Coelho 2008
Coelho 2008
Coelho 2008
Abstract: Advanced drug delivery systems present indubitable advantages for drug administration. During the past three
decades, new approaches for the development of new carriers for this topic have been suggested. This led to explosion of
publication activity in the area. This article reviews briefly the history of the topic and focuses on general concepts in the
One of the most crucial properties of advanced delivery systems is their ability to be well controlled in terms of a carrier
structure which is responsible for an optimal drug release. Here we describe new polymerization technologies which
consider this particular aspect. A special attention is paid to the preparation of materials by LRP (Living Radical
Polymerization) and perspectives of its practical application to the treatment of single diseases.
Due to the epidemic scale of Diabetes mellitus, novel drug delivery systems play an important role in and are highly
relevant for improved treatment of worldwide permanently growing sub-population of diabetic patients. Type 1 is the
insulin-dependent diabetes which accounts for 5 till 10 percent of the whole pool of diabetic cases and currently attracts
main attention in research activity devoted to the development of advanced drug delivery systems. Minimal invasive
insulin administration approaches and/or improvement of pancreatic activity in own insulin production is the main goal of
novel drug delivery systems highly desirable for advanced treatment of diabetic patients with both type 1 and type 2 of the
Keywords: Living radical polymerization, drug delivery systems, cells encapsulation, Diabetes mellitus.
The polymers are responsible for the most important are demonstrated for diabetes treatments. Diabetes mellitus
breakthroughs in the field of drug delivery systems. These is used as a particular example of a chronic disease the
materials have great potential due to several features, such as treatment of which can certainly benefit from advanced
the large variety of different synthetic materials available, technologies in drug delivery.
simplicity in processing, possibility to control the chemical
and physical properties through well-known synthetic LIVING POLYMERIZATION - BRIEF HISTORY
methods. On this matter, during the last decade the
The work on living polymers began in the middle of the
remarkable development of the living radical polymerization
1960s under the supervision of Szwarc [6-8]. The final result
methods brought an effective and powerful tool to synthesize
was published in a one page communication entitled
new polymeric macrostructures with controlled morpho-
“Polymerization initiated by electron transfer to monomer -
logies, architectures and topologies. In this review, a special
attention is focused on living radical polymerization (LRP) A new method for formation of block copolymers” [8]. The
outstanding achievement of this work was the demonstration
field. LRP processes join the advantages resulting from the
of the possibility of polymerizing a monomer without termi-
nature of the living and radical methods (see Table 1).
nation reactions. In this way, the term “living polymeri-
By using LRP, now it is possible to synthesize most of zation” was introduced. The block copolymerization concept
the polymerizable monomers due to a very high tolerance to allowed a discovery of the thermoplastic elastomers such as
different functional groups. Nevertheless, an importance of the styrene-butadiene-styrene (SBS) as well as different
other approaches should be stressed, such as the poly- materials with particular properties.
merization by using step-growth reactions. Several contri-
Since this discovery, the living polymerization has been
butions have proposed this approach to obtain polymeric
studied very extensively. As a result several types of living
matrixes presenting a very fast degrading behaviour. The
polymerizations were proposed: anionic systems [9], cationic
reason is the introduction of low-weight molecules con-
taining heteroatoms in the main backbone with amorphous systems [10-11], ring-opening systems [12, 13] and radical
systems [14-17]. In these methods, the living chain ends are
structures and hydrophilic nature.
protected from termination by a variety of strategies based
Historically, the development of the polymeric field either in complexation or steric hindrance. This reaction
improved new concepts in the drug delivery area. In this operation is normally designed on the basis of the correct
area, the lactic acid based polymers, were pioneers in the choice of reagents, solvents and temperature. All the
1970s. Nowadays, the polymeric materials are also strategies that allow a synthesis of living polymers have
synthesized with the purpose to obtain controlled reservoirs witnessed important developments. Among those, Living
(mainly microspheres [1, 2], nanocapsules and more recently Radical Polymerization (LRP) has attracted remarkable
nanotubes). Apart from the systems where the active drug is scientific interest as well as an interest in its practical
retained within a polymer shell, there are also other systems application [18]. Behind the explosive interest reported, was
that involve the entrapment of the drug within a polymer an intention to prepare new well-defined structures (blocks,
network, which normally constitutes a membrane or a film stars, comb-like, networks, end-functionalized and other
[2]. The research field focused on conjunction of biological materials without traditional problems) by means of radical
entities with synthetic polymers is one of the central topics in processes [18]. This change in mechanism led to a
the pharmaceutical chemistry during the last decade [3 - 5]. development of processes carried out under mild conditions
In this review, a recent technology of polymeric typically used by industry for a large scale production. The
synthesis, living radical polymerization, is described. Also, LRP approaches join the advantages of the living ionic and
some possible applications of polymers obtained by this radical methods (see Table 1). Further advantage of it is a
technology are considered. Special attention is paid to the big range of monomers that can be polymerized with living
development of drug delivery systems as well as to living features, compared to ionic polymerizations.
cells encapsulation. As an example, drug delivery systems
Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of the Living and Free Radical Processes
From the theoretical standpoint, this strategy allows the
synthesis of living polymers under radical mechanisms with
all the associated advantages. Moreover, even at the very
beginning of its development, the possibility of imple-
menting such reactions in aqueous environment, due to
radical nature of the reaction was predicted. Environmental
and economic issues involving the use of aqueous media are
very interesting. Two decades ago the possibility of
establishing methods for the preparation of tailored made
polymers by a living and radical mechanism, was considered
an impossibility. The basis for this assumption was the fact
that the radical termination reactions occur under diffusion-
controlled rates [18]. Whereas termination is second-order
with respect to the growing radical, the propagation is first-
order, keeping the concentration of radicals at a very low
Fig. (1). Schematic representation of the molecular movement
level that allows avoiding the termination reactions and towards high molecular weights resulting from the preparation of a
preparing a product with the desired molecular weight
block copolymer initiated from a macroinitiator.
The LRP process provides the possibility of controlling
the parameters that can influence the material performance. LRP - A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE METHODS
This allows for the creation of polymers that can improve the AVAILABLE IN THE LITERATURE
properties of composite materials used nowadays. The use of The scientific progress achieved over the last decade in
the same raw materials and the functionalization of polymers the LRP research field has few prior precedents. Two
with the appropriate chemical groups allows/increases the reasons can be given to explain this evolution. Firstly, the
possibility of interaction with other materials [19]. experience gained over the past 60 years in different fields
One of the major advantages of LRP systems is the related to LRP, was highly beneficial for further branch-
predictability of the degree of polymerization, determined by related progress: atom transfer radical addition; persistent
the ratio of the consumed monomer and the initiator (DP = radical effect; living anionic and cationic polymerization and
[M]/[I]0). Also, for an ideal system, the polydispersity free radical polymerization. Secondly, the extraordinary
should be close to the Poisson distribution (Mw/Mn 1+ interest towards this technology gave rise to a number of
1/Mn) [18] (when Mn , Mw/Mn 1) and the chain ends excellent projects resulted in extensive publication activity:
are active (alive). more than 1,000 issue-related articles have been published
alone in 2004 [19].
Experimentally, the most appropriate way to determine
the living character of the reactions is by assessing their Otsu et al. were responsible for a pioneer work on the
polymerization kinetics in what concerns the evolution of the LRP methods during the 1980s [21-22]. These were followed
molecular weights, the polydispersities and the functio- by hundreds of studies from the middle of the 1990s. Several
nalities with conversion [18]. There are various features that methods have been developed and proposed for controlling
could be expected from a living system: 1. linear evolution living radical polymerizations in recent years. In 2001,
of the molecular weight with the conversion, 2. linear kinetic Kamigaito with co-authors identified 9 different reaction
relationship for the semi logarithmic coordinates (ln[M] mechanisms [23]. Among these strategies, four based on
0/[M] versus time), 3. low polydispersity [20]; functional either a reversible termination or a reversible transfer
groups allow for further re-initiation. These features are a mechanism, attracted special attention and represent more
direct consequence of the lack of a chain-breaking reaction. than 90 % of the publications on this field. In spite of having
The presence of active chains is a characteristic which allows different mechanisms and reagents involved in the reactions,
the preparation of copolymers. The continuous addition of all the strategies are unified by reduction of radical
different monomers leads to the preparation of block concentration. The relative reduction of active species
copolymers using different monomers. The composition can (radicals) to the dormant species allows the chains to grow
be controlled by the amounts of the monomers added. The slowly and simultaneously without bimolecular irreversible
proof of living character results from a re-initiation test by a terminations [24].
macro-initiator; thereby the complete movement of the More strict control over the polymerization and reaction
macro-initiator towards high-weight molecules should be conditions may be considered as beneficial for its wide-
clearly visible. Potentially failed re-initiation may arise from spread exploitation. Reversible termination mechanisms,
procedural problems and not necessarily by the lack of active such as Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization (ATRP) [25]
chain ends. Normally, such evaluations are carried out using and Stable Free Radical Polymerization (SFRP also known
a low molecular weight macro-initiator and leads to a high as Nitroxide Mediated Polymerization, NMP), both are based
molecular weight copolymer. The difference between Mn on the reversible reaction between a controlling agent and
should be significant, in order to allow the complete shift of the propagating polymeric radical to yield a dormant chain.
the peak towards high-weight molecules (Fig. (1)). The equilibrium is shifted strongly towards the dormant
122 Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 2008, Vol. 8, No. 2 Coelho et al.
species, resulting in a lower concentration of active propa- rate but the termination rate decreases two fold. Moreover, in
gating radicals compared to those obtained in the con- the FRP process all of the chains are terminated, whereas, in
ventional process. the LRP process, only 1-10 % of the total chains are
terminated irreversibly [36]. The other fraction involves
Whereas the propagation reaction is of first order with
respect to the monomer, the termination is of second order, dormant species that can be re-initiated and functionalized.
Due to its intrinsic properties, the specific target is an
i.e. the reduction of active radicals support termination
important aspect to be considered in the decision as to which
reactions. However, some irreversible bi-radical terminations
LRP strategy should be used. The ATRP is unquestionable
are expected to occur, leading to dead chain ends and broad
the most studied and applied method [23, 37].
spectrum of molecular weight [26]. Due to irreversible bi-
molecular termination, increased controlling agent is The mechanism presented in Fig. (2) consists of the
available to react with further radicals. Consequently, the formation of active radicals through a redox process
equilibrium is driven to the dormant state decreasing the catalyzed by a transition metal complex. The Pn are known
reaction rate. as propagation radicals, while the Pn–X are definedn as
dormant species. The transition-metal complex (M t -
The experimental conditions for SFRP and ATRP should
Y/Ligand) plays an indispensable role in this system, since it
be accurately chosen which enable chains to be quickly
initiated [26]. The SFRP [27] uses stable radicals which provides the activation processes and the deactivation
processes, which keep the concentration of radicals to be
reversibly react with active radicals together forming dor-
very low. These processes are related to a one-electron
mant covalent species. Several stable radicals have been
oxidation with concomitant abstraction of a (pseudo) halogen
successfully used: nitroxides [28], benzhydryl derivatives
atom X from the dormant specie (Pn–X) [37] (n= 0,
[29], triazolinyl radicals [30], dithiocarbamates [21] and
initiator). The radicals (Pn) are able to react reversibly with
organometallic species [31].
the oxidized metal complex (X–Mtn+1 /ligand) to form again
Based on a different mechanism, both Reversible Addi- the dormant species and the activator. The ligand is essential
tion-Fragmentation Transfer (RAFT) [32] and Degenerative to the solubilization of the transition metal salt in the organic
Chain Transfer (also known as Degenerative Transfer) [33] medium and to the adjustment of the redox potential of the
use a chain transfer agent that reacts reversibly with the metal centre, which defines the reactivity and the dynamics
propagation macro-radical. This reaction between the dor- of the atom transfer process [37]. Once the radicals are
mant species and the active radicals results in the transfer of active, the polymer chain growing process is similar to the
an end-group from the transfer agent to the radical. For the FRP process. The equilibrium between the active species and
DT process, this transfer directly involves, for example, an dormant species is shifted towards the dormant species via
iodine atom. In the RAFT process, an addition-fragmentation an excess of the higher oxidation state of the catalyst that is
process is used to exchange a moiety (for example, a generated by a small amount of radical dimerization, during
dithioester) between the two chains [26]. The Macromole- the initial steps of polymerization [38]. This effect is known
cular Architecture Design by Interchange of Xanthates as the persistent radical effect (PRE) [39, 40]. Several metal
(MADIX) process is similar to the RAFT process but uses catalysts have been proposed as mediators of the ATRP
xanthates as transfer agents [26, 34, 35]. For the RAFT process. Among these are the copper based catalysts that
approach, generically the conventional initiators are used as were extensively [23] studied due to their potential, low cost
radical source. The transfer involves the radicals formed and large availability. New ligands for several transition
during the decomposition of the initiator. To maximize the metals have been developed with outstanding results
“livingness” of the polymerization, the transfer-agent should achieved, related to the increase of the catalyst activity
be used in excess. On the other hand, low DPs (DP = (10,000 fold when compared to the initial systems [36, 37,
[monomer]/[transfer-agent]) are more desirable. 41]. The accomplished developments, with respect to the
The basic principle behind the different methods relies on capacity to polymerize different monomers and the smoo-
the capacity for reduction of the number of radicals in a thing of reaction conditions for living radical polymerization
reversible process, being the difference among those strate- methods, are remarkable in the last decade.
gies on the way to accomplish it. For radical polymeri- Details about each polymerization system may be found
zations, the termination reaction rate (Rt) is a function of the in the literature. In order to develop a broad understanding of
power square law of the radical concentration [P](Rt = this technology, several reviews can be recommended:
Kt)[P]2. The propagation radical concentration is propor- mainly about LRP [22, 26, 27, 42], ATRP [23, 37], NMP
tional to [P](Rp =Kp [P][M]). Because of this, a half [43] and macromolecular engineering [44]. There is no any
decreasing of [P] will result in a half decrease of the reaction review which would exclusively deal with DT processes.
Some articles deal with the interpretation of the DT DISADVANTAGES OF CURRENT DIABETES
mechanism and its applications [24, 33, 42, 45-53]. On the TREATMENT
other side, the main difference is the nature of the steady
Diabetes mellitus has been recognized as a particular
state concentration of radicals that in FRP results from ratio
disorder at least 3,500 years ago. However, its origin was a
of the rate of the initiation and the rate of termination. For
LRP it is the balance between the activation process and the mystery until early 20th century (Table 2). Type 2 diabetes is
treated in the first years following diagnosis in a stepwise
deactivation process that is of relevance. Since the rates of
manner. Patients are encouraged to initiate some lifestyle
initiation, activation and deactivation are much larger than
changes, which may include nutritional advising as well as
termination [18] control over the polymerization becomes
some form of exercise [56]. Usually these adaptations in
patients’ routine are also accompanied by oral administration
The contribution of several research groups allowed the of some anti-diabetic drugs that stimulate insulin secretion
adjustment of the equilibrium reactions between the active from beta-cells and increase insulin sensitivity in target cells
and dormant species leading to improvement of the LRP [57]. However, about 50 % of type 2 diabetes patients
reaction conditions. For some of these methods, a production eventually require exogenous insulin namely in the case of
of new materials in large scale is thinkable [54]. failure of an oral therapy [57]. Type 1 diabetes usually must
The LRP methods involved a control over the relation be treated by frequent injection of insulin under permanent
structure-properties for polymer materials in terms of surveillance of blood glucose levels. Consequently, stable
particular drug-carrier properties. Novel technologies for a blood glucose values are not achievable by insulin injections
synthesis of materials with desirable properties are now and episodes of hypo/hyperglycaemia are not avoidable [58].
available for a large range of monomers. The radical poly- These limitations and disadvantages are accompanied with
merization is currently the only process that demonstrates a the injection-associated discomfort, pain, increased risk for
great tolerance to the incorporation of biological segments infectious disorders, psychological stress for patients and
[55]. Simple design of well-controlled reactions represents a their families. Therefore, alternative insulin delivery
tremendous potential for the practical application and methods should be developed that allow achieving optimum
products commercialization. glycaemic control and avoiding above mentioned limitations
/ disadvantages [59]. Here we summarize advanced insulin
delivery systems and novel techniques aimed at replacement
1552 BC Egyptian physician Hesy-Ra of the 3rd Dynasty makes the first known mention of diabetes – found on the Ebers Papyrus – and lists
remedies to combat the 'passing of too much urine.'
1869 German medical student Paul Langerhans discovers the islet cells of the pancreas but is unable to explain their function. The find is
dubbed as the 'islets of Langerhans.'
1889 Scientists Oskar Minkowski and Joseph von Mering of the University of Strasbourg, demonstrate how removing a dog's pancreas
produces diabetes.
Oct. 1920 Banting conceives the idea of insulin and continues research using a variety of different extracts on depancreatized dogs.
Nov. 1921 Banting and Best discover that extract from cattle foetal pancreas lowers blood sugar levels of depancreatized dogs. Experiments begin to
test the long-term effectiveness of insulin treatment.
Jan. 1922 Leonard Thompson, 14, a ‘charity patient’ at the Toronto General Hospital, becomes the first person to receive an injection of insulin to
treat diabetes.
Oct. 1923 Insulin is made commercially available in the United States and Canada.
1940s Link is made between diabetes and long-term complications (kidney and eye disease).
1944 Standard insulin syringe is developed, helping to make diabetes management more uniform.
1955 Oral drugs are introduced to help lower blood glucose levels.
1959 Researchers identify type 1 diabetes (insulin dependent) and type 2 diabetes (non-insulin dependent).
1960s The purity of insulin is improved. Home testing for sugar levels in urine increases level of control for people with diabetes. First pancreas
transplant performed at the University of Manitoba
1970 Blood glucose meters and insulin pumps are developed. Laser therapy is used to help slow or prevent blindness in some people with
of damaged beta cells by transplantation of insulin producing INSULIN PENS AND JET INJECTORS
Insulin pens consist of auto delivery devices designed for
subcutaneous self-administration of insulin [64]. These
injection systems have been introduced by Novo Nordisk
Insulin therapy has been introduced for diabetes Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Princeton, New Jersey; formerly refer-
treatment by Frederick Banting and Charles Best in 1922 red as Novo Nordisk) and remain available on the market
[60, 61]. Currently insulin administration is the universal since 1985 [65]. Insulin pens use either prefilled or reusable
treatment for type 1 and majority cases of type 2 diabetes. insulin containing cartridges and disposable needles.
Since insulin is inactivated by enzymes along digestive tract, Following the setting of the dose by a dial, the needle is
it can not be taken by oral administration. Consequently, inserted into the skin and the dose is delivered by a plunger
insulin is administrated by subcutaneous injection either [66]. This type of insulin administration provides simpler,
using a typical syringe/needle system or a pen-like device more convenient and more accurate dosing; additionally it is
[62]. Typical injection sites are abdomen, upper arm or also considered to be more convenient for the patient’s use.
buttocks, and the outer side of the thighs [63]. However, In fact, pen-like devices allow more discreet injection in
subcutaneous insulin administration can not lead to optimal social situations, they minimize the fear of self-injection
pharmacodynamic properties of the applied insulin. procedure and consequently they improve patient’s comp-
In order to overcome this limitation, insulin is commer- liance towards multiple injections regimens [67]. On the
other hand, insulin jet injectors are devices that deliver
cialized in different forms, each of them presenting
insulin without the use of needles. Instead, a high-pressure
individual acting speed and duration in the organism. There
air mechanism pushes insulin through a small orifice with
are five main sorts of insulin: rapid-acting, short-acting,
enough strength to enter the subcutaneous tissue to a depth
intermediate-acting, long-acting and, finally, biphasic
equivalent to standard needle syringe [68]. This sort of
insulin. Rapid-acting insulin begins to work less than 15
minutes after injection. It reaches its acting peak about one system does not puncture skin, but several local side effects
have been reported. These include bleeding and bruising, as
hour latter but continues to work for a period between 2 to 4
well as local insulin leakage [66]. Moreover, patients have
hours. Short-acting insulin typically reaches the bloodstream
reported pain associated with this delivery method to be at
30 minutes after injection, and achieves its action peak 2 to 3
least as significant as needle injection [69]. The combination
hours later. Its effectiveness is maintained for 3 to 6 hours.
of these limitations led the American Diabetes Association to
Intermediate-acting insulin needs 2 to 4 hours to get to
bloodstream and its maximum peak is achieved 12 hours state that jet injectors “should not be viewed as a routine
option for use in patients with diabetes” [70]. Nevertheless,
latter. Its action lasts up to 18 hours. Long-acting insulin
these devices may be beneficial to patients with needle
presents a continuous action that simulates normal insulin
phobia as well as for patients that suffer from severe
secretion in the organism. Although this type of insulin has
lipoatrophy [66]. However, factors such as device high cost
the potential to mimic natural insulin secretion, its activity
and the fact that a trial period should be considered before
does not present a particular peak of activity. For this reason,
its administration has to be complemented by injections of purchase must be considered.
rapid-acting or short-acting insulin before all meals to
provide bolus coverage for food intake. Finally, biphasic
insulin represents a mixture of short-acting and intermediate- Insulin pumps are also called continuous subcutaneous
acting insulin types which can be combined in different insulin infusion (CSII) and they are based on the concept of
proportions. These kinds of insulin mixtures are beneficial continuous insulin infusion from portable electromechanical
for patients with difficulties in combining diverse insulin pumps [71]. They are composed of three main parts: the
types and managing several bottles and doses of different pump itself (includes controls); a reservoir filled with insulin
insulin types. All these insulin forms are usually adminis- and a disposable diffusion set (includes a cannula for
trated in individual regimens. The type of insulin used by a subcutaneous insertion and the flexible tube connecting it to
patient must be adapted individual needs. the insulin reservoir). The insertion of the cannula is usually
Despite the constraints associated with insulin self- done in the abdomen, hips or even the tights [72]. However,
injection, this method is currently the most successful and this injection place should be changed every 3 days in order
popular among diabetics. However, significant progress has to avoid local infections and lipohyperthophy [59]. These
been achieved in insulin delivery systems and corresponding devices have been used since the late 1970s in the treatment
equipment in last years. The new techniques are mainly of patients with type 1 diabetes [73]. They are considered a
designed to overcome the traditional self-injections. Amon- most reliable way to mimic the physiological secretion
gst these alternative insulin delivery methods are included pattern of insulin since they deliver a basal rate of this
the insulin pumps and jet injectors. Furthermore, the main molecule that can be programmed and adapted to different
effort in diabetes treatment research considers novel non- conditions at any time and with no difficulty [74]. This
invasive approaches for insulin administration, in particular, means that these systems may allow a better blood glucose
oral, buccal, nasal, pulmonary and transdermal adminis- control [75]. Also patients report that insulin pumps provide
tration. greater lifestyle flexibility, including meals schedules and
travel which results is a feeling of greater control over the
New Drug Delivery Systems - Diabetes Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 2008, Vol. 8, No. 2 125
pathology and consequently a higher mean satisfaction with digestive track [85]. ‘Intelligent stimuli-responsive’ delivery
CSII than any other therapy option [76]. Despite the advan- systems using glucose sensitive hydrogels have been
tages presented by these devices, according to demographic investigated in order to release insulin in a pulsatile profile in
studies performed in Europe and also in the United States, response to blood glucose levels [86]. In fact, these systems
showed that the number of patients treated using this strategy can be classified as glucose biosensors. In a biosensor,
varies considerably among the different countries. In fact, volume changes of the hydrogel are usually responsive to
the acceptance of this technology is much higher in US than variations in the level of a molecule of interest. This
in Europe where the leading countries (France and Germany) correlation is normally achieved by incorporating inside the
present as little as 10 % of the patients under this type of hydrogel an enzyme or any other agent that can bind to such
treatment. Conversely, in US nearly 20-25 % of the molecule [87]. In glucose biosensors, the most common
population with type 1 diabetes is being treated by using agent used to identify the glucose molecule is glucose
insulin pumps [77]. Among the several factors that may be oxidase, an enzyme that oxidizes glucose to gluconic acid
responsible for this difference, the poor insurance coverage [88]. Therefore, increases in the external glucose concen-
over the costs associated with the pumps acquisition that is tration will result in a decrease of the pH value inside the
verified in some European countries is probably one of the system. In case of a hydrogel based on a polycation, this pH
most important ones. This lack of financial support can hold decrease will lead to the swelling of the polymer that results
back the popularization and the spreading of this technology from the ionization process. This phenomenon will be
among diabetics. responsible for a more accentuated insulin release [87].
Another strategy used to achieve controlled insulin
delivery is based on competitive binding of glycosylated
The insulin administration methods described above insulin and glucose to a glucose binding protein named
represent invasive approaches with all disadvantages asso- concanavalin. When glucose levels rise, this molecule will
ciated with invasiveness. Therefore, alternative non-invasive displace insulin from its binding sites and will, as a result, be
patient-friendly approaches are currently under consideration released from the system. This can be classified as a self-
[78, 79]. So far, inhaled insulin has been the only system that regulating insulin delivery system [96]. Although such
was proved to be as effective as the subcutaneously injected systems seem to be highly promising, they demonstrated also
with a pharmacodynamic profile adequate to diabetes some disadvantages. The main one is probably the risk of
therapy [69]. This inhaled insulin formulation has been incorporated insulin leakage that may result in hypo-
developed by a partnership between Pfizer, Sanofi-Aventis, glycaemia [58].
and Nektar Therapeutics and has already been approved for
use in the United States and European Union where is OUTLOOK
commercialized under the name of Exubera [80]. This
It is expectable the appearance of new materials that meet
means that all the other routes that have been considered by
necessary requirements to excel outstanding performance.
researchers [81] (oral, intranasal, transdermal, ocular, buccal,
The continuous development that results from an unpre-
rectal, vaginal, and uterine) though promising, haven’t cedented interest about SFRP, ATRP, DT and RAFT
proved to be feasible in diabetes treatment and are, for that
methods will enable the synthesis of new materials with
reason, commercially unavailable. There are some further
predictable correlations between the molecular micro-
highly promising issue-related research directions. One of
structures and macroscopic properties. Another important
these areas is the development of new responsive hydrogels
objective that remains to be accomplished is to carry out the
that can incorporate insulin and “smartly” release it “in situ”
LRP reactions in heterogeneous conditions. Most of the
as a function of glucose concentration in its surroundings. reactions procedures reported are designed in homogeneous
conditions being the reaction must easier to be controlled in
terms of mass and heat transfer. These conditions assure the
same growth probability for all chains leading to a high
Hydrogels are three dimensional hydrophilic polymeric uniformity of the polymer chains. It is necessary to adapt the
networks that are water insoluble and that absorb large available technologies concerned to dispersed systems,
amounts of water or biological fluids [82]. They have been mainly microemulsions, miniemulsions, emulsions and sus-
considered to be useful in medical applications since, when pensions. To date, miniemulsions are known to be the most
hydrated, they present a water content and mechanical effective way to conduct LRPs in aqueous systems [89]
behaviour comparable to the ones of soft tissues. Conse- regardless the mechanism used (reversible termination or
quently, they are considered as very biocompatible materials reversible transfer). These approaches will enable to control
[58]. Some of these hydrogels present an ability to the preparation of new nanoparticles based on tailor-made
considerably change some of their characteristics, such as materials.
volume, in response to environmental stimuli such as the pH, The number of synthetic polymers available is an
temperature and ionic strength of the surrounding medium important guarantee of chemical and physical diversity with
[83]. These intelligent stimuli-responsive hydrogels have outstanding properties at very reasonable prices. Therefore, it
been intensively studied to be applied as “smart” delivery is crucial to continue the development of different strategies,
systems as the delivery can be triggered upon environmental which can be capable to finely tune the properties of new
changes [27, 84]. As an example, pH sensitive hydrogels drug delivery systems.
have proved to be useful in oral drug delivery since they can
protect peptide/protein drugs as they travel trough the
126 Infectious Disorders - Drug Targets 2008, Vol. 8, No. 2 Coelho et al.
The major strategies to prepare advanced drug delivery Hong and Pan [98] reported the preparation of tailor-
systems using LRP approach are based on the synthesis of made temperature-responsive polymers, poly(N-isopropyl-
smart hydrogels and hybrid materials. The hybrid materials acrylamide) (PNIPAAm) and the water-soluble poly(N-(2-
combine a biopolymer with a synthetic polymers resulting in hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide) (PHPMA), via RAFT poly-
a new molecular with synergetic properties, which can merization using biotinylated trithiocarbonate as the RAFT
overcome several of their limitations [90]. The use of LRP agent. The biotin-ended diblock copolymer of PHPMA and
methods allows tuning the properties of the synthetic PNIPAAm was also prepared by RAFT polymerization of
polymer segment. Using this strategy tailor made polymers NIPAAm using biotinylated PHPMA as macro chain transfer
can be prepared with specific set of biological and agent. The biotinylated PHPMA-b-PNIPAAm is able to form
degradative properties. Börner [91] reported a method based a new kind of coreshell nanostructure with biotin groups on
on the solution-phase atom transfer radical polymerization the surface reversibly induced by temperature. Through the
(ATRP) of n-butyl acrylate initiated by the oligopeptide correct design of thermoresponsive PNIPAM-based mate-
macroinitiator. The resulting copolymer presented a number- rials it is possible to control the aggregation of conjugates of
average molecular weight (Mn) of around 10000 g/mol and a streptavidin in aqueous solution [99]. The same authors have
polydispersity of 1.19. Wooley [92] functionalized a N- shown improved results by using a biotinylated diblock
terminated amine group of a peptide with a fluorinated copolymer PNIPAM-b-poly (acrylic acid) [100].
alkoxyamine derivative used as initiator for NMP leading to The use of tailor-made polymers is nowadays a prime
diblock and triblock copolymers, protein transduction
choice to synthesise self-assembling structures that can
domain (PTD)-poly(tert-butyl acrylate) and (PTD)-poly(tert-
easily encapsulate active compounds. One of the possible
butyl acrylate)-poly(methyl acrylate) respectively. These
applications of such materials, among many others, is in the
approaches revealed the potential of this emerging area
preparation of polymeric semipermeable biocompatible
(LRP) in the development of new concepts for drug delivery
membranes that can be used to incorporate either drugs or
systems. The synthesis of hybrid materials is very promising even living cells. These kind of systems can be applied as
and may be further extended to the synthesis of block
therapeutic agents in the treatment of several diseases.
copolymers made of synthetic polymers typically used in the
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is probably one of the diseases in
drug delivery systems for diabetes. The binding of the
which more attempts have been made in order to apply this
synthetic polymers to the biological materials is an interes-
type of technology trying to achieve an efficient treatment
ting strategy to target the drug devices. Another example of
and most important a possible cure. Although some promi-
possible strategies to target the polymeric-based materials sing works have so far been reported in the encapsulation of
was reported by Wooley [93]. Antigen-decorated shell cross-
cells in DM treatment, most of them have not been
linked knedel-like nanoparticles (SCKs) were constructed
successful because of the failure of the polymeric fraction
from a combination of non-functionalized and chain-end
involved in the system. New polymerization techniques such
functionalized amphiphilic diblock copolymers, which were
as LRP can most probably be a viable strategy in achieving
assembled into micelles and cross-linked throughout the
new materials that not only are produced under highly
shell. The amphiphilic diblock copolymer was synthesized controlled conditions, but also are able to present the desired
by ATRP of tert-butyl acrylate and methyl acrylate from
either 2,4-dinitriophenyl-functionalized initiator or ethyl 2-
bromopropionate. Washburn [94] reported the ATRP of 2- It is expectable a continuous and maybe even more
hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) initiated by an oligo- intense development of the LRP approaches, being fore-
peptide macroinitiator using a solid-phase supported poly- seeable in a close future the polymerization control of
merization. The resulting bioconjugate showed properties to several materials that have proved to be suitable for drug
modulate cell adhesion onto polymer coatings. delivery systems. The modern synthetic methods as the
living radical polymerization have been proven to be
Richard [95] reported the synthesis of acrylate-based
extremely versatile tools for preparing tailor-made polymers
block copolymers synthesized by ATRP as matrices for
that can be covalently attached to biological entities such as
paclitaxel delivery from coronary stents. The polymers
proteins, oligopeptides, enzymes, viruses and cells. This
synthesized were multiblock copolymers consisting of polymer/drug or polymer/cells systems can then be applied
poly(butyl acrylate) or poly(lauryl acrylate) as soft blocks
as therapeutic agents for the treatment of several diseases,
and poly(methyl methacrylate), poly(isobornyl acrylate) and
namely Diabetes mellitus.
poly(styrene). The polymerization allowed the authors to
easily play with the ratios and molecular weights of the hard
and soft segments in way to determine and optimize the
releasing of paclitaxel after coating the block copolymers ATRP = Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization
onto coronary stents.
DM = Diabetes Mellitus
Vidts and Prez [96] proposed the synthesis of block
DT = Degenerative Transfer
copolymers containing poly(4-Vinylpyridine) P(4VP) by
ATRP from (PEO) macroinitiator. The latter was prepared HEMA = 2-Hydroxyethylmethacrylate
from the modification of a hydroxyl end group into an LRP = Living Radical Polymerization
halogen end group [97]. This work is particular interesting
considering the P(4VP) sensitivity to the pH conditions. FRP = Free Radical Polymerization
MADIX = Macromolecular Architecture Design by
Interchange of Xanthates
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