Cis Auditing Testbank 396543442

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CIS Auditing Testbank 396543442

Accountancy (Holy Angel University)

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I. TRUE OR FALSE – Write the word true on the space before the number if the statement
is true, otherwise write the word false

Chapter 1—Auditing and Internal Control

1. Corporate management (including the CEO) must certify monthly and annually their organization’s
internal controls over financial reporting. F
3. Both the SEC and the PCAOB require management to use the COSO framework for assessing internal
control adequacy. F
5. The same internal control objectives apply to manual and computer-based information systems. T
7. Segregation of duties is an example of an internal control procedure. T
9. A key modifying assumption in internal control is that the internal control system is the responsibility of
management. T
11. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act requires the audit committee to hire and oversee the external auditors. T
13. Section 302 requires the management of public companies to assess and formally report on the
effectiveness of their organization’s internal controls. F
15. Advisory services is an emerging field that goes beyond the auditor’s traditional attestation function. T
17. External auditing is an independent appraisal function established within an organization to examine and
evaluate its activities as a service to the organization. F
19. Tests of controls determine whether the database contents fairly reflect the organization's transactions. F
21. A strong internal control system will reduce the amount of substantive testing that must be performed. T
II. CHOICE – Indicate the correct letter answer on the space before the number.
1. The concept of reasonable assurance suggests that
a. the cost of an internal control should be less than the benefit it provides
b. a well-designed system of internal controls will detect all fraudulent activity
c. the objectives achieved by an internal control system vary depending on the data
processing method
d. the effectiveness of internal controls is a function of the industry environment
3. The most cost-effective type of internal control is
a. preventive control
b. accounting control
c. detective control
d. corrective control
5. A well-designed purchase order is an example of a
a. preventive control
b. detective control
c. corrective control
d. none of the above
7. The bank reconciliation uncovered a transposition error in the books. This is an example of a
a. preventive control
b. detective control
c. corrective control
d. none of the above
9. Which of the following suggests a weakness in the internal control environment?
a. the firm has an up-to-date organizational chart
b. monthly reports comparing actual performance to budget are distributed to managers
c. performance evaluations are prepared every three years
d. the audit committee meets quarterly with the external auditors
11. According to COSO, an effective accounting system performs all of the following except
a. identifies and records all valid financial transactions
b. records financial transactions in the appropriate accounting period
c. separates the duties of data entry and report generation
d. records all financial transactions promptly

13. Which of the following is not an internal control procedure?

a. authorization
b. management’s operating style
c. independent verification
d. accounting records
15. When duties cannot be segregated, the most important internal control procedure is
a. supervision
b. independent verification

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c. access controls
d. accounting records
17. The importance to the accounting profession of the Sarbanes-Oxely Act is that
a. bribery will be eliminated
b. management will not override the company’s internal controls
c. management are required to certify their internal control system
d. firms will not be exposed to lawsuits
19. The office manager forgot to record in the accounting records the daily bank deposit. Which control
procedure would most likely prevent or detect this error?
a. segregation of duties
b. independent verification
c. accounting records
d. supervision
21. Internal control system have limitations. These include all of the following except
a. possibility of honest error
b. circumvention
c. management override
d. stability of systems
23. Which of the following situations is not a segregation of duties violation?
a. The treasurer has the authority to sign checks but gives the signature block to the assistant
treasurer to run the check-signing machine.
b. The warehouse clerk, who has the custodial responsibility over inventory in the
warehouse, selects the vendor and authorizes purchases when inventories are low.
c. The sales manager has the responsibility to approve credit and the authority to write off
d. The department time clerk is given the undistributed payroll checks to mail to absent
e. The accounting clerk who shares the record keeping responsibility for the accounts
receivable subsidiary ledger performs the monthly reconciliation of the subsidiary ledger
and the control account.
25. Which statement is not true?
a. Auditors must maintain independence.
b. IT auditors attest to the integrity of the computer system.
c. IT auditing is independent of the general financial audit.
d. IT auditing can be performed by both external and internal auditors.
27. The fundamental difference between internal and external auditing is that
a. internal auditors represent the interests of the organization and external auditors represent outsiders
b. internal auditors perform IT audits and external auditors perform financial statement audits
c. internal auditors focus on financial statement audits and external auditors focus on operational
audits and financial statement audits
d. external auditors assist internal auditors but internal auditors cannot assist external auditors
29. Which statement is not correct?
a. Auditors gather evidence using tests of controls and substantive tests.
b. The most important element in determining the level of materiality is the mathematical formula.
c. Auditors express an opinion in their audit report.
d. Auditors compare evidence to established criteria.
31. When planning the audit, information is gathered by all of the following methods except
a. completing questionnaires
b. interviewing management
c. observing activities
d. confirming accounts receivable
33. Tests of controls include
a. confirming accounts receivable
b. counting inventory
c. completing questionnaires
d. counting cash
35. Control risk is
a. the probability that the auditor will render an unqualified opinion on financial statements
that are materially misstated
b. associated with the unique characteristics of the business or industry of the client
c. the likelihood that the control structure is flawed because controls are either absent or
inadequate to prevent or detect errors in the accounts
d. the risk that auditors are willing to take that errors not detected or prevented by the control

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structure will also not be detected by the auditor

37. Inherent risk
a. exists because all control structures are flawed in some ways.
b. is the likelihood that material misstatements exist in the financial statements of the firm.
c. is associated with the unique characteristics of the business or industry of the client.
d. is the likelihood that the auditor will not find material misstatements.
39. The financial statements of an organization reflect a set of management assertions about the financial
health of the business. All of the following describe types of assertions except
a. that all of the assets and equities on the balance sheet exist
b. that all employees are properly trained to carry out their assigned duties
c. that all transactions on the income statement actually occurred
d. that all allocated amounts such as depreciation are calculated on a systematic and rational

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