EN 101 EN 102 EN 103 EN 103(P) EN 104 EN 104(P) EN 105 EN 106 EN 107 EN 108 EN 109(P) EN 110A(P) EN 110B(P)
Engineering Mathematics - I Engineering Mathematics - II Engineering Physics Physics lab Engineering Chemistry Chemistry lab Engineering Mechanics Basics of Civil & Mechanical Engg. Basics of Electrical & Electronics Engg. Engineering Graphics Programming in C Mechanical workshop Electrical and Civil workshops Total
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 1 15
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5
1 1 3 1 2 2 10
30 30 30 50 30 50 30 30 30 30 50 50 50
70 70 70 50 70 50 70 70 70 70 50 50 50
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 3 1 3 1 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 38
3rd Semester
Hours/Week Code Subject L T P/D Marks inter Sem nl End Semester End durationhours
EN09 301 EN09 302 PT09 303 PT 09 304 PT 09 305 PT 09 306 PT 09 307(P) PT 09 308(P)
Engineering Mathematics - III Humanities and Communication Skills Graphic reproduction and Colour separation Mechanics of Solids Electrical Machines and Measurements Thermal Engineering Machine Drawing Basic Electrical and Electronics Engg. Lab Total
3 2 4 3 3 3 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
3 3 6
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50
70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 28
Calicut University-2009
4th Semester
Hours/Week Code Subject L T P/D Marks inter Sem nal End Semester End durationhours
EN09 401 A EN09 402 PT 09 403 PT 09 404 PT 09 405 PT 09 406 PT 09 407(P) PT 09 408(P)
Engineering Mathematics - IV Environmental science Offset machinery- I Theory of Mechanism Electronic circuits Paper & Ink Printing Machines lab- I Quality control lab Total
3 2 4 3 3 3 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
3 3 6
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50
70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 3 5 4 4 4 2 2 28
5th Semester
Hours/Week Code Subject L T P/D Marks inter Sem nal End Semester End durationhours
PT09 501 PT09 502 PT09 503 PT09 504 PT09 505 PT09 506 PT09 507(P) PT09 508(P)
Offset machinery - II Digital printing Engineering Economics & Principles of Management Design &Planning for Media production Microprocessor & Micro controllers Printing measurements & control instruments Printing Machine Lab-II DTP Lab Total
4 3 3 3 3 2 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
3 3 6
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50
70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 4 4 4 4 3 2 2 28
Calicut University-2009
6th Semester
Hours/Week Code Subject L T P/D Marks inter Sem nal End Semester End durationhours
PT09 601 PT09 602 PT09 603 PT09 604 PT09 605 PT09 Lxx PT09 607(P) PT09 608(P)
Flexogaphy Instrumentation & Control Design of Machine Elements Print finishing & converting Screen printing & Gravure Elective -I Print finishing Lab Screen printing & flexo lab Total
4 3 3 3 2 3 18
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
3 3 6
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50
70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
5 4 4 4 3 4 2 2 28
Electives 1
PT09 L01 Digital pre-press PT09 L02 Computer Graphics PT09 L03 Mechanics of printing PT 09 L04 Production and operation management PT 09 L05 Management Information System
7th Semester
Calicut University-2009
PT09 701 PT09 702 PT09 703 PT09 704 PT09 Lxx PT09 Lxx PT09 707(P) PT09 708(P) PT09 709(P)
Packaging Technology Electrical Drives and Control Tone and Color Analysis Printing Machinery and Maintenance Elective -II Elective -III Tone and Color Analysis Lab Packaging Technology Lab Project Total
4 3 2 2 3 3 17
1 1 1 1 1 1 6
3 3 1 7
30 30 30 30 30 30 50 50 100
70 70 70 70 70 70 50 50 -
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 -
5 4 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 28
Code Subject
Hours/Week L T P/D Marks inter Sem nl End Semester End durationhours credits
PT09 801 PT09 802 PT09 Lxx PT09 Lxx PT09 805(P) PT09 806(P) PT09 807(P)
Print Management Costing & Estimating Quality Control in Printing Elective -IV
4 2 3
1 1 1
3 11 14
30 30 30 30 100 100 -
70 70 70 70 100
3 3 3 3 -
5 3 4 4 2 7 3 28
Elective - V 3 1 Seminar Project Viva Voice Total 12 4 Electives for 7th and 8th Semesters 1. PT09 L06 Operation Research 2. PT09 L07 Total Quality management (TQM) 3. PT09 L08 Book publishing 4. PT09 L09 Entrepreneurship Management 5. PT09 L10 Multimedia 6. PT09 L11 Enterprise Resource Planning. 7. PT09 L12 Publishing Science 8. PT09 L13 Continuous stationary &Security printing 9. PT09 L14 Industrial psychology 10. PT 09 L15 Advertising Management 11. PT 09 L16 Marketing Management 12. PT 09 L17 Image processing 13. PT 09 L18 Supply Chain Management 14. PT 09 L19 Scanners & systems
Calicut University-2009 15. PT 09 L20 Human Resource Management 16. PT 09 L21 Print plant Layout and Facility Design. 17. PT 09 L22 E- Publishing 18. PT09 L23 News paper and Periodical Publishing 19. PT09 L24 Digital Photography 20. PT09 L25 Packaging Science Global Electives 1. ME09 L22 Quality Engineering and management 2. ME09 L23 Industrial Safety Engineering. 3. ME09 L24 Energy Engineering and Management 4. EE09 L23 Process Control & Instrumentation 5. EE09 L24 Mechatronics 6. EE09 L25 Robotics & Automation 7. EC09 L24 Electronic Packaging. 8. CH09 L24 Industrial Pollution Control 9. AN09 L24 Project Management.
10. AN09 L25 Research Methodology.
Objective This course provides a quick overview of the concepts and results in complex analysis that may be useful in engineering. Also it gives an introduction to linear algebra and Fourier transform which are wealths of ideas and results with wide area of application. Module I: Functions of a Complex Variable (13 hours) Functions of a Complex Variable Limit Continuity Derivative of a Complex function Analytic functions Cauchy-Riemann Equations Laplace equation Harmonic Functions Conformal Mapping Examples: Zn, sinz, cosz, sinhz, coshz, (z+1/Z ) Mobius Transformation. Module II: Functions of a Complex Variable (14 hours) Definition of Line integral in the complex plane Cauchys integral theorem (Proof of existence of indefinite integral to be omitted) Independence of path Cauchys integral formula Derivatives of analytic functions (Proof not required) Taylor series Laurent series Singularities and Zeros Residues Residue Integration method Residues and Residue theorem Evaluation of real integrals. Module III: Linear Algebra (13 hours) - Proofs not required Vector spaces Definition, Examples Subspaces Linear Span Linear Independence Linear Dependence Basis Dimension Ordered Basis Coordinate Vectors Transition Matrix Orthogonal and Orthonormal Sets Orthogonal and Orthonormal Basis Gram-Schmidt orthogonolisation process Inner product spaces Examples.
Calicut University-2009
Module IV: Fourier Transforms (14 hours) Fourier Integral theorem (Proof not required) Fourier Sine and Cosine integral representations Fourier Transforms Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms Properties of Fourier Transforms. Text Books Module I: Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Sections: 12.3, 12.4, 12.5, 12.6, 12.7, 12.9 Module II: Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Sections: 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, 13.4, 14.4, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.4 Module III: Bernaed Kolman, David R Hill, Introductory Linear Algebra, An Applied First Course, Pearson Education. Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, 6.7, 6.8, Appendix.B.1 Module IV: Wylie C.R and L.C. Barrett, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, McGraw Hill. Sections: 9.1, 9.3, 9.5
Reference books 1. H S Kasana, Complex Variables, Theory and Applications, 2e, Prentice Hall of India. 2. John M Howie, Complex Analysis, Springer International Edition. 3. Shahnaz bathul, Text book of Engineering Mathematics, Special functions and Complex Variables,
Prentice Hall of India. 4. Gerald Dennis Mahan, Applied mathematics, Springer International Edition. 5. David Towers, Guide to Linear Algebra, MacMillan Mathematical Guides. 6. Howard Anton, Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra, Applications Version, 9e, John Wiley and Sons. 7. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson Education. 8. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books India. 9. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill. 10. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press. 11. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India. Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 12. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes. 13. M -Chandra(minimumVargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine 60% Tests Mohan, 2) Technical Publishers. 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, University Examination Pattern 14. N Bali, M Goyal, C Watkins, term-project, software exercises, etc. A Computer Approach, 7e, literature survey, seminar, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Infinity Fire Wall Media. 10% - A: Science Press, questions (one/two sentences) PART Regularity in the class Short answer 5 x 2 marks=10 marks 15. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II., Ane Books India. All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one 16. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India. question from each module and not more than two questions 17. Lary C Andrews, module. K Shivamoggi, Integral Transforms for Engineers, Prentice Hall of Bhimsen from any PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Internal Continuous Assessment answer four questions out of six. There (Maximum Marks-30) Candidates have to should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART & Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks SchemeC: Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Calicut University-2009
60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Credits: 3
To identify the most critical issues that confr onted particular periods and locations in history To identify stages in the development of science and technology To understand the purpose and process of communication To produce documents reflecting different types of communication such as technical descriptions, proposals ,and reports To develop a positive attitude and self-confidence in the workplace and To develop appropriate social and business ethics. To develop appropriate social and business ethics.
Module I (8 hours) Humanities, Science and Technology: Importance of humanities to technology, education and societyImpact of science and technology on the development of modern civilization. Contributions of ancient civilization: Chinese, Indian, Egyptian and Greek. Cultural, Industrial, Transportation and Communication revolutions. Advances in modern India: Achievements in information, communication and space technologies. Module II (9 hours) Concept of communication: The speaker/writer and the listener/reader, medium of communication, barriers to communication, accuracy, brevity, clarity and appropriateness
Calicut University-2009
Reading comprehension: Reading at various speeds, different kinds of text for different purposes, reading between lines. Listening comprehension: Comprehending material delivered at fast speed and spoken material, intelligent listening in interviews Speaking: Achieving desired clarity and fluency, manipulating paralinguistic features of speaking, task oriented, interpersonal, informal and semi formal speaking, making a short classroom presentation. Group discussion: Use of persuasive strategies, being polite and firm, handling questions and taking in criticisms on self, turn-taking strategies and effective intervention, use of body language. Module III (10 hours) Written Communication : Note making and taking, summarizing, notes and memos, developing notes into text, organization of ideas, cohesion and coherence, paragraph writing, ordering information in space and time, description and argument, comparison and contrast, narrating events chronologically. Writing a rough draft, editing, proof reading, final draft and styling text. Technical report writing: Synopsis writing, formats for reports. Introductory report, Progress report, Incident report, Feasibility report, Marketing report, Field report and Laboratory test report Project report: Reference work, General objective, specific objective, introduction, body, illustrations using graphs, tables, charts, diagrams and flow charts. Conclusion and references Preparation of leaflets, brochure and C.V.
Module IV (9 hours) Human relations and Professional ethics: Art of dealing with people, empathy and sympathy, hearing and listening. Tension and stress, Methods to handle stress Responsibilities and rights of engineers- collegiality and loyalty Respect for authority Confidentiality conflicts of interest Professional rights, Rights of information, Social responsibility Senses of ethics variety of moral issues Moral dilemma Moral autonomy Attributes of an ethical personality right action self interest Reference Books
1. Meenakshi Raman and Sangeeta Sharma, Technical Communication- Principles and Practice
Oxford University press, 2006 Jayashree Suresh and B S Raghavan, Professional Ethics, S Chand and Company Ltd, 2005 Subrayappa, History of Science in India, National Academy of Science, India R C Bhatia, Business Communication, Ane Books Pvt. Ltd, 2009 Sunita Mishra and C Muralikrishna, Communicatin Skils for Engineers, Pearson Education, 2007. Jovan van Emden and Lucinda Becker, Effective Communication for Arts and Humanities Students, Palgrave macmillam, 2009 7. W C Dampier, History of Science, Cambridge University Press 8. Vesilind, Engineering, Ethics and the Environment, Cambridge University Press 9. Larson E, History of Inventions, Thompson Press India Ltd. 10. Bernal J.D, Science in History, Penguin Books Ltd 11. Encyclopedia Britannica, History of Science, History of Technology 12. Brownoski J, Science and Human Values, Harper and Row
2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70 Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
Module III (18hours) Color & color theory Additive & subtractive -Terms to describe color, - color separation technique Direct & indirect method GATF color triangles & color circle their use modern color spaces -color matching color original - color originals, selection and their characteristics method of color measurement color Gamut.Prepress color proofing- DDCP- inkjet-thermal wax chromalin proofing- factors in proofing- substrate- color of ink- solid ink density- trapping tone reproductionproofing methods- soft proof- digital proof- photomechanical proof- press proof- other proofing methods. Module IV (30 hours) Planographic plates: Introduction. Light sensitive coating-dichromate colloids, diazo compounds, photopolymers, diffusion and transfer methods, electrostatic. Sensitivity of coating to light. Dyesensitized photo polymerization, dark reaction, post exposure, safe lights, reciprocity law. Action of light sources on coatings, stabilities of coatings. Plate materials-zinc, aluminum, brass, copper, steel, chromium. Action of oil and water on metal contact angle. Ability to withstand cracking. Susceptibility to dot sharpening. The plate base- cross section of an aluminum plate, cross section of a plastic plate. Graining of plates mechanical graining, electrochemical graining, Anodized aluminum, plate washes. Paper plates, paper aluminum laminates, plastic plates. Light sources for plate makingspectral data for various light sources, metal halide, mercury lamps, pulsed-xenon, laser. Treatment of non-image areas- densitizing gum, chemistry of gum Arabic, other natural & synthetic gum. General processing sequence for a negative working plate. General processing sequence for a positive working plate. Negative working plate- additive presensitized plates, subtractive diazo PS plates, photopolymer presensitized plates, aqueous developable plates, driographic plates, multimetal plates. Producing a multimetal plate. Types- bimetallic, trimetallic. Projection- speed negative plates. Positive working lithographic plates- presensitized plates, Baking of Positive plates photo direct plates-. Screen less lithography, laser exposed plates, deep etch plates and their purposes. Waterless plate. References: 1. Eric Chambers, reproduction photography for lithography, GATF. 2. J.W.Burden, Graphic, Reproduction photography, Focal Press, London 3. Hand book of Modern halftone photography, perfect graphic arts, USA 4. Jack Eggleston, Sensitometry for photographers, focal Press, London 5. Woddiff Thomas , J R.SPSE handbook of photographic science and engineering, John Wiley & Son 6. J.Michael ADAMS, David D Faux, Lloyd, J.Reiber, Printing Technology, 3E, Delma Publishing 7. PIRA, guide standardized lithographic colour printing 8. Mills southworth, colour separation technique, Graphical arts publishing 9. R.W.G. Hunt, reproduction of colour, Fountain Press 10.Principles of cold Reproduction applied to photomechanical reproduction, colour photography and the ink, paper and other related industries, John Wiley & Sons U.K. 11. Graphic Repro, Eaglehead Publishing Ltd. U.K. 12. Dr. R.K. Molla, Electronic colour separation, R.K. printing & Publishing company,USA. Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Theory of simple bending-limitations- bending stresses in beams of different cross sections-moment of resistance- beams of uniform strength- beams of two materials-principal stresses in bending-strain energy due to bending- shearing stresses in bending 5.Unsymmetrical bending (2 hours) Shear flow shear centre- determination of shear centre for simple sections Module III (13 hours) 6.Deflection of beams (13 hours) Differential equation of the elastic curve-Slope and deflection of beams by method of successive integration Macaulays method moment area method conjugate beam method deflection due to shear. Module IV (13 hours) 7.Theory of columns (5 hours) Axial loading of short strut-long columns-Eulers formula Rankine formula -Secant formulaeccentric loading-direct bending stresses 8.Torsion (5 hours) Torsion of circular solid and hollow shafts power transmission-strain energy in shear and torsion close coiled and open coiled helical springs. 9.Thin and thick cylinders (3 hours) Lames equation stresses in thick cylinders due to internal and external pressures compound cylinders-shrink fit-wire wound pipes and cylinders
Reference books 1. Timeshenko & Young, Elements of Strength of Materials, Affilliated East West Press 2. Popov E.P, Mechanics of Materials, Prentice Hall India 3. Hearn E.J, Mechanics of Materials, Pergamon Press, Oxford University Press 4. Warnok F.V, Strength of Materials, Schaums Outline Series, McGraw Hill 5. Wang C.K, Statically Indeterminate Structures, McGraw Hill
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module I: DC Machine (12 hours) Types of DC machines-DC generators- open circuit and load characteristics of different types DC generators. DC motors-principles of operation-types-torque equations-characteristics-starters-losses and efficiency. Module II: AC machines- Transformers (10 hours) Principles of operation-emf equations-phasor diagram-equivalent circuit-OC and SC tests- basic principles of auto transformer and three phase transformer. Module III: AC Machines- Rotating machines (17 hours) Synchronous motor-Construction details-Principal of operation-starting method-losses and efficiency of synchronous motors-torque equations-V curve-invert V curve- Application. Induction motors-vector diagram and equivalent circuits- starting and speed control of squirrel cage wound rotor induction motors, no load test and blocked rotor test, torque equation, torque-speed characteristics, performance characteristics. Module IV: Electrical measurements (15 hours) Principles of indicating instruments-moving coil, moving iron and dynamometer type instrumentsExtension of range of voltmeter and ammeter- measurement of 3 phase power by two wattmeter method-DC slidewire- potentional meter-wheat stone bridge Kelvins double bridge schering bridge-Maxwells bridge principles of energy meter. Text books Hughes E.,Electrical Technology, ELBS A K Theraja & B L Theraja, Electrical Technology ,
Calicut University-2009
Reference books: 1. Cotton H., Electrical Technology, Pitman 2. Golding, Electrical measurements and measuring instruments, ELBS Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class University Examination Pattern Short answer questions (one/two sentences) PART A: All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: To study the thermal behaviour of various systems, and to understand a basic engineering in detail Module I (14 hours) Thermodynamic systems thermodynamic properties and processes-heat and work equations of state properties of ideal gases- properties pure substances PVT, PT, TS, PV diagrams- Zeroth law of thermodynamics- First law of thermodynamics- application of first law to various thermodynamics processes in open and closed systems-internal energy and enthalpy- steady flow energy equationsintroduction to second law-entropy-available energy and unavailable energy Module II (13 hours) Engineering application of thermodynamics-air cycles-principles of operations of IC engines- two strokes-four strokes- SI and CI engines- air cycle refrigeration-gas turbine cycles- open and closed cycle-regeneration and intercooling vapour power cycle mollier diagrams-Rankine cycle-vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
Calicut University-2009
Module III (13 hours) Conventional and non-conventional energy sources- thermal power plants steam power plant layoutstudy of various systems- steam generators-high pressure boilers-steam power plant accessories-IC engines and gas turbine power plants- study of various systems and accessories-hydel plants-layout and classification- components and their functions. Module IV (14 hours) Steam turbine-impulse and reaction turbine compounding- velocity diagrams-reheat factor various efficiencies- turbine characteristic governing- operations and maintenance reciprocating and rotary compressors Text books 1. Prakash.R and Gupta, Engineering Thermodynamics, Nem Chand 2. Morse.F.T., Power plant engineering affiliated East West. Reference books 1. Saad.M.A., Thermodynamics for Engineers, Prentice Hall of India 2. Spalding. D.B & Cole E.H, Engineering Thermodynamics, ELBS 3. Doolittle J.S. & Hale F.J., Thermodynamics for Engineers, John Wiley 4. Skrotsky B & Vopat, Power station Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill 5. Holman J.P., Heat transfer, McGraw Hill.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
1. 2. 3. 4.
Familiarization with screwed fastenings Familiarization with Foundation bolts Drawing Exercise of Welded joints Drawing Exercise of Joints & couplings
Calicut University-2009 5. Familiarization with Pulleys & Keys 6. Gears:- Terminology , Types 7. Bearings:- Journal 8. Lathe Parts: - Tail Stock, Tool Post, and Carriage. 9. Stop valves 10. Elements of Production Drawing. 11. Surface, Texture, Limit, Fix, Tolerance. 12. Drawings of Operation process charts in Presses. 13. Simple exercises using (Auto CAD) 14. Line Drawing exercise of following Printing machines
a. Stitching machine. b. Cutting machine. c. Feed board with grippers. d. Roll Stand &Brake Assembly of web offset machine.
60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class
Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
Calicut University-2009 3. Half wave rectifier & Full wave rectifiers with C, LC & CRC filters.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Zener diode regulator with emitter follower output-regulation curves CB configuration & CE configuration- determination of h parameters UJT characteristics & the relaxation oscillator First and second order LPF/HPF/BPF with R and C for a given cutt-off frequency Verification of Kirchhoffs Law in DC circuit. 9. Verification of super position theorem in DC circuit 10. 3 Power measurement using one wattmeter & two wattmeters 11. Load test on D.C shunt & series motor 12. Plot the following characteristics a) Output Vs efficiency b) Output Vs line current c) Output Vs Speed d) Speed Vs torque e) Line current Vs torque 13. Load test on 3 squirrel cage & slip ring induction motors a) Conduct the break test on both types of machines b) Obtain & plot the various performance characteristics c) Find the KVAR required improving the power factor to 0.95 at various loads & finding the relation. 14. No load & blocked rotor test on a 3 squirrel cage induction motors & slip ring induction motor. a) Conduct no load & blocked rotor tests on both type of machines b) Determine the equivalent circuit parameters & draw the equivalent circuit. c) Draw the circuit diagram & there from pre-determine the performance chara
Internal Continuous Assessment mark (Maximum mark 50) 60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
Calicut University-2009
Objective The use of probability models and statistical methods for analyzing data has become common practice in virtually all scientific disciplines. Two modules of this course attempt to provide a comprehensive introduction to those models and methods most likely to be encountered and used by students in their careers in engineering. A broad introduction to some important partial differential equations is also included to make the student get acquainted with the basics of PDE. Module I: Probability Distributions (13 hours) Random variables Mean and Variance of probability distributions Binomial Distribution Poisson Distribution Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution Hyper Geometric Distribution Geometric Distribution Probability densities Normal Distribution Uniform Distribution Gamma Distribution. Module II: Theory of Inference (14 hours) Population and Samples Sampling Distribution Sampling distribution of Mean ( known) Sampling distribution of Mean ( unknown) Sampling distribution of Variance Interval Estimation Confidence interval for Mean Null Hypothesis and Tests of Hypotheses Hypotheses concerning one mean Hypotheses concerning two means Estimation of Variances Hypotheses concerning Text Books one variance Hypotheses concerning two variances Test of Goodness of fit. Module I: Module III: Series Solutions of Differential Equations (14 hours) and statistics for Engineers, 7e, Richard A Johnson, CB Gupta, Miller and Freunds Probability Power series method for solving ordinary differential equations 5.5, 5.7 Pearson Education- Sections: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.1, 5.2, Legendres equation Legendre polynomials Rodrigues formula Generating functions Relation between Legendre polynomials Orthogonality property of Legendre polynomials (Proof not required) Frobenius method for solving Module II: ordinary differential equations Besselsand Freunds Bessel functions statistics for Engineers, 7e, Richard A Johnson, CB Gupta, Miller equation Probability and Generating functions Relation between Bessel functions Orthogonality7.2, 7.4, 7.5, Bessel functions (Proof not required). Pearson Education- Sections: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4, property of 7.8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 9.5 Module III: Erwin Kreysig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.Module IV: Partial Differential Equations (13 hours) Sections: 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 Introduction Formation of PDE Complete Solution Equations solvable by direct integration Linear PDEIV:First order, Legranges Equation: Pp + Qq = R Non-Linear PDE of First Order, F(p,q) Module of =0 NClairauts Form: z C px + qv +Advanced Engineering 1Mathematics, A Computer Approach, 7e, , Bali, M Goyal, = Watkins, F(p,q) , F(z,p,q) =0 , F (x,q) = F2(y,q) Classification of Linear PDEs Derivation of one dimensional wave equation and one 16.3, 16.4, 16.5, 16.6, 16.7, Solution Infinity Science Press, Fire Wall Media- Sections: 16.1, 16.2, dimensional heat equation 16.8, 16.9 of Erwin Kreysig, Advancedmethod of separation of variablesWileyDAlemberts solution of one these equation by the Engineering Mathematics, 8e, John and Sons, Inc. dimensional wave 11.3, 11.4, 9.8 Ex.3, 11.5 Sections: 11.2, equation. Reference books 18. William Hines, Douglas Montgomery, avid Goldman, Connie Borror, Probability and Statistics in Engineering, 4e, John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 19. Sheldon M Ross, Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, 3e, Elsevier, Academic Press. 20. Anthony Croft, Robert Davison, Martin Hargreaves, Engineering Mathematics, 3e, Pearson Education. 21. H Parthasarathy, Engineering Mathematics, A Project & Problem based approach, Ane Books India. 22. B V Ramana, Higher Engineering Mathematics, McGrawHill. 23. Sarveswara Rao Koneru, Engineering Mathematics, Universities Press. 24. J K Sharma, Business Mathematics, Theory and Applications, Ane Books India. 25. John bird, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Elsevier, Newnes. 26. M Chandra Mohan, Vargheese Philip, Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II, III & IV., Sanguine Technical Publishers. 20 27. Wylie C.R and L.C. Barret, Advanced Engineering Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology Mathematics, McGraw Hill. 28. V R Lakshmy Gorty, Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I, II., Ane Books India. 29. Sastry S.S., Advanced Engineering Mathematics-Vol. I and II., Prentice Hall of India.
Calicut University-2009
Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Credits: 3
To understand the problems of pollution, loss of forest, solid waste disposal, degradation of environment, loss of biodiversity and other environmental issues and create awareness among the students to address these issues and conserve the environment in a better way.
Module I (8 hours) The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental science, Definition-scope and importance-need for public awareness. Natural resources, Renewable and non-renewable resources: Natural resources and associated problems-forest resources: Use and over exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their defects on forests and tribal people.water resources: Use and over utilization of surface and ground water, floods ,drought ,conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.- Mineral resources: Use and exploitation,environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources, case studies.- Food resources: World food problems, changes
Calicut University-2009
caused by agriculture over grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging,salinity,case studies.-Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy resources, use of alternate energy resources, Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced land slides, soil erosion and desertification. Module II (8 hours) Ecosystems-Concept of an ecosystem-structure and function of an ecosystem producers, consumers, decomposers-energy flow in the ecosystem-Ecological succession- Food chains, food webs and Ecological pyramids-Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the following ecosystem-Forest ecosystem- Grassland ecosystem Desert ecosystem-Aquatic ecosystem(ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans , estuaries) Biodiversity and its consideration Introduction- Definition: genetic , species and ecosystem diversity-Biogeographical; classification of India value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social ethical , aesthetic and option values Biodiversity at Global, national , and local level-India at mega diversity nation- Hot spot of biodiversity-Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wild life, man , wild life conflicts Endangered and endemic species of India-Conservation of biodiversity : In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity. Module III (10 hours) Environmental pollution Definition-Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution-m Water pollution soil pollutionMarine pollution-Noise pollution-Thermal pollution-Nuclear hazards-Solid waste management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes-Role of an individual in prevention of pollution-pollution case studies-Disaster management: floods, earth quake, cyclone and landslides-Environmental impact assessment
Module IV (10 hours) Environment and sustainable development-Sustainable use of natural resources-Conversion of renewable energy resources into other forms-case studies-Problems related to energy and Energy auditing-Water conservation, rain water harvesting, water shed management-case studies-Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust-Waste land reclamation-Consumerism and waste products-Reduce, reuse and recycling of products-Value Text Books education. 1. Clark,R.S.Marine pollution,Clanderson Press Oxford. 2. Mhaskar A. K. Matter Hazrdous, Techno-science Publications. 3. Miller T. G. Jr., Environmental Science, Wadsworth Publishing Co. 4. Townsend C., Harper J, Michael Begon, Essential of Ecology, Blackwell Science 5. Trivedi R. K., Goel P. K., Introduction to Air Pollution, Techno-Science Publications.
Reference Books. 1. Raghavan Nambiar,K Text book of Environmental Studies,Nalpat Publishers Kochi 2. Bharucha Erach, Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publishing Pvt. Ltd., Ahmedabad 380 013, Email: [email protected] 3. Cunningham, W.P., Cooper, T.H., Gorhani, E & Hepworth, M.T. 2001Environmental encyclopedia Jaico publ. House Mumbai 1196p 4. Down to Earth, Centre for Science and Environment 5. Hawkins, R.E. Encyclopedia of Indian Natural History, Bombay Natural History Society, Bombay 6. Mckinney, M.L. & School, R.M. 1996. Environmental Science system & Solutions, Web 23 enhanced edition, 639p. Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology 7. Odum, E.P. 1971. Fundamentals of Ecology. W.B.Saunders Co. USA, 574p 8. Rao, M.N. & Datta, A.K 1987. Waste Water treatment. Oxford & IBH Publ. Co. Pvt. Ltd., 345p 9. Survey of the Environment, The Hindu Magazine
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as Report of field work, literature survey, seminar etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Note: Field work can be Visit to a local area to document environmental assetsriver/forest/grass land/mountain or Visit to local polluted site-
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Calicut University-2009
smash. Use of slightly damaged blanket. Care of blanket, blanket cleaning cylinder. Transfer cylinder. Delivery cylinder. device. Impression
Module IV (18 hours) Pre make ready, make ready, inspection of press sheets, control of press function during press run maintaining the inking system, maintaining the dampening system, operating the feeder, operating the delivery, Colour sequence in two colour and multicolour operations. Printability and urn ability. Wet on-wet printing. Wet on Dry printing. Perfecting presses. Direct imaging presses, Schematic drawings of modern presses. Quality control during the press run-Densitometry, colour control bars, press room lighting and standard viewing conditions, electronics in press room, remote control consoles, plate scanner, scanning densitometers, closed loop systems. Printing unit problems. Inking unit problems. Paper problems. Blanket troubles. Proof press-requirements and advantages, progressive proof. Waterless printing. Advantages and disadvantages, printing technique. Types of wireless plates. Method of making waterless plates. Reference: 1. Manual for Lithographic Press Operation- A S Porter 2. Lithographic Technology Edwin A Dennis, Olusegan Odesina 3. Introduction to Printing Technology-Hugh M Speirs 4. Sheetfed Press Opertaion-GATF 5. Offset Technology-C S. Mishra. 6. Modern Lithography Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Objectives: Provide the necessary foundation and establish the theory, analysis, design, and practice of mechanism and kinematics & dynamics of machine. Module I (14 hours) Mechanism and machine. Kinematic pair. Chain and inversions. Constrained and unconstrained motion. Four bar mechanism. Single and double slider crank mechanism with inversions, quick return mechanism. Toggle mechanism, oldhams couping, Hookes joint. Types of cams. Types of followers. Cam profiles. Graphical methods for simple harmonic motion. Uniform velocity and cycloidal motion. Radical and oscillating follower. Calculation of maximum velocity and acceleration of follower. Module II (14 hours) Gear classifications. Law of gearing. Spur gear definitions. Involute tooth profile and involuntometry. Determination of length of path of contact. Arc of contact. Contact ratio. Interference in involute gear. Minimum number of teeth on pinion to avoid interference. Parallel and crossed helical gear. Simple compound reverted. Epicyclic gear train. Solution by tabular column method only. Torque transmitted by epicylic gear train. Bevel epicylic gear train. Differential gear drive of an automobile. Module III (13 hours) Static and dynamic balancing. Balancing of revolving masses in single plane and different planes (Graphical method).Action of belt on pulleys. Open and crossed belt drives. Velocity ratio. Slip belt thickness. Length of belts. Ratio of friction tensions. Maximum power transmitted by belt. Module IV (13 hours) Definitions. Types of vibration. Natural vibration. Un-damped and damped (Viscous damping only).Logarithmic decrement. Forced damped vibrations. Vibration isolation and transmissibility. Reference: 1. Ballany P.L.- Theory of machines 2. S.S. Rattan.- Theory of machines 3. Hamilton H. Mabie and Oevirk.- Mechanisms and dynamics of machines 4. Jagadishlal.- Theory of machines 5. Dr. J.S. Rao & Dukkipati.- Theory of machines and mechanisms 6. V.P. Singh.- Theory of machines. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
Calicut University-2009
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Feedback-Effect of feedback on amplifier performance voltage shunt-voltage series-Current series and Current Shunt feedback configurations-Positive feedback and Oscillators Analysis of RC phase shift, Wein bridge, Copitts, Hartley and Crystal oscillators- Stabilization Module IV (14 hours) Power amplifiers-Class A, AB, D & S power amplifiers Harmonic distortation-Efficiency Wide band amplifiers-Broad banding techniques-Low frequency and high frequency compensation-CAS code amplifier Broad banding using inductive loads. Reference book 1. Millman & Halkias, Integrated Electronics, McGraw Hill 2. Sedra A.S & Smith K.C, Microelectronic Circuits, Oxford University Press 3. Boylesand & Nashelsky L, Electronics Devices & Circuit Theory ,Prentice Hall of India 4. Hay W.H.,Electonic Analysis & Design ,Jaico Pub. 5. Borgrat T.F.,Electronic Devices & Circuits, McGraw Hill 6. Horenstein M. N., Microelectronic Circuits & Devices, Prentice Hall of India 7. Schilling D.L & Belove C, Electronic Circuits, McGraw Hill 8. Baker R.J, Li H.W & Boyce D.E, CMOS-Circuit Design, Layout & Simulation, Prentice of India Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Objectives: This paper gives a basic knowledge about the characteristics and importance of printing Paper and Printing ink. Module I (13 hours) Raw materials and processing-sources and kinds of cellulose fibres, thermo mechanical, mechanical and chemical pulping, bleaching, beating, refining, non-fibres additives,paper making machinesdifferent sections, finishing operations, coating, board making-furnish, manufacture and finishing.main classes of paper and board sizes, paper requirements for different printing process, paper handling. Paper properties runnability and printability-structural: formation, 2 sidedness, grain direction- physical: GSM, caliper,bulk, porosity, smoothness, dimensional stability, curves, moisture content and rh-optical: glosses, brightness, colour, opacity-chemical:pH, ash content, tensile, burse, tear internal bonding, fold endurance, stiffness, pick resistance. Module II (14 hours) Recycled paper-Introduction recycling process, fibre preparation- screening, centrifugal cleaning, flotation, washing, deinking plant functions, continuous drum pulper, pre-screening and cleaning, primary flotation, cleaning, fine screening, thickening, disperging, brightness control, post flotation, light weight cleaning, washing, thickening and storage. Deinking chemistry. Bleachers-Hydrogen peroxide, oxygen and ozone bleaching, reductive bleaching agents, chelatining agents, sodium silicate, catalyse enzymes, agglomerating chemicals, surfactants. Biodegradation of surfactants, dispersants and the principles of washing, deinking, displectors. Module III (14 hours) Printing inks-raw materials-colorants: pigment classifications, preparations and properties-Inorganic: white and coloured, carbon black, metallic, ultramine and fluorescent-Organic: Diarylide yellow, hansa yellow, rodamine, lithol, rubine toner, phalocyanine blue and green and alkali blue, benzidine orange, toluidine red and lake red C-Dyestuffs: classification, preparation and properties and uses, acid, basics, solvents and disperse dyes. Oils: classification, preparation and properties and uses of drying semi drying And non-drying oils-resins: natural: rosin and its derivatives,gum Arabic, synthetic resins: epoxy resins, acrylic resins and varnishes. Solvents: aliphatic and aromatic hydro carbon, alcohol, esters, glycols & keytones. Addictives- properties and applications Driers, vaxes, antioxigens, plasticizers, wetting agents, deforming agents and anti skinning agents. Module IV (13 hours) Paste inks: single roll mill, roll mill,triple roll mill, twin horizondal mixer, zarm stirrer- liquid inks: ball mill, bead mill, and attritor. Flow chart for ink manufacturing, weighting, mixing, grinding, testing and packing. Viscocity, tack, colour, gloss, rub resisitance, length, dry characteristics, and finess of grind. Special inks and drying mechanism: heat sets, quick sets, gloss,magnetic and water based inks, Radiation curable inks-IR, UV & EB, Raw materials to constitute the inks and the equipments used for drying. Different types of ink drying mechanism. Ink problems-related to major printing processescauses and remedies.
Calicut University-2009
References: 1. R.H. Leach, The Printing Ink Manual, fifthe edition, Chapman & Hall, London 2. Robert F Reed, What the Printer should know about inks, GATF 3. Clifwool, A Manual for Flexographic inks, Fishbum Printing ink co. Ltd 4. Fonald E Tood, Printing inks, Pira International, United Kingdom 5. Printing Materials Science and Technology- Bob Thomson, PIRA 6. Advances in Printing Sciences and Technology, Vol. 24-J.Anthony Bristow. 7. Handbook of printing and production-Michael Bernard, John Peacock. 8. Introduction in Printing Technology-Heigh. M. Speir. 9. W.H. Bureau, What the printer should know about the paper, GATF 10. J.P. Casey, Pulp and paper chemistry and chemical technology. 11. R.J. McGill, measurement and control in paper making, Adam Hilger Ltd. 12. D.Venkateswaralu, Paer for printing and packaging. SS Graphics Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
1. Familiarization of printing equipments and conventional methods of printing. 2. Preparation of imposition schemes for various jobs.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Film assembly for single color and multi color printing Preparing plate for single and multi color printing Setting the feeder board, lays, and delivery of sheet fed offset machine. Taking single color print from sheet fed offset machine Taking multi color print from sheet fed offset machine
Internal Continuous Assessment mark (Maximum mark 50) 60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment mark (Maximum mark 50) 60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
Calicut University-2009
flow. Types of dampening systems levy flap dampening systems, continuous flow dampening systems, brush dampening using flick blades, Clare brush dampening systems, gross brush dampening systems. Alcohol in fountain solution. Continuous flow dampening systems- inker feed systems; Dahlgreen dampening systems-Miehle-matic-roland-matic-Harris duotrol-Epic litho/dampener plate feed systems. Combination continuous flow systems. Critical metering nip.Reverse slips nip-Smith dampening systems. Spray-bar dampening systems. Module III (15 hours) Single- roll stand, multiple roll stand, dancer roller, Lug air shaft, continuous roll feeding devicesFlying Pasters-splicing sequence on flying paster. Zero speed splicer-splicing sequence on a zero speed paster. Preparing a splice. Splice template, infeed operation.Dryers-introduction, function, setting of quick set ink, setting of heat set ink. Types of dryers, removal of solvent-lader air from web, putting a controlled ripple in the web. Chill rolls-Introduction, function, types of roll system. The evolution of chill roll design, chill roll plumbing, Average web temperature after chilling, side-to-side temperature variation after chilling.Folders-Introduction,folding principles, parts of folder, combination folder, ribbon folder, double-former folder, the mechanics oh folding process of jaw fold, chopper fold mechanisms. Operation of collect cylinder, press folders, doubleformer prefolder, flow folders, insert folders. Module IV (25 hours) Inline finishing-Introduction, gluers, paster wheels, demonstrable pattern gluers, segmented gluers, envelope pattern gluers, backbone gluers.Patternperforating and numbering unitssheeters,variable rotary cutters, auxillary equipments- Remote control console ,plate scanners, scanning densitometer, close- loop system, web preconditioners, sheet cleaners ,ink agitators, water coded ink oscillators, fountain solution recirculation systems, fountain solution mixers ,refrigerating fountain solution ,automatic blanket washers, side lay sensors, web break defectors, liquid applicator systems, roller applicator systems, antistatic devices,Imprinters,Perfectors,cut off controls, stroboscope, synchroscope, counters Dentex laser counter, stobb counter.Web control factors, measuring tension, setting tensions a the press, paper behaviour a press. Image control- registration, register marks backup, colour register, relative print width, relative print lengths, and controlling fan out. Web control-side lay, box tilt, cut off, no slip cut off, web to web and ribbon to ribbon. Make ready-make readyinfeed, makeready printing units, makeready dryer and chill rolls make ready folder, running makeready.Press room safety. Reference: 1. Web offset press operating-David B.Crouse 2. Offset M/C II-C.S.Mishra 3. Manual for Lithography press operator- A.S .Porter. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences)
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: To develop awareness about various digital work flows and technologies in printing and also helps to create an idea about inkjet printing techniques. Module I (20 hours) Electrophotography, Ionography, Thermography, Electrography, Photography, X-graphy, Hybrid printing systems, CTF,-types, workflow, film materials. CTP- Designs, Plate substrates, workflow, imaging systems CTP for flexographic printing, Computer to cylinder for Gravure printing, Computer to Screen for Screen Printing. Module II (14hours) Computer to Press/Direct imaging: Direct imaging with removal of master for each job, Reimagable Master, Concepts of Re- imagable Master with material application/Ablation- re imagable printing plate systems without material application. Chemical material systems for generating reimagable surface. Module III (10 hours) Inkjet printing: Introduction and development of the inkjet process over years. Types of Inkjet Technology, Thermal bubble jet, Piezzo electric and dye sublimation Inside an Inkjet printer-Parts of a typical Inkjet Printer, Print head assembly, Print Head, Ink Cartridges, Ink Cartridge combinations, Separate black and color cartridges, color and black in a single cartridge for each ink color. The cartridges with print head itself. Print head stepper motor, Belt, Stabilizer bar, Paper feed assembly, Paper tray / feeder-rollers paper feed stepper motor, Power supply control circuitry interface port(s)The parallel port, USB port. Serial port (SCSI) port. Comparison of inkjet with other types of printers both non-impact and conventional. Application of Inkjet printing in various fields. Scope and development of Inkjet in various industries and ongoing trends. Module IV (10 Hours)
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Click OK to Print, Computer to Ink jet Printer- The process and requirements RAM, Buffer series of steps from command to printing, substrate used for inkjet printing- papers types and quality, compatibility of ink and paper, properties of inkjet paper, Other substrates.Long format digital ink jet printing. Areas of application and materials that can be used as substrates. The technology and advantages, Nozzle head, Ink supply, transport mechanism, Software, UV Ink, safety features. Text book: H Kippan , Hand book of Print Media- Heidelberg. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Objectives Impart fundamental economic principles that can assist engineers to make more efficient and economical decisions To provide knowledge on principles of management, decision making techniques, accounting
principles and basic management streams Module I (14 Hrs) Economic reasoning, Circular Flow in an economy, Law of supply and demand, Economic efficiency. Element of costs, Marginal cost, Marginal Revenue, Sunk cost, Private and Social cost, Opportunity cost. Functions of Money and commercial Banking. Inflation and deflation: concepts and regulatory measures. Economic Policy Reforms in India since 1991: Industrial policy, Foreign Trade policy, Monetary and fiscal policy, Impact on industry
Module II (13 Hrs) Value Analysis Function, aims, procedure.Time value of money, Single payment compound amount factor, Single payment present worth factor, Equal payment series sinking fund factor, Equal payment series payment Present worth factor- equal payment series capital recovery factor-Uniform gradient series annual equivalent factor. Methods of project analysis (pay back, ARR, NPV, IRR and Benefit -Cost ratio) Break-even analysis-, Process planning Module III (13 hours) Principles of management Evolution of management theory and functions of management Organizational structure Principle and types Decision making Strategic, tactical & operational decisions, decision making under certainty, risk & uncertainty and multistage decisions & decision tree Human resource management Basic concepts of job analysis, job evaluation, merit rating, wages, incentives, recruitment, training and industrial relations Module IV (14 hours) Financial management Time value of money and comparison of alternative methods Costing Elements & components of cost, allocation of overheads, preparation of cost sheet, break even analysis Basics of accounting Principles of accounting, basic concepts of journal, ledger, trade, profit &loss account and balance sheet
Calicut University-2009
Marketing management Basic concepts of marketing environment, marketing mix, advertising and sales promotion Project management Phases, organisation, planning, estimating, planning using PERT & CPM
Text books 1. Panneer Selvam, R, Engineering economics, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002. 2. Wheeler R(Ed) Engineering economic analysis, Oxford University Press, 2004. 3. O. P. Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, 2003. References 1. F. Mazda, Engineering management, Addison Wesley, Longman Ltd., 1998 2. Lucy C Morse and Daniel L Babcock, Managing engineering and technology, Pearson Prentice Hall 3. P. Kotler, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning, Implementation and Control, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2001 4. Venkata Ratnam C.S & Srivastva B.K, Personnel Management and Human Resources, Tata McGraw Hill. 5. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management: Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill. 6. Bhattacharya A.K., Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting, Wheeler Publishing 7. Weist and Levy, A Management guide to PERT and CPM, Prantice Hall of India 8. Koontz H, ODonnel C & Weihrich H, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill. 9. Ramaswamy V.S & Namakumari S, Marketing Management : Planning, Implementation and Control, MacMillan Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: To develop the concept of design in print media and gives knowledge about the planning methods in media production. Module I (12 hours) Importance of a good design. Impact of a design on various taget audience. Relationship between design of a communication and sale of a product. Graphic designer and his role. Elements of design. Principles in designing. Characteristics of vision. Human interpretation of movement, colour pattern. Psychological influences of consistency. Language as a communication tool-terminologiesmeaning of metaphor, simile, synecdoche, allegory etc., examples denotation, connotation. Module II (14 hours) Visual ingredients of graphic design, point, line, graphic space, texture, color, scale, balance and contrast. Use of computers in designing. Introduction to some designing softwares. Suitability for a particular job, design, printing technique and paper surface. Legibility and readability, monograms and trademarks.The relationship between type, illustration and Photography. Types of images. Photography as a design element preparation, selection and assessment of originals, photographs, sketches, paintings. Factors to be considered in photography.
Module III (15 hours) Relationship of a design studio with production and sales departments of a press. Control and checking of art work at all stages, employment of free-lance artists, designers and photographers. The advertising agency, its structure and its services. Methods of preparing a design in various stages. Design for books, magazines, newspapers, catalogues, cartons and commercial stationary. Materials and tools used in preparing layouts and art work. Copy preparation. Casting-off and markingup.Identifying requirements of the proposed print job and obtaining a clear brief. Explanation of a good brief. Writing a good brief. Relationship between designer, customer and printer. Analysis of production problems. Understanding estimating procedures. Technical influences of choice of process and materials available. Module IV (13 hours) Selection and co-ordination of production processes within the economic terms of the brief consideration of composition methods. Limitations of binding, finishing and ancillary processes as
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they affect design. Selection and specification of ink, paper and other materials in relation to design specifications and to the production process decided. Designing of a website. Factors to be considered. Importance of a site map. Conter creation. Co-ordination of work between various departments. Selection of color. Hosting maintenance of website. Production of advertising commercials, corporate and industrial films. Job flow and co-ordination between various agencies. Meaning of a scratch, story board and final presentation. Production for radio jingles-factors to be considered. Work flow and final execution. References 1. Sohick (Cd)- Fundamentals of Copy & Layout- A.C. Book (Ac) 2. Craig- Production for the Graphic Designer 3. Muray (Ray)- How to brief designs & buy print 4. A.S. Porter - Lithographic Press Work 5. Rooney J. & Steadmazn P.- Principle of CAD 6. David A.Akar & John G. Myers.- Advertisement management 7. Arthur Robinson, Randall Sale & J.K. Morrison- Elements of Cartography. 8. Jal Baker.- Analysis of Electronic Circuit 9. Leon O Chus & Pen Min Lin C.A.- Copy Preparation Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
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Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
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width measurement. D/A and A/D conversions D/A conversions, A/D conversions. Multiple interrupts Hardware circuits for multiple interrupts. Reference 1. Ramesh S. Gaonker, Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the 8085, 4th edition 2. Kenneth J. Ayala, The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming & Applications Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: Concepts about measurements are essential for an engineer to measure and evaluate a system.The paper provides relevant concepts and equipments used for selecting measuring instruments Module I (8 hours) Limits, Fits and tolerances reason for systems of limits definitions and terminology shaft based and hole based systems types of fits Tolerances specifications compound tolerancing tolerance grades Taylors principles limit gages.Linear and angular measurements comparators tool makers microscope autocollimator profile projector. Module II (8 hours)
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Geometric features basic definition of straightness, flatness, parallelism, roundness, circularity, squareness etc. principles and equipments for measurement principles of interferometry Surface roughness Definitions General considerations Tally surf Profilometer roughness indicators symbols in geometric features.Gears measurements and inspections of spur gears tooth thickness, pitch, base pitch etc. gauging of gears. Screws Terminology measurement and inspection of threads major, minor, effective diameters, pitch. gauging of screws. Module III (10 hours) Paper tester Introduction. Optical Property Testers Brightness meters, colorimeters, glossmeters, opacimeters, spectro colorimeters, spectro photometers. Printability property testers Absorbency testers, densitometers, Dynamic property testers, expansimeters, coefficient-of-friction testers, Hydrostatic testers, linting testers, moisture meters, picking testers, relative humidity testers. End use property testers Abrasion testers, adhesion testers, adhesive testers, basic weight testers, book strength testers, bursting strengths testers, compression testers, crush resistance testers, folding endurance testers, micrometers, puncture testers, roll coating testers, stiffness testers, tearing strength testers, tensile strength testers, wet strength testers, wick resistance testers. Multiple property testers. Ink testers Introduction. Working property testers colorimeters & spectrophoto meters, dispersion testers, drying time testers, drying time tester, film applicators, Ink film thickness gauges, film thickness gauge accessories, fineness-of-grind testers, Mixing scales, tack testers, tack tester accessories, viscometers, rotational viscometers, viscometer accessories, viscosity control instruments, viscosity cups, viscosity tubes, weight-per-gallon cups. End-use-property testers Abrasion testers, exposure resistance testers, rub testers, shear/scratch testers. Process control instruments Introduction. Photographic process control instruments Calibration standards, Color control instruments, Densitometers. Densitometers Densitometric terms & definitions, relationship between density & exposure, Densitometer types visual densitometer, photoelectric densitometer, transmission, reflection & combination densitometer, practical used densitometer calculating evenless of illumination-determining filter factor exposure calculation Module IV (10hours) Densitometer accessories dot area meters, exposure control meters, film inspection system, Light integrators. Stripping process control instruments layout gauges, screen angle gauges, screen tint specification instrument. Plate making process control instruments Dot gain meters, light integrators, optical depth gauge. Press process control instruments blanket gauges, durometers, fountain solution control instruments, gravure proofing instruments, ink control instruments. MICR-quality control instruments Packing gauges, scanning densitometers, speed recording instruments, web tension control instruments. General instruments carton crease gauge, contact coaters, hand coaters, rotary coaters, illuminators, transparency, lighting inspection, magnifiers, stereo microscopes, pH meters, pH meters, buffer sets, printability testers, printability tester accessories, sheet splitters, sound level meters, specimen cutters, surface profile measurement instruments, tack testers, pressure sensitive materials, thermometers, viewing booths, Stroboscope, Synchroscope. Robots in Testing. Text Book: Gupta I.C , A Textbook of Engineering Metrology Reference book R K Jain Industrial Metrology, Khanna Publishers. Jennifar Hohmans- Instruments for graphic Arts Erwin Jaffe- Half tone photography Internal Work Assessment
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60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class.
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
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30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
Objectives: To impart an idea about flexo printing methods and its applications in the current scenario. Module I (18 hours) Definition, flexographic printing, flexographic market, flexographic products, growth potential, Advantages of flexography, Press development. Mechanical principles of flexography Fountain roll, Anilox roll, plate cylinder, impression cylinder. Basic elements of flexography Print plate, cylinder,
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integral, demountable, sleeves, magnetic. Gears. Mounting & proofing devices, flexographic printing press unwind and in feed section, printing section, drying section, out feed and rewind section. Sheet fed flexo presses. Inks, variations on flexopresses Module II (20 hours) Introduction. Plates for process printing Molded rubber plates basics of rubber plate making, rubber printing plate components, rubber plate molding. Photo polymer plates Basics of photopolymer plates. Types of Photopolymers Plate making from liquid photo polymer, plate making from sheet photo polymer. Negatives, engravings and hard durometer. Photo polymer masters preparation of metal and image exposure, powder less etching of metal, finishing, qualities of a good metal engraving, basic types of engravings, types of metal originals other originals. Molded printing plate manufacture molding press, thickness control bearers, bench micrometers, rubber plate finishing. Auxiliary equipment needed to produce printing plate. Making the thermosetting mold or matrix Composition of matrix, shrinkage and its control, matrix floor, determining thickness control bearers, preheat function, position molding, Pressure and caring requirements, matrix mold makeready, procedure for molding a matrix. Rubber plate molding. Types of molded printing plate, care and handling of printing plates. Module III (20 hours) Flexo press types Stack press, Central impression cylinder press, Inline press, Tension in flexographic m/c, Tension gear, tension levels and pattern for zones, Web tension contact systems. Unwind equipments general, single-position unwind flying-splice unwind, unwind tension systems, infeed unit, cooling drum a out feed unit. Rewind equipments surface winders, center winders, rewind tension systems. Web guides. Printing stations two roll, anilox roll, reverse angle doctor blade system, Deck control, Continuous inking, side and circumferential register control, Dryers. Mechanical components CI drum, plate cylinders. Anilox roll construction, cell structure, anilox roll wear, selecting the right anilox roll, chrome plating. Fountain rolls formulating rubber for rolls, Flexo roller covering, Care of covered rolls, Properties of rubber regarding and polishing. Cooling rolls Balancing flexo rolls, deflection of rolls. Unwind equipment. Repeat lengths increments Direct drive quadrant geared press. Module IV (14 hours) Introduction. Checking the equipment. Operator care of equipment. Understanding the mounting instructions. Mounting and proofing a complete line job Mounting procedure, proofing the first set of plates, proofing for printability, methods of prepress makeready, additional offline time savers, wrapping mounted cylinders. Miscellaneous procedures removing plates from the cylinder, mounting metal-backed plates, reusing sticky back, plate staggering, use of release agents. Tools for the operator. Basic requirements for process colour printing. Press room practices. Environment and safety concerns. Flexo graphic substrates. Narrow web presses Narrow web press components, Future narrow web flexography. Wide web presses. Corrugated presses. Pre printed linear presses. Future of Ink distribution system. Tomorrows flexographic plates. News print for water-base flexography. Markets for today and tomorrow. References Flexography principles and practices Foundation of flexographic technical association. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class.
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Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
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inductances. Differential transformers, CRO recording techniques. Pressure measurement Bourdon gauge, diaphragms, mechanical & electrical resistance type secondary transducers, McLeod gage, bulk modules gauge. Module II (14 hours) Flat grid, Foil grid, Rectangular rosefte type electrical resistance strain gages, theory of operation, gage materials, gage factor, mounting techniques, moisture proofing, comparison between Ballast circuit & Wheatstone Bridge circuit, temperature compensation, calibration, strain measurement on static & rotary shaft. Module III (14 hours) Proper orientation of gages for measurement of axial & bending strains, block diagram of strain indicator, strain measurement CRO, paper & styles oscillograph, light beam oscillograph.Proving ring. Proving ring strain gage load cell. Hydraulic load cell, pneumatic load cell. Measurement of torque: cradled dynamometer, band brake, water brake, Torque meter. Temperature Measurement: Bimetallic Thermometer, constant volume thermometer. Vapour pressure thermometer, laws of thermocouples, thermocouple materials, optical pyrometer. Vibration: Vibration detectors, practical vibrometer, practical accelerometers. Module III (16 hours) Introduction, servomechanism, historical development multivariable control systems, engineering examples of control systems. Mathematical models of physical systems. Examples of electrical, mechanical, thermal, liquid level, pneumatic systems. Transfer functions. Derivation of transfer functions for the above systems and D.C. motor with load, block diagrams.Signal time response of first order system, time response of second order systems, steady state errors and error constants. Concepts of stability, relative stability. Rouths stability criteria and Nyquist stability criteria. Reference: 1. Wealey Publishing Company, Buck & Beck, With Mechanical Measurement. Addison 2. A.K. Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Sons.- Mechanical Measurements Instrumentation 3. I.J. Nagarth / M. Gopal.- Control Systems Engineering 4. Sirohi, Radhakrishna.- Mechanical Measurement 5. B.C. Nakra, K.K. Chaudhry.- Instrumentation Measurement & Analysis 6. Harrison & Bollinger.- Automatic Control Systems 7. Benjamin C. Kuo. - Automatic Control Systems
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Semester Examination PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
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Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module IV (14 hours) Design of shafts - forces on shafts due to gears, belts, and chains- estimation of shaft size based on strength and critical speed- selection of material. Design of springs- stresses and deflection in round wire helical springs- accounting for variable stresses- concentric springs- design of helical and leaf springs. Reference: 1. Faires v m, Design of machine elements, the macmillan co, London. 2. Dobrovalasky, Machine Elements, MIR Publications. 3. Shigley, Mechanical Engineering design, McGraw Hill. 4. Design Data hand book , DAV printers, Coimbatore. Text Books
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Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Semester Examination PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: To impart the knowledge about post press operation and converting process in printing industry. Module I (11 hours) Buying Paper, Paper grades, Factors affecting buying of paper, Paper trade, An outline of the procedure for paper and board buying and an appreciation of the value of paper. Paper and board issue including covers for book and flat work. Binding Materials: Covering materials of all types, preparation and treatment in covering. Miscellaneous materials such as thread cords, tapes, mull, eyelets etc. Purchase, selection, care and use of all types of materials. Methods of dealing with fungi and insect pests.
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Module II (15 hours) Introduction, Principles of adhesives, operating parameters for adhesives operative, wet tack, compression, solidification. Types of adhesives Drying adhesives solvent based adhesives, water based adhesives, pressure sensitive adhesives. Hot melt adhesives pressure sensitive hot melts, applying hot melts. Curing adhesives cure by mixing two or more components, cure when heated, exposure to moisture. Radiation curing, Ultra curing, Pressure sensitive adhesive. Styremic block copolymers ultraviolet curing SBCs comparison of this stages involved in bond formation. Adhesive classes and Properties Acrylics, animal glues, casein, starch, dextrin, pregelatinized starch, ethylene acetate copolymer, hot melts, polyamide hot melts, polyester hot melts, resin hot melts, natural rubber latex adhesives, polyurethanes, polyvinyl acetate, poly vinyl alcohol, polyvinyliidene chloride, SBS and SIS block copolymers, styrene-bufadiene rubber, vinyle acetate copolymers, vinyl acetate ethylene copolymers for liquid applications. Theories of adhesion mechanical adhesion, chemical adhesion, theories of chemical adhesion chemical reaction theory, absorption theory, electrostatic theory, diffusion theory, contact angle and wettability, surface modification. Module III (14 hours) General principles of the single knife guillotines. Semiautomatic and automatic programming systems, principles and applications. Three-knife pile trimmers, features and operations of semi automatic and continuous machines. Mechanism, operation and maintenance of guillotines and threeknife trimmers; causes and prevention inaccurate cutting. Production capacities. Basic principles of folding by buckle or combination machines. Setting and operating features, use of predators, creasers and slifters; methods of delivery. Suitability of folding method and machine to job requirements and paper stock. Mechanism, operation and adjustment, of folding machines; causes and prevention of inaccurate folding; maintenance of machine feeders; production capacities. Module IV (14 hours) Principles of machine gathering types of machines available. Coupling of other units for in-line production. Insetting and wire stitching by semiautomatic and automatic means. Wire stitching, thread stitching, adhesive binding, sewing. General principles, materials used, styles, varieties and purposes of each method. Spiral wire binding, plastic comb binding, loose-leaf binders; thong and ring binders. Principles and operation of perforating, punching, drilling, round cornering, indexing, creasing, gluing, eyeletting, ruling and numbering. Varnishing, gumming and film lamination machines. Machines used for gathering, collating, insetting and attaching plates. Maintenance of these equipment for trouble free running; production capacities Reference 1. A.G. Martin.- Finishing Process in Print Industry 2. U.S. Govt. Printing- Theory and Practice of Book Binding 3. Aurther W. Johnsori.-The Thames and Hudson Manual of Book Binding 4. Michael Barnard. -Introduction to Print Buying Printing, Bob Thompson, Materials Science and Technology Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
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University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: This paper helps to develop a basic concept about screen printing process and gravure industry Module I (9 hours) History of Screening Printing, Stencils knife cut stencils, photo stencils Indirect stencil systems, Direct photo stencil systems, capillary systems, Direct/Indirect photo stencil systems. Screening materials. Screens multifilament, mono filaments, Selecting mesh material, stretching screen fabric to frame, screen preparation, screen reclamation Trouble shooting clogged screens. Care and storage of screens. Image transfer The squeegee, Squeegee considerations, squeegee preparation, hardness categories of squeegee blades, Variety of blade shape and application. On contact printing, Off contact printing. Screen ink uniqueness U.V. inks. Module II (10 hours) Manual Printing Process, Semi automatic Screen Printing m/c. Automatic Screen Printing m/c. Screen Printing machines Flat bet hinged frame, Flat bed vertical lift, Cylinder-bed presses, Container printing m/c, Rotary Screen Printing m/c, Carousel m/c. Special Machine configurations. Basic registration techniques. Method of halftone preparation for screen printing. Drying methods Evaporation, Oxidation, Penetration, Polymerization. Drying Equipments Drying racks, wicket dryers, Jet dryers, Infrared dryers, Ultraviolet dryers. Flocking process.Introduction, Paper and Paper board, Wood, Textiles, Plastics, Metals, Ceramics and glass. Specialized Areas Printed circuit boards of screen printing. Module III (10 hours) History of gravure, Gravure products and markets Publication gravure gravure packaging and converting product gravure. Gravure Screens. Gravure cylinder preparation Diffusion etch Direct Transfer-Electromechanical process Laser cutting. Electronic engraving systems today. Chemical engraving methods and equipments cell configurations advantages and disadvantages. Cylinder correction methods Re-etching electro mechanical engravings, Colour balance etches, spot plating.
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Well formation variables, basic types. Cylinder construction and preparation Cylinder design, types. Balancing the cylinder. Copper plating and polishing, Re use of cylinders. Doctor blade Doctor blade assembly Blade angles. Blade distance from Nip, Blade edge, Blade mounting. Doctor Blade wear Fatigue, Corrosion, Abrasive, Adhesive wear, Doctor blade materials, Doctor blade holder configurations, Blade setting procedures, Preparing blade for use, Doctor blade problems. Gravure Impression Roller function, Roller covering, Roller pressure, Cylinder diameter, Roller design & configuration. Balance static & dynamic. Roller setting. New developments. Storage of impression rollers, Impression roller problems. Impression mechanisms mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic. Module IV (7 hours) A generic printing unit. Typical press configurations. Other gravure presses Intaglio plate printing, offset gravure and flexogravure. Gravure with flexo units. Gravure units as other equipment. Gravure roller coating. Gravure Ink Dryers Need for ink dryers, Drying water based inks, Dryers functioning, Dryer limitations, supply air valves, balancing the dryer, filters & dampers, roller condition vital. Heat Sources steam, electric and gas, combination gas / oil, thermic oil, waste heat from incinerators. Solvent Recovery Methods. Paper substrates Roto news papers, Coated papers, Gravure packaging paper substrates properties. Label stock, Paper board. Non Paper substrates surface preparation, plastics properties. Metalized films Aluminium foil, Foil laminations. Gravure advantages, limitations.Future of Gravure Printing Industry. Reference: 1. Babette Magee- Screen Printing Preview 2. John Stephens.- Screen Printing 3. GAA.- Gravure process and technology 4. Adams, Faux, Rieber. - Printing Technology Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
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Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: This paper provides about the digital pre-press workstations in a printing industry. Module I (10 hours) Structure of Digital Printed Product Technological capabilities and work flows Digital description of the Printed Page - Text - Images Graphics Layout - The digital page used as a basis from the digital description of the page to its printing. Digital Screening Process RT Screening, Super cells, irrational screening, output options. Quality requirement Input and Out put resolution Transferable tonal range Dot shape tonal value influence in printing dot gain print characteristics curve . color management profile image dependent effects & corrections. Module II (14 hours) Digital Photography: Origin, Image scanning with digital camera, Demands on the resolution special features tone value quantization, focal length of lenses, aspect ratio, link up to a computer. Digital photography and color management. Digitalizing originals- scanner design & models- scanner technology Digitalizing & redegitizing scanner operation and image processing sheet assembly and imposition page make up & sheet assembly, full sheet output, full sheet production in the work flow, imposition through sheet work, imposition sheet & imposition layout, types of imposition programs, demand on imposition programs, imposition work flow
Module III (12 hours) Rates Image process or (RIP) structure & function, interpreter interaction, color data, Rip integration/ execution, workflow storage media- classification network- concepts & components, topologies, Data transfer, Ethernet, high speed networks, data formats. Module IV (18 hours) Color management definition, image reproduction process production of color profiles, structures of colours profiles, connection of colours profiles, rendering intent, colour management and standardization colour management concepts .Digital proof proofing process Quality Control Press and pre press proofing digital colour proofing and its limitations usage of colour charts- 3M match print colour control elements FORGA standards Text books: H. Kippan, Hand book of print media, Heidlberg. The manual of photography Photography and digital imaging. Internal Work Assessment
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60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern P ART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
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Illumination models-ambient light,diffuse reflection,atmospheric attenuation,specular reflection,improving the point light source model,multiple light sources.Shading models for polygonsconstent shading,interpolated shading,polygon mesh shading,gouraud shading,phong shading,problems with interpolated shading.Surface detail-surface detail polygons texture mapping,bump mapping,other approaches,shadow-scan-line generation of shadow,a two pass objectprecision shadow algorithm, shadow volumes,a two-pass-z buffer shadow algorithm,global illumination shadow algorithms. Transparency- non refractive transperancy,refractive transparency,inter object reflectins,Physically based illumination models-improving the surface model, the microfacet distribution function, the geometrical attenuation factor,the fresnet term.Extended light sources,spectral sampling,improving the camera model,globel illumination algorithms,recursive ray tracing-efficiency considerations for recursive ray tracing-a better illumination model,Area sampling variations,distributed ray tracing,ray tracingfrom the light source.Radosity methods-radosity equations,computing form factors,substructuring,progressive refinement.computing more accurate form factors,specular reflection,combining radosity and ray tracing. Module IV (14 hours) Rendering pipelines-local illumination pipelines,global illumination pipelines,designing flexible renders,progressive refinement.Summery, Animation-conventional animation,computer assistance animation,interpolation,simple animation effects,animation languages-Linear-list notation-full eplicit control,procedural control,constraint based system,tracking live action,actors,kinematics and dynamics,physically based animation.Basic rules of animation.problems peculiar to animation summary. Reference: 1. Computer graphics principles and practice 2nd Ed.-Van Dam,Foley,Fiener Hughes. 2. Principles of interactive computer graphics, 2nd Ed.,William N Newman,Robert S Sproull. 3. Computer graphics-Heam&Backer. 4. Precedural elements of computer graphics-David F .Rogers. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
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PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
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University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
To impart the concepts, model and behaviour of production and operation management
It emphasizes the analysis and quantitative techniques and overall role of operations management in organization
Module I (16 hours) Definition, Types of production systems: Job production,Batch Production,Continuous production, Functions, Production consumption cycle.Organization of RRC. Section conventional organisation structure variations, central and decentralized PPC in case of multiplant establishment.Product development and design Effect of company policy and competition on design Product analysis Marketing Aspect functional aspect operational aspect-durability and dependability aspect-atheistic aspect.Economic analysis profit and competiveness standardization simplification preferred numbers break-even analysis, profit volume charts for single product and multiproducts production aspects. Module II (14 hours) Factors affecting plant location, types of layouts, use of load travel chart calculations in layout planning. Process analysis use of flow process charts, activity charts, (man-machine charts), Production master program, route sheet (process sheet), job cards Calculations for requirements of equipmenymanpower. Sales forecasting: use of forecasts, types of forecasts, forecasting techniques
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qualitative methods quantitative methods time series methods trend line, calculation of seasonal indices moving average weighted moving average exponentially weighted moving average (exponential smoothing) correlation technique. Forecast control MAD,MSE, tracking signal. Module III (12 hours) Inventory control: Classification of inventories ABC analysis ordering cost, carrying cost, setup cost. Economic order quantity determination: 1) Instantaneous Delivery, 2) Delivery over a period of time 3) Instantaneous delivery with shortage permitted, 4) Delivery over a period of time with shortage permitted. Effect of quantity discount on order size; reorderpoint, leadtme, safetytock, graphical representation, M.R.R. (material Requirements Planning)- M.R.R. Concepts, Inputs and Outputs, M.R.R. Logic problems. Module IV (12 hours) Aggregate Planning:Trial and error method,use of transportation algorithm; master production schedule. Job Shop Scheduling: Index method of loading (Ref: Sheets, Weatermann and Wimmert). Scheduling methodology Gantt charts; shortest processing time (SPT) rule. Critical Ratio Rule; sequencing of n jobs through: machines (Johnsons rule) n jobs through 3 machines, 2 jobs through m machines. Reference books: 1.Production/ Operation Management Anantha.K 2.Production and Operation Management Concepts, models and behaviour ( 3rd edition ) Everett E. Adam.Jr.,Ronald J. Ebert 3. Modern production/ Operations Management (8th edition) Elwood S .Buffa, Rakesh K. Sarin.
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Calicut University-2009
Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: This course will introduce the methods and the influence of the information systems in management milieu and use MIS as an effective tool in management and decision making. Module I (13 hours) Evolution of MIS concepts - concept of information - definition of information - information in the mathematical theory of communication - mathematical definition of information - entropy redundancy - data reduction - classification and compression - organisational summarising and filtering inference - age and quality of information concepts to information system design - system concepts - definition of a system - characteristics of a system - types of systems - deterministic and probabilistic - closed and open systems - law of requisite variety - filtering - system concepts applied to MIS - integrated system vs total system - human being as Information processor and its implication for MIS design - basic model of manual information processing system - comparison with computer systems - limits on human processing Module II (13 hours) Structure of MIS - basic structural concepts - operational elements - synthesis of MIS structure conceptual and physical extent of integration and the extent of man/machine interaction - methedology of system design - feasibility study data gathering techniques documentation - forms design codification and classification Module III (14hours) MIS support for planning and control - planning and control process - strategic planning - tactical planning - operation controls - their requirements and relevant support from MIS - MIS support for marketing function - marketing function - product introduction, pricing - enlarging the market and channel strategies - their requirements and relevant support from MIS design - MIS support for personnel function - personnel administration - database consideration - personnel status reporting system - personnel action data system - relevant support from MIS - MIS support for finance function - financial status and status change - payment control - credit control and material control - support from MIS - MIS support for production function - production planning and control - quality control waste and rejection Module IV (14 hours) Development of MIS - approaches to the development of MIS, bottom up and top down approach determining information requirements - decision analysis approach - data analysis approach evolution of the decision and data analysis alternative - techniques and technology for MIS development - process - driven/forms driven methods - evolution of system analysis and design technique - information system audit - review of documentation procedure - evaluating the utilisation and output quality - audit for system security - future trends in MIS - sociological considerations Text book
Calicut University-2009
1. Davis G.B. & Olson M.H., Management Information Systems - Conceptual Foundation Structure And Development. Reference books 1. Ross & Murdick G.R., Information Systems for Modern Management, Prentice Hall 2. Ross J.E., Information Systems, Prentice Hall 3. Lucas H.C. Jr., Analysis, Design and Implementation of Information Systems 4. Saiders D.H., Computers Today, Tata McGraw Hill 5. Martin J.L., Information Management, The Dynamics of MIS, Tata McGraw Hill Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class.
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
II. Preparation of the following types of bindings: 1. Half Bound Account Books 2. Full Bound Books. 3. Perfect Binding. 4. Loose-Leaf Binding. Knowing the tools, equipments and machines in department, knowing and handling the materials. III. Preparation of: a) Saddle/side stitched Booklets. b) Saddlegiat sewing of Booklets, magazines. c) Receipt Book of 25 receipt in triplicate. d) Quarter Bound Note Book flush sewing. e) Quarter Bound A/c books sewing on tapes. Binding of Half Bound A/c Book constructive aspects through durability will be obtained. Binding of full bound, case bound, Publishers. Book emphasis will be given on decoration Print finishing operation Gold blocking, embossing, edge decoration, etc. IV. Preparation of: a) Court case file, b) Tag binder, c) Portfolio, d) Loose leaf book, e) Cheque book, Perfect Bind binding, g) Preparing of old books. Internal Continuous Assessment mark (Maximum mark 50) 60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record
62 Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology
Calicut University-2009
Objectives: This paper deals about the importance of packaging and the technology used for creating good package according to the product. Module I (20 hours) Introduction, Function of a package, Factors influencing design of a package, Computer, Aided, Package Design, Packaging Cycle, Product Package Relationship, Product of curve, Elements of Package Design, Classification of Packaging Flexible package type, Rigid package types. Hazards on package Mechanical, Climatic, Biological and other hazards. Markings on package Handling marks, routing marks, information marks. Tests on Package Mechanical test Drop test, Vibration test, Compression test, Inclined impact test, Rolling test, Drum test, Climatic test Rain test, Sand and dust test., Salt spray test, Fungus resistance test, Shelf life, Rancidity, Corrosion - Shelf life, Rancidity, Corrosion Types, cause, Classification of corrosion prevention methods. Desiccants. Cushioning Materials Functions, properties, Classifications space fillers, resilient cushioning materials, properties. Classifications space fillers, resilent cushioning materials, non resilent cushioning materials. Expanded polystryrene process of manufacturing, advantages, applications. Module II (20 hours) Wood-classification, effect of moisture on wood, preservation of wood, advantages. Board-types, paper-types Glass- properties, advantages, types, basic approaches to designing a bottle, production process of glass, tests on glass-annealing test, thermal shock test, pressure test, impact test, density test. Plastics-BOPP.HDPE, LDPE, LLDPE, PVC, PP, PET, Polyolefins, Celluosics, Polymides, Nylon-6 advantages, functions & applications. Tests on plastics, process of making plastic sheets. Classifications of plastics. Metals functions, uses, cross section of in plat, tin plate, black plate. Aluminium foils Manufacturing of foil, properties, applications, method of laminating foil to film or paper. Module III (20 hours) Dies unit die jigged die. Carton style. Folding cartons Production steps, types. Corrugated containers classifications, components in a corrugated board, flutes, stages in preparation in corrugated boards. Plastic corrugated boards features & advantages.Gas packaging MAP & CAP, Vaccum packaging, shrink packaging, stretch wrapping blister packaging, skin packaging, strip packaging, Aerosal packaging Aerosol valve assembly cross section of Aerosol container, working principle. Vaccum metalization. Injection Blow Moulding, Extrussion blow moulding, Extrusion. Injection Molding, Compression molding, transper molding, thermo forming. Vaccum forming Drape forming, Snap back forming, Plug Assist forming. Pressure forming. Matched mould forming. Thermo form/fill/seal- Horizontal machine, Vertical machine. Module IV (12 hours) Futuristic trends in packaging. Advancements in food packaging. Environmental implications of packaging recycling, Pyrolysis. Legal aspects in packaging. Designing Cans, metal tubes, Plastic tubes. Closures-screw caps, Snap-on caps. Adhesive tapes Fabric tapes, Paper tapes, Film tapes, Foil tapes, Foam tapes, Two faced tapes. Labels Basic elements of correct labeling, Purpose types. Reference. 1. Frank Paine.- Packaging design and performance. 2. John Briston.-Advance in Plastic Packaging Technology. 3. Packaging design an introduction - Laszlo Roth. 4. Packaging Technology Volume I - IIP
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5. Packaging Technology Volume II - IIP 6..Packaging Technology Volume III IIP Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: Understand the fundamentals of various power electrical components. Understanding the basic principle and operation of drives. . Module I (13 hours) Silicon Controlled Rectifier-structure- V-I Characteristics- turn-on Characteristics-gate gate triggering circuits-turn on characteristics- turn-off characteristics-methods of turning off- series and parallel connection of SCRs.Structure and characteristics of GTO thyristors, power diodes, power transistors, power MOSFET and IGBT-working of TRIAC Module-II (13 hours)
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Basic principle of Electric Drives Block diagram Parts of Electrical Drives Dynamics of electric drive torque equation -speed torque conventions loads with rotational and translational motion components of load torques nature and classification of load torques load equalization control of electrical drives closed loop speed control current limit control closed loop torque control speed sensing current sensing phase locked loop control. Module III (14 hours) Dc motor drives basic equations constant torque and constant power control fully controlled and half controlled converter fed DC drives continuous and discontinuous operation two quadrant operation three phase controlled rectifier fed dc drives dual converter fed control chopper fed DC drives closed loop control scheme for control below and above base speed . Module IV (14 hours) Three phase induction motor drives AC Voltage controlled drives variable frequency control -V/f control- VSI fed induction motor drive operation with field weakening CSI controlled induction motor drives slip power recovery scheme rotor frequency control single phase induction motor drives PWM Drives Synchronous motor drives methods of speed control- VSI and CSI fed drives variable frequency control self controlled synchronous motor drives brushless dc motor drives. Text book: 1. H. Rashid: Power electronics, 3rd edition Pearsons Educations 2. Ashfaq Ahmed: Power Electronics for Technology, Pearson Education 3. Dubey G K : Fundamentals of Electrical drives 4. R. Krishnan : Electric Motor Drives- Modeling Analysis & Control Reference: 1. Vedam Subramaniam: Thyristor control of Elecric drives 2. Sen P C Thyrister DC Drives 3. Singh MD & Khandhandani K B : Power Electronics, McGraw Hill 4. Dubey G K Thyristorised Power controllers. 5. Bimbhra : Power Electronics 6. Ned Mohan et-al: Power Electronics, John Willey 7. P.C Sen Power Electronics, McGraw Hill
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
2. Color Robin B. McAllister Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module I (8 hours) Maintenance management- Objective of maintenance management- Maintenance functions- Types of maintenance activities maintenance planning, scheduling and control, maintenance records contract maintenance- Training of maintenance staff- Human factor in maintenance. Modern trendsApplication of computers in maintenance. Module II (10 hours)
Calicut University-2009
Equipment needed for erection selection of location and environmental conditions- erection procedure for various prepress. printing and finishing equipments and machinery- loading and transport of raw materials and printed products with respect to layout design- commissioning- various test forms. Module III (10 hours) Reconditioning-Principles of reconditioning-repair methods of various parts- roller copperising and rerubberising- ebonite covering- dampening and inking systems- paper transport systems- cylinder bearing supports- eccentrics. Lubrication and lubricants- Purpose of lubrications- types of lubricants- lubricating instructions for machine operators- replacement of lubricants- lubrication chart- annual lubrications. Replacement schedule- paint marks for lubricating points on the machines- regeneration of used oils. Module IV (8 hours) Maintenance of electrical systems- AC motors and DC motors- electro magnetic friction couplings. Electromagnets- magnetic starters and contractors- limit switches- knife switches- micro switchesstarting and regulating rheostat- electric panels- electrical apparatus and electric wiring on the machines Reference: 1.H.P. Garg, Industrial maintenance, S.Chand &Company ltd. 2.Jerry Wireman, Computerised maintenance management systems, Industrial press Inc., 3.Lewis and Tow, Readings in maintenance management, Cohners Books. 4.A.S Porter, A manual of Lithographic press operation, Lithographic trading services. 5.Lithographers manual, Graphical arts Technology Foundation, USA. 6. Herschel L.Apfelberg, Maintaining printing equipment, GATF 7. Barbara, L.Albinini and others, Solving web offset press problems, GATF 8. Pamela Groff and others, Lithographic Press operators Handbook Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B:
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
Calicut University-2009
Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
PT09 Lxx
PT09 Lxx
Calicut University-2009
Teaching scheme 3Hours lecture and 1 Hr tutorial per week Objectives: To Know about designing and preparation of package designs. List of Experiments: 1. Preparation of layout - Parallel tuck-in, Reverse tuck- in, Auto-lock bottom 2. Designing and Preparation of various flexible packages 3. Designing and Preparation of various rigid packages 4. Study and operation of various packaging machines. 5. Study of manufacturing of various types of corrugated boards. 6. Cutting, creasing, and building up corrugated boards. 7. Designing and preparation of various designs of paper bags. 8. Test conducted on Cartons, Corrugated packages, wooden packages. 9. Drop test, Vibration test, inclined impact test, compression test, rolling test, Drum test. Internal Continuous Assessment mark (Maximum mark 50) 60%-Laboratory Practical and record 30%- Test 10%- Regularity in the class Sem End Examination (Maximum mark 50) 70%-Procedure, conducting experiment, results, tabulation, and inference 20%- Viva voice 10%-Fair record Credit: 2
Credit: 1
To judge the capacity of the students in converting the theoretical knowledge into practical systems/investigative analysis.
Project work is for duration of two semesters and is expected to be completed in the eighth semester. Each student group consisting of not more than five members is expected to design and develop a complete system or make an investigative analysis of a technical problem in the relevant area. The project may be implemented using software, hardware, or a combination of both. The project work may be undertaken in PRESS, PRE- PRESS & POST- PRESS and must have relevance
Calicut University-2009
in printing Technology. Project evaluation committee consisting of the guide and three/four faculty members specialised in Printing Technology will perform the screening and evaluation of the projects. Each project group should submit project synopsis within three weeks from start of seventh semester. Project evaluation committee shall study the feasibility of each project work before giving consent. Literature survey is to be completed in the seventh semester. Students should execute the project work using the facilities of the institute. However, external projects can be taken up in reputed industries, if that work solves a technical problem of the external firm. Prior sanction should be obtained from the head of department before taking up external project work and there must be an internal guide for such projects. Each student has to submit an interim report of the project at the end of the 7th semester. Members of the group will present the project details and progress of the project before the committee at the end of the 7th semester. 50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50% by the evaluation committee.
Calicut University-2009
Module II (20 hours) HRM for printing, employment policy, evaluation of skills requirements for printing occupations, recruitment, job evaluation, staff appraisal, motivation training, human resources factors that limit productivity, staff flexibility. Manning and training requirements, States of industry, Analysis and development of human resources strategy. Management personal skills and development, job satisfaction through involvement. Single & double entry book keeping system. Objectives of bookkeeping. Meaning of journal, ledger, debit, credit, asset, liability & capital. Differences between journal and ledger. Formats of journal & ledger. Types of accounts. Journalising rules, problems. Trial balance meaning & format. Format of balance sheet & income statement, contents to be explained. Ratio Analysis Liquidity ratios, leverage ratios, turnover ratios, profitability ratios. Problems. Module III (20 hours) Cost accountancy & its subjects, relationship of cost & financial accounting, cost accounting & management accounting, costing as a basis for estimating, the purpose of cost accounting, advantages of cost accounting, installation of costing systems, costing system for printing industry & related problem.The concept of cost, Analysis of cost, elements of cost, The costs which are to be ascertaines. Procedure of linking costs with cost, centers & cost units, Methods of cost finding. Overhead classification. Allocation & apportionment, Over head absorption rates & problem. Module IV (15 hours) Purpose and functions of estimating from printer point of view & customers point of view. Difference between costing & estimating. Qualifications of an estimator, working environment, estimators tools, estimating paper selection of paper, allowance for waste, allowance for trimming, weight of loose sheets, weight of a reel of paper. Estimating ink Ink consumption formula, Ink allowance for spoilage, Estimating binding materials Board requirement, estimating covering materials, estimating sewing thread, estimating stitching wire, estimating adhesives. Terms and conditions approved by AIFMD. Reference: 1. B.S. Raman, Principles of Accounting 2. Prasanna Chandra. - Fundamentals of Financial Management Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objective: This paper gives knowledge about the quality control aids and importance of testing in printing. Module I (8 hours) Introduction-Definition of quality, Quality control, its meaning and purpose. Setting up a quality control programme and establishing necessary procedures, economic consideration. Management responsibility. Quality systems and ISO 9000. Materials control-Establishing clear specifications and standardization of materials to be purchased. Inspection and testing of incoming materials as part of quality control, importance of proper handling and maintenance of records of performance of materials, Sampling. Module II (10 hours) Requirement of quality control devices, Functions, Classifications Diagnostic quality control devices, Process control devices, Standardization control devices. Types of process control devices- Half tone test wedge , Copy line step wedge, Transparent step wedge, proof control wedge, Contact indicator, Applied image density patches, Brunner control strips, Exposure test target, Film process control strips, Reflection gray scale, Transmission gray scale, Paper gray scale, Color test strips- RIT, print control strips- Brunner, Color control bars- GATF, Color control strips- GRETAG, Dot gain scale, Slur gauge, Dot gain scale for middle tone, Production control bars, Image control mark system, News dot, Six color control bar, Rapid access control strips, Sensitivity guide, Plate control wedge. Module III (12 hours) Types of standardization control devices AGFA GEVALUX wedge, Copy color CCX calculator, Dot size comparator, Reflection density guide, Color reproduction guide, Light indicator, Gray balance chart, Half tone gray wedge, Mechanical ghosting form, Camera focusing template, Contact screen cutting template, Gray balance & Tone reproduction selector, Contact element, Sensitivity guide.Types of diagnostic control devices- Applied image metric general test chart. Applied image metric large area test chart, Applied image setter, Star target, Test plate negative set, Strip for plate making, Ladder target, News paper test form kit, Register test grid, Screen angle guide, Alphanumeric resolution test objects, Process ink gamut kit, Screen pattern analyzer and rescreening key. Module IV (6 hours)
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Quality control instrumentation-Paper and board testing instruments, Ink testing instruments, process control instruments, devices and aids used in camera, darkroom, stripping department, plate room and press room. Press sheet control devices for color printing. Minimum instrumentation necessary to produce a product consistent with the appropriate quality level. References: 1)Miles Southworth and Donna Southworth. Quality and Productivity in the Graphic Arts. Graphic Arts Publishing Company(1980) 2)Douglas C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, John Wiley(1985) 3)Brian Rothery, ISO 9000, Productivity and Quality Publishing Private Ltd 4)Kelvin Tritton, Colour Control for Lithography, PIRA International. 5)Mortimer, A Colour Reproduction in Printing Industry PIRA International. 6)Phil Green Quality Control for Print Buyers, Blue Print 7)J.P Casey (Ed) Pulp and Paper Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Vol II Wiley interscience 8)Ronald E. Todd, Printing Inks Formulation Principles, Manufacture and Quality Control Testing Procedures. PIRA International. 9)H.L Apfelberg and M.J. Apfleberg, Implementing Quality Management in Graphic Arts, GATF. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment 20% - Relevance of the topic and literature survey
50% - Presentation and discussion
20% - Report 10% - Regularity in the class and Participation in the seminar
Total Credits: 7 Credits for interim evaluation: 2 Credits for final evaluation: 5
This project work is the continuation of the project initiated in seventh semester. The performance of the students in the project work shall be assessed on a continuous basis by the project evaluation committee through progress seminars and demonstrations conducted during the semester. Each project group should maintain a log book of activities of the project. It should have entries related to the work done, problems faced, solution evolved etc.
Calicut University-2009
There shall be at least an Interim Evaluation and a final evaluation of the project in the 8th semester. Each project group has to submit an interim report in the prescribed format for the interim evaluation. Each project group should complete the project work in the 8th semester. Each student is expected to prepare a report in the prescribed format, based on the project work. Members of the group will present the relevance, design, implementation, and results of the project before the project evaluation committee comprising of the guide, and three/four faculty members specialised in Printing or allied fields.
50% of the marks is to be awarded by the guide and 50% by the evaluation committee. Internal Continuous Assessment 40% - Design and development/Simulation and analysis
30% - Presentation & demonstration of results
20% - Report
10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
The students shall prepare for the oral examination based on the theory and laboratory subjects studied in the B.Tech. Course, seminar, and project. There is only university examination for vivavoce. University will appoint two external examiners and an internal examiner for viva-voce. These examiners shall be senior faculty members having minimum five years teaching experience at engineering degree level. For final viva-voce, candidates should produce certified reports of mini project, seminar, and project (two interim reports and main report). If he/she has undergone industrial training/industrial visit/educational tour or presented a paper in any conference, the certified report/technical paper shall also be brought for the viva-voce.
40% - Subjects 30% - Project 20% - Seminar 10% - Industrial training/industrial visit/educational tour or Paper presented at National-level.
Calicut University-2009
History and development of O.R. - linear programming - formulation of L.P.P - graphical solutions simplex method - two-phase method - dual and its solutions - sensitivity analysis Module II (13 hours) Transportation and assignment problems - formulation and solution - test for optimality - cases of degeneracy Net work techniques - networks: PERT / CPM. Computation of critical path - float crashing and resource leveling - minimal spanning tree problems - shortest route problem - maximal flow problem Module III (14 hours) Queuing theory - types of queues - poisson arrival exponential service - single server queues - multiple server queues - introduction to simulation techniques - Monte Carlo simulation (no problems) - theory of games - decision making under certainty - uncertainty and risk - maxi-mini and mini-max principles - saddle points - solution of simple problems Module IV (14 hours) Dynamic programming - concept of stages - principles of optimality - application in deterministic and simple probabilistic situations - integer programming - method of integer programming formulations - cutting plane algorithms branch & bound algorithms Reference books 1. Sharma S.D., Operations Research, Kedarnath Ramnath 2. Taha H.A., Operations Research, Prentice Hall of India Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class.
University Examination Pattern PART A: PART B: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Calicut University-2009
Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
4. Implementing Quality management in graphic arts- Herschel L.Apfelberg.
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Discussion with author, Editing educational material, decision making role; editorial technique - style sheet, reference aids; the author and his manuscript - unsolicited manuscripts, author-publisher, professional guides and societies, the literary agent, author publisher relationship, writing textbooks for children. Module II (12hours) Education and estimating in book publishing. Pre-production planning, Manuscript, layout and design, imposition, composition, Anatomy of a book; Printing techniques; Production Process; technical aspects of production; Quality control - Proofing stage; financial aspects; first copy cost, manufacturing cost, overheads; Economics of publishing - net book, non-net book, variations in price, published price of a book. Module III (15 hours) Promotion channels, distribution outlets and sales techniques. Direct Promotion Techniques, mail order advertising, subscription books, Direct mail promotion, Library purchases, export and import of books, publishers and booksellers catalogues, publicity campaign, paperback distribution, the central book clearing house, economics of distribution, the role of bookshop - Booksellers associations, laws and ethics; University, college and Professional Publishing council, Book marketing council, Book development council. Module IV (14 hours) Book binding, print finishing and legal aspects. Man made binding, Perfect binding, mechanical binding, loose leaf binding, securing operation, automatic & semiautomatic binding machines; computerised binding, finishing operation; laminating, varnishing, gold foiling, die stamping, rounding, cornering, punching, drilling etc; copy right, types of agreement between author and publishers, agreement for sale of Translation rights, illustration and artwork agreement, packaging rights agreement; the outright sale of the copy right profit sharing agreement; the royalty system, commission agrements. References 1. D. Raghavan, An introduction to Book Publishing, Institute of Book Publishing, New Delhi, 1988. 2. John P. Dessauer, Book Publishing, R.R. Bowker Company, New York & London, 1981. 3. Roy Paul Nelson, Publication Design, Wm. C. Brown Company Publishers, Dubugue, Lowa, 1983. 4. Charles Clark, Publishing agreement, George Allen & Unwin, London, 1984. 5. Book Production Practice, Second Edition, Publishers Association, British Printing Industries Federation, 1984. 6. Clive Bradley, Publishing: A vital National and International Asset, Secretary and Chief Secretary, The Publishers Association, 1982. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module I (20 hours) Entrepreneurial perspectives - understanding of entrepreneurship process - entrepreneurial decision process - entrepreneurship and economic development - characteristics of entrepreneur entrepreneurial competencies - managerial functions for enterprise Module II (10 hours) Process of business opportunity identification and evaluation - industrial policy - environment market survey and market assessment - project report preparation - study of feasibility and viability of a project - assessment of risk in the industry Module III (12 hours) Process and strategies for starting a venture - stages of small business growth - entrepreneurship in international environment - entrepreneurship - achievement motivation - time management creativity and innovation structure of the enterprise - planning, implementation and growth
Module IV (12hours) Technology acquisition for small units - formalities to be completed for setting up a small scale unit forms of organizations for small scale units - financing of project and working capital - venture capital and other equity assistance available - break even analysis and economic ratios technology transfer and business incubation
Calicut University-2009
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Harold Koontz & Heinz Weihrich, Essentials of Management, McGraw Hill International Hirich R.D. & Peters Irwin M.P., Entrepreneurship, McGraw Hill Rao T.V., Deshpande M.V., Prayag Metha & Manohar S Nadakarni, Developing Entrepreneurship A Hand Book, Learning Systems Donald Kurado & Hodgelts R.M., Entrepreneurship A Contemporary Approach, The Dryden Press Dr Patel V.G., Seven Business Crisis, Tata McGraw Hill Timmons J.A., New Venture Creation-Entrepreneurship for 21st Century, McGraw Hill International Patel J.B., Noid S.S., A Manual on Business Opportunity Identification, Selections, EDII Rao C.R., Finance for Small Scale Industries Pandey G.W., A Complete Guide to Successful Entrepreneurship, Vikas Publishing
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class.
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Module II (14 hours) Software supports-Basic tools painting & drawing tools, image editing tools, OCR softwares, sound editing, animation, video and digital movies. Digital video and editing Basic compression techniques , lossy and lossy compression , digital video formats quick time , JPEG,MPEG , editing softwareAdobe premier, Digitizers video formats. Module III (14 hours) Authorizing tools- card based tools , icon based tools , time based tools, object oriented tools. Macromedia authoreware,- Macromedia director with lingo creating a presentation using sound text , images, video, interactive icon , calculating icon , navigation, frame work icon, decision icon. Module IV (14 hours) Introduction to web development , History , Introduction to web development tools, Web designing , Web designing tools, Web designing techniques, Introduction to HTML, XHTML, XML etc , The use of Cas Cading Stylesheets(CSS) in web development , Scripting,client side scripting, Serverside scripting, ECMA (ECMA Scripting), Web development techniques, Web development as an industry, End users (browswers used, web standards, accessibility etc), Introduction to W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), Future of Web development Text books: 1. Corel Draw 8 Tata McGraw Hill 2. Adobe Photoshop 5 class room in a book- Techmedia
Reference: 1. Adobe premiere 5- Classroom in a book- Tech media 2. Inside Macromedia Director 6 with Lingo- Tech media 3. Authorware an introduction to multimedia- Simon Hooper. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Reference 1. Alexis Leon- Enterprise Resource Planning 2. Daniel E. O'Leary- Enterprise Resource Planning System 3. Vinod Kumar Garg.- Enterprise Resource Planning Concepts & Practice Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module I (13ours) Concept and definition of News. News values- factors affecting selection of News. Elements of News, structure of News story- inverted pyramid, truth, objectivity and fairness chronological and narrative style. Kinds of Leads-the body, language of News. Module II (13 hours) Duties and responsibilities of reporter-Role of stringer, special correspondent, bureau chief and foreign correspondent. News gathering methods. Sources of News- News agencies, press release, press conference, press briefings and press tours. News beat meetings and speeches. Module III (13 hours)
Calicut University-2009
Reporting sports, art, culture, crime and disasters. Human interest stories covering elections, civic affairs, government, legislature. Kinds of reporting-Investigative, interpretative advocacy, editorial or comment. Specialised reporting, science. Environment and financial reporting. Interview- Using interviews in news. Technique of interviewing. Module IV (15 hours) The structure of editorial department. Functions of the editor, the editorial board the news editor, subeditor. The board meeting, crucial decisions. Letters to the editor, its importance. Editorial and advertorials.Editing its significance. Symbols of editing. Manual subbing of agency/mofussil copy. Subbing news, features, sports, political and human interest stories and letters to the editor. Analysis of individual forms of writing selecting authors/writings. Style and techniques of language. Creative writing. Features selecting a topic. Types of features, the magazine scene in India. Reference 1. ER Ram Kumar, Jaico Publishing House- Handbook of English Usage of Editors. Writers & Executives 2. KSR Menon.- Stylebook for journalists and writers 3. Doroty Bowles, Diance Bordon- Creative Editing 4. Plotnik Arthur- The Elements of Editing 5. John, Haris.- The Complete Reporter 6. Fred Fredler- Reporting for the Media 7. Adams- Printing Technology . Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objective: To gives knowledge about the security process and its importance in printing industry. Module I (15 hours) Trends in the Computer Forms stationary Demands for the computer forms.Basic designs of various types of forms for input and output Fan fold forms, Computer letters and Mailers. Computer envelopes, Snap-out-forms, Tags and labels, Computer envelope, MICR cheques etc., Typography designing of forms with computer based machines etc.Specifications, requirements, storage conditions etc., Carbon papers varieties, specifications and manufacturing process. Module II (11 hours) Different types of Web-Offset Printing Presses. Construction and configuration on-line operations such as numbering, perforating, sprocket hold punching and Zig-Zag folding etc.Different types of collators Roll to Roll pack to pack Programmable outers for continuous web-MICR cheque binding system. Machines used for packing and Despatch. Module III (14 hours) Spot patterns, Gaininess or noise. Combining AM and FM screening. Screen angles. Spot size. Claimed benefits for FM screening. Absence of rosettes and moire patterns. Improved rendition of detail. Smoother tonal transition. Photographic smoothness. Improved process colour simulation of spot colours. No restriction on reproducible gray levels. Tone value stability with increased inking. Smaller file size and speedier output through imagesetter. Decreased register sensitivity. Limitations associated with FM screening. Film imaging. Film contacting. Place making. Photomechanical proofing. High levels of dot gain. Fine screen rulings versus FM screening. Module IV (14hours) Platemaking. Exposure and tone transfer. Using FIM and AM screening together. Vaccum contact and Newtons rings. Negative working plates. Proofing. Negative proofing. Printing. Dot gain in printing. Influence of FM screening spot size. Influence of different screening algorithms. Tone value stability when printing. Sensitivity to register shifts. Colour shifts. Reference 1. Gar Raihes., Forms for the 80s How to design produce them. 2. Kelvin Tritton, Stochastic screening
Calicut University-2009
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Introduction - psychology as a science - areas of applications - study of individual - individual differences - study of behavior - stimulus - response behavior - heredity and environment - human mind - cognition - character - thinking - attention - memory- emotion - traits - attitude - personality Module II (13 hours) Organizational behavior - definition - development - fundamental concept - nature of people - nature of organization - an organizational behavior system - models - autocratic model - hybrid model understanding a social - system social culture - managing communication - downward, upward and other forms of communication Module III (14ours) Motivation - motivation driver - human needs - behavior modification - goal setting - expectancy model - comparison models - interpreting motivational models - leadership - path goal model - style contingency approach Module IV (14hours) Special topics in industrial psychology - managing group in organization - group and inter group dynamics -managing change and organizational development - nature planned change - resistance characteristic of OD - OD process Reference books Davis K. & Newstrom J.W., "Human Behavior At Work", McGraw Hill International Schermerhorn J.R. Jr., Hunt J.G. & Osborn R.N., "Managing Organizational Behavior", John Willy Luthans, "Organizational Behavior", McGraw Hill, International Morgan C.T., King R.A., John Rweisz & John Schoples, "Introduction to Psychology", McGraw Hill Blum M.L. & Naylor J.C., Horper & Row, "Industrial Psychology", CBS Publisher Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
7. AVUS Internet, Germany, de. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Calicut University-2009
Primary source of data, secondary data, advantages of sec. data, new age of secondary information. Data collection-procedure, tools. Data analysis. Report and presentation.Identifying the companys competitors, industry concept of competition, market concept of competition, identifying the competitors strategies, determining the competitors objectives, assessing the competitors strengths & weakness. Estimating the competitions reaction patterns. Designing the competitive intelligence system. Module III (13hours) Concept in demand measurement, estimating current demand, estimating future demand-Survey of buyers intentions, composite of sales force opinions, expert opinion, market test method, time series analysis, statistical demand analysis. New product decisions. The era of new product, what is a new product, factors contributing new product development-Changing customers preferences, technological changes, govt. policy. New product development process- idea generation, identifying prospective customers, concept development & testing, feasibility analysis, product development, test marketing, commercialization. Organization of new product, internet and new product development. Designing marketing strategies for market leaders, challenges, followers & Nichers-Market lead strategies-expanding the total market, defending market share, marketing strategies, expanding market share. Market challenger strategies- strategic objectives and opponents. Market follower strategies, market nichers strategies. Module IV (15 hours) Direct Marketing-nature, growth, advantages. Major tools of direct marketing, development of integrated direct marketing, maxi marketing model for integrated marketing, major decisions in direct marketing. Public relations-decisions in marketing PR, tools in marketing PR. Principles of personal selling- selling, the variety of selling styles & buying styles, negotiation, principled negotiation approved to bargaining, bargaining tactics, relationship management, when & how to use relationship management.Marketing organizations-evolution of marketing dept. ways of organizing marketing department, strategies for company wide marketing orientation. Marketing implementation-diagnostic skills, Evaluating and controlling marketing performance. Annual-plan control-Sales analysis, Market share analysis, financial analysis, customer satisfaction trading, corrective action. Profitability control, Efficiency control, Strategic control, Marketing controller concept. Reference 1. Philip Kotler.- Marketing Management & Analysis Planning Implementation & Control 2. Rajan Saxena.- Marketing Management. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Basics of image processing-Introduction;Digital image representation,basic steps of image processing,elements of image processing system-image acquisition,storage,processing,communication,display.Fundamental concepts of digital image processing-introduction,objectives,visual perception-stucture of human eye, image formation int the eye, brightness adaptation and dicremination. A simple image model, sampling & quantizationuniform sampling & quatization, non-uniform sampling & quantization. Basic relations ship between pixels neighbours of pixels, connectivity, labelling & connected components. Module II (13 hours) Relations , equivalence transitive closure,distance measures, arithmetic or logic operations, image geometry,- basics of transformation, perspective transformation, camera model, camera calibration, photographic film- film structure & exposure,film characteristics, contrast, speed grainess, resolving power. Introduction , objectives, fourier transformation- fourier transform, discrete- fourier transform- two variable discrete fourier transform pair. Afew properties of 2 D- fourier transformationseperability, translation, periodicity & conjugate, rotation distributivity and scaling, average value,sampling . Fast fourier transform- fft algorithms, no of operations, the inverse fft , implementation, Few other transformations- waqlsh transform, hadamard transform, discrete cosine transform.
Module III (14 hours) Image enhancement- introduction, technique- spatial domain methods, frequency domain methods. Enhancement by point processing- some simple intensity transformation . Histogram processing, image substraction image averaginh,. Spatial filtering- some simple intensity transformation, smoothing filters , sharpening filters. Enhancement in the frequendy domain- low pass, filtering, high pass filtering, homo morphing filtering. ModuleIV (14 hours) Color image processing color fundamentals, color models,ps-endo- colr image processing full colr image processing- Image restoration-Introduction, Degradation model- degradation model for continous fuction, discrete formulation. Algebraic approach to restoration. Other approaches- removal of blur caused by uniform, linear motion, least mean square filter, constrained least square restoration, interactive restoration, restoration in thespatial domain, geometric transformations, spatial transformations, gray lenear interpolations.
Calicut University-2009
Reference: 1. Digital imaging techniques (Block I) 2. Digital imaging techniques (Block II) 3. Digital imaging Processing Gonzalez, woods, chanda. 4. Digital imaging Processing & analysis manjumdar. 5. Digital imaging Processing and computing-Schaikoff. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Sourcing and procurement - sourcing - factors in source selection - vendor rating - qualitative and quantitative methods - purchasing - objectives and procedure - purchasing systems - tender method computer based systems/EDI - inventory concept - functions of inventory - selective inventory control techniques - structure of inventory problem - costs associated with materials management - relevant costs Module III (14 hours) Independent demand items - probabilistic - single order quantities - payoff matrix - incremental analysis - mathematical formulation of discrete and continuous cases - independent demand items deterministic and dynamic - deterministic inventory models without and with backordering sensitivity analysis - quantity discount - all units and incremental discounts Module IV (15 hours) Independent demand items - probabilistic and dynamic inventory models - Q and P system models dependent demand items - deterministic models - lot sizing models - lot by lot - EOQ - part period balancing - wagner-whitin method - concept of just-in-time - kanban - introduction to distribution requirement planning Text books 1. Dobler D.W. & Burt D.N., Purchasing and Supply Management: Text and Cases, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited 2. Tersine R.J., Principles of Inventory and Materials Management, Fourth Edition, Prentice Hall Inc. 3. Starr M.K. & Miller D.W., Inventory Control: Theory and Practice, Prentice Hall of India 4. Chopra S. & Meindl P., Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Pearson Education Asia Reference books 1. Christopher M., Logistics and Supply Chain Management, Pitman Publishing Company 2. John Mortimer (Editor), Logistics in Manufacturing: An IFS Executive Briefing, IFS Publications, U.K. & Springer-Verlag 3. Narasimhan S.L., Mcleavy D.W. & Billington P.J., Production Planning and Inventory Control, Prentice Hall of India 4. Raghuram G. & Rangaraj N., Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Cases and Concepts, Macmillan India Limited Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
negative scanning, limit and line mode.Image processing concept Systems technology Arrival of images on Disk Electronic assembly and the layout- cleaning of optics printer disk care disk unit cleanliness- temperature and humidity control scanner unit daily, weekly maintenance fault finding chart operator error messages, machine fault messages. References: 1. Eric Chambers, Reproduction Photography for lithography, GATF, 1979. 2. J. Michael Adams, David D. Faux, Llyod J. Ribber , Printing Technology,3rd ed., Delmar 1968. 3. Gary, G. Field Colour Scanning and Imaging System, GATF, 1990. 4. Crossfield Operators manual-6500-8090-03A, 1989. 5. Surrey, Graphic Repro, Eaglehead Publishing Ltd., , U.K., 1984. 6. Dr. R. Molla, Eletronic Colour Separation, R.K. Printing & Publishing Company, West Virginia. 7. Bill Parsons, Electronic prepress: An Introduction, Delmar Publishers, 1994. Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Personnel management in organizational context - personnel environment - objectives of personnel management - the role of personnel functions - personnel activities - structure of the personnel department - analyzing and design of jobs - job analysis - job description - job specification - role analysis - the job design Module II (13 hours) Recruitment - selection - placement - induction - internal mobility - separations - performance appraisal - performance appraisal system - assessing potential - design of an effective appraisal system
Module III (13 hours) Pay and benefits - pay structures - methods of payments - fringe benefits - occupational health and safety - working conditions occupational health and safety - social background and working conditions - ergonomics - regulatory environment - organisation commitment - measures for occupational health and safety Module IV (15 hours) Employee relations - management employee relations - managing discipline - managing grievance managing stress - counseling - industrial relations implications of personnel policies - nature of employment relationships - place of unions in organisations - industrial conflict - managing for good industrial relations Reference books 1. Venkata Ratnam C.S. & Srivasthava B.K., Personnel Management and Human Resources 2. Monappa A., Saiyaddin & Mirza S., Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers 3. Hersey Paul & Kenneth H Blanchard, Management of Organizational Behavior, Prentice Hall 4. Mc Greger Douglas, The Human side of Enterprise, McGraw Hill 5. Subramanyam K.N, Gin V.V., Industrial Relations in India Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Module I (15hours) Printing press layout- Determining plant requirement site planning, new facility designing. Layout essentials- Direct product flow, Physical separation expansion. Importance of material movement. Few suggested design for hypothetical cases. Approachability of machines for service etc. Availability of service such as water, drainage, electric supply etc. Fundamentals of Foundation design. Vibration free mounting requirements. Variations of foundations General guidelines Structural requirements of foundations Module II(14hours) Receiving shipping, waste paper, & trash removal, ware housing and storing, maintenance, production office, flammable solvent storage, ink mixing , storage and pumping. Typical settings to be done on a sheet- fed and web press machine. Facility specification- Prepress area, Sheet fed press room, web offset press room, roll paper storage area, bindery, finishing, mailing & pumping Module III (12 hours) Materials control-Establishing clear specifications and standardisation of materials to be purchased. Inspection and testing of incoming materials as part of quality control, importance of proper handling and maintenance of records of performance of materials, Sampling. Module IV(13 hours) Different types of elevators and lowers handling materials in bulk and for large objects. Worm push plate, push through and belt conveyors: inking belts steel plate and slat conveyors; vibrating through conveyors. Automatic feeding devices for elevators and conveyers. Gravity chutes roller runways ; live rollers humper stacker and gadgets . Fork trucks and pallets, Automatic handling of papers and printing machines, handling of printing rolls in printing machines and their automatic feeding . Conveyor system in finished printing products and automatic counters. Control of paper handling. Text books: 1. Printing Plant & Facility Design- GATF 2. Material Handling for the printer GATF
Calicut University-2009
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
the world. Editorial publicity. Getting your disks and files safely to the right place. Prepublication offers for positive cash flow. Beware the digitized versions to vanity publishing. Distributing your works. Virtual publications need have no physical existence. Wireless distribution. Publishing by shortware-the fax of the future? Broadcast your book to 20 million people. Distributing and selling on-line. Your own bulletin board. Distributing through on-line and disk catalogs. Financial success from free distribution. Physical distribution on disk and cards. Distribute by renting, and establish long-term relationships. Cutting mailing costs. Module III (13 hours) Crossing the media frontiers. Choosing a publishing program. Pause before rushing into digital publication. Paperless magazines can survive where print versions fail Customized newspaper. Keep security in proportion. The impact of electronic publishing on your career. Footloose wordsmiths. Librarians: essential or redundant? librarians become publishers and distributors. Writers and editors. Editors need new skills. Scientists & academics. Educations. Produce an e-book to help your business. E-books as agents for change. Guard and nurture your intellectual property rights. Test cases. Windfalls and pitfalls. Module IV (14 hours) Electronic diaries. Therapeutic benefits. Creating family chronicles. Tap into your expertise as well as your experiences. Publishing poetry and drama as multimedia. Opportunities for photographers, artists, and musicians.Science fiction flourishes on-line. Mass-market fiction. Interactive novels establish a new genre. Games as a new medium for fiction writers. Eliminating the out-of-print problem. Writing tips, tricks, and techniques. Keep it simple. Entertain as well as inform. Practical tools for writers. Good news for disabled wriers and readers.Reducing the hassless in OCR and scanning. Scanners differ greatly in their capabilities. Capturing screen images. Compression is essential, but can be problematical. Beware of viruses. Reference 1. Colin Haynes, Paperless Publishing Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009
Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Objectives: To impart the basic concepts of photography &camera controls. Gives an understanding of photographic processing methods & Digital Imaging. Module I (14hours) Imaging Systems: The production of images. Photographic & Digital Imaging. General characteristics of reproduction systems. Imaging chains. Reproduction of tone and color. Image quality expectations. Fundamentals of light & vision. Photographic light sources: characteristics. Light outputs- units, illumination law, Reflectors & luminaries-constancy of output efficiency-operation & maintenance.
Calicut University-2009
Types of lamps, flash bulb. Types of camera, special purpose cameras, Automatic camera, Digital cameras-principle, features & function. Module II (13hours) Camera features: Shutter system, Iris diaphragm, View finders- types & function. Flash synchronization. Focusing systems. Autos focus systems. Exposure metering systems. Battery power. Data Imprinting. Camera movements: Transitional & Rotational. Lens covering power. Control of image sharpness. Limits to lens tilt .Control of image shape.
Module III (14hours) Sensitive materials & Image Sensors: Latent image formation. Image formation by charge coupled devices. Production of light sensitive materials and sensors. Coating the photographic emulsion. CCD. Size and formats of photographic & electronic sensors and media. Film coating. Spectral sensitivity of photographic materials: Types, Response to short wave radiation & visible radiation. Spectral sensitization. Determination of color sensitivity. Spectral sensitivity of digital camera. Principle of color photography. Reproduction of color.
Module IV (13hours) Photographic processing: Developers & development, Replenishment. Techniques of development, fixing, washing, drying. Hard copy output media: Photographic papers, types of silver halide emulsion, Color photographic papers- processing & development techniques. Digital output.
Text Book:
1. Barbara London, John Upton, KenKobre, Betsy Brill ,Photography 7 th ed ,Prentice Hall. 2. George H Wallace, Chuck Gloman Digital Photography Solutions,
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Calicut University-2009
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Module II (14hours) Flexible Packaging-Characteristics-pouch styles,pillow pouches, three side seal pouches, Four side seal pouches, stand- up pouches-forming pouches,retort pouches -bulk and heavy duty bags-bag in box. Barcoding-Barcode structures.Types-verifying/analysing, printed barcodes.UPC and flexo printing, upc film masters & printing capability test. SCS Shipping contain barcode printing Module III (13hours) Role of plastic in packaging, thermal properties-mechanical properties-barier properties-surfaces and addition-optical characteristics-electrical characteristics-adheshion ,adhesives-types-reactive, hot melt, solvent borne, water borne, pressure sensitive, remoistenable, cold seal, UV and e-beam curing-Heat
Calicut University-2009
sealing-sealing methods-bar/thermal, impulse, band, hot wire/hot knife sealing, ultrasonic, friction, hot gas & contact, radiant, dielectric , magnetic, induction, solvent sealing. Module IV (13hours) Food Packaging, Developments in food processing & packaging, Introduction to food packaging technology. Future trends in food packaging- Anti- microbial packaging systems-food safety- Antimicrobial packaging Antimicrobial agents. Antimicrobial mechanisms- Technical factor for antimicrobial system. Oxygen scavenging packaging- package inserts-Intelligent packagingApplications and technologies- Freshness and microbial indicator, Time temperature indicator, gas concentrator indicator Reference Books:
1. Innovations in food packaging (edited by Jung. H Han), Elsivier academic Press 2. Susan. E. M Selke, John D Culter, Ruben J Hernandez, Plastic Packaging (2E) , Hanser
Publishers, Meenich.
Internal Work Assessment 60%- Test papers (Minimum 2) 30%- Assignments/Term project/any other mode decided by the teacher 10% - Other measures like Regularity and participation in Class. Total Marks =30 University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question.
Calicut University-2009
To analyze key definitions of quality, focusing on a customer-centric approach. To provide knowledge on the managerial tools and techniques on quality To analyze the relationship of statistics to a process and to use the statistical tools To analyze and generate acceptance sampling plans To provide knowledge on the reliability and life testing of components and systems
Module I (14 hours) Concepts of quality: Quality Quality control Quality assurance Quality managementQuality costs Total Quality Management: Axioms Management commitment- Demings approach Quality council Customer satisfaction and retention Employee involvement and empowerment Suggestion system Quality circle Continuous process improvement Jurans trilogy PDSA cycle Kaizen Six-sigma Crosbys quality treatment
Module II (13 hours)
Management tools and techniques: Benchmarking ISO quality management systems Quality function deployment Quality by design Failure mode and effect analysis Affinity diagram Block diagram Pareto chart Fish bone diagram Flow chart Run chart Scatter diagram Tree diagram Matrix diagram
Module III (14 hours)
Statistical tools 1-control charts: Basic concepts - Attributes and variables - Random and assignable causes of variations- Patterns of variation - Measures of central tendency and dispersion - Probability distributions: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Control charts for variables : X , R and sigma charts Details of construction and uses Control charts for attributes: p, np, c and u charts Details of construction and uses (Numerical problems included) Module IV (13 hours) Statistical tools 2- Acceptance sampling, Reliability and Life testing: Sampling Vs inspection - OC curve - Single and double sampling plans - ATI - AOQL - Life testing - Bathtub curve MTBF - OC curve for Life testing - System reliability (Numerical problems included)
Reference Books
1. Bester Field, Dale H, Carol Boeterfreld Muchna, Glen H, Boeterfreld Mery Boeterfeld-Scare, 2003, Total Quality Management, 3rd edition, Pearson, Education, New Delhi. 2. Logethetis, N. (1992), Managing for Total Quality, Prentice Hall International, Englewood Cliffs, NJ., 3. Grant.E.L., Stastical Quality Control, McGraw Hill 4. Juran J.M, Gryna I.M., Quality Planning and Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company 5. Montgomery, Douglas C, 2001, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Fourth 108 edition, JohnB-Tech and Sons, Inc, New Delhi Wiley Printing Technology Scheme & Syllabus of 6. Gerals M Smith- 2004, Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement- 5th edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Pre-requisites: Nil Module I (14 Hours) Introduction to the concept of safety-Need-safety provisions in the factory Act-Laws related to the industrial safety-Measurement of safety performance, Safety Audit, Work permit system, injury and accidents-Definitions-Unsafe act unsafe condition- causes, investigations and prevention of accidents, hazards, type of industrial hazards-nature, causes and control measures, hazard identifications and control techniques-HAZOP, FMEA,FMECA etc. Module II (14 Hours) Concept of Industrial hygiene, programmes-Recognition Evaluation- Control, Noise- source effects and noise control, exposure limits standards, Hearing conservation programmes, Fire fire load-control and industrial fire protection systems, Fire Hydrant and extinguishers, Electrical Hazards, protection and interlock-Discharge rod and earthling device, safety in the use of portable tools. Module III (13 Hours) Logics of consequence analysis-Estimation-Toxic release and toxic effects-Threshold limit values, Emergency planning and preparedness, Air pollution-classification- Dispersion modeling -pollution source and effects- -control method and equipments-Gravitational settling chambers-cyclone separators-Fabric filter systems-scrubbers etc. Module IV (13 Hours) Concept of reliability-Definition-Failure rate and Hazard function, System reliability modelsseries, parallel systems, reliability hazard function for distribution functions-exponentialnormal lognormal-weibull and gamma distribution. Text books
1. Thomas J. Anton, Occupational Safety and Health Management, McGraw Hill 2. Ian T.Cameron & Raghu Raman, Process Systems Risk Management, ELSEVIER Academic press. 3. C.S.Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International Limited 4. L. S. Srinath, Reliability Engineering, East west Press, New Delhi.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Credits: 4
To provide knowledge on energy conservation and management. To impart the basics of renewable energy technology
Pre-requsites: Nil Module I (13 hours) Energy and environment: Introduction fossil fuel reserves world energy consumption green house effect global warming renewable energy sources environmental aspects utilization energy prices energy policies
Module II (14 hours)
Energy conservation: Industrial energy use energy surveying and auditing energy index energy cost energy conservation in engineering and process industry, in thermal systems, in buildings and non conventional energy resources schemes.
Module III (14 hours)
Energy technologies: Fluidized bed combustion fluidized bed boilers waste heat recovery systems heat pump and refrigerators wind energy collectors and storage systems insulated pipe work systems. Module IV (13 hours) Energy management: Energy management principles energy resources management energy management information systems computerized energy management. Costing techniques cost optimization optimal target investment schedule financial appraisal and profitability.
Text Books
Reference Books 1. O. Callaghn, Design and Management for energy conservation, Pergamon Press,
Oxford 2. D. Merick, Energy - Present and Future Options, vol 1 and 2, John Wiley and Sons 3. N. A. Chaigier, Energy Consumption and Environment, McGraw Hill 112 Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Credits: 4
To create an awareness of the different transducers used in industry and signal conditioning To familiarize the process control elements and their control characteristics
Module I (12 hours) Signal Conditioning Analog Digital - Signal conversions - Process Control Principles Identification of elements, block diagram, the loop, control system evaluation stability, regulation, evaluation criteria, and cyclic response. 113 Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology
Calicut University-2009 Module II (13 hours) Final Control Element: Final control operation, signal conversions, analog electrical signal, digital electrical signals, Direct action pneumatic signals, Actuators electrical actuators, pneumatic actuators, control elements fluid valves. Signal Conditioning of TransducersTemperature Transducers - flow transducers Module III (14hours) Controller Principles - Process characteristics, control system parameters, controller modes, discontinuous controller modes, continuous controller modes, composite controller modes. Analog Controllers - Electronic controller Direct action, reverse action, proportional mode, integral mode, derivative mode, composite controller modes. Pneumatic controllers implementation of PI, PID, PD. Design consideration. Module IV (15hours) Control Loop Characteristics: Control system configurations, cascade control, multivariable control, feed forward control, Split range control, inferential control, Adaptive control, control system quality loop disturbance, optimum control, measure of quality, Stability, process loop tuning Text Books 1. Curtis D. Johnson, Process Control Instrumentation Technology, Pearson Education. Reference Books 1. Curtis D. Johnson, Microprocessors in Process Control, PHI 2. George Stephanopoulis, Chemical Process Control 3. Caughner, Process Analysis and Control 4. Deshpande and Ash, Elements of computer process control of Industrial processes, ISA 5. Jayantha K. Paul, Real- Time microcomputer control of Industrial processes, Kluwer Publications, Netherlands. 6. S. K. Singh, Computer Aided Process Control, PHI2 7. Dale E. Seborg, Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan A. Mekkichamp, Process Dynamics and Control, Wiley India
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each Module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Objectives: To provide knowledge on the fundamentals of mechatronics, Numerical control machine tools, part programming and robotics. Module I (14 hours) Introduction to Mechatronics.- Mechatronics in manufacturing- Mechatronics in products-Scope of Mechatronics. Fundamentals of numerical control-advantages of NC systems- Classification of NC systems- Point to point and contouring systems- NC and CNC Incremental and absolute systems-Open loop and closed loop systems-features of NC machine tools- Fundamentals of machining-Design consideration of NC machine tools-Methods of improving machine accuracy and productivity- Special tool holders
Calicut University-2009
System devices: System drives-hydraulic systems, DC motors, stepping motors, AC motors- Feedback devices-Encoders, pulse digitizers, resolvers, Inductosyn, tachometers.- Counting devices-Flip Flops, counters ,decoders, digital to analog converters. Interpolation- linear interpolator-circular interpolators, CNC software interpolator-Flow of data in NC machines. Module III (13 hours) NC Part programming: Manual Programming-Concepts-tape formats- tab sequential- fixed block word address and variable block formats- Part Programming examples-Point to point programming and simple contour programming- Computer aided programming- Concepts Post processor programming languages- APT programming-Part programming examples. Module IV (14 hours) Industrial Robotics: Basic concepts- Robotics and automation- Specification of Robots- Resolution, Repeatability and accuracy of manipulator- Classification of Robots- Industrial application- Robot drives- Characteristics of end of arm tooling- Sensors-Tactile, proximity and range sensors- contact and non-contact sensors- velocity sensors- touch and slip sensors- Force and torque sensorsProgramming- Lead through programming- Textual programming- Programming languages - On line and offline programming- Intelligent Robots.
1. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing Systems, McGrawHill 2. Michel P. Groover, Industrial Robots-Technology, Programming and Applications, McGrawHill 3. Fu K.S , Gonzales et al, Robotics-Control, sensing, vision and intelligence, McGrawHill.
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each Module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Credits: 4
Module I (14 Hours) Automation and Robotics - Robotics in Science Fiction - A Brief History of Robotics - The Robot and Its Peripherals-Robot Activation and Feedback Components - Position Sensors Velocity Sensors - Actuators - Power Transmissions Systems - Robot Joint Control DesignIntroduction to Manipulator Kinematics - Homogeneous Transformations and Robot Kinematics -Manipulator Path Control - Robot Dynamics - Configuration of a Robot Controller. Module II (13 Hours) Types of End Effectors - Mechanical Grippers - Other Types of Grippers - Tools as End Effectors - The Robot/End Effector Interface - Considerations in Gripper Selection and Design - Sensors in Robotics - Tactile Sensors - Proximity and Range Sensors - Miscellaneous 117 Scheme & Syllabus of B-Tech Printing Technology
Calicut University-2009 Sensors and Sensor-Based Systems - Uses of Sensors in Robotics - Introduction to Machine Vision - The Sensing and Digitizing Function in Machine Vision - Image Processing and Analysis - Training and Vision System - Robotic Applications. Module III (14 Hours) Methods of Robot Programming Lead through Programming Methods - A Robot Program as a Path in Space - Motion Interpolation - WAIT, SIGNAL, and DELAY Commands Branching - capabilities and Limitations of Lead through Methods - The Textual Robot Languages - Generations of Robot Programming Languages - Robot Language Structure Constants, Variables, and Other Data Objects - Motion Commands - End Effector and Sensor Commands - Computations and operations - Program Control and Subroutines Communications and Data Processing - Monitor Mode Commands. Module IV (13 Hours) Introduction to robot intelligence and task planning- state space search-problem reduction-use of predicate logic-means end analysis-problem-solving robot learning-robot task planningexpert systems and knowledge learning.
Text Books 1. Mikell P. Groover- et. Al, Industrial robotics, Technology, programming and Applications, McGraw Hill 2. K. S. Fu, R. C. Gonzalez, C. S. G. Lee, Robotics, Control, Sensing and Intelligence, McGraw Hill
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each Module and not more than two questions from any Module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each Module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Introduction to packaging technologies, technology drivers, electrical performance, thermal management, materials, optoelectronics, RF integration, reliability, system issues, assembly, and testing.
Module I (13 hours) Introduction role of packaging IC packaging MEMS packaging consumer electronics packaging medical electronics packaging Trends challenges Electrical Design - Interconnect Capacitance, Resistance and Inductance fundamentals - Transmission Lines (basic concepts) - Clock Distribution - Noise Sources - power Distribution signal distribution EMI - Digital and RF Issues Module II (13 hours) Thermal Management - Heat-transfer fundamentals - Thermal conductivity and resistance Conduction, convection and radiation Cooling requirements Reliability - Basic concepts - Environmental interactions - Thermal mismatch and fatigue failures thermo mechanically induced electrically induces chemically inducedModule III (10 hours) Single chip packaging functions, types, materials processes, properties, characteristics, trends Multi chip packaging types, design, comparison, trends IC assembly purpose, requirements, technologies wire bonding, TAB, flip chip
Calicut University-2009
Wafer level packaging - technologies, reliability, wafer level burn in and test Module IV (10 hours) Passives discrete, integrated, embedded encapsulation and sealing fundamentals, requirements, materials, processes PWB fundamentals, standards, limitations microvia boards PWB assembly SMT- Through hole assembly design challenges
Text Books 1. Tummala, Rao R., Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging, McGraw Hill Reference Books 1. Blackwell (Ed), The electronic packaging handbook, CRC Press 2. Tummala, Rao R, Microelectronics packaging handbook, McGraw Hill 3. Bosshart, Printed Circuit BoardsDesign and Technology,TataMcGraw Hill
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009 air pollution laws and standards - treatment method in specific industries - thermal power plants - cement - fertilizers - petroleum refineries - iron and steel - chlor-alkali - pulp and paper Module 4 (13hours) Industrial odour control - sources and solutions - odour control by adsorption and wet scrubbing - industrial noise control methods - sludge treatment and disposal - industrial hazardous waste management, waste minimization. Environmental Impact Assessment and risk assessment-Environmental Audit and Environmental management system- Concept of common effluent treatment plants. References: 1. Nelson & Nemerow, Industrial Water pollution-Origin, Characteristics and treatment, Addison, Wesley Publishing Co. 2. Gerard Kiely,Environmental Engineering, McGraw Hill 3. Rao M.N. & Rao H,Air Pollution, Tata McGraw Hill 4. Sincero A.P.& Sincero G.A., Environmental Engineering, A Design Approach, Prentice Hall of India 5. Rao C.S., Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age Int. Pub. 6. Mahajan S.P., Pollution Control in Process Industries, Tata McGraw Hill 7. Babbitt H.E, Sewage & Sewage Treatment, John Wiley 8. Abbasi S.A, & Ramasami E, Biotechnical Methods of Pollution Control, Universities Press(India) Ltd. Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks
All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART B: Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks
Calicut University-2009 Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70 4 x 10 marks=40 marks
To give an exposure to the major aspects of project viz. Project Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and review. Module I (13 hours) Planning -Capital Expenditures -Phases of Capital Budgeting -Levels of decision Making -Facets of Project analysis-Feasibility Study -Objectives of Capital Budgeting -Resource Allocation framework Key Criteria-Elementary Investment strategies -Portfolio planning tools -Generation of ['project Ideas Monitoring the environment -Corporate appraisal -Scouting for project ideas -Preliminary Screening Project rating index -Sources of Positive net present value
Module II (14hours) Analysis -Market and demand analysis -Situational analysis and specification of objectives -Collection of secondary information -Conduct of market survey -Characterization of Market -demand Forecasting -Market planning -Technical analysis-Material inputs and utilities -Manufacturing process/technology -Product Mix -Plant capacity -Location and site -machineries and equipments -Structures and civil works -Project charts and layouts -Work schedule -Financial Analysis -Cost of project -means of finance -Estimates of sales and Production -Cost of production -Working capital requirements and its financing -Profitability projections -Break even point -projected cash flow statements and balance sheets
Calicut University-2009
Module III (13hours) Project Cash flows -Basic I single amount -Future value of an annuity -Present value of a single amount -Present Value of an annuity-Cost of capital -Cost of debt capital -cost of preference capital -Rate of return -Cost of external equity and retained earnings -Determination of weights -Appraisal criterion -Net present value Cost benefit ratio-Internal rate of return-Urgency -payback period Module IV (14hours) Implementation-Forms of Project organization -Project planning -Project control -Human Aspects of Project management -Network Techniques -Development of Network -Time estimation -Critical path determination -Scheduling under limited resources -PERT Model-CPM Model -Network Cost System -Project review-Initial; review -Performance evaluation-Abandonment analysis
Text Book: Prasanna Chandra, Projects Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation and Review. Fourth Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill. Reference books I. Dennis Lock, Project Management, Grower Publications 2. Prasanna Chandra, Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill Publishers 3. Parameswar P Iyer, Engineering Project management, Vikas publishers 4. Gido & Clements, Success/iii Project Management, Vikas Publishers 5. Harold.T..Amrine John.A.Ritchey, Manufacturing Organisation and Management, Pearson Education
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 6 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Calicut University-2009
University Examination Pattern PART A: Short answer questions (one/two sentences) 5 x 2 marks=10 marks All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module. Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Module 3 (14hours) Research designmeaning of research design-needfeatures of good design- important concepts relating to research design- different types developing a research plan Method of data collectioncollection of data- observation method- interview methodquestionnaire method processing and analyzing of data- processing options- types of analysisinterpretation of results Module 4 (13hours) Report writing types of report research report , research proposal, technical paper- significancedifferent steps in the preparation lay out, structure and language of typical reports- simple exercises oral presentation planning, preparation, practice- making presentation answering questions-use of visual aids-quality and proper usage-Importance of effective communication with illustrations.
Reference books
Calicut University-2009
Internal Continuous Assessment (Maximum Marks-30) 60% - Tests (minimum 2) 30% - Assignments (minimum 2) such as home work, problem solving, group discussions, quiz, literature survey, seminar, term-project, software exercises, etc. 10% - Regularity in the class
Short answer questions (one/two sentences) All questions are compulsory. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
5 x 2 marks=10 marks
Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 5 marks=20 marks Candidates have to answer four questions out of six. There should be at least one question from each module and not more than two questions from any module.
PART C: Descriptive/Analytical/Problem solving questions 4 x 10 marks=40 marks Two questions from each module with choice to answer one question. Maximum Total Marks: 70
Calicut University-2009
Calicut University-2009
Calicut University-2009