Curriculum Innovation

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Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLED) major in

Information and Communication Technology programs is a four years course
design to equip future teachers who will be teaching the Technology and
Livelihood Education ICT subjects for Grades 4 to 8 in the basic

Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLED) offers different

kinds of programs that enable students to acquire and develops their skills that
will be useful in their day to day life. Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood
Education (BTLED) has 3 fields which include the Home Economics; Industrial
Arts; and Agri-fishery.

Specifically, in the field of Home Economics, which covers many subjects,

such as human development, personal and family finance, housing and interior
design, food science and preparation, nutrition and wellness, textiles and apparel
and consumer issues. Home Economics gives students a valuable insight into:
what’s really in the food we eat every day; how to plan and cook nutritious and
economical meals; how to choose the best food for themselves and their family;
the importance of good nutrition and health; and the role of the consumer in
modern eating patterns.

II. Program Innovation Description

A. Program Innovation Name:

Innovation in Teaching and Learning with the use of
Modern Technologies and High Technologies; Tools; Equipment etc. for the
improvement in teaching and learning for both Teachers and Learners in
Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLED).

B. Nature of the Program Innovation

The nature of the proposed innovative program is dynamic. It

simply implies that it will not be stagnant but rather an active and ever-
changing program that will be able to adapt/improve the current educational
C. Program Goals

The goal of this program is to help the Learners:

• Seek and develop their skills as future Home Economists.
• Molds themselves by teaching a set of skills specialized that suits their
future career.

III. Programs Outcome

At the end of this program, the students should be able to:

• Acquired knowledge on how to operate modern technologies and high

• Apply their skills to their future career.
• Value the learnings they acquired and help the next generation of BTLED
by teaching what they have learned and the skills they have acquired.

IV. Curriculum
(Point out what to be changed or added)

• Add another set of competencies that will deal with the Self-Care of every BTLED
student, as Home Economists we should know how to properly take care of
ourselves, especially in our homes. This competency will be divided into two which
are Self-Care 1 and 2, Self-care 1 will be mainly focused on the theories about how
we should properly take care our self, and Self-care II will be focused on the
application of Proper taking care of the self.

(Based/explanation of course Arrangement)

The course Arrangement is well organized as it first teaches theories of every
competency up to the application of every competency. In conclusion, the course
arrangement is good as it already undergoes evaluation.
V. Implementation of Program Innovation

A. General Guidelines

Curriculum innovation occurs because societies have new needs and issues.
These changes may be in response to the curriculum evaluations and
reviews, or the culture. Curriculum may also change in response to
economic, social, and political issues as well as access to technology and
curriculum innovations.

This new program will meet the following:

1. New teaching methods must be applied with the use of
modern technology.
2. Follow the rules and regulations of the university.
3. Practice proper etiquette.

B. Learning System
The learning system will be more digital as it will more often use
modern technology in teaching and learning.

C. Assessment System
The assessment will be done hands-on. Even if the said proposal of
innovation is about the enrichment of the technology, assessment must be
face-to-face to ensure the learning of every student

VI. Evaluation of the Innovation


Teachers use a Projector
in teaching

Teachers use the TV in


Students utilize the use of

the printer in the school

Students uses modern

technology in conducting
a laboratory
VII. Key Personnel Involved and Their Responsibilities
▪ The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) -to ensure that the
innovation made produces graduates who are globally competitive,
locally relevant, and socially responsive
▪ COED DEAN – to ensure that the innovations to be implemented in the
school has the very best curriculum to deliver high-quality learning to
▪ UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT- insures that the innovation implemented is
▪ TEACHERS- are central to any curriculum development they are the
most knowledgeable about the practice of teaching and are responsible
for introducing the curriculum in the classroom.
▪ STUDENTS- students are the main focus of the curriculum innovation
their roles and functions are as following:
- Attend classes on time
- Being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies
- Taking good care of school properties.
- Completing all assignments.
- Respecting themselves and others
- Reading on a regular basis
- Doing their best

VIII. Detailed Timeline for the Program Innovation Design

January 4 Innovation Proposal

January 16 Finalizing the Proposal
January 30 Submission of the Innovation Proposal
January 31 Checking of the Innovation Proposal
(which will be checked by the university
president and other College of Education
Dean and other officials)

February 1-6 Approval of the Proposal

SY 2023-2024 Implementation of the Proposal

IX. Budget
1,000,000 (which will be used for the tools and equipment for teachers and
learners for their teaching and learning specially in their laboratory)

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