About Earthyn
About Earthyn
About Earthyn
To be a consciousness driver in the global market The vision to benefit society beyond profits.
by developing a holistic, long-term business We aim to bring all the trusted
model that inspires, promotes, and supports
brands under one roof for
wellness. Our Principles:
efficient and conscious buying
Full Accountability, Flawless Service,
from trusted brands.
Absolute dedication to quality,
Organic Authenticity. ESSENCE
We are on a mission to
make sustainable -
BENEFITS irresistible!
Save environment, Get spoilt
with choices (100+ Partners), DISCRIMINATOR
Save Money (Compare Prices, quality & We sell exactly what you need every
review of products and make an informed day, just the organic version.
decision), Save Time (All major brands on a
single platform), and avoid chemicals
Post Covid-19 Consumers want to switch to upcycling,
durable, repairable fashion, high-quality, local brands, brands
which support society and nature.
Tier 1 & tier 2 cities, Age - 22-60 y/o
Digitally Savvy, Environment Conscious, Educated and
Aware. Avg Income: 8 Lacs+
All major brands on a single platform
EARTHYN Business Model
Key Partners
Key Activities Key Resources
STP Logistics
Infrastructure Algorithm
Research Data, Brands
By focusing on specific shopping missions of consumers, Earthyn
Innovation Warehouses
can match selling categories to a consumer’s particular needs. It Sellers
Content Production Digital Infrastucture
can also shape its brand, advertising messages, and go-to-market (digital+physical)
strategies for such products more efficiently. Two common
missions: sustainable purchasing and affordable prices.
Value Proposition
Target Group- Tier 1 & tier 2 cities, Age - 22-60 y/o,
Environmentally conscious, ready to switch buying preferences, Marketplace (digital) Channels Customer Segment
aware and educated about sustainability, has an intent to support Organic and Eco-friendly Website (earthyn.com)
Products FB and IG shops Customers
local organic brands, walks with the pace of the world.
Standardised convenience Businessess
Pricing Advertisers
The emotional need to keep up with the status quo will create purchase Quick delivery
Grandiose (green to be seen): They consider environmental awareness a Customer Relationships
fashionable item that allows them to serve as role models or influencers. Revenue Streams Cost Structure
Prominence (green to be someone): Environmental conservation used to be Recommendations
connected with renunciation, but now it improves their lifestyle since they Commissions and fees Online website set-up
Favourite’s Lists
consider themselves pioneers. Their purchasing motivations include boldness, Sales by advertising GST/Registration
Influencer Wishlist
adventure, and a need for diversity. Home Brand Product Platform Maintanence
10 Most Popular Products
Indulgence (green to feel good): People in this category seek intentional, selling Payment Gateway
(Nominated Listicle)
selective consumption to give their life purpose. Subscriptions Delivery & Logistics
Follow-up calls for feedback
Marketing Cost
Chatbot for fast query
Salaries, etc.
Firm Infrastructure
Investment in finances, time, and efforts to build a scalable and reliable business model is necessary. This includes offline structures
like hiring, and shipping. At the same time, the online support and digital solutions are at par with the best. Besides the backend The profit margin a company
management, the company will also have seamless customer service and employee management infrastructure. generates from its value chain
activities is referred to as margin.
Human Resource Value chain analysis will assist in
In-house employees, international partners for global shipment, contractors, and temporary workforce. Reward programs and the determining productive as well as non
recognition of good work have gained loyal employees and the least turnover. productive activities and gain vital
insights into operational processes
Technology Development and attempt to integrate and capture
value chain analysis in business
Front end [client-facing]- platform/website metrics at various stages of a business
Back end [server-facing]- Photoshop, Payment Gateways, Database, Web-servers, etc cycle, potentially resulting in
increased margin efficiencies.
The sales and Operations (S&OP) process deals with the procurement for the company. The inventory is managed through this
system using forecasting and just time inventory principles.
No long-term contracts or Two segments: Fulfilment centers - The e- Marketing message will convey the For sellers we will have Seller’s Dashboard and Seller
arrangements with vendors to 1. India- This segment will commerce platform will operate promises of the largest selection of coach program, alerting sellers about opportunities to
guarantee the availability of serve Pan-India with the with multiple fulfillment centers organic products and services, avoid going out-of-stock, add selection that’s selling,
merchandise, particular website www.earthyn.in around the country attractive prices, fast delivery, and and sharpen their prices to be more competitive.
payment terms, or the 2. International- This Co-sourced and outsourced overall superior customer services.
For Buys, there will be a customer service assistant over
extension of credit limits. segment operates with arrangements Print and media advertising, sales
the phone or email, to help them with all purchasing
Earthyn will provide its internationally-focused Digital delivery - These relate to promotion, events and experiences,
buying and selling with issues and feedback. The online transaction and order
Fulfillment centers in case, a products and services that can public relations, and direct
website www.earthyn.com be downloaded from the marketing used in an integrated system (automated) will also enable them to solve
vendor needs assistance with
website. way. issues regarding delivery/refund quickly and efficiently.
shipping and logistics.
Link to Competitive Analysis
Link to Cost Sheet
Contact -
[email protected]