AEN 202 Before Midsem

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Lecture 1

Principles of Applied Entomology

The field of entomology may be divided into 2 major aspects.

1. Fundamental Entomology or General Entomology

2. Applied Entomology or Economic Entomology

Fundamental Entomology deals with the basic or academic aspects of the Science
of Entomology. It includes morphology, anatomy, physiology and taxonomy of the
insects. In this case we study the subject for gaining knowledge on Entomology
irrespective of whether it is useful or harmful.

Applied Entomology or Economic Entomology deals with the usefulness of the

Science of Entomology for the benefit of mankind. Applied entomology covers the
study of insects which are either beneficial or harmful to human beings. It deals
with the ways in which beneficial insects like predators, parasitoids,
pollinators or productive insects like honey bees, silkworm and lac insect can be
best exploited for our welfare. Applied entomology also studies the methods in
which harmful insects or pests can be managed without causing significant
damage or loss to us.

In fundamental entomology insects are classified based on their structure into

families and orders etc. in applied entomology insects can be classified based on
their economic importance i.e. whether they are useful or harmful.

Economic classification of insects

Insects can be classified as follows based on their economic importance.

This classification us according to TVR Ayyar.

Insects of no economic importance:-

There are many insects found in forests, and agricultural lands which neither cause
harm nor benefit us. They are classified under this category. Human beings came
into existence 1 million years ago. Insects which constitute 70-90% of all animals
present in this world came into existence 250 - 500 million years ago.

Insects of economic importance

A. Injurious insects
a) Pests of cultivated plants ( crop pests)
Each cultivated plant hatbours many insects pests which feed on them reduce the
yield of the3 crop. Field crops and horticultural crops are attacked by many insect
species. (eg) cotton bollworm, Rice stem bores.

b) Storage pests
Insects feed on stored products and cause economic loss. (eg) Rice wewil, Pulse
c) Pest attacking cattle and domestic animals
Cattle are affected by pests like Horse fly, Fleshfly, Flese and Lice. They suck
blood and sometimes eat the flash.
d) House hold and disease carrying insects
House hold pests include cockroach, ants, etc,. Disease carrying insects are
mosquitoes, houseflies, bed bugs, fleas etc.

B. Beneficial insects

a) Productive insects
Silk worm:- The silk worm filament secreted from the salivary gland of the larva
helps us in producing silk.
Honey bee:- Provides us with honey and many other byproducts like bees wax and
royal jelly.
Lac insects:- The secretion from the body of these scale insects is called lac. Useful
in making vanishes and polishes.
Insects useful as drugs, food, ornaments etc,

As medicine eg. Sting of honey bees- remedy for rhenmatism and arthritis
Eanthoridin - extracted from blister beetle –useful as hair tonic.

As food - for animals and human being.

For animals- aquatic insects used as fish food.
Grass hoppers, termites, pupac of moths.
They have been used as food by human beings in different parts of the world.
Ornaments, entertainers
-Artists and designers copy colour of butterflies.
- Beetles worm as necklace.
- Insect collection is an hobby
(d) Scientific research
Drosophila and mosquitoes are useful in genetic and toxicological studies
Helpful insects
Parasites: These are small insects which feed and live on harmful insects by
completing their life cycle in a host and kill the host insect.
Eg egg, larval and pupal parasitoids
Predators: These are large insects which capture and devour harmful insects.
Eg Coccimellids, Preying matritids.
Pollinators: Many cross pollinated plants depend on insects for pollination and fruit
Eg Honey bees, aid in pollination of sunflower crop.
Weed killers: Insects which feed on weeds, kill them thereby killers. Eg Parthenium
beetle eats on parthenium. Cochneal insect feeds in Opuntia dillenii.
Soil builders: soil insects such as ants, beetles, larval of cutworms, cri kets, collun
bola, make tunrels in soil and facilitate aeration in soil. They become good
manure after death and enrish soil.
Scavengers: Insects which feed on dead and decaying matter are called scavengers.
They important for maintaining hygine in the surroundings.
Eg Carrion bettles, Rove beetles feed on deade animals and plants.

House hold and disease carrying insects

i) Pests which cause damage to belongings of human being like furniture, wool,
paper etc. Eg. Cockroaches, furniture beetle, sliver fish etc.
ii) Pests which cause painful bite, inject venoms. Eg. Wasps, bees sting us. Hairy
caterpillar nettling hairs are poisonous. Mosquitoes, bugs bite, piece and suck
blood from us.
iii) Disease causing Mosquito - Malaria, Filariasis, dengue fever. Housefly - Typhoid,
Cholera, Leprosy, Anthrax
Lecture 2: Honey bees:- History of bee keeping

Honey bees and their usefulness are known to man from prehistoric times. Mention
of bees are found in vedas, Ramayan and Quran. The modern bee keeping became
possible after the discovery of movable frame hive in 1851 by Rerd.
L.L.Langshoth. In India beekeeping was introduced in 1882 in Bengal. Rerd.
Newton introduced beekeeping to south India in 1911. But still India is much
behind USA, Canada, Europe, Australia and Newzealand in beekeeping.

Bee species

There are five important species of honey bees as follows.

Apis dorsata: The rock bee Apidae.
Apis cerana indica: The Indian hive bee Apidae.
Apis florea : The little bee Apidae.
Apis mellifera: The European or Italian bee Apidae.
Melipona irridipennis: Danner bee, Meliporidae stingless bee.

Apis dorsata:-
1. They construct single comb in open (About 6ft long and 3ft deep)
2. They shift the place of the colony often.
3. Rock bees are ferocious and difficult to rear.
4. They produce about 36 Kg honey /comb/year.
5. The bees are the largest among the bee described.

Apis florea
1. They also construct comb in open of the size of palm in branches of bushes,
hedges, buildings, caves, empty cases etc.
2. They produce about 1/2Kg honey/year/hive.
3. They are not rearable as they frequently change their palce.
4. The size of the bees is smallest among 4 Apis Sp. Described. (smaller than Indian
5. They distributed only in plains and not in hills above 450M.

Apis cerana indica (Indian bee/Asian bee)

1. They make multiple parallel combs on trees and cavities in darkness.
2. The bees are larger than Apis florae but smaller than Apis mellifera.
3. They produce about 5Kg of honey/year/hive.
4. They are more prone to swarming and absconding.
5. They are native of India/Asia.
Apis mellifera (Italian bee or European bee)
1. They also make multiple parallel combs in cavities in darkness.
2. They are larger than Indian bees but smaller than Rock bees.
3. They have been imported from European countries.(Italy)
4. They yield on an average 35Kg/hive/year.
5. They are less prone to swarming and absconding.

Honey bee castes

Every honey bee colony comprises of a single queen, a few hundred drones and
several thousand worker castes of honey bees. Queen is a fertile, functional female,
worker is a sterile female and the drone is a male insect.

Duties of a queen
1. The only individual which lays eggs in a colony .(Mother of all bees).
2. Lays upto 2000/day in Apis mellifera.
3. Five to Ten days after emergence, she mates with drones in one or more nuptial
4. When her spermatheea is filled with sperms, she will start laying eggs and will not
mate any more.
5. She lives for 3 years.
6. The secretion from mandibular gland of the queen is called queen’s substance.
7. The queen substance if present in sufficient quantity performs following functions.
a) Prevent swarming and absconding of colonies.
b) Prevent development of ovary in workers.
c) Colony cohesion is maintained.
8. The queen can lay either fertilized or sterile eggs depending on the requirement.

Duties of a drone
1. Their important duty is to fertilize the queen.
2. They also help in maintenance of hive temperature.
3. They cannot collect nectar / pollen and they do not possess a sting.

Duties of a worker
1. Their adult life span of around 6 weeks can be divided into
a) First three weeks- house hold duty.
b) Rest of the life- out door duty.

House hold duty includes

a. Build comb with wax secretion from wax glands.
b. Feed the young larvae with royal jelly secreted from hypopharyngeal gland.
c. Feed older larvae with bee-bread (pollen+ honey)
d. Feeding and attending queen.
e. Feeding drones.
f. Cleaning, ventilating and cooling the hive.
g. Guarding the hive.
h. Evaporating nectar and storing honey.

Outdoor duties
1. Collecting nectar, pollen, propolis and water.
2. Ripening honey in honey stomach.

Sex differentiation in bees

Bee behaviour
a) Swarming: Swarming is a natural method of colony multiplication in which a part
of the colony migrates to a new site to make a new colony. Swarming occurs when
a colony builts up a considerable strength or when the queen’s substance secreted
by queen falls below a certain level. Swarming is a potent instinct in bees for
dispersal and perpetuation of the species.

Steps involving in swarming

1. Strong colonies develop the instinct of swarming.
2. Development of drone brood and emergence of large number of drones is first sing
of swarming.
3. New queen cells are built at the bottom of comb.
4. When the queen cells are sealed after pupation the old queen along with 1/3 rd or
half colony strength moves out of the hive.
5. They first settle in a nearby bush and hang in a perdant cluster.
6. The scout bees go in search of appropriate place for colonization and later the entire
colony moves to the suitable site.
7. The first swarm which comes of the parent colony with the old queen is called
primary swarm.
8. The new queen which emerges kills all other stages of queen present inside the
queen cell.
9. Sometimes the new queen is not allowed to destroy stages of other queens.
10. In this case the new queen leaves the hive along with a group of workers. This is
called after swarm or cast.

When a old queen is unable to lay sufficient eggs, she will be replaced or
superseded by supersedure queen. Or when she runs out of spermathezoa in her
supermatheca, and lays many unfertilized eggs from which only drones emerge.
In this case, one or 2 queen cells are constructed in the middle of the comb and not
at the bottom. At a given time both new and old queens are seen simultaneously.
Later the old queen disappears.
Emergency queen
In the event of death of the queen the eggs (less than 2½ days old) in
worker cells are selected and the cell extended like a queen cell. It is fed with
abundant royal jelly and covered into queen. In this case many queen cells are built
in the middle of the comb. The first queen which comes out of the emergency
queen cells kills other stages of queen inside the cells and then go for mating. After
mating they laying fertile eggs.

Laying workers
In the event of loss of a queen and in the event of absence of worker eggs
less than 2½ days old the chance of producing new queen is lost. In this case, the
worker status laying eggs. Since the worker cannot mate, they lay unfertilized
eggs. From these eggs only drones emerge. Moreover, a worker lays more than
one egg per cell and there is competition among the larva, stuited drones are
Colony odour: Every colony has a specific odour. This is brought about by scent
fanning of secretion of vasanov gland present in last abdominal segment of worker
bees recognise colony odour and return to same hives.
Hive temperature maintenance: Brought about by fanning of wings in hot weather
to reduce temperature. In cold weather they sit on the brood and prevent heat loss.
Division of labour: Each and every caste of bees have their own role to play as
described earlier.

Queen controls colony with her queen’s substance Guarding the hive:- The
workers perform this duty by sitting at hive entrance and preventing and stinging
Royal fidelity or Blossom faithfulness
Bees restrict themselves to a single source of pollen and hectar until it is available.
Only if the pollen and nectar from a plant species is exhausted they more to the
next plant species.
Communication in bees
Bees communicate using various phenomones, including the queen’s substance,
vasanov gland secretion, alarm pheromone emitted from sting and secretion of
tarsal gland. In addition the bees also communicate by performing certain dances.
When scout bees return to the box after foraging they communicate to the
other forages present in the box about the direction and distance of the food source
from the hive by performing dances. The important types of dances are noticed.

1. Round dance is used to indicate a short distance (Less than 50m in case of
A.mellifera). The bee runs in circles, first in one direction and then in opposite
direction, (clockwise and anticlockwise).

Round dance Wag tail dance

2. Tail wagging dance or Wag-tail dance.

This is used to indicate long distance.(more than 50m in case of A.mellifera). Here
the bee makes two half circles in opposite directions with a straight run in between.
During the straight run, the bee shakes (wags) its abdomen from side to side, the
number of wags per unit time inversely proportional to the distance of the food (more
the wags, less the distance.). The direction of food source is conveyed by the angle
that the dancing bee makes between its straight run and top of the hive which is the
same as between the direction of the food and direction of the sun. The bees, can
know the position of the sun even if it is cloudy.
Wag tail dance to communicate the direction and distance of food source

Pre-requisites to start beekeeping

a. Knowledge/Training on beekeeping
b. Knowledge on local bee flora
c. Sufficient on local bee flora
d. If necessary practice migratory beekeeping

Apiary site requirements

a. The site should be dry without dampness. High RH will affect bee flight and
ripening of nectar.
b. Water - Natural source/Artificial provision
c. Wind breaks - Trees serve as wind belts in cool areas
d. Shade - Hives can be kept under shade of trees. Artificial structures can also be
e. Bee pasturage/Florage - Plants that yield pollen/nectar to bees are called bee

General apiary management practices

i. Hive inspection - Opening the hive atleast twice a week and inspecting for
following details.
- Presence of queen
- Presence of eggs and brood
- Honey and pollen storage
- Hive record to be maintained for each hive
- Presence of bee enemies like wax moth, mite, disease

ii. Expanding brood net

- Done by providing comb foundation sheet in empty frame during honey flow

iii. Sugar syrup feeding

- Sugar dissolved in water at 1:1 dilution
- Used to feed bees during dearth period

iv. Supering (Addition of frames in super chamber)

- This is done when brood chamber is filled with bees on all frames are covered
- Comb foundation sheet or constructed comb provided in super chamber

v. Honey extraction
- Bee escape board - Kept between brood and super chamber
- Bees bushed away using brush
- Cells uncapped using uncapping knife
- Honey extracted using honey extractor
- Combs replaced in hive for reuse

vi. Swarm management

- Remove brood frames from strong colony and provide to weak
- Pinch off the queen cells during inspection
- Divide strong colonies into 2 or 3
- Trap and hive primary swarm

vii. Uniting bee colonies - Done by Newspaper method

- Bring colonies side by side by moving 30 cm/day
- Remove queen from week colony
- Keep a newspaper on top of brood chamber of queen - Right colony
- Make holes on the paper
- Keep queenless colony on top
- Close hive entrance (the smell of bees will mix)
- Unite bees to the brood chamber and make it one colony

- Pollen and nectar available only during certain period
Honey flow season (surplus food source) x Dearth period (Scarcity of food)
- Extremes in climate like summer, winter and monsoon - Need specific
management tactics

Honey flow season management (Coincides with spring)

- Provide more space for honey storage by giving CFS or built combs
- Confine queen to brood chamber using queen excluder
- Prevent swarming - As explained
- Prior to honey flow - Provide sugar syrup and build sufficient population
- Divide strong colonies into 2-3 new colonies - if colony multiplication need
- Queen rearing technique may be followed to produce new queens for new

Summer management
- Bees have to survive intense heat and dearth period
- Provide sufficient shade (under trees or artificial structure)
- To increase RH and reduce heat - Sprinkle water twice a day on gunny bag or
rice straw put on hive
- Increase ventilation by introducing a splinter between brood and super chamber
- Provide sugar syrup, pollen supplement/substitute and water
Winter management
- Maintain strong and disease free colonies
- Provide new queen to the hives
- Winter packing in cooler areas (Hilly areas)

Management during dearth period

- Remove empty combs (and store in air tight container)
- Use dummy division board to confine bees to small area
- Unite weak colonies
- Provide sugar syrup, pollen supplement/substitute

Rainy season/monsoon management

- Avoid dampness in apiary site. Provide proper drainage
- In rain when bees are confined to the hive, provide sugar syrup feeding


Plants that yield pollen and nectar are collectively called bee pasturage or bee
Plants which are good source of nectar
1. Tamarind 6. Moringa
2. Neem 7. Prosopis juliflora
3. Soapnut tree 8. Glyricidia maculata
4. Eucalyptus 9. Tribulus terrestris
5. Pungam

Plants which are good source of pollen

1. Sorghum 6. Sweet potato
2. Maize 7. Tobacco
3. Millets like Cumbu, Tenai, 8. Coconut
Varagu, Ragi
4. Roses 9. Castor
5. Pome granate 10. Date palm

Plants which are good source of Pollen and Nectar

1. Banana 7. Peach
2. Citrus 8. Guava
3. Apple 9. Sunflower
4. Berries 10. Safflower
5. Pear 11. Mango
6. Plum
Refers to collection of nectar and pollen by bees.

Nectar foragers
- Collect nectar from flowers using lapping torigue
- Passes the nectar to hive bees
- Hive bees repeatedly pass the nectar between preoral cavity and tongue - to
ripen honey
- Later drops into cell

Pollen foragers
- Collects pollen by passing flower to flower. Pollen sticking to body removed -
Using pollen comb
- Packed using pollen press into corbicula
- A single bee carries 10-30 mg pollen (25% of bee’s wt)
- Dislodge by middle log into cell
- Mix with honey and store

Floral fidelity
A bee visits same species of plant for pollen/nectar collection until exhausted. Bees travel
2-3 km distance to collect pollen/nectar.


For SEXUAL reproduction in flowering plants transfer of anther to stigma is

essential - Pollination

Self pollination
Transfer to sligma of same plant
No external agents are involved

Cross pollination
Transfer pollen from one plant to stigma of another plant
External agents are involved

External agents involved in pollination

A. Abiotic agents
a. Wind (Anemophily)
Wind carries pollen from one plant to another
Flowers are small, inconspicuous, unattractive
Pollen are dry and light in weight
Stigma feathery with large surface area
eg: Maize, barley, wheat, sugarcane

b. Water (Hydrophily)
Water carries pollen from one plant to other

B. Biotic agents
Bird, bat and insects are important biotic agents
Among insects honey bees play major role
Honey bees and flowering plants have coevolved
In insect pollinated plants, flowers are large, brightly colour, distinct fragrance,
presence of nectar and sticky pollen
True honeybees (Apis spp.) - Most valuable pollinators of commercial crop

Qualities of honeybees which make them good pollinators

1. Body covered with hairs and have structural adaptation for carrying nectar and
2. Bees - Not injurious to plants
3. Adult and larva feed on nectar and pollen - Available in plenty
4. Superior pollinators - Since store pollen and nectar for future use
5. No diapause - Need pollen throughout year
6. Body size and probascis length - Suitable for many crops
7. Pollinate wide variety of crops
8. Forage in extreme conditions also (weather)

Effect of bee pollination on crop

- It increases yield (seed yield, fruit yield) in many crops
- It improves quality of fruits and seeds
- Bee pollination increases oil content of seeds in sunflower
- Bee pollination is a must in some self incompatible crops for seed set

Crops benefited by bee pollination

Vegetable and
Fruits and nuts Oil seed crops Forage seed crops
vegetable seed crops
Almond Cabbage Sunflower Lucerve
Apple Cauliflower Niger Clover
Apricot Carrot Rape seed
Peach Coriander Mustard
Strawberry Cucumber, Melon Safflower
Citrus Onion, Pumpkin Gingelly
Litchi Radish, Turnip

Per cent increase in yield due to bee pollination

Crop Botanical name Per cent yield increase

Mustard Brasica sp 43
Sunflower Helianthus annus 32 - 48
Cotton Gossypium sp. 17-19
Lucerne Medicago sativa 112
Onion Allium cepa 93
Apple Purus malus 44

Scope of beekeeping for pollination in India

- Total area under bee dependant crops - 50 million ha
- At the rate of 3 colonies/ha - 150 million colonies needed
- In India only 1.2 million colonies exist - There is scope
Management of bees for pollination
- Place hives very near the field (source) - to save bee’s energy
- Migrate colonies near field at 10% flowering
- Place colonies at 3/ha - Italian bee; 5/ha - Indian honey bee
- The colonies should have 5-6 frame strength of bees, possess sealed brood, have
young mated queen
- Allow sufficient space for pollen and honey storage

Pollination by bees - Cross studies with selected crops

1. Sunflower
- It is a cross-pollinated crop
- Self incompatability noticed - i.e. The pollen a plant cannot fertilize ovary of
same plant
- Pollen should come from different plant
- Honey bees - Most important mode of pollination in sunflower
- Yield increase due to bee pollination - Even upto 600%
- Improves quality and quantity of seeds
- Oil content increases by 6.5% in seeds
- Requires 5 strong 4 C. indica colonies or 3 A. mellifera colonies
- Irrigated crop is preferred by bees

2. Cucurbitaceous vegetables
- Monoecious - Staminate and pistillate flowers in same plant
- 30-100% increase in fruit set due to bee pollination

3. Alfalfa or Lucerne
- Tubular flower - has 5 petals joined at base
- One large standard petal
- 2 smaller petals on sides
- 2 keel petals holding staminal column
- When bee sits on keel petal, staminal column strikes against standard petal and
pollen shatters
- This is called TRIPPING
- Only if bee sits to trips the flowers seed set occurs

4. Corinader
- Yield increase upto 187% noted when pollinated by bees

5. Cardamom
- Important commercial crop depending on bee pollination. Yield increase upto
6. Gingelly
- Another oilseed crop, bee pollination causes 25% increase in yield

7. Apple
- Only if pollinated by bees - feed set occurs
- Fruit is formed around seeds only
- If improper seed set - Fruit shape is lopsided (market value decreases)

Migratory Vs. Stationary beekeeping

- Migratory beekeeping - Advantageous to beekeeper and farmer


1. Honey
2. Bees Wax
3. Royal Jelly
4. Bee Venom
5. Propolis
6. Pollen

1. Honey
- A sweet, viscous fluid - Produced by honey bees
- Collected as nectar from nectaries at base of flower
- Also collected from extra floral nectaries (nectar secreted by parts other than
- Collected also from fruit juice, cane juice

Collection and ripening of honey

- Bee draws nectar by its tongue (proboscis)
- Regurgitated by field bees
- Collected by hive bees - Deposited in cells in comb
- Nectar contains 20-40% sucrose
- Invertase converts sucrose into dextrose (glucose) and levulose (fructose)
- Invertase is present in nectar itself and in saliva of honey
- Ripening of honey is by action of enzyme and by evaporation of water by
fanning of wings

Composition of fully ripened honey Per cent (Approx.)

Lrvulose 41.0
Dextrose 35.0
Sucrose 1.9
Dextrins 1.5
Minerals 2.0
Water 17.0
Undetermined (Enzymes, Vitamins, Pigments, etc.) 1.6

Carotene, Chlorophyll, Xanthophyll
Minerals include
Potassium, Calcium, Phosphorus, Sodium, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper,
Sulphur, Silica, Iron.

Vit B1 (Thiamine), B2 (Riboflavin), Nicolinic acid, Vit.K, Folic acid, Ascorbic acid,
Pantothenic acid.

Physical properties of honey

1. Honey is hygroscopic. If exposed to air it absorbs moisture
2. Honey is a viscous fluid. Heating of honey reduces viscosity
3. Specific gravity of pure honey is 1.35 - 1.44 gms/cc
4. Refractive index of honey - Helps to find moisture content measured using

Purity test for honey

1. Measure specific gravity of honey using hydrometer
2. If the specific gravity is between 1.25-1.44 it is pure honey

Aroma and flavour of honey

1. Acquired from the nectar of the flower
2. Lost if heated or exposed to air for long time

Colour of honey
1. Depends on the nectar of flower (plant species)
2. Darker honey has stronger flower
3. Lighter honey has more pleasant smell
Fermentation of honey
- Honey containing high moisture can ferment
- Sugar tolerant yeast present in honey cause fermentation
- Fermentation more at 11-21oC
- Fermentation lends to formation of alcohol and carbondioxide
- Alcohol later converted into acetic acid
- Fermented honey sour in taste due to acidity
- Heating honey to 64oC for 30 min destroys yeast and prevents fermentation

Crystallization or granulation of honey

- This is a natural property of honey (particularly at low temperature)
- Dextrose present in honey granulate and suffer down
- Levulose and water remain top - More prone to fermentation
- High ratio of Levulose/Dextose (L/D) - Less granulation
- High ratio of Dextrose/Water (D/W) - More granulation
Lecture 6: Effect of agricultural inputs on bee activity – Pesticide poisoning
The use of pesticides has become inevitable in modern agriculture. Most of
crops are attacked by some or the other pests. The control of insect pests, diseases and
weeds, in most cases is done by applying some pesticide. Pesticides used on field
crops for the control op pests have their own side effects, one of which is their
toxicity to honey bees. Honeybees are susceptible to many pesticides, especially
insecticides. Each year honeybee colonies are damaged or destroyed by pesticides,
primarily insecticides. Such losses have devastating impact on the beekeepers, who
may have to relocate damaged hives or perhaps even be forced out of business. It is
very difficult to assess the extent of losses of bees from pesticides. Three types of
harmful effects evident in agriculture are:

1. Loss in production of honey.

2. Contamination of bee products.
3. Reduction in the yield of cross-pollinated crops.

These effects may happen as a result of the direct exposure of bee fauna to
pesticides or through indirect contact with their residues. Direct exposure occurs from
treatment of bee hives with pesticides for disinfestation purpose or honey bees visiting
the fields at the time of spray. While the indirect exposure occurs from spray drift
from nearby fields or bee foraging in sprayed crops. Honeybees may also come in
contact with spray fluid spilled inadvertently or thrown in the watercourses.

Symptom’s of bee poisoning

Dead or dying bees near the entrance of hives /colonies.

Dead bees on the top of frames or bottom board.

Lack of recognition of guard bees.

General aggressiveness.

Fighting among bees at the entrance or inside of colonies.

Paralysed or stupefied bees crawling on nearby objects of the colony and also on
blades of the grass.

Sudden cessation of food storage and brood rearing.

Dead and deserted brood in the hive.

Poor recognition of pollen and nectar.

And finally a depleted population of the colony.

Causes of poisoning
Bee poisoning mainly occurs when pesticides are applied to crop during bloom. It
may also be caused by drift of toxic chemicals onto non-target areas or bees
contacting residues of pesticides on plants for pollen and nectar and also bees
drinking or contacting contaminated water in watercourses or spillage. If the chemical
is highly poisonous the bees may get killed in or near the field. However, if the
chemical has delayed action the bees may reach their hives but die near the entrance.
Some of workers may even enter the hive and store nectar and pollen inside and thus,
result in exposure of the nurse bees to the contaminated pollen, carried by the foragers
and stored in the comb. The resultant cumulative effect of the contaminated pollen
may lead to depletion of brood, death of young ones, nurse bees and other workers.
Hence, not only the population of colony decreases substantially but also results in
contamination of bee products.
Factors of bee poisoning
Many factors involving pesticides affect the potential for honey bee poisoning.
The important factors are described below.
Plant growth stage: Severe bee poisoning most often results from spraying
insecticides directly on flowering plants, either the crop itself or flowering
weeds within its margins.
Relative toxicity of chemical: Pesticides vary in their toxicity to honeybees.
Among the pesticides, most fungicides and herbicides are relatively less toxic to
honeybees. Insecticides are most toxic. Honeybees are most vulnerable to broad-
spectrum insecticides. Insecticides that are highly toxic can not be applied to
blooming crop when bees are present without causing serious to colonies.
Insecticide like dimethoate, malathion, methyl parathion etc. carbaryl come
under this category. However, insecticides like endosulfan are less toxic (Table
Choice of formulation: different formulations even of same pesticide, often
vary considerably in their toxicity to bee. Dust formulations are typically more
hazardous than sprays because the are picked up on bee hairs. A wettable
powder such as Sevin 80 S, would usually remain toxic in the field for a longer
time than Sevin XLR Plus, an emulsifiable concentrate. Granular insecticides
are less hazardous to bee. However, microencapsulated materials such as
Penncap-M are particularly dangerous to use around bees because, the capsules
have a tendency to adhere to bees due to their size and electrostatic charge.
Residual action: Residual activity of an insecticide is an important factor in
determining its safety to pollinators. An insecticide that degrades rapidly can
generally be applied with minimum risk when bees are not foraging.
Drift: Drift of spray application can cause significant bee poisoning, particularly
when drift reaches colonies adjacent flowering weeds. In general sprays should
not be applied when wind speed exceeds 10 km/hr.
Temperature: Temperature can have a substantial effect on bee poisoning
hazard. If temperatures following treatment are unusually low, insecticide
residues can remain toxic to bee many times longer than if normal temperature
Distance from treated fields: the most severally damaged colonies are usually
closest to fields where insecticides are being applied. However, during periods
of pollen or nectar shortage, hives within 6 – 7 km of the treated areas can be
Time of application: evening application of a short residual insecticide can
greatly reduce any potential for bee damage.
Minimizing pesticide hazards to bees / management practices
Proper understanding of above-mentioned principles can go a long way in
reducing pesticide hazards to honey bees. The basic principle, of course, is that
honey bees should not get exposed to the toxic effects of insecticides as far as
possible. Reducing pesticide injury to honeybees requires communication and
cooperation between beekeepers and farmers. Since both mutually benefit from
honeybees, the beekeeper in terms of its products and the farmer in terms of
increased production of crops. While it is unlikely that all poisoning can be
avoided, a balance must be struck between the effective use of insecticides, the
preservation of pollinators and the rights of all – the beekeeper, farmers and the


It is most desirable that bee colonies should be maintained where use of pesticides or
drift from pesticides is minimum. For this, the beekeeper should be fully
conversant with the type of pesticides used in their locality, which in turn
depends upon the cropping pattern and the pest complex. He / she should also be
aware of normal wind currents prevalent in that area to protect against the
harmful effects from drift.

If ever disinfestation of beehives becomes necessary he / she should use only the
recommended chemicals, safe to the bees, for the purpose.

During bloom if the crops in the surrounding areas are being sprayed with the
insecticides, it is always advisable to confine the bee within the hives. If it is
apprehended that the spray programme will continue for a longer period, it is
better to move the hives away to the safe location free from the drift in advance.

Apiarists and farmers should have close cooperation so that beneficial activity of
bee is not jeopardized by the irrational use of pesticides by the latter.

Feeding of colonies with sugar syrup following pesticide application to reduce bee
foraging may help substantially in reducing the exposure of bees to pesticides

Bee repellent like Methyl salicylate and MGK 874 (2 – hydroxyethl – N octyl
sulphide) also reduces bee foraging

Addition of (adjuvant) Sylgard 309 silicone surfactant reduced honey bee mortality
for some insecticides

Carbolic acid and creosite reduced activity of bees on cotton for few hours
The golden principle for the farmers is to use insecticides only when necessitated. For
this purpose, integrated pest management approaches are available on most crops,
which should be strictly practiced.

It is in the mutual interests of both that the farmer should intimate the spray
programme in advance to the bee keeper.

If there is a choice for insecticides, the use should be restricted to the chemicals in the
less hazardous groups.

The spray operation in the evening is always preferable as it not only gives better
deposit and distribution (because of invert current) but also bee activity subsides.

Apply granules or sprays in preference to dusts. Pesticide formulation containing

attractants like Sevimol, used for fruit fly control, should be discouraged as for as
possible during the crop in bloom.

Examine fields and field margins before spraying to determine if bees are foraging on
flowering weeds. Where feasible eliminate weeds by mowing or tillage.

Give careful consideration to position of bee colonies relative to wind speed and
direction. Changing spray nozzles or reducing pressure can increase droplet size
and reduce spray drift.

Table 1 Select list of insecticides according to bee hazard categories

Insecticide Formulation
High hazard class category
Carbaryl D, WP
Cypermethrin EC
Deltamethrin EC
Diazinon D, EC
Dichlorvos EC
Dimethoate EC
Fenitrothion EC
Fenthion EC
Fenvalerate D, EC
Malathion D, ULV, EC
Monocrotophos EC
Methyl parathion D, EC
Methomyl D, WP

Low hazard category

Endosulphan EC
Fenthion G
Phorate G
Aldicarb G
Carbofuran G
Phosalone EC
Fluvalinate EC
Menazon EC

Since pesticides are indispensable for crop protection, as an alternative scientists

are continuously looking for such chemicals which are selective and repellent to
bees, in addition to the development of a bee strain resistant to toxic effects of
Beekeepers on their own through their organizationz may approach the enforcement agency for
amendments in The Insecticides Act, 1968 for getting protection to these beneficial insects which is
possible by restricting use of pesticides in apiculture zones.

Lecture 7: Role of pollinators, weed killers and other beneficial insects

I. Role of pollinators

Pollination refers to the transfer of anther to stigma in flowering plants for sexual
Insects aid in cross pollination in fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, cotton, tobacco,
sunflower and many other crops.
Insect pollination helps in uniform seed set, improvement in quality and increase
in crop yield.

Entomophily refers to cross pollination aided by insects

Pollination classes Type of insects

Melitophily Bees
Cantharophily Beetles
Myophily Syrphid and Bombylid flies
Sphigophily Hawk moths
Psychophily Butterflies
Phalaeophily Small moths

1.Honeybees as pollinators

All bee species aid in pollination

Value of honey bees in pollination is 15-20 times higher than that of the honey
and wax it produces.

Per cent increase in yield due to bee pollination

Mustard - 43%
Sunflower - 32 - 48%
Cotton - 17 - 19%
Lucerne - 112%
Onion - 93%
Apple - 44%
Cardamom - 21-37%

2. Hoverflies Syrphus sp. (Syrphidae:Diptera)

Brightly coloured flies

Body is striped or banded with yellow or blue
Resemble bees and wasps
Larval stage predatory, adults are pollinators
Crops pollinated - carrot, cotton, pulses

3.Carpenter bee, Xylocopa sp. (Xylocopinae:Anthophoridae)

Robust dark bluish bees with hairy body
Dorsum of abdomen bare, pollen basket absent
Adults are good pollinators
Construct galleries in wood and store honey and pollen

4. Digger bees, Anthophora sp. (Anthophoridae:Hymenoptera)

Stout, hairy, pollen collecting bees

Abdomen with black and blue bands

5. Fig wasp Blastophaga psenes (Agaonitae:Hymenoptera)

Fig is pollinated by fig wasp only. There is no other mode of pollination.

There are two types of fig Caprifig and Symrna fig.

(i) Caprifig

a. It is a wild type of fig - not edible

b. Has both male and female flowers
c. Pollen is produced in plenty
d. Natural host of fig wasp

(ii) Smyrnafig

a. It is the cultivated type of fig - Edible

b. It has only female flowers
c. Pollen not produced
d. Not the natural host of fig wasp

Fig wasp: Male - wingless, present in caprifig

Female - winged

wasp lays eggs in caprifig, larvae develops in galls in the base of the flowers
mates with female even when the is inside gall

Mated wasp emerges out of flower (caprifig) with lot of pollen dusted around its

The fig wasp enters smyrna fig with lot of pollen and deposits it on the stigma
But it cannot oviposit in the ovary of symrna fig which is deep seated
It again moves to capri fig for egg laying. In this process smyrna fig is pollinated
Caprifig will be planted next to smyrna fig to aid in pollination

6. Oil palm pollinating weevil: Elacidobins kamerunicus (Curculionidae :


Aid in increasing oil palm bunch weight by 35% and oil content by 20%

7. Other pollinators
Butterflies (eg Deilaphila spp.) and moths (Acherontia spp.)
Ants, flies, stingless bees, beetles etc.,


Insect which help in controlling weeds by feeding on them are called weed

1. Dactylopius tomentosus cochnieal insect to control prickly pear Opuntia dillenii

This insect was introduced into India in 1925. Within 5-10 years it controlled
the weed.

2. Aristalochia butterfly, Papilio aristolochiae (Papilionidae:Lepidoptera). It feeds

on Arista lochia which a weed.

3. Caotropis butterfly - Danaus chrysippus (Nymphalidae:Lepidoptera) - feeds on


4. AK Grosshopper - Poecilocerus pictus (Actididae:Orthoptera)

Feeds on Calotropis and controls it

5. Water hyacinth weevil Neochetina eichhorniae and N. bruchi

The larvae tunnel and feed inside the petioles. Ten pairs of adults and progeny
controls plant growth in 0.58 m2.

6. Parthenium weed killer, Zygogramma bicolorata (Chrysomelidae:Coleoptera)

Adults and grubs feed on leaves and flowers. 2 beetles controls and destroys
one plant in 45 days.

A successful weed killer has following qualities

Should not be a pest of cultivated plants - at present or in future

Effective in damaging and controlling the weed
Should be a borer or internal feeder of the weed
Should not be affected by parasitoids/predators


Insects which feed on dead and decaying plant and animal matter are called

Remove decomposing material and prevents health hazard

Convert complex material into simple substances
a. Rove beetles (Staphylinidae:Coleoptera)
Adults and larvae feed on decaying matter
b. Chafer beetles (Scarabaeidae:Coleoptera)
c. Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae:Coleoptera)
d. Nitidulids (Nitidulidae:Coleoptera)
e. Water scavenger beetle (Hydrophilidae:Coleoptera)
f. Daddy long legs (Tipulidae:Diptera)
g. Muscid flies (Muscidae:Diptera)
h. Termites (Isoptera)
i. Ants (Hymenoptera)


Insects which are beautiful are admired

Jewel beetle (Buprestidae:Coleoptera)

- necklaces, bracelets and made of whole insects
Nymphs of scale insects - made as stings
Butterflies - symbol of beauty


Insects which live in soil, male tunnels. During this process, the soil
disintegrates, and soil aeration is facilitated. Subsoil is brought to the surface.
Excreta of insects also enrich the soil.

eg. Beetles, ants, cutworms, larvae of flies, crickets, termites, wasps etc.,


1. Fruitflies - Drosophila melanogastes

Useful in biological investigations such as cytology, and genetics for studying

principles of inheritance.

These flies have short life cycle, easy to culture and multiply - They have
large chromosomes and easily recognizable heritable variations.

2. Mosquitoes - Used in bioassay of insecticide residues

3. Cockroaches - Used in Zoology and Entomology courses, also used in nutritional

Termites, grubs of beetles are being used as food

They are rich in protein
Lecture 8:

1. Housefly Musca nebulo (Muscidae:Diptera)

Biology: Larvae - feed on decaying organic matter, faeces etc.,

Adults - Frequent human dwelling and transmits diseases


• Source of nuisance
• Transmits many diseases in human beings such as diarrhoea, dysentry, cholera,
typhoid, enteric fevers, tuberculosis, leprosy, anthrax, trachoma, gonorrhoea and
many helmithic diseases.


Proper disposal of manure, garbage, sewage, human excrement, dead animals

etc., Covering manure pits with soil.
Inside houses, spraying with malathion/diazinon 2%, lindane 1% or tricholorphon
0.5%. The deposits are effective for long periods.
Smearing doors and windows with malathion 3% or diazinon 1.5% emulsion
with a bruch.
Using fly swatters to manually kill flies.
Protecting eatables from flies to prevent transmission of diseases.
Use of poison baits such as formaline + sweetened milk (or) fermented banana +
milk or cheese + sugar + insecticide

2. Mosquitoes
Culex sp., Anopheles sp., and Aedes sp. Culicidae : Diptera

More than 2500 sp world wide


Biology : Egg, larval and pupal stages spent in water, marshy lands, stagnant
ponds etc.,
Adults cause problem to humans and animals.
Damage : Their bile causes itching and irritation (Females only bite and suck

Diseases transmitted

Anopheles sp. transmits malaria (caused by Plasmodium sp.)

Culex sp. transmits filariasis (caused by Wuheretia bancrofti)
Aedes sp. transmits dengue fever, encephalitis and yellow fever

Management of mosquitoes
w Stagnant water should be drained (or) treated with 0.025% malathion
emulsion. Kerosine oil can also be used.
w Grasses and weeds around buildings should be cut or sprayed with 1%
malathion every week when mosquitoes are active.
w Mosquito nets or repellents such as citronella oil (creams).
w Adults can be killed with space sprays of propreitary products such as
pyrethrins, dichlorvos, synthetic pyrethroids.
w Spray human dwellings, cattle shed with lindane 0.5 g/m2 and propuxur,
fenitrothion and malathion 2 g/m2.

3. Sandflies Phlebotomus argentipes (Psychodidae:Diptera)

Larvae found in decaying organic matter.


Adults cause painfaul bite, itching and swelling

Transmits diseases in man like kala-azar, three day fever, tropical ulcer etc.,]
Transmits anthrox in cattle


w Cleanliness in and around human inhabitations

w Surface spraying with Lindane 5% as residual spray
w Insecticides recommended for mosquito control
w Pyrethrum oinment to repel the sand flies

4. Eye flies Siphunculina funicola (Chloropidae : Diptera)

Breeds in decomposing organic matter, near latrines, stables and drains.


• Frequents the eye with buzzing sound and feeds on eye secretions
• Transmits diseases like Conjunctivitis and Ophthalmia


✔ Good sanitary and hygienic condition

5. Human lice

Head louse Pediculus capitis Pediculidae:

Body louse Pediculus humanus Siphunculata or Phthiraptera
Crab louse Phthirus pubis


• Biting causes cutaneous lesions, itching

• Severe infestation by lice is called pediculosis - discolouration hardening and
ulceration of skin
• Transmits diseases like typhus, trenchfever, European relapsing fever


Powder containing malathion 2% or lindane 1% is effective in delousing on

On infested head/body lindane 0.2% mixed in hair oil or lotions containing 0.2%
Cleanliness to have constant relief

6. Rat fleas: Xenopsylla cheopsis (Pulicidae:Siphonaptera)


• Painful bites - cause irritation, itching on skin

Transmits bubomic plague - caused by bacterium Pasteurella pestes which affects

both rats and humans.

Also transmits endemic or murine typhus


Keep houses rat free by poison baits

Cleaniless, proper ventilation and occational spraying with malathion 0.5% or
lindane 1%

7. Cockroaches

Periplanata americana, Blatela germanica, Blatella orientalis


Live in dark unclean kitchens, restaurants, filthy places


• Starchy material are ruined by excreta, offensive smell

• Feed on damp books and leather articles


Observing cleanliness
Sealing pipelines and drains leading to basement
Spraying room with malathion / chlorpyriphos 0.5% without contaminating food
Combined application of dichlorvos 0.5% (quick knock down) and persistent
insecticide (Chlorpyriphos)
8. Crickets Grylloides sigillatus, Acheta domesticus Gryllidae:Orthoptera


• Nuisance and disturbance to humans by producing monotonous chirping sound

produced at night
• Eat food and clothings


Dusting corner and floors with malathion / carbaryl 5% dust at night (care not
to contaminate food)

9. Bed bugs
Cimex hemipterus (Tropical) Cimicidae:Hemiptera
Cimex lectularius (Temperate)


Nymphs and adults suck blood and inject toxic saliva during night- (irritating, painful,
itching) (Does not transmit any diseases)


Exposing bed, bedsheets to hot sun will kill bed bugs

Using steel cots instead of wooden cots
Applying kerosine, turpentine or petroleum oils in furniture
Treating furniture with malathion 1% or lindane 0.1%

10. Silverfish

Lepisma saccharina, Thermobia domestica Lepismatidae : Thysanura


Cleaning and ventilation.

Use of naphthalene balls in cupboards

11. Other minor household pests

Ants, termites, book lice, wood boring, beetles, carpet beetles, cloth moth.


Farm animals are attacked by pests under following categories

1. Blood sucking flies (Adults - flies suck blood)

2. Myiasis flies (Tissues eaten by maggots of flies)
3. Lice - (a) sucking lice (b) biting lice
4. Fleas
5. Arachnids - (a) Ticks (b) Mites

I. Blood sucking flies

a. Sand flies: Phlebotomus argentipes (Psychodidae:Diptera)


Both male and female flies such blood from horses, dogs, man and cattle
Causes weakening and reduction of milk
Transmits anthrox in animals

b. Horseflies: Tabanus striatus (Tabanidae:Diptera)

Other species Chrysopa sp., Hamatopota sp.


• Females are blood suckers - even on running animals

• Animal weakened, loses lot of blood
• Transmits anthrox
• Attacks horse, cattle, camel, elephant, rarely man

c. Stableflies Stomoxys calcitrans (Muscidae:Diptera)


Bite causes itching, pain, restlessness in animals

Reduction in milk yield
Transmits diseases like anthrax, surra, swamp fever, Trypanosomiasis and
Leishmaniasis in animals

d. Hornflies: Haematobia irritans (Tahinidae:Diptera)


• Both sexes suck blood from neck region from cattle, goats, horses, gods and sheep
• Transmits anthrax

e. Dogflies: Hippobosca maculata (Hippoboscidae:Diptera)


Permanent ectoparasites on cattle, horse, dog, goat, sheep

Painless but irritating bite cause annoyance
Management of blood sucking flies on cattle

w Elimination of breeding of flies through cleanliness

w Residual spray of cattle shed with lindane 5% or diazion 1%
w Draining stagnant water to prevent breeding
w Spraying 0.1% pyrethrin + 1% piperonyl butoxide at 1-2 lit/animal, twice or
thrice a week
w Cover or dry the fresh dung as it attracts egg laying by hornflies
w To manage dog flies, apply malathion 5% dust on neck, back and flanks of
animal every 10-14 days


Myiasis refers to an infestation of living organs or tissues of man and other

mammals by maggots (larvae) of flies (order Diptera) and disturbances resulting

caused by insects belonging to Calliphoridae (Blousflies)

Oestridae (Botflies, warble flies), Sarcophagidae (Flesh flies)

Atrial myiasis - Cavities on body

Types of Cutaneous myasis - Skin
myasis Intestinal myasis - Intestine
Enter through wounds - Wound


1. Horse botfly - Gastrophilus intestinalis, G. nasalis (Oestridae:Diptera)


• Eggs laid on body of animal - while licking gets into intestine - larva develops
inside intestine
• Maggots injure tongue, stomach and intestine
• Animal dies if not treated


If larva detected in faeces - give 25 ml tolerance or 1.5 g carbon disulphide / 100 kg

body weight in gelatin capsule to horse.

2. Oestrus ovis Sheep bot fly (Oestridae:Diptera)

Maggots attacks nasal passage of sheep - discharge of mucus, distress to the


Irrigating the sheep’s nostrils with 3% lysol

Carbondsulphide + Paraffin injection into nostrils

3. Warble fly/Heal fly: Hypoderma lineatum (Oestridae:Diptera)

Cutaneous/subcutaneous myiasis caused

Causes holes in skin - less value
Even causes eye myiasis


w During monsoon, hair close to loof may be cut to prevent egg laying
w Treating animal with 1% trichlorphon or 0.05% rotenone every 45 days when
warbles appear on skin


Chrysomyia bezziana (Calliphoridae:Diptea)

Cochliomyia hominivorax, Calliphora, Lucilia, Phormia sp.

Also called screw worms

Cause cutaneous myiasis by entering through wound/sores

Management of blowflies

w Disposal of carcasses to prevent egg laying

w Removing maggots with forceps after spraying with 5% chloroform
w Dressing wounds with pine oil which is a repellent


a. Sucking lice: Has sucking mouth parts

1. Cattle louse: Haematopinus eurystermus (Haematopinidae:Siphunculata)

Ectoparasites on cattle, cling, bite and irritate

Management (Delousing) DELOUSNG CATTLE

w Applying linseed oil all over the body could kill lice
w Malathion 5% dust or 0.5% suspension spray/dip of animal

b. Biting lice: Has biting and chewing MP

Bevicola caprae (on goat) B. ovis (on sheep); B. bovis (on cattle)
Menopon gallinae (Menoponidae:Mallophaga)
Shaft louse of focol (on birds)
Feed on feathers of birds and cause annoyance
Menacanthus stramineus (Chicken body louse)

Prefers skin to feathers

Management of biting lice on birds (Delousing birds)

Spray individual chicken or in groups with 0.5% carbaryl or malathion (5 lit/100

Apply 5% Malathion / Carbaryl dust on individual birds @ 500 g/100 birds
On walls and ceiling spray 3% malathion

Delousing birds not only removes the lice but also poultry tick and fleas.


a. Poultry stick fast fleas Echidnophaga gallinacea (Hectosyllidae : Siphonaptera)

Attack comb, wattle, around eyes, beaks

Birds become anaemic and egg production reduced


Ticks (1) Boophilus microplus cattle tick

Cause inflammation and haemarrhage

Produce tick paralysis
Transmits tick fever, texas fever, tulanemia


Careful removal with hand/forceps along with capitulum

Use 1% lindane dust or 5% malathion dust

2. Poultry tick: Argas persicus (Fowl tick)

Suck blood, causes weakness, annoyance

Transmits fowl diseases

Mites: Sarcoptes scabiei called mange mite

Mite damages or eats the skin

Ecto parasite on horse, cattle, mule, sheep, goat

Repeated application of powdered sulphur in vegetable oil

Lecture 8 Insect ecology and balance of life


The term ecology is derived from the Greek term “oikos” meaning “house”
combined with “logy” meaning “the science of” or “the study of”. Thus literally
ecology is the study of earth’s household comprising of the plants, animals,
microorganisms and people that live together as interdependent components. The term
ecology was coined by a German biologist Ernst Haekel (1869).

Definition of Ecology

Ecology can be defined as the science of plants and animals in relation to their
Webster’s dictionary defines ecology as “totality of pattern of relation between
organisms and their environment.”
Eugene P. Odum defined ecology as “the study of organisms at home”
Insect Ecology may be defined as the understanding of physiology and
behaviour of insects as affected by their environment.

Ecology related terminology

i. Habitat is the place where the organism lives.

ii. Population denotes groups of individuals of any kind of organism. Insect

populations are groups of individuals set in a frame that is limited in time and

iii. Community in the ecological sense includes all the populations of a given
area. Community can also be defined as interacting ‘web’ of populations
where individuals in a population feed upon and in turn are fed upon by
individuals of other populations (Fig. 1)

iv. Ecosystem

Ecosystem or ecological system is the functioning together of community and

the nonliving environment where continuous exchange of matter and energy
takes place.
In other words ecosystem is the assemblage of elements, communities and
physical environment.
Ecosystem is the ultimate unit for study in ecology as they are composed of
living organisms and the nonliving environment.
Examples of natural ecosystem: Ponds, lakes and forests ecosystem (Fig.2)

v. Biosphere is the term used for all of the earth’s ecosystems functioning
together on the global scale.

Living Genes Cells Organs Organisms Populations Communities

components Matter Energy
= Biosystems
Gene Cell Organ Organism Population Ecosystem
System system system system system system

Figure 3. Flow of matter and energy in an ecosystem

Agroecosystem is largely created and maintained to satisfy human wants or

needs. It is not a natural ecosystem but is man made. Agroecosystem is the basic unit
of pest management - a branch of applied ecology.

A typical agroecosysyetm (Fig. 4) is composed of

i. more or less uniform crop-plant population

ii. weed communities
iii. animal communities (including insects)
iv. microbiotic communities
v. and the physical environment the react with.

Unique features of Agroecosystem

Dominated by plants selected by man
No species diversity and no intraspecific diversity. Genetically uniform
Phenological events like germination, flowering occur simultaneously
Lack of temporal continuity - due to various agricultural operations carried out
by man like ploughing, weeding, pesticide application etc.
Plants contain imported genetic material
Nutrients are added
Outbreak of pests, weeds and diseases occur frequently
Balance of Nature

Balance of Nature is defined as the natural tendency of plant and animal

population resulting from natural regulative processes in an undisturbed ecosystem
(environment) to neither decline in numbers to extinction nor increase to indefinite

In unmanaged ecosystems, a state of balance exists or will be reached, that

is species interact with each other and with their physical environment in such a way
that on average, individuals are able only to replace themselves. Each species in the
community achieves a certain status that becomes fixed for a period of time and is
resistant to change which is termed as the balance of nature.

When man begins to manage creating new ecosystem (agroecosystem)

where natural ecosystem existed previously, the balance is altered. The exceptionally
strong forces react in opposition to our imposed change toward a return to the original
system (e.g. outbreak of a pest is one of the forces). So insect pests are not ecological
aberrations. Their activities counter wants and needs of human populations.

Factors that determine insect abundance

i) Biotic potential

It is the innate ability of the population to reproduce and survive. It depends

on the inherited properties of the insect i.e., reproduction and survival. Potential
natality is the reproductive rate of the individuals in an optimal environment.
Survival rate depends on the feeding habits and protection to young ones (eg.
Viviparity). Generally insects with high reproductive rate tend to have low survival
rate and vice versa.

Insect pests with high reproductive rate and low survival rate are called r
strategists named after the statistical parameter r, the symbol for growth rate
coefficient. Such pests succeed because of sheer numbers. E.g. Aphids.

K strategists reproduce slowly but effectively compete for environmental

resources and so their survival rate is high. (K letter denotes flattened portion of
growth curve) eg. Codling moth of apple.

Birth rate or natality is measured as the total number of eggs laid per female
per unit time. Factors determining birth rate are fecundity, fertility and sex ratio.

Death rate or mortality denotes the number of insects dying over a period.
Example of High reproductive rate

A single moth of Earias vitella (Bhendi fruit borer) lays about 200 eggs per
female. Life cycle is completed in 1 month

After 1 month 200 adults

100 male+ 100 female

100 x 200 = 20,000 eggs

After 2nd month 10,000 x 200 = 2,000,000 eggs

After 1 year 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

(i.e., 2 followed by 24 zeroes)

If a single moth can produce this much, they will cover 24.32 above earth
surface in 1 year. But in reality only a fraction of progeny completes life cycle due to
environmental resistance.

Environmental resistance is the physical and biological restraints that

prevent a species from realizing its Biotic potential. Environmental resistance may be
of 2 types.

1. Biotic factors - includes

a) Competition (interspecific and intraspecific)
b) Natural enemies (predators, parasites and pathogens)
2. Abiotic factors -
a) Temperature
b) Light
c) Moisture and water
d) Substratum and medium

Ecosystem comprises of biological communities and non-living environment.
e.g. Agro ecosystem, pond ecosystem, etc.). Bioresources refers to the biodiversity
of various organisms living in that ecosystem.
e.g. The different pests of cotton, its natural enemies, hyperparasitoids, microbes, etc.
are referred to the bioresources in cotton ecosystem.

The ecosystem should have more bioresources. Such ecosystem will be

more stable. Insecticides will deplete the bioresources in ecosystem and make it less
stable and prone to pest outbreak.

Natural control will be high when bioresources (e.g. Parasitoids and

Predators) are more.

Lecture 9 : Population dynamics and role of biotic factors

Attributes of a population

i. Density : Population size per unit area

ii. Birth rate (Natality) : Rate at which new individuals are added to the
population by reproduction
iii. Death rate (Mortality) : The rate at which individuals are lost by death.
iv. Dispersal : The rate at which individuals immigrate into and emigrate out of
the population.
v. Dispersion: the way in which individuals are distributed in space. It may be of
3 types.
a) Random distribution
b) Uniform distribution
c) Clumped distribution

vi. Age distribution: the population of individuals of different ages in the group.
vii. Genetic characteristics : adaptiveness, reproductive fitness, persistence.
viii. Population growth form: the way in which population changes / grows as a
result of natality, mortality, and dispersal.

Population dynamics.

Populations grow in two contrasting ways. They are

i. J- shaped growth form (Fig 1a)

ii. S- Shaped or sigmoid growth form (Fig 1b)


Density Density

Time Time

Fig. 1a. J- shaped growth form Fig. 1b. S - shaped growth form.
In the J - shaped growth form, the population density increases in exponential
or geometric fashion; for example 2,4,8,16,32 … and so on until the population runs
out of some resource or encounters some limitation (limit N, Fig 1a). Growth then
comes to a more or less abrupt halt and density declines rapidly. Populations with this
kind of growth form are unstable. Their reproductive rate is high and survival rate is
less and so they are r strategists. Factors other than density regulates the
population.(eg; Aphids).

In the S-shaped growth pattern (Fig 2) the rate of increase of density decreases
as the population increases and levels off at an upper asymptote level K, called the
carrying capacity, or maximum sustainable density. Their reproductive rate is less and
survival rate is more. So they are K strategists. This pattern has more stability since
the population regulates itself.(eg Hymenopterans).

The population growth rate or change is worked out using the formula,
Nt = N0e(b-d)t - Et + It
Where Nt = number at the end of a short time period
N0 = number at the beginning of a short time period
e = base of natural logarithm = 2.7183
b= birth rate
d= death rate
t= time period
E= emigration
I = immigration.

Life table: Life tables are tabular statements showing the number of insects dying
over a period of time and accounting for their deaths.

Example of a life table for a lepidoperan insect

Number living Percent

Number dying
Stage beginning of Cause of death reduction
by end of stage
stage during stage
Egg 200 10.0 Parasites
20.0 Other 15
Early larva 170 136.0 Dispersal 80
Late larva 34 13.6 Parasites
6.8 Disease
10.2 Other 90
Pupa 3.4 0.3 Parasites
0.5 Other 25
Adult 2.5 0.5 Miscellaneous 20
Factors influencing population growth.

a) Biotic factors or density dependent factors.

b) Abiotic factors or density independent factors.

Biotic factors

1) Competition : For at least part of the lifetime the members of an insect species are
likely to be competing with one another or with members of another species for
limited resources like food, mates, suitable site for oviposition or pupation. Such
competition operates whenever the population is increasing and the resources are
a) Intraspecific competition: When members of population of the same
species compete for resources we call it intraspecific competition. Examples are as

� Cannibalism in American bollworm larvae

� Cannibalism in later stage grubs of Chrysopid
� Crowding in aphids result in alate (winged) form for migration
� Reduction in fecundity (egg laying) in rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae during
� Crowding in honeybees leads to swarming

b) Interspecific competition. This is the competition occurring between

members of two or more species. Two or more competing species with identical
requirements cannot coexist in a same place for a long time. The elimination of
one species by another as a result of interspecific competition has come to be
known as the competitive exclusion principle or Gause’s principle.

� For example when flour beetles Tribolium castaneum and Tribolium confusum
were grown in the same jar of flour, one species eliminates the other. Under
high temperature and RH conditions T. castaneum eliminates T.confusum and
vice versa under low temperature and RH conditions.
� Accidental introduction of oriental fruit fly Dacus dorsalis into Hawai
eliminated Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata.

2) Predators and Parasites

Predators : Predators are free living organisms that feed on other animals,
their prey, devouring them completely and rapidly.

� Predators may attack immatures and adults.

� More than one individual of prey required for predator to reach maturity
� Major insect predators are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals and

Parasites: An organism that is dependent for some essential metabolic factor on

another throughout its all life stages, which is always larger than itself

� A parasite weakens or kills the host while feeding

� Many parasites on asingle host
� Requires only one part of one host to reach maturity

Eg. Virus, fungi, bacteria, protozoa, nematodes and other arthropods.

Parasitoid: An insect parasite of an arthropod that is parasitic in its immature stage

killing the host in the process of development and adults are free living.

Interactions between predator and prey are different from the parasite host relationship
in that the predator and prey maintain equilibrium more dynamically than the parasite and its host.
The parasites I n general when the rate of parasitism is high, cause death and result in elimination
of hosts. But the predator never eliminates the prey completely.
Lecture 10 Abiotic factors on insect population
- Physical factors
- Nutritional factors
- Host associated factors

Physical factors
- Temperature, light, wind, soil conditions influence development, longevity,
reproduction and fecundity of insects
- Population density fluctuates depending on weather
- Extreme weather causes mortality of pests

- Insects are poikilothermic - do not have mechanism to regulate body temperature
- Body temperature depends on environmental conditions

w Preferred or Optimum temperature is the temperature at which normal

physiological activities take place - insects survive at this temperature.
w Upper lethal limit - 40-50oC (even upto 60oC survival in some stored product
w Lower lethal limit - Below freezing point e.g. snow fleas
w The total heat required for completion of physiological processes in life - history
is a constant - thermal constant.
w At low temperature (winter) insect takes more days to complete a stage (larval or
pupal stage)
w At high temperature (summer) it takes less than to complete a stage.
w Some insects when exposed to extremes of temperature
w Undergo - Aestivation (during summer) or Hibernation (during winter)
w During this period, there is a temporary developmental arrest, metabolic activities
suspended. When temperature is favourable, they resume activity.
w Eggs undergo aestivation in summer
w Larva, pupa commonly undergo hibernation in winter

Influence of temperature on fecundity (egg laying)

Grasshopper lays 20-30 times more eggs at 32oC compared to 22oC
Oviposition of bed bug inhibited at 8-10oC
Other effects of temperature
- Early shoot borer of sugarcane attacks more high temp.
- Larval period of sugarcane internode borer
very short 16-24 days in summer
prolonged 141-171 days in winter
- Swarm migration of locust occurs at 17-20oC
- Moisture required for metabolic reactions and transportation of salts in insects
- War layer of cuticle prevents water loss
- Other adaptations - Morphological, physiological prevent moisture loss in insects
- Moisture scarcity leads to dehydration and death of insects - but very rare
- Excessive moisture can be harmful in following ways
i. Affects normal development and activity of insects
ii. Encourages disease causing pathogens on insects
- White halo fungus Verticillium lecanii on coffee green scale Coccus viridis
requires high RH for multiplication and spread
- High RH induces BPH in rice and aphids in other crops
- Termites prefer high humidity 90-95% RH
- Low RH in rainfed groundnut crop induces leaf mines incidence

The following properties of light influence insect life
i. Intensity and illumination
ii. Quality or wavelength
iii. Duration or Photo period

The response of organisms to environmental rhythms of light and darkness

Photo period
Each daily cycle inclusive of a period of illumination followed by a period of
- Photo period influences induction of diapause (a resting stage) in most of the
insects e.g. Long day during embryonic development causes adult to lay
diapausing eggs in Bombyx mori.
- Seasonal dimorphism occurs in aphids due to change in photo period
- Short day - Sexual forms
- Long day - Asexual - Parthenogenetic forms
- Some insects are active in night - Nocturnal
Some are active during the day - diurnal
Some active during dawn and dusk - Crepuscular
- Fruit flies lays eggs in dark
- Lepidopterans like cotton bollworm, Red hairy caterpillar (RHC) oviposit in dark

- Rainfall is essential for adult emergence of cutworms and RHC
- Heavy rain washes aphids, diamond back moth (DBM)
- Intermittent low rain increases BPH and thrips

- Interferes with feeding, mating, oviposition
- Wind aids in dispersal of insects
- Aphids, mites (Eriophyid mites also) disperse through wind
- Helicoverpa flies upto 90 km with the aid of winds

Mountains, lakes, sea, etc. act as physical barrier for spread of insects

Soil Type
Wire worm, multiplies in clay soil with poor drainage
White grubs and cut worm - multiply in loose soil with good drainage

Water Current
Standing water aids in multiplication of mosquitoes
Running water is preferred by Odonata and Caddis flies

Insects heterotrophic - cannot synthesize their own food
- depend on plants for food
The quantity and quality of food/nutrition plays important role in survival, longevity,
distribution, reproduction and speed of development

a. Quantity of food
- Short supply of food causes intranspecific and interspecific competition
- Also affects parasitoids and predators of insects hosts whose food is of short

b. Quality of food
- This depends on nutritional availability of plants
- Crop varieties/species differ in nutritional status which affects insects

Host plant associated factors

Antixenosis or non preference
Host plant not preferred by insects for feeding, oviposition or shelter due to
morphological characters like thorns, wax, hairyness, etc. or done to presence of some
chemicals (called allelochemicals)
This refers to adverse effect of the host plant on biology (survival, dept, reprdn.) of
insects and their progeny due to
- Presence of toxic substance in plant
- Absence of essential substances
- Presence of enzymes which affect digestion of insects
DIMBOA in corn leaves affects European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis
Gossypol in cotton affects H. armigera and S. litura

Ability of host plant to withstand insect population sufficient to damage susceptible
- No adverse effect on insect infestation
- Tolerance by plant vigour, regrowth of damaged tissues, etc.


PEST - Derived from French word ‘Peste’ and Latin term ‘Pestis’ meaning
plague or contagious disease
- Pest is any animal which is noxious, destructive or troublesome to man or his
- A pest is any organism which occurs in large numbers and conflict with man’s
welfare, convenience and profit
- A pest is an organism which harms man or his property significantly or is likely to
do so (Woods, 1976)
- Insects are pests when they are sufficiently numerous to cause economic damage
(Debacli, 1964)
- Pests are organisms which impose burdens on human population by causing
(i) Injury to crop plants, forests and ornamentals
(ii) Annoyance, injury and death to humans and domesticated animals
(iii) Destruction or value depreciation of stored products.
- Pests include insects, nematodes, mites, snails, slugs, etc. and vertebrates like rats,
birds, etc.
Depending upon the importance, pests may be agricultural forest, household,
medical, aesthetic and veterinary pests.

Based on occurrence following are pest categories
Regular pest: Frequently occurs on crop - Close association e.g. Rice slem borer,
Brinjal fruit borer
Occasional pest: Infrequently occurs, no close association e.g. Caseworm on rice,
Mango stem borer
Seasonal pest: Occurs during a particular season every year e.g. Red hairy caterpillar
on groundnut, Mango hoppers
Persistent pests: Occurs on the crop throughout the year and is difficult to control
e.g. Chilli thrips, mealy bug on guava
Sporadic pests: Pest occurs in isolated localities during some period. e.g. Coconut
slug caterpillar

Based on level of infestation

Pest epidemic: Sudden outbreak of a pest in a severe form in a region at a particular
time e.g. BPH in Tanjore, RHC in Madurai, Pollachi
Endemic pest: Occurrence of the pest in a low level in few pockets, regularly and
confined to particular area e.g. Rice gall midge in Madurai, Mango hoppers in
Parameters of insect population levels
General equilibrium position (GEP)
The average density of a population over a long period of time, around which
the pest population over a long period of time, around which the pest population tends
to fluctuate due to biotic and abiotic factors and in the absence of permanent
environmental changes.

Economic threshold level (ETL)

Population density at which control measure should be implemented to
prevent an increasing pest population from reaching the ETL.

Economic injury level (EIL)

The lowest population density that will cause economic damage

Damage boundary (DB)

The lowest level of damage which can be measured. ETL is always less than
EIL. Provides sufficient time for control measures.


(i) Key pest

- Most severe and damaging pests
- GEP lies above EIL always
- Spray temporarily bring population below EIL
- These are persistent pests
- The environment must be changed to bring GEP
below EIL
e.g. Cotton bollworm, Diamond backmoth
(ii) Major pest
- GEP lies very close to EIL or coincides with
- Economic damage can be prevented by timely
and repeated sprays e.g. Cotton jassid, Rice
stem borer
(iii) Minor pest/Occasional pest
- GEP is below the EIL usually
- Rarely they cross EIL
- Can be controlled by spraying e.g. Cotton
stainers, Rice hispa, Ash weevils
(iv) Sporadic pests
- GEP generally below EIL
- Sometimes it crosses EIL and cause severe loss
in some places/periods e.g. Sugarcane pyrilla,
White grub, Hairy caterpillar
(v) Potential pests
- They are not pests at present
- GEP always less than EIL
- If environment changed may cause economic
loss e.g. S. litura is potentia pest in North India


Activity of human beings which upsets the biotic balance of ecosystem is the
prime cause for pest outbreak. The following are some human interventions - Reason
fro outbreak
i. Deforestation an bringing under cultivation
- Pest feeding on forest trees are forced to feed on cropped
- Biomass/unit area more in forests than agricultural land
- Weather factors also altered - Affects insect development

ii. Destruction of natural enemies

- Due to excess use of insecticides, natural enemies are killed
- This affects the natural control mechanism and pest outbreak occurs, e.g.
Synthetic pyrethroid insecticides kill NE.

iii. Intensive and Extensive cultivation

Monoculture (Intensive) leads to multiplication of pests
Extensive cultivation of susceptible variety in large area - No competition for food
- multiplication increases
e.g. Stem borers in rice and sugarcane

iv. Introduction of new varieties and crops.

Varieties with favourable physiological and morphological factors cause
multiplication of insects. e.g.
Succulent, dwarf rice varieties favour leaf folder
Combodia cotton favours stem weevil and spotted bollworm
Hybrid sorghum (CSH 1), cumbu (HB1) favour shoot flies and gall midges
v. Improved agronomic practices
Increased N fertilizer - High leaf folder incidence on rice
Closer planting - BPH and leaf folder increases
Granular insecticides - Possess phytotonic effect on rice

vi. Introduction of new pest in new environment

Pest multiplies due to absence of natural enemies in new area
Apple wooly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum multiplied fast due to absence of
Aphelinus mali (Parasit)

vii. Accidental introduction of pests from foreign countries (through air/sea

ports) e.g.
a. Diamondback moth on cauliflower (Plutella xylostella)
b. Potato tuber moth Phthorimaea operculella
c. Cottony cushion scale Icerya purchasi on wattle tree
d. Wooly aphid - Eriosoma lanigerum on apple
e. Psyllid - Heteropsylla cubana on subabul
f. Spiralling whitefly - Adeyrodichus dispersus on most of horticultural crops

viii. Large scale storage of food grains Serve

as reservoir for stored grain pests
Urbanisation - changes ecological balance
Rats found in underground drainage

Tremendous increase in pest population brought about by insecticides despite
good initial reduction in pest population at the time of treatment.
Deltamethrin, Quinalphos, Phorate - Resurgence of BPH in rice
Synthetic pyrethroids - Whitefly in cotton
Carbofuran - Leaf folder in rice

Losses caused by pests

Crop loss from all factors - 500 billion US $ annually world wide
Insect pests - 15.6% loss of production
Plant pathogens - 13.3%
Weeds - 13.2%
Estimated crop loss in various crops in India

Crop Loss in yield %

1. Wheat 3.0
2. Rice 10.0
3. Maize 5.0
4. Sorghum 5.0
5. Cotton 18.0
6. Pulses, groundnut 5.0
7. Sugarcane 10.0
8. Coffee 8.0
9. Fruits 25.0
10. Coconut 5.0
Source: (Pradhan (1964)

Estimated annual crop loss in India by insect pests = Rs.29,240 crores

(Dhaliwal and Arora, 1996)


Pest Monitoring
Monitoring phytophagous insects and their natural enemies is a fundamental tool
in IPM - for taking management decision
Monitoring - estimation of changes in insect distribution and abundance
- information about insects, life history
- influence of biotic and abiotic factors on pest population

Pest Surveillance
Refers to the constant watch on the population dynamics of pests, its incidence
and damage on each crop at fixed intervals to forewarn the farmers to take up
timely crop protection measures.

Three basic components of pest surveillance

Determination of
a. the level of incidence of the pest species
b. the loss caused by the incidence
c. the economic benefits, the control will provide

Pest Forecasting
Forecasting of pest incidence or outbreak based on information obtained from
pest surveillance.
- Predicting pest outbreak which needs control measure
- Suitable stage at which control measure gives maximum protection

Two types of pest forecasting

a. Short term forecasting - Based on 1 or 2 seasons
b. Long term forecasting - Based on affect of weather parameters on pest

Objectives of Pest Surveillance

to know existing and new pest species
to assess pest population and damage at different growth stage of crop
to study the influence of weather parameters on pest
to study changing pest status (Minor to major)
to assess natural enemies and their influence on pests
effect of new cropping pattern and varieties on pest
Conducted to study the abundance of a pest species

Two types of survey - Roving survey and fixed plot survey

Roving survey
- Assessment of pest population/damage from randomly selected spots
representing larger area
- Large area surveyed in short period
- Provides information on pest level over large area

Fixed plot survey

Assessment of pest population/damage from a fixed plot selected in a field.
The data on pest population/damage recorded periodic from sowing till harvest. e.g.
1 sq.m. plots randomly selected from 5 spots in one acre of crop area in case of rice.
From each plot 10 plant selected at random. Total tillers and tillers affected by stem
borer in these 10 plants counted. Total leaves and number affected by leaf folder
observed. Damage expressed as per cent damaged tillers or leaves. Population of
BPH from all tillers in 10 plants observed and expressed as number/tiller.

Qualitative survey - Useful for detection of pest

Quantitative survey - Useful for enumeration of pest

Sampling Techniques
Absolute sampling - To count all the pests occurring in a plot
Relative sampling - To measure pest in terms of some values which can be compared
over time and space e.g. Light trap catch, Pheromone trap

Methods of sampling
a. In situ counts - Visual observation on number of insects on plant canopy
(either entire plot or randomly selected plot)
b. Knock down - Collecting insects from an area by removing from crop and
(Sudden trap) counting (Jarring)
c. Netting - Use of sweep net for hoppers, odonates, grasshopper
d. Norcotised collection - Quick moving insects anaesthesised and counter
e. Trapping - Light trap - Phototropic insects
Pheromone trap - Species specific
Sticky trap - Sucking insects
Bait trap - Sorghum shootfly - Fishmeal trap
Emergence trap - For soil insects
f. Crop samples
Plant parts removed and pest counted e.g. Bollworms

Stage of Sampling
- Usually most injurious stage counted
- Sometimes egg masses counted - Practical considerations
- Hoppers - Nymphs and adult counted

Sample Size
- Differs with nature of pest and crop
- Parger sample size gives accurate results

Decision Making
- Population or damage assessed from the crop
- Compared with ETL and EIL
- When pest level crosses ETL, control measure has to be taken to prevent pest from
reducing EIL.

Economic Injury Level

- Defined as the lowest population density that will cause economic damage
(Stern et al., 1959)
- Also defined as a critical density where the loss caused by the pest equals the cost
control measure

EIL can be calculated using following formula

EIL = (or)
EIL = Economic injury level in insects/production (or) insects/ha
C = Cost of management activity per unit of production (Rs./ha)
V = Market value per unit of yield or product (Rs./tonne)
I = Crop injury per insect (Per cent defoliation/insect)
D = Damage or yield loss per unit of injury (Tonne loss/% defoliation)
K = Proportionate reduction in injury from pesticide use

Worked examples of EIL

Calculate EIL in terms of pest population/ha with following figures
C = Management cost per unit area = Rs.3,000/- per ha
V = Market value in Rs./unit product = Rs.1,000/tonne
I = Crop injury/pest density = 1% defoliation/100 insects
D = Loss caused by unit injury = 0.05 tonne loss/1% defoliation
K = Proportionate reduction in
injury by pesticide application = 0.8 (80% control)
C 3000
EIL = =
VIDK 1000 x 0.01 x 0.05 x 0.8
EIL = 7500 insects/ha

Economic threshold level (ETL) or Action threshold

- ETL is defined as the pest density at which control measures should be applied to
prevent an increasing pest population from reaching Economic Injury Level (EIL)
- ETL represents pest density lower than EIL to allow time for initiation of
control measure

Factors Influencing ETL and EIL

a. Market value of crop Primary factors
b. Management costs
c. Degree of injury per insect Secondary factors
d. Crop susceptibility to injury

a. Market value of crop

When crop value increases, EIL decreases and vice-versa
b. Management of injury per insect
When management costs increase, EIL also increases
c. Degree of injury per insect
- Insects damaging leaves or reproductive parts have different EIL (Lower EIL for
Rep. part damages)
- If insects are vectors of disease EIL is very low even 1 or 2 insects if found -
management to be taken
- If insects found on fruits - Marketability reduced - EIL very low e.
Crop susceptibility to injury
- If crop can tolerate the injury and give good yield. EIL can be fixed at a higher
- When crop is older, it can withstand high pest population - EIL can be high

Tertiary factors
Weather, soil factors, biotic factors and human social environment
These tertiary factors cause change in secondary factors thereby affect the ETL and


Pest Management (or) Integrated Pest Management –

Definition IPM definition by FAO (1967)
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a system that, in the context of
associated environment and population dynamics of the pest species, utilizes all
suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as possible and maintains
pest populations at levels below those causing economic injury.

IPM definition by Luckmann and Metcalf (1994)

IPM is defined as the intelligent selection and use of pest control tactics that
will ensure favourable economical, ecological and sociological consequences.

Need for Pest Management (or) Why Pest Management

1. Development of resistance in insects against insecticides e.g. OP and synthetic

pyrethroid resistance in Helicoverpa armigera.
2. Out break of secondary pests e.g. Whiteflies emerged as major pest when
spraying insecticide against H. armigera.
3. Resurgence of target pests e.g. BPH of rice increased when some OP chemicals
are applied.
4. When number of application increases, profit decreases.
5. Environmental contamination and reduction in its quality.
6. Killing of non-target animals and natural enemies.
7. Human and animal health hazards.

Stages in crop protection leading to IPM

1. Subsistence phase : Only natural control, no insecticide use

2. Exploitation phase : Applying more pesticides, growing HY varieties and
get more yield and returns
3. Crisis phase : Due over use pesticides, problem of resurgence,
resistance, secondary pest out break, increase in
production cost
4. Disaster phase : Due to increased pesticide use - No profit, high residue
in soil - Collapse of control system
5. Integrated : IPM integrates ecofriendly methods to optimize
Management Phase control rather than maximise it.
Objectives of pest management
1. To reduce pest status below economic injury level. Complete elimination of pest
is not the objective.
2. To manage insects by not only killing them but by preventing feeding,
multiplication and dispersal.
3. To use ecofriendly methods, which will maintain quality of environment (air,
water, wild life and plant life)
4. To make maximum use of natural mortality factors, apply control measures only
when needed.
5. To use component in sustainable crop production.

Requirements for successful pest management programme

1. Correct identification of insect pests
2. Life history and behaviour of the pest
3. Natural enemies and weather factors affecting pest population
4. Pest surveillance will provide above data
5. Pest forecasting and predicting pest outbreak
6. Finding out ETL for each pest in a crop
7. Need and timing of control measure - Decision
8. Selection of suitable methods of control
9. Analysis of cost/benefit and benefit/risk of each control measure
10. Farmer’s awareness and participation
11. Government support
12. Consumer awareness on use of pesticides free products


(Arranged in increasing order of complexity)

i. Cultural method or use of agronomic practices

1. Crop rotation 5. Pruning or thinning
2. Crop refuse destruction 6. Fertilizer management
3. Tillage of soil 7. Water management
4. Variation in time of 8. Intercropping
planting or harvesting 9. Trap crop

ii. Host plant resistance - Antixenosis, antibiosis, tolerance

iii. Mechanical methods of pest control

1. Hand destruction
2. Exclusion by screens, barriers
3. Trapping, suction devices, collecting machine
4. Crushing and grinding
iv. Physical methods
1. Heat
2. Cold
3. Energy - light trap, irradiation, light regulation
4. Sound

v. Biological methods
1. Protection and encouragement of NE
2. Introduction, artificial increase and colonizing specific parasitoids and
3. Pathogens on insects like virus, bacteria, fungi and protozoa
4. Use of botanicals like neem, pongam, etc.

vi. Chemical methods

1. Attractants
2. Repellents
3. Insecticides - OC, OP, carbamates, pyrethroids, etc.
4. Insect growth inhibitors
5. Chemosterilants

vii.Behavioural methods
1. Pheromones
2. Allelochemics

viii. Genetic/biotechnology method

- Release of genetically incompatible/sterile pests
- Transgenic plant

ix. Regulatory/legal method

- Plant/animal quarantine
- Eradication and suppression programme


Definition : Manipulation of cultural practices to the disadvantage of pests.
I. Farm level pratices

S.No. Cropping Techniques Pest Checked

1. Ploughing Red hairy caterpillar
2. Puddling Rice mealy bug
3. Trimming and plastering Rice grass hopper
4. Pest free seed material Potato tuber moth
5. High seed rate Sorghum shootfly
6. Rogue space planting Rice brown planthopper
7. Plant density Rice brown planthopper
8. Earthing up Sugarcane whitefly
9. Detrashing Sugarcane whitefly
10. Destruction of weed hosts Citrus fruit sucking moth
11. Destruction of alternate host Cotton whitefly
12. Flooding Rice armyworm
13. Trash mulching Sugarcane early shoot borer
14. Pruning / topping Rice stem borer
15. Intercropping Sorghum stem borer
16. Trap cropping Diamond back moth
17. Water management Brown planthopper
18. Judicious application of fertilizers Rice leaf folder
19. Timely harvesting Sweet potato weevil

II. Community level practices

1. Synchronized sowing : Dilution of pest infestation (eg) Rice, Cotton
2. Crop rotation : Breaks insect life cycle
3. Crop sanitation
a) Destruction of insect infested parts (eg.) Mealy bug in brinjal
b) Removal of fallen plant parts (eg.) Cotton squares
c) Crop residue destruction (eg.) Cotton stem weevil
Advantages Disadvantages
1. No extra skill 1. No complete control
2. No costly inputs 2. Prophylactic nature
3. No special equipments 3. Timing decides success
4. Minimal cost
5. Good component in IPM
6. Ecologically sound

Modification of physical factors in the environment to minimise (or) prevent
pest problems. Use of physical forces like temperature, moisture, etc. in managing the
insect pests.

A. Manipulation of temperature
1. Sun drying the seeds to kill the eggs of stored product pests.
2. Hot water treatment (50 - 55oC for 15 min) against rice white tip nematode.
3. Flame throwers against locusts.
4. Burning torch against hairy caterpillars.
5. Cold storage of fruits and vegetables to kill fruitflies (1 - 2oC for 12 - 20 days).

B. Manipulation of moisture
1. Alternate drying and wetting rice fields against BPH.
2. Drying seeds (below 10% moisture level) affects insect development.
3. Flooding the field for the control of cutworms.

C. Manipulation of light
1. Treating the grains for storage using IR light to kill all stages of insects (eg.)
Infra-red seed treatment unit (Fig.1).
2. Providing light in storage go downs as the lighting reduces the fertility of
Indian meal moth, Plodia.
3. Light trapping.

D. Manipulation of air
1. Increasing the CO2 concentration in controlled atmosphere of stored grains to
cause asphyxiation in stored product pests.

E. Use of irradiation
Gamma irradiation from Co60 is used to sterilize the insects in laboratory
which compete with the fertile males for mating when released in natural condition.
(eg.) cattle screw worm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax control in Curacao Island by
F. Use of greasing material
Treating the stored grains particularly pulses with vegetable oils to prevent the
oviposition and the egg hatching. eg., bruchid adults.

G. Use of visible radiation : Yellow colour preferred by aphids, cotton whitefly :

yellow sticky traps.

H. Use of Abrasive dusts

1. Red earth treatment to red gram : Injury to the insect wax layer.
2. Activated clay : Injury to the wax layer resulting in loss of moisture leading to
death. It is used against stored product pests.
3. Drie-Die : This is a porous finely divided silica gel used against storage

Preparation of activated clay :

Kaolinite clay


In H2SO4 10 N

DIGESTION (Autoclave - 1 hr in 15 lb)




ACTIVATION (Muffle furnace - 4hrs at 400oC)


Use of mechanical devices or manual forces for destruction or exclusion of
A. Mechanical destruction : Life stages are killed by manual (or) mechanical
Manual Force
1. Hand picking the caterpillars
2. Beating : Swatting housefly and mosquito
3. Sieving and winnowing : Red flour beetle (sieving) rice weevil (winnowing)
4. Shaking the plants : Passing rope across rice field to dislodge caseworm and
shaking neem tree to dislodge June beetles
5. Hooking : Iron hook is used against adult rhinoceros beetle
6. Crushing : Bed bugs and lice
7. Combing : Delousing method for Head louse
8. Brushing : Woolen fabrics for clothes moth, carper beetle.

Mechanical force
1. Entoletter : Centrifugal force - breaks infested kernels - kill insect stages -
whole grains unaffected - storage pests.
2. Hopper dozer : Kill nymphs of locusts by hording into trenches and filled with
3. Tillage implements : Soil borne insects, red hairy caterpillar.
4. Mechnical traps : Rat traps of various shapes like box trap, back break trap,
wonder trap, Tanjore bow trap.

B. Mechanical exclusion
Mechanical barriers prevent access of pests to hosts.
1. Wrapping the fruits : Covering with polythene bag against pomegrante fruit
2. Banding : Banding with grease or polythene sheets - Mango mealybug.
3. Netting : Mosquitoes, vector control in green house.
4. Trenching : Trapping marching larvae of red hairy catepiller.
5. Sand barrier : Protecting stored grains with a layer of sand on the top.
6. Water barrier : Ant pans for ant control.
7. Tin barrier : Coconut trees protected with tin band to prevent rat damage.
8. Electric fencing : Low voltage electric fences against rats.

Advantage of mechanical control Disadvantages

1. Home labour utilization 1. Limited application
2. Low equipment cost 2. Rarely highly effective
3. Ecologically safe 3. Labour intensive
4. High technical skill not required in adopting.

Appliances in controlling the pests

1. Light traps : Most adult insects are attracted towards light in night. This
principle is used to attract the insect and trapped in a mechanical device.
a) Incandescent light trap : They produce radiation by heating a tungsten
filament. The spectrum of lamp include a small amount of ultraviolet,
considerable visible especially rich in yellow and red. (eg.) Simple
incandescent light trap (Fig. 2), portable incandescent electric (Fig.3). Place a
pan of kerosenated water below the light source.

b) Mercury vapour lamp light trap : They produce primarily ultraviolet, blue and
green radiation with little red. (eg.) Robinson trap (Fig.4). This trap is the
basic model designed by Robinson in 1952. This is currently used towards a
wide range of Noctuids and other nocturnal flying insects. A mercury lamp
(125 W) is fixed at the top of a funnel shaped (or) trapezoid galvanized iron
cone terminating in a collection jar containing dichlorvos soaked in cotton as
insecticide to kill the insect.

c) Black light trap : Black light (Fig.5) is popular name for ultraviolet radiant
energy with the range of wavelengths from 320-380 nm. Some commercial
type like Pest-O-Flash, Keet-O-Flash are available in market. Flying insects
are usually attracted and when they come in contact with electric grids, they
become elctrocuted and killed.

2. Pheromone trap : Synthetic sex pheromones are placed in traps to attract

males. The rubberised septa, containing the pheromone lure are kept in traps
designed specially for this purpose and used in insect monitoring / mass
trapping programmes. Sticky trap (Fig.6), water pan trap (Fig.7) and funnel
type (Fig.8) models are available for use in pheromone based insect control

3. Yellow sticky trap : Cotton whitefly, aphids, thrips prefer yellow colour.
Yellow colour is painted on tin boxes and sticky material like castor oil /
vaseline is smeared on the surface (Fig.9). These insects are attracted to
yellow colour and trapped on the sticky material.
4. Bait trap : Attractants placed in traps are used to attract the insect and kill
them. (eg.) Fishmeal trap: This trap is used against sorghum shootfly.
Moistened fish meal is kept in polythene bag or plastic container inside the tin
along with cotton soaked with insecticide (DDVP) to kill the attracted flies
5. Pitfall trap helps to trap insects moving about on the soil surface, such as
ground beetles, collembola, spiders. These can be made by sinking glass jars
(or) metal cans into the soil. It consists of a plastic funnel, opening into a
plastic beaker containing kerosene supported inside a plastic jar (Fig. 12).
6. Probe trap : Probe trap is used by keeping them under grain surface to trap
stored product insect (Fig.13).
7. Emergence trap : The adults of many insects which pupate in the soil can be
trapped by using suitable covers over the ground. A wooden frame covered
with wire mesh covering and shaped like a house roof is placed on soil
surface. Emerging insects are collected in a plastic beaker fixed at the top of
the frame (Fig.14).

8. Indicator device for pulse beetle detection : A new cup shaped indicator device has
been recently designed to predict timely occurrence of pulse beetle Callosobruchus
spp. This will help the farmers to know the correct time of emergence of pulse beetle.
This will help them in timely sun drying which can bill all the eggs.


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