Europe - Location and Physical Features

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Differentiate between -

North Western Highlands Central Uplands

Consists of Plateaus, Valleys,

The mountain peaks are now rounded
in shape due to weathering.
- Not very high -old rocks
Glacial melt and form fjords, Old rocks
These are the remains of the older
are rich in minerals but have limited
coal and iron. ‘ mountain system that once existed in
Europe long before the formation of
Alpine system

Near Scandinavian Countries Near Germany, Italy, etc.

Scandinavian Countries Lowland Countries

Coastal region of Northwestern

Scandinavia is a region in Northern
Europe, consisting of Belgium, the
Europe. It consists of 3 countries,
Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Netherlands, and Luxembourg.
They are located on a lower altitude,
Finland, Norway, Denmark
some countries here are lower than
Right below arctic circle sea level.
They are located on a higher altitude

North European Plains Alpine Mountain System

These plains are partly covered with The Alpine Mountain System consists of
glacial deposits and partly by alluvium chains of young fold mountains. , from the
deposited by the many big rivers such as Atlantic Coast in the west to the Caspian
the Don, the Dnieper, the Volga and the Sea in the east. They have high peaks,
Ural. These plains are not absolutely flat deep valleys and rugged slopes.
but are rolling lands with hills. However, The Alps is the most important mountain
they are very fertile and good for system which extends like an arc
agriculture. separating Italy from France and

D) Give Reasons -

1) Europe is called ‘Peninsula of Peninsulas’ as whole Europe contains many

peninsulas like Balkan Peninsula, Scandinavian peninsula. Also, Europe itself is
a large peninsula as one side it is attached to the landmass of Asia, where as the
other three sides it is surrounded by water bodies like Arctic ocean, Atlantic
ocean, Mediterranean sea, etc.
2) Many rivers are born in the Northern European plain.
Because this is on an elevated plain and due to glacial melt, may rivers are
born on a European Plain. The North European Plain also has several rivers
like the Rhine, Oder, Weser, Elbe and Vistula.
3) Scandinavian Highlands have become lower in height.
Scandinavian Highlands have become lower in height. These old fold mountains.
After facing the erosive action of glaciers for millions of years, they have been reduced
to low hills with gentle slopes.

E) 1) What are the different water bodies around Europe?

Seas near Europe - Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Caspian Sea, Adriatic Sea, North
Oceans near Europe - Atlantic Ocean, Arctic Ocean

2) European Union
- Basically the organization of the European States.
- Formation of this has improved trade relations and cooperation among its states.
- Initially it introduced a single currency, but later, all countries got their own currency.

3) Steppes - These are grasslands

- Areas with rich alluvial soil
- Rivers deposit silt and glaciers dump clay to form fertile soil.

F) 1) 35 N and 73 N, 25 W and 65 W

Arctic Ocean - North Atlantic Ocean - West

Mediterranean Sea - South

Caucasus Mountains, Ural Mountains - East

Caspian Sea - South East (Separate Europe from Asia)

2) There are four main physical divisions of Europe. They are :

a) North Western Highlands - Scandinavian Highlands, Old Mountains, Finland,

Norway, Sweden, Old rocks are rich in minerals, Have become rounded in
shape. Fjords are formed due to glacial erosion.
b) Alpine Mountain System - Chain of Young Fold mountains, Largest Mountain
system in Europe, Found in Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Has high peaks and
steep slopes.
c) Central Uplands - Not very high, formed from old mountains, Countries touching
it - France, Germany, Poland. It Was formed way before the Alpine Mountains.
d) North European Plains - Not entirely flat, Consists of rolling hills and mountains,
These are near the countries- Hungary, Italy, etc. Are drained by many
navigable rivers.

5) Significance of rivers
The rivers are navigable and are inter-connected by canals to form an efficient system
of waterways. Thus, several big towns and cities have sprung up along the banks of
these rivers. The rivers are important for industries too. Large rivers such as Volga,
Danube and the Rhine flow through many countries and are considered ‘international
rivers’. There are many small rivers in Europe too. They are important for navigation in
the countries through which they flow

Highest point Mt Elbrus

Lowest Point Volga Delta, Caspian sea

Longest river Volga

Largest lake Ladoga

Largest country Russia

Smallest Country Vatican City

Important places to locate on map -

Physical -
- Atlantic Ocean
- Arctic Ocean
- Black Sea
- Caspian Sea
- Adriatic Sea
- Mediterranean Sea
- Ural Mountains
- Alps
- Steppes

Political -
- Paris
- London
- Moscow
- Rome
- Berlin
- Madrid
- Dublin

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