Provisional Seniority List of RSIs (AR) As On 01.01.2022

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' .

C.No.sos: . ~212022

· ·
POLICE . Eluru Range. Eluru · Pr ovisiona I Se n iority List of
RSls (;.\R) oi Eluru Range for the year -2022 (as on 01.01.2022)
- Communicated · Reg.

Ref: i l P.S.O. No.73-2 of APP/\\ Part-I

2l C.O. circular memo Rc.No.1282/E3/2007, dt.10.12.2007.

In pursuance of orders contained vide references cited, the Provisional

5eniori~y list or RSls t.:\R) of Eluru Range for the year· 2022 (as on 01.01.2022) drawn
.s cc-·:-· .. :.'c2ted herewith. All the RSls (AR) in the Runge should acknowledge the
·ece·:-~ o' Se,,iority list. Representations/objections if any on the seniority should be
s~::-:-:--i::ec .vithin (07) days from the date of receipt of this memorandum and
;eYesentations: objections received after the lapse of stipulated period will not be

, e Superintendents of Police in the Eluru Range are requested to

cc-.-:r..u~:cate the Provisional Seniority list to all the RSls (AR) including those who are
o" cecu .. 2tion under proper acknowledgement and return the same to this office

._..,·c·..:gh s;;ecial messenger by 'i.t.J .06.2022. The individuals mentioned in the Seniority
'.•st 0; KSls 1,4R) may be informed to obtain the Seniority list from AP Police Messaging
S\'ste:-n 3ls:-.

E,::l: Pro':isicnal Seniority list of RSls (AR)

Dy. lnspr. Genl. of Police
Eluru Range, Eluru. '
n.e Superintendents of Police Kakinada, K
~luru .
and Knshna Districts. , onaseema, East Godavari. West Godavar1· '
C'J;J·, for.·,arded with compliments to :

YT:'.c- -"ddl. Director General of Police (Personnel) A p " l .. ·

V7 1GP
. . Prs.:.c.s -~ po manoa ao111 ' .. ,
L~ ·~( request to upload this memi ::, · . . .
:st of RSls (;'\R) on a 1 ongw1th Seniority
3. ~tc-:~ f1te .
. . - .... - ... - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - . - - - -
-----.------- ------- ------
-------------- --------

R(·Ce,,,eu the rrovisional Seniority List of RSls (Af~J f El .

. ·1 o ur u Range for
'.'•: ,,:1• ·L0_2 IJ', un 01.01.20221 commun1cated vide Memo c N sos
. . · o. IA212022
~·- 1:>1 .06 2022 or the Dy. lnspr . Genl. oi Police. Eluru Rzinge. Eluru.

ss ~

Name & Designation
Pl,1ec of work111g
10 .
Fro:7'. The Comr.1issioner of Police.
G.Dal2 R2Ju. 1.0 .5. i~tK Police commissionerate.
Ov. Ins r. Genl. of Pol ce. VIJAYAWADA
Etu:u Ralr~e. ELURU. €
C.No.505/A2/2022. Dt.07 .0 .2022.

Seniority List of RS1s

Sub: POL.ICE . Eluru Kcn;e .. Elur~ . Pr~vis~onal
1.:-R1 of Eluru Renge r or tne year ·,!_022
.as on 01.01.2022) ·
Communicated - Reg.

Ref: c; 0 No 73-2 of :-PP,'.', Part-I

1) P ·-·. . 0·72007
21 C.O. circular rnerno Rc.t+o. i282iE3, 2007. dt.1 · 1-· •

· d id r.c:,·,·erences cited. the Provisional

Im pursuance of orders containe vi e "'
seniorit, list of RS!s (AR) of Eluru Range for the year -2022 (as on 01.01.2022) drawn is
co;f'lrnJi:::ated herewith. All the RS ls tAR l in the Range should acknowledge the
receipt of Seniority list. Representations/objections ii any on the seniority should be
~u::,;-;i tted within (071 days from the date of receipt of this letter and
reoresentations1objections received after the lapse of stipulated period will not be


The Commissioner of Police. NTR Police Commissionerate. Vijayawada is

requested to arrange to communicate the Provisional Seniority list to all the RSls (AR)
of iHR Police Commissionerate. Vijayawada including those who are on deputation

under proper acknowledgement and return the acknowledged copies to this office

through special messenger by ~o .06. 2022. The individuals mentioned in the Seniority

list of R, Is (AR) may be informed to obtain the Seniority list from AP Police Messaging

System lalso.
Yours f aitbt ully.

Encl: Provisional Seniority list of RSls (;\R). ~ ,~~-.r'

Dy. lnspr. Genl. of Police.
Eluru Range. Eluru.
Copy rorwardec with compliments to :
1 Jhe Addl. Director General of Police (Personnel), A.P .. Mangalagiri.
v'f. !GP .. PCS&S. AP .. Mangalagiri ( request to upload this memo alongwith Seniority
1 I Sis IA l on

__ 3. Stof k_file. ----------···········-···-···--·-··--·---·-···-------------·-·····-····--·-·-···-·-·····


Received the Provisional Seniority List of RSls of Eluru Range for the
year J2022 (as on 01.01.2022! communicated vide letter in C.1'lo.505/A2'2022.
dLQ}.Olii.2022 of the DIG of Police. Eluru Range. Eluru.

Signature & Date

Name Et Designation
Place of worlm1g
,f" I





•i Date of
Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
Name of the RSI (AR) Date of Birth obtained Remarks
S.No. Place of working Native place Promotion as as RSI (AR)
S/Sri Status in Trg.

Thondangi (V). .. 509.30 ..

DAR., Krishna District 02-07-1980 BC.B 15-07-2008
1 Namala Shankar Prasad (Direct) East Godavari District
OD in Intelligence
DAR., Rajamahendravaram 15-08-1983 BC-E 07-01-2011 .. 563.2
2 Sk. Imam Zafar Sadhik (Direct) East Godavari District Department
Urban / Intelligence (Cl Cell)
Promoted as RI (AR)
vide Chief Office
24-07-1985' oc 13-04-2013 .. 580.30 Memorandum
3 Kosuru Rajesh Kumar (Direct) DAR., Krishna District Krishna District
Rc.No.687 / E2/2020,
MZ-1, Dt.30.04.2021

.. 567.10 ..
CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 20-06-1984 SC 13-04-2013
. 4 Nekuri Brahmanandami (Direct)
5 Mutcharla Suresh (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., Krishna District 09-08-1984 oc 13-04-2013 .. 559.50

Palamuru (V), Anaparthi (M), ..

6 Sudhakara Reddy Karri, (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District 05-04-1986 oc 13-04-2013 .. 555.60
East Godavari District
DAR., Krishna Dist., / 31-05-1984 oc 13-04-2013 .. 550.90 OD in PCS & S
Kallam Pradeep Reddy (Direct) Guntur District
~ OD in PCS&S
Siripuram (V), Karapa (M), BC-B 13-04-2013 .. 549.20 ..
8 Pati Satish Kumar (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District 17-09-1983
East Godavari District
.. 549.0 ..
CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 03-06-1981 BC-A 13-04-2013
9 Dangeti Arjuna Rao (Direct)
OD in Intelligence
13-04-2013 .. 536.20
Vasamsetti K A Srinivas (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District East Godavari District 20-05-1983 BC-B Department

T.Narasapuram (V) & (M) .. 526.50 ..

DAR., Krishna District 13-06-1986 SC 13-04-2013
11 Kokkirigadda Krishna (Direct) West Godavari District
.. 522.30 ..
Jakkamsetti Srinivasu (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Rajahmundry Urban Dist. 15-05-1986 BC-B 13-04-2013

Page 1 of 11
Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Marks
S.No. Place of working Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
S/Sri -
Native place Date of Birth obtained
Status Promotion as Remarks
as RSI (AR)
in Trg.
13 Masa Anil Kumar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 14-03-1985 SC 13-04-2013 -- 520.50 --
14 Pedasingu Sagar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 15-08-1983 BC-A 03-07-2013 -- 542.0 --

15 Gorle Trinadha Rao (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., Vizianagaram District 23-08-1987' BC-D 14-11-2015 -- 735. 15 --

16 Bojanki Pydim Naidu (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., I

OD in Greyhounds Vizianagaram District 03-06-1985' BC-D 14-11-2015 -- 719.05 OD in Greyhounds

Inter state transfer

from Andhra Pradesh
17 Komma Raju (Direct) DAR., Krishna Dist., Karimnagar District 11-05-1987 BC-D to Telangana Vide
14-11-2015 -- 714.90
Chief Office Memo
Re. No.449/E-3/ 17,
18 Sivala Rambabu (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District Shalamthi (VJ, Sarubujili (M)
Srikakulam District 20-07-1988 BC-D 14-11-2015 -- 712.00 --

19 M.Satyanarayana (Promotee) Machilipatnam,

DAR., West Godavari District 28-05-1964 oc
Krishna District 30-10-2017 02-11-2017 -- --

20 V.D.Prasada Rao (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 10-05-1964 BC-B 21-12-2017 21-12-2017 -- --

21 T.Bharatha Rao (Promotee) DAR., Rajamahendravaram (U) East Godavari District 23-05-1961' SC 01-03-2018 01-03-2018 -- Retd. On 31.05.2021

Inter state transfer

from Telangana to
22 B. V. Satyanarayana (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., Veeravasaram, 14-01-2011
15-06-1981' Andhra Pradesh Vide
West Godavari District. BC-D
-- --
Chief Office Memo
Rc.No.449/E-3/ 17,

Page 2 of 11
Date of Marks
Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list Remarks
Name of the RSI (AR) Date of Birth obtained
S.No. Place of working Native place Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
S/Sri in Trg.

West Godavari District 13-07-1988 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1100.4 --

23 Baria Sridhar(Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City

Vizianagaram District 01-07-1988 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1099.1 --

24 Boni Rajendra Kumar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City

lndrapalem, Kakinada Rural, BC-A 04-07-2018 -- 1097.5 --

25 Veluduti Appala Raju (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., 16-04-1987
East Godavari District
Kalidindi (V) & (M), BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1094.0 --
26 Kommana Boyina Venkatesh (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District 12-05-1991
Krishna District

19-05-1990 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1086. 7 OD in Greyhounds

27 Boyina S.R. Krishna Prasad (Direct) Vijayawada City/Greyhounds Krishna District

DAR., Rajamahendravaram Padmanabham (M) BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1082. 9 OD in Greyhounds

28 Althi Ravi (Direct) 05-04-1993
Urban /Greyhounds Visakhapatnam District

29 Mohammad Sadhik (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 09-01-1990 BC-E 04-07-2018 -- 1082.6 --

' ~
CAR., Vijayawada City 03-05-1992 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1075.9 OD in OCTOPUS
30 Ganteti Pradeep Kumar (Direct) East Godavari District
Konakanchi (V), -- 1072.1 --
31 Balaboyina Narendra Kumar (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District 12-11-1993 BC-B 04-07-2018
Penugranchiprolu (M)

oc 04-07-2018 -- 1069.1 --
32 Gandi .V .Nagendra Kumar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 19-05-1977

West Godavari District 23-06-1992 BC-C 04-07-2018 -- 1064.6 --

33 Tarapatla Karunakar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City

BC-A 04-07-2018 -- 1063.5 --

34 Reddi Murali (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Vizianagaram District 14-01-1991

BC-E 04-07-2018 -- 1062.8 --

35 Vazeer Khan (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna Distrct 16-03-1983
OD in Intelligence
36 Jangumilli Jeevan (Direct)
DAR., East Godavari Dist.,
West Godavari District 22-05-1994 BC-A 04-07-2018 -- 1062. 3
/ Intelligence (SIB)

Page 3 of 11
Name of the RSI (AR) Date of
S.No. Marks
S/Sri Place of working Native place Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
-- Date of Birth obtained Remarks
Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
in Trg.

37 Chedda Siva Satish ( Direct) Jaggam Peta (M),

DAR., Krishna District 04-06-1993
East Godavari District ST 04-07-2018 -- 1060.3 --

38 Reddy Sreenivasa Rao (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Srikakulam District 07-06-1990 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1058.9 --

39 Chintha Koneti Rao (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District 31-08-1981 QC 04-07-2018 -- 1058.7 --

40 Satyawada Ramesh (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 18-08-1991 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1058.5 --

41 N Bharat Naidu (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Visakhapatnam District 17-08-1994 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1058.0 --

42 Bathula Ravi Babu (Direct) DAR., Krishna District Dowleswaram,

20-08-1993 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1057.8 --
Rajamahendravaram Urban
43 Adikari Venkatesh (Direct) Gopalapuram,
DAR., East Godavari Dist.,
West Godavari District
02-06-1991 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1054.8 --
44 M. Siva Rama Krishna (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 31-05-1990 QC 04-07-2018 -- 1052.5 --

45 Chitra Siva (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 10-02-1994 BC-8 04-07-2018 -- 1050.2 --

46 Chekka Ravi Prasad (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 21-04-1989 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1049.2 --

47 Tummala Rupa Devi (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 07-10-1994 QC 04-07-2018 -- 1048.9 --

48 Vasamsetti Uday Satya Kumar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 25-09-1994 BC-8 04-07-2018 -- 1048.7 --

49 Dasari Vijaya Sundar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 30-05-1990 BC-C 04-07-2018 -- 1047.7 --

Page 4 of 11
Date of
Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
Name of the RSI (AR) Date of Birth obtained Remarks
S.No. Place of working Native place as RSI (AR)
S/Sri Status Promotion as
in Trg.

Krishna District 29-08-1990 BC-B 04-07-2018 -- 1043.7 --

50 Palana Rajendra Babu (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City

CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District 14-06-1990 BC-A 04-07-2018 -- 1042.5 --
51 Puti V Balaji Prasad (Direct)

Babbili (M), BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1040.0 --

52 Madaka Hariprasad (Direct) DAR., Krishna District 10-08-1990
Vizianagaram District

Jayanthipuram (V), Jaggaiah

DAR., West Gadavari District Peta (M), 15-06-1992 ST 04-07-2018 -- 1039. 3 --
53 Eslavathu lndumathie (Direct)
Krishna District
-~ - 02-05-1992 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1033.7 --
541 . Sari di Adinarayana (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District

CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District 17-05-1995 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1031 . 3 --

55 Kanikella Anjali (Direct)

Eluru, 04-07-2018 -- 1031 .2 --

56 Banada Udaya Bhaskar (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., 04-10-1993 BC-D
West Gadavari District

CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District 07-01-1991 ST 04-07-2018 -- 1029.4 --

57 Kanchem Chinnari (Direct)

OD in Intelligence
DAR., Krishna Dist., I Intelligence Vizianagaram 18-05-1991 BC-D 04-07-2018 -- 1028.8
58 Kadi Suresh (Direct) Department

Psrvathipuram (V) a (M) 04-07-2018 -- 1024.8 --

59 Chandana Kiran (Direct) DAR., Krishna District 01-08-1992 BC-D
Vizianagaram District
--- --
~ --
CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District 17-03-1992 SC 04-07-2018 -- 1022.8
60 Talluri Pavan Kishare (Direct)

Kata Venkata Satya Sai Ramya Maunika
CAR., Vijayawada City East Gadavari District 28-12-1994 oc 04-07-2018 -- 1021.1 --

Page 5 of 11

Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Marks
S.No. Place of working Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
S/Sri Native place Date of Birth obtained Remarks
Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
in Trg.

62 Myla Samoru, (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 05-04-1991 BC-A 04-07-2018 -- 1020.6 ..

63 Meesala Bhaskara Rao (Direct) DAR., Krishna District Cheepuupalli (M)

06-06-1993 BC-D 04-07-2018 .. 1018.8 ..
Vizianagaram District

64 Pyla Rajesh (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 20-06-1992 BC-D 04-07-2018 .. 1017.6 ..

65 Uba Jyothi (Direct) Devarapalli,

DAR., East Godavari Dist., 18-08-1986' SC 04-07-2018 ..
West Godavari 1016.8 -·

66 Budida Dilip Chaitanya (Direct) Palakole,

DAR., East Godavari Dist., 14-04-1990 BC-B 04-07-2018 .. ..
West Godavari District 1015.8

67 M Mohammed Zareef Shaik (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 09-06-1990 BC-E 04-07-2018 .. 1014.4 ..

68 Kukkala Lenin (Direct) DAR., Krishna District!

East Godavari District 25-03-1990 OD in Intelligence
lntelligenc SC 04-07-2018 -- 1013.6
69 Murari Hema Latha (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District 16-05-1994 BC-B 04-07-2018 -- 1012.9 ..

70 Mediboyina Sankar (Direct) DAR., Rajamahendravaram

Urban Vijayawada City 20-10-1992 BC-D 04-07-2018 .. 1010.1 ..

71 Mummidivarapu Venkatesh (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 14-04-1986 BC-A 04-07-2018 .. 1005.1 ..

72 Koka Gopi Krishna (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District Kondangi (V), Kalidindi (M),
Krishna District
12-05-1992 oc 04-07-2018 .. 998.3 ..

73 Seku Naresh (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District 03-01-1992 ST 04-07-2018 .. 997.6 ..

74 Faizulla baig (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District 01-05-1992 BC-E 04-07-2018 .. 984.2 ..

75 Kona Neelima Yadav (Direct) DAR., Rajamahendravaram Kakinada Rural

Urban 28-08-1991 BC-D 04-07-2018 .. 950.3 ..
East Godavari District

Page 6 cf 11
Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
Native place Date of Birth obtained Remarks
S.No. Place of working Promotion as as RSI (AR)
S/Sri Status
in Trg.

Tadepalligudem, 04-07-2018 -- 946.5 --

76 ReddyMalla Beaula (Direct) DAR., West Godavari District 25-03-1991 SC
West Godavari District
Voluantry Retired on
77 S.E.G.Reddy, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 15-08-1964' oc 18-08-2018 -- -- 31.12.2021

78 A.V.Surya Naryana, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 04-04-1961 oc 18-08-2018 -- -- Retd. On 30.04.2021

79 A.Bala Krishna, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 07-07-1964 oc 18-08-2018 -- -- --

CAR., Vijayawada City / QC 18-08-2018 -- -- OD in Railways

80 Sk.Abdul Azeez,(Promotee) West Godavari District 06-12-1962
' ,, OD in Railways
····~- .
81 G.Srinivas, (Prornotee) DAR., East Godavari Dist., East Godavari District 11-02-1969 OC 28-08-2018 -- -- --

·-· . ..
82 K.Murali Mohan Rao, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 20-12-1970 BC.D 28-08-2018 -- --

G. Venkateswara Rao, (Promotee), VZA 12-06-1960 ST 28-08-2018 -- -- Retd. on 30.06.2020

83 CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District

Inter state transfer

from Telangana to
Andhra Pradesh Vide
Chief Office
84 K. Gangadhar Babu (Direct) Intelligence ( ISW)
--- -- -
West Godavari District 15-04-1985 BC-B
-- ---- Rc.No.449 /E-3/2017,
OD in Intelligence

Page 7 of llr.

Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Marks
S.No. Place of working Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
S/Sri Native place Date of Birth obtained Remarks
Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
in Trg.

85 B.Kumar Babu, (Promotee), VZA City East Godavari District 13-12-1961 SC 14-06-2019 -- -- Retd. on 31.12.2021

86 K.J.P.Reddy, (Promotee) Mummidivaram

DAR., East Godavari Dist., 03-05-1963 SC
East Godavari District 26-07-2019 -- "" --

87 M.V.V.Ramana (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 15-10-1963 BC-B 19-10-2019 -- -- --

88 M.Naga Munedra Rao, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 09-09-1964 SC 19-10-2019 -- -- --

89 V .Satyanarayana, ( Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 26-12-1962 BC-A 26.03.2020 -- -- --

90 G.Jeevan Rao, (Promotee) DAR., West Godavari District Expired on

West Godavari District 25-05-1964' SC 26-03-2020 -- --
91 M.Benny Paul, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 10-03-1962 SC 26-03-2020 -- -- --

92 I. Vishnu Murthy, (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 04-04-1961 SC 26-03-2020 -- -- Retd., on 30.04.2021

93 P. Ramachandrappa, (Promotee) DAR., East Godavari Dist., Kurnool District 06-01-1962 oc 07-08-2020 -- -- --

94 Modugumudi Prem Kumar (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District 21-02-1993 BC-B 17-09-2020 997.4 --

95 Vagada Tarakeswari (Direct) Eluru,

DAR., Krishna District 14.05.1995 BC-D
West Godavari District 17-09-2020 "" 997.1 --

96 Kopanati Venu Gopala Varma (Direct) DAR., Rajamahendravaram Machilipatnam,

Urban 30-03-1995 BC-A 17-09-2020 -- 991.1 --
Krishna District

Page 8 of 11
Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
S.No. Place of working Native place Date of Birth obtained Remarks
S/Sri Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
in Trg.

20-06-1993 BC-A 17-09-2020 -- 985 ..

97 Gunji Chinna Babu (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City Krishna District

98 Batthina Amaleswara Rao (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 28-11-1994 BC-B 17-09-2020 -- 972.3 ·-

Nelakondapalli (V),
DAR., Rajamahendravaram
99 Yucha Siva Rambabu (Direct) Pedana (M), 30-06-1992 oc 17-09-2020 -- 970.6 ..
Llr;chn::. Ftic t r-ir-f-

100 Kakada Prathap (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 07-11-1995 SC · 17-09-2020 -- 961 --

Tadepalligudem, -- 955.5 ·-
101,. Narise Naga Lakshmi (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City 10-06-1995 BC-D 17-09-2020
West Godavari District
~,.,.. •A '•

Bhimadole, -- 954.4 --
102 ,J~lliboyina Subrahmanyam (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., 06-07-1994 BC-D 17-09-2020
West Godavari District
-- 950.2 ..
103 Tadepalli Mownika (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 20.06.1993 SC 17-09-2020

104 Illa Vidyasagar Reddy (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 07-06-1992 ST 17-09-2020 .. 949.9 --

Kotananduru (V) & (M), 940.2 --

105 Tholem Naga Siva Prasad (Direct) DAR,, West Godavari District 06-04-1994 BC-B 17-09-2020 -·
East Godavari District

-- 938.3 ..
106 Koyyalagadda Rajesh (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City West Godavari District 17-08-1996 BC-A 17-09-2020
Amalapuram (V) & (M),
107 Viswnadhapalli Ganesh (Direct) DAR., Krishna District 22-02-1995 BC-A 17-09-2020 -- 924.2 --
East Godavari District

Tadepall igudem, -- 905.9 --

108 Mulakala Yesu Babu (Direct) DAR., East Godavari Dist., 05-05-1995 BC-D 17-09-2020
West Godavari District

Page 9 of 11
Date of
Name of the RSI (AR) Marks
S.No. Place of working Native place
Social Appointment/ Date of 'B' list
S/Sri Date of Birth obtained Remarks
Status Promotion as as RSI (AR)
in Trg.

109 Kotcherla Sai Chandra (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 10-05-1994 BC-B 17-09-2020 -- 905.2 --

110 Kagitha Suresh (Direct) Koduru (V), Pedana (M),

DAR., West Godavari District 26-03-1994 BC-8 --
Krishna District 17-09-2020 904.7 --

111 Lovaraju Jagadam (Direct) CAR., Vijayawada City East Godavari District 10-04-1990 SC 17-09-2020 -- 868.4 --

112 Kamadi Lakshmana Swamy (Direct) DAR., Rajamahendravaram Gadimoga (V), Tallarevu (M),
Urban 02-01-1994 BC.A 17-09-2020 -- 861. 7 --
East Godavari Distrcit.

113 B.Nageswara Rao (Promotee) DAR., Rajamahendravaram

Urban East Godavari District 01-07-1961 SC 15-12-2020 -- -- Retd. On 30.06.2021

114 Abdual Jabbar (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City 01.01.1961 oc 15-12-2020 -- -- Retd. On 31.12.2020

115 P. Raja Rao (Promotee) Eluru,

DAR., Krishna District
West Godavari District
04.06.1966 BC-D 24-05-2021 -- -- --

116 U.Nageswara Rao (Promotee) DAR., Krishna District West Godavari District 08-08-1961 oc 24-05-2021 -- -- Retd. On 31.08.2021

117 L.Appala Raju (Promotee) Kakinada,

DAR., East Godavari Dist., 08-06-1971 --
East Godavari District
BC-D 24-05-2021 -- --

118 V.Nageswara Rao (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City 01.06.1961 oc 24-05-2021 -- -- Retd. On 31.05.2021

119 R. Ramanadham (Promotee) CAR., Vijayawada City Nalgonda District 16-10-1992 ST 30-07-2021 -- -- --

120 H.V.Ramana Rao (Promotee) Greyhounds Krishna District 25.01.1965 oc 30-07-2021 -- -- OD in Greyhounds

P age J.O of 11
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. -1

---: ~}
,. _0
f_..,r,,,. · 1 Name o f the RSI (AR) Place of working
Native place Date Birth
of Status (AR)
Prolllotion as Tr g.
as RSI in
I S.No. S/Sri RSI (AR) I

1-----!----------··. . ·--j - i - .... - ..

~P. SokornM IP, orno<e,•, IC AR .. VI j ayowodo C ,t y I Kmho, Distr tct 1 J.D5 196' 5( 30 0 7 2 021 · ·· J
1 iDAR., Rajamahcndravaram Kak1nada. SC
01.04_1970 30-07-2021 -- ··
122 jP.P. Rayudu (Promotec1 \urban East Godavari 01strct. ---1
loAR .. Rajamahendravaram Pith,1puram, . . 01-07-1961- ·
BCE 1 8 · 09 - 202 1 -- .. .. /
123 ISk S.A. Valli Baba (Promotee) !Urban East Godavan 01strct.

i _ _ Ka jaulur u (V)& (Ml.

12-<: ID.Ana Surya Rao (Pr ornot ee ) !OAR .. Krishna District . 20·12-1969 SC 18-09-2021 .. ..
I Krishna Drstr ict

Dy.lnspr.Genl. of Police,
Eluru Range, Eluru.

'. l i ~ .•
· 1·

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