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Northern Railway

Office of the
Dy. Chief Engineer/Constn.
State Entry Road, New Delhi

No. 220-W/1/Works-Review/Pt-II Date: 04.05.2018

Dy. Chief Engineer/Constn/Plg-II

Northern Railway,
Kashmere Gate, Delhi

Sub:- Works Review Meeting and fixing of targets for FY 2018-19

Ref:- CE/C/Spl. Letter No. 167-W/10/2/Plg/Pt-XIII dated 03.05.2018

Reference above, the details are as under:-

1. Status of achievement of targets of works for 2017-18-Not required-Available with Plg. Cell

2. Status of deletion of completed works from IRPSM

S.No PH Name of work proposed to be deleted during 2018-19 Status


3. Status of updation of works on IRPSM upto 7th April 2018 and now

SN PH No. of works No. Of works updated Remarks, if any

1 16 3 2 1 Nos. Updated by Dy.
2. 30 4 4 -
3. 32 1 1 -
4. 42 1 1 -
5. 51 1 1 -
6. 52 3 3 -
7. 4 1 1 Three Nos. updated by
8. 64 2 2
4. Status of deletion of work sanctioned in 2013-14 or earlier, where detailed estimate not

S.No PH Name of work sanctioned in Status of deletion of work

. before 2013-14 where detailed
estimate not sanctioned
1. 16 Adarsh Nagar – Addl. loop line Work has been proposed to be deletion in
August 2014 due to abnormal increase in
the cost over original cost. E not
2. 64 New Delhi (Baroda House) – Addl. Proposed for deletion of work have
accommodation & parking submitted to construction Hd.Qrs.

New Delhi-B.House Add. Proposed for deletion of work have

Accommodation & Parking
(extension of A-1 building towards submitted to construction Hd.Qrs. Railway
India Gate) Board as advised to deletion of work in
September 2012.

5. Proposed works targeted for completion FY 2018-19-Not required-Action plan of NR/Const

already circulated vide letter No. 167-W/10/1/Action plan/18-19 dt.19.04.2018

6. Status of GAD/ESPs/Drawings of targeted work 2018-10.

S.No PH Name of targeted work in 2018-19 as per Status of pending

action plan GAD/ESPs/Drawings
1. 91 ROB connecting Narela-Bawana sub city to NH-1 Sub-structure and super
over MP road of Railway km 24/20-18 on Delhi- structure drawing required
Ambala section near Anaj Mandi Narela
from Hd. Qrs. Office.
2. 30 Khurja-Meerut City-Road over bridge in lieu of Sub-structure and super
level crossing Nos. 26 structure drawing required
from Hd. Qrs. Office.
3. 32 Delhi-Shahdara - New Bridge over Yamuna in lieu of Sub-structure and super
bridge No. 249 structure drawing required
from Hd. Qrs. Office. (Not

Dy . Chief Engineer/C/SE Rd
Copy to: Dy.CE/C/D-I/K.Gate for information

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