CS Class XII Paper
CS Class XII Paper
CS Class XII Paper
General Instructions:
i. This question paper contains five parts Part A, B, C, D and E. Each part is compulsory.
ii. Section A has 18 questions carrying 01 mark each.
iii. Section B has 07 Very Short Answer type questions carrying 02 marks each.
iv. Section C has 05 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each.
v. Section D has 02 Case-based questions carrying 04 marks each.
vi. Section E has 03 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each.
vii. All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only.
1. Find the valid identifier from the following
(A). 2_Myname (B). My name (C). True (D). Myname_2
2. Which of the following operator can be used with string data type?
(A) ** (B) % (C) + (D) /
3. Identify the output of the following Python statements.
x = [[10.0, 11.0, 12.0],[13.0, 14.0, 15.0]] [1]
y = x[1][2] print(y)
4. What will be the output of the following Python code?
i= 1
while True:
if i%0O7 == 0: [1]
i += 1
5. The variable declared outside all the functions is called a. .. …………variable. [1]
6. Identify the output of the following Python statements.
L= [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
L.insert( 3, 4) [1]
L.insert( 2, 3)
print (lst1[-5])
7. The... ….. of a variable is the area of the program where it may be referenced. [1]
8. "One device per connection" is an advantage of:
(A) Star topology (B) Tree topology (C) Bus topology (D) Ring topology
9. The…. function creates a file object used to call other support methods associated with it. [1]
10. ……….. means organization of data. [1]
11. Which protocol is used for the transfer of hypertext content over the web? [1]
12. …………is a freely-available open-source RDBMS that implements SQL. [1]
13. ………… method of pickle module is used to write an object into binary file. [1]
14. What is the output of the following code?
def fun (n) :
if (n > 100): [1]
return n - 5
return fun (fun (n+11))
print (fun (45))
15. Tricking people through authentic-looking emails or websites is called………… [1]
16. Which clause is used in query to place the condition on groups in MySQL?
(A) WHERE (B) HAVING (C) GROUP BY (D) Both (A) & (B)
17. In a Stack, if a user tries to remove an element from an empty Stack, the situation is called:
(A) Underflow (B) Overflow (C) Empty collection (D) Garbage collection
18. …………is known as range operator in MySQL.
19. Write the short note on protocol. Also writes the name of two protocols. [2]
Explain following terms-
(A). Circuit Switching
(B). Trojan Horse
20. What is a function? How is it useful? [2]
Predict the output of the Python code given below:
def Diff(N1,N2):
if N1>N2:
return N1-N2
return N2-N1
NUM= [10,23,14,54,32]
for CNT in range (4,0,-1):
print(Diff(A,B),'#', end=' ')
21. Write a query that counts the number of sales people registering orders for each day from the table [2]
‘orders’ with their ‘id’. (If a salesperson has more than one order on a given day, he or she should be
counted only once.)
22. Ravi has written a code to input a number and check whether it is prime or not. His code is having errors. [2]
Rewrite the correct code and underline the corrections made.
def prime():
n=int(input("Enter number to check :: ")
for i in range (2, n//2):
if n%i=0:
print("Number is not prime \n")
print("Number is prime \n’)
23. How is a hacker different from a cracker? [2]
Explain following terms-
(A). Topology
(B). Ethernet Card
24. Write the output of the code given below: [2]
my_dict = {"name": "Suman", "age": 34}
my_dict['age'] = 32
my_dict['address'] = "Delhi"
25. Differentiate between count() and count(*) functions in SQL with appropriate example. [2]
Name SQL Single Row functions (for each of the following) that-
1. returns total no. of letters of the given text
2. returns text into lowercase letters
3. returns names of days, For example : ‘‘Monday’’, ‘‘Tuesday’’
4. returns month number from the given date
26. Write a function in Python, Push(SItem) where , SItem is a dictionary containing the details of stationary [3]
items– {Sname:price}.
The function should push the names of those items in the stack who have price greater than 75. Also
display the count of elements pushed into the stack.
For example: If the dictionary contains the following data:
The stack should contain
The output should be:
The count of elements in the stack is 2
27. ABC Organization has set up its new center at Delhi for its office and
web based activities. It has 4 blocks of buildings as shown in the diagram:
31. Rohill, a student of class 12, is learning CSV File Module in Python. During examination, he has been
assigned an incomplete python code (shown below) to create a CSV File Student.cav (content shown
below). Help him in completing the code which creates the desired CSV File.
Incomplete Code CSV File-
import csv 2. ABHISHEK, XII, A
fh= open(___,___,newline=") #Statement-1 3. ARVIND, XII, A
stuwriter = csv.______ #Statement-2 5. ASHISH XII, A
data = [ ]
header = [‘ROLL_NO’, ‘NAME’, ‘CLASS’, ‘SECTION’]
for in range(5):
roll_no= int(input("Enter Roll Number:"))
name= input("Enter Name:")
Class = input("Enter Class :")
section= input("Enter Section: "")
rec = [ ______ ] #Statement-3
stuwriter. _______ (data) #Statement-4
fh.close( )
i. Write the missing code for blank space in line marked as Statement-1. [1]
ii. What is the function name (with argument) that should be used in the blank space of line marked as
iii. Identify the suitable code for blank space in line marked as Statement-3. [1]
iv. Identify the suitable code for blank space in the line marked as Statement-4. [1]
32. A Stationary Store is considering to maintain their inventory using SQL to store the data. As a database
administer, Rajan has decided that:
• Name of the database – STATIONARY_STORE
• Name of the table - INVENTORY
• The attributes of INVENTORY are as follows:
ItemNo - numeric Table : INVENTORY
ItemName - character of size 20
ItemNo ItemName Scode Quantity
Scode - numeric
Quantity – numeric 2005 Notebook Classic 23 60