Marshall - Framework For Assessing Risk Margins
Marshall - Framework For Assessing Risk Margins
Marshall - Framework For Assessing Risk Margins
This is the final version of a draft paper that was presented to the Institute of
Actuaries of Australia 16th General Insurance Seminar 9-12 November 2008, Coolum,
Australia. The changes between this and the draft are minimal and reflect our view
that the fundamental principles and techniques discussed in the draft remain
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
1. Introduction ...................................................................... 4
1.1. Preamble .................................................................. 4
1.2. Current approaches to assessing risk margins ............................................ 4
1.3. Practical framework for assessing risk margins .......................................... 6
1.4. Structure of this paper ............................................................................... 7
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The main purpose of this paper is to propose a comprehensive framework for assessing
insurance liability risk margins and to provide practical advice on how to implement it. The
key sources of uncertainty are examined and the main quantitative approaches to analysing
uncertainty discussed, including commentary on the advantages and disadvantages of each
approach. The framework recognises, however, that quantitative analysis of historical data
cannot alone capture adequately all aspects of future uncertainty. There will always be a need
for judgement to be applied and in many situations such considerations will dominate the risk
margin assessment. The application of judgement, however, is arguably the most difficult
aspect of any attempt to estimate future uncertainty and assess appropriate risk margins. Our
paper examines the key judgmental aspects and introduces a structured approach to
combining these qualitative considerations with the results of any available quantitative
Keywords: framework, risk margins, uncertainty, APRA, independent risk, systemic risk.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
1. Introduction
1.1. Preamble
General Insurance actuaries in Australia have, for many years, been analysing the
uncertainty involved in the claim process with a view to assessing appropriate risk
margins for inclusion in insurance liabilities. The approaches adopted to date range
from those that involve little analysis of the underlying claim portfolio to those that
involve significant analysis of the uncertainty using a wide range of information and
techniques, including stochastic modelling.
The Risk Margins Taskforce was created to provide GI actuaries in Australia with
support and guidance in the assessment of risk margins. In particular, it was felt that
actuaries would benefit greatly from a stronger awareness of the key considerations
when analysing uncertainty and the tools at their disposal when undertaking such
analysis. A better equipped actuarial profession could feel more confident that key
stakeholders, including APRA, insurance company boards, senior management and
auditors, better understand the nature of and feel more comfortable with the quality
and consistency of actuarial advice in this area.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The approaches used to determine CoVs vary significantly. The least sophisticated
approaches involve deriving CoVs using either or both of two papers, Research and
Data Analysis Relevant to the Development of Standards and Guidelines on Liability
Valuation for General Insurance by Bateup and Reed (the Tillinghast paper) and
APRA Risk Margin Analysis by Collings and White (the Trowbridge paper), both
prepared at the end of 2001 (collectively these papers are referred to as the 2001
papers). These approaches often ignore the individual characteristics of the valuation
portfolio for which risk margins are being assessed, deferring instead to the
characteristics of the portfolios analysed by the authors of the two papers.
Anyone who has read the PwC paper will appreciate the similarities between the
framework proposed in that paper to the framework discussed in this paper. The
Taskforce is collectively of the view that the PwC paper has significant merit and
the concepts advocated by the authors of that paper have played a prominent
role in the development of the framework discussed in this paper. We would
encourage readers of this paper to read the PwC paper to ensure a more
complete understanding of some of the concepts discussed.
The most common approach to populating the correlation matrix with correlation
coefficients is via the deployment of actuarial judgement. Usually the key risks that
are considered to cause valuation portfolios to be correlated are considered in turn
and the correlation between classes categorised as high, medium or low with each
category having associated correlation coefficient values. The techniques deployed in
the assessment of correlations range from those that are quite basic and heavily
influenced by the benchmark correlation matrices discussed in the 2001 papers to
those that take a more methodical approach to analysing the contribution to
correlation from each key risk.
It is more the exception than the norm to include a quantitative analysis of past
experience in the assessment of correlation effects. The main reason for this is that
most quantitative techniques require a significant amount of data, time and cost to
produce results that are sufficiently credible and intuitively justifiable. It is more
common to see such techniques deployed when assessing more extreme probabilities
of adequacy, i.e. well in excess of 90%, rather than probabilities of adequacy around
the 75% level.
Generally, the most common distribution adopted to determine the aggregate risk
margin at a particular probability of adequacy is the LogNormal distribution. The
Normal distribution is also used by some actuaries, particularly at lower probabilities
of adequacy where it can generate a risk margin that is higher than a heavier tailed
distribution, such as the LogNormal distribution. It is uncommon for actuaries to test
the adopted distribution against past experience or, taking a step further, derive a
distributional form that explains the shape of the distribution of future claim cost
outcomes based on past experience and/or future expectations.
The general risk margins approach adopted by most actuaries is often referred to as a
bolt-on approach in that separate analyses are conducted to estimate the central
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
estimate of insurance liabilities and the risk margins. The term bolt-on is also
generally used to refer to any approach that does not involve the development of a
single unified distribution of the entire distribution of possible future claim cost
Judgement pervades both the central estimate assessment process and the risk margin
assessment process. Also, well fitting models are those that adequately reflect past
sources of uncertainty only. For these reasons, it is impossible to develop a purely
quantitative model, fitted to the past data, that accurately represents the range of
possible future claim cost outcomes. Rather, an approach that advocates internal
consistency between the assessment of the central estimate and the sources of future
uncertainty around that central estimate is important. The framework discussed in
this paper is one such approach. This transparent framework combines quantitative
and qualitative analysis, both of which are conducted giving full consideration to the
central estimate assessment.
With all of this in mind, we have prepared this paper to provide a comprehensive
framework for assessing insurance liability risk margins and to provide practical
advice on how to use this framework. There are a number of parts to our framework
including the provision of guidance and further information on the tools, both
quantitative and qualitative, that an actuary may deploy when analysing the
uncertainty associated with insurance liabilities. We have included or referred to
practical examples of how to deploy parts of the framework.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The framework discussed in this paper can also be considered in the broader context
of quantifying the uncertainty associated with reserve risk and underwriting risk for
stochastic capital modelling (often referred to as Dynamic Financial Analysis or
Internal Capital Modelling) purposes. In fact, when parameterising these
components of a DFA model, one should draw on any analysis conducted for risk
margin purposes and expand the framework to encapsulate those aspects of the
parameterisation not captured by an analysis conducted specifically for risk margin
It is not proposed that this risk margin framework will have the prescriptive nature of
a professional standard. Nevertheless, it is hoped that the structure and educational
benefits it provides will encourage all actuaries to critically examine their current risk
margin methodologies and to take from the framework those insights that are helpful
to them in their particular situation. Inevitably, each actuary estimating risk margins
will need to make their own judgements and this will be driven by their own
knowledge and experience. The proposed framework does not attempt to usurp that
process. Ultimately this framework is about enabling the profession and stakeholders
to feel more confident in the quality and overall consistency of risk margins advice in
This is not a paper on stochastic reserving. Nor is it intended to provide all of the
answers. Rather, its aim is to equip actuaries to ask the right questions and then
proceed to answer these in a methodical and rigorous manner.
Sections 3 and 4 discuss the assessment of independent risk and systemic risk,
respectively, providing more practical guidance and considerations for the assessment
of these sources of risk with a view to determining risk margins.
The framework is summarised in Table 1. The sections of the paper that address each
step are also shown.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The proposed framework provides a practical and robust platform that requires a
combination of quantitative and qualitative techniques to be deployed to examine the
uncertainty associated with assessing insurance liabilities with a view to determining
risk margins.
The framework is designed to introduce more rigour and consistency to the risk
margin assessment process by encouraging actuaries to examine their own portfolios
using a step-by-step process that requires them to ask a number of questions in the
context of these portfolios. This will enable judgemental aspects of the process to be
better reasoned, justified and documented and ultimately provide more structure in
the application and combination of both quantitative and qualitative processes.
It is not expected that all of the techniques discussed in this paper will be used in
practice for all valuation portfolios. Rather, if an actuary proceeds through the step-
by-step process using techniques suited to their own portfolios, understanding the
strengths and weaknesses of these techniques and asking the right questions along the
way, they can only be more comfortable that the risk margins adopted are
The framework revolves around quantifying the contribution to uncertainty from each
of the main sources of uncertainty and is graphically represented in Figure 1 below.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Risk Risk Material Costs selection
Risk error
These risks, w hen aggregated, make These risks, w hen aggregated, make
up the system ic com ponent up the system ic com ponent
of process uncertainty of param eter and m odel
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The sources of uncertainty are the cornerstones of the framework. The framework
itself has been designed to ensure alignment between the analysis and the techniques
deployed with the key sources of uncertainty, ensuring a complete measurement of
Systemic risk represents those risks that are potentially common across valuation
classes or claim groups. Systemic risks arise from two sources:
Independent risk represents those risks arising due to the randomness inherent in the
insurance process. Independent risk also arises from two sources:
The random component of parameter risk, representing the extent to which the
randomness associated with the insurance process compromises the ability to
select appropriate parameters in the valuation models.
The random component of process risk being the pure effect of the randomness
associated with the insurance process. Even if the valuation model was perfectly
calibrated to reflect expected future outcomes, the volatility associated with the
insurance process is likely to result in differences from the perfect expected
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Before commencing any analysis one must prepare the claims portfolio for analysis.
The claims portfolio would normally represent the aggregate insurance entity or
aggregation of insurance entities for which the risk margin analysis is being
The claims portfolio should be split into appropriate valuation classes. A number of
factors will impact how the valuation classes are selected.
In the end, the choice of valuation classes for risk margins analysis purposes will
come down to a balance between the practical benefits gained from a higher level
portfolio allocation and the potential additional benefit and insights gained from a
more granular allocation. When making this decision consideration should be given
to the need to retain as much consistency as possible between the central estimate
methodology and basis and the risk margin analysis.
Once the claims portfolio has been allocated into risk margin valuation classes,
consideration should be given to whether any valuation classes would benefit from a
further allocation. For certain portfolios, it will be apparent that different groups of
claims are materially more or less uncertain than others and should be treated
separately for risk margin analysis purposes. Within each of these claim groups there
is an element of homogeneity but between claim groups behaviour is expected to be
A good example of a valuation class that would normally require further segregation
is a home portfolio. These portfolios are normally materially exposed to claims
arising from natural peril events. The patterns of development for event claims often
differ materially from those for non-event claims. Separate analysis of event and
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
non-event claims will usually provide valuable insights into the past contribution to
uncertainty from each of these claim sources with a view to making appropriate
assumptions regarding future uncertainty. Also, home liability claims typically
behave quite differently from other home claims and should be considered for
separate analysis.
Again, a pragmatic view should be taken when considering whether groups of claims
are homogeneous, a view that balances the benefits against the practicalities and cost.
For certain valuation portfolios, e.g. those with little historical data, it may not be
possible to deploy all components of the framework. However, we do consider it
important to consider each component in the context of each valuation portfolio as
this will ensure that appropriate questions are asked as part of the analysis.
Many approaches used in practice by actuaries to analyse uncertainty and assess risk
margins have an element of quantitative analysis conducted using stochastic (or
other) modelling techniques. Often, but not always, adjustments are made to the
results from this modelling, reflecting an appreciation that it has not fully
encapsulated all sources of uncertainty.
There are a number of reasons why stochastic modelling techniques do not enable a
complete analysis of all sources of uncertainty:
A good stochastic model will fit the past data well and, in doing so, fit away most
past systemic episodes of risk external to the valuation process, leaving behind
largely random sources of uncertainty. Some techniques, e.g Generalised Linear
Modelling (GLM), offer more flexibility in fitting to the past experience than
others, e.g. Mack method.
Where it has not been possible to fit away all past systemic episodes of risk or
where no attempt has been made to do so, the outcome of the analysis may be
substantially affected by these episodes. Consideration then needs to be given to
whether past episodes of systemic risk are reasonably representative of what one
can expect in the future. For some portfolios this will be a very significant
assumption, based solely on judgemental considerations.
Even where one is comfortable that a model adequately reflects the volatility
expected in the future from both independent and systemic sources external to the
actuarial valuation process, the model is highly unlikely to incorporate
uncertainty arising from sources internal to the actuarial valuation process, i.e.
internal systemic risk.
The framework proposes the use of one or more stochastic modelling techniques to
analyse independent sources of risk and to inform on past episodes of systemic risk
external to the actuarial valuation process. There are a number of approaches that
may be used to analyse independent sources of risk, including:
Mack method;
Stochastic Chain Ladder;
Generalised Linear Modelling (GLM) techniques; and
Bayesian techniques.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Although these techniques can be used for both outstanding claim liabilities and
premium liabilities, it is possible and practically helpful to analyse independent risk
as it pertains to premium liabilities using techniques specifically designed for this
The analysis of independent risk is an art in itself and actuaries will only become
comfortable in this area with practical experience of working through the main issues
on their own valuation portfolios. A range of stochastic techniques may be used and
decisions made on the strengths and weaknesses of each approach in the context of
the past experience. It may be possible to refine the modelling to focus on certain
past periods with limited past episodes of systemic risk, thus largely isolating past
independent risk and examining the extent to which it has impacted past volatility.
The framework proposes separate analysis of internal systemic risk and external
systemic risk. Qualitative approaches are proposed for this purpose. Two approaches
are discussed in Section 4 of the paper, one designed to analyse internal systemic risk
and the other designed to analyse external systemic risk. Introductions to these
approaches are given in this sub-section. Both techniques have been designed to
allow judgement to be deployed in a robust, transparent and consistent manner,
giving due consideration to each of the key contributors to the two sources of
systemic risk.
Internal systemic risk refers to the uncertainty arising from the actuarial valuation
models used being an imperfect representation of the insurance process as it pertains
to insurance liabilities. Valuation models are designed to predict future claim cost
outcomes based largely on an examination of the key predictors of claim cost, and
trends in these predictors, as these have been observed in the past claim experience.
When assessing the uncertainty associated with the insurance liabilities it is important
to subject the valuation methodology to objective scrutiny to assess the extent to
which the quality of the insurance liability estimate may be compromised by
inadequacies in the valuation process. The need to be objective as part of this process
is important. Human nature is such that it is easy to become overly defensive of the
modelling approach adopted for central estimate purposes. Objective comparisons
and scoring of the adopted valuation methodology against best practice, irrespective
of whether such best practice is possible in the context of the portfolio being
analysed, is crucial to forming an appropriate view of the contribution of internal
systemic risk to uncertainty.
We consider there to be three main sources of internal systemic risk. These are:
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Specification error - the error that can arise from an inability to build a model
that is fully representative of the underlying insurance process. The process is
likely to be too complicated to be replicated in any actuarial valuation model.
Also, the information available may be such that the underlying process cannot
be fully understood and the model structure is simplified as a consequence.
Parameter selection error - the error that can arise because the model is unable to
adequately measure all predictors of claim cost outcomes or trends in these
predictors. Again the insurance process is such that there can be a large number
of claim cost drivers that would be difficult to fully capture in an actuarial
valuation model.
Data error - the error that can arise due to poor data or unavailability of data
required to conduct a credible valuation. Data error also relates to inadequate
knowledge of the portfolio being analysed, including pricing, underwriting and
claims management processes and strategies.
There are a number of subjective decisions that are required to be made as part of this
process. These include the risk indicators, the measurement and scoring criteria, the
importance (or weight) afforded to each risk indicator and the CoVs that map to each
score from the balanced scorecard. Quantitative techniques may be used to inform
aspects of these decisions.
Section 4 of the paper provides some thoughts and tools that may be used as part of
such an exercise. However, it is fully expected that new techniques will emerge as
experience develops and the writers of this paper welcome and encourage future
contributions to the development of actuarial thinking in this area.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Figure 2: Internal systemic risk – systemic risk internal to the actuarial valuation process
Source of Risk
Qualitative assessment
uncertainty component Combine scores Map scores to CoV
Assess parameter selection error using a range of Weighted average valuation class
risk indicators and diagnostics scores mapped to CoVs.
A weighted average combined score Low scores will attract high CoVs
Risk indicators may include ability to identify and for each valuation class is derived. high scores low CoVs.
Parameter use predictors, extent to which predictors lead Weights subjectively selected to CoVs may differ between long-tail
selection rather than lag claim costs, subjective adjustments refect the actuary's view of the and short-tail portfolios and between
systemic risk
error required, ability to detect trends, stability, importance of each of the risk outstanding claims and premium
uncertainty in superimposed inflation. indicators in the context of their own liabilities.
portfolio. CoVs derived based on a
Score each risk indicator against best practice combination of judgement and
using a range from 1 to 5 analysis.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
All of the standard quantitative modelling techniques analyse the volatility inherent in
the past claim experience. As such, they can only be used to inform on the
uncertainty arising from past episodes of external systemic risk. To use these
techniques in isolation would require an assumption that the contribution to volatility
from future external systemic risk is expected to be similar to that experienced in the
past. It is quite possible, and for some valuation classes likely, that future external
systemic risk will exhibit significantly different characteristics from actual past
It is, therefore, important to identify each of the main potential sources of external
systemic risk and, for each of these sources, quantify their impact on the overall
volatility of the insurance liabilities. The main external systemic risks for any
valuation class can be categorised as belonging to a number of risk categories. These
Economic and social risks – normal inflation and other social and environmental
Legislative, political risks and claim inflation risks – relates to known or
unknown changes to legislative or political environment within which each
valuation portfolio currently operates and shifts or trends in the level of claim
settlements (this risk category encapsulates most systemic trends normally
referred to as superimposed inflation)
Claim management process change risk – changes to the processes relating to
claim reporting, payment, finalisation or estimation
Expense risk – the uncertainty associated with the cost of managing the run off of
the insurance liabilities or the cost of maintaining the unexpired risk until the date
of loss
Event risk – the uncertainty associated with claim costs arising from events,
either natural peril events or man-made events
Latent claim risk – the uncertainty associated with claims that may arise from a
particular source, a source that is currently not considered to be covered
Recovery risk – the uncertainty associated with recoveries, either reinsurance or
Each of these risk categories will normally have been considered as part of the central
estimate valuation of outstanding claim or premium liabilities. There is, therefore, a
strong case for conducting the analysis of external systemic risk in conjunction with
the central estimate valuation, thereby ensuring that both parts of the valuation take a
consistent and complete view of all systemic risk categories.
A critical step in any valuation process is the interaction between the valuation
actuary and business unit management. This is required to ensure that the valuation
actuary has an appropriate level of understanding of all aspects of the insurance
process, particularly as this relates to the valuation of insurance liabilities. These
interactions will normally incorporate discussions about all aspects of the portfolio
management process, including underwriting and risk selection, pricing, claims
management, expense management, emerging portfolio trends and the environment
within which the portfolio operates. It would be of great benefit to the valuation
process, and not particularly onerous, to extend discussions to consider the main
potential external systemic risks that may impact the portfolio. This information can
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
then be used to inform both the central estimate valuation and in the identification
and quantification of risks associated with each external systemic risk category.
For most valuation classes, the risk identification and categorisation process will
identify a small number of systemic risks and categories that account for the majority
of the uncertainty. For property classes, for example, event risk is likely to dominate
the volatility of the premium liabilities whereas for long-tail portfolios legislative,
political and claims inflation risks are likely to be the key contributors to the
volatility for both outstanding claim and premium liabilities.
When analysing external systemic risk it is useful to rank each of the risk categories
in descending order in terms of expected impact on insurance liability uncertainty.
This ranking can then be used to guide the effort to be expended on quantifying the
risks associated with each risk category. More time and effort would be spent on
quantifying the uncertainty associated with material risk categories.
Section 4 of the paper discusses the assessment of external systemic risk in more
detail and includes some examples of potential sources of systemic risk within each
risk category.
Correlation effects
At this point in the deployment of the framework, an actuary will have derived CoVs
for independent risk, internal systemic risk and for each source of external systemic
risk in each systemic risk category. The next step requires making allowance for the
fact that each of these sources of risk is not fully correlated either within valuation
classes or between valuation classes.
Having said this, it is not our intention to entirely rule out quantitative analysis of past
correlation effects. Such analysis may provide useful insights that can help in the
assessment of potential future correlation effects.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
It is possible that external systemic risk categories may be partially correlated either
within or between valuation classes. If this is the case, the correlated risk categories
may be aggregated into broader categories that are not correlated with other risk
For practical purpose, the correlation relationship between any two sources of
uncertainty or risk categories can be considered to belong to one of a finite number of
assumed correlation bands. For example, five correlation bands may be defined as
nil, low, medium, high and full correlation. For quantification purposes one might
allocate correlation coefficients of 25%, 50% and 75%, respectively, to the low,
medium and high correlation bands. Having any more than five categories is likely to
result in spurious accuracy attaching to what is already a largely subjective process.
The PwC paper describes a useful way of considering and assessing correlation
effects. A root dummy variable, which can be considered to be the root source of
correlations within a risk category, is created. Dummy variables may also be set up
for groupings of valuation classes that belong to the same class of business, e.g.
separate valuations may be conducted by state within a worker’s compensation class
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
of business. A hierarchical structure can then be constructed for each systemic risk
category containing correlations between the following components:
The implied correlations, both within valuation classes or classes of business and
between valuation classes, can then be assessed.
Once an actuary has progressed through the analysis discussed above they will have
the following assumptions that need to be consolidated and converted into a risk
margin for the whole claims portfolio:
CoVs in respect of independent risk for each valuation portfolio, separately for
outstanding claim and premium liabilities
CoVs in respect of internal systemic risk for each valuation portfolio, separately
for outstanding claim and premium liabilities
CoVs in respect of each potential external systemic risk category, separately for
outstanding claim and premium liabilities
Correlation coefficients between each source of uncertainty, risk category,
valuation portfolio and outstanding claim/premium liability combination.
An example of the consolidation and risk margin calculation for an example insurer,
Insurer ABC, which underwrites three classes of business, Motor, Home and CTP is
shown in Figure 3 below.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Figure 3: Claims portfolio CoV and risk margin calculation for Insurer ABC
A: Proportion of insurance liabilities
Motor 5% 25%
Home 5% 25%
CTP 30% 10%
Total 40% 60%
B: Independent risk
Independent risk
Outstanding Insurance
Class claims CoV Premium liabilities CoV liabilities CoV
E: Consolidated CoVs
All sources of uncertainty
Outstanding Insurance
Class claims CoV Premium liabilities CoV liabilities CoV
F: Risk margins
Required probability of adequacy 75%
Risk margins - Normal distribution Risk margins - LogNormal distribution
Outstanding Insurance Outstanding Premium Insurance
Class claims Premium liabilities liabilities claims CoV liabilities CoV liabilities CoV
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The following comments are made to help in the interpretation of the example in
Figure 3.
The CoVs and correlation coefficients used and risk margins derived are
indicative only. The emphasis is on demonstrating how consolidation could work
in practice, rather than proposing appropriate risk margins or underlying
Part A gives the percentage breakdown of the total net central estimate of
insurance liabilities by valuation portfolio and between outstanding claim and
premium liabilities. There is no need to use actual dollar amounts in the
calculation. The percentage breakdown (or weights) will suffice. For simplicity,
for this example all homogeneous claim groups have been combined within the
valuation classes.
Part B shows the CoVs adopted in respect of independent risk for outstanding
claim and premium liabilities following a combination of quantitative modelling
and benchmarking. The insurance liability CoVs by valuation portfolio and the
insurance liability, outstanding claim liability and premium liability CoVs for all
valuation portfolios combined have been derived assuming independence (or nil
correlation) between valuation portfolios and between outstanding claims and
premium liabilities.
Part C shows the CoVs and correlation coefficients (in correlation matrix form)
adopted for outstanding claim and premium liabilities in respect of internal
systemic risk. These CoVs and correlation coefficients have been derived
following a qualitative analysis of internal systemic risk using a balanced
scorecard approach. The insurance liability CoVs by valuation portfolio and the
insurance liability, outstanding claim liability and premium liability CoVs for all
valuation portfolios combined have been derived using the assumed correlations
between valuation portfolios and between outstanding claim and premium
liabilities. When creating any correlation matrix it is important to include a check
that the matrix is positive definite.
The first table in Part D shows the CoVs adopted in respect of each external
systemic risk category. The second table summarises the adopted correlation
coefficients in respect of external systemic risk. The implementation of these
correlations is conducted using seven correlation matrices, one for each external
systemic risk category. Each of these matrices is 6x6, similar to the correlation
matrix shown in Part C for internal systemic risk. With an assumption of
independence between risk categories there is no need to create a larger 42x42
matrix with a row and column representing each risk category, valuation portfolio
and outstanding claim/premium liability combination. The CoVs and correlation
coefficients shown in these two tables have been derived following a qualitative
analysis of potential external systemic sources of risk. The third table in Part D
shows the aggregate CoVs in respect of external systemic risk, derived for each
valuation portfolio and for all valuation portfolios combined in respect of
outstanding claim liabilities, premium liabilities and insurance liabilities.
Part E consolidates the CoVs from each of the three sources of uncertainty,
derived in Parts B to D. The key assumption underlying the derivation of
consolidated CoVs is that there is independence between each of the sources of
Part F converts the consolidated CoVs into risk margins assuming a required
probability of adequacy of 75%. Two statistical distributions have been adopted
as representative of the underlying distribution of insurance liabilities: the
Normal distribution and the LogNormal distribution. At lower probabilities of
adequacy, including 75%, the Normal distribution delivers a higher risk margin,
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
There are a number of areas of additional analysis that may be conducted to give an
actuary further comfort regarding the outcomes from the deployment of the
framework described above. These include sensitivity analysis, scenario testing,
benchmarking and hindsight analysis, each of which is discussed below.
Sensitivity testing
Valuable insights into the sensitivity of the final outcomes to key assumptions can be
gained by varying each of the key assumptions. It is recommended that, as part of the
analysis, the CoVs and correlation coefficients adopted for independent risk, internal
systemic risk and each external systemic risk category be flexed and the impact on
the valuation class and claims portfolio risk margins examined.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Following such an analysis, one might review certain key assumptions, particularly
those that have a substantial impact on the final outcome, with a view to gaining
additional comfort that the adopted assumptions are reasonable and justifiable.
If the independent risk CoVs by valuation portfolio for outstanding claim and
premium liabilities are reduced by 50%, the risk margin for the whole claims
portfolio (based on the LogNormal distribution) reduces from 5.6% to 5.4%.
Alternatively, doubling these CoVs increases the risk margin to 6.5%.
If the internal systemic risk CoVs by valuation portfolio for outstanding claim
and premium liabilities are increased by 50%, the risk margin for the whole
claims portfolio increases from 5.6% to 6.6%. Alternatively, increasing the
correlation coefficients to give full correlation across all combinations increases
the risk margin to 6.3%.
If the CoVs for the legislative, political and claims inflation systemic risk
category for CTP (outstanding claims and premium liabilities) are reduced by
50%, the risk margin for the whole claims portfolio reduces from 5.6% to 5.2%.
Doubling the CoV for the event systemic risk category for Home premium
liabilities increases the risk margin to 7.0%. Finally, assuming full correlation,
within all valuation classes and systemic risk categories, between outstanding
claim and premium liabilities increases the risk margin to 5.8%.
Scenario testing
It is often insightful to tie the risk margin outcomes back to a set of valuation
outcomes by strengthening some of the key assumptions adopted for central estimate
purposes to align the outstanding claim liabilities and premium liabilities with the
provisions assessed including risk margins. Various different assumption scenarios
may be tested and valuation outcomes, including projected ultimate claim
frequencies, average claim sizes, loss ratios, etc, compared for each scenario against
the central estimate basis.
These (risk margin inclusive) valuation outcomes can be considered in the context of
the emerging experience and what is known about the portfolio. Also, the basis
changes required to deliver these outcomes can be considered in the context of the
emerging experience.
Internal benchmarking
As part of the CoV selection process, the proposed CoVs should be subjected to a
range of internal checks. For each source of uncertainty individually the adopted
CoVs should be compared between valuation classes, particularly similar valuation
classes, for outstanding claim liabilities, premium liabilities and insurance liabilities.
Comparisons should also be made between outstanding claim and premium liability
CoVs within classes.
For independent risk, there are two main dimensions that should be considered in the
context of internal benchmarking: portfolio size and length of claim run off. The law
of large numbers implies that the larger the portfolio, the lower the volatility arising
from random effects. Also, the longer a portfolio takes to run off, the more time there
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Outstanding claim liability CoVs for short-tail portfolios are likely to be lower
than for similar sized long-tail portfolio and substantially lower than much
smaller long-tailed portfolios.
Premium liability CoVs for long-tail portfolios would normally be higher than
outstanding claim liability CoVs for the same portfolios. This is due more to the
law of large numbers than any material differences in the length of the run off.
The extent of the difference will depend on the size of the premium liability and
outstanding claim liability with the difference being more for small portfolios
which will have higher independent risk components than for large portfolios
which will have smaller independent risk components.
Premium liability CoVs for short-tail portfolios would normally be lower than
outstanding claim liability CoVs for the same portfolios, assuming the same
independent risk profile between outstanding claim and premium liabilities. This
is due mainly to the law of large numbers. The independent risk profiles may
not, however, be similar. Event risk, where material, is likely to mean that the
independent risk profile of premium liabilities and outstanding claim liabilities
are different. This is likely to offset the benefit that premium liabilities gain from
their greater size and in any event make benchmarking problematic.
For internal systemic risk, the CoVs can be compared in the context of each valuation
class. If template models are used for similar portfolios, particularly classes with
homogeneous claim groups, then one would expect CoVs to be similar between
classes. Also, the underlying process and the key drivers of this process are likely to
be more complicated in long-tail portfolios than most short-tail portfolios. If similar
valuation methodologies are applied for both short- and long-tail classes then one
would expect higher internal systemic risk CoVs for the long-tail portfolios.
The main sources of external systemic risk are likely to be much more significant for
long-tail portfolios with the exception of event risk for property and, to a lesser
extent, motor classes and liability risk for home classes.
External benchmarking
External benchmarking refers to the use of the Tillinghast and Trowbridge 2001
papers or APRA’s November 2008 General Insurance Risk Margins Industry Report
to benchmark CoVs and/or risk margins derived as part of a risk margins analysis.
APRA have indicated that a large number of actuaries rely, to varying extents, on the
analysis presented in the 2001 papers in the selection of their own risk margin
assumptions. This reliance ranges from those actuaries who conduct thorough
analyses on their own portfolios and then benchmark the adopted risk margins with
those derived from the 2001 papers to those actuaries that derive risk margins solely
from the 2001 papers with little or no consideration of the reasonableness of this
approach in the context of their own portfolios. The latter approach was certainly not
one of the original intentions of the authors of the 2001 papers. The former approach
is more consistent with the expectations of the authors.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
benefit where there is little information available for analysis purposes, particularly
for the analysis of independent risk. More generally, the use of benchmarking should
be as a sanity check rather than as the entire basis of the risk margin assessment. In
any deployment of benchmarking, the differences between the benchmark portfolio(s)
and the claims portfolio being analysed must be considered and factored into the
The use of the Tillinghast paper in the assessment of independent risk is discussed in
section 2.4 above. Before using the Tillinghast paper, however, an actuary needs to
be aware of the following issues:
The assumptions required to derive the independent component of the CoV were
derived based on an analysis conducted during 2001. The independent CoVs
depend on the size of the outstanding claim or premium liabilities. Inflation
between 2001 and the effective date of the current valuation should be backed out
of the outstanding claim and premium liabilities before calculating the
independent CoV. If this is not done then the independent CoV will be
The premium liability risk margin should be calculated by applying a multiple to
the outstanding claim risk margin for an outstanding claim liability that is the
same size as the premium liability, not for the actual outstanding claim liability,
irrespective of whether this is lower or higher than the premium liability.
Hindsight analysis
Hindsight analysis is particularly useful for short-tail valuations where there is little
serial correlation between consecutive valuations. Hindsight analysis is somewhat
less valuable for long-tail portfolios where there is usually significant serial
correlation between consecutive valuations.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
independent risk, by focusing the analysis on periods where there was a degree of
stability in the experience with few or no systemic trends;
internal systemic risk, by applying this technique using a range of actuarial
methods (preferably those used for central estimate valuation purpose) and
observing the differences in volatility outcomes; and
all past sources of uncertainty, by applying the approach across all past periods.
The latter is a mechanical variant of the hindsight analysis described in the first three
paragraphs of this sub-section.
APRA have indicated that a wide range of approaches have been taken by actuaries in
the documentation of risk margins analysis. Documentation ranges from that which
provides a thorough discussion of approach and justification for the assumptions
underpinning the adopted risk margins to that which provides very little commentary
or justification.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
of the framework discussed above and summarised in Table 1. They will also involve
significant interaction with business unit management.
At more regular intervals, aligned to the times when central estimate valuations of
insurance liabilities are conducted, a less comprehensive review of the key
assumptions adopted as part of the previous full application will suffice. The key
assumptions should be examined in the context of:
If new portfolios emerge in the period between full applications of the framework,
one should consider applying the key steps within the framework to those portfolios.
The successful deployment of this framework will require significant interaction with
business unit management. The process may benefit from a feedback and
communication loop, enabling the business to provide their views on the outcomes of
the analysis. This will reduce the possibility that lots of assumptions, which all make
sense individually, contribute to an overall outcome that does not make sense. This
communication loop may incorporate the demonstration of scenarios that would give
rise to the outcome assessed at the selected probability of adequacy.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Independent risk reflects the contribution to the uncertainty associated with the actual
claim cost outcome from random effects. This source of risk has two components:
the random component of parameter risk and the random component of process risk.
It is not normally particularly enlightening or beneficial to split independent risk
between these two components. Having said this, some quantitative modelling
techniques do allow the split to be assessed as part of their normal application.
There are a number of approaches that may be used to analyse independent sources of
risk, including::
Mack method;
Stochastic Chain Ladder;
Generalised Linear Modelling (GLM) techniques; and
Bayesian techniques
The techniques vary in their capacity to enable actuaries to identify past levels of
independent risk. In the application of most of these techniques, one is attempting to
fit a model to past systemic episodes and trends and to analyse the residual volatility
once these episodes and trends have been fitted away. The better the model fit is the
more likely that the residual volatility observed reflects random effects alone.
An actuary faced with the task of assessing independent risk will need to decide upon
which techniques to use for each of their valuation classes. This decision should
consider the extent to which the independent risk for a particular valuation class is
material to the overall claim portfolio risk margin, the contribution to uncertainty
from internal systemic risk and external systemic risk and the cost and effort
associated with applying the techniques. Where the cost and effort outweighs the
potential benefit then a simpler approach, perhaps incorporating benchmarking, may
be considered.
For some valuation portfolios, the data available may be too limited or volatile to
enable a credible split between past episodes of systemic risk and past independent
risk. In these cases, actuaries may consider using a model that does not attempt to fit
away the past systemic risk and supplement this analysis with additional allowances
for external systemic risk, to the extent that this is considered to differ from past
systemic risk, and internal systemic risk, which cannot be modelled using standard
quantitative modelling techniques.
Any of the techniques mentioned above can be used in the assessment of past
independent risk for outstanding claim purposes. Some of the techniques offer more
flexibility in terms of fitting to past systemic episodes and trends.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
is the preferred approach to analysing uncertainty then the PPCI method should be
bootstrapped. This will ensure that past volatility is examined and conclusions drawn
in an environment that is internally consistent.
GLM techniques can be used to model individual claims or aggregate claims. These
techniques are used for reserving purposes to identify the key factors that have
contributed to past claim cost outcomes. Combined with a range of useful statistical
diagnostics, these techniques are well placed to support the analysis of independent
Bootstrapping techniques offer less flexibility than GLM techniques but can be
adapted to help in the assessment of random effects. For example, if past periods that
have been largely unaffected by systemic episodes can be identified then the
bootstrap residuals can be calculated for these stable periods and used as part of the
bootstrapping process. Plots of residuals by accident period, development period and
experience period can be used to identify periods that have been affected by past
systemic episodes.
The bootstrapping, GLM and Bayesian approaches may also be used for the purpose
of analysing the volatility in past claim experience for the purpose of assessing the
independent risk component for premium liabilities.
However, it is possible to use simpler techniques to analyse the past volatility of key
components of the premium liabilities. Consider a valuation class where the central
estimate of the claim cost component of the premium liabilities is assessed by
combining a projected claim frequency and average claim size. The adopted claim
frequency and average claim size has been selected following an analysis of output
from the outstanding claim valuation supplemented by portfolio level pricing
Often large claims are extracted for separate analysis. Again, observations can be
made as to the aspects of past experience that represent systemic episodes and those
that are purely random.
The process of identifying and isolating past systemic episodes can only be enhanced
if an actuary has a strong understanding of the possible systemic sources of risk for a
particular portfolio. The role that product and claim management can play in
improving this understanding should not be underestimated. This is discussed further
in section 4.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Internal systemic risk refers to the uncertainty arising from the actuarial valuation
models used being an imperfect representation of the insurance process as it pertains
to insurance liabilities.
Specification error - the error that can arise from an inability to build a model
that is fully representative of the underlying insurance process.
Parameter selection error - the error that can arise because the model is unable to
measure all predictors of claim cost outcomes or trends in these predictors.
Data error - the error that can arise due to poor data, unavailability of data and/or
inadequate knowledge of the portfolio being analysed.
Although care will normally be taken to ensure that the approach adopted is
appropriate for the valuation class being assessed, models are likely to represent a
simplified view of the insurance process. Models also range in their capacity to
identify underlying trends in the claims experience. Standard triangulations methods
will normally analyse predictors (e.g. claim payments, reports, finalisations, case
estimates) that have been aggregated to a reasonably high level or lag rather than lead
the underlying drivers of the insurance process.
One other point worth making before we walk through the balanced scorecard
approach in detail is that the assessment of internal systemic risk must be conducted
in the context of the actual approach used to assess the central estimate of outstanding
claim and premium liabilities. The strengths and weakness associated with that
approach will be considered and scored with a view to determining an appropriate
allowance in risk margins for internal systemic risk. Consistency between the central
estimate and risk margin assessments are one outcome of a robust assessment of
internal systemic risk.
The balanced scorecard was discussed in section 2.5 and presented diagrammatically
in Figure 2. In summary the approach involves:
For each of the specification, parameter and data risk components, conduct a
qualitative assessment of the modelling infrastructure, considering a range of risk
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
In a paper entitled Asbestos Liabilities & the New Risk Margins Framework, prepared
by Brett Riley and Bruce Watson, the authors describe an alternative approach to
assessing the level of internal systemic risk. This approach specifies High and Low
scenarios that ‘represent the end points of what might be considered a reasonable
range of central estimates based on alternative interpretations of all available
information’. The approach advocated by Messrs Riley and Watson certainly has
merit and represents a reasonable alternative to the balanced scorecard approach
described in this paper. It also has the appeal of being simpler and, therefore, more
practical to apply.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Many different modelling approaches considered - each approach should add value by considering different dimensions of
Number of independent models used
claims experience
Extent to which models separately analyse different claim/payment types Relevant homogeneous claim or payment types modelled separately
Low variations between different models in terms of past performance - take care that comparisons are appropriate (e.g. PCE
Range of results produced by models
vs PPCI for old accident periods for short-tail classes may not be appropriate)
Significant reasonableness checks conducted, including reconciliation of movement in liabilities, diagnostic checks on
Checks made on reasonableness of results
valuation outcomes, acceptance of results by business, expert peer review, benchmarking against industry
Confidence in assessment of model 'goodness of fit' Actual vs Extected close, few difficulties in selecting parameters, relevant sensitivities yield small variances in results
Specification error
Few subjective adjustments, relevant subjective factor sensitivites yield low variances and adjustments regularly monitored
Number and importance of subjective adjustments to factors
and reviewed
Extent of monitoring and review of model and assumption performance Model and assumption performance monitored continuously and reviewed regularly
Ability to detect trends in key claim cost indicators Models have performed well in detecting trends in the past
Sophistication and performance of superimposed inflation analysis Detailed analysis of past sources of superimposed inflation and robust quantification of each past source
Level of expense analysis to support CHE assumptions Detailed expense analysis, including how expenses are incurred over the lifetime of claims relating to each claim type
Ability to model using more granular data, e.g. unit record data Unit record data is available and used to further analyse and better understand key predictors and trends in these predictors
Best predictors have been analysed and identified, including internal and external variables that show strong correlaton with
Best predictors have been identified, whether or not they are used
claims experience
Best predictors are stable over time or change due to process changes Predictors stable over time, stabilise quickly and respond well to process changes
selection error
Predictors are close to best predictors, lead (rather than lag) claim cost outcomes, modelled rather than subjectively allowed
Value of predictors used
for and unimpaired by past systemic events
Knowledge of past processes affecting predictors Good and credible knowledge of past processes, including changes to processes
Regular, complete and pro-active two-way communication between valuation actuary and claims staff/portfolio managers who
Extent, timeliness, consistency and reliability of information from business
understand key valuation predictors and how changes may impact or invalidate these
Reconciliations against other sources are conducted for all data sources and types, checks are conducted throughout data
Data error Data subject of appropriate reconciliations and quality control
processing steps, reconciliations against previous valuation conducted, data and differences well understood
Processes for obtaining and processing data are robust and replicable No past instances of poor data understanding, no or low potential for miscoding of claim type
Frequency and severity of past mis-estimation due to revision of data No past instances of data revision
Extent of current data issues and possible impact on predictors No known current data issues
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Each of the risk indicators should be considered in the context of both the outstanding
claim and premium liabilities. Additional indicators may be considered for premium
liabilities, for example whether the outstanding claim liabilities are used as an input
to the premium liability assessment or whether credible portfolio level pricing
analysis is used as an input to the premium liability assessment.
For certain short-tail portfolios, some risk indicators may not be as relevant for
premium liability purposes. A large variance in the outstanding claim liabilities,
which might only affect the most recent accident periods and have a relatively small
impact on the projected ultimate claim frequency or average claim size, may not be
material in the context of a premium liability assessment.
Table 3 shows the risk indicator scores which underpin the internal systemic risk
CoVs adopted for Insurer ABC in the example in Figure 3 in section 2.6, with a
particular focus on outstanding claim liabilities.
Best predictors have been identified, whether or not they are used 4 3 4 5 3 7
Best predictors are stable over time or change due to process changes 5 5 4 5 2 6
selection error
Value of predictors used 4 5 4 5 3 5
Total weighted average score - outstanding claims (OSC) 4.1 4.0 3.5
Total weighted average score - premium liabilities 4.5 4.5 4.0
The scores and weights shown in Table 3 are for illustration only and should be taken
as a demonstration of concept than as a set of benchmarks that actuaries can use for
such portfolios in practice.
The weights allocated to each of the risk indicators are a measure of the importance
of that risk indicator, relative to the other risk indicators, in terms of its contribution
to overall internal systemic risk. The weights and hence relativities between risk
indicators should reflect the particular valuation infrastructure adopted for each
valuation class including the relative importance of each risk indicator in the context
of that valuation class.
Premium liabilities scored better than outstanding claims in this example due to the
extensive use in their assessment of outcomes from the valuation of outstanding
claims and independent and credible portfolio level pricing analyses conducted
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Once a score representing an objective and qualitative view of the efficacy of the
modelling infrastructure has been derived, one needs to determine a CoV that is an
appropriate representation of the contribution to outstanding claim and premium
liability uncertainty from internal systemic risk. This step is likely to require a
significant amount of subjective judgement, supplemented by quantitative analysis.
We suggest that individual actuaries develop a CoV scale which represents their view
of the uncertainty associated with internal systemic risk for the full range of possible
balanced scorecard outcomes, ranging from worst practice to best practice (or
‘perfect’) modelling approaches. A large degree of judgement will be required to
derive a reasonable range in the context of a particular claims portfolio. The analysis
conducted to score the modelling infrastructure together with past model performance
should provide invaluable insights into the potential variability associated with a
particular modelling approach.
If more than one methodology has been deployed in the past then a hindsight analysis
of the actual past performance of each method can be used to assess the relative
performance of each method and the extent to which multiple models can improve the
performance of the whole modelling infrastructure.
Mechanical hindsight analysis (see section 2.7) may also be used to help in the
assessment of internal systemic risk. For example, a mechanical hindsight analysis
can be conducted using one method with all claim or payment types aggregated. A
further retrospective analysis can be conducted using multiple methods with claim or
payment types separated into individual homogeneous groups. The relative difference
in performance of the two modelling infrastructures over time may give some insights
into the additional uncertainty associated with poor modelling approaches compared
to fair or good modelling approaches.
Based on our experience, we would suggest that the minimum CoV associated with a
‘perfect’ model is unlikely to be much less than 5%. Even a ‘perfect’ model will not
be able to completely replicate the true underlying insurance process or identify every
possible predictor of claim cost outcomes.
If you consider a single, aggregated model with limited data or information available
to populate the model, significant subjective assumptions required and few identified
predictors, CoVs of 20% or above in respect of internal systemic risk are readily
justifiable. For such models, it is not infeasible that internal systemic risk could be
the main contributor to overall uncertainty.
Table 4 gives CoV scales used in the assessment of risk margins for Insurer ABC as
part of the example in Figure 3.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
The CoV scale shown in Table 4 is an example only. Actuaries should select CoV
scales that are appropriate in the context of their own valuation classes and the
modelling infrastructure adopted for each of those valuation classes. Any hindsight
analysis deployed to support the selection of appropriate CoVs should be designed to
align with the actual valuation methods adopted for the valuation classes being
The scale is not linear reflecting our view that the marginal improvement in
outcomes between fair and good modelling infrastructures is less than the
marginal improvement between poor and fair modelling infrastructures.
The CoVs for CTP, a long-tail portfolio, are higher than those for Motor and
Home, both short-tail portfolios. For long-tail portfolios, it is generally more
difficult to develop a modelling approach that is representative of the underlying
insurance process. Also, key predictors are often less stable for long-tail
portfolios and past episodes of systemic risk more likely to impair the ability to
fit a good model.
The scale has been used for both outstanding claim and premium liability
purposes. A reasonable ‘a priori’ assumption is that similar scales can be used
for both. Arguments can be made for premium liabilities to have higher or lower
CoVs than those applying to outstanding claim liabilities, particularly for poor
modelling approaches. For example, the assessment of premium liabilities may
include additional uncertainty associated with the estimation of exposure or
premium relating to unclosed or contractually bound future business. If this is the
case then a loading on top of the outstanding claim liability CoVs may be
justifiable. On the other hand, for certain stable short-tail classes, the difference
between a simple loss ratio approach and a more thorough frequency/severity
approach may not be material in terms of performance in the assessment of
premium liabilities but the difference between a single aggregate model and
multiple disaggregated models could be material in terms of performance in the
assessment of outstanding claim liabilities.
External systemic risk refers to the uncertainty arising from non-random risks
external to the actuarial modelling process. This uncertainty encapsulates systemic
episodes that have not yet occurred but may emerge in the future and those that are
emerging in the recent experience but where there is some uncertainty as to how they
will develop in future. The risk associated with the actuarial modelling infrastructure
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
Certain stochastic quantitative approaches may be used to gain insights into past and
emerging sources of external systemic risk. These insights, together with those
gained from the central estimate analysis, will provide useful intelligence on the type
of risks that can emerge in each valuation portfolio, at least the ones that have
emerged in the past. However, one cannot readily assume that past experience is a
reasonable reflection of the future. A more rigorous approach should consider each
of the possible future sources of external systemic risk, using a number of sources of
Typically actuaries will hold discussions with portfolio and claim management as part
of the valuation process. These discussions normally provide valuable insights into
emerging trends and possible future sources of external systemic risk. However, the
focus is normally on gaining an appropriate level of portfolio understanding to enable
an informed assessment of the central estimate of outstanding claim and premium
liabilities. Although the information gathered will play a role in the assessment of
risk margins, this tends to be more an afterthought than a key focus of discussions.
Discussions can be readily tailored to topics of relevance for both central estimate and
risk margin purposes and ensure an appropriate level of focus on both aspects of the
valuation process. Business management should be given time to prepare for these
meetings to ensure that the valuation actuary gains the maximum possible benefit
from them.
From a risk margins perspective, the focus of these meetings should be on the
identification of key potential sources of systemic risk, including those that have
begun to emerge and those that may emerge in future. Discussions should consider
all aspects of the portfolio management process, including underwriting and risk
selection, pricing, claims management, expense management, emerging portfolio
trends and the environment within which the portfolio operates. Once the key
sources of external systemic risk have been identified, they can be categorised for
analysis purposes. As well as identifying key risks, the quantification of risk should
be another key consideration for business management interactions.
Selection of assumptions
The selection of CoVs for each risk category will involve a combination of
quantitative analysis and qualitative judgement. Some risk categories will be more
open to quantitative analysis than others. For those categories where such analysis is
more difficult, sensitivity analysis, perhaps in conjunction with business
management, may shed some light on the range of possible outcomes.
In assessing CoVs in respect of each risk category, it is also important to consider the
shape of the entire distribution, to the extent possible. Some risks will demonstrate
characteristics that are reflective of a highly skewed distribution and, as such, may
not have a material bearing on a 75th percentile risk margin but may be more relevant
for higher probabilities of adequacy. An example of such a risk is latent risk where
the probability of such risk emerging is very low and certainly lower than 25%.
Certain sources of superimposed inflation may also be considered to belong to this
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
In focusing efforts, consideration may be given to ranking individual risks for each
valuation class in order of importance, separately for outstanding claim and premium
liabilities. For a number of valuation classes it is quite likely that such an exercise
will identify a small number of key risks and allow efforts to be focused accordingly.
This might also provide justification for excluding certain risk categories that are
deemed to be immaterial in terms of their contribution to the overall CoV. A scoring
system, developed in conjunction with business experts, may be introduced as a
convenient mechanism for ranking individual risks and checking that the
contributions from individual risks to the overall CoV for external systemic risk are
A key consideration when determining risk categories for a particular valuation class
is whether there is any correlation between categories. The consolidation of the
analysis of external systemic risk is substantially simplified if one can assume that
each of the risk categories is independent. Certain risk categories may have to be
combined to ensure that this assumption is valid.
In the balance of this section, we explore each of the risk categories discussed in
section 2.5 with a view to providing some insights into the types of risk that may be
included in each risk category and the analysis that may be conducted to estimate
appropriate CoVs for each category.
Some of these risks can have a material impact on both outstanding claim and
premium liabilities. Others are material only for premium liabilities. For example,
economic conditions can have a material impact on outstanding claim and premium
liabilities for professional lines and builder’s warranty valuation classes. Uncertainty
around driving conditions, on the other hand is less relevant for motor outstanding
claims than it is for motor premium liabilities.
Uncertainty around AWE and/or CPI will impact all valuation classes. Due to the
longer term settlement for long tail classes, AWE uncertainty is somewhat more
material for these classes than for short tail valuation classes. Analysis of past levels
of AWE and CPI can shed some light on past systemic sources of volatility.
Economic commentators often provide insights into the potential sources of volatility.
Any analysis of past levels of inflation should consider the extent to which past
volatility is random and the extent to which it has been impacted by systemic events.
For the purpose of analysis of systemic sources of risk, we are only interested in the
latter. This applies to the analysis of past experience in respect of any systemic event
in any risk category.
Potential systemic shifts in claim frequency for short tail valuation portfolios should
be included in this risk category.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
These risks have been combined, for convenience, into one risk category since they
are often correlated. For example, the risks associated with the legislative and
political environment are often correlated to the drivers of non-standard claims
inflation for long tail valuation classes.
This risk category is likely to be much more material for long tail valuation classes
than for short tail classes. For long tail classes, in particular, a number of potentially
material risks may be identified and allocated to this risk category. Some of these
risks will be correlated and, as such, quantification should make allowance for this
The analysis conducted to quantify CoVs for this risk category can also be used to
justify superimposed inflation assumptions for central estimate valuation purposes.
After all, for long tail valuation classes, the risks in this category are normally
aggregated and referred to as superimposed inflation for insurance liability valuation
purposes. For each risk, one is aiming to form a view of the range of possible
impacts on claim cost outcomes. The average of this range, combined across all
risks, provides an estimate of superimposed inflation.
Individual actuaries will identify the key risks in this category in the context of their
own claims portfolio. As a general guide, for long tail classes, this category would be
expected to include some of the following sub-groups of risk:
Typically, actuaries will have access to various forms of analysis relating to the
potential impact of a specific series of legislative amendments. This information may
include both external and internal analyses, the latter possibly tailored to the specifics
of a particular portfolio. When supplemented by discussions with product and claim
management, a sound understanding of the range of possible outcomes can be
obtained, including the likelihood and potential severity of a particular outcome
For short tail classes, this risk category includes the risk that claim inflation will
increase at a level different from that adopted for central estimate purposes, in
addition to that arising from standard inflation (see above) or claim management
process risk (see below). Claim cost reduction initiatives would normally be
allocated to this category and information is sometimes available as to the range of
possible outcomes from such initiatives.
Changes to the claim management process can impact all valuation classes.
Typically, however, such changes will have a more material impact on some
valuation classes than others. The key here is to work closely with claim managers to
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
gain a sound understanding of the claim management philosophy and the process that
underpins that philosophy. Current or future potential changes to process should be
identified as part of such discussions.
Analysis of past experience will help identify past systemic episodes that may have
been impacted by the claim management process. Discussions with management
may help isolate the process changes that contributed to those systemic episodes.
Reporting patterns, payment patterns, finalisation and reopening rates and case
estimation processes should all be considered as part of these discussions.
Claim management process risk is likely to be more relevant for outstanding claim
liabilities than for premium liabilities. For outstanding claim liabilities, particularly
for short tail valuation classes, this risk can be material since it impacts the pattern of
emergence of credible claim estimates. For premium liabilities, we are more
interested in the extent to which changes to claim management processes can impact
the magnitude of the claim cost. The impact on claim emergence is normally of
secondary importance.
Expense risk
One would generally expect this to be a small contributor to total external systemic
Ideally, one would spend time with product and claim management to understand the
key drivers of policy maintenance and claim handling expenses. Armed with a good
understanding of these drivers, a valuation actuary can identify the key sources of
possible variation relative to the central estimate assumptions. Sensitivity testing
around the key drivers, preferably conducted in association with informed business
and process experts, and analysis of past expense levels with a view to identifying
past systemic effects can be combined to help form a reasonable view as to the range
of possible claim cost outcomes. Such an analysis could be conducted in conjunction
with any expense analysis conducted for central estimate expense assumptions.
Event claims can have a material impact on the level of claim handling expenses.
The larger an event, the smaller the fixed component of the event management cost
will be as a percentage of the claim cost. In light of this, the analysis may benefit
from including claim handling expenses in respect of event claims with the analysis
of event risk itself.
Event risk
Event risk relates to single events which give rise to a large number of claims. This
risk is likely to be material for property and, to a lesser extent, motor valuation
classes but will be insignificant for most other valuation classes. Event risk also
arises in medical malpractice and builders’ warranty portfolios where a large number
and/or cost of claims can arise from one source, i.e. a single doctor or a single
The approach to assessing event risk will differ materially between outstanding claim
and premium liabilities. For outstanding claim liabilities, the approach will be
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
defined by the extent to which there are material outstanding events. If there are, then
these should be analysed separately. Discussions with event claim management
should be held to understand their expectations as to claim cost outcomes and to
identify any specific issues that may influence outcomes. The range of development
patterns for previous events may also influence the view on uncertainty.
Latent claim risk is negligible for most valuation classes. For some, primarily
workers compensation and liability classes, the risk can be considered to be material.
However, this is one of the most difficult risks to quantify. The probability of these
events is low but the impact should they occur could be substantial
Purely in the context of setting risk margins it is unlikely that analysis of latent claims
risk warrants a substantial commitment of resources given that it is such a low
probability event. However if such risk exposure is significant enough to be a formal
component of the central estimate or if the object of the exercise is modelling extreme
risks for capital adequacy purposes (using a DFA approach) then a thorough
examination of this risk driver is certainly warranted.
This risk is the one most likely to be quantified using a large degree of judgement.
Discussions with underwriters may help shed some light on some potential sources
and give a feel for their likelihood and potential impact. Also, casualty reinsurance
underwriters often have a more informed understanding of the potential sources of
latent risk claims from their dealings with a number of direct insurers globally. Using
all of the information collected, scenarios may be developed to reflect a possible
range of scenarios from which reasonable CoVs can be derived.
Recovery risk
most portfolios. One possible exception is motor valuation classes where third party
recoveries are often a material consideration.
The focus here should be on systemic events that may lead to different recovery
outcomes from those adopted for central estimate purposes.
An analysis of past non-reinsurance recovery rates and patterns will inform on past
systemic events. Combined with discussions with claim management around current
trends in recovery management and any current or planned future initiatives that may
impact recovery levels, one can readily form a view as to the range of possible
systemic outcomes.
A Framework for Assessing Risk Margins
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