5.3 Statically Determinate Members: 65 Mechanics of Structures and Their Analysis
5.3 Statically Determinate Members: 65 Mechanics of Structures and Their Analysis
5.3 Statically Determinate Members: 65 Mechanics of Structures and Their Analysis
i+r = 2j (5.27)
2 1+
A structure is regarded to be statically indeterminate when
the number of independent equations of equilibrium is less The bulk modulus of elasticity K
than the internal resisting forces or the reactive forces over a
cross section. E
K= = (5.29)
Examples of indeterminate structures include xed beams, 3 1− 2 ∆V V
continuous beams, xed arches, two hinged arches, portals,
multistorey frames, etc. where V = the volume and ΔV = the volume change. The ratio
ΔV/V = volumetric strain and is expressed as
5.3.3 TRUSS STRUCTURES ∆V 3 1− 2
= = (5.30)
A truss is a structure consisting of bars or links, presumed to V K E
be linked to the joints by frictionless pins and organized in
such a way that the area only within the limits of the struc- 5.5 PRINCIPAL PLANES AND
ture is segmented by the bars into geometric gures that are
normally triangles. Internal determinacy is a kind of indeter-
minacy associated with trusses. The overall shape of a truss The maximum and minimum normal stresses which can
is a triangle. If j is the estimated number of joints, i is the occur in a material are called the principal stresses. The
estimated number of links, and r is the minimal number of major principal stress is the maximum normal stress, whereas
external determinacy/stability reactions required, the minimum normal stress is referred to as minor principal
66 Practical Civil Engineering
stress. The planes upon which normal stress reaches its maxi-
mum and minimum value are, respectively, known as major
and minor principal planes. Shear stress on principal planes
is zero.
x + y x − y
n = + cos 2 + xy sin 2 (5.31a)
2 2
where σn is the normal stress acting on the inclined plane. To
maximize (or minimize) the stress, the derivative of σn with
respect to the rotation angle θ is equated to zero and the incli-
nation angle is computed from Equation 5.31b.
2 xy
Maximum shear stresses, τmax, at angle, θτ−max.
tan 2 p = (5.31b) FIGURE 5.14
x − y
= x y + 2
2 xy
R = − + 2
x y xy
avg = x + y (5.36(ii))
This represents the equation of a circle (the Mohr circle) in
the form
x−a 2 + y−b = r2 (5.37)
P My
=± ± (5.40)
When a direct shear force acts on a beam of any section at any 5.8.2 DUCTILITY
point, the shear stress is exerted by
Ductility of the material can be described as its ability to
V undergo large deformations before failure. Ductile materials
= A′y′ (5.42) exhibit the phenomenon of yielding. Ductility is measured by
the length, elongation percentage, and the tension test area
The consequent shearing stress due to direct shear and torsion reduction percentage.
is given as follows by the algebraic sum:
= ± A′y′ (5.43)
J Ib It is a property of the material, in which the stresses devel-
The positive or negative signs in Equation 5.43 depends on the oped due to the applied load will disappear when the load is
shearing stresses that act along the same line of action or in removed.
opposite directions.
5.7.3 STRESSES PRODUCED DUE TO COMBINED Hardness of a material refers to its resistance to scratching,
ACTION OF BENDING AND TORSION abrasion, or indentation.
When a shaft is bent and twisted, it is optimal to convey the Initial tangent modulus is the tangent line slope at the start
subsequent direct and shear stresses as the moment and the of the stress–strain chart as can be seen in Figure 5.18.
torque applied. If a bending moment M and torque T act on
a rod together, the stresses on a component at the top of the 5.8.5 MALLEABILITY
rod are as shown in Figure 5.17. Those on the lower surface,
except compressive, are the same. It is a property of the material by which it can be rolled or
beaten up into thin sheets.
My M
The normal stress, = = π (5.44a)
The resilience module is characterized as the total energy
Tr T that can be absorbed per unit volume without permanently
The shear stress, = = π (5.44b)
J d3 distorting the system. It is measured by the integration of
16 the stress–strain curve within the elastic limit. In uniaxial
For solid shaft, tension,
1 (5.45a) y
Maximum principal stress, = + 2
+4 2
Ur = (5.46)
x x max
FIGURE 5.17 Combined stresses due to bending and torsion. FIGURE 5.18 Slope of stress–strain curve.
Mechanics of Structures and Their Analysis 69
5.8.9 RELATIVE DENSITY SFD and BMD are two analytical tools that are used in struc-
tural analysis. They are used as an aid in structural design.
Relative density is the ratio of material density to water At a certain point in the structural element, they give the
density. real value of shear force and bending moment. In order to
design a structural member (its type, size, and material) for
5.8.10 RESILIENCE a speci ed set of loads by preventing any structural failure,
these diagrams can be conveniently used. The de ection of
Resilience implies the capacity of a material to absorb energy a beam either using moment area method or the conjugate
when it is elastically deformed and release energy when it is beam method can be calculated by diagrams of shear force
unloaded. and bending moment.
It refers to the resistance of rupture of a material due to tearing.
Toughness is characterized as the capacity of a material to FIGURE 5.19 Normal positive shear force convention.
absorb energy and deform without fracturing plastically.
= Load (5.47)
SFD and BMD for Various Cases of Loading on Beams
Loading Diagram
Type of Beam Type of Load Position of Load BMD
Cantilever beam having A concentrated load W At the free end
length ‘l’