02 Poll - B-02 (20 Ques.)
02 Poll - B-02 (20 Ques.)
02 Poll - B-02 (20 Ques.)
For NEET-2023
Syllabus: Cell Cycle and Cell Division
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Poll-02 Botany
10. In an organism when karyokinesis is not followed 15. Recombination involves crossing over between
by cytokinesis then, it will result in (1) Non sister chromatids of non-homologous
(1) Increase in cytoplasmic content chromosome
(2) Multinucleate condition
(2) Sister chromatids of non-homologous
(3) Reduction in the ploidy level chromosome
(4) No karyon formation
(3) Non sister chromatids of homologous
11. Cytokinesis in animal cell involves
(1) Cell plate formation
(4) Sister chromatids of homologous
(2) Wall formation which starts in the centre of the
cell chromosomes
(3) Appearance of furrow at periphery of plasma 16. During which phase of the meiosis I the
membrane chromosomes are fully condensed and the meiotic
(4) Formation of middle lamella spindle is assembled to prepare the homologous
12. Consider the following statements and select the chromosomes for separation?
correct option. (1) The phase which last for months
Statement A: In sexually reproducing organism
(2) Final stage of the meiotic prophase-I
meiosis ensures the production of haploid phase
in their life cycle but fertilisation restores diploid (3) The stage involving formation of
phase. synaptonemal complex
Statement B: A bivalent has only two chromatids (4) During recombination nodule formation
and a tetrad has four chromatids during zygotene
stage 17. Select the incorrect feature of interkinesis.
(1) Only statement A is correct (1) Short lived
(2) Only statement B is correct (2) Stage between two mitotic divisions
(3) Both statements A and B are correct
(3) Followed by prophase II
(4) Both statements A and B are incorrect
13. In a cell, if 2n = 48, then how many tetrads are (4) No DNA replication occur
formed after zygotene stage? 18. The centromere holding the two chromatids splits
(1) 36 (2) 96 and allow its separation during
(3) 12 (4) 24 (1) Anaphase I (2) Telophase I
14. Match the following columns and select the (3) Metaphase II (4) Anaphase II
correct option.
19. Which among the following is not the significance
Column I Column II of mitosis?
(1) Growth of multicellular organism
A – Zygotene i) Homologous chromosomes
separate except at the site (2) Helps in cell repair
of crossing over (3) Conservation of specific chromosome number
ii) Synapsis of chromosome in sexually reproducing organisms
B – Pachytene
(4) Helps to restore the nucleo cytoplasmic ratio
C – Diplotene iii) Terminalisation of
20. Select the incorrect feature of meiosis.
iv) Chromatids of each (1) Meiosis is initiated only after parental
D – Diakinesis
bivalent become distinct chromosome is replicated