FreikorpsList 1.3 2014
FreikorpsList 1.3 2014
FreikorpsList 1.3 2014
All figures depicted in this article were painted and photographed by the
author and are from the Great War Miniatures figure range available from North Star Figures unless otherwise noted.
By Christian Steimel
This article aims to present basic army lists which January 10, 1919: Several Freikorps which had
are to serve as a guide if you wish to play a Frei- been assembled around Berlin move in and crush
korps or a revolutionary force, their opponents) the uprising in several days of fighting.
using the T&T wargame rules.
Early 1919: Revolutionary unrest spreads to much
For further information on the course of the internal of Germany, notably the Ruhr Area and then-
struggle, I recommend Osprey Elite 76: The Ger- Central Germany (now East Germany); fighting
man Freikorps 1918-1923 by C. Jurado and R. ensues in Halle (March 1), Magdeburg (April 10),
Bujeiro. This, of course, can only portray a small Dresden (April 14), Brunswick (April 18), and
part of the complex situation at the time, and if you Leipzig (May 11). In Berlin, an uprising supported
want to know more, especially beyond the military by the Volksmarine-Division (People’s Naval Divi-
part, I recommend Sebastian Haffners excellent, if sion) is crushed by March 13, the Freikorps using
not uncontroversial book Failure of a Revolution: heavy weapons including armoured cars and tanks.
Germany 1918-1923.
April 7, 1919: A Soviet Republic of Bavaria is
A Timeline of Events declared in Munich. Several Freikorps react with an
invasion of Bavaria from April 27, launching their
Despite the fact that the events of late 1918 and assault on Munich on May 1. After a two-day bat-
1919 established a republican democracy in Ger- tle, the leftist forces are conclusively defeated.
many, the fact that this was not a proper “revolu-
tion” must be stressed if one is to understand the The Fighting at the Borders
subsequent events. Much of the old elites, bar the
Kaiser and his family who went into exile in the
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A Reich Divided
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Triumph and Tragedy: Freikorps Army List by Christian Steimel. All figures depicted in this article were painted and photographed by the
author and are from the Great War Miniatures figure range available from North Star Figures unless otherwise noted.
Freikorps Characters
This is a Hero, selected (and, if using points costs, The Hero may be given any combination of small
paid for) as per the T&T main rules. He represents arms and melee weapons, and may also use a sub-
the various Lieutenants, Captains or other officer machinegun or an “Artillerieluger” (counts as a
ranks commanding Freikorps in those days. carbine), but no heavy weapons like an LMG.
You may use any skill table, just follow the stand-
ard procedure.
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A Reich Divided
Weapon Upgrades:
Leader Upgrade:
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A Reich Divided
You may field any number of Freikorps Heavy Your force may include a single artillery piece (or
Weapons Sections, provided their total number more if the scenario or umpire allows for it).
does not exceed the number of Troops sections in
the force. An artillery section consists of 5 soldiers of Trained
or Veteran quality, each armed with pistols, and
A Freikorps Heavy Weapon Section consists of 5 their piece, which should be a field gun (77mm
troopers of Trained or Veteran quality and one of FK96 n.A.).
the following weapons, for a total section cost as
listed (including all other weapons): The basic points cost for the unit is 150 if Trained,
or 160 if Veteran.
Heavy Machinegun (usually MG08); 100 points
Trained/110 points Veteran Weapons Upgrades:
Light Mortar (Granatenwerfer M1916), 100 points
Trained/110 points Veteran You may equip the unit with rifles (actually, these
Mortar (7,6cm Minenwerfer) 120 points would be carbines, but the performance of the 98
Trained/130 points Veteran carbine was so close to the 98 rifle that I don’t con-
Flamethrower (two-man, burst-capable version): sider it useful to treat them differently). The unit
90 points Trained/100 points Veteran may NOT fire rifles in a turn in which they fire their
field piece.
Two figures crew the heavy weapon (and carry
pistols). The remaining three figures are equipped Leader Upgrade:
with rifles and bayonets.
You may upgrade one figure to a leader for +20
points. A leader may be given a submachinegun for
Leader Upgrade:
a further +20 points, or use a pistol for no extra cost.
You may upgrade one of the non-crew figures to a
Transport Upgrade:
leader for +20 points. A leader may be given a sub-
machinegun for a further +20 points, or use a pistol
If you have a suitable model, you may field a horse-
for no extra cost.
drawn limber at no cost to draw the gun and carry
the crew. If the umpire or your opponent agrees, you
may use a truck to draw the gun for +40 points in-
stead, but those where rather rare at the time.
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A Reich Divided
Your force may include a single armoured unit in total. This encompasses Armoured Cars, Tanks and Armoured
Trains (which are not included in this list since they should really be a scenario-only thing). If you wish to play a
specific scenario that calls for more than one armoured unit (such as the Berlin fighting in 1919 which featured
several “Beutetank” (captured tanks) MkIV and the two “Hedi” A7V variants), this is, of course, possible, but
for one-off games, I strongly suggest keeping to the one-unit limit.
Short profiles are given below. The A7V “Hedi” is not a proper A7V tank, but
rather a post-war conversion of an A7V
All Armoured Cars come with a Trained Crew, “Geländewagen” cargo carrier.
armed with pistols (cost included below).
It moves as a heavy tank, but must re-roll successful
Model Type Speed Armament Crew Pts. terrain checks if in soft terrain or if crossing a trench
KDGW Open- 3D6/3 1 Field 5 245
topped Gun, or ditch. If starting and ending its movement on a
AC 1 LMG road, it may add 1” to its movement distance.
Ehrhardt Enclosed 3D6/3 3 HMGs 5 250 Its armour is soft steel, not armour plate; therefore,
it uses the “Enclosed Armoured Car” damage table
Daimler Enclosed 3D6/3 3 HMGs 7 260
ZVR AC instead of the “Tank” table.
Izhorsky- Enclosed 3D6/3 2 HMGs 5 200 It is armed with four heavy machine guns in the
Fiat AC corner casemates, each with a 90° arc of fire as de-
Austin Enclosed 3D6/3 2 HMGs 5 200
fined by the walls of the casemate (for ease of play).
1,2,3 AC
Tanks were only rarely used, almost exclusively in Your force may include a single airplane, bought as
street-fighting in Berlin and Leipzig. This was usual using the guidelines in the main rules. Those
mainly due to their complicated logistics, and their were exceedingly rare, though, and should probably
limited use in field battles unless fielded in num- be regulated by an umpire, although having a “fly-
bers; on the urban battlefields, despite the apparent ing ace” sub-character could be a fine addition to
drawbacks, their machine guns in particular could some scenarios.
be devastating, their slow speed was less of a
drawback, and their psychological impact was
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A Reich Divided
The revolutionary forces were, in the main, composed of militia units. Considering equipment, they did have
access to small arms aplenty, and infantry heavy weapons such as heavy MGs were available, too. Heavier
weapons such as artillery and AFVs were rarer, but not unheard of.
Revolutionary Characters
Hero Commissar
Your force may contain a regular “Hero” figure, In place of a normal hero, a predominantly Com-
representing a prominent revolutionary who has munist force may include a “Commissar Special
been chosen to lead on the battlefield of the class Hero”. This hero always has the “Preacher” skill
struggle. This hero is chosen and paid for as per the and must roll once on the following table, applying
normal rules found in the main rulebook. the result indicated:
He may be armed with any type of small arms, but 1, roll up a drawback;
may not carry heavy weapons. 2-5, nothing happens;
6, roll for a second skill from a randomly
determined table.
He may be armed with any type of small arms, but
may not carry heavy weapons.
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A Reich Divided
Revolutionary Troops
Workers’ Militia Unit Revolutionary Soldiers’ Unit
Forming improvised revolutionary units, the work- In the beginning of the revolution, several naval
ers were supposed to be the “Spearhead of the and army units joined the revolutionaries, most
Proletariat”. Unless they could capture armouries or famously the “Volksmarinedivision” (People’s
depots, their equipment would be limited to various Naval Division), which would fight in the Spartacus
small arms. Uprising in Berlin in 1919.
Your force may contain any number of Workers’ Your force may contain one unit of Revolutionary
Militia Units. Soldiers for every two units of Workers’ Militia
(i.e. 1/3 of your Troops choices may be Soldiers).
A Workers’ Militia Unit is an IRREGULAR unit of
8 to 16 figures. A Revolutionary Soldiers unit is a REGULAR unit
of 5-10 figures. Half of these units may upgrade a
Militia Units may NOT have leaders unless speci- figure to Leader status for +20 points (i.e. the first
fied by the umpire or by scenario conditions. Soldiers unit may contain a leader, then the third,
then the fifth).
Militia Units are of Raw Quality. Every other Mili-
tia Unit in a force (i.e. 50% of your Militia units) Revolutionary Soldiers are of Trained Quality. Up
may be of Trained Quality. to ONE unit may be of Veteran Quality. Trained
Soldiers cost 13 points per figure, Veteran Soldiers
Raw Militia Units cost 4 points per figure, Trained
cost 15 points per figure.
cost 6 points, plus the cost of their weapons as
follows: rifle +6 points, shotgun +7 points, pistol Revolutionary Soldiers are equipped with rifles and
+4 points; all figures may be freely equipped with bayonets.
melee weapons such as clubs and knives, for no
extra cost per model.
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A Reich Divided
Revolutionary Support
Machine Gun Group
Artillery Unit
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A Reich Divided
This page contains sample cards for fielding a Freikorps force in Triumph &
Tragedy. You may print and/or photocopy this page for your personal use.
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