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Electrical Safety

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CHAPTER 1 ELECTRICAL SAFETY AND WORK PERMITS........................................................................1

1.1 SAFETY DOCUMENTATION..........................................................................................................1
1.2 STATUTORY LEGISLATION..........................................................................................................1
1.3 ELECTRICAL PERSONS................................................................................................................2
1.4 THE PERMIT TO WORK SYSTEM.................................................................................................2
1.5 SAFETY RULES............................................................................................................................ 10
1.6 ELECTRICAL ISOLATION AND SECURITY PROCEDURE........................................................10
CHAPTER 2 ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD..................................................................................................11
2.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 TREATMENT FOR ELECTRIC SHOCK........................................................................................12
CHAPTER 3 HAND TOOLS AND PORTABLE APPLIANCES....................................................................15
3.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 15
3.2 CLASS I TOOLS............................................................................................................................ 16
3.3 CLASS II TOOLS........................................................................................................................... 17
3.4 CLASS III TOOLS.......................................................................................................................... 18
3.5 TRANSFORMERS......................................................................................................................... 19
CHAPTER 4 EARTHING OF FIXED EQUIPMENT.......................................................................................20
4.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT EARTHING.......................................................................................20
4.3 METHOD OF EARTHING..............................................................................................................22
4.4 ELECTROSTATIC EARTHING OF PROCESS PLANT................................................................23
4.5 INSPECTION OF EARTHING ARRANGEMENTS........................................................................23
CHAPTER 5 OTHER ASPECTS OF SAFETY..............................................................................................24
5.1 GENERAL...................................................................................................................................... 24
5.2 ELECTRIC SHOCK....................................................................................................................... 24
5.3 CURRENT TRANSFORMERS......................................................................................................24
5.4 VOLTAGE TRANSFORMERS.......................................................................................................24
5.5 BATTERIES................................................................................................................................... 24
5.6 CAPACITORS............................................................................................................................... 25
5.7 STORED ENERGY MECHANISMS..............................................................................................25
5.8 SWITCHBOARD SECTION BREAKERS......................................................................................25
5.9 RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL...........................................................................................................26
CHAPTER 6 EQUIPMENT IN HAZARDOUS AREAS..................................................................................27
6.1 HAZARDOUS AREAS................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 ELECTRICAL IGNITION OF GAS.................................................................................................27
6.3 EX-PROTECTION......................................................................................................................... 28
6.4 FLAMEPROOFING (Ex-d ENCLOSURE).....................................................................................29
6.5 TYPES OF COVER JOINTS.........................................................................................................31
6.6 WEATHERPROOFING OF FLAMEPROOF ENCLOSURES........................................................32
6.7 TYPES OF SEALING FOR MOTOR SHAFTS..............................................................................32
6.9 INTRINSIC SAFETY (‘Ex-i’)...........................................................................................................34
6.10 SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................... 34
6.11 MODIFICATIONS TO EX-PROTECTED EQUIPMENT.................................................................35
CHAPTER 7 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS.................................................................................................36
7.1 QUESTIONS.................................................................................................................................. 36
7.2 ANSWERS..................................................................................................................................... 38
REFERENCES................................................................................................................................................ 41

Last Revised May, 2000

ASET - Aberdeen Skills and Enterprise Training Ltd




Safety information is contained in many publications, a typical example being ‘Standing

Instructions Electrical’, issued by Shell U K Exploration and Production, Northern
Operations. This manual contains instructions, safety rules and procedures to ensure that
the electrical systems and electrical equipment in Shell installations, both offshore and
onshore, are operated, controlled and maintained in a safe manner. They are provided for
the protection and safety of all personnel who operate and work on the electrical equipment
of these installations.

It is the duty of all persons who have to operate, work on or otherwise be concerned with
the Company’s electrical systems and plant to make themselves thoroughly conversant
with all relevant Company Safety Rules. Safety also demands that each person is
thoroughly conversant with the system or equipment on which he is working. Ignorance of
Safety Rules is not accepted as an excuse for neglect of duty.

Standing Instructions Electrical are contained in several volumes, and include:

 Northern Operations Offshore Installations - Safety Rules and Procedures

 Northern Operations Offshore Installations - Electrical Power Systems

 Onshore Installations - Safety Rules and Procedures

 Onshore Installations - Technical Procedures and Information

 Mobile Drilling Installations

 Southern Operations Offshore Installations - Safety Rules and Procedures

 Southern Operations Offshore Installations - Technical Procedures and


It is not the purpose of this manual to duplicate the information contained in specific safety
manuals, but only to summarise the principal points. An outline of Government legislation,
a description of the Permit to Work System and associated procedures for a typical
offshore installation are included.


Offshore work is governed by Statutory Instruments, and some electrical aspects which are
dealt with are:

 the overall responsibility of the OIM,

 issue of Permits to Work,

 accompanied working,

 use of written instructions,

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 use of portable insulation, screens and protective clothing.

 special precautions when working near bare conductors,

 use of portable electric equipment,

 treatment of electric shock.

In addition the Electricity Regulations lay down that ‘no person except an AUTHORISED
PERSON ……. shall undertake any work where technical knowledge or experience is
required in order adequately to avoid danger’.


The Standing Instructions Electrical define the person appointed specifically as a

Competent Electrical Person (CEP), Authorised Electrical Person (AEP), or Senior
Authorised Electrical Person (SAEP) to carry out a defined duty in a defined installation.
Authorisation does not follow automatically with a higher grade. The Instructions deal with
the certification of such persons.


No work whatever may be undertaken on electrical equipment without strictly following the
formalised procedures of such work.

The Permit to Work System is designed to ensure that:

 all potentially hazardous activities have written authority,

 spheres of influence and line responsibilities are clearly established,

 line of responsibility is maintained throughout the execution of the work,

 all plant and process systems associated with the work to be done have
been made safe,

 the work environment is free from dangerous concentrations of gas, vapour

or fumes.

The Permit to Work System makes use of two basic work permits, one complementary
permit, and three special electrical permits. A typical set of permits may include:

Work Permits

 Cold Work Permit For all work not involving equipment or material
producing flames or heat or classified as a source of

 Hot Work Permit For all work involving the use of flames, spark or heat-
producing equipment or materials.

Examples of the original pages of these permits are shown in Figures 1.1 and 1.2.

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Complimentary Permit

Preparation/Reinstatement This permit is raised and completed separately

Permit for such operations as:

Gas Test Requirements

Safety/Emergency System Isolation/De-isolation
Electrical Isolation/De-isolation
Mechanical Preparation/Reinstatement.

An example of this permit is shown in Figure 1.3.

Electrical Permits Electrical permits are issued to named individuals

and are not transferable. They may be issued
only by a Senior Authorised Person.

Applications and conditions for use are defined in

Standing Instructions Electrical. Typical electrical
permits include:

Permit to Work on Electrical Equipment

Sanction for Test - High Voltage Electrical


Limitation of Access Permit - issued to cover

work in close proximity to live conductors

Examples of these three permits are shown in Figures 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.

Where only electrical work is involved and where Cold or Hot Work Permits are not
required for other reasons, then the appropriate Electrical Permit may be used on its own.
The use of an Electrical Permit in this way must first receive the agreement of senior staff
such as the Asset Holder, the Sphere Supervisor and the Offshore Installation Manager
(OIM) in writing; there is provision for this on the permit itself.

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The Standing Instructions Electrical also give detailed safety rules for work on high-voltage
apparatus. It covers such subjects as:

 Ensuring that apparatus is dead,

 Isolation,

 Earthing-down,

 Screening, CAUTION and DANGER notices,

 Permit to Work - arrangements for issue,

 Accompanied working,

 Switching.

Rules are also given for work on low-voltage apparatus - that is, apparatus operating below
1 000V a.c. Although these rules are not so rigid as those for high voltage, a Permit to
Work may be issued if deemed necessary.


The Standing Instructions Electrical define the isolation and security procedures for safe-
guarding against access to, or operation of, the various electrical systems. A typical
method is the ‘padlocking’ procedure which covers the following requirements:

Switch rooms General use for preventing access to switchrooms

and similar areas containing electrical equipment.

High Voltage To prevent unauthorised interference with high-

voltage equipment.

Low Voltage To prevent unauthorised interference with low-voltage


Isolation An Electrical Safety padlock to prevent unauthorised

interference with electrical equipment which is not
available for operational use and which is under cover
of an appropriate permit.

Each type of lock, except the Safety padlock, has a set of common keys which are held by
those persons who have a need to use them. Each Safety padlock is unique, and the lock
and its key are clearly identified.

The Standing Instructions Electrical also define the procedure for accounting for padlocks
and keys and the use of a Padlock Cupboard, Lock-out Box and Key Safe.

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The effect of an electric shock on an individual varies widely and depends on a number of

 The voltage level and the time the casualty is subjected to it

 The physical characteristics of the casualty

 The degree of contact the casualty has with the conductors or earth

 The state of perspiration or dampness of the casualty’s skin

 Environmental conditions.

All the above factors have an effect on the electrical resistance of the human body.

It is generally accepted that any current between the two hands or between one hand and
the feet which exceeds 15mA a.c. or d.c. can, under certain circumstances, cause death
even to a fit person. The more prolonged the time of contact, the greater the risk.

The resistance of the body drops with increasing voltage. The following table gives typical
body resistances with dry contact at different a.c. or d.c. voltages:

A.C. or D.C. Resistance (ohms) Resulting

Volts (Full Dry Contact) Current (mA)
25 5 000 5
42 4 200 10
50 4 000 12.5
100 3 000 33
250 2 000 125

As stated, these figures are valid for normal, dry conditions. Under humid conditions,
possibly with perspiration, and on a steel-decked installation, the resistances could be far
lower and the currents correspondingly higher.

It will be seen that, as the body resistance falls rapidly with rise of voltage, the consequent
current increases more rapidly still (under a ‘square law’ effect). The body is therefore
particularly sensitive to increasing voltage, and steps must be taken to keep to a minimum
any voltages with which an operator may possibly come into contact.

For this reason a working voltage of 42V is chosen for hand-held Class III portable tools
(see Chapter 3). For the same reason an upper limit of approximately 0.1 ohm is set for
the continuity resistance of earthed apparatus (see Chapter 4) so that the voltage drop
across the earthing strap, even with full earth-fault current, will not rise to a dangerous level
before the supply is broken.

Since electric shock may be accompanied by falling from a height and possible serious
physical injury, normal first aid methods may be necessary in addition to resuscitation.
Resuscitation however takes priority.

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Notwithstanding the formal procedure of the Work Permit system and the various safety
devices built into electrical equipments, it is at all times the responsibility of the individual to
ensure the safety of himself and of other personnel.


Procedure for action in the event of electric shock is published in the Standing Instructions
Electrical for the operation and control of the electrical systems and plant on offshore and
onshore installations. The following notes are for guidance only and do not supersede the
official published material.

2.2.1 Order of Action

Immediate and speedy action is necessary. Do not panic.

Switch off current Do this immediately; if this is not possible, do not

waste time searching for a switch.

Remove casualty from contact Safeguard yourself when removing the casualty
from contact. Stand on non-conducting material
(rubber mat, dry wood or other material) bearing
in mind the level of voltage involved. Use rubber
gloves, dry clothing, a length of dry hemp or
manilla rope (not nylon) or a length of dry wood
to pull or push the casualty away from contact.

2.2.2 Procedure

If casualty is unconscious then proceed as follows:

1. Ensure that the airway is open 2. Check if casualty is breathing

(see Figure 2.1). (see Figure 2.2).


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If breathing If not breathing

Place casualty in recovery position Commence expired air resuscitation,
(Figure 2.3). Give oxygen if available. giving 4 quick breaths initially.
Do not leave unattended. Send for (Figure 2.4).
medical assistance.

Heart beating: Heart not beating:

Continue expired air resuscitation for Supplement expired air resuscitation

10 to 14 minutes, and check carotid with external cardiac compression
pulse frequently (Figure 2.5) (Figure 2.6).

With one-man operator:

15 compressions, 2 breaths.

With two-man operators:

5 compressions, 1 breath.

Continue above regime until relieved

by expert medical assistance.

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(1) (2)


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Hand tools and portable appliances pose an ever-present hazard of electric shock if there
should be a failure of insulation within them which causes the hand-held casing to become
live, or if the connecting cord should become damaged. The situation is made worse on an
offshore installation where the steel structure offers good body-to-ground contact and a
low-resistance earth, and even more so when that structure is wet - a condition which is
very normal.

Originally some protection was provided by ensuring that the case of the tool was
electrically earthed, so preventing any dangerous voltage building up on it. However, loose
or neglected earth connections or damaged connecting cords very easily remove this
protection, and this form of tool, known as ‘Class I’, is no longer permitted on most

Forms of construction of portable tools have been internationally agreed and are classified
as follows:

Class I denotes a tool having one or more parts with functional insulation
only and required to be earthed.

Class II denotes a mains-operated or transformer-operated tool which is

either ‘all-insulated’ or has double or reinforced insulation. It is
not intended to be earthed. Class II tools are subdivided as

Class IIA denotes a tool which is ‘all-insulated’. This means that

all metallic parts are enclosed within a durable and
continuous insulated enclosure. It need not be

Class IIB denotes a tool which is ‘double-insulated’. It has not

only the normal basic insulation necessary for its
proper functioning but also a supplementary insulation
for safeguarding against shock if the basic insulation
should break down.

In cases where there is not enough space for two

separate insulations, a single ‘reinforced’ insulation
electrically equivalent to double insulation may
sometimes be accepted.

All Class II tools of accepted design bear the symbol on

the nameplate.

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Class III denotes a tool designed for connection only to extra low voltage.
This means a voltage not more than 50V rms (but in practice
limited to 42V), obtained from the mains supply by means of a
safety isolating transformer. No earth connection is provided.

Class 0 denotes a mains-operated tool without an earth connection. It

may only be used in an ‘earth-free’ environment and is totally
excluded from offshore installations.

Unclassified are tools with their own generation or batteries or which are air-
Under the general heading ‘hand-held tools’ are included not only portable motor-operated
tools but also all portable equipment such as hand lamps, soldering irons etc. which
consume mains power. Class I, II and Ill tools may be operated in a normal or ‘polluted’,
but not hazardous, atmosphere. They are covered by BS 2769: 1964 and CEE*
Publication 20:1973.

In many cases the mains outlet sockets to the transformers are provided with sensitive
earth-leakage protection, especially where the leads to the transformers are long.


Class I tools operate at mains voltage. Their metal enclosures are earthed through one
core of the flexible 3-core connection and a 3-pin plug and socket, as shown in Figure 3.1.


*CEE stands for ‘Commission Internationale de Réglementation en vue de I’Approbation de l’Equipement Electrique’, which
in the UK is known as ‘International Commission on Rules for the Approval of Electrical Equipment’. It issues its own CEE

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There is an inherent danger with this class of tool that, if the flexible connection becomes
damaged, the earth connection may be broken. Also the earth connection may become
disconnected in the plug or the socket. In either case this condition may not be known to
the user, and he would be handling an unearthed metal-enclosed tool. If a line conductor
should touch the inside of the case, the operator would receive a full mains shock which
could, under adverse conditions such as dampness, prove fatal.

Class I tools have been completely phased out. If any are still in use, special care and
regular inspection must be given to ensure that all earth connections are sound.


It is present practice in most companies to operate Class II tools at 110V, and they are
supplied through 250/110V (or 240/110V) transformers with their secondaries centre-
tapped and earthed at the mains outlet socket through a 3-core cord. This ensures that if,
in spite of double insulation, the operator comes in contact with either conductor, the
voltage that he suffers will be limited to 55V rms to earth. The electrical arrangement is
shown in Figure 3.2. Class II tools are also manufactured to operate at full mains voltage.

Where Class II tools are used, they must comply with certain specified test requirements
(CEE Publication No. 20), and the tests are to be performed only by a recognised testing

Special attention must be paid to the connecting cords both between the mains outlet
socket and the transformer, and between the transformer and the tool, particularly at the


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tool end. These must always be in sound condition and not kinked and they must be
replaced immediately if they are in any way faulty or worn.

In many installations an earth-leakage circuit-breaker may be installed at the power outlet

to the transformer. These special circuit-breakers are described in the manual ‘Electrical
Protection’, Chapter 5.4.


Class Ill tools are similar to Class II except that they are operated at 42V rms. The
electrical arrangement is shown in Figure 3.3.


A local 250/42V (or 240/42V) safety isolating transformer is provided and must be either of
the inherently short-circuit-proof type or of a non-short-circuit-proof type with a thermal
cutout. The former normally has an internal impedance of about 100% so that, even when
short-circuited, it only delivers full-load current and can continue to do so indefinitely
without risk. The transformer is usually portable and placed near the tool, but it may be
permanently mounted in welding-boards or switchgear. Class Ill tools must never be tested
with a megger of voltage greater than 500V.

Class Ill tools may not always be available, especially in the larger sizes, in which case
Class II tools only are to be used.

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The 250/110V (or 250/42V) portable transformers used with Class II and Class Ill tools are
single-phase, air-cooled, double-wound and are normal in all respects except for the
centre-tap on the secondary. They provide electrical isolation between the 110V and 250V
(240V) systems and have an earthed barrier screen between the HV and LV windings.
The electrical arrangement is shown in Figures 3.2 and 3.3. These devices are referred to
as ‘Safety Isolating Transformers’ and are covered by BS 3535: 1962 and CEE Publication
15: 1964.

The effect of earthing the centre-point of the transformer secondary is that, should the case
of the tool become live in spite of the extra insulation, its voltage to earth is halved and the
operator would receive a reduced shock - 55V with a Class II tool or 21V with a Class Ill.

For use with portable tools safety isolating transformers are classified according to their
primary insulation as follows:

Class I denotes a transformer having some parts intended to be earthed.

Class II denotes a transformer which is either all-insulated or double-

insulated as defined under ‘Class II’ above for portable tools.
Class II transformers are subdivided as follows:

Class IIA all-insulated

Class IIB double-insulated or with reinforced insulation

They carry the symbol on the nameplate.

Most of those used on offshore installations are of Class IIB.

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Every piece of electrical equipment and every principal item of process plant, whether
electrical or not, is securely earthed to the frame of the offshore installation:

 to avoid danger to personnel by electric shock resulting from the outer

casing of electrical equipment becoming live through an internal fault,

 to avoid risk of explosion by sparking resulting from the vessels and

pipework of process plant becoming electrostatically charged by movement
of the fluids within them.

Both these risks are avoided by earthing the apparatus or vessels, as explained below.


Figure 4.1(a) shows a typical item (a motor) fed from a high-voltage circuit, 6.6kV in this
case. The generator star-point is earthed, as is usual, through a neutral earthing resistor
(NER), taken in this example as 17 ohms.


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It is assumed that an internal fault has developed in one phase of the motor, resulting in
that line being short-circuited to the motor case. It is further assumed that the motor case
is not specially earthed and that poor contact (perhaps due to paint) exists between the
motor feet and the bedplate, resulting in a contact resistance of 1 ohm. The situation is
then as in Figure 4.1(a), and a man standing on the ground and touching the motor case
would get a severe shock resulting from the voltage due to the earth-fault current, whose
route is shown by heavy line.

Figure 4.1(b) is a simplification of the electrical circuit of Figure 4.1(a) showing only the
faulty phase and the resulting current loop. Figure 4.1(c) is a further rearrangement in
which the 17-ohm NER and the 1-ohm contact resistance appear as a potentiometer. The
earth-fault current is limited to 210A by the combined 17-ohm and 1-ohm resistances. This
current, flowing through the 1-ohm contact resistance, causes a 210V difference between
the man’s hand and feet - enough to cause a severe shock, especially if the deck were wet.
The voltage felt by the man is determined by the 1:17 potentiometer ratio and is, in this
case, 1/18th of the total phase voltage 3.81kV (= 6.6/√ 3). If the contact resistance were
higher than 1-ohm, the shock voltage would be greater.

Conversely, if the contact resistance were less, the voltage would be lower. In the ultimate,
if the motor case were solidly bonded to the platform frame by an earthing connection or
strap of negligible resistance, the contact resistance would be shunted and would become
zero. The situation is then as in Figure 4.1(d), where the 1-ohm element has disappeared,
and the full phase voltage of 3.81kV appears across the 17-ohm NER only. The earth-fault
current has increased slightly due to the reduction of the total circuit resistance from 18 to
17 ohms, but no voltage now appears between the man’s hand and feet, and he is
protected from shock. (Note that the generator reactance, in this case 0.39 ohms, hardly
enters the calculation, since it is negligibly small compared with the 17-ohm resistance of
the NER.)

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A similar situation occurs with a low-voltage motor, as shown in Figure 4.2, except that all
LV system neutrals are solidly earthed, without any NER. Figure 4.2(a) shows a situation
otherwise similar to the high-voltage case, with a phase-to-case fault in the motor, together
with a poor contact resistance of 1 ohm between motor and platform. Figure 4.2(b) is the
equivalent circuit for the faulty phase. With a typical 2 000kVA, 440V transformer the
1-ohm contact resistance will limit the fault current to about 250A (again ignoring the very
small transformer reactance, typically 0.008 ohm), and this will appear as a 250V
difference across the 1-ohm between the man’s hand and feet - again enough to cause a
severe shock.

In Figure 4.2(c) the motor has been solidly earthed and the 1-ohm contact resistance
completely shunted, so that it disappears from the figure, leaving the fault current to be
limited solely by the reactance of the transformer winding. It will rise to a very high figure of
some 30 000A, but no voltage now appears between the man’s hand and feet, and again
he is protected from shock.


From the above explanation it is clear that any earthing connection must be capable of
carrying the full earth-fault current for the short time before the protection operates to open
the circuit-breaker. In the LV system with solidly earthed neutral this current can be very
high indeed, although the highest currents will persist only for a very short time where there
are HRC fuses in the circuit. Consequently the earthing wires or straps need to be of
adequate cross-section and securely fixed.

The explanation also shows that a contact resistance of even 1 ohm can cause risk-
voltages of over 200V. Therefore it is essential to keep the resistance of the earthing
connections well below this level. A figure of 0.1 ohm is typical of the specified maximum
value of the continuity resistance of an offshore earthing connection; it could, and should,
be generally less.

The effectiveness of earthing may be checked by a ‘continuity tester’. This is a Megger-

type instrument which reads low resistance values. Prods are applied: one to a part of the
equipment near the earthing point, cleaned of paint or dirt, and the other to a good clean

Earthing may be by welding or, where this is not possible, by thermo-welded copper
earthing straps. Where the earthed item is removable, the strap may be bolted to the item.
Galvanised clamps, screws, nuts and washers are not permitted. Earthing straps must be
of at least 25mm2 (0.04in2) cross-section. Exceptionally lighting fittings are not individually
earthed but are earthed in groups through an additional conductor in the supply cable, this
conductor being earthed to the platform mass at the source. Cable glands arid similar
devices are bonded to the main frame by heavy wires.

Earth connections should be examined regularly for possible physical damage and
measured for continuity resistance. Earthing straps between bedplates and the deck are
particularly vulnerable to physical damage.

The subject of earthing is dealt with in detail in British Standard Code of Practice

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All process and similar structures throughout the offshore installation, and their associated
pipework and tanks, are solidly bonded together and earthed by bonding to the structural
steel mass of the platform. The method of earthing, and the earth continuity resistance,
are as described above for electrical equipment.
The flow of gases or oil through pipework and containment vessels can give rise to static
charges on the inside, which immediately transfer to the outside of those pipes or vessels,
appearing as very high potentials. They will discharge to earth or to each other on contact,
or even without contact, by a high energy spark. In a hazardous area and in the presence
of gas this could cause a major explosion.

Earthing of the elements of such process plant and similar structures is necessary:

 to prevent the build-up of static charges on those elements with a

consequent risk of spark discharge,

 to prevent corrosion due to those static charges.

The bonding and earthing of all pipework is as important as that of the vessels to which it is
fitted. Differences of static potential in two connected pipes could lead to sparking and
corrosion across flanges and joints. The bonding of such unions is an important part of the
structure earthing system.

Even without a discharge spark these static potentials can cause corrosion, especially
across flanges and joints.

Earthing and bonding of all vessels and pipework ensures that such static charges do not
build up and are carried away as fast as they form.


One of the duties of the Power Technician is to satisfy himself that the earthing
arrangements of both electrical and process plant are at all times in a satisfactory state,
especially bearing in mind that external earth straps are vulnerable to damage.

This requires a planned programme of inspection over a period, and the results of such
inspection should be logged in a register. Apart from these visual inspections there should
be a programme of continuity resistance checks to cover the whole installation over a
specific period. This is an important safety matter.

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Apart from the specific safety aspects covered elsewhere in this manual, there are many
less obvious dangers in the use of electrical equipment. Some of these are enumerated


The Work Permit system described in Chapter 1 is designed specifically to reduce to

negligible proportions the risk of electric shock when it is correctly followed. However,
familiarity tends to breed contempt. Whereas a man respects high voltage because he
knows it is dangerous, he may tend to regard low voltage as comparatively safe and be
tempted to bypass normal precautions - for example, inserting a new fuse in a live circuit.
Personnel must forever be on guard against such lapses.


If the secondary circuit of a current transformer whose primary is live and carrying current
is broken at any point, a lethal voltage can develop at the point of break. This is fully
discussed in the manual ‘Electrical Distribution, Part B’, Chapter 4.


When a main circuit is opened, it can sometimes be forgotten that a voltage transformer
may remain connected to the live side, causing some parts of the control circuits to be live,
albeit to only 110V. VT secondary fuses must always be drawn in these circumstances
when maintenance work is to be carried out.

A further danger with voltage transformers is when there may be two working side by side.
If the main circuit of one has been opened and isolated and its VT secondary becomes
energised from the other, then the first will act as a step-up transformer and will energise
that part of the high-voltage system to which it is connected and which was thought to be
isolated. Here again, correct practice is always to draw the VT secondary fuses.


It must be remembered that batteries are a considerable store of energy. As they have a
very low impedance, any accidental short-circuit will produce a fierce current capable of
inflicting severe burns. When working on battery-supported d.c. systems the battery fuses
should always be withdrawn.

The danger of electrolyte spillage, especially with regard to the eyes and skin, must also be

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Capacitors are a store of electrostatic energy, often at high voltage. Unless steps are
taken to discharge them after disconnection, they may retain their charge for a long time. If
accidentally touched they can administer a severe shock. Particularly dangerous are those
used with VDUs and similar television-type displays; they can be charged up to 25 000

Before starting work on any piece of apparatus containing a capacitor, the capacitor
terminals should be short-circuited (taking care not to touch them while doing so). A
permanent short-circuit should then be applied and left in place until work is finished; it
must be removed afterwards.


Most modern switchgear is actuated by a motor/spring operating mechanism. It is

arranged that, after each closing operation, the heavy closing spring is automatically
recharged. If the circuit-breaker is withdrawn for maintenance in this state, the closing
spring will remain charged and latched-in. Should it be accidentally released, it could
cause serious injury to the man working on it.

Before such a breaker is withdrawn after tripping, the control supply to the spring-charging
motor must be broken (to prevent its recharging the spring) and the spring released by the
mechanical closing button on the mechanism.


There is a particular danger when a part of a switchboard is isolated for maintenance.

Such isolation will include the opening and withdrawal of the bus section circuit-breaker.

Figure 5.1 shows a typical switchboard, viewed from the back. Maintenance work is to be
carried out on the right-hand side, while the left-hand side continues operational. All
incoming circuits on the right-hand side have been opened and their circuit-breakers
withdrawn, including the section breaker.


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The maintenance work will involve removing the back panels of each right-hand side
cubicle to expose the busbars. In Figure 5.1 those busbars which are dead are shown
black, whereas those still live are shown red. It can be clearly seen that, if the back panel
of the section breaker is removed, there is immediate access to live conductors. It is
imperative that this danger be brought out in the Work Permit and that removal of the bus
section panel is placed strictly outside the limits of the work.


Certain electronic equipment can contain radioactive elements (a smoke detector is an

example). These are always identified by a radioactive warning symbol and are normally
safe unless the container is broken. Care should be exercised when handling such units,
and, if breakage occurs, appropriate disposal and cleaning procedures must be followed.

Broken fluorescent lighting tubes or cathode-ray tubes can present a health hazard to
personnel and should be carefully disposed of. If a cut is received to the skin, medical
attention should be sought.

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Hydrocarbon oils and gases are handled in large quantities on all offshore installations, and
they are highly combustible. Moreover gas or vapour, mixed with air within the flammable
range, forms a dangerously explosive mixture which is readily ignited by a spark or even
excessive heat. The situation with gas is aggravated when it is compressed, where even
the smallest escape can release considerable quantities of gas which will form an
explosive mixture in the area of the leak and in all affected confined spaces.

Areas where gas may collect or be present at any time are called ‘hazardous areas’. For
the purpose of assessing the degree of risk they are classified in BS 5345:1976 into three

Zone 0 an area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously present,

or present for long periods.

Zone 1 an area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is likely to occur in normal


Zone 2 an area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in

normal operation and, if it occurs, it will exist only for a short time.

Other areas are termed ‘non-hazardous’ and include exterior areas which are at an
adequate distance from any possible gas or vapour escapes so that the gas or vapour will
be dispersed before reaching this area. Areas which, are pressurised or force-ventilated
with air from a non-hazardous area are also non-hazardous, but they are classified as
Zone 2 if the ventilation or pressurisation is shut down. Similarly normal Zone 2 areas
become Zone 1 from an electrical point of view on loss of ventilation, and such areas would
be equipped with Zone 1 apparatus.

No electrical equipment would be fitted in Zone 0 areas. Such areas are very rare and are
not found in most installations outside process vessels.

Gas detection sensors are installed in all areas and give an alarm in the platform control
room if gas is detected above a certain minimum concentration. If the concentration is
above a specified higher level in a non-hazardous area, a complete electrical shutdown
follows automatically.

Special attention is given in hazardous areas to the installation of certain equipments - for
example cables and cable glands which must be bonded and insulated to prevent
circulating currents (see manual ‘Electrical Distribution Equipment, Part B’, Chapter 2).


When concentrated above the ‘Lower Explosive Limit’ (LEL), gas will be ignited by
sufficient heat. Such heat arising from an electrical source can occur due to:

 electrostatic spark discharge between charged bodies or between a charged

body and earth,

 arcing between the enclosure of a faulty piece of electrical equipment and


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 arcing between switching contacts of electrical equipment (switch, contactor

or relay),

 an internal arcing fault in a piece of electrical equipment,

 ‘Hot spots’ due to local overheating.

The first situation can occur with process (i.e. non-electrical) plant due to the flow of fluids
in pipes and vessels, which can charge the containers up to a considerable potential. If
such a charge were allowed to build up, a spark discharge could occur spontaneously to
earth or between vessels - for example across a pair of pipe flanges; this would manifest
itself as a miniature form of artificial lightning. It could also occur if such a vessel were
accidentally touched by personnel. It is prevented by earthing and bonding all such
structures as described in Chapter 4.

The second situation can occur if an internal fault in a piece of electrical equipment caused
a live conductor to touch, or arc-over to, the inside of the case. This would raise the
potential of the case and could cause a discharge to earth similar to that described above,
except that it would take the form of a continuing arc rather than an electrostatic spark
discharge. It is prevented by earthing all electrical equipment with wires or straps capable
of carrying the full earth-fault current, as described in Chapter 4.

The remaining situations cannot be prevented and must therefore be contained. Arcing
between switching contacts is indeed a normal operating requirement in all non-electronic
control equipment, whereas an internal arcing fault, though not normal, can always occur
without warning. A local hot-spot could develop from bad contact pressure or high contact
resistance across a switch, plug or other connection.

Since any of these conditions will release energy which could ignite gas if it is in contact
with the arc or hot spot, such equipment in hazardous areas must be contained within an
enclosure that will not transmit that energy to the outside gas mixture. Such an enclosure
is called ‘Ex-protected’. (It is also sometimes referred to as ‘Explosion Proof’.)


Ex-protection may take several forms, depending on the type of equipment enclosed and
especially on the zone classification of the area in which it is to be used. The various forms
are defined in detail in BS 5345:1976, and the ones most likely to be encountered offshore
and onshore are:

 Ex-d Flameproof. This is an enclosure which will withstand an internal

explosion of an explosive mixture without suffering damage or propagating
the internal flammation through any joints or structural openings to an
external explosive mixture against which it is designed. A flameproof
enclosure is usually certified with the protected electrical apparatus in place.
It is permitted in all zones except Zone 0. Flame-proof enclosures are
further discussed in para. 6.4.

 Ex-e Increased Safety. This is a type of protection giving an increased

security against the possibility of excessive temperatures and the
occurrence of arcs or sparks. It is permitted in all zones except Zone 0.

 Ex-h Hermetic Sealing. An hermetically sealed apparatus designed to

confine potential means of ignition within a gastight shell protected against
mechanical damage. It is permitted in all zones except Zone 0.

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 Ex-i Intrinsically Safe. An intrinsically safe apparatus contains only

intrinsically safe circuits. These are discussed more fully in para. 6.9.

 Ex-n Type ‘n’ Protection. A type ‘n’ apparatus, when operating normally
within its rated duty, will not ignite a surrounding explosive mixture. (Note
that it does not cater for abnormal electrical conditions such as overload or
fault.) This may include non-sparking apparatus such as squirrel-cage
motors or purely solid-state relays.

 Ex-o Oil-filled. Although used onshore, this type of equipment is little used

 Ex-p Pressurised. An enclosure into which the entry of an explosive

mixture or flammable substance is prevented by maintaining the internal
pressure (of air or other protective gas) above that of the surrounding
atmosphere. The minimum overpressure is normally 0.5 mbar before and
during the operation of the enclosed electrical apparatus. Such apparatus is
normally purged before the enclosed electrical circuits are energised. To
guard against a hazardous situation arising if the overpressure is not
maintained, an alarm is usually fitted to signal if the pressurisation falls to
less than 0.5 mbar above ambient. Pressurised protection (with alarm) is
permitted in Zone 2, and also in Zone 1 if the enclosed electrical apparatus
itself is suitable for use in Zone 2. If operation of the ‘overpressure failed’
alarm also automatically isolates the apparatus from the electrical supplies,
Ex-p protection may be used in all zones except Zone 0.

 Ex-q Sand-filled. This includes all solid-particle-filled apparatus, of which

the HRC fuse is the most common.

 Ex-s Special. This covers apparatus not included in the above definitions
but which, as a result of test, has been proved to be equally safe.


It should be particularly noted that ‘flameproof’ is only one of many forms of explosion-
proofing, and the word should only be used for the particular type as defined for ‘Ex-d’. In
this case no particular attempt is made to seal joints of the enclosure against entry of
outside gas into the enclosure, and it is accepted that it may, with time, enter through the
flanges and shaft or spindle openings. Once inside the gas may be ignited by any arcing,
and an internal explosion will take place. However, it is on a small scale, and all Ex-d
enclosures are designed to withstand it without damage. The hot explosion products
escaping through the long, narrow flanges and shaft and spindle opening gaps are so
choked and cooled that they cannot ignite any gas mixture outside the enclosure. Every
design of flameproof equipment is type-tested and receives a ‘BASEEFA* Certificate’
(formerly called ‘Buxton Certificate’) of flameproof worthiness.
In order to achieve the necessary choking and cooling effect, all gaps in the enclosure,
whether due to cover flanges, window inserts, motor shaft or control spindle openings,
must be such that the flamepath is long and very narrow. The minimum length is normally
25mm (1in), and with this length there is an associated maximum permitted gap between
the flange surfaces. This maximum depends on the type of gas against which the
enclosure is designed. In certain circumstances a 12.5mm (0.5in) flange length is allowed,
and in this case the permitted gap is smaller to provide the same choking effect.

*BASEEFA stands for ‘British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment in Flammable Areas’.

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A typical flameproof enclosure which illustrates these points is shown in Figure 6.1.

The relation between the type of joint, the minimum length of flamepath (25mm or 12.5mm)
and the maximum permitted gap (in millimetres) is given in the table below. There are two
sets of figures: one for enclosures with volumes between 100cm 3 and 2 000cm3, and one
for enclosures with volumes greater than 2 000cm3. All the figures are for flameproofing
against those hydrocarbon gases (Group II) which are found in offshore installations and
refineries. Different figures apply to other gases, such as free hydrogen.


Maximum Gap
Min Length of Enclosure Enclosure
Type of Opening
Flamepath Volume Volume
100 - 2 000cm3 Above 2 000cm3

Flanged Joints 25mm (1in) 0.4mm 0.4mm

12.5mm (0.5in) 0.3mm 0.2mm

Operating Rods and 25mm (1in) 0.4mm 0.4mm

Spindles 12.5mm (0.5in) 0.3mm 0.2mm

Shafts with Sleeve 40mm (1.6in) 0.5mm 0.5mm

Bearings 25mm (1in) 0.4mm 0.4mm
12.5mm (0.5in) 0.3mm 0.2mm

Shafts with Ball or 40mm (1.6in) 0.75mm 0.75mm

Roller Bearings 25mm (1in) 0.6mm 0.6mm
12.5mm (0.5in) 0.45mm 0.3mm

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In the case of flanged joints the gap is the maximum linear distance between the metal
flanges. In the case of operating rods, spindles and shafts the gap refers to the maximum
diametral (twice the radial) clearance. Where these rods or shafts are large - that is, if the
diameters are greater than the minimum length of the flamepath - special figures apply.
Further details may be obtained from BS 5345 (Part 3):1979, which has superseded BS
299: 1957.


Joints may be broadly classed as:

(a) Butt joints.

(b) Spigoted joints.

(c) Screwed joints.


These three types are shown in Figure 6.2. The length of the flamepath, indicated by red
line, is the dimension ‘L’ in each case. For the purpose of measuring the minimum L, bolt-
holes are ignored provided that they are not excessively large. In the case of screwed
joints the overall length of the mating thread is taken, disregarding the thread faces.

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Because of the flange gaps flameproof equipment is not of itself weatherproof or even
dustproof. If this feature is required special steps must be taken, and they are usually
confined to the spigoted type of joint.


Either a normal gasket or an O-ring may be used, as shown in Figure 6.3. Such a seal
however must be independent of, and additional to, the special flameproof gap. It may be
either ‘external’ or ‘internal’ - that is, on the outside or inside of the flameproof gap. Figures
6.3(a) and (b) show respectively an internal and an external gasket joint, and Figures 6.3(c)
and (d) an internal and external O-ring joint. All four types will exclude dust, but both the
‘internal’ types may allow moisture to seep through the flameproof gap and eventually
corrode and possibly widen it. These types are not therefore suitable for outdoor use or
where heavy moisture is present.


The last two groups in the table show the diametral clearances between motor shaft and
casing when used with a flameproof (Ex-d) motor. Figure 6.4(a) shows how this can be
achieved with a roller bearing. Note that normal practice is to place the flameproof gap
behind the bearing so that the latter can be serviced without disturbing the assembly.
If there is not sufficient axial space for a flameproof gap, an alternative method is to use a
labyrinth gland in conjunction with a sleeve bearing as shown in Figure 6.4(b). In this case

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the flamepath is the tortuous route through the labyrinth. As the gap may have to be wider
because of some rotor radial movement, the table on page 30 gives additional figures for a
40mm long flamepath (easily achievable with a labyrinth) and a correspondingly wider
maximum gap.

In some larger motors, particularly those with sleeve bearings which are subject to wear,
the radial movement of the rotor may be too large to be accommodated within the
allowable maximum gap. In such cases (not shown here) the gap assembly is mounted on
the shaft and moves radially with the shaft to take up bearing wear.



Unless it is part of an intrinsically safe circuit, equipment containing energised components

located in hazardous areas must on no account be opened without prior isolation of all
incoming connections, including the neutral conductor. If essential work has to be carried
out on equipment with exposed live components, it may not begin until the area is first
designated ‘gas-free’ and the work is authorised by the Gas Test section of the
Preparation! Reinstatement Permit.

The boltheads which secure covers on flameproof equipment are shrouded (see Figure
6.1) or countersunk (see Figure 6.2(a)) against damage and may require special tools to
release them.

Once the equipment is open, loose parts such as covers must be very carefully handled to
avoid damage or distortion. Opportunity should be taken from time to time to check the
flatness of all mating surfaces by using a straightedge. Even a slight distortion could
prevent correct closing up on reassembly, thereby causing in places a larger gap than the
maximum permitted. This could destroy the flameproof-effectiveness of the whole
assembly. Shaft and spindle gaps should also be checked, especially those in constant

Before reassembly, mating surfaces should be checked to make sure they are clean. A
single speck of foreign matter could effectively open a flange gap and destroy the
flameproof property of the equipment. Flamepath surfaces should be preserved using a
light application of Chemodex or Molypol PCB grease. Also, the equipment must be
reassembled exactly as it was, down to the last washer. Incorrect reassembly could
invalidate the equipment’s certificate.

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It is absolutely essential that, after covers have been replaced, all bolts be in place and
tightened down (it is good practice to do this in sequence to prevent distortion). If a bolt is
left out, not only could the gap between the flanges under it be widened but the bolt-hole
itself would ‘shunt’ the flamepath and effectively shorten it. It is all too easy, when
servicing a piece of flameproof apparatus, to lose a bolt and intend to replace it later - only
to be forgotten. All flameproof equipment must be regularly checked to see that all covers
are on and all bolts are in place and tightened down.

All inspections and maintenance procedures must be carried out in accordance with British
Standard 5345 - ‘Code of Practice for the Selection and Maintenance of Electrical
Apparatus in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres’.


Some circuits may be such that even switching will not create an arc with sufficient energy
to cause ignition, nor would any internal fault create one. Such circuits are termed
‘intrinsically safe’ and are invariably of low voltage. Examples include some electronic and
most telephone speech circuits (but not the telephone power signalling circuits). The
British Standard definition is:

‘An intrinsically safe electrical circuit is one in which any spark or thermal effect,
produced either when it conforms electrically and mechanically with its design
specification or in specified fault conditions, is incapable of causing ignition of a
given explosive mixture.’

It should be noted that a circuit which itself is intrinsically safe may be rendered unsafe by
connection to an external element - for example inductive apparatus such as a choke,
which greatly increases the stored energy. By the same token a circuit which is intrinsically
safe must on no account be electrically connected to a circuit which is not intrinsically safe.
Any coupling must be by non-electrical means.

For an apparatus to be classed as intrinsically safe it must contain only intrinsically safe
circuits. Apparatus is defined in two levels as follows:

Ex-ia apparatus in this category is incapable of causing ignition in normal

operation, or with a single fault, or with any combination of two faults
applied. This offers the highest degree of protection, and such apparatus
may be used in all zones.

Ex-ib apparatus in this category is incapable of causing ignition in normal

operation or with any single fault applied. It may be used in all zones
except Zone 0.

All electrical plant, equipment and apparatus installed in hazardous (Zones 0, 1 or 2) areas
on a platform must either be intrinsically safe or be ex-protected and used only within the
limits of the definitions above.


The difference between zones in practice seldom makes any difference to electrical
equipment, since the risk of transmitting a spark is the same whether the presence of gas
is likely under normal or abnormal conditions. Most ex-protected electrical equipment is
consequently rated as ‘suitable for Zone 1 or Zone 2 areas’.

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Not all types of ex-protection will be found on any one installation offshore, but the most
common are:

Ex-d for motors, junction boxes, switches, loudspeakers and some lighting

Ex-e for lighting fittings generally,

Ex-i for instrumentation and speech circuits,

Ex-p for very large motors and equipment in drilling areas.

Main switchboards (HV and LV) and generating sets are normally installed in non-
hazardous areas. Therefore there is generally no need for them to be ex-protected, and
they are of normal industrial or marine construction.

Particular care must be exercised when making temporary connections or disconnections

for maintenance on any apparatus in a hazardous area. On no account may the above
rules be breached, nor may any ex-protected equipment be opened up unless the
surrounding atmosphere has been confirmed gas-free.


All ex-protected equipment used on offshore installations is certificated by BASEEFA as

conforming with the current rules. The issue of the certificate is based on a type-test of the
equipment in question.

Any alteration or modification, however minor, not only invalidates the certificate but could
unwittingly lead to a dangerous situation.

On no account may any modification be made, or any but the correct part be fitted, to any
ex-protected equipment by platform or station personnel. If a modification is made by the
manufacturer, a new type-test and a new certificate are required.

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1. In which document are detailed electrical safety rules and instructions found?

2. Which Work Permits will be required to carry out work on a high-voltage motor
cable box?

3. Who may issue an Electrical Permit to Work?

4. What safety aspects are dealt with by the Standing lnstructions Electrical when
work is to be carried out on high-voltage apparatus?

5. Where are padlocks used for the security of electrical spaces and apparatus, and
what is the purpose of each?

6. Which type of padlock has unique numbered keys?

7. What is the least electric shock current that is regarded as possibly fatal to a

8. What conditions make a man particularly vulnerable to electric shock?

9. What action would you take on seeing a man unconscious and touching a live

10. Name, and briefly describe, the three classes of portable electric tool.

11. If a Class I tool is still in use, what steps would you take to check its safety?

12. How would you recognise a Class II tool or safety isolating transformer?

13. Why is the centre point of a safety isolating transformer secondary winding tapped
and connected to earth?

14. What is a typical company policy on the use of electric portable tools?

15. Why are the following types of equipment earthed:

(a) all electrical equipment

(b) some process equipment?

16. Why are the flanges of some pipework bonded?

17. How is equipment earthed? What is the maximum acceptable earth resistance,
and how is it checked?

18. How would you organise the inspection of earthing and bonding?

19. What special dangers do current transformers present?

20. When disconnecting a piece of apparatus containing a high-voltage capacitor,

what precaution would you take?

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21. Hazardous areas are divided into three Zones. Describe them briefly.

22. Describe the manner in which gas may become ignited from an electrical source.

23. Name, and briefly describe, how the methods ‘Ex-d’, ‘Ex-i’ and ‘Ex-p’ render
electrical equipments safe in a hazardous area.

24. What precautions would you take when opening up, and reclosing, flameproof
equipment for inspection or maintenance?

25. Why are local modifications to ex-protected equipment not allowed?

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(Figures in brackets after each answer refer to the relevant chapter and paragraph
in the text).

1. Standing Instructions Electrical. (1.1)

2. Hot Work permit; possibly a Preparation/Reinstatement permit; and an Electrical

Permit to Work. (1.4)

3. Only a Senior Authorised Person. (1.4)

4. - Ensuring that the apparatus is dead,

- Isolation,
- Earthing-down,
- Screening, CAUTION and DANGER notices,
- Arrangements for issue of Permit to Work,
- Accompanied Working,
- Switching. (1.5)

5. In switchrooms - for general use for preventing access.

On HV equipment - to prevent unauthorised interference with HV equipment.

On LV equipment - to prevent unauthorised interference with LV equipment.

For isolation - to prevent unauthorised interference with electrical

equipment which is not available for operational use and
which is under cover of an appropriate permit. (1.6)

6. Safety padlock. (1.6)

7. 15mA. (2.1)

8. (a) Standing on metal deck or near metal structure.

(b) Wet deck.
(c) Perspiration. (2.1)

9. (a) Switch off current (if possible without delaying).

(b) Pull victim away using dry material and standing on dry floor.
(c) Send someone to fetch medical assistance and notify the OIM or
(d) If victim is not breathing, start respiratory resuscitation at once.
(e) If victim’s heart has stopped, start cardiac massage. (2.2.1)

10. (a) Class I: operates direct from mains and has an earthed metal casing.

(b) Class II: operates either direct from mains or through a safety isolating
transformer and is not earthed. Class IIA is ‘all-insulated’; all
metallic parts are enclosed in an insulated covering. Class IIB is
‘double-insulated’ or has reinforced insulation.

(c) Class Ill: similar to Class II but must use a safety isolating transformer and
operates at 42V rms or less. (3.1)

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11. Check the state of the flex and replace if necessary. Check the continuity of the
earth connection between the tool casing and the platform or station earth.
Maximum value 0.1 ohm. (3.2)

12. By the symbol on the nameplate. (3.1)

13. To ensure that, if any part of the tool should become live from either secondary
terminal, the voltage to earth - and therefore the risk to the operator - is only half
the actual secondary voltage. Thus a transformer with 110V secondary has only
55V to earth, and a Class Ill tool operating at 42V has only 21V to earth. (3.5)

14. Most companies policy is to phase out Class Ill tools completely in favour of Class
II, and eventually to adopt Class when they become available. (3.6)

15. (a) The casing of any electrical equipment can become live, and therefore a
danger to personnel, due to a fault developing inside the casing. Earthing
the case prevents it from becoming live and discharges the resulting fault
current direct to earth. (4.2)

(b) Vessels and pipework of process plant can become electrostatically charged
by movement of the fluids within them, resulting in the risk of a spark
discharge and ignition of any gas present outside. Earthing the vessel
prevents the build-up of such charges. (4.4)

16. The mechanism described in Answer 15(b) can also build up charges on

adjoining, but otherwise insulated, pipes, and there could be a spark discharge
between adjacent flanges. (4.4)

17. By using an ‘earth strap’ of strip or wire of sufficient section to carry the earth-fault
current for a limited time and which has a resistance of not more than 0.1 ohm
between the equipment and the platform or station earth. The ohmic value of the
earth strap is checked by use of a continuity tester. (4.3)

18. All earth straps of electrical and process equipments throughout an offshore or
onshore installation should be listed in a register. Systematically they should
each be visually inspected for physical damage and measured for continuity
resistance. The results should be logged. (4.5)

19. If the secondary circuit of a current transformer is opened while the primary is
carrying current, a possibly lethal voltage could appear at the point of break. (5.5)

20. A short-circuit should be applied to the capacitor terminals and left in place until
work is finished. (5.6)

21. Zone 0: An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is continuously present, or

present for long periods.

Zone 1: An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is likely to occur in normal


Zone 2: An area in which an explosive gas/air mixture is not likely to occur in

normal operation, and, if it does occur, it will exist only for a short time.

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22. Gas can become ignited by:

(a) Electrostatic spark discharge between charged bodies or between a charged

body and earth.
(b) Arcing between the enclosure of a faulty piece of electrical equipment and

(c) Arcing between switching contacts of electrical equipment (switch, contactor

or relay).

(d) An internal arcing fault in a piece of electrical equipment.

(e) ‘Hot spots’ due to local overheating. (6.2)

23. Ex-d is otherwise known as ‘flameproof’. It is an enclosure designed to withstand

a limited internal explosion and not to propagate the explosion products through
joints or seals so as to ignite an explosive gas/air mixture outside the enclosure.

Ex-i is known as ‘intrinsically safe’. A circuit is intrinsically safe when the energy
stored in it is insufficient to produce a spark or thermal effect which can cause
ignition of a given gas/air explosive mixture. An intrinsically safe apparatus may
contain only intrinsically safe circuits.

Ex-p is ‘pressurised’. Such equipments maintain a small internal overpressure (of

the order of 0.5 mbar minimum) which prevents the entry of a gas/air explosive
mixture or flammable substance.

24. (a) Before any flameproof equipment is opened up the area must be certified

(b) Once open, loose parts such as covers must be carefully handled to avoid
damage or distortion.
(c) Make sure that equipment is reassembled exactly as it was to the smallest

(d) Before reclosing, ensure that all mating surfaces are absolutely clean.

(e) Ensure that all cover bolts are in place, and that all are tightened down. (6.8)

25. Any change made to a BASEEFA-certificated equipment invalidates the

certificate. It may also leave the equipment in an unsafe condition. All
modifications must be official and in most cases require a new certificate. (6.11)

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Standing Instructions Electrical

Shell UK Expro

*CEE Publication 20, Parts I & II (2nd Edition, 1976)

‘Hand-held Motor-operated Tools’

BS 2769:1964 and Amendments to 1981

‘Portable Electric Motor-operated Tools’
British Standards Institution
CEE Publication 15 (2nd Edition, 1964)
‘Safety Isolating Transformers’

B53535: 1962
‘Safety Isolating Transformers’
British Standards Institution

BS Code of Practice CP1O13: 1965

British Standards Institution

BS 5345:
Part 1:1976 - Selection, Installation and Maintenance
of Electrical Apparatus for use in
Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Part 3:1979 - Installation ... of Type of Protection ‘d ’

(Flameproof Enclosures)

Part 4:1977 - Installation.., of Type of Protection ‘i ’

(Intrinsically Safe Apparatus and System)

Part 6:1978 - Installation ... of Type of Protection ‘e ’

(Increased Safety)

Part 7:1979 - Installation ... of Type of Protection ‘n ’


Part 8:1980 - Installation ... of Type of Protection ‘s ’


Handbuch fur Explosionsschutz (2nd Edition, 1983)

(Explosion Protection Manual)
Brown Boveri & Cie A/G

*CEE stands for ‘Commission Internationale de Réglementation en vue de l’Approbation de l’Equipement Eiectrique’.


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