01 Wits1
01 Wits1
01 Wits1
WITS Transfers 1
WITS is a multi-level format which offers an easily achieved entry point with
increasingly flexible higher levels. At the lower levels, a fixed format ASCII data
stream is employed, while, at the highest level, a self-defining customizable data
stream is available.
Each data record type is generated independently of other data record types and each
has a unique trigger variable and sampling interval. The rig activity usually
determines which records are applicable at any given time such that only appropriate
data is transmitted.
WITS also incorporates the means for a remote computer system to send instructions
to the sending system in order to set or change certain parameters, including the type
of data transmitted and the interval for transmission.
As well as specifying a format for data transmission, WITS also defines a basic set of
pre-defined records to which user-defined record types may be added.
WITS has been used extensively for a number of years by working for many operators
around the world to facilitate information-sharing and to provide data to remote
monitoring facilities.
Over the years many Operating and Service companies developed proprietary formats
for electronic data exchange.
When a new working relationship was established between a Service company and an
Operator, new software often had to be written, followed by extensive testing and
debugging before the data collection and analysis systems of the two entities could
communicate with one another correctly. This often led to problem start-ups with the
resulting loss of time and data.
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The cost and complexity of format matching and modification often led to a
reluctance on the part of some Operators to get involved in this type of service, and a
great deal of rig data, which might have been extremely useful in rig performance
evaluation, drilling monitoring and control, and formation evaluation while drilling,
was often not collected or was not readily available to decision makers.
To ensure that any format proposed was both complete and acceptable to the industry
as a whole, a vigorous effort was made to involve representatives from as many
Operating and Service companies as possible. This effort included correspondence
with companies operating in Europe and Asia as well as the United States.
The goal of the work group was broad but concrete:
"To define the format and information content of the data stream
transmitted from a wellsite to a central site by
telecommunications facilities or hard media".
To minimize omissions in the format, a major effort was made to obtain an inventory
of data items monitored or collected at the wellsite in the following areas:
Drilling Engineering
Measurement While Drilling (MWD)
Rig Parameters
Drill Stem Testing
Companies providing data collection services in these areas were polled for data items
and formats currently in use.
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Concurrent with the effort, the group's members familiarized themselves with the
major existing formats and data transmission systems in use in the industry. With a
comprehensive data dictionary established and with representatives on the
subcommittee familiar with existing formats, careful consideration led to a set of
requirements which, it was hoped, would satisfy the present and future needs of both
Operating and Service companies.
With these requirements in mind, the subcommittee adopted the Log Information
Standard (LIS) as the basic framework for WITS and set about formulating the
specific components of the format.
LIS was chosen since it met many of the requirements set out for WITS and was a
well established and familiar method of data exchange (a "de facto" standard in the
wireline industry).
The WITS Steering Group is also a member of the API Petroleum Information Data
Exchange (PIDX). The API-PIDX WITS User Group exists to promote the format,
respond to questions of interpretation, and to investigate ways of enhancing the format
to meet new requirements in the future.
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Level 0
Also known as "Intra Rig Transfer Specification", this involves a very basic ASCII
transfer format intended primarily for sharing of information between service
companies, though lending itself well as a simple entry point into wellsite data
Data items are identified by a numeric string tying the value to a particular location
within a Pre-Defined Record, or to an agreed upon addition to the Data Dictionary.
Level 1
In Level 1 and above, the data stream takes on a binary (LIS) format.
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Twenty five Pre-Defined Records have been identified, covering, among other areas,
drilling, geology, directional work, MWD, cementing and testing. At Level 1, these
data records, generated at varying times and under varying rig conditions, are
constructed and placed in the data communications channel.
No LIS record types besides Data Records are used at this level. Each of the 25 Pre-
Defined Records has a fixed size in bytes. However, each contains designated 'spare'
channels for limited customization.
Level 2
Level 2b
WITS Level 2b adds the option to buffer data that has been transmitted, making it
available for re-transmission in the event of non-receipt of data by the receiver.
Level 3
Level 3 provides for Custom Data Records in addition to pre defined data records.
Such records must be identified in advance of their use through the transmission by
the SENDER of a Data Format Specification Record ( LIS Logical Record Type 64)
for each Data Record giving details of the record’s content.
This level represents a very flexible format for Data Transfer. It does, however, mean
added complexity, especially for the RECEIVER who must be able to read the Data
Format Specification Record in order to interpret the content of custom data records
if they are being used.
The pre defined data records are records 1 to 25 ( LIS Logical Record Type 151
through 175 ). WITS data records 26 through 49 ( Type 176 – 199 ) are reserved for
future definition by the steering group, while custom WITS data records may be 50
through 80 ( Type 200 through 230 ). The buffering of Data Records by the SENDER
is mandatory at this level.
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Level 4
WITS Level 4 employs a completely different format than the previous levels since it
is based on the emerging data transfer standard of API RP66. The concepts of Pre-
Defined Records and Bi-Directional Dialogue remain, but using RP66 as the
formatting mechanism.
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Data Dictionary
The Data Dictionary consists of an inventory of the majority of wellsite data variables
currently being monitored and collected.
For each variable, two unique mnemonics have been assigned. One, the "short"
mnemonic, uses a maximum of four characters for compatibility with LIS, while the
second, the "long" mnemonic, expands to a maximum of eight characters for use in
other applications. The short mnemonics are used in LIS Data Format Specification
Records at Level 3 to define the corresponding data record content.
The Data Dictionary of items and their mnemonics, found in Appendix C, serves as
the basis for the data item entries in the Pre-Defined Data Records , and for the
construction of customized records. is a glossary containing short descriptions of each
data item appearing in WITS Pre-Defined Data Records.
Record Definition
The framework for the general structure of all WITS records is as follows:
2. The HEADER data items remain fixed from record to record, while the BODY
contains the specific data items pertaining to each particular Record Type.
Well Identification
Sidetrack/Hole Section Number
Record Identifier
Sequence Number
Activity Code
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The first 12 characters identify the well/location from which the data is derived.
The last four characters identify the source of the data at that well/location
(particularly important in situations where more than one SENDER is transmitting
data from the same location).
This ASCII-formatted number has a valid range from 0000 through 9999.
The Operating company supplies the well identifier and source number to each vendor
at the start of the service.
WELL#12 0052
Where WELL#12 identifies the location and 0052 identifies the source.
The Sidetrack/Hole Section Number further defines the source of the data. It
will initially be zero and increment for each sidetrack on the well.
The Record Identifier contains the numerical code for the record type. This
will be 1 through 25 for current Pre-Defined Data Records, and 50 through 80
for custom records. Types 26 through 49 are reserved for new Pre-Defined
Data Records.
WITS Spares
Following the main body of the record, a limited number of entries are designated
These contain a null value (-9999.0) if no modification has been made to the record.
In this way, if only one or two extra variables are required, they may be added to an
existing record, rather then having to create a new record. The replacement data item
must be able to use the floating point representation code designated for spares.
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A group of Pre-Defined Records has been specified. These records have been
established using two criteria:
Serves as the basic record generated from the wellsite, regardless of rig activity.
As such, it is the most general as far as data content is concerned, though heavily
weighted towards sensor data rather than computed data. The frequency of generation
might range from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on the degree of detail
required by the operator.
Used to record information pertaining to connections made while drilling, i.e. the
addition of new drillpipe to the string.
Data content includes maximum hookload, average and maximum pulling and
running speeds, and duration of the connection. Frequency of generation would be
one record per connection.
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Included are running/pulling speeds, block position, hookload readings etc. This
would serve as a more detailed record of the trip than the connection-based tripping
Frequency of generation would depend on the degree of detail required but would
usually range from a few seconds up to a minute.
The data may be derived from one of a number of sources including single-shot,
multishot, and measurement-while-drilling tools. Frequency of generation would be
one record per survey measurement.
Record 8. Measurement-While-Drilling
Formation Evaluation Record: contains the depths and values of MWD sensors used
in formation evaluation, including gamma ray, formation resistivity and porosity tool
Frequency of generation would be on a regular time basis, such as once per minute, or
depth basis, such as once per foot (meter).
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Record 9. Measurement-While-Drilling
Frequency of generation would be on a regular time basis, such as once per minute, or
depth basis, such as once per foot (meter).
Permits detailed monitoring and recording of the drilling fluid tank system.
Contains the results of chromatographic separation of the gas drawn from the
returning mud stream.
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Contains the sensor-derived properties of the drilling fluid. Included are such items as
density, temperature, conductivity and gas.
To permit comparison of "in" and "out" properties of the drilling fluid, the "lagged in"
values are also recorded in the record, along with the corresponding "lagged out"
The record is generated manually for each sample examined, determined by the
sampling requirements for the well.
Record content includes items such as fluorescence, solvent cut, oil stain etc.
The record is generated manually after show information has been entered.
Contains data relating to cementing activity at the wellsite, including pressures, flow
rates, volumes pumped etc.
It is generated on a time basis, with the interval determined by the degree of detail
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Contains data relating to well testing activity and is generated on a time basis
consistent with the degree of detail required.
This record is used to provide the data base with a description of the "environment" in
which other data have been collected.
A new record is generated following a change to one or more data items in the record.
If a number of related changes are being made, the record should be triggered when
all changes have been made.
Contains information normally measured and recorded at the wellsite on the Drilling
Fluid Report.
Contains information pertaining to the drilling bit, including type, manufacturer, size,
jets, etc.
Frequency of generation would be once per trip in or trip out of a bit, i.e. two records
per bit. The record would be generated manually following entry of a new report.
Permits descriptive information to be included within the data stream and may be
manually generated at any time.
This might include short remarks concerning hole problems, rig problems, etc.
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Contains information such as operator, well name, well location, elevations, etc. In
addition, "custom field identifiers" indicate where customization of "spare" fields in
Pre-Defined Data Records has been made.
The record would normally be manually generated at the beginning of data transfer
and again only when changes to one or more fields have been made.
For use with floating rigs and generated at time intervals determined by prevalent
weather conditions and the degree of detail required by the Operator.
When a sensor fails or when any condition causes an invalid data value in a field, that
field must contain -8888 for items with representation code 73(L) or 79(S), or -8888.0
for items with representation code 128(F).
If a data item is simply not available or is unrequested, it should contain -9999 for
items with representation codes 73(L) or 79(S), or -9999.0 for items with
representation code 128(F).
Fields defined as text fields, code 65(A), would contain a blank string (HEX 20) or ""
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1) Where a new item naturally falls within a group of existing items, the
mnemonic should follow the general form of the group. For example, bit data
item mnemonics generally have B as a prefix, mud report data item
mnemonics generally have MR as a prefix, etc.
4) Customized data records must follow the general structure of the Pre-Defined
Data Records.
5) The key entry of a record, other than date and time which appear in the
Header, should be the first entry of the Main Body of the record, i.e. entry 8.
Suggested additions to the WITS Data Dictionary should be fowarded to the WITS
subcommittee via the API Petroleum Information Data Exchange for consideration.
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Industry Participation
Participants in the steering group include:
Operating companies for wells on which WITS services have been provided
Amoco McMoran Occidental Arco ELF Shell
BHP Phillips Conoco Statoil Soekor DuPont
Maraven Corpoven Saga Mobil JNOC Exxon/Esso
Kuffprc Woodside Maersk Gupco BP
Norway Denmark Holland Canada Trinidad
India Myanmar Tunisia Congo Malaysia
Papua New South
Australia Indonesia Venezuela Egypt
Guinea Africa
Nigeria Japan Namibia
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Units Mnemonics
% percent
$ dollar
$/F dollar/foot
API API unit
B/ST barrel/stroke
BBL .barrel (US = 42 gallons)
BPD barrel per day
BPM barrel per minute
cc cubic centimeter
CP centipoise
DEG degree (angular)
DEGF degree Fahrenheit
DGHF degrees (angular) per hundred feet
F feet
F/HR feet per hour
FIRM feet per minute
FPS, feet per second
F3 cubic feet
G/CC grams per cubic centimeter
G/ST gallon/stroke
GAL gallon
GPM gallons per minute
HP horsepower
HR hour
HIS horsepower per square inch
1/32 1/32inch
IHG inches of mercury
IN inch
KF/H thousands of feet per hour
KFLB thousand foot-pounds (torque)
KLB thousand pounds (force)
LB pound
LB/F pounds per linear foot
MCF thousand cubic feet
MCFD thousand cubic feet per day
MD millidarcles
MEHG milliequivalents per hundred grams
MIN minute
MG/L milligrams per liter
MLML milliliter per milliliter (concentration)
MMHO millimhos per meter (conductivity)
MPH mile per hour
MU Microns
OHMM Ohm-meter (resistivity)
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Metric Units
% percent
$ dollar
$/M dollar/meter
API API units
cc Cubic centimeter
CP centipoise,
DEGC Degree Celcius
HR hour
KDN Thousands of Decanewtons
KG/M Kilogram per metre
KG/M3 Kilogram per cubic meter
KN kilonewton
KNM Kilonewton meter
KPA kilopascal
KPAS Kilopascal second
KPH Kilometre per hour
KW kilowatt
KW/M2 Kilowatt per square meter
L/M Liters per minute
m meter
M/HR Meters per hour
M/S Meters per second
M3 Cubic meter
M3/D Cubic meter per day
M3/M Cubic meters per minute
M3ST Cubic meters per stroke (pump capacity)
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27. Stuck Pipe Act of freeing pipe which cannot be pulled by normal processes
28. Wait on Weather Waiting caused by adverse weather conditions.
29. Subsea Run/Pull Riser. stack, wear bushing, etc.
30 Flow Check Check for fluid flow from well while not pumping
Pressure Integrity Pressure test on the casing or a 'leak-off' test on exposed
Test formation
32. Lost Circulation Time spent combating lost circulation problems
33. Short Trip In The act of running the drillstring back to bottom after a short trip.
34. Short Trip Out The act of pulling the drillstring for a short trip.
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