificate has been prepared in accordance with requirements of EIAC requirements and shall not be reproduced except in full without the approval of the
inspection body and the client. No detail contained herein shall be deemed to relieve any designer, manufacturer, seller, repairer or operator of any warranty,
express or implied. Liftek Iraq's liability shall be limited to the acts or omissions of its employees, agents and subcontractors. Under no circumstance
whatsoever shall Liftek Iraq be liable for any injury or damage to any person or equipment occurring by negligent, incorrect operation or maintenance, defects
in material, wear and tear damages of machinery or other items related to the items covered by this certificate.