SE Py Midsem2

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a> Total no. of pages: 1 Roll Now FourthSemester BECE Mid Semester Examination February 2019 CEC-11 Software B Time: 1:30 hrs, “ ar Max Marks: 15 {tempt all questions. Assume missing data, if any. 1. Why softw: nvare development has to follow systematic approach. What is importance of A vee enginecring? (2) S eee by tem process model? Which process iS suitable ie 4, What is requirement alate many Oe ara xl — Sees jon? Mention any five and explain any 1° requirement ; niques. @ 5, What is SRS? Write any one SRS format. ® Or Explain what is data dictionary with the helpof an example. 6. Explain briefly the spiral model. What is the unique feature of this model? 0) @) 7, Draw ER diagram/DFD for the following problem statement Information about every airplane’ is maintained in airport management system. tnformation of each airplane is stored cach as registration number, type and Rangel in ‘which an airplane is kept’ Bach hangt as a number, capacity and a Yocation: ‘The information regarding the owner af the plane is also Kept. Each plane undergoes service many times and service record’ is maintained which has information regarding the date of maintenance, RO- af hours spent on the work and the WIPE of work done. ach airplane has a pilot who has flying lense and information regarding pilot name, social security number, Ticenst o,, address etc. All Kinds of planes are not allowed tand on the airport. Only those planes which are registered with the aitpor &° allowed to land. For emergency landing the pilot of the plane has to seek permission from the airport authority 1° Jand. If permission is gr Janded on the airport. rated only then plane can be

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