Crystal River PEME
Crystal River PEME
Crystal River PEME
You are required to have a valid Medical Examination before joining your Crystal Cruises River ship. Take time to
read this instruction before going for your medical examination.
1. Take the Medical Examination Report to the doctor or clinic that has been recommended by your agent or Crystal
Cruises Manning AS. Alternatively, visit your licensed private physician only if agreed to with Crystal Cruises
Manning AS.
4. Fill in the self declaration “Back and Spine” on page 10 and sign it.
6. When all of the test results are determined, the doctor shall complete page 5, stating whether you do/do not
meet the medical requirements. The doctor shall also sign page 5 and affix his/her official stamp.
7. Once all of the pages (5 through 10) are completed, you need to forward all 6 pages and all lab tests to Crystal
River Cruises Manning Ltd. before you will be permitted to travel to your ship. You can forward them as follows:
8. Crystal River Cruises Manning Ltd. will contact you with your travel instructions once our Company Medical Advisor
has approved your medical examination. Your medical examination is not valid till we have this approval from our
Medical Advisor.
9. Bring your copy of the Medical Examination with you to the ship.
Thank you for carefully following these instructions. By doing so, you will help us to get you onboard your
ship in the most timely manner, with your medical documentation in order. If you have any questions, do not
hesitate to contact your Personnel Consultant at Crystal Cruises Manning.
Kind regards,
Crystal River Cruises Manning Ltd.
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Dear Doctor,
The seafarer you are about to examine is seeking work onboard a river cruise ship operated by
Crystal Cruises. Attached you will find a Medical Certificate and a Medical Examination Report that
you need to complete. Please note the following important details:
Medical Certificate
• The medical certificate is valid for a period of two years.
• Ensure that all information for the seafarer is completely filled in, including the ID
(Passport and/or Discharge Book) number on page 5.
• Ensure that the attached photograph is the person to be examined. Place your official
stamp partially on the photograph and the document.
• Upon completion of the medical examination, be sure to complete all details about your
name, clinic or hospital, and address. Affix your stamp to the Medical Certificate (page 6).
Thank you for your kind attention to this important medical examination for employment on Crystal
River Cruises.
Ingrid Kihle
Crystal River Cruises Manning Ltd.
Europa Center – John Lopez Street – FRN1400 Floriana – Malta
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The employment physical examination should establish that the applicant does not have any mental or
physical disability or disease that interferes with his or her daily work or may in any way endanger the
health of other persons onboard. It should also ensure that the applicant’s visual acuity, color vision and
hearing fulfill the international regulation requirements for his or her type of work onboard.
3. Endocrine disease
• Diabetes mellitus Type I insulin dependent
• Diabetes mellitus Type II unstable *
5. Neurological disease
• Symptomatic neurologic disorders
• Epilepsy
• Severe migraine headaches
• Neuralgias
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6. Cardiac disease
• Symptomatic or functionally significant heart disease
• Peripheral vascular disease
• Hypertension (individual assessment)*
• Conditions requiring continuous anticoagulant therapy
7. Respiratory disease
• Chronic bronchial conditions
• Asthma requiring treatment
8. GI disease
• Disease of the teeth and gums until adequately treated
• Recurring dyspepsia with or without ulcer
• Symptom-giving gallstones
• Chronic diseases of liver or pancreas
• Chronic enteritis or colitis
• Hernia (untreated or unsuccessfully treated).
9. GU disease
• Present calculi (stones) of urinary tract
• Chronic nephritis or nephrosis
• Prostatitis
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I have evaluated the above-named examinee according to the Crystal River Cruises Manning Ltd. Medical
Guidelines (Based on UK Medical Requirements for Seafarers MSN1765(M), and on the basis of the examinee’s
personal declaration, my clinical examination, and the diagnostic test results obtained, and in consideration of the
essential requirements of the position applied for, in my opinion this employee DOES / DOES NOT meet the
physical requirement for this job.
(circle one)
Restrictions applied: None/……………………………………………………
The hearing/sight and colour vision are all satisfactory in capacities where fitness for the work to be performed is
liable to affected by defective colour vision. Furthermore, the above name examinee is not suffering from any
medical condition likely to be aggravated by sea service or to render him/her unfit for such service or to endanger
the health of other persons onboard.
Visual aid required (specify) Yes/No Informed spares necessary Yes/No Fit for lookout duty Yes/No
Signed: Name:
Clinic stamp:
I acknowledge that I have been advised of the content of the medical examination form.
A copy of this page should be kept by the examining physician, and a copy sent to the CRCM.
The entire original medical examination form should be given to the seafarer.
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This examination must be carried out by an authorized physician. The seafarer must meet the minimum standards set down
by the authorizing body. Reference should also be made to the guidelines included.
Date/result of last medical examination: Date/result of last Employment Physical Exam (if any): DD MM YYYY
Vaccination status (This section is for information only. No vaccinations are required/authorised as part of this exam)
State date of last vaccination/immunity (if not vaccinated, state N/A next to the item):
Diphtheria: Tetanus: Pertussis: Polio: Hepatitis A:
Typhoid : Hepatitis B: Yellow Fever: MMR: Varicella:
To the best of your knowledge, have any of your family ever suffered from any of the following? Heart conditions/angina,
Blood pressure problems, Stroke/vascular disease, Mental/nervous, disorder, Diabetes, Tuberculosis, Asthma/eczema,
Glaucoma, Epilepsy/fits, Cancer, Anaemia
If yes, please give details:
Do you feel healthy and fit to perform the duties of your designated position/occupation? Yes/No
Have you ever been declared unfit for sea duty, or had your medical certificate restricted or revoked? Yes/No
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To be completed by the Crew Member and given to the Examining Physician.
Have you ever had any medical conditions affecting the systems below? Y N If yes, give details:
Dental problems
Ear/nose/throat problems: Ear Infections, Hearing Problems, Sinus Trouble, Recurrent Nose Bleeding
Heart problems: Rheumatic Fever, abnormal heart beat, Chest Pain, Heart Attack, Heart surgery
Females: Gynae problems, abnormal smears, painful periods, pregnancy problems, Breast lumps
Digestive disorder: Frequent Indigestion, Gastric/Duodenal Ulcer, Abdominal Pain Diarrhoea, Constipation,
Bleeding from gut, Jaundice, hepatitis or Liver Complaints, Hernia, Haemorrhoids/piles
Psychiatric problems: Anxiety, Depression, Sleep problems, Nervous Breakdown, suicide attempt
Restricted mobility: Back problems, Sciatica, Fractures, Dislocations, Severe Sprain, Arthritis, Rheumatism,
Joint pain
Apart from conditions as above, have you had any other operations or surgery, serious accidents or injuries, medical problems, diseases or
illnesses, visits to health care professionals or hospital admissions? Yes/No
I certify that the above medical information is true and any false information provided will be grounds for immediate dismissal. Any failure
to disclose any pre-existing medical condition will be grounds to exclude claims for any illness/injury and other benefits to which I might
otherwise be entitled. The details of my medical examination may be released to my own doctor and also the results may be communicated
to the personnel department of the company/UK Club for whom this examination is carried out.
I hereby authorize the release of all my previous medical records from any health professionals, health institutions and public authorities to
this Examining Physician.
______________________ ___________________________
Signed: (Applicant) Examining Physician Date DD MM YYYY
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To be completed by the Examining Physician.
Height (cm) Weight (kg) BMI (kg/m2) Rate Rhythm Systolic Diastolic
Pulse Blood Pressure
BMI must be under 30
Systems examination
Normal/Abnormal (give detail) Normal/Abnormal (give detail)
General appearance Vascular (inc. pedal
Eyes, pupils Varicose veins
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Required Laboratory Test Results (to be attached)*
See guidelines for requirements for each State whether applicable, Positive/Negative, Normal, or if abnormal give details
Electrocardiogram (only for individuals age 50
and above unless extenuating circumstances require
Full Blood Count
Urea, electrolytes, Creatinine,
Glucose, LFTs
Hepatitis A**
Hepatitis B** – HBsAg, if positive other
markers to establish infectivity
Hepatitis C** – anti HCV
Syphilis serology VDRL/RPR
Drug Test Results: (Circle one)
Phencyclidine (PCP) POS NEG Cocaine (COC) POS NEG
Amphetamines (AMP) POS NEG Marijuana (THC) POS NEG
Opiates (OPI) POS NEG
Based on the examination results above, I find this individual to be (check one):
Clinic Stamp:
The original of pages 5 to 10 should be given to the seafarer, a copy kept by the Examining Physician, and a copy sent to Crystal River
Cruises Manning Ltd.
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Self-declaration – Back and Spine
It is mandatory for all applicants to complete this form. False statements may lead to termination of employment.
Name: D.O.B.
Have you ever suffered from back pain in the past? (Circle one) Yes No
If yes,
1. When? (List year. If more than once, list all years)
2. What symptoms and signs did you have? (Please circle appropriate response)
4. What was the diagnosis (i.e. what were you told was wrong with your back?)
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