Pavement Design Components
Pavement Design Components
Pavement Design Components
This chapter addresses both environment and traffic. Refer to Chapter 3, Pavement Material
Characterization, for information about the subgrade. This manual includes details about the required
input and data collection needed for designs using the empirical method and the M-E method.
Two major environmental factors that influence pavement are water and temperature. Temperature
affects the properties of the asphalt layer. Water affects the performance and stiffness of the
unbound base, subbase, and subgrade layers. Water can infiltrate from the surface as a result of
rainfall or from high-ground water tables.
Traffic is another major uncontrolled factor that impacts pavement design. Mathematically, traffic is
represented in terms of applied loads on pavement structures. Vehicle classification, loads, and
traffic studies are crucial for designing adequate pavement cross sections. This chapter explains
both the traffic details that are required for M-E design and the equivalent axle load calculations that
empirical design requires.
2.2 Environment
Environment includes many variables, including temperature, rainfall, sunshine, humidity, and wind.
These factors impact a road’s performance and condition over time. Changing temperatures can
change the properties of materials in hot mix asphalt (HMA); higher temperatures result in a softer
asphalt mixture for the same binder type. Wet soils have a lower strength (less stiffness) than dry
soils. A good design accounts for known and anticipated environmental influences.
Designers can perform Mr testing to consider seasonal variations in the subgrade modulus. By
developing a relationship between moisture changes and the Mr, then comparing this relationship
with the in-situ moisture content, they can determine the corresponding modulus. Designers can
apply Equation 2-1 to determine a relative damage factor (Uf) that accounts for seasonal variations.
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Designers can also graphically determine a relative damage factor (Uf) that accounts for seasonal
variations, as shown in Figure 2-1. Using this method, a designer determines the subgrade resilient
modulus for each seasonal period and calculates the relative damage for the same period.
A seasonal period can be a single month or up to several months, depending on how much these
factors change for different periods. When all the seasonal figures are available, a designer
calculates the average relative damage and applies this average to back-calculate the corresponding
modulus of the subgrade.
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According to UAE National Centre of Meteorology and Seismology (7), the average value for rainfall
in Abu Dhabi Emirate and the Western Region is 56.3 mm, based on cumulative annual rainfall for
28 different weather stations in the area. Figure 2-2 shows a contour of the cumulative annual rainfall,
in mm.
Table 2-1 provides details about annual rainfall in Abu Dhabi, as reflected by the rainfall values for
the 28 weather locations.
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Cumulative Cumulative
Station Annual Rainfall Station Annual Rainfall
(mm) (mm)
Madinat Zayed 40.8 Abu Dhabi 60.7
AL Gheweifat 47.5 Al Wathbah 78.1
Al jazeera BG 27.3 Al Khazna 82.9
Mukhariz 31.6 Al Rowdah 51.9
Owtaid 61.7 Al Arad 69.3
Mezaira 26.6 Unknown 80.5
Hamim 33.9 Jabal Hafeet 95.3
Um Azimul 42.5 Um Ghafa 44.1
Bu Hamrah 32.3 Khatam Al Shadah 121.6
Al Qlaa 29.0 Al Ain 43.9
Sir Bani Yas 47.5 Al Qattara 20.3
Rezeen 69.9 Al Foah 128.0
Al Quaa 44.1 Raknah 75.9
Abu Abyad 45.2 Sweihan 44.6 Temperature
Changes in temperature mainly affect the asphalt layer. Asphalt becomes stiff and brittle at low
temperatures. Higher temperatures accelerate the aging of the asphalt materials, causing the asphalt
mixture to become stiffer with time. Refer to Chapter 3, Pavement Material Characterization, for an
asphalt layer modulus calculation, which accounts for temperature effects.
Considering temperature effects is also important when selecting the binder for a road design.
Typically, designers follow the binder performance grade in the Superpave mix design system to
select the binder. Given Abu Dhabi Emirate’s relatively insignificant temperature changes, however,
designers can select the same binder grade for all road designs for the region.
According to Austroads Guide to Pavement Technology, Part 2: Pavement Structural Design (6),
designers consider the effects of temperature on the asphalt layer modulus by estimating the
weighted mean annual pavement temperature (WMAPT). To estimate the WMAPT, perform the
following steps:
1. Obtain the monthly average daily maximum air temperature and the annual monthly daily
minimum air temperature.
2. Calculate the monthly average air temperatures by averaging the maximum and minimum air
3. Using Equation 2-2 and the monthly average air temperature, calculate the temperature
weighting factors (WF) for each month.
4. For each site, average the 12 WFs obtained in step 3.
5. Using the average WF from step 4, apply Equation 2-3 to estimate the weighted mean annual
air temperature (WMAAT) for each site.
6. Using the WMAAT, apply Equation 2-4 to estimate the WMAPT for each site.
The following equations are based on the Shell International Petroleum Company’s Pavement
Design Manual: Asphalt pavement and overlays for road traffic, 1978 (8).
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According to UAE National Center of Meteorology and Seismology (7), temperature changes in Abu
Dhabi Emirate are generally not significant, based on maximum and minimum air temperatures
recorded at 30 different weather stations in the area. Figure 2-3 shows the mean annual air
temperature in the Abu Dhabi Emirate.
Table 2-2 provides details about annual air temperatures in Abu Dhabi, based on the data gathered
at 30 area weather stations. The WMAPT values in this table are based on the steps provided above.
The WAMPT values are based on the calculation in Equation 2-4 WMAPT values in the region range
from 45.0° C to 38.7° C, with an average value of 43.5° C. The average value is representative for
the entire Abu Dhabi Emirate.
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properly without major rehabilitation or reconstruction that is why it might be referred to as analysis
Engineers select a road’s DL based on the pavement’s intended function. Typically, flexible
pavements have a DL of 20 years, while rigid pavements have a DL of 30 years. For temporary
pavements, such as detours, however, DLs range from six months to a maximum of two years.
Designers can propose DLs that exceed 20 years for pavement structures for important roads or for
roads that will require less frequent maintenance. DMAT must approve such proposed DL increases
before further pavement design activities can proceed.
Figure 2-4 shows vehicle classifications for pavement designs, as defined in the USA Federal
Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Guide to LTPP Traffic Data Collection and Processing (9). These
classifications are as follows:
1. Motorcycle
2. Passenger cars
3. Other two-axle, four-tire single units
4. Buses
5. Two-axle, six-tire single units
6. Three-axle single units
7. Four or more axle single units
8. Four or less axle single trailers
9. Five-axle single trailers
10. Six or more axle single trailers
11. Five or less axle multi-trailer
12. Six-axle multi-trailer
13. Seven or more axle multi-trailer
Vehicles in classes 4 to 13 (buses to multi-trailer vehicles with seven or more axles) are the most
critical vehicles for pavement design. Motorcycles and passenger cars cause insignificant pavement
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Based on the axle grouping, engineers can use the axle group load to calculate the damage factor,
how much damage a vehicle will cause, which will be explained later in this section.
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1) Single Axle Single Tire 2) Single Axle dual Tires 3) Tandem Axle Single Tire
4) Tandem Axle dual Tires 5) Tridem Axle dual Tires 6) Quad Axle dual Tires
q = P/A
The actual shape of the tire imprint depends on the tire load. A tire’s imprint might be rectangular,
trapezoidal, circular, or some irregular shape. Calculating the relationship between contact stress
and load, as shown in Equation 2-5, assumes a circular tire imprint to facilitate the calculation
process in a mechanistic model for the interaction between tire and pavement.
Typical tire pressures recorded by tire manufactures for heavy trucks range from 500 kPa to 1000
kPa, with an average value of 700 kPa.
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Refer to Abu Dhabi DMAT Road Structures Design Manual (10) for directions on how to conduct
traffic surveys to obtain vehicle counts. In such surveys, engineers count traffic over several days,
then calculate an Average Daily Traffic (ADT) factor that serves as a base current two-way traffic
volume. For new roadways for which engineers can’t obtain actual vehicle counts, engineers can
apply traffic forecasting and trip generation models.
If a model projection is not available, a designer shall assume a rational growth factor (GF), based
on the current ADT, to estimate future traffic. To predict future traffic, use either the general GF, as
shown in Equation 2-6, or one of the GF formulas. According to the Abu Dhabi Municipality’s
Roadway Design Manual, engineers can use either the linear GF formula, as shown in Equation 2-7,
or the compound GF formula, as shown in Equation 2-8, to estimate traffic.
GF = 1 + (GR/100)*DL
GF = (1 + (GR/100))DL
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GF ranges from 0 (which indicates no growth) to 10%. Engineers should base assumed GFs on a
highway’s functional classification, as well as vehicle ownership, population, employment rates, and
land uses within the area.
Practice in Abu Dhabi Emirates requires trucks to use the outer lane, for which the lane distribution
factor (LDF) should be 1.
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EALF = (L/SL)m
Load Damage
Design Method
Exponent (m)
Empirical 4
Mechanistic – Control Fatigue 5
Mechanistic – Control Rutting 7
Engineers can obtain actual axle loads from a weigh-in-motion (WIM) system data or from a traffic
survey that collects axle loads in addition to vehicle counts.
TF = (∑ p*EALF)
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x TF = Truck factor
x p = Percent of each truck class
x EALF = Equivalent axle load factor
A sample EALF calculation sheet for a typical public bus based on the AASHTO (appendix D,
table D.4) is attached in the Annex 2.
ESAL calculations shall be in accordance with AASHTO pavement design manual and the final
design to be verified using Mechanistic Method.
Engineers can apply Equation 2-11 to convert the accumulation of the mixed traffic load passes to
ESALs (a standard axle load for an 80-kN single axle vehicle).
ESAL = ADT(current)*T*TF*GF*LDF*DF*DL*365
a. Number axles/trucks
b. Axle configuration
c. Wheel base
d. Lateral traffic wander
Engineers can obtain this data from automatic vehicle classification (AVC) and weigh-in-motion
(WIM) stations. Engineers shall sort this data by axle type and vehicle class to be used in the M-E
design methodology. If site-specific data are not available, use the M-E design procedure’s default
Using load spectra enhances pavement design, enabling the direct analysis of mixed traffic and
avoiding the need for load equivalency factors. Additional advantages of applying the load spectra
approach include the possibility of special vehicle analyses, analysis of the impact on performance
of overloaded trucks, and analysis of weight limit changes during critical climate conditions.
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Actual materials properties shall be used in the design, however if it is not available assume
properties of materials as per the standard specifications and calculate the factors from the relevant
formula or charts as per AASHTO.
In addition to external factors, such as traffic and environment, materials are critical elements that
impact pavement designs. Designers, however, can make the best use of pavement materials by
knowing their properties through testing. To obtain properties for different pavement materials,
designers may conduct laboratory tests or use empirical material characterization models. This
chapter covers the material characterizations for all types of materials used in pavement structures.
It details material characterizations related to pavement structural design and compliments material
specifications in the DMAT Standard Specifications Volume 1 for Road Works manual (1).
The following sections describe the material properties that are needed for pavement design when
applying either the empirical method or M-E method. Because these two design methods have
different approaches and models, methods to account for material properties in the pavement design
process also differ.
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