Harrison Tables

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vasculitis, scleroderma, gout, tendon rupture 2

Hyperthermia, Hirsutism 3

Myopathies 4

Osteoporosis & SIADH 5

Aplastic Anemia 6

Hyperprolactinemia 7

Seizures 8

Drugs with Risk of Hemolysis in G6PD Deficiency pts 9

Phototoxicity 10

Thrombocytopenia 11

Drugs Associated with Edema 12

Myalgia 13


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Drugs causing SIADH

of prolactin


Actions of Opioid Receptors & Peripheral and Central Vertigo 15

Causes of Episodic Generalized Weakness, & Spinal cord levels 16

Cerebellar Ataxia, Sensory Ataxia, and Frontal Gait Disorders 17

Clinical Features of Parkinson's Disease 18

Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy Syndrome features 19

Neurotrophic Factors, & Causes of Ptosis 20

Neurologic Channelopathies 21

Indications and contraindications for rTPA in stroke 22

Neurologic Diseases in Patients with HIV Infection 23

Differentiation of the Major Dementias & C/F of Aphasias 24

EMG Features Axonal Degeneration vs Segmental Demyelination 25


HLA and its assoc diseases part1 27

HLA and its assoc diseases part2 28

Complement Deficiencies and Associated Diseases 29

Amyloidosis 30

ANA Patterns and Clinical Associations 31

Systemic sclerosis and limited cutaneous sclerosis 32

Organ involvement in systemic and limited sclerosis 33

Immunologically Mediated Blistering Diseases 34

Dermatomyositis, Polymyositis, Inclusion body myositis 35

Lupus nephritis 36


Diagnosis of Microcytic Anemia 38

DD for Iron overload states & Dry tap 39

Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease & causes of Massive spleenomegaly 40

Causes of Erythrocytosis 41

Causes of Thrombocytosis & Megaloblatic anemia 42

Classification of Hemolytic Anemias & Sickle cell disease 43

Clinical Situations with Predominantly Intravascular Hemolysis 44

Diagnosis of Hypoproliferative Anemias & thalassemia 45

Characteristics of Blood Components & Platelet disorders 46

LMW heparin over heparin, Features of GPIIb IIIA Antagonists, etc. 47

Comparison of LMWH and Fondaparinux 48

Diagnosis of Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia and Hypereosinophilic Syndrome 49


Laboratory Findings in Acute Renal Failure 51

Indications for steroids in Interstitial nephritis 52

Types of MPGN 53

causes of FSGS 54

stages of CKD & Factors affecting Theophylline clearance 55

causes of anema in CKD 56


Gram positive and gram negative organisms 59

DNA viruses 60

Anaerobic Human Flora 61

Microbial Ligand-Receptor Interactions 62

Classification of Streptococci 63

Causes of community acquired pneumonia 64

Bacterial Food Poisoning 65

Intestinal Pathogenic E. Coli 66

Pathogens causing lung cavitations & risk factors for active TB 67

Legionnaire’s disease & common skin infections 68

Rickettsial Infections 69

Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (HF) Syndromes 70

IRIS & serologic features of EBV infections 71

Enterovirus Serotypes and it s diseases 72

Congenital rubella syndrome & diseases caused by parvovirus B19 73

Clinical Features of Genital Ulcers 74

Vaginal Infections, it s features and management 75

Infections after solid organ Transplantation 76

Infections after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation and Renal transplant 77

Lab features of chronic hepatitis 78

Serologic pattern of hep B infecation and it s interpretation 79

Inidications for ART & causes of BM suppression in HIV pts 80

Characteristics of Plasmodium Species & complications of Pf malaria 81

Characteristics features of Filariae 82

African Trypanosomiases 83

Diagnosis of Intestinal Protozoal Infections & Trematode infections 84

Category of bio terrorizing agents 85


Antibiotic Regimens for Prophylaxis of Endocarditis in Adults 88

Empirical Therapy of Bacterial Meningitis & H.pylori regimen 89

community acquired pneumonia 90

antibiotics for health care assoc pneumonia 91

Endocarditis Caused by HACEK Group Organisms 92

Enteric Fever in Adults 93

Leptospirosis Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis 94

Treatment of Active Tuberculosis in Adults 95

Plague treatment and Prophylaxis 96

Malaria Treatment Regimens 97

Treatment of severe Malaria 98

Prophylaxis of Malaria 1 99

Prophylaxis of Malaria 2 100

African Trypanosomiases & Amebiasis 101

Indications for Changing Antiretroviral Therapy in Patients with HIV Infection 102

Staphylococcal Infections and it s treatment 103

Trt plan for chronic hepatitis B 104

Leptospirosis Treatment and Chemoprophylaxis 105

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Blood Pressure Classification & BMI 107

ADR of CVS drugs 108

Drugs used in Hypertensive emergencies & Prophylaxis duration for RHD 109

Cardiac Tamponade from Constrictive Pericarditis and Similar Clinical Disorders 110

NYHA and canadian classification & Systolic HTN with wide PP 111

Factors Precipitate Acute Decompensation in Pts with Chronic Heart Failure 112

Indications for Early Invasive Strategy in IHD 113

Indications for Cardiac Catheterization and Coronary Angiography 114

Indications for Surgery in Patients with Endocarditis 115


Anticopper Drugs for Wilson's Disease & Nazer prognostic Index 117

causes of Macrovesicular steatosis 118

Diagnostic methods for H.pylori & causes of steatorrrhea and tests used 119

Interpretation of Schilling tests 120

Findings in small int mucosal biopsies and it s diseases 121

Lab features of alcoholic hepatitis 122

CT severity index for acute pancreatitis & etiology of IBD 123



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