47 Engineering Mechanics: Ixed EAM

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Engineering Mechanics 47

FIGURE 4.22 Simply supported beam.

FIGURE 4.20 Fixed support.

A beam which is xed at both ends is called as a xed beam or
moment. For a structure to be stable at least one xed support “built-in beam” or “encastre beam” and is shown in Figure 4.23.
is necessary. A common example of a xed support is the high
mast lamp set into a concrete base. The steel reinforcement of a 4.7.3 CANTILEVER BEAM
Reinforced Concrete (RC) beam is embedded in an RC column to
produce a xed support as shown in Figure 4.20. Similarly, all the A beam xed at one end and free at the other is called a can-
welded joints in a steel structure are examples of xed supports. tilever beam which is shown in Figure 4.24.


Pinned supports can resist both vertical and horizontal forces A beam with more than two supports is called a continuously
as shown in Figure 4.21. They are also called as hinged sup- supported beam which is shown in Figure 4.25.
ports. They are not capable of resisting moments. It allows
rotation but restricts translation in all directions. Even then, 4.7.5 OVERHANGING BEAMS
rotation is allowed in one direction only and is restricted in all
the other directions. The best example of a pinned support is Some beams are freely supported at two points and the beam
the knee in our body. It allows rotation in only one direction may be extending beyond the supports at either one end or
and resists lateral movements. In practical cases, ideal cases of both the ends. Such beams are called overhanging beams
pinned supports are rarely found. Beams supported on walls shown in Figure 4.26.
or connected to other steel beams can be considered as pinned.


Horizontal slender structural members are called beams. The loads
are transferred horizontally along their length to the supports.
At the supports, the loads are then resolved into vertical forces.
Beams can resist transverse vertical loads, shear forces, and bend-
ing moments. Beams can be classi ed into different types based
on the various types of support given to the beams. FIGURE 4.23 Fixed beam.


In some beams, the ends of a beam rest freely on the supports.
Such beams are called as simply (freely) supported beams
shown in Figure 4.22.

FIGURE 4.24 Cantilever beam.

FIGURE 4.21 Pinned support. FIGURE 4.25 Continuously supported beam.

48 Practical Civil Engineering

FIGURE 4.26 Overhanging beam. FIGURE 4.29 Uniformly varying load.


4.8.1 POINT LOADS Friction is de ned as the resistive force acting in opposite
Loads applied at certain points in a beam are said to be point direction at the surface of a body which tends to move or it
loads or concentrated loads shown in Figure 4.27. moves. Frictional forces always act tangentially at the point
of contact. Friction may be categorized into two groups—(a)
static friction; (b) kinetic friction/dynamic friction.
It is a type of load which has the same intensity of load over 4.9.1 STATIC FRICTION
a certain length of the beam shown in Figure 4.28. The total
load will be w × x , where w is the intensity of load and x is the Even when there is no motion between a body and the surface
loaded length. on which it moves, the body experiences a frictional force
under the action of the external force acting on the body.
This is called as static friction.
When the load varies uniformly from one point to another 4.9.2 KINETIC FRICTION/DYNAMIC FRICTION
point on the beam, it is called uniformly varying load shown
in Figure 4.29. When the intensity of load varies from zero at The frictional force experienced by a body when it is in
one end to w/unit length at the other end, over a length x, then motion is called kinetic friction. There are two types of
kinetic friction which are sliding friction and rolling friction.
the total load will be × x × w = the area of the triangle.
2 Sliding Friction
When a body slides over another body or on a surface, sliding
friction occurs. This is shown in Figure 4.30. The resistive
When loads are applied, reactions develop at the supports. force to sliding is known as sliding frictional force.
A beam is kept in equilibrium by the system of forces consisting
of applied loads and reactions. The nature of reactions depends Rolling friction
upon the type of support and types of loads. The equations for When a body rolls over another body or surface, the resistive
equilibrium shown in Eqn. 4.17 can be applied to the beams and force is known as rolling friction force shown in Figure 4.31.
frames for calculating the reactions at the supports.

FIGURE 4.27 Point load.

FIGURE 4.28 Uniformly distributed load. FIGURE 4.30 Sliding friction.

Engineering Mechanics 49


Consider Figure 4.32,

N = total reaction perpendicular to the contact surface

f = frictional force
W = weight of the body = mg
m = mass of the body
g = acceleration due to gravity
µ = coef cient of friction
R = resultant of f and N
ϕ = angle of friction
FIGURE 4.31 Rolling friction.
By de nition,

4.9.3 LAWS OF FRICTION f = N (4.18a)

The force of friction depends on certain assumptions speci-
ed in the laws of friction which are in close agreement with From Figure 4.32,
f Law 1 tan = (4.18b)
When two bodies are in contact, the direction of forces of
friction on one of them at its point of contact is opposite to the
direction in which the point of contact tends to move relative tan = (4.18c)
to the other.
Considering the equilibrium of the body, from Equation 4.15b, Law 2
The magnitude of frictional force that can be exerted between N = mg (4.18d)
two surfaces is limited. If the magnitude of forces acting on the
body is large enough to exceed this, motion will occur. Thus, Then, frictional force,
limiting friction is de ned as the friction exerted when equilib-
rium breaks and one body slides on another body or on a surface. f = µmg (from Equation 4.18a) (4.18e) Law 3 If external force, F < µmg then, there is no motion in the body
The ratio of the limiting friction to the normal reaction between and the body will remain so until the frictional force of the
two surfaces depends on the material property of the surfaces. body is equal to external force. When µmg > F then, body
It does not depend on the magnitude of the normal reaction. slides over the surface.
This ratio is denoted by µ and is called as coef cient of friction.
Thus, if the normal reaction is R, the limiting friction is µR.
4.9.6 ANGLE OF FRICTION Law 4 Just at the time of sliding, the angle between the normal reac-
The amount of limiting friction does not depend on the con- tion and the resultant reaction is called the angle of static
tact area between two surfaces and their shape if the normal friction as shown in Figure 4.32.
reaction is unaltered. Law 5
When a body moves, the direction of friction is opposite to
the direction of relative motion. It is independent of velocity.
There exists a constant ratio between the magnitude of the
frictional force and the normal reaction.


The coef cient of friction is de ned as the ratio of the fric-
tional force to the normal force. This coef cient depends on
the material properties of the contact surfaces. A rougher sur-
face will have a higher coef cient. FIGURE 4.32 Forces on a body.
50 Practical Civil Engineering

From Equation 4.18c,

= tan −1 (4.19)


Angle of repose is de ned as the angle of the inclined plane
with horizontal at which the body is in the condition of just
sliding as shown in Figure 4.33. In bodies resting on an
inclined plane, the angle of friction is always equal to the
angle of repose.


FIGURE 4.35 Wedge friction.
Figure 4.34 shows an inverted cone with a semicentral angle,
α, which is equal to limiting frictional angle, ϕ. This cone is related to the equilibrium of bodies resting on inclined planes.
called the cone of friction. These problems are therefore solved by applying Lami’s
theorem or by equilibrium method.


Wedges are small pieces of materials with a triangular or
trapezoidal cross section as shown in Figure 4.35. Wedges are A ladder is used for climbing on the walls. It basically consists
advantageous in heavy weightlifting, for slightly adjusting the of two long uprights which are connected by a number of
position of a body, etc. Compared to the weight to be lifted, crossbars called as rungs. They act as the steps while climbing.
the weight of the wedge is very small. Hence, it is usually A ladder AB is shown in Figure 4.36. Its end A rests on the
neglected. The problems on wedges are usually the problems ground and end B leans against a wall. The following forces
act on the ladder.

• Self-weight of the ladder, W, acts downward at its

• Normal reaction, Rb, and frictional force, Fb = μRb,
are the two forces at the end B. The ladder may slip
downward. Therefore, the frictional force will act
upward. In the case of a smooth wall, the frictional
force will be equal to zero as μ = 0.
• Normal reaction, Ra, and frictional force, Fa = μRa,
are the forces at the end A. While slipping, since the
ladder has a tendency to move away from the wall,
the frictional force will act toward the wall.

Applying equilibrium conditions, given in Equation 4.15, the

FIGURE 4.33 Angle of repose. unknown forces can be determined.

FIGURE 4.34 Cone of friction. FIGURE 4.36 Ladder friction.

Engineering Mechanics 51


The center of gravity (CG) is a point where the whole weight
of a body acts. The earth attracts all the particles in a body
toward its center and this force of attraction is called as the
weight of the body. These forces exerted by the particles may
be considered to act along parallel lines. There exists a point
in the body, through which the resultant of all such parallel
forces acts. This point, through which the whole resultant or
the weight of the body acts is known as the CG and is shown in
Figure 4.37. It may be noted that each body has only one CG. FIGURE 4.38 Centroid.

As CG is for 3D bodies, centroid is for 2D plane gures (like
circle, triangle, quadrilateral, etc.). They have only areas, but
no mass. The center of area of such gures is known as cen-
troid shown in Figure 4.38.


For calculating the location of the CG of a body, an assumed
axis known as the axis of reference is used with respect to
which computations are made. For plane gures, this axis of FIGURE 4.39 Axis of reference.
reference is usually taken as the bottommost line in the gure
for calculating Y (distance measured vertically) and the left- 4.10.4 AXIS OF SYMMETRY
most line of the gure for calculating X (distance measured
horizontally) as shown in Figure 4.39. Axis of symmetry is a line or axis, which divides the given
line, area, or volume into two equal and identical parts.


Consider a lamina with a de nite area. Its plane consists of a
number of particles with masses m1, m2, m3, etc., and hence
weights m1g, m2g, m3g, etc., with coordinates (x1, y1), (x2, y2),
(x3, y3), etc. Taking moments about O, with the reference axis
OX in Figure 4.37, the following equations are obtained.

∑m x i i

x= i =1
n (4.20a)
i =1

∑m y i i

y= i =1
n (4.20b)


The method used for nding out the centroid of a plane gure
and the CG of a body is the same. The distance of centroid of an
area from Y-axis and X-axis is given by Equations 4.21a and b,
FIGURE 4.37 Center of gravity. respectively, in which dA is an elemental area, x is the distance
52 Practical Civil Engineering

of this elemental area from Y-axis, and y is the distance of ele-

mental area dA from X-axis as shown in Figure 4.40.
∫ ya = ∑ ( ya) = a y + a y + 
1 1 2 2
∫ a ∑a a + a +  1 2

∫ x dA (4.21a)
These theorems relate a surface of revolution to its generating
∫ y dA (4.21b)
curve and a volume of revolution to its generating area.

∫ dA Theorem 1
The area of the surface generated by revolving a plane curve
A composite area can be divided into a number of plane g- about a nonintersecting axis in the plane of the curve is equal
ures like triangle, square, rectangle, circle, semicircle, etc., to the product of the length of the curve and the distance
for which areas and locations of centroids of each area are travelled by the centroid of the curve while the surface is
known. The distances of centroid of the composite area from being generated. The entire area generated by the curve
the Y axis and X axis are given by Equations 4.22a and b,
where a1, a2, ……. are areas of each section, x1, x2, ……… are
the distances of centroid of a1, a2, ……... from the Y-axis, and
∫ 2πy dL = 2π ∫ ( y dL) = 2πyL (4.23)
y1, y2, ……… are the distances of centroid of a1, a2, ……...
from the X-axis as shown in Figure 4.41. where 2πy is the distance traveled by the centroid of the curve
of length L as shown in Figure 4.42.

∫ xa = ∑ (xa) = a x + a x + 
1 1 2 2
(4.22a) Theorem 2
∫ a ∑a a + a + 1 2 The volume of a body generated by revolving a plane area
about a nonintersecting axis in the plane of the area is equal
to the product of area and the distance traveled by the centroid
of the plane area while the body is being generated. The entire
volume generated by A

∫ 2πy dA = 2π ∫ y dA = 2πyA (4.24)

where 2πy is the distance traveled by the centroid of area

A (see Figure 4.43).

FIGURE 4.40 Centroid of a plane gure.

FIGURE 4.41 Centroid of composite area. FIGURE 4.42 Pappus–Guldinus Theorem 1.

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