English 7 q1 Quarter Exam
English 7 q1 Quarter Exam
English 7 q1 Quarter Exam
James Academy
Malabon City
PAASCU Level II Accredited
S.Y. 2019 - 2020 100
NAME: _____________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: _____________________
C. N. _________ TEACHER: _____________________________ DATE: _______________________
I. Read the selection then write the letter of the correct answer.
Studying the pre-colonial literature of the Philippines is important because it gives us insights to the
bases of the literary prose and poetry displayed before the Spanish colonization. Due to advances in
technology, we are able to extract myths, proverbs, riddles, and folk epics to almost 50,000 years
before 1521, which is the year the Spanish started writing our history. It is surprising that even
without formal training, or even proper materials to take down the literature they wrote, the pre-
colonial Filipinos are able to produce rhythm and grace in their writings. It is also amazing that they
were able to preserve it just through oral tradition. These forms of literature are also strongly
connected with our original religion, mythology, and custom rites. There is a variety and abundance
of Philippine literature involved even before the colonial period. Proverbs are saying or values that
the ancestors passed to us. They are also called sarsarita or salawikan in some places in the
Philippines. Filipino proverbs echo the ideals of the Philippines. The values that they impart to us still
hold true to this day. Legends, myths, riddles, epics, and folk songs are also some of them. It’s
important to know what kind of literature they made during the pre-colonial era. It helps us
understand our history too. We need to study the literature of the past, so that we can know the life
(Source: kirstengeronimo.wordpress.com/2015/07/23/the-importance-of-pre-colonial-philippine-literature/)
1. ______, ______, and ______ are some of the forms of literature during the pre-colonial period.
a. drama, epics, and legends c. folklore, drama, and media
b. myths, riddles, and legends d. fables, verses, and folk songs
2. Literature also helps us understand the Philippine ______ too.
a. culture c. history
b. island d. beliefs
3. The forms of literature were strongly connected with our pre-colonial ______, _____, and _____.
a. religion, mythology, and custom rites c. beliefs, religion, and custom rights
b. beliefs, religion, and superstitions d. religion, mythology, and superstitions
4. Filipinos are able to produce _____ and ______ in their writings even without the proper
materials and trainings.
a. singing and dancing c. rhythm and grace
b. talent and skill d. history and literature
5. The pre-colonial Filipinos preserved their literature through ______________.
a. written literature c. singing
b. technology d. oral literature
6. One popular form of literature is the _________. It is also called salawikain and sarsarita.
a. proverb c. folklore
b. riddle d. superstitions
7. The _______ that the Filipino proverbs impart to us still hold true to this day.
a. custom rites c. traditions
b. values d. religion
II. Identify the forms of literature stated below. Choose the correct answer from the word box. Write
your answers on the space provided before the number.
____________ 11. This form of literature is a fantasy narrative derived from the author’s imagination.
____________ 12. This form of literature tells real-life situations, including factual information, and
usually has a purpose to express or to inform.
____________ 13. This form of literature is written in sentences and grouped into paragraphs.
____________ 14. This form of literature is written in lines and grouped into stanzas
____________ 15. This form of literature is also considered as religion in some countries and includes
the story of deities, creation, and fantastic creatures.
____________ 16. This form of literature are short stories handed down through oral literature and
often includes fairy tales, fables, and legends.
____________ 17. This form of literature is a question, or a statement phrased differently to deceive
its audience and is typically played like a game.
____________ 18. This form of literature shows the origin of an object, place, or an animal through a
fictional story.
____________ 19. This form of literature are long poems that narrates an adventure of a hero.
____________ 20. This form of literature are short stories that have animals as main character and
ends with a moral lesson.
III. Identify whether the piece of literature is prose or poetry. Write your answers on the space
________ 21. Biography ________ 26. Fables
________ 22. Couplet ________ 27. Sonnet
________ 23. Short Stories ________ 28. Haiku
________ 24. Quatrain ________ 29. Textbooks
________ 25. Essays ________ 30. Newspapers
________ 31. A milkweed pod was bulging like a coin purse on the ground of damp woods.
________ 32. The trees watched sympathetically over the lost child.
________ 33. John's room was a garden choked with weeds.
V. Match the colloquial and slang term in column A to its meaning in column B. Write the letter of
the correct answer on the blank.
_____ 41. swing by a. have fun / relax
_____ 42. pretty beat b. has no money
_____ 43. piece of cake c. disappointing
_____ 44. totally broke d. very busy
_____ 45. later! e. how are you?
_____ 46. let loose f. come over
_____ 47. cooped up g. see you again
_____ 48. all-nighter h. really tires
_____ 49. bummer i. sleep over
_____ 50. what’s up? j. easy
VI. Complete each of the inverted sentences by choosing the correct form of the verb in
parentheses. Encircle the correct answer.
51. Up to the crest of the towering wave (paddles, paddle) the intrepid surfer.
52. (Has, have) anyone seen the shirt that goes with these white pants?
53. Beneath the gigantic trees (nestles, nestle) tiny shade-loving plants.
54. In vast colorful fields (grows, grow) the tulips I love so dearly.
55. Here at the Academy of Arts (develops, develop) the creative minds of tomorrow.
56. Can Alexis (plays, play) with Thelma tomorrow after school?
57. Next to the shimmering pond (waddles, waddle) a fat duck and her yellow ducklings.
58. There on the magazine cover (screams, scream) the most embarrassing headline.
59. Outside our steaming and sticky house (blows, blow) a gentle, cooling breeze.
60. At the end of the path (beckons, beckon) a softly gurgling brook.
VII. Read and analyze the given sentences and write the correct form of the verb. Use the words
inside the parentheses as your guide.
71. The future of our mountains appear to be bright because it is going to be protected by the law.
72. The fish was caught by Isko. He was so excited to eat it at home.
73. Prayers were said during the trial. They surely were heard.
74. The babaylan is held highly by the tribe so that she is consulted about the affairs of the people.
75. Many environmental issues are political. They demand people to take a stand.
76. Oil has made Middle Eat countries rich. It is abundant in these areas.
77. Gold, copper, and coal can be found in the Philippines. Miners are exploring them continuously.
78. My baby sister reacts negatively to penicillin. It can cause her to have allergic reactions.
79. Cakes and ice creams must be enjoyed with restriction because they can cause diabetes.
80. Songs and dances are integral parts of spiritual expressions in Asian nations. They connect people
with one another and with their Supreme Being.
IX. Create a story map by providing the elements of a story for The Monkey and the Turtle.
82. Place:
88. Climax
X. 96-100. Is pre-colonial Philippines better than today’s society? Explain your answer.